Fan Source Book
Fan Source Book
Fan Source Book
series of
Fan System
a sourcebook for industry
U.S. Department of Energy
abundant, reliable, and affordable
Improving Fan System Performance: A Sourcebook for Industry has been developed by the U.S. Department
of Energy’s (DOE) Industrial Technologies Program and the Air Movement and Control Association
International, Inc. (AMCA), a DOE Allied Partner. Industrial Technologies and AMCA International
undertook this project as part of a series of sourcebook publications on motor-driven equipment under the
BestPractices effort. Other topics in this series include compressed air systems, pumping systems, and motors
and drives. For more information about the Industrial Technologies’ BestPractices effort and AMCA
International, see Section 3.
AMCA International is a not-for-profit association of the world’s manufacturers of related air system
equipment—primarily, but not limited to fans, louvers, dampers, air curtains, airflow measurement stations,
acoustic attenuators, and other air system components—for industrial, commercial, and residential markets.
The association’s mission is to promote the health and growth of industries covered by its scope and the
members of the association consistent with the interests of the public.
DOE, AMCA International, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Resource Dynamics Corporation thank
the staff at the many organizations that so generously assisted in the collection of data for this sourcebook.
The contributions of the following participants are appreciated for their review and input to this sourcebook:
Cover photo credit: Copyright© CML Northern Blower Inc., 1989. All rights reserved. This image may not be reproduced,
stored, or transmitted in any form or means without the prior written consent of the copyright holder.
Quick Start Guide 1
Appendices 75
Appendix A: Fan System Terminology 75
Appendix B: The Fan System Marketplace 83
1 For the purposes of this sourcebook, the term “fan” will be used for all air-moving machines other than compressors.
2 United States Industrial Electric Motor Systems Market Opportunities Assessment, U. S. Department of Energy, December 1998.
3 Ibid.
4 At standard conditions, a column of water 27.68 inches high exerts 1 psig of pressure. Equivalently, 1 inch of water gage =
0.036 psig.
Axial fans, as the name implies, move an airstream Designers tend to protect against being responsible
along the axis of the fan. The air is pressurized by for inadequate system performance by “over-
the aerodynamic lift generated by the fan blades, specifying.” However, an oversized fan/motor
much like a propeller and an airplane wing. assembly creates a different set of operating
Although they can sometimes be used interchange- problems, including inefficient fan operation,
ably with centrifugal fans, axial fans are commonly excess airflow noise, poor reliability, and pipe/duct
used in “clean air,” low-pressure, high-volume vibrations. By describing some of the problems
applications. Axial fans have less rotating mass and and costs associated with poor fan selection, this
are more compact than centrifugal fans of compa- sourcebook is intended to help designers and oper-
rable capacity. Additionally, axial fans tend to have ators improve fan system performance through bet-
higher rotational speeds and are somewhat noisier ter fan selection and improved operating and
than in-line centrifugal fans of the same capacity; maintenance practices.
however, this noise tends to be dominated by high
frequencies, which tend to be easier to attenuate. Noise. In industrial ventilation applications, noise
can be a significant concern. High acoustic levels
◆ Fan Selection promote worker fatigue. The noise generated by a
Fan selection is a complex process that starts with fan depends on fan type, airflow rate, and pressure.
a basic knowledge of system operating requirements Inefficient fan operation is often indicated by a
and conditions such as airflow rates, temperatures, comparatively high noise level for a particular fan
pressures, airstream properties, and system layout. type.
The variability of these factors and other consider-
ations, such as cost, efficiency, operating life, If high fan noise levels are unavoidable, then
maintenance, speed, material type, space con- ways to attenuate the acoustic energy should be
straints, drive arrangements, temperature, and considered. Noise reduction can be accomplished
range of operating conditions, complicate fan by several methods: insulating the duct; mounting
selection. However, knowledge of the important the fan on a soft material, such as rubber or suit-
factors in the fan selection process can be helpful able spring isolator as required to limit the amount
for the purposes of reducing energy consumption of transmitted vibration energy; or installing sound
during system retrofits or expansions. Often, a fan damping material or baffles to absorb noise energy.
type is chosen for nontechnical reasons, such as
price, delivery, availability, or designer or operator Rotational Speed. Fan rotational speed is typically
familiarity with a fan model. If noise levels, energy measured in revolutions per minute (rpm). Fan
costs, maintenance requirements, system reliability, rotational speed has a significant impact on fan
or fan performance are worse than expected, then performance, as shown by the following fan laws:
the issue of whether the appropriate fan type was
initially selected should be revisited.
Fans are usually selected from a range of models Airflowfinal = Airflowinitial ( RPM
and sizes, rather than designed specifically for
a particular application. Fan selection is based
on calculating the airflow and pressure require- 2
ments of a system, then finding a fan of the right Pressurefinal = Pressureinitial ( RPM ) initial
design and materials to meet these requirements.
Unfortunately, there is a high level of uncertainty
associated with predicting system airflow and
RPMfinal 3
pressure requirements. This uncertainty, combined
with fouling effects and anticipated capacity
Powerfinal = Powerinitial ( RPM )initial
expansion, encourages the tendency to increase
the specified size of a fan/motor assembly.
Rotational speed must be considered concurrently be less expensively constructed with fiberglass-
with other issues, such as variation in the fan load, reinforced plastic or coated with a corrosion-
airstream temperature, ambient noise, and resistant material. Because coatings are often less
mechanical strength of the fan. expensive than superalloy metals, fan types that
work well with coatings (for example, radial fan
Variations and uncertainties in system requirements blades because of their simple shape) are widely
are critical to fan type and fan rotational speed used in corrosive applications; however, wear will
selection. Fans that generate high airflow at reduce the reliability of coatings. Alternately, mate-
relatively low speeds (for example, forward-curved rials such as reinforced fiberglass plastics have
blade centrifugal fans) require a relatively accurate been developed for fan applications and function
estimate of the system airflow and pressure demand. effectively in many corrosive environments.
If, for some reason, system requirements are However, there may be size and speed limitations
uncertain, then an improper guess at fan rotational for composite materials and plastic materials.
speed can cause under-performance or excessive
airflow and pressure. Airstreams with high particulate content levels can
also be problematic for the fan drive train. In direct
Airstream temperature has an important impact on drive axial fans, the motor is exposed to the
fan-speed limits because of the effect of heat on airstream. Sealed motors can be used in these
the mechanical strength of most materials. At high applications but tend to be more expensive and,
temperatures, all materials exhibit lower yield in the event of lost seal integrity, they are suscepti-
strengths. Because the forces on shafts, blades, and ble to expensive damage. In axial fans, belt drives
bearings are proportional to the square of the offer an advantage by removing the motor from the
rotational speed, high-temperature applications are airstream. In centrifugal fans, the particulate
often served by fans that operate at relatively low content is less of a factor because the motor or
speeds. sheave can be located outside of the fan enclosure
and connected to the impeller through a shaft seal.
Airstream Characteristics. Moisture and particulate Gear drives are occasionally used in applications
content are important considerations in selecting where speed reduction is required but the use
fan type. Contaminant build-up on fan blades can of belt drives is unfeasible because of access or
cause severe performance degradation and fan maintenance requirements.
imbalance. Build-up problems are promoted by a
shallow blade angle with surfaces that allow con- In flammable environments, fans are usually
taminants to collect. Fans with blade shapes that constructed of nonferrous alloys to minimize the
promote low-velocity air across the blades, such as risk of sparks caused by metal-to-metal contact. In
backward inclined fans, are susceptible to some applications, certain components of the fan
contaminant build-up. In contrast, radial tip fans can be fabricated out of spark-resistant materials.
and radial blade fans operate so that airflow across Fans that operate in flammable environments
the blade surfaces minimizes contaminant build-up. should be properly grounded, including rotating
These fans are used in “dirty” airstreams and in components, to minimize sparking because of stat-
material handling applications. ic discharge.
Corrosive airstreams present a different set of Temperature Range. To a large degree, temperature
problems. The fan material, as well as the fan type, range determines fan type and material selection.
must be selected to withstand corrosive attack. In high-temperature environments, many materials
Also, leakage into ambient spaces may be a lose mechanical strength. The stresses on rotating
concern, requiring the fan to be equipped with a components increase as the fan’s operating speed
shaft seal. Shaft seals prevent or limit leakage from increases. Consequently, for high-temperature
around the region where the drive shaft penetrates applications, the fan type that requires the lowest
the fan housing. For example, in corrosive environ- operating speed for a particular service is often
ments fans can be constructed with expensive alloys recommended. Radial blade fans can be ruggedly
that are strong and corrosion resistant, or they can constructed and are frequently used in
high-temperature environments. Component materials small ducts, and very compact fan assemblies.
also significantly influence a fan’s ability to serve Although this design practice may free up floor
in high-temperature applications, and different space, the effect on fan system performance can be
alloys can be selected to provide the necessary severe in terms of maintenance costs. The use of
mechanical properties at elevated temperatures. multiple elbows close to a fan inlet or outlet can
create a costly system effect, and the added
Variations in Operating Conditions. Applications that pressure drops caused by small duct size or a
have widely fluctuating operating requirements cramped duct configuration can significantly
should not be served by fans that have unstable increase fan operating costs. System designers
operating regions near any of the expected should include fan system operating costs as a
operating conditions. Because axial, backward- consideration in configuring fan assemblies and
inclined airfoil, and forward-curved fans tend to ductwork.
have unstable regions, these fans are not recom-
mended for this type of service unless there is a Fan Performance Curves
means of avoiding operation in the unstable
region, such as a recirculation line, a bleed fea-
ture, or some type of anti-stall device. Fan performance is typically defined by a plot of
developed pressure and power required over a
Space Constraints. Space and structural constraints range of fan-generated airflow. Understanding this
can have a significant impact on fan selection. In relationship is essential to designing, sourcing, and
addition to dimensional constraints on the space operating a fan system and is the key to optimum
available for the fan itself, issues such as mainte- fan selection.
nance access, foundation and structural support
requirements, and ductwork must be considered. Best Efficiency Point. Fan efficiency is the ratio of
Maintenance access addresses the need to inspect, the power imparted to the airstream to the power
repair, or replace fan components. Because down- delivered by the motor. The power of the airflow is
time is often costly, quick access to a fan can pro- the product of the pressure and the flow, corrected
vide future cost savings. Foundation and structural for units consistency. The equation for total
requirements depend on the size and weight of a efficiency is:
fan. Selecting a compact fan can free up valuable
Total Pressure x Airflow
floorspace. Fan weight, speed, and size usually Total Efficiency =
determine the foundation requirements, which, in bhp x 6,362
turn, affect installation cost. Where: Total Pressure is in inches of water
Airflow is in cubic feet per minute (cfm)
If the available space requires a fan to be located bhp is brake horsepower
in a difficult configuration (for example, with an
elbow just upstream or downstream of a fan), then An important aspect of a fan performance curve
some version of a flow straightener should be is the best efficiency point (BEP), where a fan
considered to improve the operating efficiency. operates most cost-effectively in terms of both
Because non-uniform airflow can increase the pres- energy efficiency and maintenance considerations.
sure drop across a duct fitting and will degrade fan Operating a fan near its BEP improves its
performance, straightening the airflow will lower performance and reduces wear, allowing longer
operating costs. For more information, see the fact intervals between repairs. Moving a fan’s operating
sheet titled Configurations to Improve Fan System point away from its BEP increases bearing loads
Efficiency on page 39. and noise.
An important tradeoff regarding space and fan Another term for efficiency that is often used with
systems is that the cost of floor space often fans is static efficiency, which uses static pressure
motivates designers and architects to configure a instead of total pressure in the above equation.
fan system within a tight space envelope. One way When evaluating fan performance, it is important
to accomplish this is to use small-radius elbows, to know which efficiency term is being used.
