Developing An Improved Approach To Solving A New Gas Lift Optimization Problem
Developing An Improved Approach To Solving A New Gas Lift Optimization Problem
Developing An Improved Approach To Solving A New Gas Lift Optimization Problem
Received: 15 March 2019 / Accepted: 28 May 2019 / Published online: 1 June 2019
© The Author(s) 2019
The increased speed and accuracy in solving optimization problems of gas allocation in the gas lift process are of high
importance. Solving gas allocation optimization problems generally involves two steps: (1) The gas lift performance curve
(GLPC) fitting (gas lift modeling) and (2) optimizing the allocation of gas between wells. Therefore, in order to increase
the speed and accuracy of solving gas allocation optimization problems, both steps need to be improved. In order to
increase the accuracy of the first step, a new correlation was proposed in which, in addition to increasing the accuracy of
fit, the optimi- zation speed was improved by decreasing the number of constants used in the correlation. Besides, in order
to improve the performance of the second step, water cycle optimization algorithm was used and the results obtained from
this algorithm were compared with the results obtained from previous studies on teaching–learning-based optimization
(TLBO) algorithm, continuous ant colony (CACO) algorithm, genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimization
algorithm (PSO) for solving the five-well Nishikiori index problem. The results suggested that the water cycle
optimization algorithm has a very good performance in terms of convergence rate, non-capture at local optimum points
and repeatability. Finally, as a new problem, the gas allocation between the wells of one of the heavy oil fields in the
southwest of Iran was optimized with predetermined oil production rates. The goal of optimization was to obtain the
minimum amount of gas required to produce the predetermined oil rates using the water cycle optimization algorithm. The
results showed that optimization is of higher importance in lower oil production targets, resulting in higher additional oil
Keywords Gas lift optimization · GLPC correlation · Water cycle optimization · GA · PSO
process. In this method, the pressured gas is injected in the
When the natural energy of the reservoir is not able to bottom of the tubing, and the oil is produced through two
trans- fer the fluid to surface and to overcome the weight mechanisms of pushing through the expansion of the gas
of the fluid column in the well, one of the artificial lift and reducing the hydrostatic pressure of the fluid column
techniques should be used to produce the fluid in an inside the well. However, the excessive increase in the
economically efficient way. Artificial lift techniques amount of gas injected leads to the increased frictional
reduce the pressure from the fluid column in the well and, pressure drop and, consequently, a decrease in the
as a result, reduce the pressure at the well bottom, causing production increase due to the reduction in hydrostatic
a large pressure differ- ence between the reservoir and the pressure (Economides et al. 2013). Therefore, determining
well bottom, resulting in the transfer of the fluid produced the optimal amount of injected gas between network of
to the surface. One of the most commonly used artificial production wells is one of the main gas lift challenges and
lift techniques is the gas lift is referred to as the gas lift allocation problem (Miresmaeili
et al. 2015).
2 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2019) 9:2965–2978
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2019) 9:2965–2978
method and genetic algorithm (GA) to optimize the gas
allocation rate. Camponogara and Conto (2009) improved
the piecewise linearization formulation that was previ-
ously developed. Zerafat et al. (2009) solved the gas rate
distribution using two genetic and ant colony (ACO)
algorithms. Hamedi et al. (2011) used the particle swarm
optimization algorithm (PSO) to optimize the gas rate
allocation in the wells of an Iranian oil field. Sharma and
Glemmestad (2013) used the generalized reduced
gradi- ent (GRG) technique, self-optimizing control
structure and multi-start technique to optimize gas
allocation in the gas lift process. Ghaedi et al. (2014)
employed the
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2019) 9:2965–2978 2
continuous ant colony (CACO) algorithm to explore gas
allocation optimization and compared their results with
previous studies. Ghassemzadeh and Pourafshary (2015)
proposed a new method for considering the time factor
in optimizing the gas allocation process. They used a
piecewise cubic hermite function for modeling the gas
lift performance and genetic algorithm for optimization.
