Evolution of Metamorphic Belts: by Akiho Miyashiro Geological Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Japan

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Evolution of Metamorphic Belts


Geological Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Japan

The metamorphic facies series in regional metamorphism may be classified into the following
categories according to an order of increasing rock pressure:((1) andalusite-sillimanite type,

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(2) low-pressure intermediate group, (3) kyanite-sillimanite type, (4) high-pressure inter-
mediate group, and (5) jadeite-glaucophane type.^
In Japan and other parts of the circum-Pacific region, a metamorphic belt of the andalusite-
sillimanite type and/or low-pressure intermediate group and another metamorphic belt of the
jadeite-glaucophane type and/or high-pressure intermediate group run side by side, forming
a pair. The latter belt is always on the Pacific Ocean side. They were probably formed in
different phases of the same cycle of orogeny. Their origin is discussed.
Regional metamorphism under higher rock pressures appears to have taken place in later
geological times.
The metamorphic facies series of contact metamorphism are briefly discussed.

THIS paper discusses the classification, origin, and historical development of
regional metamorphism.
Regional metamorphism takes place in the deeper parts of orogenic belts,
while the regional metamorphic rocks are found in what are here called meta-
morphic belts.
Individual metamorphic facies correspond to a certain range of temperature,
rock pressure, and other external conditions (Eskola, 1915, 1920, 1939;
Korzhinskii, 1959). The range of temperature and pressure in a metamorphic
terrain and metamorphic belt, however, is usually too wide to be definitive of
a single metamorphic facies. Even in a single metamorphic terrain, the varia-
tion in temperature would be expressed usually by a series of metamorphic
facies. Such a series will be called a metamorphic facies series or simply a. facies
series. Thus, from the viewpoint of external conditions, each metamorphic
terrain is characterized by a certain metamorphic facies series.
(Many authors consider that the mineral facies of regional metamorphism are
the greenschist, epidote-amphibolite, amphibolite, and granulite facies. Indeed,
this facies series appears to exist in Palaeozoic metamorphic belts of Europe
and North America. In many other metamorphic belts, however, different kinds
of metamorphic facies series are developed. The series of the greenschist,
epidote-amphibolite, amphibolite, and granulite facies is only one of the various
possible facies series of regional metamorphism.
A metamorphic facies series can be represented by a curve or a group of
[Journal of Petrology, Vol. 2, Part 3, pp. 277-311, 19611
6233.3 U
curves in a temperature-pressure diagram. According to the location of the
curve or curves, the facies series may be classified into various types.
Belts of regional metamorphism are well exposed in Japan. Great progress
has been made in the geological and petrological study of these belts in recent
years, so that they now afford an important basis for the comparative study of
the metamorphic belts of the world.


The classification of metamorphic facies series means a classification of meta-

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morphism and of metamorphic terrains from the viewpoint of certain external
conditions. After a survey of the petrographic descriptions of metamorphic
rocks from different parts of the world, the writer reached the following con-
clusion. So far as such a classification is to be based upon easily observable
mineralogical differences, the kinds or types of metamorphic facies series in the
world are rather limited in number. At the present state of our knowledge, the
facies series of regional metamorphism may be most conveniently classified into
five categories: three standard types and two intermediate groups. Each of the
intermediate groups involves various kinds of metamorphism that are inter-
mediate in character between two of the standard types. As will be discussed
later, the present classification is intended to be based on the operating rock
pressure. Each standard type of metamorphism is accompanied by characteristic
igneous activity in the geosynclinal as well as in the orogenic period.
The systematic classification and nomenclature of subfacies should be based
on the veritable classification of facies series. Different parts of one facies
belonging to different facies series may well be treated as different subfacies. In
this paper, however, a new system of nomenclature of subfacies will not be pro-
posed, the classification and nomenclature of metamorphic facies proposed by
Eskola (1939) being adopted.
Kyanite-sillimanite type
This standard type of facies series is characterized by the stability of kyanite
in a lower grade and that of sillimanite in a higher grade so far as chemical
conditions permit. Andalusite and glaucophane are absent. The type meta-
morphic terrain is in the main part of the Grampian Highlands of Scotland, as
studied by Barrow (1893, 1912), Tilley (1925), Harker (1932), Wiseman (1934),
Snelling (1957), Chinner (I960), and others.
The facies series of this type is composed of the greenschist, epidote-amphi-
bolite, and amphibolite facies, in order of increasing temperature. In this type,
almandine garnet occurs commonly in the middle and high grades, not only in
pelitic but also in basic metamorphic rocks. Staurolite is also common, while
cordierite is absent. The metamorphic belt is usually divided into progressive
metamorphic zones characterized by the following minerals: chlorite, biotite,
almandine, kyanite, and sillimanite. The zone of staurolite may be delineated
as an independent zone between those of almandine and kyanite. The pro-
gressive mineralogical variations are summarized in Fig. 1.
This type of regional metamorphism or mineral zoning was sometimes called
the Dalradian or Barrovian one. The main part of the Caledonian metamorphic
belt in Norway and that of the Appalachian metamorphic belt in North America
appear to belong to this type. In the highest grade of this facies series, the

Kyanite-Sillimanite Type

Greenschist Eprdote-
Metamorphic facies amphibolite Amphibolite facies

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Chlorite and Almandine Staurolite and -Sillimanite
Mineral zoning biotite zones . zone kyanite zones zone

Intermediate and
R ocks

calcic ptagiodose

E pi dote
Green and
Blue-green Green (?) brown
Amphibole Actinolite
hornblende hornblende






' Almandine

Pel tic


Sodic plogioclase


Common pelitic rocks Phyllite and Schist Gneiss


FIG. 1. Progressive mineralogical variations in regional

metamorphism in the main part of the Grampian High-
lands of Scotland (Harker, 1932; Wiseman, 1934; &c).

granulite facies may occur (Chapman, 1952). If all the world is considered, this
type may not be more abundant than the other two standard types. It is not
justified to regard this type as being 'normal' or ordinary in comparison with
the other two, as was done by many authors.
This type of regional metamorphism appears to be always accompanied by
the emplacement of a large amount of granitic rocks. Synkinematic granites are
usually abundant in the high-grade parts of the metamorphic terrain. Much
smaller amounts of gabbroic and ultrabasic rocks are also usually present.

Andalusite-sillimanite type
This standard type of facies series is characterized by the stability of andalusite
in a lower grade and of sillimanite in a higher grade, so far as the chemical
conditions permit. Kyanite, staurolite, and glaucophane are absent. The type
metamorphic terrain is in the central part of the Abukuma Plateau in Japan, as
studied by Miyashiro (1953, 1958), Shido (1958), and Shido & Miyashiro (1959).
The facies series of this type is composed of the greenschist and amphibolite
facies. The epidote-amphibolite facies is practically absent. In this type,
almandine occurs in some pelitic metamorphic rocks of high grades, and does
not occur in ordinary basic metamorphic rocks. In the low and middle grades,
Andalusite-Sillimanite Type

Metamorphic Greenschist Granulite

Amphibolite facies
facies facies facies

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Mineral zoning A B C D

Sodic plagioclose
Intermediate and
calcic plagioclase

Calciferous Actinolife Blue-green Green and brown Brown

amphibole hornblende hornblendes hornblende

CO C lino pyroxene





Pyral spite MnO)l8 % MnO- 1 8 - 1 0 % MnO < 1 0 %



Pel itic


K- feldspar


Phyllite and Amphibolite and Amphibolite

Common rocks schist
Schist gneiss

FIG. 2. Progressive mineralogical variations in regional

metamorphism in the central Abukuma Plateau, Japan
(Miyashiro, 1953, 1958; Shido, 1958; Shido & Miyashiro,

pyralspite garnet is rare and, when it occurs, is manganiferous (Miyashiro,

1953). Cordierite occurs commonly. The progressive mineralogical variations
are summarized in Fig. 2.
The highest grade of regional metamorphism in the type metamorphic terrain
is in the amphibolite facies, as stated above. The contact metamorphism by
synkinematic intrusions in the terrain produced the same type of metamorphic
facies series, though the highest grade of the contact metamorphism reached
what may be regarded as a part of the granulite facies, since orthopyroxene was
formed there. This highest-grade part is also shown in Fig. 2.
Formerly, this type of regional metamorphism was called the central Abukuma
type (Miyashiro, 1958). The Buchan type of Read (1952) is not the same as this,
but belongs to the low-pressure intermediate group to be mentioned later. The
Ryoke metamorphic belt of Japan and some metamorphic belts formed in Early
Palaeozoic time in New South Wales, Australia, appear to belong to this type.
Many geologists regarded the regional metamorphism of this type as contact
metamorphism only, because of the occurrence of andalusite and cordierite.
The occurrence of such minerals, however, depends upon the operating tempera-
ture and pressure, and not upon the geological distinction between the contact
and regional types. Metamorphism is to be regarded as regional providing the
thermal structure of the resultant metamorphic terrain is independent of

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individual plutonic masses.
This type of regional metamorphism appears to be always accompanied by
the emplacement of a large amount of granitic rocks. Synkinematic granites are
usually abundant in the high-grade parts of the metamorphic terrain. Granite
may occur abundantly, however, not only inside but also outside the regional
metamorphic terrain, as in the case of the Ryoke belt. Much smaller amounts
of gabbroic and ultrabasic rocks are also usually present.