Region of Instability. In general, fan curves arc Fan Start-Up. Start-up refers to two different issues
downward from the zero flow condition—that is, in the fan industry. Initial fan start-up is the
as the backpressure on the fan decreases, the air- commissioning of the fan, the process of ensuring
flow increases. Most fans have an operating region proper installation. This event is important for
in which their fan performance curve slopes in the several reasons. Poor fan installation can cause
same direction as the system resistance curve. early failure, which can be costly both in terms of
A fan operating in this region can have unstable the fan itself and in production losses. Like other
operation. (See Figure 1-1.) Instability results from rotating machinery, proper fan operation usually
the fan’s interaction with the system; the fan attempts requires correct drive alignment, adequate
to generate more airflow, which causes the system foundation characteristics, and true fit-up to
pressure to increase, reducing the generated air- connecting ductwork.
flow. As airflow decreases, the system pressure
also decreases, and the fan responds by generating Fan start-up is also the acceleration of a fan from
more airflow. This cyclic behavior results in a rest to normal operating speed. Many fans,
searching action that creates a sound similar to particularly centrifugal types, have a large rotation-
breathing. This operating instability promotes poor al inertia (often referred to as WR2), meaning they
fan efficiency and increases wear on the fan require significant torque to reach operating speed.
Static Pressure
(in. wg)
14 Fan
12 System
10 Slope Lines
5 Although fan system curves can have a static component, for the purposes of this sourcebook, system curves pass
through (0,0).
In addition to the WR2 load, the air mass moved In axial fan applications, controllable pitch fans
by the fan also adds to the start-up torque require- offer a similar advantage with respect to reducing
ments on the fan motor. Although rotational inertia start-up current. Shifting the blades to a low angle
is not typically a problem in heating, ventilation, of attack reduces the required start-up torque of
and air conditioning (HVAC) applications, it may the fan, which allows the motor to reach operating
be a design consideration in large industrial appli- speed more quickly. For more information on
cations. Proper motor selection is essential VFDs and controllable pitch fans, see the fact
in ensuring that the fan can be brought to its sheet titled Controlling Fans with Variable Loads
operating speed and that, once there, the motor on page 43.
operates efficiently.
System Effect. The system effect is the change in
Because the start-up current for most motors is 2 system performance that results from the interaction
to 5 times the running current, the stress on the of system components. Typically, during the design
motor can be significantly reduced by starting a process, the system curve is calculated by adding
fan under its minimum mechanical load and the losses of each system component (dampers,
allowing the motor to achieve normal operating ducts, baffles, filters, tees, wyes, elbows, grills,
speed more quickly than when under full load. louvers, etc.). The governing equation for pressure
In many applications, system dampers can be loss across any particular component is:
positioned to reduce the load on the fan motor
during start-up. For example, the power required 2
by a centrifugal fan tends to increase with increasing ∆p = C ( 1,097
) ρ
flow (although in “non-overloading” fan types, the
power drops off after reaching a peak). In axial
fans, the power tends to decrease with increasing Where: ∆p = pressure loss in inches of water gage
flow. Consequently, for most centrifugal fan types, (in. wg)
C = loss coefficient for the component
large fan start-ups should be performed with
V = velocity in feet per minute
downstream dampers closed, while for most axial
ρ = density of the airstream (0.075 pounds
fan types, start-ups should be performed with these
per cubic foot at standard conditions)
dampers open. However, there are exceptions to
these guidelines, and the actual power curve for
the fan should be evaluated to determine how to The result of this equation is a parabolic line, as
soften the impact of a large fan start-up. shown by the system curve in Figure 1-2. This
system curve assumes all components display
The power surges that accompany the starting of pressure loss characteristics according to their loss
large motors can create problems. Among the coefficients. However, in reality, non-uniform
effects of a large start-up current are power quality airflow profiles that are created as the airstream
problems and increased wear on the electrical sys- develops swirls and vortices cause system
tem. In response to increasing demand for equip- components to exhibit losses that are higher than
ment that minimizes the problems associated with their loss coefficients. The overall effect of these
large motor starts, electrical equipment manufac- added losses is to move the system curve up, as
turers are offering many different technologies, shown by the corrected system curve in Figure 1-2.
including special devices known as soft starters, to
allow gradual motor speed acceleration. A key The system effect can be minimized by configuring
advantage of variable frequency drives (VFDs) is the system so that the flow profile remains as
that they are often equipped with soft starting fea- uniform as possible. However, if space constraints
tures that decrease motor starting current to about prevent an ideal system layout, then system effect
1.5 to 2 times the operating current. Although VFDs consequences should be incorporated into the fan
are primarily used to reduce operating costs, they selection process. For more information on how to
can significantly reduce the impact of fan starts on minimize losses, see the fact sheet titled Configurations
an electrical system. to Improve Fan System Efficiency on page 39.
System Curve (with system effect)
20 Fan Curve
18 System Curve
Static Pressure
(as calculated)
(in. wg)
4 Expected Performance
2 Actual Performance
Turning Vanes
(typically used on
short-radius elbows)
Outlet Diffusers
Heat Exchanger
Inlet Vanes
Motor Controller
Centrifugal Fan
Variable Frequency Drive
Belt Drive
distribution system, motors are typically rated at fans, actual operating speeds are usually around
230 or 460 volts. In recent years, because of 2 percent less than their nominal speeds. For
efforts by the National Electrical Manufacturers example, a theoretical four-pole induction motor
Association (NEMA) and motor manufacturers, the with no slip would rotate at 1,800 rpm with a
efficiency of general-purpose motors has signifi- 60-hertz power supply; however, rated operating
cantly improved. These improvements are also speeds for this motor are usually around 1,750 rpm,
attributable to the Energy Policy Act (EPAct), which indicating that slip rates are a little over 2.7 percent
for most motors went into effect in October 1997. at rated load. Fans that are driven by older motors
To improve motor efficiency, motor manufacturers are probably operating at much lower efficiencies
have modified motor designs and incorporated and at higher levels of slip than what is available
better materials, resulting in slight changes in from new motors.
motor operating characteristics. Although initial
costs of the motors have increased 10 to 20 per- Upgrading to a new motor can reduce operating
cent, for high run-time applications, improvements costs, because of improved motor efficiency, while
in motor efficiency create very attractive paybacks offering slightly improved fan performance. EPAct-
through lower operating costs. efficiency motors operate with less slip, which
means fans rotate at slightly higher speeds. For
A characteristic of induction motors is that their applications that can effectively use this additional
torque is directly related to slip, or the difference output, this high efficiency can be attractive.
between the speed of the magnetic field and the However, if the additional output is not useful, the
speed of the motor shaft. Consequently, in many added power consumption increases operating costs.
Another component of the prime mover is the motor Because most fans are operated with induction
controller. The controller is the switch mechanism motors, the operating rotational speeds of direct-
that receives a signal from a low power circuit, drive fans are limited to within a few percent of
such as an on/off switch, and energizes or de-ener- the synchronous motor speeds (most commonly
gizes the motor by connecting or disconnecting 1,200, 1,800, and 3,600 rpm). The sensitivity of
the motor windings to the power line voltage. fan output to its operating rotational speed means
Soft starters are electrical devices that are often that errors in estimating the performance require-
installed with a motor controller to reduce the ments can make a direct-drive system operate inef-
electrical stresses associated with the start-up of ficiently (unlike belt drives, which allow fan rota-
large motors. In conventional systems, the high tional speed adjustments by altering pulley diame-
in-rush and starting currents associated with most ters). One way to add rotational speed flexibility to
AC motors creates power quality problems, a direct-drive system is to use an adjustable speed
such as voltage sag. Soft starters gradually drive (ASD). ASDs allow a range of shaft speeds
ramp up the voltage applied to the motor, reducing and are quite practical for systems that have varying
the magnitude of the start-up current. As industrial demand. Although ASDs are generally not a prac-
facilities increase the use of computer-based tical option for fans that are only required to oper-
equipment and control systems, soft starters are ate at one speed, ASDs can provide a highly effi-
becoming important parts of many motor control cient system for fans that operate over a range of
systems. In fact, a major advantage associated with conditions.
most VFDs is that they often have built-in, soft-start
capabilities. In axial fans, direct drives have some important
advantages. Applications with low temperatures
Another common characteristic of motors used in and clean system air are well-suited for direct
fan applications is multiple speed capability. drives because the motor mounts directly behind
Because ventilation and air-moving requirements the fan and can be cooled by the airstream. This
often vary significantly, the ability to adjust fan space-saving configuration allows the motor to
speed is useful. Motors can be built to operate at operate at higher-than-rated loads because of
different speeds in two principal ways: as a single added cooling. However, accessibility to the motor
set of windings equipped with a switch that ener- is somewhat restricted.
gizes or de-energizes an additional set of poles, or
with the use of multiple windings, each of which Belt drives offer a key advantage to fan systems
energizes a different number of poles. The first by providing flexibility in fan speed selection. If
type of motor is known as a consequent pole the initial estimates are incorrect or if the system
motor and usually allows two operating speeds, requirements change, belt drives allow flexibility
one twice that of the other. The second type of in changing fan speed. In axial fans, belt drives
motor can have two, three, or four speeds, keep the motor out of the airstream, which can be
depending on application. In general, multiple- an advantage in high temperature applications, or
speed motors are more costly and less efficient than in dirty or corrosive environments.
single-speed motors. However, the flow control
benefit of different motor speeds makes them There are several different types of belt drives,
attractive for many fan applications. including standard belts, V-belts, cogged V-belts,
and synchronous belts. There are different cost and
Drive System. The drive system often offers operating advantages to each type. In general,
substantial opportunities to improve energy synchronous belts are the most efficient, while
efficiency and to lower overall system operating V-belts are the most commonly used. Synchronous
costs. There are two principal types of drive systems: belts are highly efficient because they use a mesh-
direct drive and belt drive. Gear drives are also type contact that limits slippage and can lower
used but are less common. In direct drive systems, operating costs. However, switching to synchronous
the fan is attached to the motor shaft. This is a belts must be done with caution. Synchronous
simple, efficient system but has less flexibility with belts usually generate much more noise than other
respect to speed adjustments. belts. They also transfer shock loads through the
drivetrain without allowing slip. These sudden Ductwork or Piping. For most fan systems, air is
load changes can be problematic for both motors directed through ducts or pipes. In general, ducts
and fans. Another problem with synchronous belts are made of sheet metal and used in low-pressure
is the limited availability of pulley sizes. Because systems, while pipes are sturdier and used in
the pulleys have a mesh pattern, machining them higher-pressure applications. Because ducts are
alters the pitch diameter, which interferes with used for most air-moving applications, “duct” will
engagement. Consequently, pulleys are available be the common reference for this sourcebook; how-
in discrete sizes, which precludes an important ever, most of the same principles can be applied to
advantage of belt drives: the ability to alter operating pipes.
rotational speeds by adjusting sheave diameters.
Because of these factors, synchronous belts are not In ventilation applications in which a fan pulls
as widely used as V-belts in fan applications. directly from a ventilated space on one side and
discharges directly to an external space (like a
In contrast, V-belts are widely used because of wall-mounted propeller fan), duct losses are not a
their efficiency, flexibility, and robust operation. significant factor. However, in most applications,
V-belts have a long history in industrial applications, ducts are used on one or both sides of a fan and
which means there is a lot of industry knowledge have a critical impact on fan performance. Friction
about them. An important advantage to V-belts is between the airstream and the duct surface is usu-
their protection of the drivetrain during sudden ally a significant portion of the overall load on a fan.
load changes. Service conditions that experience
sudden drivetrain accelerations cause accelerated As a rule, larger ducts create lower airflow
wear or sudden failure. While synchronous belts resistance than smaller ducts. Although larger ducts
tend to transfer these shock loads directly to the have higher initial costs in terms of material and
shafts and motors, V-belts can slip, affording some installation, the reduced cost of energy because of
protection. Although they are less efficient than lower friction offsets some of these costs and should
synchronous belts, V-belts offer many advantages be included during the initial design process and
such as low cost, reliable operation, and operating during system modification efforts. For more
flexibility. In applications that use standard belts, information, refer to the fact sheet titled Fan
upgrades to V-belts should be considered. System Economics on page 55. Other considera-
tions with ducts are their shape and leakage class.