Miresmaeili et al. (2015) used a multi-objective optimiza-
tion algorithm, Gaussian Bayesian networks and Gauss-
ian kernels to solve the gas allocation problem in the
gas lift process. Mahdiani and Khamehchi (2015) used
the genetic algorithm to investigate instability in the gas
allocation optimization problem. Tavakoli et al. (2017)
used the artificial neural networks (ANNs) to the gas lift
modeling and then studied the gas allocation optimiza-
tion using the genetic algorithm. Also, Miresmaeili et al.
(2019) employed the artificial neural networks and used
Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) and Bayesian regulariza-
tion (BR) algorithms to model gas lift operation and then
used the teaching–learning-based optimization (TLBO)
algorithm to optimize gas allocation. Moreover, Namdar
and Shahmohammadi (2019), with the help of a simple Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of water cycle in the nature (Sadollah et al.
method without programming, optimized the gas alloca-
tion by the excel solver optimization tool.
In this study, in order to increase the speed and accu- Water cycle algorithm
racy of solving gas lift allocation optimization problems,
at the first a new correlation was proposed for modeling This new meta-heuristic algorithm has been inspired by the
the gas lift process and GLPC curve fitting. The modeling behavior of the water cycle in nature (Fig. 1) and has not
results were compared with those obtained through other yet been used in the field of petroleum engineering. Similar
modeling techniques. In order to improve the optimiza- to other meta-heuristic algorithms, the water cycle
tion performance, a water cycle optimization algorithm algorithm begins with the initial population of so-called
(WCA) was used and the results of its implementation streams cre- ated after rain. To simulate this process,
were compared with the results obtained from previous initially, a primitive population Npop is created randomly,
studies on TLBO, CACO, GA and PSO algorithms for each stream having Nvar design variables (Sadollah et al.
solving the five-well Nishikiori (1989) index problem. 2015).
Also, given the effect of the gas lift process modeling on Then, the value of the objective function of each stream
the optimization results, and since previous studies have is calculated and the best solution is selected as the sea.
used various modeling techniques, we compared the per- Afterward, some of the streams that are best after the sea
formance of the water cycle optimization algorithm with are chosen as rivers, and the remaining streams are
the two well-known PSO and GA algorithms in terms of remained as streams and flow to the rivers or directly to
convergence rate, non-capture at local optimum points and the sea. NSR is a parameter whose value is determined by
repeatability with the same correlation for modeling gas the user and the number of rivers, and a sea is
lift and with equal number of iterations in order to evalu- determined through Eq. 7. As a result, the number of
ate the performance of the algorithm itself individually streams (NStreams), which is the remainder of the population,
is calculated from Eq. 8 (Sadol- lah et al. 2015):
and eliminate the modeling accuracy effects. Finally, given zation algorithm. =
that the optimization problem of scenario 2 has not been
investigated so far, this study attempted to optimize the gas
allocation between the wells of one of the heavy oil fields
in the southwest of Iran with predetermined quantities of
oil production. In this scenario, the optimization goal was ⌃
to obtain the minimum amount of gas required to produce 1
the predetermined oil levels using the water cycle optimi-
2 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2019) 9:2965–2978
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2019) 9:2965–2978 2
Thereafter, the number of streams flowing into specific
rivers or the sea is determined. The allocation of streams sea is exchanged (that is, the sea changes into the river and
is based on the intensity of the flow of rivers and the sea the river into the sea). This exchange can also occur for the
(or the values of their objective functions) through Eqs. 9 streams and the sea as well as the streams and the rivers
and 10 (Sadollah et al. 2015): (Sadollah et al. 2015).
In order to prevent the rapid convergence of the algo-
Cn = Costn − CostN rithms (immature convergence) and increase the explora-
+1, n = 1, 2, 3, … , (9)
NSR tion ability of the algorithms, a new chance commensurate
with the distance of the rivers and streams from the sea
NS = round j Cn j , n = 1, 2, 3, … ,
N is given to them. This concept in the WCA algorithm is
j j× N
n Stream SR
j j ∑ SR
j j applied under evaporation condition and raining process.
