01 Grove The Great El Nino of 1789-93 2007
01 Grove The Great El Nino of 1789-93 2007
01 Grove The Great El Nino of 1789-93 2007
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Richard H. Grove∗
∗Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University, Canberra.
E-mail: [email protected]
The Medieval History Journal, 10, 1&2 (2007): 75–98
SAGE Publications Los Angeles/London/New Delhi/Singapore
DOI: 10.1177/097194580701000203
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The Great El Ni o of 1789–93 and its Global Consequences 77
Glaser et al., ‘Weather and Climate in Madras’. For a fuller analysis of the historical
record for El Niño conditions in southern India see Walsh et al., ‘The Climate of Madras’.
For an analysis of the connections between El Niños and extreme rainfall events in the
Asian region see Kane, ‘El Niño Timings and Rainfall Extremes in India’.
Hunter, The Annals of Rural Bengal: 19.
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The Great El Ni o of 1789–93 and its Global Consequences 79
less confiscatory than the East India Company. Hill comments that ‘the
plight of Purnea was not an isolated one. More than a third of the entire
population of Bengal died between 1769 and 1770, while the loss in cul-
tivation was estimated as closer to one-half’.3 Famine mortality continued
until 1771. Charles Blair, writing in 1874, estimated that the episode af-
fected up to 30 million people in a 130,000 square mile region of the
Indo-Gangetic plain and killed up to 10 million of them.4 It was, perhaps,
the most serious economic blow to any region of India since the events
of 1628–31 in Gujarat—pestilence and famine. As the droughts ended in
December of 1770, serious floods took place throughout north-east India.
The ensuing disease epidemics exacted a high proportion of the total
deaths that occurred during the period.
The 1768–70 droughts and famines were a profound blow not only to
the system of revenue but to the whole rationale of empire. As such they
provided the impetus for the evolution of a famine policy. Under the
immediate devastating circumstances, Warren Hastings carried out the
orders of the Company, ‘standing forth as diwan’(Hunter 1897: 392)
[chief state officer] in 1772, ending the dual system and placing respon-
sibility for the security, administration and economy of Bengal squarely
on the Company’s shoulders. Hastings’ administrative overhaul of Bengal
paved the way for the establishment of the British-run, district-level
administration which would continue throughout British rule in India.
All these developments were triggered by severe El Niño episodes.
In recent history the severity of the El Niño of 1997 and 1998, as well
as the La Niña event that followed on from it, has tempted both politicians
and scientists to suggest that the 1997–98 event was the worst known in
history.5 Similar hasty claims had been made for the El Niños of 1982–83
and 1991–95.6 The historical as well as the prehistoric record tend to
suggest otherwise.7 Indeed the documentary evidence suggests that, even
Hill, River of Sorrow: 28.
Blair, Indian Famines: 88–91.
For example, see statement by United States vice-president Al Gore and NOAA sci-
entists, The White House, 8 June 1998, claiming the 1997–98 El Niño to be the most sig-
nificant climatic event of the century, and suggesting (without any evidence being produced),
that this implied an acceleration of global warming.
For example, see Trenberth and Hoar, ‘The 1990–95 El Niño-Southern Oscillation
Grove, ‘Global Impact of the 1789–93 El Niño’: 318–19.
in the last thousand years, very much stronger and longer El Niño events
have been experienced globally, and particularly during the Little Ice Age
between about 1250 and 1860. There are in fact many problems involved
in reconstructing the conditions and severity of El Niño events that took
place before the instrumental period.
But by the 1780s it starts to become possible to at least partially recon-
struct the global impact of a major El Niño event from historical sources
with some statistical accuracy. This is because of the wealth of Indian
weather and population data gathered by the British East India Company,
as well as global weather data compiled during voyages and in new settle-
ments at the time, particularly in the southern hemisphere and not least
in Australia.
The 1789–95 El Niño event was of particular significance on account
of its strong global effects, the particular sequence of events which it
manifested and the very prolonged nature of the droughts it produced,
especially in South Asia. It had a major economic and global impact.