Although they are not commonly used, gear systems Round ducts have less surface area per unit cross
offer some advantages to belt systems. Gear systems sectional area than rectangular ducts and, as a
tend to be much more expensive than belt drive result, have less leakage. In hot or cool airstreams,
alternatives; however, gears tend to require less this surface area also influences the amount of
frequent inspection and maintenance than belts heat transferred to the environment.
and are preferable in applications with severely
limited access. Gears also offer several motor/fan Duct leakage class, typically identified by the
configurations, including in-line drives, parallel- factor CL (which has units of cfm/linear foot) is an
offset drives, and 90-degree drives, each of which indicator of duct integrity. Variables that determine
may provide an attractive advantage in some CL include the type of joints used in construction,
applications. Gear-system efficiency depends largely the number of joints per unit length of duct, and
on speed ratio. In general, gear efficiencies range the shape of the duct. Depending on the length
from 70 to 98 percent. In large horsepower (hp) of the duct system, leakage can account for a
applications (greater than 100 hp), gear systems significant portion of a fan’s capacity. This is
tend to be designed for greater efficiency because especially applicable to systems with rectangular
of the costs, heat, and noise problems that result ducts that have unsealed joints. In many cases, the
from efficiency losses. Because gears require lubri- system designer can improve the performance of
cation, gearbox lubricant must be periodically the ventilation system by specifying ducts that
inspected and changed. Also, because gears—like have low CLs. For more information see the fact
synchronous belts—do not allow slip, shock loads sheet titled System Leaks on page 37.
are transferred directly across the drivetrain.
Airflow Control Devices. Flow control devices delivered to a particular workspace. Because VAV
include inlet dampers on the box, inlet vanes at the systems are much more energy efficient than their
inlet to the fan, and outlet dampers at the outlet of precursors (constant-volume or dual-supply systems),
the fan. Inlet box dampers are usually parallel dampers can be used to lower system operating costs.
blade dampers. Inlet vanes adjust fan output in two
principal ways: by creating a swirl in the airflow However, in many applications, dampers can
that affects the way in which the air hits the fan decrease fan efficiency. Dampers decrease total fan
blades, or by throttling the air altogether, which output by increasing backpressure, which forces
restricts the amount of air entering the fan. The the operating point of a fan to shift to the left along
inlet vanes and dampers must be designed for its performance curve. Often, as the fan operating
proper fan rotation and are to be installed in such point moves to the left along its curve, it operates
a way that these inlet vanes and dampers open in less efficiently and, in some cases, may perform in
the same direction as the fan rotation. The pre- an unstable manner. Unstable fan operation is the
rotation or swirl of the air helps reduce the brake result of an aerodynamic phenomenon in which
horsepower of the fan. If the inlet dampers on the there is insufficient air moving across the fan blades.
inlet box are located too far away from the inlet of The airflow rate surges back and forth resulting in
the fan, the effect of pre-rotation may be lost or inefficient performance, annoying noise character-
reduced, and horsepower savings may be negligible. istics, and accelerated wear on the fan drive system.
The outlet damper, when used for controlling Another airflow control method that is available
airflow, is usually of opposed-blade design for better for axial fan applications is the use of variable
flow distribution on the discharge side of the fan. pitch blades. Variable pitch fans control fan output
If the outlet damper is going to be used for open/ by adjusting the fan blade angle of attack with
close service or for isolating the fan, a parallel- respect to the incoming airstream. This allows the
blade discharge damper may be used. Typically, fan to increase or decrease its load in response to
fans with inlet vanes provide better power savings system demand. In effect, this method is similar to
while operating the fan at part load conditions, as that provided by inlet vanes, which adjust the
opposed to fans with inlet box dampers operating angle of attack of the entering airstream by creat-
in a similar situation. Inlet vanes provide better ing a swirl in the airflow pattern. Variable pitch
controllability with optimum power savings fans provide a highly efficient means of matching
compared to other dampers. Outlet dampers adjust fan output to system demand.
resistance to airflow and move the operating point
along the fan’s performance curve. Because they Another method of airflow control is fan speed
do not change air entry conditions, outlet dampers adjustment. Recalling the fan laws, speed has a
do not offer energy savings other than shifting the linear relationship with airflow, a second-order
operating point along the fan horsepower curve. relationship with pressure, and a third-order
relationship with power. By slowing or speeding
Dampers can be used to throttle the air entering or up a fan, its output can be adjusted to match
leaving a fan and to control airflow in branches of system demand. In general, fan speed adjustment
a system or at points of delivery. Dampers control is the most efficient method of airflow control.
airflow by changing the amount of restriction in an
airstream. Increasing the restriction creates a larger There are two primary speed control options: mul-
pressure drop across the damper and dissipates some tiple-speed motors and ASDs. Multiple-speed motors
flow energy, while decreasing the restriction reduces have discrete speeds, such as “high,” “medium,”
the pressure differential and allows more airflow. and “low.” Although these motors tend to be
somewhat less efficient than single speed motors,
From a system perspective, proper use of dampers they offer simplicity, operating flexibility, a relative-
can improve energy efficiency over traditional system ly compact space envelope, and significant energy
designs, especially in HVAC systems. In variable-air savings for fan systems with highly variable loads.
volume (VAV) systems, dampers are effective at ASDs include several different types of mechanical
rerouting airflow and at controlling the amount of air and electrical equipment. The most common type
There are three principal opportunities in the life However, purchasing an oversized fan/motor
cycle of a system that can be used to improve fan assembly creates operating problems such as excess
system performance: airflow noise and inefficient fan operation. The
incremental energy costs of operating oversized fans
■ During initial system design and fan selection can be significant. For more information on this
■ During troubleshooting to solve a system problem, see the fact sheet titled Indications of
problem Oversized Fans on page 33.
■ During a system capacity modification.
◆ Troubleshooting a System Problem
Some fan system problems, such as abnormally high
◆ Initial Fan Selection operating and maintenance costs and ineffective air-
Fan selection starts with a basic knowledge of system flow control, are sufficiently troublesome to justify
operating conditions: air properties (moisture a system assessment. If the system problems are
content, temperature, density, contaminant level, etc.), significant, then a change to the fan, its drive system,
airflow rate, pressure, and system layout. These or the airflow control devices may be justifiable.
conditions determine which type of fan—centrifugal
or axial—is required to meet service needs. High Operating and Maintenance Costs. Unusually
high operating costs are often caused by inefficient
Axial fans move air along the direction of the fan’s fan operation that, in turn, can be the result of
rotating axis, much like a propeller. Axial fans tend improper fan selection, poor system design, or
to be light and compact. Centrifugal fans accelerate wasteful airflow control practices. Improper fan
air radially, changing the direction of the airflow. selection often means the fan is oversized for the
They are sturdy, quiet, reliable, and capable of application, resulting in high energy costs, high
operating over a wide range of conditions. Many airflow noise, and high maintenance requirements.
factors are used to determine whether axial or
centrifugal fans are more appropriate for certain Poor system design can lead to high operating
applications. A discussion of these factors is and maintenance costs by promoting poor airflow
provided in the Fan Types fact sheet on page 19. conditions. For example, duct configurations that
create large system effect factors can cause
After deciding which fan type is appropriate, the significant efficiency and airflow losses.
right size must be determined. Fans are usually
selected on a “best-fit” basis rather than designed An effective way of minimizing maintenance and
specifically for a particular application. A fan is operating costs is to keep a fan operating within a
chosen from a wide range of models based on reasonable range of its best efficiency point (BEP).
its ability to meet the anticipated demands of a However, this practice is often difficult in systems
system. Fans have two mutually dependent outputs: that have changing demands.
airflow and pressure. The variability of these
outputs and other factors, such as efficiency, Poor Airflow Control. Poor airflow control refers to
operating life, and maintenance, complicate the a wide range of causes and problems, including
fan selection process. inadequate delivery to a system branch, surging
operation, and high airflow noise.
Tendency to Oversize. A conservative design tendency
is to source a fan/motor assembly that will be large Inadequate delivery may be the result of poor
enough to accommodate uncertainties in system system balancing or leakage. If a branch has a
design, fouling effects, or future capacity increases. damper that is stuck open or a duct develops a
Designers also tend to oversize fans to protect large leak, then this branch may provide a low
against being responsible for inadequate system resistance flow path that robs airflow from other
performance. delivery points. Fans typically react to this loss of
backpressure by generating high airflow rates. Consequently, increasing the airflow rate of the fan
In severe cases, many centrifugal fan motors will by increasing its speed requires significantly more
overload if operated against little or no backpressure. power and may require a larger motor. The struc-
If not corrected, an overloaded motor will typically tural integrity of the rotating elements, bearings,
shut itself down with thermal or current safety shafts, and support structure needs to be evaluated
switches. for the higher speeds.
Several situations can cause surging. Fans in a par- Lower Fan Rotational Speed. If the fan is oversized
allel configuration may be shifting load between for normal operating conditions, the feasibility of
each other. A single fan may be operating in a stall operating it at lower rotational speeds should be
condition or hunting for the right operating point considered. Reducing fan speed can significantly
along an unstable part of its performance curve. In reduce energy consumption. For example, according
these cases, the system resistance is too high. to the fan laws, reducing fan rotational speed by
20 percent decreases fan power by 50 percent.
Electrical System Wear. Frequent start-ups of large Unfortunately, this speed reduction may cause
loads can add significant stress to an electrical motor efficiency and power factor to drop to low
system. The in-rush current and the starting current levels. The costs of inefficient operation and low
for motors can create voltage sags in the electrical power factor may justify motor replacement or the
system and cause the motor to run hot for several installation of a variable frequency drive.
minutes. In fan applications where sensitive loads
can be affected by fan start-ups, the use of soft 3
starters should be considered. Soft starters are
electrical devices that gradually ramp up the
Powerfinal = Powerinitial ( RPM initial
voltage to the fan motor, limiting the in-rush and
starting current. Soft starters can extend fan motor
life by keeping the motor temperature low. Multiple Fans. Airflow rate can also be increased
by installing a separate fan next to an existing one.
Variable frequency drives (VFDs) are also com- Multiple-fan configurations have many advantages,
monly used to soft start fans. By gradually bringing including flexibility in meeting widely varying
fan speed up to operating conditions, VFDs reduce system demands and redundancy in case of equip-
stress on the electrical system. ment failure. When adding a fan to an existing
system, the system can be configured so that both
◆ System Capacity Change fans operate concurrently or either fan operates
For a system that is to be modified or upgraded, an independently. The concurrent operation of two fans
assessment of the available fan capacity should be creates a combined performance curve that may be
performed. Unless the existing fan is considerably more appropriate for the system requirements than
oversized, added capacity requires the installation that of a single fan. For more information, refer to
of a larger fan or an additional fan. Conversely, a the fact sheet titled Multiple-Fan Arrangements
system with excess fan capacity can often be on page 51.
accommodated by operating the fan at a slower
speed. In these applications, the effects of operating Fan Replacement. Replacing an existing fan with a
a motor at less than half its rated load should be different model is also an option. Selecting a new,
considered. Recall that motor efficiency and power larger fan requires consideration of the same factors
factor fall significantly when the motor is operated that are involved in any initial fan selection. A new
below half its rating. fan may be more feasible if the existing one has
degraded or requires extensive refurbishment. In
Higher Fan Rotational Speed. One option to high run-time applications, the purchase of a new
accommodate the increased demand is to operate fan with an energy-efficient motor may provide an
the fan at a higher speed. In belt driven applications, attractive payback.
the sheave diameters can be changed to increase
fan speed. The relationship between fan speed and
airflow rate is linear; however, the relationship
between fan speed and power consumption is
Fan Types
Increasing Power
Radial-Tip. This fan type fills the gap between
e clean-air fans and the more rugged radial-blade
erC fans. Radial-tip fans are characterized by a low
angle of attack between the blades and the
incoming air, which promotes low turbulence. A
Increasing Airflow radial tip fan is shown in Figure 2-4.