Jadeite-glaucophane type
This standard type of facies series is characterized by the stability of the
jadeite-quartz assemblage and glaucophane. The type metamorphic terrain is
in the Kanto Mountains in Japan, as studied by Seki (1958, 1960 b, c, 19616).
The facies series in the type metamorphic terrain is composed of the glauco-
phane-schist and greenschist facies. This terrain belongs to the Sanbagawa
metamorphic belt. In the Bessi district of the same metamorphic belt, not only
rocks of the glaucophane-schist facies but also rocks of the epidote-amphibolite
facies and even eclogite are exposed, as will be described later (p. 295). These
rocks may represent higher-grade parts of the present type of facies series. It is
not certain, however, whether the metamorphic terrain of the Bessi district is
of the jadeite-glaucophane type or of the high-pressure intermediate group to
be mentioned later.
Lawsonite and pumpellyite usually occur in the metamorphic terrains of this
type. The stable form of Al2SiO5 is probably kyanite, as was found in the Bessi
district (Banno, 1957). Pyralspite garnet occurs commonly, and is almandine in
some cases and more manganiferous in others. Andalusite, sillimanite, and
cordierite do not occur. Note that jadeite in quartz-free rocks would not be
characteristic of this type. The progressive mineralogical variations in the type
metamorphic terrain are summarized in Fig. 3.
The regional metamorphism of this type and of similar nature, producing
glaucophane, was called glaucophanitic metamorphism in some cases. At least
some parts j)f the Kamuikotan metamorphic belt of Hokkaido and of the
Franciscan metamorphic terrain of California appear to belong to this type.
This type of regional metamorphism is usually accompanied by the emplace-
ment of a large volume of ultrabasic rocks (mostly serpentinite). Gabbroic rocks
are also present, but granitic rocks are absent.
Formerly, many authors stated that the formation of glaucophane schists is
due to a special kind of metasomatism, and Turner (1948) and others denied the
existence of the glaucophane-schist facies. On the other hand, the glaucophane-
schist facies was advocated by de Roever (1955a) and Miyashiro & Banno (1958).
Jadeite-Glaucophone Type

Metamorphic Green
Glaucophane-schist facies schist
facies facies

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Mineral zoning 1 II III IV V VI

Sodic plagioclose



tic Rocks

r? Lawsonite
Pe itic and


Common rocks Volcanics, slate ond phyllite spotted Spotted
schtst schist

FIG. 3. Progressive mineralogical variations in regional

metamorphism in the Kanto Mountains, Japan (Seki,
1958, 1960 b, c, 19616). Recrystallization is very
incomplete in zone I.

It appears, however, that the existence of the glaucophane-schist facies has now
become widely accepted and need not be advocated further.
It is surprising that no one had dealt with the glaucophanitic metamorphism
as a progressive one having zones not only of the glaucophane-schist facies but
also of some other facies, before Banno (1958a) and Seki (1958) succeeded in
clarifying the mineral zoning of glaucophanitic terrains in Japan.
Low-pressure and high-pressure intermediate groups
As will be discussed later (p. 284), the prevailing rock pressure for the
andalusite-sillimanite type is lower than that for the kyanite-sillimanite type,
which latter is, in turn, probably lower than that for the jadeite-glaucophane
type. There are many cases of regional metamorphism that may be regarded as
being intermediate in character between the andalusite-sillimanite and kyanite-
sillimanite types. Probably the prevailing rock pressure in these cases was inter-
mediate between the pressures for the two standard types concerned. These
cases of metamorphism will be said to belong to the low-pressure intermediate
As an example of the low-pressure intermediate group, the metamorphic
terrain in the north-eastern Grampian Highlands (Aberdeenshire and Banff-

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shire) of Scotland may be cited. In this area, andalusite and cordierite occur in
pelitic metamorphic rocks, just as in the andalusite-sillimanite type, but stauro-
lite also occurs just as in the kyanite-sillimanite type. Read (1952) called such a
metamorphism the Buchan type. The association of andalusite and staurolite is
not rare in the world. Many of the Precambrian metamorphic terrains in the
Baltic and Canadian shields have this mineral association, and appear to belong
to the low-pressure intermediate group. The coexistence of andalusite, staurolite,
and kyanite as reported by Yamaguchi (1951) from Korea, as well as the co-
existence of andalusite, kyanite, and sillimanite as reported by Hietanen (1956)
from Idaho, indicates that the terrains belong to the low-pressure intermediate
There are other cases of regional metamorphism that may be regarded as
being intermediate in character between the kyanite-sillimanite and jadeite-
glaucophane types. Probably the prevailing rock pressure in these cases was
intermediate between the pressures of the two standard types concerned. These
cases of metamorphism will be said to belong to the high-pressure intermediate
For example, there exist many glaucophanitic metamorphic terrains where the
jadeite-quartz assemblage is not found. If we consider that the jadeite-quartz
assemblage was not produced in any grades of these terrains, then the meta-
morphism belongs to the high-pressure intermediate group. In this case, how-
ever, conclusive determination would be rather difficult, because jadeite is apt
to be overlooked in many cases and the jadeite-bearing part may have been lost
by some later events. Metamorphic terrains that resemble those of the kyanite-
sillimanite type, except for the rare, sporadic occurrence of glaucophanic
amphibole, probably belong to the high-pressure intermediate group.

Discrimination between types of metamorphism with the aid of minerals of solid-

solution series
When some minerals characteristic of a type of metamorphism occur in a
metamorphic terrain, one can readily identify the type. In many cases, however,
appropriate characteristic minerals do not occur owing to the limited range in
chemical composition of the metamorphic rocks developed. Even in such cases,
one may be able to recognize the type through investigation of the solid-
solution relations of some metamorphic minerals, as exemplified below.
Pyralspite garnet may occur in pelitic metamorphic rocks in any types of
regional metamorphism, but the Mn content of pyralspite is much higher in the
andalusite-sillimanite type than in the kyanite-sillimanite type (Miyashiro,
1953, 1958). The Na content of common hornblende in ordinary basic meta-
morphic rocks is high in the jadeite-glaucophane type and low in the kyanite-
sillimanite type, and is still lower in the andalusite-sillimanite type (Shido,
1958; Shido & Miyashiro, 1959). Plagioclase becomes more calcic with rising
temperature in any types of metamorphism, but the rate of increase of the Ca

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content is greater in the andalusite-sillimanite type than in the kyanite-silli-
manite type (Miyashiro, 1958; Shido, 1958). In the jadeite-glaucophane type,
intermediate and calcic plagioclases could not be formed.

Temperature, rock pressure, and other external conditions

The temperature and rock pressure corresponding to the three standard types
of metamorphic facies series can be inferred from the experimentally determined
stability relations of characteristic minerals.
The kyanite-sillimanite equilibrium curve was experimentally determined by
Clark, Robertson, & Birch (1957) and by Clark (1960), as shown by line (A:) in
Fig. 4. Though the stability relations of andalusite have not been determined,
they are probably approximately as shown in the same figure (Miyashiro, 1953;
Thompson, 1955; Clark et al, 1957; Miyashiro, 1960a).
The equilibrium curve for the reaction: jadeite+quartz = albite was experi-
mentally determined by Birch & LeComte (1960), as shown in Fig. 4.
Typical temperature/rock-pressure curves corresponding to the three standard
types of regional metamorphism are shown by arrows (1), (2), and (3) in Fig. 4.
It is clear that the prevailing rock pressure in the andalusite-sillimanite type is
lower than that in the kyanite-sillimanite type, which latter in turn is lower than
that in the jadeite-glaucophane type. If it be assumed that the pressures shown
in this figure were produced lithostatically by the weight of the overlying rocks,
the depth of regional metamorphism is much greater than that so far inferred
from geological studies. As our geological studies are not generally complete,
such a great depth may have been actually reached in a locally and temporarily
thickened crust during orogeny. It is also possible that orogenic compression
played an important part in producing such pressures, at least in some cases.
The upper and lower limits of metamorphic temperature would differ in
different types. It is only rarely that the metamorphism of the jadeite-glauco-
phane type reaches so high a temperature as to produce biotite, whereas that of
the kyanite-sillimanite type commonly produces biotite in the middle- and high-
grade parts. In the metamorphism of the andalusite-sillimanite type, most of
the metamorphic rocks are higher in grade than the biotite isograd, and on the
lower-temperature side of the biotite isograd recrystallization is usually very
incomplete. Although the lowest temperature for the formation of biotite
should vary to some extent with rock and water pressures, the above relations
might well be considered as suggestive that the metamorphic temperature in the
jadeite-glaucophane type is generally lower than that in the kyanite-sillimanite

15 15


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5 IO 10
O o


u Id
a. CC
a. a.