Cost i
j i=1 j (10) If the Euclidean distance of the rivers and streams from the
where NSn is the number of streams that flow into specific sea is less than a predetermined insignificant value (near
rivers or the sea. After that, the surface movement of zero) ( dmax), the conditions for evaporation from the sea
streams and rivers to the sea or the movement of streams to are fulfilled and the raining process starts, and the rivers
the riv- ers and their new positions are determined. The and streams are reformed (Sadollah et al. 2015).
movement of the streams directly flowing into the sea is The conditions for evaporation from the sea for rivers
calculated by Eq. 11, the movement of the streams joining and streams are expressed by pseudo-codes 14 and 15,
the rivers is determined through Eq. 12 and the movement respec- tively (Sadollah et al. 2015):
of the rivers to the sea is estimated through Eq. 13
(Sadollah et al. 2015):
2 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2019) 9:2965–2978
where dmax sets the intensity of the search around the sea
i t X⃗ i (t) + rand × C × X⃗ i t X⃗ i (t) ,
( +1 Stream Sea ( Stream and decreases by Eq. 16 in each step (Sadollah et al. 2015):
i = 1, 2, … , dmax(t)
(t + 1) = d max (t) − ,
(11 dmax max Iteration
t X⃗ i (t) + rand × C t X⃗ i t = 1, 2, 3, … , Max Iteration
( +1 Stream X⃗River
( Stream
(t) ,
If a condition for evaporation is fulfilled, new streams are
i = 1, 2, … , formed randomly in the search space due to raining, and
NStream (12) the new location of these streams is determined by the
following equation (Sadollah et al. 2015):
⃗ i (t + 1) = X⃗ (t) + rand × C × X (t) i− (t) ,
t ⃗ i X⃗
River River Sea River X
i = 1, 2, … , ⃗New = L���B�⃗ + U����B�⃗ −
– 1) (17)
(NSR Stream
rand × L���B�⃗
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2019) 9:2965–2978 2
problems generally involve two steps:
2 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2019) 9:2965–2978
1. Modeling the gas lift process and fitting the oil methods have been used to model the gas lift process and
produc- tion data against gas injections by one of the the fitting of GLPCs. In general, these
correlations presented.
2. Implementation of the objective function of the gas
allocation optimization problem and its constraints
and solving it by one of the optimization algorithms.
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2019) 9:2965–2978 2
In addition to the previously proposed models, the
author developed the following model fitting the
operational data of oil production against gas injection by
adjusting the numbers in the previously proposed
correlations and removing some of the less important
Q = a + b × Q + c × Q0.7
o g g + d × Ln Qg + + e × exp −Qg
0.9 (21)
where a, b, c, d, e and f are constant coefficients of correla-
tions, Qg is the injected gas flow rate and Qo is the produced
oil flow rate. Among the previous correlations proposed for
modeling the gas lift process, the correlation proposed by
Behjoomanesh et al. (2015), despite the high accuracy in
fitting, has some basic problems, which reduces its
general- izability to be used for all wells. Therefore, it has
been tried to solve these problems in the model proposed
by the author, while maintaining the accuracy of the model
proposed by Behjoomanesh et al. (2015). The fitting of
operational oil production data against gas injection
becomes convergent for some wells in the model proposed
by Behjoomanesh et al. (2015), and it is necessary to limit
the range of variations of the coefficients of this model. For
example, operational data on oil production versus gas
Fig. 3 Graphical demonstration of the procedure used in this study to injections presented in studies conducted by Nishikiori
solve the gas lift optimization problems (1989) and Jung and Lim (2016) cannot be fitted by this
equation for the mentioned reasons. Also, the operational
data fitting using the model proposed by Behjoomanesh et
methods can be divided into two groups: modeling al. (2015) would result in overestimat- ing or
methods by fitting through correlation and modeling underestimating the oil production in some wells. Fig- ure
methods based on artificial neural networks. To date, 4 shows a comparison of the fitting of the operational data
various correlations have been proposed for GLPC fitting. for six wells studied by Kanu et al. (1981) using the model
The quadratic polyno- mial model is one of these models developed by the author of the present study and the model
(Nishikiori 1989). proposed by Behjoomanesh et al. (2015).