Fan Curve
Increasing Pressure
Increasing Power
Figure 2-7. Backward-Inclined Centrifugal Airfoil Fan
Increasing Airflow
A common application for backward-inclined fans
Figure 2-5. Radial-Blade Fan Curve is forced-draft service. In these applications, the
fan is exposed to the relatively clean airstream on
85 percent. Because airfoil blades rely on the lift the upstream side of the process. The high operating
created by each blade, this fan type is highly efficiencies available from this fan type can provide
susceptible to unstable operation because of stall. low system life-cycle costs. A typical performance
curve is shown in Figure 2-8. The motor brake
A consequence of backward-incline blade orienta- horsepower increases with airflow for most of the
tion is a low angle of impingement with the performance curve but drops off at high airflow rates.
airstream. This promotes the accumulation of par- because of this non-overloading motor characteris-
ticulates on the fan blades, which can create per- tic, this fan type is often selected when system
formance problems. Thin airfoil blades are more behavior at high airflow rates is uncertain.
efficient than the other blade types because of
their lower rotating mass. However, this thin- ◆ Axial Fans
walled characteristic makes this fan type highly The key advantages of axial airflow fans are
susceptible to erosion problems. Loss of blade compactness, low cost, and light weight. Axial
wall thickness can lead to cavity formation in fans are frequently used in exhaust applications
the blades, which can severely interfere with where airborne particulate size is small, such as
fan performance. dust streams, smoke, and steam. Axial fans are also
useful in ventilation applications that require the
ability to generate reverse airflow. Although the
fans are typically designed to generate flow in one
direction, they can operate in the reverse direction.
This characteristic is useful when a space may
require contaminated air to be exhausted or fresh
air to be supplied.
Fan Curve
Fan Curve
Increasing Pressure
Increasing Pressure
Increasing Power
Power Curve
Power Curve
Increasing Airflow
Increasing Airflow
Figure 2-10. Propeller Fan Curve
Tubeaxial fans are frequently used in exhaust Figure 2-13. Vaneaxial Fan
applications because they create sufficient pressure
to overcome duct losses and are relatively space outlet vanes that improve the airflow pattern,
efficient. Also, because of their low rotating mass, converting the airstream’s kinetic energy to pressure.
they can quickly accelerate to rated speed, which These vanes create an airflow profile that is
is useful in many ventilation applications. comparatively uniform.
The performance curve for tubeaxial fans is shown Vaneaxial fans are typically used in medium- to
in Figure 2-12. Much like propeller fans, tubeaxial high-pressure applications, such as induced draft
fans have a pronounced instability region that service for a boiler exhaust. Like tubeaxial fans,
should be avoided. vaneaxial fans tend to have a low rotating mass,
which allows them to achieve operating speed
relatively quickly. This characteristic is useful in
emergency ventilation applications where quick air
Fan Curve
removal or supply is required. Also, like other axial
fans, vaneaxial fans can generate flow in reverse
direction, which is also helpful in ventilation
Increasing Pressure
Power Curve
Fan Curve
Increasing Airflow
Basic Maintenance
◆ Maintenance Items
Basic Maintenance Checklist
Common maintenance tasks on fan systems
include: ❏ Belts. Check belt condition, tightness, and
alignment. Also check sheave condition.
■ Periodic inspection of all system components
■ Bearing lubrication and replacement
❏ Bearings. Determine bearing condition by
listening for noises that indicate excessive
■ Belt tightening and replacement wear, measuring bearing operating temperature,
■ Motor repair or replacement or by using a predictive maintenance technique,
■ Fan cleaning. such as vibration analysis or oil analysis.
Lubricate bearings in accordance with fan
The most costly consequence of improper manufacturer instructions. Replace bearings,
maintenance is unscheduled downtime. Causes of if necessary.
this downtime vary according to the demands of
the application. Because each system places partic- ❏ System Cleaning. Fans and system components
ular demands on its air-moving equipment, mainte- that are susceptible to contaminant build-up
nance requirements vary widely. should be cleaned regularly.
Belt Inspection. In belt-driven fans, belts are usually Belt inspection is particularly important to the
the most maintenance-intensive part of the fan operation of large fans because of the size of the
assembly. As belts wear, they tend to lose tension, power losses. For example, in a 200-horsepower
reducing their power transmission efficiency. (hp) fan, a 5 percent decrease in power transmis-
Even new, properly adjusted belts suffer losses of sion efficiency results in a 10-hp loss, translating
5 to10 percent. As belt conditions degrade, these to $3,270 annually for a continuously operating
losses increase. Because noise is one of the ways system.1
1 Using $0.05/kilowatt-hour.
Although belt inspection and tightening is usually in flexible connections and in areas of a system
a routine task for any mechanic, increased aware- that experience high vibration levels. Leakage
ness of the costs associated with poorly adjusted decreases the amount of air delivered to the point
belts can improve the attention devoted to this of service; consequently, one of the first steps in
maintenance effort. troubleshooting a system that has experienced
declining performance is to check the integrity of
In multiple-belt arrangements, whenever one belt the ductwork.
degrades to the point of requiring replacement, all
the belts should be replaced at the same time. As Sources of leaks can be identified visually by
belts wear and age, they exhibit different properties; inspecting for poorly fitting joints, and tears or
consequently, replacing only one or two belts in a cracks in ductwork and flexible joints. In systems
multiple-belt arrangement creates a risk of over- with inaccessible ductwork, the use of temporary
loading one or more of the belts. Exposing all the pressurization equipment can determine if the
belts to roughly the same operating time mini- integrity of the system is adequate. System pressure
mizes the risk of uneven loading. checks are discussed in the fact sheet titled System
Leaks on page 37.
Establishing proper belt tightness is essential to
minimizing the energy losses associated with belt Bearing Lubrication. Worn bearings can create
drives. However, care should be taken to prevent unsatisfactory noise levels and risk seizure.
overtightening the belts. This leads to high radial Bearings should be monitored frequently. Bearing
bearing loads, accelerated wear, and shorter lubrication should be performed in accordance
bearing replacement intervals. with the manufacturer’s instructions. For example,
for high-speed fans in severe environments,
Fan Cleaning. In many fans, performance decline is lubrication intervals can be necessary weekly or
largely because of contaminant build-up on fan more often.
blades and other system surfaces. Contaminant build-
up is often not uniform, resulting in imbalance ■ For oil-lubricated bearings, check the oil quality
problems that can result in performance problems and, if necessary, replace the oil.
and drivetrain wear. Because fans are often used in ■ For grease-lubricated bearings, check the grease
ventilation applications to remove airborne con- quality and, if necessary, repack the bearings.
taminants, this problem can be particularly acute. Be careful not to over-grease bearings as this
Fans that operate in particulate-laden or high-mois- interferes with ball or roller motion and may
ture airstreams should be cleaned regularly. cause overheating.
■ Ensure the bearings are adequately protected
Certain fan types, such as backward-inclined airfoil, from contamination.
are highly susceptible to build-up of particulates or
moisture. These build-ups disturb the airflow over In axial fans, anti-friction bearings (ball, roller-type)
the blades, resulting in decreased fan efficiency are predominantly used because of the need for a
and higher operating costs. robust thrust bearing to handle the axial thrust
In high-particulate or moisture-content applications,
radial-blade, radial-tip, and forward-curved blade Motor Replacement. Even properly maintained
type fans are commonly used because of their resist- motors have a finite life. Over time, winding
ance to contaminant build-up. If, for some other insulation inevitably breaks down. Motors in
reason, a different type of fan is used in a high-par- which the winding temperatures exceed rated
ticulate or high-moisture service, then fan inspec- values for long periods tend to suffer accelerated
tion and cleaning should be performed more fre- insulation breakdown. When faced with the
quently than normal. decision to repair or replace a motor, several
factors must be considered, including motor size,
Leakage. System leaks degrade system performance motor type, operating hours, and cost of electricity.
and increase operating costs. Leaks tend to develop For example, in a motor application where the
cost of electricity is $0.05/kilowatt-hour, the motor as the existing motor. This can help avoid the
operates 4,000 hours each year at 75 percent rated problem of installing a motor that, because of its
load, and the rebuild cost is 60 percent of the price higher operating speed, causes the fan to generate
of a new motor, the calculated breakeven point more airflow and consume more energy than the
between repair and replacement is 50 hp.2 Under previous motor/fan combination. MotorMaster+ is
these circumstances, in applications requiring less available through the Industrial Technologies
than 50 hp, replacement motors meeting Energy Information Clearinghouse and can be downloaded
Policy Act (EPAct) efficiency requirements should from the BestPractices Web site at
be selected, while larger motors should be rebuilt.
Of course, each facility must establish its own Fan Replacement. Under most conditions, fan blades
repair/replace strategy. There are several resources should last the life of the impeller. However, in harsh
that provide guidance in developing such a strategy. operating environments, erosion and corrosion can
A companion sourcebook, Improving Motor and reduce fan-blade thickness, weakening the blades
Drive System Performance: A Sourcebook for and creating an impeller imbalance. In these cases,
Industry, discusses this issue in greater detail. either the impeller should be replaced or an entirely
Other resources related to motor repair can be found new fan should be installed.
on the BestPractices Web site at
bestpractices. ◆ Predictive Maintenance
In many applications, fan maintenance is reactive
For motor rewinds, ensure that the repair facility rather than proactive. For example, bearing
has a proper quality assurance program, because lubrication is performed in response to audible
poor quality motor rewinds can compromise motor bearing noises. Fan cleaning is performed to
efficiency. Although motor rewinds are often correct an indication of poor fan performance or
cost-effective, motors that have been previously vibration because of dust build-up. Unfortunately,
rewound can suffer additional efficiency losses many fan system problems remain unaddressed
during subsequent rewinds. For more information until they become a nuisance, by which time they
on motor repair, contact the Industrial Technologies may have resulted in significantly higher operating
Information Clearinghouse at (800) 862-2086 or costs.
the Electrical Apparatus Service Association (EASA)
at (314) 993-1269. (EASA is a trade association of Vibration analysis equipment is essentially a
motor repair companies.) refined extension of the human ear. By “listening”
to the vibrations of a motor or similar piece of
For motor replacements, high-efficiency motors machinery, the instrumentation can detect the
should be considered. High-efficiency motors are early symptoms of a bearing problem, motor
generally 3 to 8 percent more efficient than standard winding problem, or dynamic imbalance. By
motors. In high-use applications, this efficiency identifying problems before they become worse,
advantage often provides an attractive payback repairs can be effectively scheduled, reducing the
period. EPAct, which went into effect in October risk of catastrophic failure.
1997, set minimum efficiency standards for most
general-purpose motors from 1 to 200 hp. Fortunately, recent improvements in instrumentation
and signal analysis software have increased the
The MotorMaster+ software program can be a availability of vibration monitoring and testing
valuable tool in selecting energy-efficient motors. equipment. These devices can be permanently
The program allows users to compare motors and installed with a fan and incorporated into an alarm
estimate energy costs and savings along with life- or safety shutdown system. Vibration monitors
cycle costs. Because MotorMaster+ contains motor offer relatively inexpensive insurance for avoiding
rotational speed data, it is useful in finding costly failures and can improve the effectiveness
replacement motors that operate at the same speed with which fan maintenance is planned.
2 HorsePower Bulletin, Advanced Energy (in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy).
◆ Records
A written log or record documenting observations
and inspection results is a useful supplement to a
maintenance schedule. Often a machinery problem
will develop over time. A history of the repairs,
adjustments, or operator observations regarding
the conditions under which the problem becomes
noticeable improves the ability to effectively
schedule a repair. The MotorMaster+ software
contains an inventory module that allows the user
to record maintenance and inspection results.
◆ Basic Principle the life and reliability of the whole drive unit.
Like most other rotating machinery, fans experience Poor belt drive maintenance also promotes costly
wear and require periodic maintenance and repairs. system operation. Contaminant build-up on the
Dynamic surfaces in bearings and belt drives belts often results in increased slippage and noisy
degrade over time. Fan blade surfaces may erode operation. The presence of abrasive particles tends
from abrasive particles in the airstream, and motors to accelerate belt wear.
eventually require replacement or rewinding.
Belts are not the only item in a belt drive assembly
Although some degree of wear is unavoidable, that develop problems. The sheaves themselves
operating the system at efficient levels reduces are subject to wear and should be periodically
the risk of sudden equipment failure and can inspected. Because sheave diameter has a signifi-
lower the cost and frequency of maintenance. cant effect on fan speed, the relative wear between
For more information, see the fact sheet titled the driven and the driving sheave can affect fan
Basic Maintenance on page 25. performance.
