The Nightingale

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The Nightingale
A retelling by Violet Findley • Illustrated by Delana Bettoli

The Nightingale
A retelling by Violet Findley • Illustrated by Delana Bettoli
Guided Reading Level I

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Written by Violet Findley
Illustrated by Delana Bettoli
Designed by Maria Lilja
ISBN: 0-439-77408-X
Copyright © 2006 by Scholastic Inc.
All rights reserved. Published by Scholastic Inc. Printed in China.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 62 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06
Once upon a time, there was a king.
He lived in a beautiful palace in the land
of China.
Behind the palace was a forest. In the forest
lived a nightingale.
The nightingale sang so sweetly that he was
known far and wide. People even wrote
books about him. One day, the king read
one of the books.
“This bird lives in the forest behind my
palace, but I have never heard him sing.
I must!” said the king.
So he sent his most trusted servant to bring
back the nightingale.
The servant went into the forest. By and by,
he came upon a plain brown bird singing
a sweet song. It was the nightingale!
“Will you come to the palace and sing
for the king?” asked the servant.
“Of course,” said the nightingale.
At the palace, the nightingale sang and sang.
The king loved the music so much that he cried.
“I will buy you a fancy cage so you can sing
for me always,” he said.
So he did.
By and by, a present came from the king of
Japan. Inside was a toy nightingale. It was
made of gold and covered with jewels.
The king wound up the toy bird and it sang.
“This is so pretty! I will place it in the cage
with the real nightingale,” he said.
So he did.
By and by, the king seemed to forget all
about the real nightingale. Feeling unwanted,
he flew back to the forest.
“No matter. The toy bird is better,” said
the servant.
Every night the king listened to the toy bird
sing. But one day, it broke.
“It will never sing again,” the servant
said sadly.
Years passed and the king grew very sick.
“My only wish is to hear the music of a
nightingale,” he said.
He begged the toy bird to sing. But, of
course, it did not.
By and by, the real nightingale heard that
the king was sick and flew to his window.
There, he sang a song so sweet that the
king was quickly healed.
“Dear nightingale, you made me well.
Come back! I will throw away the toy bird.
Then you can live in the cage all by yourself,”
said the king.
“No, keep the toy bird,” said the nightingale.
“I like the forest, but I will come to your
window every night to sing.”
So he did. And his sweet music brought joy
to everyone in the palace forever more.
healed made well

nightingale a kind of bird

palace a castle where

a king lives

servant someone who

works for the king

trusted honest

ISBN: 0-439-77408-X

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