However, we should note that it was merely the culmination of a succes-
sion of unusual weather episodes which had begun in about 1780 and
were characterised by extreme events in both temperate and tropical lati-
tudes in Europe and Asia.8 These years were especially serious throughout
South Asia. One year, 1783, which brought famine to almost all India,
was memorialised in popular culture throughout India under the name of
the chalisa. The word itself, which emphatically associates the Hindi
number ‘forty’ with a particular variety of famine, may suggest a charac-
teristic return interval of 40–50 years for severe droughts, an interval
which is, very roughly, borne out in reality during the Little Ice Age.
The social disruption caused by this particular drought was a long-term
one, since nearly 4 per cent of all villages in the Tanjore district of the
Madras Presidency were entirely depopulated in the early 1780s and
over 17 per cent in the Sirkali region.9 Up to 11 million people may have
died in South Asia as a direct result of the passage of this event.
The drought years of 1789–94 in India were first recognised as having
had a global impact by Alexander Beatson, Governor of St Helena, who
suggested in 1816 that the drought events of 1791, that had occurred
Kington, The Weather of the 1780s over Europe.
See Census of Tanjore, Papers of the Walkers of Bowland, MS 13615 B, National
Library of Scotland, Edinburgh.
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The Great El Ni o of 1789–93 and its Global Consequences 81
Table 1
Monthly Rainfall at Samulcottah, Andhra Pradesh, India May–November
1788–92 (in Inches and Twelfths of an Inch) as Measured by Roxburgh (1793)
It should be noted that some El Niño events, such as that of 1997, appear
to articulate only with a failure of the south-east Asian monsoon rather
than with a South Asian failure. In the case of the 1789–93 El Niño event
(and the 1685–88 El Niño event) a failure of the monsoon in both regions
appears to have occurred.
Beatson, Tracts on the Island of St Helena: 10.
Roxburgh, Letter to Sir Charles Oakley.
Roxburgh, ‘A Meteorological Diary Kept at Fort St. George’.
Roxburgh, ‘Report to the President’s Council’.
Table 2
Deaths from Famine in the
Madras Presidency in 1792
Muglatore 141,682
Havelly 1 53,956
Havelly 2 4,874
Peddapore 184,923
Pittapore 82,937
Nandeganah 11,376
Sullapelly 9,018
Poolavam 16,204
Goulatah 12,639
Cotapilly 4,851
Corcoudah 9,035
Ramachandrapuram 7,430
Cottah 7,800
Somapah Villages 2,306
Noozeed 96,210
Char Mahar 16,245
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The Great El Ni o of 1789–93 and its Global Consequences 83
In limited areas, such as the Northern Circars, the East India Company
attempted to estimate total mortality statistics. In other regions a much
rougher but still useful guide is provided by the figures for deserted village
sites. In the Gorakhpur district of Bihar, for example, the 19,600 villages
extant in 1760 had fallen to 6,700 by 1801, with a mere third of the dis-
trict falling under cultivation. Not all of these desertions were due to
famine deaths, but a high proportion of them probably were.17 A similar
pattern of mortality pertained in southern India during the period, where
a pronounced pattern of village desertion can be established; in some
parts of Salem district, for example, up to 30 per cent of villages were de-
serted.18 Extrapolating from these kinds of figures we may attribute a
total famine mortality during 1788–94 of perhaps 11 million to the ex-
tended El Niño conditions of the period. However, although the human
cost of the episode was very high in the subcontinent, severe consequences
were also felt elsewhere, especially further east.
Besides leaving us detailed evidence of the severity and impact of the
Great El Niño in India, William Roxburgh began an extensive programme
of tree-planting in the Madras and Bengal Presidencies, including teak,
other species and drought resistant food crops. The mortality of the 1790s
famines must be blamed on the British, who had a responsibility to provide
alternative famine foods when the main rice crop failed. As in St Vincent,
because of the same El Niño event, severe drought brought about a world
wide shift towards forest protection by the colonial authorities, who
throughout the nineteenth century, feared the catastrophic consequences
of drought, exacerbated as this might be by uncontrolled deforestation.
