Diagnostic Essay Example
Diagnostic Essay Example
Diagnostic Essay Example
Crafting an essay on the subject of a "Diagnostic Essay Example" presents a unique set of
challenges. The difficulty lies in the need to strike a delicate balance between showcasing personal
skills, understanding the diagnostic process, and adhering to the guidelines provided. Unlike other
essays, where the focus might be on well-researched content, this task demands a self-reflective
approach, often pushing the writer out of their comfort zone.
To begin with, there's the challenge of introspection. One must critically assess their own writing
abilities and identify areas that need improvement. This self-analysis requires a certain level of
honesty and vulnerability, as acknowledging weaknesses can be a humbling experience.
Moreover, crafting a diagnostic essay involves more than just self-critique; it requires the ability to
communicate effectively. The writer must convey their insights in a clear and organized manner,
ensuring that the essay is not just a list of flaws but a constructive exploration of one's writing
On a psychological level, writing about oneself in a diagnostic context can be challenging. It requires
a level of detachment to objectively analyze one's writing, avoiding the pitfalls of either self-
deprecation or overconfidence. Striking this balance requires a nuanced understanding of one's
strengths and weaknesses.
In conclusion, composing a diagnostic essay on one's own writing abilities is no easy feat. It demands
introspection, analytical skills, effective communication, and emotional intelligence. However, the
process offers valuable insights that can contribute to personal and academic growth.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic tasks, various resources are
available. Services like HelpWriting.net provide a platform where similar essays and much more
can be ordered, offering support to those navigating the complexities of academic writing.
Diagnostic Essay Example Diagnostic Essay Example
Hamptonshire Express
1) a. Sheen should stock the optimal stocking quantity in this situation, which is 584
newspapers. The expected profit at this stocking quantity is $331.44. b. Q= µ+Φ 1(Cu
/(Cu+C0))δ Q=500+ Φ 1(.8/(.2+.8))100 Q=500+(..7881)(100) Q=579 This is off by 5
newspapers from the model given in the spreadsheet, which results in a $.03 difference in
profits. 2) a. With the opportunity costof her time per hour being equal to $10, Sheen
should invest 4 hours daily into the creation of the profile section. This would raise
here optimal stocking quantity to 685 newspapers and would increase her expected
daily profit to $371.33. b. Sheen s choice of effort level, h, to be 4 hours was chosen
because, in order to maximize profit, she would need an effort... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
f. Armentrout s should stock 409 copies of the Express. g. The optimal order quantity is
lower in this situation because there is now a profitable alternative to running out of
stock and therefore, less profit risked in the case of a stock out. h. If Armentrout were
to implement the real estate costing plan, there would be an additional cost to
stocking each newspaper. Therefore, the stocking level would probably be lower,
because there would be an additional cost for holding newspaper and thus an
additional cost associated with overstocking. 4) a By offering to buy back any leftover
newspapers, Armentrout has significantly less risk in overstocking. This means that he
will be willing to purchase more, because if the stocking quantity exceeds demand, it
will not be as much of a loss on the leftovers. To maximize channel profit the optimal
price would be $.75. This would result in a channel profit of $369.79. Under this
scenario of a buyback price of $.75, Armentrout would buy 659 newspapers.
b The ideal combination to maximize the channel profit, according to the spreadsheet
designed by Sheen, would be a transfer price of $.99 with a buyback price of $.988.
This is just a little bit more profit than we optimized in the vertically integrated channel
of question 2, although not really by a significant amount. c If Sheen were to be paid a
franchising fee by Armentrout each day, it
Australia The Land Of Opportunity Essay
Before the 11th of September, 2001, Australia had been a home to the Al Jamil family.
Granted, it was never the same as their home country of Iraq, but it was a place to live
and they were content. Australia, the Land of Opportunity, would bring her family
success and happiness. The day that news services across the globe began to broadcast
the events of 9/11 was the day that this began to change.
It happened slowly at first, with strange looks in the street and the word terrorist
constantly on the lips of strangers. But soon it became obvious to the Fatimah, as
whispers turned into harsh words, and harsh words became fists. The day that her
younger brother, Farhad, came home from school with a black eye, and tears rolling
down his face, was the day that the change became physical. Mama and Papa called the
school, asking for answers, but were given none, being told that if no teacher had seen ...
