TPMS Control Module Wiring

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Audi Q8 Wiring Diagram No.

61 / 2
Tire Pressure Monitoring Control Module, Data Bus on
* Board Diagnostic Interface
SJ J502
J502 Tire Pressure Monitoring Control Module
SJ6 J533 Data Bus on Board Diagnostic Interface
6A T4ci T4ci T4ci SJ Fuse Panel J
/2 /3 /1 SJ6 Fuse 6 on Fuse Panel J
T4ci 4-Pin Connector, Gray
T14aa 14-Pin Connector, Black
T14aax 14-Pin Connector, Black
T54a 54-Pin Connector, Black
TIUM Coupling Point in Interior, Bottom Center

0.35 *2 0.35 *2 0.35 *2 0.35 *2 B108 CAN Bus Extended High Connection 1 (in Main Wiring Harness)
or/gr or/gr or/br or/br
0.35 *2 0.35 *2 0.35 *2 0.35 *2 0.35 *2
rt/bl rt/bl rt/bl or/gr or/br
B109 CAN Bus Extended Low Connection 1 (in Main Wiring Harness)

B668 CAN Bus Extended High Connection 2 (in Main Wiring Harness)

5 8 11
1 14
5 8 11
1 14
B669 CAN Bus Extended Low Connection 2 (in Main Wiring Harness)
T14aax T14aax T14aax * Refer to Applicable Wiring Diagram for Fuse Positions
/11 /3 /4
*2 Depending on Equipment
T14aa T14aa T14aa
/11 5 /3 8 11 /4 14
5 8 11
1 14

0.35 *2 0.35 *2 0.35 *2 0.35 *2 0.35 *2 0.35 *2

or/gr or/gr or/gr or/br or/br or/br

B108 B109
0.35 *2 0.35 *2
or/gr or/br
0.35 0.35
or/gr or/br

B668 B669

0.35 0.35 ws = white

or/gr or/br
sw = black
ro = red
T54a T54a rt = red
/12 /30 br = brown
gn = green
Protected by copyright. Copying for private or commercial purposes, in part or in whole, is not bl = blue
permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
gr = grey
J533 in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
with respect to the correctness of information
li = lilac
vi = lilac
ge = yellow
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 or = orange
4MN-061020518 rs = pink


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