Nur01134 1 50
Nur01134 1 50
Nur01134 1 50
tAnalysis of
The Personality of Adolph Hitler
With Predictions of His Future Behavior
Germany's Surrender
_... _.. --_ . . .. ----._-_ ...... the
ality i3 impovtsnt 63 s stS? in .und9rstanding
E~:Y..:El_?f5y_..Ef....!:.~~. _.~)!)::,j._?_:\l:..._~€::~~) and - since the
typ ical Ihzi ts a strain that has, for a
long till1B, besl1 p!'c·valont a~ong Germans - as a
step in understandir.g t;13 psychology of the German
I. .Dyn~m!,c~]"..J..~_tte_r_~2untex:acti ve Type.-
The~~ is little disagreement among professional, or
even among amateur, psychologists that Hitler's
pers onali ty is an exampJe of the E..£.~~t~;,act1 ve tyt~~_,
.. __ ._-- -
-- of-the
-- - - - Self.
1. ____
.__ __. _____ .. ____Need
Count~ractive ____for
.___________ .::::...z..
Sup.~.;:iori t_Y... - 'l'he neve ~_ opr1ental fD'''mulp.. for this
is as follows: (i) i~tnle7qble fqelin~s of in-
feriority (partly hocausA of yieJ~5~~ to the will
l'l'''" .,1..,
•.• : .• .. ; • .:..
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.. ,.., of omni90te~0e), despite the fact
sU~1eeded in gettj~g a large pro-
~E.'!._X~'l_! ..
HitJ:~t'_l::~."-IT:~17.:'[ 1fleD.~nes.~_~ - There is a
Jr:" e;e .feminine component in his con.s titution. As
a child he was f.r:.§d~--pE.~__~.~e.~~.)[, ~~~l_~t?a lly ' dependent
on his mother. He E e v'?~~~~.9 ...~~Y_fr!.~n_~~~~~r.~, never
engaged in athletics, W'IS tu:r'1ed down as £?rever
uriJit for conscription in the Austrian A rmy. Afraid
of his father, his behavior was ou.~~~ardly submissive,
and later he waS ~~noy~~~~y~!~~ee~v~erit to his superior
officers. Four yea:rs in the At'rny, he never rose above
the rank of corporal. A~ the end he broke down with
a ~.?r neur~~~_s_, hi'3_t.~ric6.1 bl~9.~~~_:o Evon lately,
in all his glory, he suffers !.req~!~~~~~~Jo?al
- 5 -
2. (b) Significance of Revenge. - As a
result of the fact that resentment is the mainspring
of Hitle~ 's care~, it is fo~ever impossible to
hope fo~ any mercy o~ humane t~eatment from him.
His revengefulness can be satisfied only by the
extermination of his countless enemies.
3. Repression of Conscience, Compliance, Lova._
Unlike Goering and other associates, Hitler is no
healthy amoral brute. He is a hiv~ of secret nAurotiri
compunctions and feminine sentimentalities which have
had to be stubbornly rep~essed ever since he embarked
on his career of ruthless dominance and revenge
(insti gated by ~eal or supposed insults). Every
new act of unusual cruelty, such as the purge of
1934, has been followed by a period of anxiety and
rerressfld ('on n8i.enC'G
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