Essay Rainy Day
Essay Rainy Day
Essay Rainy Day
Crafting an essay on the topic of a "Rainy Day" may seem deceptively simple at first glance, given
the familiarity of the subject. However, as one delves into the process, the challenge becomes
evident. The task is not just about narrating a sequence of events associated with rain; it requires a
delicate balance of descriptive language, emotional nuance, and thematic coherence.
To begin with, capturing the essence of a rainy day necessitates an acute awareness of sensory
details. Describing the smell of damp earth, the sound of raindrops tapping on various surfaces, and
the visual spectacle of rain creating ripples in puddles are crucial aspects. Balancing vivid imagery
without succumbing to clichés or overstated metaphors adds an extra layer of difficulty.
Furthermore, an effective rainy day essay goes beyond surface-level observations. It demands the
incorporation of personal reflections, perhaps exploring how the rain impacts mood, memories, or
even the pace of life. Finding a unique perspective within a seemingly ordinary theme requires
creativity and introspection.
Structurally, organizing the essay in a way that maintains a coherent narrative while exploring diverse
facets of the rainy day experience can be challenging. Ensuring a smooth transition between
different elements, be it the initial anticipation, the climax of rainfall, or the aftermath, demands a
thoughtful approach to pacing and rhythm.
One must also be cautious not to fall into the trap of monotony. While focusing on the rain, there is a
risk of repetitive descriptions or a lack of variety in language. Striking a balance between consistency
and variety is a delicate art.
In conclusion, writing an essay on a "Rainy Day" involves more intricacies than one might initially
anticipate. It necessitates a keen observational eye, emotional depth, structural finesse, and linguistic
versatility. Only through a thoughtful synthesis of these elements can the essay truly encapsulate the
essence of a rainy day and resonate with readers.
For those who find this task daunting or time-consuming, it's worth noting that similar essays and a
myriad of writing assistance can be found on platforms like , offering expertly
crafted content tailored to individual needs.
Essay Rainy Day Essay Rainy Day
The Price Of The Penny
The Penny is essentially a vital part of our money system. There has been many
speculation about whether or not the United States should abolish the penny from being
minted any longer. Although the penny has been a part of the American culture since
1787, it has such a small value, it will always be a part of American history. So as the
years go on we should realize that the penny is everything to the United States. The
penny should not be eliminated from the money system due to the fact that it is a part of
the American culture and has earned its respect over the years.
In America, there is still a debate if the penny should be eliminated. If it was to be
eliminated it would still be used, but in a minimal way. In Canada, the Canadian penny
was eliminated due to cost, time, and the country believed it was a waste of money,
inflation reduced its purchasing power by 95% since it was first minted domestically in
1908: back then the cent could buy goods of the cost of $0.20, today in other words.
(The Economist). Once a small coin can no longer be used to buy individual items at that
price, but it is only used to make change, it becomes more trouble than it is worth.
Canadian pennies cost 1.6 Canadian cents to manufacture, and the government expected
to save $11 million a year by eliminating them (The Economist). But that sum equivalent
to 0.0006% of GDP is small change. Canadians feel that eliminating pennies is that their
feeble purchasing power means dealing with coins,
How Has Social Media Helped And Create Problems In The
How has social media helped and create problems in the U.S? It has solved a lot of
problems on the internet. There are a lot of problems on the internet that can be fixed
but don t get a lot attention. You can always solve problems if you behave and be
positive. Social Media has created problems in the U.S. This is why I want this type
of project to be talked about. Has social media caused a lot of problem? I think social
media has caused a lot of problems. Now these days everyone is on their phone playing
or on social media doing something. There is always something someone puts on the
internet that should have not even been on their phone or they were bulling a kid on the
internet for how they do things. When a kid bullies another kid... Show more content on ...
Yes and no because there has been and bad things on the internet. Why I said yes
because a lot of schools and and officers use the internet for learning and finding out
nice and interesting things with it. I also said no because there is a lot of new bad
things that people put on the internet. Most people that have gotten hurt by people on
the internet have said things that aren t nice and hurtful to them. It can cause those
people that got hurt on the internet to make them lose their life because they can t
deal with the pain that they did to them. When you put something on the internet, you
can never get it off the internet. When you put something on the internet , can t get rid
of it. Yeah, you can delete stuff, but it won t totally go off the internet. Because there
always a place where you can find you deleted. Then you will get in big trouble for
what you did. So you should never put something bad on there then delete because
people can find it. Why is technology bad for you? Why it is not the beast for you
because electronics our something that you like to look at it all day. The screens on
your phones, Ipads and computers our not that good for your brain. That is why you
should not be on your phone or any type of electronic at all for a long period of time.
This is why you should be on your phone, ipad and computers for a long period of time.
Can business use lot of internet for their business. Yes, because in the military, they use
drones so
Transformations and Political Events in the Era of Abdul...
Abdul Hamid II ( 34th Ottoman Sultan) ascended to throne in the year of 1876 after his
older brother Murat V s deposition because of his mental problems. Abdul Hamid II was
the Ottoman sultan for 33 years until he was moved away from the throne with the event
of 31 March. During his regency he tried to strengthen the autocracy in the Ottoman
Empire. Some historians claim that his moves made the Ottoman Empire last longer
about 30 years.
As the Abdul Hamid became sultan Ottoman Empire was in hard conditions. Ottoman
economy was getting worse though in 1875 the state came into a situation which it
couldn t pay the debts. There was some national riots in the Balkan region as an effect
of Russia s policy of Pan Slavism. On the ... Show more content on ...
