Competition Essay
Competition Essay
Competition Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of competition can be quite challenging, as it requires a thoughtful
exploration of various aspects related to this broad subject. The difficulty arises from the need to
strike a balance between providing a comprehensive overview and delving into specific details.
Firstly, one must grapple with the multifaceted nature of competition. It spans various domains,
including business, sports, academics, and even personal relationships. Narrowing down the focus
while still capturing the essence of competition in its entirety can be a daunting task.
Moreover, conveying a unique perspective on the topic is essential to avoid presenting a generic,
clichéd essay. Finding an original angle requires extensive research and critical thinking to uncover
insights that go beyond the obvious. This demands a thorough exploration of both historical and
contemporary examples, adding layers of complexity to the writing process.
Crafting a compelling thesis statement is another hurdle. It must encapsulate the main argument
while leaving room for the nuanced exploration of subtopics. Striking the right tone is crucial – the
essay should be analytical and informative, yet engaging enough to hold the reader's attention.
Additionally, ensuring a logical flow of ideas poses its own set of challenges. Transitioning
seamlessly between paragraphs and maintaining coherence throughout the essay requires careful
planning and organization. Juggling between providing evidence, analysis, and personal reflections
can be intricate, demanding a skillful blend to create a cohesive narrative.
Furthermore, the essay should not only present a balanced view of competition but also address
potential counterarguments. This requires anticipating opposing perspectives and crafting a
persuasive response, adding an extra layer of complexity to the writing process.
For assistance with essays on various topics, including competition, consider exploring writing
services like , where you can find expert help in crafting well-researched and
thoughtful essays tailored to your specific needs.
Competition Essay Competition Essay
Case Study Of Dr Pepper Snapple Group
Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. is a brand owner, manufacturer and distributor of non
alcoholic beverages. The Company distributes finished beverages and manufactures
beverage concentrates and fountain syrups. It is a bright right brand that has been
operating for over 200 years and which Dr Pepper Snapple Group s portfolio comprises
of more than 50 brands varying from juices, soft drinks, waters, mixers, teas and other
Company name: Dr Pepper Snapple Group
Competitors are the brands that compete with the Dr Pepper Snapple group with regards
to the nature of the product.
The Coca Cola CompanyCoca Cola Journey Homepage: The Coca Cola Company
Monster Beverage 1990 CorporationMonster ... Show more content on ...
A Pink Lemonade (61) B Mango (21) C Strawberry (25)
D Other (11)
8 If a shop has a special on other soft drinks, would you still purchase a Snapple product?
A Yes (24) B No (54)
C Purchase both (40) 9 What additions would you add to the packaging of Snapple
products? A More vivid colors (16) B More darker colors (8) C Less colors (34) D Make
it a bit plain (21) E Add more nature pictures (12) F Neutral (27) 10 Should there be
additional flavors? A Yes (81) B No (24) C Neutral (13) 11 Do the ingredients of Snapple
products somehow benefit your health? A Yes (46) B Partially (34) C No (15) D Neutral
12 Do you think more organic products should be used in the production process of
Snapple products?
13 Do you find value for your money with Snapple products? A YES (56) B No (22)
C Neutral (78) 14 Do any of your friends or family members purchase the Snapple
product? A Yes (31) B No (12) C Not sure (42) D No (33) 15 What is your view on the
quality of Snapple products? A It is great (43) B Not bad (27) C Poor quality (5) D
The Happiness Plunge Jean Baudrillard Analysis
Three Thinkers and their Realities: The Influence Parents Have on their Children
Moreover parents have an influence on their children I the color scheme they follow
when they find out the sex of their baby. When a women is expecting the first question
people ask id what are you having? A boy? Or a girl? Parets cannot help but to find out
so they can start planning a tutu and tiara baby shower or a sports themed baby shower.
Parnets canot help but start planning what options they will have for their kids, whether
it has to do with dress code, colors, toys: two very different themes that divide the
sexes. Moreover, in the article. The Precession of Simulacra by Jean Baudrillard reflects
the idea of simulacra which is an image or representation... Show more content on ...