200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800

FIG. 4. Stability relations of andalusite, FIG. 5. Estimated temperatures and rock

kyanite, and sillimanite and of the jadeite- pressures of metamorphic facies. The solid
quartz assemblage and albite. The solid lines lines (k) and (J) correspond to those of Fig. 4.
(k) and 0) represent the experimentally GL, glaucophane-schist facies; EC, eclogite
determined equilibrium curves for the kyanite- facies; GS, greenschist facies; EA, epidote-
sillimanite transformation, and for the reaction amphibolite facies; AMPH, amphibolite facies;
jadeite+quartz = albite, respectively. The GN, granulite facies; PH, pyroxene-hornfels
arrows (1), (2), and (3) represent typical facies; ZEO, zeolite facies.
temperature/rock-pressure relations in regional
metamorphism of the kyanite-sillimanite type,
andalusite-sillimanite type, and jadeite-
glaucophane type, respectively.

type, which latter, in turn, tends to be lower than that in the andalusite-
sillimanite type, as shown in Fig. 4.
In a high grade of the andalusite-sillimanite and kyanite-sillimanite types of
regional metamorphism, where sillimanite is stable, muscovite decomposes by
reaction with quartz to produce sillimanite, potassium feldspar, and water. The
equilibrium temperature of the reaction was thermodynamically calculated for
a wide range of rock and water pressures (Miyashiro, 19606). The result is
450°-590° C. The decomposition of biotite by reaction with quartz takes place
in the highest grade (granulite facies), probably of the andalusite-sillimanite and
kyanite-sillimanite types. This temperature was estimated at 7OO°-8OO° C.
(Miyashiro, 1960c).
The temperatures and rock pressures of metamorphic facies are roughly
shown in Fig. 5. Note that there is a fundamental difference between this figure
and fig. 2 of Francis (1956), who attached too great an importance to the kyanite-
sillimanite type in comparison with the other standard types.
In recent years the behaviour of water in metamorphism has been discussed
by Thompson (1955) and others.(As the water content of metamorphic rocks
decreases with increasing grade of metamorphism, water is evidently a mobile
component. The fact that zonal mapping on a regional scale is usually possible

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in metamorphic terrains indicates that the prevailing water pressure is rather
uniform or regular within the terrains. There are some indications that the
prevailing water pressure was generally much lower than the rock pressure during
regional metamorphism. Kennedy (1960) showed that pyrophyllite, instead of
sillimanite+quartz and kyanite+quartz, is stable up to 600° C or higher
temperatures under a pressure of more than 4 kilobars, providing the water
pressure is equal to the rock pressure. On the other hand, if the prevailing pres-
sure of water is equal to the rock pressure, quartzo-feldspathic rocks would
begin to melt at temperatures near 600° C under pressures of more than 4
kilobars. Therefore, pyrophyllite, instead of sillimanite+quartz and kyanite+
quartz, is stable nearly up to the minimum melting-point of quartzo-feldspathic
rocks, if the water pressure is equal to the rock pressure. This is not, however,
the case with ordinary metamorphic terrains. Actually there are wide areas of
metamorphic rocks where sillimanite and kyanite, in association with quartz,
are stable at temperatures much lower than the melting-point of quartzo-
feldspathic rocks. For this reason the prevailing water pressure is considered to
be generally much lower than the rock pressure during metamorphism.
Shaw (1956) showed that, generally, the iron in metamorphic rocks tends to
be progressively reduced with increasing metamorphism. In the central Abukuma
Plateau, not only the water content but also the oxygen content of metamorphic
rocks decreases with increasing metamorphism, whereas in the Grampian High-
lands the water content decreases but the oxygen content does not decrease
(Miyashiro, 1958, pp. 267-8). These facts suggest that the mobility of oxygen
would differ in different metamorphic terrains. In the central Abukuma Plateau,
a recent investigation of oxide minerals in metamorphic rocks did not reveal
the existence of local difference in the chemical potential of oxygen (Banno &
Kanehira, 1961). Many authors showed from studies of mineral parageneses,
however, that metamorphic rocks are closed with regard to oxygen. This con-
clusion was reached by Eugster (1959) in considering the metamorphosed iron
formation of Michingan (low-pressure intermediate group), by Thompson
(1957) in the northern Appalachians (kyanite-sillimanite type), by Chinner
(1960) in the Grampian Highlands (kyanite-sillimanite type), and by Banno &
Kanehira (1961) in glaucophanitic metamorphic rocks of the Bessi district,
Japan. It is now clear that the partial pressure of oxygen in metamorphic rocks
is generally independent of that of water.
Variation of metamorphic fades series within a metamorphic belt
In many metamorphic belts, the character of the metamorphic facies series
produced differs to some extent in different parts. So far as is known to the
writer, the variation within a metamorphic belt is not so great as to result in the
metamorphic belt including two of the above-mentioned standard types, but
is such that the metamorphic belt involves one standard type and one adjacent
intermediate group.

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For example, the main part of the Grampian Highlands of Scotland is of the
kyanite-sillimanite type, but a smaller part of the Highlands is of the low-
pressure intermediate group.
Two pairs of metamorphic belts
In the main part of Japan, i.e. Honsyu (Honshu), Sikoku (Shikoku), and
Kyusyu (Kyushu), there are four belts of regional metamorphic rocks, running
roughly parallel along the island arc of Japan. These four may be considered to
belong to two pairs, here called the older and younger. As shown in Fig. 6, the
older pair of metamorphic belts is composed of the Hida metamorphic belt on
the northern side and the Sangun metamorphic belt on the southern. Large parts
of the older pair are now covered by the Japan Sea, and the original structure is
greatly obscured by later events. On the other hand, the younger pair of meta-
morphic belts is to the south of the older pair, and is composed of the Ryoke-
Abukuma metamorphic belt on the northern, and the Sanbagawa (Sambagawa)
metamorphic belt on the southern side. The original structure of this pair is
relatively well preserved.
Each pair of metamorphic belts probably represents deeper parts of an
orogenic belt in geological time. The ages of the orogenies and metamorphisms
have been a subject of hot dispute amongst Japanese geologists in recent years.
The geological evidence was not, in most cases, conclusive. For an historical
review of this problem see Minato (1960), although the old radiometric dating
which he quoted is quite unreliable. New isotopic dating is now giving important
evidence relevant to this problem (Kuno et al., 1960; Miller et al., 1961; Banno
& Miller, 1961). At the present state of our knowledge, it is most probable that
the age of orogeny and regional metamorphism in the older pair is Late Palaeo-
zoic and/or Early Mesozoic, whereas that in the younger pair is Late Mesozoic.
The former would correspond to the Akiyosi (Akiyoshi) cycle of orogeny pro-
posed by Kobayashi (1941), and the latter to his Sakawa cycle. The K-A ages
so far obtained may be summarized as follows:
Hida metamorphic belt 180-90 million years (Triassic)
Ryoke-Abukuma metamorphic belt 91-102 million years (Cretaceous)
Sanbagawa metamorphic belt 84-93 million years (Cretaceous)

U S. S. R.

N.E. CHINA Kamulkoton metamorphic

Hidaka metamor.

^ '

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\ O C E A N



FIG. 6. Metamorphic belts of Japan, restored to the original state.

The regional metamorphism of the Sangun belts has not been dated, but some
metamorphic terrains of the belt are covered by unmetamorphosed Middle
Triassic sediments.
The tectonic development of Japan may be outlined as follows: From Early
Palaeozoic time (at least Silurian), there was a large geosyncline roughly along
the present site of the island arc of Japan. Thick sediments, especially of Late
Palaeozoic time, were deposited there. The geosynclinal pile was subjected to
orogeny and regional metamorphism first in Late Palaeozoic and/or Early
Mesozoic time, and secondly in Late Mesozoic time. Thus, two pairs of meta-
morphic belts were formed, and constituted the backbone of the Japan arc.
Afterwards, in the Tertiary period, the main site of active tectonic movement
shifted to the zone along the Japan Trench, which itself was formed probably
by this tectonic movement. Thus, the Japan Trench and the adjacent zone to
the west (Kuril Islands, north-eastern Honsyu, Seven Islands of Izu, and Bonin
Islands) are a Cenozoic and present-day orogenic belt (Sugimura, 1960). The
western part of Japan became a more stable region in Cenozoic time.
In each of the two pairs, the metamorphic belt on the northern side (i.e.
continental side) is of the andalusite-sillimanite type and/or low-pressure inter-

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mediate group accompanied by abundant granitic rocks, whereas that on the
southern side (i.e. Pacific Ocean side) is of the jadeite-glaucophane type and/or
high-pressure intermediate group accompanied by abundant ultrabasic rocks.
As will be shown on later pages, the occurrence of such paired metamorphic
belts is a common feature not only in Japan but also in other parts of the
circum-Pacific region. I have always called such paired metamorphic belts
metamorphic belts of the Japan type, because they are most typically developed
and most thoroughly investigated in Japan (Miyashiro, 1959).
There follows a rather detailed review of our knowledge of the metamorphic
belts of the younger pair, which will help in understanding similar relations that
are less completely preserved or less sufficiently investigated in other parts of
the circum-Pacific region.