However, since most of the GLPCs are not symmetrical, As it can be seen, the GLPC fitting curve trend in the
the model does not have a high efficiency for modeling. In model proposed by Behjoomanesh et al. (2015) is in a way
order to increase the accuracy of the quadratic polynomial that leads to the overestimation or underestimation of oil
model, Alarcon et al. (2002) added a logarithmic term to it production in some parts of the fitting curve. Generally, the
and proposed the following model: GLPC curve should follow a downward trend on the right
side, while, as shown in Fig. 4, in wells 2, 3 and 5, the
Qo = a + b × Qg + c × Q2 + d × Ln(Qg + (18) proposed by Behjoomanesh et al. (2015) moves upward in
By replacing the quadratic term of the quadratic poly- the right. Also, however, the downward trend of the curve
nomial model with a squared term, Hamedi et al. (2011) for well 6 is suddenly bulged and these behaviors generally
proposed the following model: invalidate the oil production values estimated by this
model. In order to assess the accuracy of the proposed
models and to select the best one for modeling the gas lift
Qo = a + b × Qg + c × Qg (19) the fitting of operational data for oil production versus gas
2 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2019) 9:2965–2978
With the linear combination of the previously proposed injection of wells in the previous studies was calculated
models, Behjoomanesh et al. (2015) developed a model as and the results were compared with the results of the model
follows: pro- posed in this study. In order to evaluate the accuracy
of the models, the indices of correlation factor (R2) and
the root-
Q = a + b × Q + c × Q2 + d × Ln Q + mean-square error (RMSE) were used for fitting the opera-
1o g g
, (20 tional data. The correlation factor (R2) shows the correlation
+e× Qg + f × exp Qg between the model and the data and the closer values to one
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2019) 9:2965–2978 2
Fig. 4 Comparison of opera-
tional data fitting for wells
studied by Kanu et al. (1981)
using the author’s model and
the Behjoomanesh et al.’s
(2015) model
TSS = i=1
,n 2 wi yi − ȳ ii
2 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2019) 9:2965–2978
(24) a ) and
u Alarcon
t et al.
h (2002) in
o terms of
r fitting
a operation
n al data in
d the
t conducte
h d by
e Nishikior
i (1989)
m and Jung
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2019) 9:2965–2978 2
Table 1 Results of author’s
model, Alarcon et al.’s References Well no. Alarcon et al.’s (2002) Hamedi et al.’s Author’s model
(2002) model and Hamedi et model (2011) model
(2011) model for fitting R2 RMSE R2 RMSE R2 RMSE
operational data from Nishikiori
(1989) and Jung and Lim (2016) Nishikiori (1989) 1 0.987848 12.15155 0.997918 4.591787 0.999817 1.924778
2 0.991633 27.43855 0.995863 17.86276 0.999992 1.013721
3 0.988812 48.66602 0.997012 23.28292 0.99998 2.509012
4 0.996597 7.947265 0.999726 2.522818 0.999965 1.27366
5 0.996583 16.63779 0.980617 37.06711 0.999939 2.634642
Ave. 0.992295 22.56823 0.994227 17.06548 0.999939 1.871163
Jung and Lim (2016) 1 0.998931 20.69668 0.978634 86.55026 0.999973 3.563994
2 0.999433 14.29458 0.975063 88.70493 0.999993 1.701711
3 0.995613 56.26503 0.987708 88.10038 0.999979 4.198918
4 0.999499 12.88447 0.974472 86.01951 0.999996 1.241376
Ave. 0.998369 26.03519 0.978969 87.34377 0.999985 2.6765
and Lim (2016). As shown in Table 1, the proposed model Behjoomanesh et al. (2015), it has higher R2 values and
by author yields better results than the other two models. lower RMSE than the other three models and thus
Table 2 also shows the results of the fitting of the opera- provides more accurate
tional data in the studies of Vieira (2015) by the proposed
model by author and the models presented by
Behjoomanesh et al. (2015), Hamedi et al. (2011) and
Alarcon et al. (2002). As shown in Table 2, the proposed
model by author has higher R2 values and lower RMSE,
thus having more accu- rate fitting results than the other
three models.