Fan system problems can be grouped into two Bearings. As with most rotating machinery, the
principal categories: problems that are related to the bearings in a fan/motor assembly wear and, over
fan/motor assembly and problems associated with time, can create operating problems. To prevent
the system. A systems approach is important to such problems from causing unplanned downtime,
help understand the total costs and performance bearings should be a principal maintenance item.
impacts of these problems. There are two primary bearing types in fan/motor
combinations: radial and thrust. In general, radial
◆ Fan/Motor Assembly Problems bearings tend to be less expensive than thrust
Problems with the fan/motor assemblies can bearings in terms of material cost and installation
result from improper component selection, poor requirements. Because of the nature of the airflow,
installation, or poor maintenance. axial fans typically require heavier thrust bearings.
These bearings tend to be comparatively expensive,
Belt Drives. Belt drives are frequently the most making proper fan operation and effective
maintenance-intensive component of a fan/motor maintenance important.
assembly. Common problems include belt wear,
noise, and rupture. Belt wear can lead to efficiency Common bearing problems include noise, excessive
and performance problems. As belt slippage clearance, and, in severe cases, seizure. Because
increases, it can translate directly into lower fan operating conditions vary widely, the history of
output. Insufficient belt tension can also cause other fans in similar applications should be used to
high noise levels through belt slap or slippage. schedule bearing replacement. Vibration analysis
In some cases, belts will develop one or more tools can improve confidence in determining
smooth spots that lead to vibrations during fan bearing condition and planning bearing work. In
operation. oil-lubricated bearings, oil analysis methods can
help evaluate bearing condition.
In contrast, belt tension that is too high increases
the wear rate, increases load on the bearings, and Motors. Even properly maintained motors have a
can create an increased risk of unexpected down- finite life. Over time, winding insulation inevitably
time. breaks down. Motors in which the winding
temperatures exceed rated values for long periods
In multiple-belt drive assemblies, uneven loading tend to suffer accelerated insulation breakdown.
of the belts causes uneven wear, which can affect In motor applications below 50 horsepower, the
common repair choice is simply to replace a In many heating and cooling system applications,
motor with a new one; however, in larger applica- highly efficient fan types, such as backward-
tions, rewinding an existing motor is often more inclined fans, are increasingly used to lower
economically feasible. Although motor rewinds are system energy consumption. An important
typically a cost-effective alternative, motors that component in this trend is the use of filters upstream
have been previously rewound can suffer addition- of the fans to lessen material build-up. While these
al efficiency losses during subsequent rewinds. filters can help maintain efficient fan performance,
additional attention to filter cleaning and replace-
For motor rewinds, ensure that the repair facility ment is required to avoid the pressure drops and
has a proper quality assurance program, because energy losses that result from clogged filters.
poor-quality motor rewinds can compromise motor
efficiency. For more information on motor repair, Fan Degradation. In airstreams that have corrosive
contact the Industrial Technologies Information gases or abrasive particles, fan blade degradation
Clearinghouse at (800) 862-2086, or the can present a threat to reliable operation. As fan
Electrical Apparatus Service Association (EASA) at blades degrade, the airflow over the surfaces
(314) 993-1269. (EASA is a trade association of becomes disrupted and the fan imparts energy less
motor repair companies.) efficiently to the airstream. Certain blade types are
particularly susceptible to erosion because of the
For motor replacements, energy-efficient motors angle of attack with the airstream. In applications
should be considered. A section of the national where higher-than-expected blade degradation has
Energy Policy Act (EPAct) setting minimum occurred, different fan types or fan materials should
efficiency standards for most common types of be considered. Many fan manufacturers have
industrial motors went into effect in October 1997. developed materials and coatings that solve this
EPAct should provide industrial end users with problem.
increased selection and availability of energy
efficient motors. EPAct-efficient motors can be 3 to ◆ System Problems
8 percent more efficient than standard motors. In Poor system performance can be caused by
high run-time applications, this efficiency advantage several factors, including improper system design
often provides an attractive payback period. and component selection, incorrect installation
practices, and inadequate maintenance. Improper
The MotorMaster+ software program can be a system design usually means the system is
valuable tool in selecting energy-efficient motors. configured so that it has high system effect factors
The program allows users to compare motors and (SEFs) that result in high operating costs, system
estimate energy costs and savings along with life leakage, and noisy system operation. Poor
cycle costs. It is available through the Information component selection includes oversizing fans or
Clearinghouse and can be downloaded from the using ineffective or wasteful flow control devices.
Web site at
Improper installation practices include on-site
Contaminant Build-Up. Some fan types are susceptible modifications to the duct system that result in high
to contaminant build-up. The tendency to suffer SEFs, improper fan rotational speed selection, and
build-up is related to the velocity and angle of incorrect fan rotation.
attack of the airflow with respect to the blades.
In many cases, especially with backward-inclined Inadequate maintenance often means a lack of
blades, this build-up can significantly affect fan bearing lubrication and fan cleaning. Contaminant
performance. Fan types that have blade shapes accumulation on fan blades, duct surfaces, and in
that discourage material accumulation (for example, filters results in decreased system efficiency and
radial and radial-tip types) are usually selected for inadequate airflow.
applications in which the airstreams have high
particulate or moisture content. However, even High Operating Costs. Many fan systems are designed
in relatively clean air applications, over time, to support the highest expected operating loads.
particulate build-up can be a problem. Consequently, Because systems are frequently not re-adjusted
fan cleaning should be a part of the routine during periods of low demand, fans often generate
maintenance program. higher-than-necessary airflows and incur
higher-than-necessary operating costs. Awareness Insufficient Delivery. Poor system configuration can
of the costs of inefficient system operation can lead to insufficient delivery. In many systems,
lead to efforts that reduce these costs and increase designers have improperly calculated the system
system reliability. An important part of evaluating effect or have attempted to overpower it with
whether operating costs can be significantly additional fan capacity. The system effect stems
reduced is to measure the amount of variability in from poor airflow conditions, and it can cause a
delivery requirements and determine operating con- fan to operate much less efficiently. This causes a
figurations that meet—but do not exceed—these system component to exhibit a higher-than-expected
requirements. pressure drop. Frequently, a key consequence of
the system effect is inadequate airflow.
Fouling. The accumulation of contaminants in
parts of a system can disrupt airflow profiles and There are many alternatives to compensate for this
create high-pressure drops. Finned heat exchangers problem. A common solution is to increase fan
and filters are particularly susceptible to contaminant speed, which increases airflow. Although this option
accumulation that can severely impair airflow. In is sometimes unavoidable, it results in higher
heat exchangers, fouling interferes with heat operating costs and increased airflow noise.
transfer, which can compound an airflow problem
by requiring more airflow to compensate for the Often, a more effective solution to inadequate
reduction in heat exchanger effectiveness. airflow can be obtained by addressing the
Consequently, fouling can have a compounding fundamental cause of the problem. By configuring
impact on energy use. the system to improve airflow and by using flow
straighteners where appropriate, the performance
Another aspect of fouling that can affect fan problems caused by the system effect can be mini-
performance is interference with inlet-guide vane mized. See the fact sheet titled Configurations to
operation or blade-angle adjustment in variable- Improve Fan System Efficiency on page 39.
pitch fans. Inlet-guide vanes are used to change
the load on a fan according to system airflow Leakage. Some systems are constructed with little
requirements, thus allowing lower energy attention to joint integrity. In these systems, leakage
consumption during periods of low demand. can have a significant impact on operating cost
However, because these devices are typically and system performance. Some system leakage is
controlled with a mechanical linkage, contaminant unavoidable; however, minimizing the amount of
build-up on the linkage components can impair airflow and pressure loss can provide key savings.
proper operation. Similarly, the linkages controlling
the position of variable-pitch blades can become Over time, system leakage tends to increase. This
fouled with contaminant build-up, limiting is particularly true for systems with oversized fans.
blade-angle adjustability. Higher-than-expected system pressure and high
vibration levels cause joint integrity to suffer. As
Where contaminant build-up on mechanical joints loosen, the amount of leakage increases.
linkages is a problem, it can defeat the energy In systems with extensive ductwork, increases in
savings and performance benefits that were intended joint leakage can have a direct impact on airflow
when the fan system was specified. Consequently, delivery and can dramatically increase operating
either a greater maintenance effort should be made costs. For more information, refer to the fact sheet
to keep the linkage action free, or an alternative titled System Leaks on page 37.
airflow control solution should be considered.
In many dirty air fan applications, adjustable-speed Unstable Operation. Unstable operation can result
drives are attractive because of the avoided from operating certain types of fans at low airflow
fouling problems. rates and from the interaction of multiple fans
operating in parallel. In single fan configurations,
Airflow Noise. In many systems, airflow noise is a an aerodynamic phenomenon known as “stall”
large component of ambient noise levels. Improper occurs at low airflow rates. The severity of this
fan selection or operating a fan at higher speeds stall varies according to fan type, but is most
than necessary can create avoidable noise levels severe in axial fans, forward-curved centrifugal
that impair worker comfort and productivity. fans, and backward-inclined centrifugal fans.
The hunting phenomenon associated with fan stall system resistance to allow greater airflow. For
occurs as the fan searches for a stable operating more information, refer to the fact sheet titled
point. Multiple-Fan Arrangements on page 51.
◆ Tendency to Oversize Fans the excess flow energy imparted to the airstream.
Conservative engineering practices often result in In addition, oversized fans are more likely to
the specification, purchase, and installation of fans operate in their stall regions, which can result in
that exceed system requirements. Engineers often surging flow and vibrations that damage the fans
include a margin of safety in sizing fans to and degrade fan systems. Indications of stall
compensate for uncertainties in the design process. include pulsing airflow noise, system ducts that
Anticipated system capacity expansions and seem to “breathe” in response to the pressure
potential fouling effects add to the tendency to variations, and vibrating fan and duct supports.
specify fans that are one size greater than those
that meet the system requirements. Frequent Maintenance. When oversized fans
operate away from their BEP, they may experience
A recent U.S. Environmental Protection Agency cyclic bearing and drivetrain stresses. This is
(EPA) study revealed that within building fan sys- particularly applicable when a fan operates in its
tems, almost 60 percent of the fans were over- stall region, which is typically on the left side of the
sized, and almost 10 percent of the fans were fan performance curve. Also, cyclic bearing loads
oversized by 60 percent1. tend to increase the stress on other drivetrain
components such as belts and motors. Oversized
Unfortunately, many of the costs and operating fans also tend to create high system pressures,
problems that result from oversized fans are which increase stress on the ductwork and
overlooked during the equipment specification promote leakage.
process. The problems that accompany the
selection of oversized fans are outlined below. High Noise/Vibration Levels. Fans that operate
inefficiently tend to create high airborne and
High Capital Costs. Large fans typically cost more structure-borne vibration levels. Airborne vibra-
than small ones, and large fans also require larger tions are often perceptible as noise, while structure-
and more costly motors. Consequently, specifying borne vibrations are felt by the system equipment,
oversized fans results in higher-than-necessary ductwork, and duct supports. Oversized fans often
initial system costs. create high airflow noise. Workers acclimate to
ambient acoustic levels and do not express
High Energy Costs. Oversized fans increase system discomfort. However, high noise levels promote
operating costs both in terms of energy and main- fatigue, which reduces worker productivity.
tenance requirements. Higher energy costs can
be attributed to two basic causes. The fan may High levels of structure-borne vibrations can create
operate inefficiently because the system curve problems in welds and mechanical joints over
intersects the fan curve at a point that is not near time. High vibration levels create fatigue loads that
the fan’s best efficiency point (BEP). Alternately, eventually crack welds and loosen fittings. In
even if an oversized fan operates near its BEP, by severe cases, the integrity of the system suffers
generating more airflow than necessary, it uses and leaks occur, further degrading system
more energy and increases stress on the system. efficiency.
Poor Performance. Oversized fans tend to operate ◆ Typical Indications of Oversized Fans
with one or more of the indications of poor There are several indications of oversized fans. A
performance including noisy, inefficient, or unstable few of these indications can be discerned by quick
fan operation. High airflow noise often results from checks of system airflow control device settings.