Sultan could still remove ministers from office or assign new ones as he like. According
to the constitution Abdul Hamid II had the right to close the parliament or call a new
election anytime he want. Also he had authority to send a person to exile according to a
police investigation. Abdul Hamid used this authority according to the constitution and
sent Mithad Pasha to exile even before the parliament gathered. In 1877 a war broke out
between Ottoman Empire and Russia. Abdul Hamid used the war as an excuse and
disbanded the parliament. Hereafter he didn t call the parliament for a meeting for 30
years. With this maneuver he had the absolute control of Ottoman Empire nearly 30
years. After that he closed the parliament he established a police organization for the first
time in the Ottoman Empire. In 1880 he established the Yıldız Intelligence Organization (
Yıldız İstihbarat Teşkilatı in Turkish) which will help him to prevent the movements
against him. Against Abdul Hamid s centralist rule, the opposition was growing. In 1889
the Committee of Union and Progress (İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti) was established.
Some supporters of this committee started riots in Rumelia. After these incidents Abdul
Hamid had to put the constitution into operation again and constitutional monarchy was
declared for the second time. A new parliament was put together in 1908 with the
elections. The era between 1908 and the closedown of
Musky Fish
Have you ever felt the feeling to hook into a lurking monster. Outdoor adventurists
probably targeted these species of fish one or multiple times. These wild creatures have
taken a toll on the most experienced anglers. Musky fishing has evolved such as by the
equipment, the anglers themselves, and the fish. This specific fish is a very interesting
animal. The muskellunge (muskie) is the largest member of the pike family. These fish
love to lurk around rock bars, stumps, ledges, and many different types of weeds. A lean
mean fightin machine that is arguably the most sought after trophy in Wisconsin.
(Terrance Dehring WI DNR). Muskies will attack almost anything that can fit in there
mouths such as muskrats, ducks, mice, and others. These fish are very aggressive they
are a superlative predator that lurks in the freshwaters of the northern states. Muskies
can be located in many states such as Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana,
Ohio, Pennsylvania, New york and some provinces in Canada. The muskie is a very
pressured fish in the northern states and spots you have fished in the past have been
overfished. The fish is a very smart animal that isn t afraid to attack and conquer. Many
people consider fishingis something for fun but now it has grown to much more. The
muskie at one point was very low in population because the sportsman... Show more
content on ...
The reels gear ratios have decreased to help the bigger lures truck through the water.
New style rods also help anglers. I ve seen so many advances in recent years. My first rod
was a Fenwick PLP 56 a 5 foot 6 inch two piece pool cue. Now the trend is toward
longer rods 8 foot or more and for good reasons. says Dan Johnson. These rods help the
angler cast farther, hookset better, and figure 8 better. The reels have changed from
spinning reels to a more modern baitcast reel. The better the materials the better the
Personal Narrative-Coloring Analysis
Me coloring when I was four helped me solve and understand my own advanced
biometrics into who I am today. Totally bantering.
Growing up was not the best, but it was not the worst either. I guess I could say that I was
overall content with the environment I was raised in, although there were some difficult
times that I wish had not happened, but I would not change a thing because all those
obstacles made me become strong both mentally and physically, independent, and
I lived in a small trailer home with my mom, dad, older brother and younger brother. I
loved that little trailer, even if it was not the best, I still called it home. Even though I
loved that place, there were times when I noticed that my parents would struggle
financially and they wanted us to have more than a little home, they wanted the best for
us. There were also personal difficult obstacles we had to overcome as a family. As a
result, my mom went back into college to study for a Registered Nurse. I didn t spend as
much time with my mom as one child wishes they could, but I knew she was working
lots of hours and going to class just to be able to give us the life she thought we
deserved. The same applies for my dad, I knew he would come home from work in
pain, exhausted, but he was doing it all for his kids. As I was growing up and noticing
these things about them, I began to admire them and loved how ... Show more content on ...
I see myself as strong both mentally and physically because through every obstacle I
faced, my parents always told me to keep my head up and that pain is only temporary.
Seeing that my mom was able to get through college without help from her family and
be able to support herself made me admire that aspect of her and realize that I don t
need to depend on anyone to be successful. Lastly, ambitious because if you ever want to
get anything in life, you have to work hard for it and earn
Linoleum Roses Analysis
Domestic abuse is an uncomfortable topic, but it needs to be addressed. Domestic
abuse is a complex thing, and not everyone is going to have the same opinion about it.
I have learned that while domestic abuse may seem like something that is easy to get
yourself out of, it really is not. Cisneros thinks domestic abuse is a problem. Sally s
dad is abusing her. Esperanza tells us that Sally says he never hits me hard (92). This
phrase is repeated to imply that the abuse is inevitable and is going to happen no
matter what for Sally. The rhyming of hard, lard, and scarred brings attention to the
important parts of this passage. These words not only rhyme, but they bring attention
to the violence and hopelessness. In Linoleum Roses, Cisneros tells us that she is
happy and he is okay, but then she contradicts that by saying he won t let her talk on
the telephone. And he doesn t let her look out the window. And he doesn t like her
friends, so nobody gets to visit her unless he is working (101). Sally is convincing
herself that these actions are okay, or maybe even normal because she wants to be with
him. Both of these quotes have the same feeling of hopelessness. Cisneros thinks that
the abuse is wrong, but it is what it is. Overall, Cisneros does not think abuse is okay, but
she knows it is part of life for most people.... Show more content on ...
Anyone dealing with domestic abuse, and has access to a phone, can call the National
Domestic Violence Hotline. The hotline is 100% confidential and anonymous ( What to
Expect When You Contact the Hotline ). When one calls, they should be alone, without
their abuser. If calling on a phone is impossible, chatting online is also an option all
hours of everyday. Be prepared to tell the hotline advocate about your situation, so they
can provide help in the best way possible. The hotline can also help abusers if they
choose to call about