Katalog Bim 2022

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Catalogue Product

Radiology Product
Ultrasound Product
Laboratory Diagnostics Product
Medical Diagnostics
Life Support Product
Diagmotics Wordwide
Tentang kami | About Us

PT. Buana Intiprima Medika (BIM) berdiri pada tahun 2019 di Jakarta adalah
sebuah perusahaan distributor Alat Kesehatan, untuk menjalankan bidang
perdagangan dan distribusi yang meliputi:

• Alat Kesehatan Elektromedik

• Alat Kesehatan Non Eletromedik Non Steril
• Alat Kesehatan Non Elektromedik Steril dan Produk Diagnostik In Vitro

Cakupan area penjualan dan pemasaran produk yang di ageni oleh PT. Buana
Intiprima Medika (BIM) yakni seluruh Provinsi serta kabupaten dan kota yang
termasuk kedalam kedaulatan Negara Republik Indonesia Raya.
Bersama Pabrikan, kami ingin bersama terus meningkatkan mutu dan kualitas
kesehatan, dan menjadikan product kami yang terbaik dan diterima sesuai dengan
kualitas yang kami berikan dan memberikan kenyamanan bagi para penggunanya.

PT. BUANA INTIPRIMA MEDIKA ( BIM ), established in 2019 in Jakarta, is a

company engaged in the business of distributing of medical devices,
Running the trade and distribution sector :

• Electromedical devices
• Non Electromedical devices non steril
• Non Electromedical devices non steril Product Diagnostic In Vitro

Covarage area of sales and product marketing PT. Buana Intiprima Medika( BIM ) is
the entire national territory of Indonesia.
Together with our Product Manufacturers, we want to continue to jointly improve the
quality and quality of health, and make our products the best and accepted in
accordance with the quality we provide and provide comfort for its users.
Distributor :
Rukan Sentra Niaga, Blok F No.3 Green Lake City,
e-katalog.lkpp.go.id Duri Kosambi, Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat 11750

: +62 819-0201-9131
Digital Stationary Digital Mobile
X Ray System X Ray System
Generator 32kW 400mA Collapseable column
FDR D-EvoII C35 Detector Slim and compact design
Console Advance FDR D-EvoII C35 Detector

FDR Smart X Rp. 2.341.000.000,- FDR Go Plus Rp. 2.712.202.800,-

Digital Mammography Digital Mammography System

System With Biopsy System
Hexagonal pixel Hexagonal pixel dual tomoshyntesis
Dual tomoshyntesis Fit sweet paddle
Fit sweet padle Advance biopsy system

Amulet Innovality Rp. 3.995.937.900,- Amulet Innovality Biopsy Rp. 4.954.340.000,-

DICOM Printer DICOM Printer

Laser printer system Thermal printer system
Dual tray Table top design

Drypix Smart Rp. 110.090.800,- Drypix Lite Rp. 71.647.200,-

CR System CR System
Table top design Dual side reading
Compact size Fast reading (120 Ips/hr)
Mammography support Mammography support

FCR Prima TM Rp. 398.131.100,- FCR Profect CS Plus Rp.,-

Radiology Product e-katalog.lkpp.go.id

DR Retrofit System DR Retrofit System
Antibacterial HydroAg Antibacterial HydroAg
Internal memory Internal memory
Console advance Console advance
(stationary & mobile)

(Advance Stationary) (Advance Stationary & Mobile)

FDR D-EvoII C35 Rp.,- FDR D-EvoII C35 Rp.,-

DR Retrofit System DR Long Length System

Antibacterial HydroAg Panel detector size 43,2 X 124,5 cm
Internal Memory Fast preview
Dual detector Image intelligence
Console advance
(stationary & mobile)

(Duo Advance Stationary & Mobile)

FDR D-EvoII C35 Rp. 2.199.950.200,- FDR D-Evoll GL Rp. 1.931.093.900,-

Zero download viewer Zero download viewer
Complete workflow on Complete workflow on
single workstation single workstation
Efficient operations Efficient operations
3D Package Advance 3D Package

Advance Package Enterprise Package

Synapse PACS Rp. 2.741.595.300,- Synapse PACS Rp. 3.577.364.800,-

Additional 3D Package Zero download viewer
for Synapse PACS Complete workflow on
single workstation
Efficient operations