1 ENERGY STAR® Buildings Upgrade Manual, U.S. EPA Office of Air and Radiation, 62021 EPA 430-B-97-024D, July 1997.
Systems in which airflow demand varies widely is a convenient point to take these readings, while
inevitably require control devices to restrict airflow at other sites, the connection box on the motor is
for certain periods. However, in some systems, more accessible. Line voltage is usually measured
inlet vanes and dampers remain closed so often at the motor controller and should be measured
that they can be found rusted or locked in a around the same time as the current reading.
restrictive position. This indicates that the system In some facilities, line voltage varies over time
continually operates against an unnecessary load because of changes in plant power consumption.
and that fan operation is unnecessarily costly.
Alternately, for better accuracy, a power meter can
Other indications of oversized fans require more be used instead of separately reading volts and
detailed measurements. For example, the location of amps. Most power meters measure real-time power,
the operating point on the fan curve can provide obviating the need to estimate power factor. Direct
an indication of how appropriately the fan is sized. measurement of motor power is not always practical.
“Hot” measurement of a motor current exposes
If possible, compare the pressure required by the workers to risk and may not be feasible in some
end uses to the pressure generated by the fan. If the industrial environments because of high voltage or
fan is oversized, it will generate more total pressure exposure of the power connections to moisture or
for the same airflow than a correctly sized fan. contaminants. Such readings should only be taken
by properly trained personnel.
Fan Load Factor. As with any measured data, the
data’s usefulness is limited by how representative it Use of Fan Curves. Another method of determining
is of the average system operating conditions. In fan power consumption is to measure the static
systems with widely varying operating conditions, pressure generated by the fan and to determine
simply taking data once will probably not provide the corresponding brake horsepower as shown in
a true indication of system energy consumption. Figure 2-15. To determine electrical power, the
brake horsepower value must be divided by motor
To account for the fact that a fan does not operate efficiency. Also, the static pressure measurement
at a single condition all the time, an estimate of its must be corrected for any difference between the
average load factor—the percentage of the fan’s density of the airstream and the density used to
full capacity at which it operates—must be made. define the performance curve. Most fan perform-
Unfortunately, unless operators maintain ance curves assume air density of 0.075 pounds
comprehensive records or are highly familiar with per cubic foot, which is the density of air at
fan operating data, the average load factor may be standard conditions. Also, because fan performance
difficult to determine. is highly sensitive to operating speed, fan rotational
speed should be measured and the affinity law
Direct Measurement. An accurate way to determine
motor power consumption requires directly
measuring amps and volts. Kilowatt use is the 26
product of amps and line volts, corrected by the Fan Curve
(in wg)
usually have power factors between 0.8 and 1, 16 60
8 30
data for most motors can be obtained from the 6 20
manufacturers. 4
When conditions permit, hot readings (readings
2,000 6,000 10,000 14,000 18,000
taken while the system is in operation) are relatively
4,000 8,000 12,000 16,000
simple to take. Using a clamp-type ammeter, the
current on each of the three power cables running Flow Rate(CFM)
Flow Rate (cfm)
to the motor (most industrial motors are three-phase) Figure 2-15. Use of Fan Curve to Determine Power
can be measured. Sometimes the motor controller Consumption
relationships should be used to find the equivalent analysis. If fan power is to be reduced significantly,
operating point on the performance curve. a smaller motor should be considered.
Unfortunately, this method is the least accurate Another consideration is the effect on the motor’s
and not usable on fans with relatively flat pressure power factor. At relatively low loads, the power
curves. factor for a motor tends to decrease. Low power
factors are detrimental to a motor and its power
◆ Corrective Measures supply. Utilities often assess a charge against
In systems served by oversized fans, several industrial facilities that have low power factors. The
corrective measures can lower system operating costs of reducing the motor’s power factor should
costs and extend equipment maintenance intervals. be included in the economic analysis and may
Obviously, the entire fan/motor assembly could be provide an incentive to switch to a smaller motor.
replaced by a smaller version or, if necessary, with
a more appropriate fan type; however, this option Another method of decreasing fan rotational speed
may be too costly. is to use a motor that has multiple speeds and to
select a lower rotational speed during low airflow
Other alternatives include: requirements. However, many of the same
advantages available from a multiple-speed motor
■ Decreasing fan speed using different motor and are also available from ASDs. ASDs, particularly
fan sheave sizes (may require downsizing the variable frequency drives (VFDs) are commonly
motor) used as retrofit solutions because of their ability to
■ Installing an adjustable speed drive (ASD) work with existing motors. Multiple-speed motors
or multiple-speed motor are usually selected during the initial design
■ Using an axial fan with controllable pitch process rather than retrofitted into an existing sys-
blades. tem.
The choice among these measures depends on the Variable Frequency Drives. Fans that operate over a
system and on the particular indicator that points wide range of their performance curves are often
to the oversized fan problem. attractive candidates for ASDs. The most popular
type of ASD is the VFD. VFDs use electronic con-
Decreasing Fan Speed. Applications with an trols to regulate motor speed which, in turn,
oversized, belt-driven fan may be suitable for adjusts the fan output more effectively than chang-
decreasing fan speed. Fan power consumption is ing pulley diameters. The principal advantage
highly sensitive to fan speed, as shown by the offered by VFDs is a closer match between the
following equation: fluid energy required by the system and the energy
delivered to the system by the fan. As the system
3 demand changes, the VFD adjusts fan speed to
Powerfinal = Powerinitial ( RPM initial
) meet this demand, reducing the energy lost across
dampers or in excess airflow.
Consequently, significant energy savings are Also, VFDs tend to operate at unity power factors,
available if the fan can adequately serve the system which can reduce problems and costs associated
at a lower speed. One method of reducing fan with reactive power loads. Because VFDs do not
speed is to adjust the ratio of the pulley diameters expose mechanical linkages to potential fouling
for the motor and the fan. from contaminants in the airflow, they can also
lead to reduced maintenance costs. The energy
A consideration in the fan-speed adjustment is and maintenance cost savings provide a return that
the effect on the motor. Most motors operate at often justifies the VFD investment.
relatively consistent efficiencies above 50 percent
of full load capacity. There is some efficiency loss However, VFDs are not practical for all applications.
above full load rating. However, below 40 percent Fans with severe instability regions should not be
of the motor load, efficiency begins to decline. This operated at rotational speeds that expose the fan to
efficiency loss should be included in any economic inefficient operating conditions. Additionally, many
System Leaks
System leakage is also largely dependent upon the Leakage Class. Leakage classes are denoted by
pressure in the duct. One of the principal operat- the term CL, which represents leakage in cubic feet
ing consequences of installing an oversized fan is per minute (cfm) per 100 square feet of duct sur-
higher duct pressure, which increases the airflow face area. CL factors range from 48 for unsealed
losses through leaks. The higher pressure in the rectangular ducts to 3 for sealed, round ducts.
duct system is because of the damper throttling
that is required to achieve the proper flow rate. As Different duct types have different leakage rates.
the dampers are throttled to create a higher pres- For example, because rectangular ducts have cor-
sure loss, the system curve becomes steeper. The ners, the joints do not seal as well as those in
higher pressure upstream of the dampers leads to round ducts. Rectangular ducts also have more
increases in leakage. surface area than round ducts with an equivalent
cross-section. The combined result of these factors
Costs of Leakage. The cost of leakage includes the is that rectangular ducts tend to have higher leak-
additional fan power required to generate more age rates than round ducts.
airflow to compensate for leakage and, in some
applications, the power applied to cool, heat, or To determine the correct leakage class in a duct
filter that air. Much of the leakage cost is attributable system, one must know how the ducts were
assembled. A CL of 48 is considered average for maximum allowable leakage rates for systems and
unsealed rectangular ducts. Lower leakage classes equipment, requiring integrity tests to verify that
can be achieved depending on the pressure rating the equipment is properly constructed and
and the construction techniques specified in the installed.
assembly drawings. For example, if the transverse
joints in rectangular ducts are sealed, then the Installation Practices. In addition to designing
estimated CL is reduced to 24 (12 for round ducts). systems to minimize leakage, installation personnel
If all joints, seams, and wall penetrations are sealed, should follow proper installation practices. Systems
then the leakage classes drop to 6 for rectangular should be sealed with the right type of sealant for
ducts (3 for round ducts). the application. Sealants that are compatible with
the service conditions, such as temperature and
The following equation forms the basis for the moisture, should be selected. In general, because
leakage classes: there are essentially no adequate industry
performance standards for cloth and vinyl pres-
Q sure-sensitive tape, the tape is not recommended
CL =
p0.65 for use on metal ducts. However, for flexible ducts,
Where: Q = the leakage rate in cubic feet per the use of pressure-sensitive tape on metal duct
minute (cfm) per 100 square feet of collars may be prescribed for the connection of
duct surface area flexible duct materials to metal duct collars. This is
p = average of upstream and downstream largely because of the ability of the tape to hold
static pressure in inches of water gage well on clean, galvanized steel ducts and fittings.
(in. wg) in the duct Additionally, aluminum foil pressure-sensitive tape
may be specified for the connection of fibrous
A useful resource for evaluating construction glass duct to metal fittings (sleeves, terminals, and
techniques and leakage considerations of ventilation other equipment), particularly where operating
ductwork is the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning pressures are 1 in. wg or less.
Contractors’ National Association, Inc. (SMACNA).
Further information can be found in the HVAC Air Tightness Tests. To ensure proper installation of
Duct Leakage Test Manual, which is referenced in duct systems, tightness tests should be performed,
the Resources and Tools section on page 68. especially in systems where pressures exceed 2 or
3 in. wg. Although tightness checks are often not
Another useful resource is a standard maintained feasible on every part of the system, as much of
by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, the system as practical should be evaluated. In
and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) titled, general, tightness tests pressurize the duct up to its
ASHRAE 90.1, Energy Standard for Buildings pressure class rating and measure the airflow
Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, also required to sustain this pressure.
referenced on page 68. In an effort to promote
energy-efficient building design and construction
practices, this standard provides guidelines for
sealing ducts and test requirements for checking
to shift a fan’s performance curve upwards, a which leads to inefficient energy transfer and fan
counter-rotating swirl is an inefficient method of vibrations. One general guideline is to provide a
increasing fan pressure. straight duct length of at least 3 times the duct
diameter just prior to the fan inlet.
Another inlet condition that can interfere with fan
performance is highly non-uniform flow. As shown Fan Outlet. Poor outlet conditions also contribute
in Figure 2-17, placing a bend too close to a fan to under-performance in fan systems. Swirls and
inlet can cause the airflow to enter the fan unevenly, vortices increase the pressure drops of elbows and
Placing a bend too close to a fan inlet can impair fan performance. General guideline: ensure L > 3D. If this
is not possible, the fan should be equipped with a factory inlet box.
other duct fittings and can lead to inadequate Also as shown in Figure 2-18, the outer radius of
service to one or more system branches. As an elbow requires higher velocity airflow than the
shown in Figure 2-18, tees and other fittings inside edge (because the airflow has farther to
should be placed far enough downstream of travel), which is consistent with the airflow profile
a fan for the airflow to become more uniform. leaving a centrifugal fan.
Similarly, where possible, fans should be oriented
so that the airflow profile out of a fan matches Airflow Straighteners and Splitters. Many problems
the airflow behavior created by fittings such can be corrected with devices such as turning vanes
as an elbow. or airflow straighteners. For example, as shown in
Figure 2-19, flow splitters can prevent highly
Placing the fan inlet too close to the tee can If space constraints force a close gap, the use of a
impair fan performance. splitter plate is recommended.
disturbed airflow from forming in a tee. By properly and the friction loss per duct length. Consequently,
guiding the airstream into an adjoining duct, the larger ducts create lower friction losses and lower
splitter avoids a highly disrupted airflow profile. operating costs. For example, in a round duct,
doubling the duct diameter reduces frictional head
However, such devices should be used with caution. loss by a factor of 32. Although doubling the size of
For example, a non-uniform profile emerging a duct is often not realistic, increasing the diameter
downstream of a tee can correct itself within several of a round duct from 10 inches to 12 inches can
diameter lengths of a straight duct. The use of flow reduce friction head loss by 60 percent.
straighteners in this case may keep this imbalance
from correcting itself before the flow encounters Offsetting the lower operating costs associated with
another component, thereby creating a problem large ducts are higher initial costs, both in terms of
where one did not previously exist. duct material and the added structural requirements.