Ryoke-Abukuma metamorphic belt

As shown in Figs. 6 and 7, the Ryoke-Abukuma metamorphic belt is com-
posed of two wings, each of which is convex towards the south-east (i.e. towards
the Pacific Ocean). The western wing is called the Ryoke metamorphic belt, and
runs from Takato in central Honsyu to central Kyusyu. On the other hand, the
eastern wing is now divided into three areas: (1) a small area north of the Kanto
Mountains, (2) Tukuba (Tsukuba) district, and (3) Abukuma Plateau. The
metamorphic terrains of the Abukuma Plateau are divided into two main
masses by granitic intrusions, i.e. a central part (Gosaisyo, Takanuki, and
Nakoso districts) and a southern part (Hitati district).
The two wings meet in an area of later tectonic disturbance, usually called the
Fossa Magna, in central Honsyu. This area is at the intersection of the Japan
arc with the Izu-Marianas arc, which latter runs southward from the Seven
Islands of Izu through the Bonin (Ogasawara) Islands to the Marianas Islands
(Fig. 6). It is conceivable that the Ryoke-Abukuma metamorphic belt was
originally in a single arcuate form and afterwards deformed into the present
form, composed of two wings, by later events related to crustal disturbances of
the Izu-Marianas arc.
Fig. 8 shows a provisional classification of granitic rocks (in a broad sense)
in the main part of Japan according to the geological ages of their emplacement.

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[yffil Metomorphic 8 granitic rocM ot the Hjda me?a(norphjc b«tt

OI4er poir
K^jlfl Phytlites a schisti of the Songun pieforrjorphic belt

|;^'-:;jij R yoke-Abu ku ma metamorphic belt

^^M San^agawo metamQ/p.^tc belt & its

FIG. 7. Metamorphic belts in the main part of Japan.

It is clear that most of the granitic rocks now exposed widely in Japan, both
inside and outside the Ryoke-Abukuma metamorphic belt, were formed by the
Late Mesozoic orogeny that caused the Ryoke-Abukuma metamorphism.
The granitic rocks inside the Ryoke-Abukuma metamorphic belt may be
classified into synkinematic and post-kinematic. The facies series of regional
metamorphism in the belt is practically identical with that formed through con-
tact metamorphism by the synkinematic granites, whereas it differs from that
formed through contact metamorphism by the post-kinematic granites. A much
smaller volume of gabbroic rocks is also present. Usually, the intrusion of
gabbroic rocks was earlier than that of granitic rocks. The thermal structure of
this metamorphic belt was controlled mainly by the regional uprise of isogeo-
thermal surfaces through the geosynclinal pile and was partly modified by the
distribution of synkinematic intrusions. Synkinematic granites tend to be more
abundant in high-grade parts of the thermal structure.

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100 200




FIG. 8. Provisional classification of granitic rocks in the main part of Japan, according to the geo-
logical ages of their emplacement. Note that Cretaceous granitic rocks are widely distributed not only
inside, but also outside, the Ryoke-Abukuma metamorphic belt.

The metamorphic terrain of the Abukuma Plateau has an axis towards which
the metamorphic grade increases from both sides, as shown in Fig. 7. The axis
runs, near its western margin, roughly parallel to the elongation of the meta-
morphic belt. It appears that certain parts of the Ryoke metamorphic belt also
has an axis of the highest metamorphic grade, which in the eastern part is situated
near the south-eastern margin of the belt. In the Ryoke belt, the metamorphic
rocks were derived mostly from pelitic and psammitic sediments of Palaeozoic
formations and only rarely from basic volcanics, whereas in the Abukuma
Plateau, metamorphic rocks of basic as well as psammitic and pelitic composi-
tions are abundant.
Pelitic metamorphic rocks in low grades are slates and phyllites, both with re-
crystallized biotite, and those in middle grades are schists, sometimes with
andalusite or cordierite. Pelitic rocks in high grades are gneisses, sometimes with
sillimanite or cordierite. Thus, thismetamorphismisoftheandalusite-sillimanite
type. The reaction of muscovite with quartz to produce sillimanite, potassium
feldspar, and water takes place in the higher-grade part of the sillimanite-
bearing area. In the Ryoke belt most of the metamorphic rocks are higher in

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grade than the biotite isograd. In other words, the rocks on the lower-grade side
of the biotite isograd are too poorly recrystallized to be classed as metamorphic.
There is some doubt about the type of metamorphism in the Hitati (Hitachi)
district in the southern part of the Abukuma Plateau. There, andalusite and
sillimanite occur just as in all the other parts of the Ryoke-Abukuma meta-
morphic belt, but chloritoid, which has not been found in other parts of the
belt, occurs. Moreover, there are some data suggesting the presence of a zone
of the epidote-amphibolite facies between the zones of the greenschist and
amphibolite facies (Kuroda, 1959), and recrystallization of rocks on the lower-
grade side of the biotite isograd appears to have advanced so as to produce
chlorite-muscovite slates. All these data suggest that the metamorphism of the
Hitati district may be of the low-pressure intermediate group, unlike all the
other parts of the Ryoke-Abukuma metamorphic belt.
In the Ryoke-Abukuma belt, the terrain on the continental side of the axis is
exposed mainly in the Ryoke wing, whereas the terrain on the Pacific Ocean side
is exposed mainly in the Abukuma Plateau. The latter is richer in basic volcanic
rocks in the geosynclinal pile, and is richer in gabbroic rocks of the orogenic
phase, than the former. The latter also shows more conspicuous development of
schistosity, as well as a more advanced degree of recrystallization in low grades,
than the former. Such differences in character between the opposite sides of the
axis of the metamorphic belt of the andalusite-sillimanite type, or low-pressure
intermediate group, would be a commonly observed feature in paired meta-
morphic belts of the circum-Pacific region. Somewhat similar relations will be
mentioned later (pp. 298 & 302) in the cases of the paired metamorphic belts
of Hokkaido and California.
Detailed investigations of the metamorphic facies series in this belt were
made in the central part of the Abukuma Plateau (Gosaisyo, Takanuki, and
Nakoso districts) by Miyashiro (1953, 1958), Shido (1958), and Shido &
Miyashiro (1959). Hence, this region was taken as the type metamorphic terrain
of the andalusite-sillimanite type, as shown in Fig. 2. In this region pelitic rocks
are in subordinate amount and basic rocks are much more abundant. The meta-
morphic terrain was divided into three progressive metamorphic zones, A, B,
and C, on the basis of the progressive variation in calciferous amphiboles in the
basic metamorphic rocks. Zone A is characterized by actinolite, and belongs to
the greenschist facies. Zone B is characterized by common hornblende with
Z = blue-green, whereas zone C is characterized by common hornblende with
Z = green or brown (without a bluish tinge). Zones B and C belong to the
amphibolite facies. As mentioned before, the contact metamorphism by
synkinematic intrusions produced a metamorphic facies series practically
identical to the facies series of the regional metamorphism. In the contact meta-
morphism by synkinematic gabbros, however, not only zones A, B, and C but
also zone D, representing a higher grade than zone C, is produced. This zone
is also shown in Fig. 2. Zone D is characterized by the appearance of ortho-

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pyroxene, and belongs to the lower-pressure part of the granulite facies.
(Whether this zone belongs to the granulite facies or to the pyroxene-hornfels
facies depends upon the definition of the two facies. In this paper, this zone is
put into the granulite facies.)
The compositional variation from actinolite to common hornblende in the
passage from zones A to B is abrupt and discontinuous. Throughout zones B
and C, hornblendes in the basic metamorphic rocks have large contents of Al
in four- and sixfold co-ordination (Shido, 1958; Shido & Miyashiro, 1959).
Cummingtonite is widespread in amphibolites of zone C.
In zones A and B, pyralspite garnet does not occur in common pelitic rocks,
but is confined to somewhat more manganiferous metasediments. When it
occurs, it is highly manganiferous, and the Mn content decreases with increasing
metamorphic grade. In zone C, pyralspite is common in pelitic rocks and is
almandine in composition (Miyashiro, 1953). Biotite also shows a tendency
towards a decrease in the Mn content as well as an increase in the Ti content
with increasing metamorphic grade. The crystal structure of potassium feldspar
changes gradually from the microcline structure to the orthoclase with increasing
metamorphism (Shido, 1958). The high-low inversion point of quartz is lower
in the higher-grade metamorphics than in the lower-grade ones (Iiyama, 1954).
The opaque minerals are mainly pyrite, pyrrhotite, magnetite, and ilmenite in
zone A, and pyrrhotite, magnetite, and ilmenite in zones B and C (Banno &
Kanehira, 1961).

Sanbagawa metamorphic belt

The Sanbagawa (Sambagawa) metamorphic belt was called the Sanbagawa-
Mikabu or Nagatoro metamorphic belt by some authors. The main part of this
belt runs along the eastern and southern sides (i.e. Pacific Ocean side) of the
Ryoke metamorphic belt. Between the Ryoke and Sanbagawa metamorphic
belts there is a long fault, called the median line or median tectonic line, as shown
in Fig. 7. This fault cuts off granitic and metamorphic rocks of the Ryoke belt
from metamorphic rocks of the Sanbagawa belt. Mylonite was formed along
this fault. It would have originated at a later stage or immediately after the Late
Mesozoic orogeny. The eastern extension of the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt
outcrops in the Kanto Mountains and probably farther in the north-eastern
6233.3 X
margin of the Abukuma Plateau (Yaguku and Yamagami districts). Thus, the
Sanbagawa metamorphic belt and its extension lie on the Pacific Ocean side of
the full length of the Ryoke-Abukuma metamorphic belt. The tectonic features
of this belt were analysed by Nakayama (1959) and others.
The Sanbagawa metamorphic belt is accompanied by abundant ultrabasic
rocks (serpentinite, dunite, &c.) and gabbros. Granitic rocks are absent. A fault
comparable to the median line is not clear in the Abukuma Plateau, where the
easternmost extension of the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt is intruded by post-
kinematic granites of the Ryoke-Abukuma belt.