3D (Package) Prima Package

Synapse PACS Rp. 1.203.523.700,- Synapse PACS Rp. 1.650.000.000,-

Radiology Product
Compact design
Touchscreen menu
Gesture-Driven interface

Additional 30k Study AI Starter Kit Package

Synapse PACS Rp. 498.934.900,- Synapse PACS Rp. 800.594.000,-


Additional Workstation Advance Additional 10k Study

Synapse PACS Rp. 395.418.000,- Synapse PACS Rp. 249.617.000,-


AI Additional Exam Additional Workstation Prima

Synapse PACS Rp. 267.734.200,- Synapse PACS Rp. 194.902.000,-

Radiology Product e-katalog.lkpp.go.id

Mobile X Ray System Portable X Ray System
Trolley wheel design, Approx3,5 kg of weight
easy for manouver FDR D-EvoII detector
Integrated console Mobile console
Built in battery
Lightweight only 90kg

FDR Nano FDR X-Air

Analog Mammography Ultrasound System

System Compact design
Advanced needle
Cost efficient solution
Can combined with FCR
Included 2 transducer

Amulet Felicia Sonosite M-Turbo C

DR Retrofit System DR Retrofit System

Antibacterial HydroAg Compact and lightweight detector
Internal memory Cost efficient solution
Console advance


CR System CR System
Fast Reading 94 Ips/hr Table top design
Mammography support Compact size
Reading capacity 73 IPs/hr

FCR Capsula FCR Prima T2

Product Non E-KATALOG

Ultrasound System Ultrasound System
Compact design Compact design
Touchscreen menu DirectCleartechnology
Gesture-Driven interface A transverse needle
guide available
Included 3 transducer

Sonosite X-Porte Rp. 2.051.827.300,- Sonosite Edge II ICU Rp. 1.542.000.000,-

Ultrasound System Ultrasound System

Tablet design
Compact design Touchscreen menu
Direct Clear technology 2 transducer socket
A transverse needle
guide available

Sonosite Edge II Rp. 1.304.034.800,- Sonosite SII Rp. 994.858.800,-

Ultrasound System
Compact design
Advanced needle
Included 2 transducer

Sonosite M-Turbo Rp. 888.184.000,-

Ultrasound Product
Diagmotics Wordwide

Distributor :
Rukan Sentra Niaga, Blok F No.3 Green Lake City,
catalogue Duri Kosambi, Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat 11750

: +62 819-0201-9131
Nucleic Acid Extraction System
Designed for RNA/DNA extraction
and purification, accomplish magnetic
beads/samples transfer through
adhesion, operation tes rapid,
simple and high automated,
can match with different types
of magnetic beads extraction
kits, 1-48 tests/batch, touchscreen.

Natch 48 Rp. 385.000.000,-

Real-Time Quantitative PCR System

Sample Capacity 96 X 200 Ul Tubes
4-100 °C, Ramp Rate 3.5 °C Heating 3.2 °C Cooling
6 Independent Zones For Temperature Surveillance
6 Channels Built-in
Froresence Dyes
yellow 555/rox/texas Red/cy5/cy5.5/lc Red/tamra


Nucleid Acid Extraction Purification Kit

aliquot reagen, less annual operation,simple opera- tion,
finish extraction within 16 minutes, high nucleic acid
and purity, high sensitivity, specific adsorption.

PCR-Fluorescence Probing

Novel Coronavirus (COVlD-19)

Nucleic Acid Diagnostic Kit
(PCR-Fluorescence Probing)
LOD 200 copies/ml, 24 test/kit,
storage at -20°C ± 5°C,
target gene ORF 1ab and N gene,
internal control Rnase P gene,
50 ul/rx.

PCR-Fluorescence Probing

Laboratory Diagnostics Product e-katalog.lkpp.go.id

Diagmotics Wordwide

Humacount 5D Rp. 224.000.000,- Combilyzer 13 Rp. 32.000.000,-

Hexagon HIV Rp. 1.100.000,- Hexagon Syphilis Rp. 559.000,-

Hexagon Syphilis RPR Rp. 521.500,- Humaclot Duo Plus Rp. 66.600.000,-

Huma Count 30 TS Rp. 160.000.000,- Humalyte Plus 3 Rp. 74.000.000,-

Humalyte Plus 5 Rp. 98.000.000,- Humalyzer 2000 Rp. 79.200.000,-

Laboratory Diagnostics Product
Diagmotics Wordwide

Humalyzer 4000 Rp. 83.600.000,- Huma Reader HS Rp. 65.500.000,-

Humastar 100 Rp. 384.000.000 ,- Humastar 200 Rp. 426.700.000 ,-

Humastar 300SR Rp. 407.500.000,-

Laboratory Diagnostics Product e-katalog.lkpp.go.id

Life Support
Distributor :
Rukan Sentra Niaga, Blok F No.3 Green Lake City,
catalogue Duri Kosambi, Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat 11750