We may now turn to the broader impact of the Great El Niño, moving
eastwards first to Australia, where the new colonial invasion with its
accurate record-keeping allows us to reconstruct the global scope of the
event. The rainfall deficiency spread towards the east with unseasonably
severe droughts being experienced in Java and in New South Wales in
the same year.19 On 5 November 1791 Governor Philip reported that the
normally perennial ‘Tank Stream’ flowing into Sydney Harbour had been
Figures quoted in Simon Commander, ‘The Mechanics of Demographic and Economic
Growth in Uttar Pradesh’: 50.
For an overview see Murton, ‘Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Famine in Southern
India’. See also Lardinois, ‘Deserted Villages and Depopulation in Rural Tamil Nadu’.
Quinn et al., ‘Historical Trends and Statistics’.
dry for ‘some months’.20 It did not flow again until 1794. The drought
had begun, Philip records, in July 1790 and no rain had fallen at all till
August 1791.
In the Pacific region, there is some limited evidence of El Niño con-
ditions in the western Pacific from the journals of the D ‘Entrecasteaux
visit to New Caledonia in 1793, during which cold and severe drought
were recorded.21 Another source of data from the late 1780s is the logbook
of HMS Bounty. Temperature readings were made every four hours while
at sea, and the lowest and highest temperatures were read while in port.
On 6 December 1788, Bligh wrote, while his ship sheltered at Matavai
Bay, Tahiti, that:
Governor Philip’s diary, reported in McCormick, First Views of Australia. In a letter
to W.W. Grenville on 4 March 1791, Philip had noted that ‘from June (1790) until the
present time so little rain has fallen that most of the runs of water in the different parts of
the harbour have been dried up for several months, and the run which still supplies this
settlement is greatly reduced, but still sufficient for all culinary purposes.... I do not think
it probable that so dry [a] season often occurs. Our crops of corn have suffered greatly
from the dry weather’; quoted in Nichols, ‘More on Early ENSOs’.
Personal commentary, Thierry Correge, ORSTOM, Noumea, New Caledonia.
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The Great El Ni o of 1789–93 and its Global Consequences 85
heat that would probably have been deadly, the rainfall they experienced
was so cold that Bligh instructed his men to soak their clothes in warm
seawater and then wear the wet clothes to keep warm! On 11 May Bligh
records that ‘at noon the sun appeared which gave us as much pleasure
as on a winter’s day in England’. On 18 June Bligh again records heavy
rain, ‘which enables us to keep our stock of water up’.22 The crew all
complained of rheumatic pains and cold. Furthermore, the supply of rain-
water also allowed Bligh to avoid making lands on small Pacific islands
for water, as they might have had to in a normal year. If they had tried to
make land it seems likely they might have met a hostile reception and
not lived to tell the tale. So the passage of the El Niño, which began in
1788–89, probably means that the story of Bligh and the Mutiny on the
Bounty has entered folklore, instead of merely remaining the ‘mystery
of the disappearance of Captain Bligh and the Bounty’ as it almost cer-
tainly would have done in a normal year in the South Pacific.
In Mexico, the prolonged aridity that developed during 1791 was
recorded in the steady fall in the level of Lake Patzcuaro between 1791
and 1793, giving rise to disputes over the ownership of the land that
emerged as a result.23 As in Europe these events were preceded by summer
crop failures. On 27 August 1785 a hard night frost and the ensuing crop
failure precipitated the great famine of 1785–86.24 Not one annual maize
crop yielded, during the 1790s in Mexico, an abundant harvest. This was
entirely due to El Niño-caused droughts, primarily in June and July. The
severest droughts of the 1788–93/94 event did not strike Mexico until
1793, so that the onset of full El Niño conditions did not affect rainfall
for more than two years after the same event had caused monsoon failure
in India. But wholesale failures of the wheat and maize crops took place
in 1793 and 1797.25 In 1794 the maize crop was again very poor due to
almost complete drought. In 1795 the crop returned to near normal, al-
though one might note that drought conditions persisted in that year in
many Caribbean islands.26
Log of Captain William Bligh for 1789, HM Admiralty Records PRO London;
Facsimile portion of log published by Pagemaster Press, Guildford, England, 1981.
Endfield and O’Hara, ‘Conflicts over Water in the “Little Drought Age”’.
Ouweneel, Shadows over Anahuac: 92.
Ibid.: 75–91.
Further ENSO caused crop failures also took place in the summers of 1808–11, bring-
ing about a wholesale restructuring of the economy of Central Mexico.