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In most of the main part of the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt as well as in the
Kanto Mountains, the grade of metamorphism increases towards the median
line. In the opposite direction the Sanbagawa metamorphic terrain grades into
unmetamorphosed Palaeozoic formations. At some places in Sikoku a marked
tectonic zone was found near the southern margin of the metamorphic terrain
(Kojima & Suzuki, 1958). The grade of metamorphism appears to be related to
the geographical position within the metamorphic belt, but not to the strati-
graphical position in the geosynclinal pile. At some places the grade increases
towards the lower stratigraphical horizon, and at others it increases towards the
higher. Generally, the increase of metamorphic grade is not related to the dis-
tribution of igneous masses. An exceptional situation appears to exist in the
Bessi district, where the metamorphic grade becomes highest in the vicinity of
large basic and ultrabasic masses, which are situated about 6 km to the south of
the northern margin of the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt.
The metamorphic rocks of this belt were derived mostly from pelitic, psam-
mitic, and basic volcanic rocks of Middle and Upper Palaeozoic formations.
The metamorphism is of the jadeite-glaucophane type at least in some parts,
and may be of the high-pressure intermediate group in others. Glaucophane
occurs in many parts of the belt, and the distribution of glaucophane is related
to the metamorphic grades of the terrains but not to the distribution of ultra-
basic and gabbroic masses. Jadeite associated with quartz was found in a certain
part of the Kanto Mountains and Sibukawa district (Seki, 1960 b, c). The
jadeite-quartz-albite assemblage was found, in which probably the solid solu-
tions of jadeite and albite play an essential role. In most of the metamorphic
belt, the metamorphic temperature was too low to produce biotite, and only in
and near the Bessi district was biotite formed in pelitic rocks.
The lower-grade part of the metamorphic facies series was elaborately
investigated in the Kanto Mountains by Seki (1958, 1960 b, c, 1961 b). Hence
this region was taken as the type metamorphic terrain of the jadeite-glaucophane
type. Here Seki showed that the area of almost unmetamorphosed Palaeozoic
formations grades with increasing metamorphism into the zone of crystalline
schists without albite porphyroblasts (called non-spotted schists), and further
into the zone of crystalline schists with conspicuous albite porphyroblasts
(called spotted schists). The zone of non-spotted schists and lower grades belongs
to the glaucophane-schist facies, whereas the zone of spotted schists belongs to
the greenschist facies, as shown in Fig. 3. Pumpellyite tends to occur in lower
grades, whereas piemontite tends to occur in higher grades. Probably, pie-
montite can have a large content of Mn only at relatively high temperatures
(Miyashiro & Seki, 1958a). Seki divided the metamorphic region into six zones
on the basis of progressive mineralogical changes (Fig. 3). It is interesting that
lawsonite and jadeite (associated with quartz) are confined to a middle-grade
part (zone IV) of the region. It is conceivable that the temperature-pressure
curve corresponding to this metamorphism grazes the stability field of the

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jadeite-quartz assemblage, as is exemplified by a line (3)-(3') in Fig. 4. It is also
conceivable that the production of lawsonite in this part made the associated
albite become more sodic, and hence promoted the formation of jadeite.
The metamorphic facies series in the higher-grade part of the Sanbagawa belt
was investigated in the Bessi district by Banno (Banno, 1959; Miyashiro &
Banno, 1958). Here, the metamorphic terrain was divided into four zones: la,
lb, II, and III, in the order of increasing metamorphism. Zone la is charac-
terized by the occurrence of actinolite and pumpellyite, and zone lb by the
occurrence of actinolite (and not pumpellyite). Zone II is characterized by the
occurrence of common hornblende with Z = blue-green. Glaucophane occurs
in zones la, lb, and the lower-grade part of zone II. Zone III is characterized
by the occurrence of biotite in pelitic metamorphic rocks. In the higher-grade
part of zone III, diopside and kyanite were found in some basic rocks. Zones la
and lb belong to the glaucophane-schist facies, and zone III belongs to the
epidote-amphibolite facies. Jadeite has not been found in the Bessi and sur-
rounding districts, and it is conceivable that the metamorphism here belongs to
the high-pressure intermediate group. The opaque minerals contained in the
metamorphic rocks of this district are mainly pyrite, pyrrhotite, haematite, and
magnetite, and only in zone III does ilmenite also occur (Banno & Kanehira,
The mineralogy of the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt is greatly diversified.
Not only glaucophane (Seki, 1958; Iwasaki, 19606), jadeite (Seki & Shido, 1959;
Seki, 1960 a, b, c, 1961a), lawsonite (Seki, 1957, 1958), pumpellyite (Seki, 1958),
piemontite (Miyashiro & Seki, 1958a; Hashimoto, 1959), kyanite (Banno,
1957), and stilpnomelane (Kozima, 1944), but also magnesio-riebeckite (Miya-
shiro & Iwasaki, 1957), magnesio-arfvedsonite (Banno, 19586), aegirine-augite
(Banno, 1959), aegirine-jadeite (Iwasaki, 1960a; Kanehira & Banno, 1960),
paragonite (Banno, 1960), and ferriphengite (Kanehira & Banno, 1960) were
found. Jadeite occurs not only in quartz-bearing metamorphic rocks but also
in quartz-free veins associated with ultrabasic intrusives.
In the Bessi district a large mass of dunite occurs within the highest-grade
metamorphic zone. This mass is probably an intrusive emplaced almost simul-
taneously with the regional metamorphism. In parts of the dunite mass, many
sub-parallel bands of eclogite, up to 1 m thick, are interlayered with bands of
dunite and harzburgite. Some parts of the eclogite are composed of diopside
and pyrope with a small amount of common hornblende, whereas other parts
are composed of almandine-pyrope, omphacite (Na2O = 2-84 per cent), com-
mon hornblende, and epidote (Miyashiro & Seki, 19586; Shido, 1959). This
dunite-eclogite complex would represent the highest-temperature member
belonging to the same pressure group as the metamorphic rocks of the Bessi

Older pair of metamorphic belts

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As stated before, the older pair is composed of the Hida and Sangun meta-
morphic belts.
The Hida metamorphic belt is exposed mainly in the Hida Plateau of central
Honsyu (Fig. 7). The western extension of the belt is mostly beneath the Japan
Sea, and only a small part is exposed in the Oki Islands. The exposed terrain of
the belt is mainly composed of quartzo-feldspathic gneisses, amphibolites, and
crystalline limestones, closely associated with numerous small granitic masses.
Large granitic masses, collectively called the Hunatu granite, intruded these
rocks and probably represent late- or post-kinematic intrusion of this belt.
The petrographic study of the Hida metamorphic belt has been made, but
not yet in sufficient detail. In the largest exposed metamorphic area, about 20-
40 km south of Toyama, the grade of metamorphism appears to increase south-
ward, judging from the southward increase in grain size of limestones and
graphite deposits (Nozawa, 1959). Sillimanite occurs in many parts of the area,
whereas andalusite was found only from near its northern margin. The north-
eastern end of the Hida belt (Kurobe-gawa district) shows somewhat different
characters, where kyanite, andalusite, sillimanite, and staurolite were found by
Ishioka and others (e.g. Ishioka & Suwa, 1956). These features suggest that the
Hida metamorphic belt belongs to the andalusite-sillimanite type and low-
pressure intermediate group.
The eastern part of the Sangun metamorphic belt is an arcuate belt lying on
the eastern and southern sides of the Hida Plateau. In this part, metamorphic
rocks are exposed in small separate areas, such as Omi, Gamata, and Naradani,
all arranged within the belt. Between the Hida and Sangun metamorphic belts,
there appears to exist a median fault, although its exact location has become
obscured by later granitic, sedimentary, and volcanic rocks. The Sangun meta-
morphic belt is accompanied by abundant ultrabasic rocks (mostly serpentinite).
The metamorphic terrain of the Omi district at the north-eastern end of the
Sangun belt was studied by Banno (Banno, 1958«; Miyashiro & Banno, 1958).
The metamorphic rocks developed there were derived most from sedimentary
and basic igneous rocks. The metamorphic terrain was divided into two pro-
gressive metamorphic zones, i.e. a zone of chlorite and one of biotite in order of
increasing temperature. The metamorphic grade increases from both sides
towards the axial zone, where a large mass of serpentinite is exposed. Glauco-
phane is confined to the chlorite zone. The jadeite-quartz assemblage was not
found, although jadeite occurs abundantly in quartz-free albitite masses within
serpentinites associated with the metamorphic rocks. Common hornblende
occurs in the biotite zone. At least the lower-grade part of the chlorite zone
belongs to the glaucophane-schist fades, whereas the biotite zone belongs to
the epidote-amphibolite facies.
In the Gamata and Naradani districts of the Sangun belt, the metamorphic
rocks belong to the greenschist facies with actinolite, and neither glaucophane
nor common hornblende occurs (Seki, 1959).
In most of the Sangun metamorphic terrains in western Honsyu, the meta-

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morphic grade is so low that biotite is not formed and recrystallization is in-
complete. The metamorphic rocks are mostly slates and phyllites. Glaucophane
was found extremely rarely. In northern Kyusyu, however, the Sangun meta-
morphic terrain is intruded and highly metamorphosed by many granitic masses.
Probably these granites are not genetically related to the Sangun metamorphism
but are the northern extension of granitic areas genetically related to the Ryoke
Probably the Sangun metamorphic belts are of the high-pressure intermediate


The metamorphic belts in various countries around the Pacific Ocean are now
to be considered briefly. It will be shown that metamorphic belts of contrasted
characters occur in pairs, just as in the main part of Japan.