: +62 819-0201-9131
Miki Ultrasonik Nebuliser Miki Nebuliser Kompresor
Rendah kebisingan hingga 35dB Rendah kebisingan hingga 60dB
Ukuran partikel aerosol 0,5 - 5,0 µm Ukuran partikel aerosol 0,5 - 5,0 µm
Kapasitas wadah obat 5 - 150 ml Kapasitas wadah obat 2 - 8 ml
Durasi penghirupan 1 - 99 (dapat diatur) Laju nebulasi 0,3 - 0,45 ml/menit
Volume udara 0 - 201/menit (dapat diatur) (dapat diatur)

NA01 NC01
RI AKD : 20403020074 Rp. 29.739.210,- RI AKD : 20403020073 Rp. 4.919.782,-

Miki Fetal Doppler Miki Fetal Doppler

Tampilan layar berwarna dengan resolusi 320x240 Desain yang ekonomis dan mudah untuk digunakan
Rentang pengukuran detak jantung 50 - 210 bpm Memiliki 2 mode tampilan FHR,
Transduser bluetooth mode gelombang dan mode numerik
Memiliki 6 tombol kontrol untuk pengoperasian Transduser dengan sensitifitas tinggi
Pengisian daya transduser dapat Li-ion baterai dapat diisi ulang
dilakukan dimain unit dengan konektor USB

RI AKD : 21101020327 Rp. 11.333.806,- RI AKD : 21101020336 Rp. 3.044.108,-

Miki Infusion Pump Miki Infusion Pump

Pengaturan dan perubahan parameter langsung pada layar sentuh Intuitif keypad
Menggunakan set standar iv dan menyimpan hingga 200 merek Menggunakan set standar iv dan menyimpan hingga 200 merk
yang dapat di edit yang dapat diedit
5 infusion mode + kontrol mikro mode 5 Infusion mode + kontrol mikro mode
Kisaran infusion dari 0.1 ml/h Kisaran infusion dari 0.1ml/h
sampai 2000ml/h. sampai 2000ml.h

IN-1 NC01
RI AKD : 20902020186 Rp. 24.435.603,- RI AKD : 20902020205 Rp. 21.493.670,-

Miki Syringe Pump Miki Patient Monitor

Layar sentuh LCD berwarna 43 inci Standar konfigurasi ECC, NIBP, SPO2, Temp, Resp, HR dan PR
Laju aliran 0.01 - 1500 ml/jam dengan kenaikan 0.01 m/jam Layar LCD berwarna 12,1 inci dengan resolusi 800 x600px
Laju KVO C 0,01 - 5 m/jam (dapat diatur) 3,5 jam pengoperasian dengan pemakaian baterai
12 jam pengoperasian dengan pemakaian baterai Menyimpan data grafik dan tabel tren
hingga 720 jam

SY-1 PM011
RI AKD : 20902020180 Rp.26.201.780,- RI AKD : 20502021241 Rp. 41.730.965,-

Medical Diagnostics Life Support Product e-katalog.lkpp.go.id

Miki Examination Lamp Miki Examination Lamp
Lampu LED Lampu LED
Daya Lampu 28W Daya Lampu 9W
Desain yang ekonomis Desain yang ekonomis
Pengoperasian yang mudah Pengoperasian yang mudah
Sudah dilengkapi dengan pengunci roda Sudah dilengkapi dengan pengunci roda

LP01-28W LP02-9W
RI AKD : 10903021790 Rp. 4.600.000,- RI AKD : 10903021915 Rp. 14.600.000,-

Miki Examination Lamp

Lampu LED
Daya Lampu 5W
Desain yang ekonomis
Pengoperasian yang mudah
Sudah dilengkapi dengan pengunci roda

RI AKD : 10903021919 Rp. 11.700.000,-

Medical Diagnostics Life Support Product
Rukan Sentra Niaga, Blok F No.3
Green Lake City, Duri Kosambi,
Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat 11750
: +62 819-0201-9131
: [email protected]

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