Additionally, larger ducts take up more space, which
Duct Sizing. In most fan systems, friction between the may be a problem for certain facilities. Also, some
airstream and the duct surfaces accounts for most of material handling applications require a certain air
the energy consumed by the fan. The resistance of velocity to ensure proper entrainment, making
airflow through a duct is a function of the square frictional head loss less important than system
of the velocity, as shown in the following equation: performance. Striking the right balance between
these competing costs requires effort; however,
2 using a systems approach during the design phase
∆p = ƒ
D ( 1,097 ) ρ can minimize system life-cycle costs.
◆ Installation Practices
Where: ∆p = pressure drop (in. wg)
ƒ = non-dimensional friction coefficient
Frequently, installation of a fan system is performed
with inadequate regard to the effect of flow profile
L = duct length in feet (ft.)
on fan performance. Ductwork is often bent, shifted,
D = duct diameter (ft.)
and dented on site to align connections and to make
V = velocity of the air stream (ft./min.)
room for other equipment.
ρ = density of the airstream (lbs./ft.3)
The friction coefficient (ƒ) depends on the duct When done far upstream or downstream of a fan,
surface finish, duct diameter, and the level of these installation practices may have only a minor
turbulence in the airstream. Although accurately impact on system performance; however, when
calculating the pressure drop requires detailed they create non-uniform flow into or out of a fan,
knowledge of the duct and airstream characteristics, the effect can be costly. In fact, one of the first
the relationship between pressure drop and duct checks typically performed on an under-performing
size is readily apparent. For a given delivery volume, fan system is to examine the ductwork around the
increasing duct diameter decreases both the velocity fan to determine if it is creating the problem.
itc By increasing system resistance, dampers force
20 e-P
lla fans to operate against higher backpressure, which
Co reduces their output. As a fan works against higher
backpressure, its operating point shifts to the left
20 40 60 80 100 along its performance curve. Fans operating away
Percent of Full Flow from their best efficiency points suffer increased
operating and maintenance costs.
Figure 2-20. Relative Power Consumption Among
Flow Control Options Inlet Vanes. Inlet vanes are more commonly used
with centrifugal fans than axial fans. Inlet vanes
change the profile of an airstream entering a fan. below 50 percent of rated capacity, operating at
Inlet vanes create swirls that rotate in the same low loads for long periods may not provide
direction as a fan impeller. These pre-rotating swirls efficiency advantages and can incur a low power
lessen the angle of attack between the incoming factor charge from the utility.
air and the fan blades, which lowers the load on
the fan and reduces fan pressure and airflow. By Fan Rotational Speed Adjustments. Fan rotational
changing the severity of the inlet swirl, inlet vanes speed adjustments provide the most efficient
essentially change the fan curve. Because they can means of controlling fan flow. By reducing fan
reduce both delivered airflow and fan load, inlet rotational speed, less energy is imparted to the air-
vanes can improve fan efficiency. Inlet vanes are stream, which means less energy must be dissipated
particularly cost effective when the airflow demand by the system airflow-control devices. There are
varies between 80 and 100 percent of full flow; two primary devices used to control fan rotational
however, at lower airflow rates, inlet vanes become speed: multiple-speed motors and adjustable speed
less efficient. drives (ASDs). Although both directly control fan
output, multiple-speed motors and ASDs typically
Disc Throttle. In some centrifugal fan designs, the serve separate applications.
generated airflow can be controlled by changing
the effective width of the impeller using a sliding Multiple-speed motors contain a different set of
throttle plate. As the plate moves, it changes the windings for each motor speed. For example, a
amount of impeller width that is exposed to the motor controller may have high, medium, and low
airstream. Although this fan design characteristic is settings. Depending on the application, switching
not common, its simple design may be feasible in from one discrete setting to another may provide a
some applications. sufficient level of speed control. Although they are
more expensive than single-speed motors, multi-
Variable-Pitch Fans. An option with some types of ple-speed motors provide a wide range of fan out-
axial fans is the incorporation of a variable-pitch put within a single unit, avoiding the need for mul-
feature for the fan blades. Variable-pitch fans allow tiple fans.
the fan blades to tilt, changing the angle of attack
between the incoming airflow and the blade. ASDs allow fan rotational speed adjustments over
Reducing the angle of attack reduces both the a continuous range, avoiding the need to jump
airflow and the load on the motor. Consequently, from speed to speed as required by multiple-speed
variable-pitch fans can keep fan efficiency high fans. ASDs include several different types of
over a range of operating conditions. mechanical and electrical systems. Mechanical
ASDs include hydraulic clutches, fluid couplings,
Variable-pitch fans can be a very efficient flow and adjustable belts and pulleys. Electrical ASDs
control option and offer several performance include eddy current clutches, wound rotor motor
advantages. Because variable-pitch fans maintain controllers, and variable frequency drives (VFDs).
their normal operating speed, they avoid reso- VFDs are by far the most popular type of ASD,
nance problems that can be problematic for cer- largely because of their proven effectiveness in
tain fan types. Additionally, variable-pitch blades reducing energy costs.
can operate from a no-flow to a full-flow condition
without stall problems. During start-up, the fan ◆ Advantages of VFDs
blades can be shifted to a low angle of attack, For many systems, VFDs offer a way to improve
reducing the torque required to accelerate the fan fan operating efficiency over a wide range of
to normal operating speed. operating conditions. VFDs also provide an
effective and easy method of controlling airflow.
Disadvantages of this flow-control option include Among the primary reasons for selecting VFDs are
potential fouling problems because of contaminant improved flow control, ability to retrofit to existing
accumulation in the mechanical actuator that motors, their compact space advantages, and elim-
controls the blades. Also, because motor efficiency ination of the fouling problems associated with
and power factor degrade significantly at loads mechanical control devices.
VFDs decrease energy losses by lowering overall and the controller. Soft starting a fan motor also
system flow. By slowing the fan and lessening the provides a benefit to the electrical distribution
amount of unnecessary energy imparted to the system. Large start-up currents can create voltage
airstream, VFDs offer substantial savings with sags that affect the performance of sensitive
respect to the cost-per-unit volume of air moved. equipment, such as controllers. By limiting start-up
When fan speed decreases, the curves for fan current, VFDs can reduce these power quality
performance and brake horsepower move toward problems.
the origin. Fan efficiency shifts to the left, providing
an essential cost advantage during periods of low ◆ Disadvantages of VFDs
system demand. Keeping fan efficiency as high as Although VFDs offer a number of benefits in terms
possible across variations in the system’s flow of lower operating and maintenance costs, they
requirements reduces fan operating costs. are not appropriate for all applications.
VFDs eliminate the reliance on mechanical Decreasing the rotational speed of a fan too much
components, providing an attractive operational often risks unstable operation, especially with axial
advantage, especially in “dirty” airstreams. fans and some centrifugal fans, such as backward-
inclined airfoil and forward-curved types. With
Noise. Other benefits of VFDs include lower airflow these fans, careful review of the performance
noise. Excess fluid energy is primarily dissipated in curves should precede the selection of a VFD.
the form of noise; consequently, operating a fan at
high capacity and then throttling the airflow tends Resonance. Fans, like most rotating machinery, are
to generate high noise levels. Airflow noise can be susceptible to resonance problems. Resonance is
a significant component of the overall ambient an operating condition in which the natural
noise in a workplace. In fact, in many fan systems, frequency of some component coincides with the
airflow noise is high enough to require ear protection. frequency set up by the rotation. Fans are usually
Because VFDs decrease airflow noise during low sys- designed so that their normal operating speeds are
tem demand, they can improve worker comfort. not near one of these resonant speeds. However,
decreasing the rotational speed of a fan increases
Other System Benefits. VFDs offer operating the chances of hitting a resonant speed.
improvements by allowing higher fan operating
efficiency and by increasing system efficiency as The effects of operating at resonant speeds can be
well. Using a system perspective to identify areas damaging. Depending on which component of the
in which fluid energy is dissipated in non-useful assembly is in resonance with the fan rotational
work often reveals opportunities for operating cost speed, the vibrations can cause a wide range of
reductions. For example, in many systems, venting problems, from annoying noise to destructive fail-
flow does not noticeably affect the backpressure ure. Shafts, bearings, and foundations are
on a fan. Consequently, in these applications, fan particularly susceptible to problems with
efficiency does not necessarily decline during resonance.
periods of low flow demand. However, by analyzing
the entire system, the energy lost in venting excess To avoid resonance problems, VFDs should be
pressure or dissipating it across dampers can be programmed to avoid operating near resonant
identified. speeds. This requires knowing what these resonant
speeds are, which, in turn, requires input from the
Another system benefit of VFDs is their soft-start fan manufacturers. Similarly, programming the VFDs
capability. During start-up, most motors experience accordingly often requires input from the VFD
in-rush currents that are 5 to 6 times higher than manufacturers.
normal operating currents. In contrast, VFDs allow
the motor to be started with a lower start-up current High Static Pressure. Another concern is the effect
(usually about 1.5 times the normal operating of reducing fan speed in a system with high static
current), thus reducing wear on the motor windings pressure. When a fan’s rotational speed is reduced,
Direct drives may be used in applications where Cogged V-belts offer the same advantages as V-belts;
space is an important consideration. For example, however, their notched design provides additional
vaneaxial fans are well-suited for direct-drive flexibility that allows the use of smaller pulleys.
applications because the motor often fits Cogged V-belts are slightly more efficient than
conveniently behind the fan hub. conventional V-belts, because of their added
flexibility and the fact that the notched surface service factor, and arc of contact. The effect of
transfers force more effectively. temperature varies according to the belt material.
Rubber contracts at higher temperatures.
Synchronous belts offer many advantages over Consequently, in belts that have high rubber
standard flat belts and V-belts. By using a mesh content, tension and stress increase as the drive
engagement, synchronous belts are the most system temperature increases. Because temperature
efficient type of belt drive because they do not also affects the mechanical strength of a belt, belts
suffer efficiency losses through slip. Synchronous should be sized to meet the torque requirements at
belts have teeth that engage with grooves in the the highest normal operating temperature.
sheave. Synchronous belts can allow lower belt
tension than conventional belts, reducing the radial Ignoring the belt service factor and arc of contact
loads on motor and fan bearings and extending (see Table 2-1) can lead to undersizing the belts,
their operating lives. Further, synchronous belts do which may lead to frequent servicing or belt failure.
not lose efficiency as they wear. The belt service factor accounts for acceleration
loads during start-up and under load changes. For
Despite their advantages, synchronous belts most fans, the belt service factor is between 1.2
must be used with caution. Synchronous belts and 1.4. The arc of contact correction factor
are very noisy, which often discourages their use. accounts for the loss in power that results when
Synchronous belts transfer torque very quickly the belt runs over by less than 180° of the pulley
and, in applications with rapid load changes, the circumference. As shown in Table 2-1, the horse-
cumulative effects of sudden acceleration and power rating drops off as the arc of contact
deceleration increases wear on the driven machinery decreases. In applications where a small arc of
and the risk of catastrophic failure. Synchronous contact is unavoidable, the use of cogged V-belts
belts also require precise alignment, which is diffi- is recommended.
cult to achieve in some fan applications. Before
selecting or switching to synchronous drives, one Belt Speed. The sensitivity of fan power to speed
should contact the belt drive vendor and review makes belt-drive sizing an important issue.
the history of similar equipment in similar service Although flow rate is linearly related to fan speed,
conditions. power is related to the cube of fan speed. Even
changes in the slip of an induction motor can
Belt Sizing Considerations. The required belt create noticeable changes in the power transferred
capacity must not only include the horsepower to the airstream. Consequently, establishing the right
required by the driven load; it must also account fan speed is critical to operating the system efficiently.
for site-specific factors, such as temperature, In general, fan-belt speed should not exceed
6,500 feet per minute (ft./min.). Many manufacturers temporary means of reducing noise. Belt slippage
suggest that to minimize bearing loads and to should be corrected by either cleaning the drive
increase reliability, up to but no more than system or adjusting belt tension.