Paired metamorphic belts are exposed, running in a north-south direction,
in the central part of Hokkaido, the northernmost island of Japan. They are
shown in Figs. 6 and 9. The metamorphism of these belts took place during the
orogeny in Late Mesozoic time.
The eastern metamorphic belt of the pair is called the Hidaka metamorphic
belt, which was geologically studied in detail by Hunahashi and his colla-
borators (Hunahashi, 1957). Here, metamorphic rocks derived from psammitic
and pelitic sediments are widely developed, and andalusite and sillimanite occur
in rocks of appropriate compositions and grades. Cordierite also occurs, but
neither kyanite nor staurolite is present. This metamorphic belt belongs to the
andalusite-sillimanite type.
This metamorphic belt has an axis of the highest metamorphic grade, along
which so-called migmatite is exposed. On both sides of the axis, rocks of
decreasing grades (i.e. gneisses and then schists) are exposed successively in
parallel zones. At the western margin of the belt, the zone of schists is in thrust-
contact with unmetamorphosed sedimentary terrain, whereas on the eastern
side, the zone of schists grades outward into that of hornfelses, which latter
grades into unmetamorphosed sediments. The development of schistosity is
more pronounced on the western side of the axis than on the eastern. Plutonic
rocks, both granitic and gabbroic, are abundant in the belt, and gabbroic rocks
are more abundant on the western side of the axis. Peridotite is also present in
the westernmost part. These asymmetrical features on the opposite sides of the
axis are similar to relations in the Ryoke-Abukuma metamorphic belt.

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•'..*;- Granite t gneiss

Peridotite, serpentinite • gabbro


Fro. 9. Metamorphic and associated plutonic Fio. 10. Distribution of granite and gneiss, as con-
rocks of the Hidaka and Kamuikotan meta- trasted with that of peridotite, serpentinite, and
morphic belts in Hokkaido. •gabbro, in Celebes.

The western metamorphic belt of the pair is called the Kamuikotan meta-
morphic belt. The metamorphic rocks developed there were derived from basic
volcanic and sedimentary rocks of Mesozoic age. Glaucophane is widespread,
and jadeite occurs in association with quartz in a wide area (Shido & Seki,
1959). Most or all of the belt belongs to the jadeite-glaucophane type. Lawsonite
and pumpellyite are also widespread.
The Kamuikotan metamorphic belt is accompanied by abundant ultrabasic
rocks (mostly serpentinite), as described by Suzuki (1952). Formerly, many
authors stated that glaucophane occurs in the contact zone around ultrabasic
masses. Recent investigations, however, showed that the distribution of glauco-
phane has no definite relationship to ultrabasic masses, although in some con-
tact zones recrystallization is so advanced that the metamorphic rocks are
coarser-grained there than in other parts of the terrain, and the presence of
coarse-grained glaucophane schists is very impressive.
A large part of the terrain belongs to the glaucophane-schist facies. In a
certain part of the belt, however, Shido & Seki (1959) found epidote-hornblende
schist, probably belonging to the epidote-amphibolite facies.
In an area to the north-west of Asahigawa, M. Hatano (personal com-
munication) carried out zonal mapping of the Kamuikotan metamorphic
terrain, and showed that there is an axis of the highest metamorphic grade that

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trends, roughly, in a north-north-east direction near the western margin of the
exposed metamorphic terrain.
In geological structure the western part of Hokkaido is a northern extension
of the main part of Japan, whereas the central and eastern parts of Hokkaido
belong to a different geological province. The paired metamorphic belts in
Hokkaido were formed probably along the western margin of the latter province.
In south Sakhalin, a belt of metamorphic rocks similar to those of the Kamui-
kotan belt lies in a north-south direction. It is probably the northern extension
of the Kamuikotan metamorphic belt, as shown in Fig. 6.

The island of Celebes belongs to an orogenic belt of Late Mesozoic to
Cenozoic age. The island shows a remarkable four-armed morphology, which is
due to a connected double arc with its concave side towards the Pacific Ocean
(Fig. 10). The north arm, the western part of central Celebes, and the south arm
together constitute the inner arc, where Late Mesozoic and Tertiary granitic
rocks are widespread, in association with biotite-rich schists (Bemmelen, 1949).
The granitic masses of the inner arc are cut abruptly on the eastern side by a
great fault, called the median line, trending north-south. Mylonite was formed
along the median line. The east arm, the central and eastern parts of central
Celebes, and the south-east arm, which all lie to the east of the median line,
together constitute the outer arc. In this arc basic and ultrabasic plutonic rocks
of Mesozoic and Cenozoic ages are widely exposed, together with glaucophanitic
metamorphic rocks. Basic volcanic rocks are abundant in the geosynclinal pile
(Kiindig, 1956). In some parts jadeite was found in association with quartz
(de Roever, 19556). It is claimed that metamorphic rocks of an older orogenic
cycle remain (de Roever, 1947), but the evidence for it is not conclusive.
Thus, the inner and outer arcs constitute paired metamorphic belts. There
are many pairs of double arcs in the circum-Pacific region. The structure of
Celebes suggests that paired metamorphic belts may underlie the sedimentary
and volcanic cover of the double arcs. In the double arc of Ryukyu (Riukiu),
glaucophanitic metamorphic rocks are exposed in parts of the outer arc
(Hanzawa, 1935; Yossii, 1935).

New Zealand
In New Zealand orogeny took place in Jurassic times, and geosynclinal sedi-
ments and volcanic rocks of Palaeozoic to Jurassic age were metamorphosed
into schists. The schists are widely exposed in the South Island, and the southern,
central, and northern parts of the schist belt are called the Otago, Alpine, and
Marlborough schists, respectively (Grindley et ai, 1959), as shown in Fig. 11.
The axis of this metamorphic belt trends north-east in the northern part of

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•'"*•'* Granites and associated mefamorphic roclti

e zone j Orago. Alpine and

Higher 'grade zones J Marlborouqh Schists

FIG 11 Plutonic and metamorphic rocks of FIG. 12. Distribution of basement rocks in
Palaeozoic and Mesozoic ages in the South California. The line QD-QD represents the
Island of New Zealand. 'quartz diorite boundary line' of Moore

the island, and turns to the south-east in the southern part. The belt is cut by a
later fault, called the Alpine fault. In the southern and northern parts, the meta-
morphic grade increases from both sides towards the axis, whereas in the central
part the grade increases westwards only, because there the western half of the
metamorphic belt is lost by the Alpine fault.
The progressive metamorphism in this belt was studied by Turner (1938),
Hutton (1940), Reed (1958), and others. Most of the metamorphic terrain is low
in metamorphic grade, belonging to the chlorite zone (greenschist facies).
Narrow zones of higher metamorphic grades, characterized by biotite, by
almandine, and by oligoclase (greenschist to amphibolite facies), are present in
the Alpine schists in the vicinity of the Alpine fault. Recently, Coombs et al.
(1959) established the zeolite facies, which is lower in metamorphic grade than
the greenschist facies.
Hutton (1940) found a crossite core in some actinolite crystals of this meta-
morphic belt, which probably belongs to the high-pressure intermediate group.
Like the glaucophanitic metamorphic belts, it includes a wide, well-recrystal-
lized, low-grade area. Pumpellyite, piedmontite, stilpnomelane, and kyanite
were found. This metamorphic belt is accompanied neither by granitic nor by
gabbroic and ultrabasic rocks.
To the west of this metamorphic belt, there is another belt of granitic and
associated metamorphic rocks. The plutonism and metamorphism in this region
appear to have taken place in Late Palaeozoic times. The metamorphic rocks
are generally high in grade, and contain andalusite, sillimanite, and cordierite.
Probably this metamorphism is of the andalusite-sillimanite type and/or

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low-pressure intermediate group. Granitic and gneissic rocks of probable
Precambrian age occur at certain places within this metamorphic belt.
Probably they represent the basement for Palaeozoic metamorphic rocks of
this belt.
Thus, these two metamorphic belts in the South Island may be regarded as
being in a pair, just as in Japan and Celebes. Although the ages of their meta-
morphism differ, the difference is not great.