Many of those ideas have been reflected on The Happiness Plunge by Adam Pervez
when he explains how living the American dream and still not being happy can be
very difficult. Of course, all parents always have that specific sport we want our
children to play, for example, if you have a boy football is one of the number one
choices for our children to play. But what about if it s not atisfying our child, like to
them it dosnt make them happy. In The Happiness Plunge, Perez talks about how he
was a field engennier, a business development specialist but it still wasn t enough. This
reflects the udea of your son bring the best quarter back of the team, compared to other
football teams he s still the best but he dosnt look forward to going to practice, or
getting out onto the field, to him it s just something he feels he has to do. This idea is
reflected in Pervez article when he says I was following a script for success written by
someone else, or by society (Pervez). A lot of the time parents unintentionally have
their children follow a script that they were taught by their parents. Parents are raising
their children in a consensus reality which is a reality that has been created by culture
through practices, behaviors, shared beliefs, rules and artifacts. Moreover, instead of
parents letting their children choose to try something they are intesred in or they try
different things they have to stick to a script or to something they feel is correct. In
another example, Pervez tells how he identified writing, traveling, telling stories, and
helping others were his passions and decided to take the happiness plunge where to
him, there [was] more to life than the American Dream we ve been sold. In other
words, parents tend to stick to specific sport for their sons to playbeing that s the ideal
sport for boys according to society, so naturally that s what e have to
The Internet s Impact On Social Capital
In the 21st century humans are presented with means to impact their societies potential in
a greater way than ever before. With new technology, individuals have astounding control
over the foundations of social value. One of the most powerful tools to mold these
foundations is the Internet. After its creation in the 1950s, the Internet has witnessed
excessive and continuous growth. As more and more people become part of the Internet
s population its power to shape society s capital. To examine this power the definition of
social capital must be clarified. Former president of the American Political Science
Association, Robert Putnam explains in his book Bowling Alone: The Collapse and
Revival of American Community that social capital... Show more content on ...
Like food and shelter, community development has also allocated a majority of human
resources. From primitive inventions such as basic language and writing utensils to the
telephone and the Internet, humans have a communal goal to connect more frequently
and with more people. As of 2014, the Internet is the most successful device because it
increases global connection and frequency of communication. The Internet increases
community access enabling users to communicate with forty percent of the world, over
three billion people (Internet). Increasing by almost thirty thousand users a day the
Internet exhibits amounts of efficiency surpassing that of other communication
technologies (Howard 383). Before the Internet social networks were limited to local
communities. Communication mainly occurred between people geographically close.
The Internet has broken the constraint geography placed on community. Sociologist
Barry Wellman discusses the Internets extension of society connectedness in Connecting
Community: On and Offline. With the Internet, people have global connectivity and
[i]nstead of being bound up in a neighborhood community where all know all people
create networks based on their unique traits not proximity (Wellman 25,27). Through
this increased exchange between diverse people the global social capital is increased as
well. The world as one large society sees a connectedness that benefits everyone as a
whole and
Fin301 Case Assignment Essay
Module I: Case Assignment
FIN301: Principles of Finance
October 31, 2011
For the following Case Assignment, I will investigate if the finance departments are
the best place to train future CEO s. In addition, I will include a discussion of the pros
and cons of hiring a CFO to be CEO. Also, I will provide two actual examples of CFO s
of publicly traded companies who became CEO s of publicly traded companies within
the past 5 years. Furthermore, I will research if those individuals have a CPA and/or
CFA designations.
I. Do you think finance departments are the best place to train future CEOs? Include a
discussion of both the pros and cons of hiring a CFO to be CEO. Try to cite at least three
... Show more content on ...
(Source: In contrast, the CEO position requires personal qualities that are
not developed in the finance departments as to personal charisma, communication skills,
and passion. (Source: Furthermore, in a finance department a person
learns how to avoid conflicts, while a CEO actually uses these conflicts. (Source:
Obviously, the pros of hiring a CFO to be a CEO would be that the person would
prepare great plans, monitor them carefully and control them with perfection. The
person would ensure the financial stability of the company, and that the company
complies with all laws, and the creditors were paid in time. In other words, the person
would develop a great reputation for the company with the investors and stockholders,
and the credit rating of the company is likely to increase. Consequently, the person
would bring about perfection in internal control, set up an excellent system for planning
in every department, and make policies systematically. (Source: On the
other hand, the cons of hiring a CFO to be a CEO would be that the person would not
exude great energy, nor would be highly motivated. The person would be more prone to
turn away from open competition, and would not accept criticism. Specifically, the
person would stick to traditional markets and products and will not seek for new ideas
and innovation as these can be risky, foregoing opportunities. Therefore, the
Employment Discrimination And The Employment Essay
This report examines the implications of employment discrimination and the correlation
to employment inequality. The unemployment rate for women and minorities is
significantly higher than that of the caucasian male majority. Women are faced with
obstacles that men are not. Women have to overcome gender stereotypes, child care
responsibilities, and sexual harassment as obstacles, Minorities face negative stereotypes
and generalizations that make them less desirable to employers. Employment
discrimination is responsible for segregation by concentrating negroes in the lowest
skilled, lowest wage jobs. Women represent three fifths of the minimum wage labor force.
This study shows wage disparity between men and women, and between caucasians and
minorities. White privilege and male dominance award the highest wages in the
workforce. These findings conclude that employment discrimination puts women and
minorities at a disadvantage in every aspect of the labor market. Affirmative action, equal
opportunity employment, equal pay legislation, and child care reform are all crucial to
desegregating the workforce and promoting workplace equality.
Keywords: unemployment, underemployment, disparity, stereotypes, harassment
Employment discrimination can be defined as, Treating someone unfavorably because of
race, skin color, national origin, gender, disability, religion, or age ( Discrimination |
Laws, Regulations, and Guidance , n.d.). Inequality