Zakry, The Nile in the Times of the Pharoahs and the Arabs.
Willocks and Craig, Egyptian Irrigation, 3rd edition.
Oliver, History of Antigua: 189.
Ibid.: 191.
Petition dated 13 August 1791 by William McKealy on behalf of the Council of
Montserrat, Leeward Islands, British West Indies; Montserrat Legislative Assembly Pro-
ceedings, Government Archives, Plymouth, Colony of Montserrat.
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The Great El Ni o of 1789–93 and its Global Consequences 87
As stated in Letter of 6 March 1792, from the Commissioner of the Council of Trade
and Plantations to the Council of Montserrat, Government Archives, Plymouth Montserrat.
Barriendos et al., ‘The Winter of 1788–89 in the Iberian Peninsula from Meteoro-
logical Reading Observations and proxy-data Records’.
Personal commentary, Michael Chenoweth, 1998 [[email protected]].
Webb and Wright, The James Stuart Archive.
Hall, ‘Dendrochronology, Rainfall and Human Adaptation’: 702.
Cold weather conditions in the winter of 1788–89 were mirrored in the southern
hemisphere. On 24 December 1788, the Guardian, carrying vital supplies to New South
Wales, foundered on an iceberg near the Cape of Good Hope; Source, The Australian,
24 December 1998 (Note that similar unusually heavy ice conditions caused the wreck of
Shackleton’s ship Endurance in October 1914).
Woodforde, A Country Parson.
I am indebted for archival details of the weather in the Great Plains in 1790–93 to
Dr Ted Binnema of the University of Alberta at Edmonton who has just finished a dis-
sertation, ‘History of the North-western Plains of North America’, shortly to be published
by the University of Nebraska Press.
Foster et al., ‘The Philadelphia Yellow Fever Epidemic’.
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The Great El Ni o of 1789–93 and its Global Consequences 89
T.J. Pettigrew, Memoirs of the Life and Writings of J. Coakley Pettigrew, vol. 3, p. 234,
quoted in Thompson, Annals of Influenza: 199–202.
very cold winter, high pressure over Europe, a cold wet spring and a
summer drought preceding later monsoonal blocking and drought in
South and South-east Asia. We are only now realising that this sequence
of events and phasing of activity seems to be typical of the severest
El Niño episodes, in which the mechanisms of the NAO, the Asian mon-
soon and the Pacific El Niño/Southern Oscillation are closely articulated.
This sequence may take several years to work through the global weather
and ocean system.45 ‘Persistent’ or extended El Niños, such as that of
1788–95, are an indicator of this.
The developmental sequence of the 1788–93 El Niño may also be
instructive and have a further value as a basis for comparison with
other subsequent very severe El Niño events since that time and particu-
larly in comparison with the El Niño events of 1877–79, 1982–83 and
1997–98. But it may also serve as a template for understanding much
earlier events in the historical record where the data only allows a much
flimsier understanding of the sequence of the event.
Grove, ‘Global Impact’.
See Neumann, ‘Great Historical Events’, and Neumann and Dettwiller, ‘Great His-
torical Events’.
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The Great El Ni o of 1789–93 and its Global Consequences 91
variability in the NAO and Indian summer monsoon rainfall, and specif-
ically between summer monsoon rainfall and the NAO of the preceding
year in January.
In France, a very cold hard winter in 1787–88 allowed only late sow-
ings of grain crops and was followed by a late and very wet spring. This
came at a time when free trade in grain had been allowed by an edict of
the previous year, leading to empty granaries and a sharp increase in grain
prices. Grain prices rose by about 50 per cent, that is, the general price
index rose from about 95 in late 1787 to 130 in the summer of 1789. The
only peasants who profited from high prices were the big landowners
and tenant-farmers. The rest of the peasant population suffered severely
from the rising price of bread: the small peasant who had to sell in order
to pay his taxes and dues was short of grain by the end of the summer.
The sharecropper, too, was hard-hit, and so was the day-labourer who had
to buy grain in order to feed his family. The dwindling of their resources
also brought about a crisis in the vineyards of Champagne, Beaujolais
and the Bordelais: sales of wine were reduced because people gave up
buying it in order to buy bread, and vine-growers were thus reduced to
poverty.47 In fact, in many parts of France a previous drought, probably
associated with an El Niño event of 1785, had already seriously damaged
the vital wine-growing industry, especially in Normandy and Picardy.