The Sierra Nevada and the coast ranges of California belong to the Late
Mesozoic to Early Tertiary orogenic belt along the west coast of North America.
The metamorphic belt of the Sierra Nevada and that of the coast ranges appear
to constitute a pair, as in many other parts of the circum-Pacific region (Fig. 12).
In the Sierra Nevada and adjacent areas, gigantic masses of granitic rocks are
exposed in association with various metamorphic rocks. Much smaller amounts
of gabbroic and ultrabasic rocks are also present. Generally the grade of
regional metamorphism is not high, and only the contact aureoles around
plutonic masses reach a high grade, producing andalusite. The granites are post-
kinematic. High-grade regional metamorphic rocks and synkinematic granites
would be still hidden under the ground.
The coast ranges are underlain by the Franciscan formation. Recent investiga-
tions have revealed that metamorphism of the jadeite-glaucophane type took
place, in the Franciscan, on a regional scale. Glaucophane, lawsonite, and
jadeite (associated with quartz) were produced widely in poorly recrystallized
greywackes (Bloxam, 1956; McKee, 1958). Well-recrystallized glaucophane
schists occur in more limited areas. Basic volcanic rocks are abundant in the
geosynclinal pile. Large amounts of gabbroic and ultrabasic rocks are asso-
ciated with the Franciscan.
Two fault blocks, called Salina and Anacapia, composed of granitic and high-
grade metamorphic rocks, occur within the area of the coast ranges. Probably
they were originally in the southern extension of the Sierra Nevada, and were
afterwards transported westward by movements along strike-slip faults (King,
1959). Radiometrically dated Precambrian plutonic rocks occur in Anacapia
and areas to the south-east of the Sierra Nevada. The geosynclinal pile of the
Sierra Nevada probably has a Precambrian crystalline basement.
Exposed plutonic rocks of the coast ranges, the Sierra Nevada, and adjacent
regions, tend to become more acidic and more potassic towards the east. Moore
(1959) showed that in the western part of the regions now under consideration
quartz-diorite is the dominant 'granitic' rock, whereas in the eastern part
granodiorite and quartz-monzonite are the dominant 'granitic' rocks, and that
a boundary line, called the quartz-diorite boundary line, can be drawn between
the two parts, as shown in Fig. 12. It is somewhat similar to relations in the
Ryoke-Abukuma and Hidaka metamorphic belts.

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Origin of paired metamorphic belts
Most of the younger orogenic belts in the circum-Pacific region have a pair
of metamorphic belts, as described above. The characters of the paired meta-
morphic belts may be summarized as follows:
The metamorphic belt on the continental side will be called the inner meta-
morphic belt. It is of the andalusite-sillimanite type and/or low-pressure inter-
mediate group. It has an axis of the highest metamorphic grade, if the original
structure is preserved. The metamorphic rocks were usually derived mostly
from sediments, which were probably deposited on the sialic basement. The
basement may be of Precambrian age in some cases. Basic volcanic rocks are
abundant in the geosynclinal pile in certain cases, but not so in many others.
The inner metamorphic belt is always accompanied by the intrusion of a large
amount of granitic rocks (in a wide sense), usually together with a much smaller
volume of gabbroic types. A small volume of ultrabasic rocks may also be
The metamorphic belt on the Pacific Ocean side will be called the outer meta-
morphic belt. It is of the jadeite-glaucophane type and/or high-pressure inter-
mediate group. It also has an axis of the highest metamorphic grade, if the
original structure is preserved. The metamorphic rocks were usually derived
largely from basic volcanic rocks as well as from sediments. The basement of
their deposition is not known, and may be the basic ocean floor. The outer
metamorphic belt is usually accompanied by the intrusion of a large volume of
gabbroic and ultrabasic (mostly serpentinitic) rocks. Granitic rocks are absent.
In the younger pair of the main part of Japan and in Celebes, the two asso-
ciated metamorphic belts are in direct contact with each other, having a fault
between them. On the other hand, in Hokkaido and in New Zealand there is a
zone of practically unmetamorphosed rocks between the two belts.
We may consider that the inner metamorphic belt was formed in the geo-
synclinal pile deposited on the sialic basement at the margin of the continental
crust, whereas the outer metamorphic belt was formed in the geosynclinal pile
deposited on the ocean floor outside the continental crust. Granitic rocks in the
inner metamorphic belt would have formed by remelting or mobilization of the
basement and geosynclinal sediments. On the other hand, in the outer meta-
morphic belt there would be no sialic basement to form granitic rocks by re-
melting, and basic volcanic and plutonic rocks, together with ultrabasic rocks,
would be formed in abundance by uprise from the basic and/or ultrabasic layer
below. It is also possible that some outer metamorphic belts have a sialic base-
ment that is too thin to produce granitic intrusions.
The regional metamorphism of the jadeite-glaucophane type and high-
pressure intermediate group in the outer metamorphic belt represents higher
rock pressures, and generally lower temperatures, than that of the andalusite-

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sillimanite type and low-pressure intermediate group in the inner metamorphic
belt. On the lithostatic assumption, the higher rock pressure is due to the greater
depth of down-buckling and/or underthrusting in the outer metamorphic belt
than in the inner, during orogeny. The down-buckling of the outer metamorphic
belt would not be generally simultaneous with that of the inner metamorphic
belt. The two metamorphic belts were formed, probably, at different phases of
the same cycle of orogeny. Probably, the outer metamorphic belt represents the
site of the main down-buckle, and would be comparable with the present-day
trench, whereas the inner metamorphic belt would represent a subordinate down-
buckle of shorter duration. The commonly observed, very weak recrystallization
in the lower-grade part of the inner metamorphic belt would be due mainly to
the shorter duration of this episode.
The cause of lower temperature in the outer metamorphic belt is not clear.
The absence of a sialic basement may be an important factor in this respect,
because sialic rocks would produce a large amount of radiogenic heat and would
transfer heat by intrusive movements. Recent measurements of heat flow on the
ocean bottom have revealed that the amount of heat flow is much smaller in the
trench than in other parts of the earth's surface. Whatever the cause of this low
value may be, it would be related to the low temperature deduced for the outer
metamorphic belt.

Historical development of metamorphic belts

The writer made a survey of petrographic descriptions of metamorphic rocks
in the Canadian and Baltic shields, and was greatly impressed by the fact that
andalusite, sillimanite, and cordierite are widespread, and staurolite and
almandine are also rather common, whereas kyanite is rare, and jadeite and
glaucophane are absent. This fact strongly suggests that the metamorphism in
these Precambrian shields is mainly of the andalusite-sillimanite type and low-
pressure intermediate group.
In the so-called Svecofennides of the Baltic shield, pelitic rocks of middle
grades are characterized by the occurrence of andalusite and cordierite, whereas
those of high grades are characterized by the occurrence of sillimanite, cordierite,
and almandine (Eskola, 1914; Simonen, 1953; Magnusson e/a/., 1960). Stauro-
lite occurs in some parts (Seitsaari, 1951). In the so-called Karelides, pelitic
rocks contain andalusite, cordierite, staurolite, and almandine (Eskola, 1927;
Magnusson et ah, 1960). In the Baltic shield, kyanite occurs in a few localities
in Sweden (Magnusson et al., 1960; Bergstrom, 1960), but is associated with
manganiferous andalusite in some of them. In a locality in Finnish Lapland,
kyanite occurs in association with staurolite (Eskola, 1952). All these facts
being taken into consideration, andalusite is much more widespread than
kyanite in the metamorphic rocks of the Baltic shield.
In the Canadian shield, andalusite, sillimanite, and staurolite occur in the
Grenville province as well as in northern Michigan of the Superior province

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(Engel & Engel, 1953; James, 1955). Cordierite also occurs in the Grenville
province. In the vicinity of Great Slave Lake, andalusite, sillimanite, cordierite,
and staurolite were described by a few authors. Heinrich and Corey (1959)
found kyanite associated with manganiferous andalusite in some Precambrian
rocks of New Mexico.
There is a wide area of radiometrically dated Precambrian metamorphic
rocks in the southern part of the north-eastern provinces (Manchuria) in China
and in the northern part of Korea. These rocks contain andalusite, sillimanite,
and staurolite, and are devoid of kyanite, as in the above two shields. In central
and southern Korea, kyanite, commonly in association with andalusite and
staurolite, occurs in so-called Precambrian metamorphic rocks, although the
evidence for a Precambrian age is not certain (e.g. Yamaguchi, 1951).
These Precambrian metamorphic terrains are in the northern region of the
earth, where 'continental growth' with geological time is rather evident. The
Precambrian shields in the southern region, such as those of India and Africa,
where 'continental growth' is not so evident, appear to be somewhat different
in character. In Precambrian metamorphic rocks in India, kyanite is widespread,
and in those in Africa both kyanite and andalusite are widespread.
Some Palaeozoic metamorphic terrains belong to the andalusite-sillimanite
type and low-pressure intermediate group, whereas others belong to the kyanite-
sillimanite type. For example, Early Palaeozoic metamorphic belts of New
South Wales in Australia (Joplin, 1942, 1943; Vallance, 1953 a, b) are of the
andalusite-sillimanite type. The Palaeozoic metamorphic belt in the Scottish
Highlands and Norway is mainly of the kyanite-sillimanite type, but contains
some areas of the low-pressure intermediate group (Harker, 1932; Wiseman,
1934; Read, 1952; Clifford, 1958; Goldschmidt, 1915; Vogt, 1927). The Middle
Palaeozoic metamorphic belt in the Appalachians is very similar (Barth, 1936;
Billings et al., 1952). The Late Palaeozoic metamorphic terrain of the Pyrenees
appears to belong to the low-pressure intermediate group (Zwart, 1959;
Allaart, 1959).
Most of the paired metamorphic belts in the circum-Pacific region were
formed in Mesozoic time. They are composed of a belt of the andalusite-
sillimanite type and/or low-pressure intermediate group and another belt of the
jadeite-glaucophane type and/or high-pressure intermediate group, as stated
before. The metamorphism in the Pennine nappes of the Alps would belong to
the high-pressure intermediate group (Plas, 1959).
The great serpentine belt in eastern Australia is associated with the Brisbane
metamorphic complex which contains some glaucophane-like amphiboles. If
these rocks may be regarded as being in a pair with the granitic and meta-
morphic rocks to the west, they would represent the incipient formation of
paired metamorphic belts in Palaeozoic time in the circum-Pacific region. The
glaucophane schists in this case, however, are probably of the high-pressure
intermediate group, and the metamorphism of the jadeite-glaucophane type