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Islam is not terrorism. My Islam is a religion of peace. A belief cannot have any feelings,
yet you are all so convinced that mine hates yours! Allah instructs us to treat all with
kindness and neighbourly care. The people who did this, they do not represent Islam,
she stated, looking at her classmates. They are not Islam. You think that because we
live in your country we should be grateful to you, but you don t know that we are
realising it was the biggest, most irreversible mistake we have made. We, Australian
Muslims, are just as Australian as you. We deserve the same freedoms, and the same
respect. There must be 23 million ways to be Australia. Stop judging mine and focus on
Fatimah sat down, to shocked stares and disagreeing words. Satisfied that she had
gotten her point across, she took in a deep breath. There would always be those who
didn t understand, who would hate and judge. Her family was here for life and
opportunity. But maybe Australia isn t the Land of Opportunity for All. Maybe it s just
the Land of Opportunity for
The Shelter Analysis
Question 3. In both settings everything is normal in The Monsters are Due on Maple
Street, it is a normal Saturday. There are families spending time together neighbors
catching up with one another. In The Shelter, it starts off with friends gathered together
to celebrate a birthday also every normal. Then everything takes a turn for the worst, in
both settings logical thinking is nowhere near anyone mind. After unexplainable all the
technology goes out on Maple Street and all the people are frightened they let a child s
idea of aliens being the cause of everything into their minds. In The Shelter an alarm of
possibility bombing causes them to panic. Both these events in the episodes, make the
people turn on each other, they are
Altius Golf Essay
A. Current Situation
What role has Altius Golf s choice of channels of distributions played in its loss of
market share? What other factors have contributed to its loss of market share? What will
happen if Altius maintains the status quo?
Altius Golf s choices in its channels of distribution have played a major role in its loss
of market share. There are two distribution channels when it comes to the golf market, on
course and off course, which account for 40% and 60% of unit sales respectively
which result in 45% and 55% in dollar sales respectively. Altius number one selling
product the Victor TX retailing at nearly $50 per pack accounts for 70% of its total golf
ball sales. Altius sells the Victor TX in both on course and off course ... Show more
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D. Competitive Reaction
What are the risks to the Victor brand that could be bought about by the launch of
Elevate? How can Altius Golf use channels of distribution to help manage these risks?
How else can it do to manage these risks?
There are a significant amount of risks associated with launching Elevate. It is very
important to take all of these risks into account before making a final decision. A risk
that every company faces when introducing a new product into a preexisting product line
is cannibalization. By introducing Elevate Altius may in fact cannibalize the sales of its
other golf balls. If the amount of lost profit from Victor and Victor TX are higher than the
profit gained from the introduction of Elevate than Altius is losing money and
introducing Elevate was a mistake.
Other risks include damaging their brand. Ferrari an Italian luxury sports car
manufacturer for the rich and famous. If Ferrari started coming out with economy cars
for the general public its current customer base would evaporate how can you claim to
be a luxury brand and then start producing non luxury products. This is the concern of
Altius executives, some believe that as they are an expensive golf ball brand that they
are a luxury brand of sorts whose brand image could be damaged by introducing a non
luxury product in terms of the Elevate golf ball. This however in my opinion this is a
delusion Altius is not a luxury brand
Persuasive Speech On Becoming An Organ Donor
Catalina Rojas
Oct 7, 2014
Com. 100 T/Th 9:35
Becoming an Organ Donor
A.In 1954 the first successful organ transplant was done. Ever since then organ
transplants have saved millions of lives.
B.Organdonor.gov an official US government website states that Each day, an average of
79 people receive organ transplants. However, an average of 18 people die each day
waiting for transplants that never happen because of the shortage of donated organs .
C.Today I d like to talk to you about the need for organ donors, why you should become
an organ donor and finally how you can become an organ donor after you die.
A.So, what is an organ transplant? Medlineplus.com states that: Organ donation is
basically taking healthy ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
To decrease the death rate of those who died from not getting an organ transplant on
time; we have to become organ donors.
1.You ve heard the statistics: almost 120,000 Americans currently wait for a life saving
organ transplant.
2.Organ donation provides a second chance at life for thousands of people. You have the
opportunity to be one of the individuals who make these miracles happen.
Organdonor.gov states Last year alone, organ donors made more than 28,000 transplants
3.Most organ donations take place after the donor has died. But some organs or tissues
can be donated while the donor is