As shown in Table 2, although the proposed model has
one constant less than the model proposed by
2 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2019) 9:2965–2978
results in terms of the operational data fitting. The lower
number of constants while maintaining the fitting
accuracy makes it possible to reduce the time of
computation by main- taining accuracy in cases where it is
necessary to optimize the gas allocation between a large
numbers of wells.
In addition, Tavakoli et al. (2017) fitted the operational
data with artificial neural networks and compared their
results with models presented by Hamedi et al. (2011) and
Alarcon et al. (2002) in terms of R2 values. Table 3 shows
the results of fitting the data in the study conducted by
Tava- koli et al. (2017) using the proposed model, in
comparison with the artificial neural network and the
models proposed by Hamedi et al. (2011) and Alarcon et
al. (2002).
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2019) 9:2965–2978 2
As it is shown, the accuracy of the model proposed in
the present study is within the limits of the artificial neu-
ral network approach. Accordingly, it can be suggested that
the proposed model possesses a high accuracy in terms of
Qo (STB/D)
the operational data fitting. In the following section, the
proposed model is used for the gas lift performance curve
(GLPC) fitting.
Performance evaluation of the water cycle
Qo (STB/D)
Available gas = 3000
In order to assess and validate the performance of the water
cycle algorithm, it was attempted to optimize the five-well
Nishikiori (1989) index problem using the water cycle
algorithm and the obtained results were compared with the
Table 4 Comparison of the optimization results for the five-well Nishikiori (1989) index problem by using the TLBO, CACO, GA and PSO
results obtained from previous studies. The five-well
Nishi- kiori (1989) index problem is a gas allocation
Qo (STB/D)
optimiza- tion problem of scenario 1 and has been
optimized for the available gas quantities of 4600
MMSCF/D by the TLBO (Miresmaeili et al. 2019), CACO
(Ghaedi et al. 2014) and GA (Ghassemzadeh and
Pourafshary 2015) algorithms and 3000 MMSCF/D by
PSO algorithm (Hamedi et al. 2011). Table 4 illustrates the
optimization results for the five-well Nishikiori (1989)
index problem by using the water cycle optimization
algorithm and compares them with the TLBO, CACO, GA
Qo (STB/D)
and PSO algorithms. As shown in Table 4, only the oil
rates generated by the TLBO algorithm are more than the
values obtained by the WCA algorithm, but a thor- ough
examination of the data obtained for the gas allocation
among the wells by the TLBO algorithm shows that the oil
production rate by this algorithm has been overestimated.
An investigation of initial operational data for oil
production versus gas injection for well no. 1 in Nishikiori
Qo (STB/D)
amount of gas required to produce 367.4 STB/D oil is
gas into the well no. 5, the oil production rate will be 813.6
2 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2019) 9:2965–2978
on the optimization results, and since previous studies have
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2019) 9:2965–2978 2
450 GA WCA
400 PSO
PSO 350
Optimum Oil Production
used various modeling techniques for solving the five-well than the GA algorithm in terms of speed because the PSO
Nishikiori (1989) index problem, the performance of the algorithm converges to the optimal point at 24.81 s with a
water cycle optimization algorithm was compared with
the two well-known PSO and GA algorithms in terms of
convergence rate, non-capture at local optimum points and
repeatability with the same correlation for modeling gas
lift process and with equal number of iterations in order to
evaluate the performance of the algorithm itself individu-
ally and eliminate the modeling accuracy effects. For this
purpose, in all three algorithms, the correlation proposed
by the author was used in the present study for gas lift
fitting and modeling. Also, following previous studies for
solving Nishikiori (1989) index problem (Miresmaeili et al.
2019, Ghaedi et al. 2014, Hamedi et al. 2011), the number
of itera- tions was considered equal to 100 in all three
The WCA, PSO and GA algorithms are all three popula-
tion-based algorithms, in which the population in these
three algorithms is expressed in terms of the number of
streams, chromosomes and particles. Figure 5 shows
optimized oil production rates in different populations
using the three WCA, PSO and GA algorithms.