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appears to be confined to Mesozoic time. As regards the Cenozoic regional
metamorphism, we have hardly any data with which to discuss it.
Thus, we may conclude that regional metamorphism of the andalusite-
sillimanite type and low-pressure intermediate group took place widely from
Precambrian through Mesozoic time, whereas that of the kyanite-sillimanite
type was common in Palaeozoic time, and that of the jadeite-glaucophane type
became common in Mesozoic time. The dominant types of regional meta-
morphism changed with geological age. It may be considered that regional
metamorphism under lower rock pressures (that is, probably at shallower
depths) appears to have taken place in all ages, whereas regional metamorphism
under higher rock pressures (that is, probably at greater depths) appears to have
taken place only in later geological times.

Working hypothesis
The rarity of glaucophane and lawsonite in early geological ages has already
been noticed by Eskola (1939), de Roever (1956), and Plas (1959). de Roever
claimed that it is a result of the secular decrease of geothermal gradient in the
earth's crust through geological time. Metamorphic belts of the jadeite-
glaucophane type, however, are commonly associated with those of the andalu-
site-sillimanite type. This fact is contradictory to de Roever's hypothesis.
For the cause of variation in types of regional metamorphism with geological
ages, no definite answer can be given at present. A working hypothesis for it is,
however, proposed below.
It is generally believed that the earth was formed about 4,500 million years
ago, and the oldest rocks exposed on the earth are about 3,000 million years old.
It may be assumed that the primitive sialic crust was formed during the period
from 4,500 to 3,000 million years ago through partial melting and differentia-
tion of the basic and/or ultrabasic layer of the earth. The outlines of the primi-
tive crusts would have been somewhat similar to the shapes of the present-day
continents, and the primitive crust would have been thicker in the central part
of each mass than in the margins. The change of dominant types of regional
metamorphism with geological time would be a result of a change in the spatial
relationship between the sialic crust and orogenic belts.
In Precambrian time orogenic movements would have taken place mainly
(but not exclusively) in the central part of the primitive sialic mass. The sialic
crust there would have been relatively thick and strong and, consequently,
would have resulted in relatively shallow down-buckles that caused meta-
morphism of the andalusite-sillimanite type and low-pressure intermediate
group. In Palaeozoic time orogenic belts would have moved outward into the
more marginal part of the sialic mass, where the crust was partly thick and
partly thin. Orogenic movements would have produced down-buckles of greater
depths in the thin parts of the crust, with the resultant formation of meta-

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morphic belts of the kyanite-sillimanite type. In Mesozoic time orogenic belts
would have moved still farther outward, to the margin of the sialic mass, and
the main site of the orogenic down-buckle would have been in the geosynclinal
pile that was deposited on a very thin sialic basement or directly on the basic
ocean floor. Thus, the down-buckle in this case would have reached a great
depth with resultant formation of metamorphic belts of the high-pressure inter-
mediate group and jadeite-glaucophane type. On the other hand, on the nearby
continental margin a smaller degree of down-buckling would have taken place
to produce metamorphic belts of the andalusite-sillimanite type and low-
pressure intermediate group.
In this hypothesis the 'continental growth' by orogenies during the period
from Precambrian to Palaeozoic time was only apparent. Actually, it meant a
gradual progress of recrystallization and hardening of the pre-existing primitive
sialic crust from the centre towards the margin. The true growth of continents
began in Mesozoic time, when the main site of orogeny passed over the margin
of the primitive sialic masses into the oceanic regions.


The classification of metamorphism into regional and contact types is based
on the geological relations! This classification, then/does not necessarily corre-
spond to the classification of metamorphism based on the metamorphic facies
series^) Contact metamorphism appears to produce different facies series in
different cases. In this respect, however, our knowledge is very incomplete, and
only a cursory survey will be given below.
In the central Abukuma Plateau the metamorphic facies series developed in
the contact aureoles of synkinematic granites is practically identical to that
developed through regional metamorphism of the same region (i.e. of the
andalusite-sillimanite type), whereas the facies series developed in the contact
aureoles of the post-kinematic granites is different. Shido (1958) made a detailed
investigation of the contact aureole around the post-kinematic Iritono granite
in the central Abukuma Plateau.
In the Iritono contact aureole the low-grade zone is characterized by basic
hornfelses with the actinolite-labradorite (or andesine)-quartz assemblage with,
or without, chlorite. It is remarkable that epidote and zoisite are absent, and
that the plagioclase is calcic despite the stable presence of actinolite. It may be
that calcic plagioclase becomes stable at a lower grade than common hornblende
in this aureole, owing to the very low rock pressure operating there. This
assemblage does not belong to any metamorphic facies so far known. It is a
new facies or subfacies, which might well be called the actinolite-calcic plagio-
clase hornfels facies. The associated hornfelses of sedimentary origin are biotite-
plagioclase-quartz hornfelses, sometimes with muscovite or pyralspite.
The middle-grade zone of the Iritono contact aureole is characterized by basic
hornfelses with the common hornblende-plagioclase assemblage with or with-

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out cummingtonite, clinopyroxene, and biotite. The colour (Z) of the common
hornblende is brownish-green or brown. Blue-green common hornblende, such
as is widespread in the middle grade of the associated regional metamorphism,
is almost absent. The high-grade zone of the contact aureole is characterized by
the appearance of orthopyroxene, producing the orthopyroxene-hornblende-
plagioclase assemblage sometimes together with cummingtonite, clinopyroxene,
and biotite. Almandine is stable in pelitic rocks of the middle grade, but the
stability of almandine in the high-grade zone is not clearly established, because
pelitic rocks are absent there. Conceivably, almandine is stable in the high-grade
zone as well, should the chemical conditions permit.
Thus, the contact aureole of the Iritono district shows a metamorphic facies
series that is different from any of the above-mentioned regional-metamorphic
facies series. This facies series probably represents a rock pressure lower than
that found in any type of regional metamorphism.
Some contact aureoles, such as those of the Kristiania district (Goldschmidt,
1911) and of the Comrie district (Tilley, 1924), contain andalusite and cordierite,
and are devoid of almandine. Sillimanite may be present. Such aureoles would
represent a still lower rock pressure than that in the Iritono contact aureole.
On the other hand, Compton (1960) described a contact aureole with stauro-
lite together with andalusite, sillimanite, and cordierite. It would be of the
low-pressure intermediate group.
The sanidinite facies is probably the highest-temperature member in some
contact metamorphic facies series. This facies may well be divided into certain
subfacies representing different temperatures and pressures. For example,
pigeonite is stable only in a high-temperature part of the facies. Some acidic
volcanic rocks of Japan contain pyralspite garnet and sillimanite (not mullite,
according to an investigation by S. Aramaki). A lower-temperature part of the
sanidinite facies is probably characterized by the stability of almandine,
spessartine, sillimanite, cordierite with a large distortion index (Miyashiro et ai,
1955; Miyashiro, 1957), and osumilite (Miyashiro, 1956). On the other hand, a
higher-temperature part of the facies is probably characterized by the stability
of pigeonite, mullite, and cordierite with smaller distortion indices. Though the
petrographic evidence is not available, spessartine is probably stable in the
higher-temperature part as well, should the chemical conditions permit.

This paper is the result of my collaboration with some colleagues and students
in the University of Tokyo during the last six years. I am greatly indebted to my
collaborators, especially to Yotaro Seki, Fumiko Shido, and Shohei Banno,
who inspired me with their many important discoveries. We enjoyed lively dis-
cussions with, and helpful advice from, one another. Naturally, I am solely
responsible for possible mistakes in this paper.
Professor Hisashi Kuno, of the same university, read the manuscript with
friendly criticism. I am also grateful to M. Gorai, R. S. Fiske, and many other

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friends for much advice.

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