The drought of the summer of 1785 had resulted in heavy losses of live-
stock, and a slump in the supply of wool. After 1785 the loss in disposable
income led to a continuous slump in the sales of wine in parts of the
country where much of the population had to buy its bread.
Warm, dry spring-summers are favourable to grain in northern France
and north-western Europe. But even in the northern areas of the Paris basin,
warmth and dryness can in certain cases be disastrous. A spell of dry
heat at a critical moment during the growth period, when the grain is still
soft and moist and not yet hardened, can in a few days wither all hope of
harvests. This is what happened in 1788, which had a good summer,
early wine harvests and bad grain harvests. The wheat shrivelled, thus
paving the way for the food crisis, the ‘great fear’, and the unrest of the
hungry, when the time of the soudure, or bridging of the gap between
harvests, came in the spring of 1789. No one expressed this fear better
Le Roy Ladurie, Times of Feast: 74–77; see also Labrousse, La crise de l’économie
française: especially p. 51, 207 et. seq.
than the poor woman with whom Arthur Young walked up a hill in
Champagne on a July day in 1789:
Her husband had a morsel of land, once cowe, and a poor litte horse, yet they
had 42 lbs. of wheat and three chickens to pay as a quit-rent to one seigneur,
and 168 lbs of oats, one chicken and one sou, to pay another, besides very
heavy tailles and other taxes. She had 7 children, and the cow’s milk helped
to make the soup. It was said at present that something was to be done by
some great folks for such poor ones, but she did not know who or how, but
God send us better, car les tailles et les droits nous ecrasent.48
In the year 1788, there was no winter, the spring was not favourable to crops,
it was cold in the spring, the rye was not good, the wheat was quite good but
the too great heat shrivelled the kernels so that the grain harvest was so small,
hardly a sheaf or a peck, so that it was put off, but the wine harvest was very
good and very good wines, gathered at the end of September, the wine was
worth 25 livres after the harvest and the wheat 24 livres after the harvest, on
July 13 there was a cloud of hail which began the other side of Paris and
crossed all of France as far as Picardy, it did great damage, the hail weighed
8 livres, it cut down wheat and trees in its path, its course was two leagues
wide by fifty long, some horses were killed.51
This hailstorm burst over a great part of central France from Rouen in
Normandy as far as Toulouse in the south. Thomas Blaikie, who witnessed
Young, Travels in France: 173.
Lefebvre, La Grand Peur de 1789: 47–53.
Desbordes, La chronique villageoise de Vareddes.
Le Roy Ladurie, Times of Feast: 75.
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The Great El Ni o of 1789–93 and its Global Consequences 93
it, wrote of stones so monstrous that they killed hares and partridge and
ripped branches from elm trees. The hailstorm wiped out budding vines
in Alsace, Burgundy and the Loire, and laid wheat fields waste to in much
of Central France. Ripening fruit was damaged on the trees in the Midi
and the Calvados regions. In the western province of the Beauce, the
cereal crops had already survived one hailstorm on 29 May but succumbed
to the second blow in July. Farmers south of Paris reported that, after
July, the countryside had been reduced to an arid desert.
In much of France and Spain a prolonged drought with very high
temperatures then took place. This was followed by the severest winter
since 1709, which had also been a severe El Niño year, when the red
Bordeaux was said to have frozen in Louis XIV’s goblet.52 Rivers froze
throughout the country and wolves were said to descend from the Alps
down into Languedoc. In the Tarn and the Ardeche men were reduced to
boiling tree bark to make gruel. Birds froze on the perches or fell from
the sky. Watermills froze in their rivers and thus prevented the grinding
of wheat for desperately needed flour. Snow lay on the ground as far as
Toulouse until late April. In January, Mirabeau visited Provence and wrote:
‘Every scourge has been unloosed. Everywhere I have found men dead
of cold and hunger, and that in the midst of wheat for lack of flour, all
the mills being frozen’ (Schama, Citizens: 305). Occasional thaws made
the situation worse and the Loire in particular burst its banks and flooded
onto the streets of Blois and Tours.