As it is shown Fig. 5, the exploration and exploitation
phase in the search space in the genetic algorithm is highly
dependent on the population and in the lower population,
the algorithm is trapped in the local optimum points, while
the PSO and WCA algorithms have a more powerful,
explora- tion and extraction phase in the search space and,
therefore, are not so dependent on the population and are
not trapped in the local optimum points. In addition, the
PSO and WCA algorithms have high repeatability in the
obtained results.
Figure 6 shows the optimization run time by the three
algorithms studied in different populations. As it is shown,
the PSO optimization algorithm has a better performance
2 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2019) 9:2965–2978
population of 50, while the GA algorithm converges to the
optimal point at 85.85 s with a population of 650. In con-
trast, the WCA algorithm has a much better performance
in terms of speed than the PSO algorithm, so that it
converges to the optimal point at lower populations and at
higher speeds. However, as shown in Fig. 6, the PSO
algorithm has a lower performance at high populations in
terms of speed. The WCA algorithm converges to an
optimal point in 0.56 s with a population of 50. Therefore,
it can be said that the WCA algorithm has a better
performance in the opti- mization problems than GA and
PSO algorithms in terms of convergence speed, non-
capture in local optimum points and repeatability.
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2019) 9:2965–2978 2
Table 5 Specifications of the three productive wells in the field
Table 8 Constants of the proposed model obtained from the GLPC
Property Well 1 Well 3 Well 4 fitting
Well TVD (ft) 9730.7 9898.29 10080.8
Well MD (ft) 9730.97 12513.1 11302.5
2 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2019) 9:2965–2978
Well no. a b c d e
Table 7 Error indices values of Well no. Error index Alarcon et al.’s Hamedi et al.’s Behjoomanesh Author’s model
GLPC fitting through different (2011) model
(2002) model et al.’s (2015)
1 R2 0.989154 0.996935 0.999981 0.999987
RMSE 215.7698 104.7083 11.68057 8.254048
3 R2 0.979262 0.993753 0.999982 0.999993
RMSE 297.11 150.9735 10.64476 6.668139
4 R2 0.98866 0.997422 0.999976 0.999990
RMSE 241,768 105.23 14.23711 7.994826
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2019) 9:2965–2978 2
Table 9 Gas allocation optimization for wells of the field at different oil flow rates
mization is more important and generates more extra oil.
In addition to the gas lift, the method used in this paper
can be used in improving steam allocation management in
thermal enhanced oil recovery methods such as SAGD.
1500 One of the challenges in these methods is excessive water
1000 produc- tion which is due to an improper steam injection
500 plan. Thus, for a given volume of steam, steam allocation
12500 15000 17500 19737.25
between wells should be managed in a manner to delay
Determined Oil Rate (STB/D) the water break- through in producer wells and, as a
result, improves sweep
efficiency and increases the oil recovery.
Fig. 7 Surplus oil rate produced in the optimal scenario (the mini-
mum required gas) compared to the worst possible scenario (the max-
imum required gas)
gas), a higher number of standard barrels of oil can be 1. In the gas lift process modeling, the correlation
produced per injection of every one million cubic feet of proposed by Behjoomanesh et al. (2015), despite the
gas than the worst scenario (the maximum required gas). high preci- sion, cannot be applied to all wells because
Figure 7 also shows the surplus oil rate produced in the firstly, in some wells, convergence requires limiting the
optimal scenario (the minimum required gas) compared to variations of constant coefficients, and secondly, the oil
the worst possible scenario (the maximum required gas). production rates in some oil wells are overestimated or
As it can be seen, the closer the targeted oil production underesti- mated
rates to the maximum oil production rate in the gas lift 2. The model proposed in this study, despite the reduc-
process (1937.257 STB/D), the surplus oil producible
2 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2019) 9:2965–2978
tion of a constant compared to the model presented
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2019) 9:2965–2978 2
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