All these winter disasters came on top of food shortages brought on
by the droughts of the 1787 summer and the appalling harvests of the
summer of 1788. As a result, the price of bread doubled between the
summer of 1787 and October 1788. By midwinter of 1788, the clergy
estimated that a fifth of the population of Paris had become dependent
on charitable relief of some sort. In the countryside, landless labourers
were especially badly affected. Exploitation of the dearth by grain traders
and hoarders made the situation steadily worse. It was in this context
that the French king requested communities throughout France to draw
up cahiers of complaints and grievances to be presented in Paris. During
February to April 1789 over 25,000 cahiers were drawn up. From these
we can assess not only the accumulation of long-term grievances but also
get some idea of the intense dislocation of normal economic life that the
See Monahan, Year of Sorrows.
Autumn this year was colder than normal ... and no one alive has ever
experienced the weather so cold in El Prat. It was extraordinary, both what
was observed and the effects it caused .... on the 30th and 31st December the
wash of the waves on the beach froze which has also never been seen or
Quoted in Schama, Citizens: 331.
Barriendos et al., ‘The Winter of 1788–89 in the Iberian Peninsula’.
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The Great El Ni o of 1789–93 and its Global Consequences 95
heard of before. Likewise it was observed that the water froze in the wash-
basins in the cells where the nuns slept at the Religious Order of Compas-
sion .... the rivers channels froze and the carriages passed over the ice without
breaking it.55
Barriendos, M., J.C. Pena, J. Martin-Vide and P. Jonsson. 2000. ‘The Winter of 1788–89 in
the Iberian Peninsula from Meteorological Reading Observations and Proxy-data
Records’, Actas del Congreso Giuseppe Toaldo il Suo Tempo 1719–97. Scienza e
Lumi tra Venetoed Europa, Padova, pp. 921–42.
Beatson, Alexander. 1816. Tracts on the Island of St Helena, London.
Blair, Charles. 1874. Indian Famines; Their Historical, Financial and Other Aspects,
Edinburgh and London.
Alexis de Tocqueville, L’Ancien Regime et la Révolution: 96.
de Tocqueville, L’ Ancien Regime et la Révolution: 249. For a more developed
discussion of the agrarian background to the French Revolution see Davies, ‘The Origins
of the French Revolution of 1789’.
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The Great El Ni o of 1789–93 and its Global Consequences 97
Monahan, W. Gregory. 1993. Year of Sorrows: The Great Famine of 1709 in Lyon,
Murton, Brian J. 1984. ‘Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Famine in Southern India Before
the Famine Codes’, in Bruce Currey and Graeme Hugo (eds), Famine as a Geographical
Phenomenon, Dordrecht: 71–89.
Neumann, J. 1977. ‘Great Historical Events that were Significantly Affected by the Weather:
Part 2. The Year Leading to the Revolution of 1789 in France’, Bulletin of the American
Meteorological Society, vol. 58(2): 163–68.
Neumann, J. and Dettwiller, Jacques. 1990. ‘Great Historical Events that were Significantly
Affected by the Weather: Part 9. The Year Leading to the Revolution of 1789 in France’,
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, vol. 71(1): 33–41.
Nichols, Neville. 1988. ‘More on Early ENSOs: Evidence from Australian Documentary
Sources’, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, vol. 69(1): 4–7.
Oliver, Vere L. 1844. History of Antigua, London.
Ouweneel, Arij. 1996. Shadows over Anahuac: An Ecological Interpretation of Crisis
and Development in Central Mexico, 1730–1810, Albuquerque.
Quinn, William H., D.O. Zopf, K.S. Short and R.T.W. Kuo Yang. 1975. ‘Historical Trends
and Statistics of the Southern Oscillation, El Niño and Indonesian Droughts’, Fishery
Bulletin, vol. 76(iii): 663–78.
Roxburgh, William. 1778 and 1790. ‘A Meteorological Diary Kept at Fort St. George in
the East Indies’, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, vol. 68: 180–90 and
80: 112–14.
———. 1793. Letter to Sir Charles Oakley, dated 23 January 1793, East India Company
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