6,500 ft./min is a good speed value for belt system
design. When installing or replacing belts, ensure they are
oriented correctly in accordance with the directions
Maintenance Practices. Belt tension and alignment of the manufacturer. Belts are often tagged to show
should be checked periodically (see Figure 2-22). the preferred direction of rotation. Although some
Proper belt tension is typically the lowest that belts can be operated in either direction, belt
prevents a belt from slipping at peak load. An manufacturers often test their belts in one direction
important maintenance practice to avoid is the use and package them with an indication of this
of belt dressing. Belt dressing is a surface treatment direction.
that increases the level of friction between a belt
and pulley. Because it masks the fundamental In high-temperature applications, new belts should
cause of slippage, belt dressing only provides a be operated under low-load conditions and at normal
Correct Incorrect
Multiple-Fan Arrangements
Fans placed in parallel can provide several Redundancy. Failure of one unit does not force a
advantages including: system shutdown. In a single-fan application, a
repair task on that fan requires a system shutdown.
■ High efficiencies across wide variations in With a multiple-fan arrangement, one can be
repaired while the others serve the system. In some
system demand
facilities, fan failure can cause the interruption of
■ Redundancy to mitigate the risk of downtime production work. With redundant fan configurations,
because of failure or unexpected maintenance. failure of one fan does not necessarily cause the
whole process to halt. Although total fan output
Parallel configurations may be feasible for systems falls if one of the parallel units fails, the capacity
with large changes in air-moving requirements. of the remaining fan or fans may be sufficient for
Wide variations in system demand preclude a limited production.
single fan from consistently operating close to its
best efficiency point (BEP). Operating a fan away Efficiency. Allowing each fan to operate close to its
from its BEP can result in higher operating and BEP can provide substantial energy savings. In
maintenance costs. Multiple fans placed in parallel addition, a potential advantage of multiple fans is
allow units to be energized incrementally to meet a higher overall efficiency level. Although larger
the demands of the system. By energizing or motors tend to be more efficient than smaller ones,
de-energizing individual fans to meet demand operating smaller, higher-speed fans close to their
changes, each fan can be operated more efficiently. BEPs can often achieve a net efficiency advantage
To allow operation of individual fans in a multiple- over a single, low-speed fan.
fan arrangement, each fan must have a back-draft
damper installed to prevent recirculation through Structural and Electrical Constraints. Two smaller
the fan when it is idle. fans in series may be more suitable in terms of
structural and electrical requirements than a single
Parallel fan configurations may also be a safety one. Large motors have large starting currents that
requirement in case of a single fan failure. In can affect the power supply to other parts of the
mining and other hazardous work environments, facility. This concern is particularly acute if the
ventilation is critical to worker safety. The service requires the fan to energize and de-energize
Peak Pressure
Average Pressure
Single Fan
System Resistance
Peak Pressure
Average Pressure
relatively often. Frequent power surges that often against a higher backpressure. In severe cases, one
accompany the start-up of large motors can create fan will force another fan to operate far away from
power quality variations that are problematic for its BEP. Often, fans placed in parallel are the same
numeric controlled machinery and other sensitive model so that there is balanced load sharing
equipment. during periods when all the fans are operating.
Also, the use of multiple fans in parallel may be Another problem that accompanies parallel
necessary because of space considerations. A sin- operation of fans is instability. This problem is
gle fan with an impeller large enough to move the especially applicable to fans with unstable operating
proper amount of air may not fit into the available regions (axial fans, forward-curved centrifugal fans,
space or may encounter structural constraints. and airfoil fans). Instability results from alternate
load sharing that can occur below certain airflow
◆ Potential Disadvantages of Multiple-Fan rates, as shown by the shaded region in Figure 2-25.
Arrangements This can occur despite the fact that each fan alone
When placing centrifugal fans in parallel, caution is operating outside of its stall region.
should be used to ensure that one fan does not
dominate another. Ideally, all fans should be the However, the combined performance curve of
same type and size; however, differences in the both fans has a region in which there are multiple
duct configuration can cause one fan to operate combinations of airflow from each fan that can
18 Region of Instability Combined Fan Curve
Static Pressure (in. wg)
8 Single Fan Curve
meet the system needs. The instability results the motor. VFDs allow speed control over a con-
from the fans’ shifting between these multiple tinuous range, which allows relatively accurate
combinations (known as “hunting”), as the fans matching between the system requirements and
tend to load and unload. In addition to creating fan operating speed. See the fact sheet titled
an annoying noise pattern, this continued hunting Controlling Fans with Variable Loads on page 43.
increases the wear on the fan drives because of Inlet vanes control fan output by creating a swirl
repeated acceleration and deceleration. To avoid this in the airflow before it reaches the fan blades, thus
problem, the system airflow should be kept to the changing the angle of attack. This affects how much
right of Point A, shown in Figure 2-25. energy is added to the airflow. Although this option
is generally less efficient than speed adjustment, it
◆ Other Options is a relatively simple and inexpensive option that is
Other alternatives that can handle widely varying widely used.
operating conditions include multiple-speed fans,
variable frequency drives (VFDs), inlet vanes, and, In applications that use axial fans, controllable-
in the case of axial fans, controllable-pitch fan pitch fans should be considered to handle varying
blades. In each of these options, the airflow airflow conditions. This fan type allows the fan
generated by the fan is adjusted to meet the needs blades to tilt away from the incoming airflow. By
of the system. changing the angle of attack to the incoming air,
the amount of airflow generated and the load on
Multispeed motors have separate windings for the motor can be controlled. This flow control
each speed. Operators can select different speeds, option is relatively efficient and offers several
such as high, medium, and low, according to the advantages that are discussed in more detail on
system requirement. VFDs adjust fan speed by page 43.
changing the frequency of the power supplied to
Fan systems are often critical in supporting plant A more accurate analysis of equipment operation
operations. A significant portion of all energy con- is the load-duty cycle. Load-duty cycle refers to the
sumed by motor-driven equipment in manufactur- amount of time that equipment operates at various
ing facilities is for process fans and air distribution. loads relative to its rated capacity and is often used
In many industrial applications, fans help maintain during the system design process. An example of a
environmental conditions that ensure worker safety load-duty cycle is shown in Figure 2-26. Load
and productivity by keeping machinery spaces cool. factor can be determined from the load-duty cycle.
Because they often directly support production
processes, many fans operate continuously. These ◆ Calculating Electricity Consumption
long run times translate into significant energy Electricity consumption can be determined by
consumption and substantial annual operating several methods, including:
■ Direct measurement of motor current or power
The operating costs of large fans are often high ■ Use of motor nameplate data
enough that improving fan system efficiency can ■ Use of performance curve data.
offer a quick payback. In spite of this, facility person-
nel often do not know the annual operating costs With any of these methods, the data’s usefulness is
of an industrial fan, or how much money they limited by how representative it is of the average
could save by improving fan system performance. system operating conditions.
◆ Load Factor
Fan economic analyses are primarily affected by 40
the amount of time and the percentage of full
capacity at which a fan operates. Because the fan
usually does not operate at rated full load all the 20
time, an estimate of its average load factor—the
average percentage of full load that a fan operates
over a period of time—must be made. Unfortunately, 0
unless operators maintain comprehensive records 0 20 40 60 80 100
or are highly familiar with fan operating data, the
Percent of Full Load
average load factor may be difficult to determine.
In systems with widely varying operating conditions, The motors used on most fans have a 1.15 contin-
simply taking data once will probably not provide uous service factor. This means that a motor with a
a true indication of fan energy consumption. nominal nameplate rating of 100 brake horsepower
(bhp) may be operated continuously up to 115 bhp,
Nameplate Data. A quick way to determine energy although motor efficiency drops slightly above the
costs is to use the fan motor nameplate data. In rated load. Using nameplate data to calculate
many applications, the fan/motor assembly is energy costs on motors that operate above their
oversized, which means the motor operates well rated loads will understate actual costs.
below its full-load nameplate data. However, by
using the nameplate data in combination with load Direct Measurement. A more accurate way to
factor and power factor estimates, the fan’s annual determine electricity consumption requires taking
operating costs can be calculated. Other necessary electrical measurements of both full-load amps
data include the annual hours of operation and volts. Motor full-load bhp and efficiency are
(hours/year) and the average annual unit cost of not required for this calculation. However, the
electricity ($/kilowatt-hour [kWh]). power factor over a range of operating conditions is
required. If practical, the power factor should be
Annual electricity costs can be calculated by measured with a power meter; however, if this
inserting this information into the equation found measurement is not feasible, then it can be
in the Simple Calculation sidebar. This equation obtained from the motor manufacturer.
assumes the electric motor driving the fan is
95 percent efficient (the 0.95 in the 1/0.95 factor), Using a clamp-type ammeter, the current on each
which is a reasonable estimate for a fan motor of the three power cables running to the motor
larger than 50 horsepower (hp). Newer motors should be measured. The average of these three
may have even higher efficiencies, thanks to the readings should be used as the current value. This
Energy Policy Act, which has been in effect since is also an opportunity to determine if there are
October 1997. If the fan uses an older motor that phase imbalances.
has been rewound several times or has a smaller
motor, then a lower motor efficiency should be Sometimes the motor controller is a convenient
used. point to take these readings while, at other sites, the
connection box on the motor itself is more accessi-
ble. Line voltage is usually measured at the motor
Simple Calculation controller and should be measured around the
same time as the current reading. In some facilities,
Annual electricity costs =
line voltage drops with increased power usage.
(motor full-load bhp) x (0.746 kW/hp) x
(1/efficiency) x (annual hours of operation) x (electricity
cost in $/kWh) x (load factor) Wattmeters, in general, are more difficult to use
because they require two simultaneous inputs,
Assumptions: voltage and current; many motor installations do
• Cost of electricity = $0.05/kWh not offer convenient access to both. However, if
• Load factor = 65 percent the use of a wattmeter is practical, then it would
• Motor efficiency = 95 percent provide a more accurate indication of actual
power consumption. Wattmeters provide a direct
For example: reading of real power, obviating the need to
• Motor full-load bhp = 100 hp estimate power factor. Note that the direct
• Annual hours of operation = 8,760 hours (3-shift, measurement of motor current is not always
continuous operation) practical. “Hot” measurement of motor voltage
exposes workers to risk and may not be feasible
Annual electricity costs = in some industrial environments because of expo-
(100 hp) x (0.746 kW/hp) x (1/0.95) x (8,760 hours)
sure of the power connections to moisture or
x ($0.05/kWh) x (0.65) = $22,356
contaminants. Such readings should only be taken
by properly trained personnel.
(in wg)
(full-load amps) x (volts) x (1.732) x (power factor) ÷(1000)
x (annual hours of operation) x (electricity cost in 16 60
$/kWh) x (load factor) 14 50
Power Curve 40
Case II. Use of a Wattmeter 10
Annual electricity costs = 8
Wattmeter reading (using a 3-phase setting) x (annual 6 20
hours of operation) x (electricity cost in $/kWh) x (load 10
2,000 6,000 10,000 14,000 18,000
Assumptions: 4,000 8,000 12,000 16,000
• Cost of electricity = $0.05/kWh FlowRate
Flow Rate (cfm)
• Load factor = 65 percent
• Motor efficiency = 95 percent Figure 2-27. Use of Fan Curve to Determine Power
• Power factor = 0.85 Consumption
For example:
• Full-load amps = 115 amps ◆ Energy and Demand Charges—
• Voltage = 460 volts
• Annual hours of operation = 8,760 hours (3-shift, Understanding Your Electricity Bill
continuous operation) The calculations shown previously use electricity
rates that are stated in terms of average dollars per
Annual electricity costs = kWh ($/kWh). However, electric utilities bill
(115 amps) x (460 volts) x (1.732) x (0.85)÷(1000) x industrial customers using more complicated rate
(8,760 hours) x ($0.05/kWh) x (0.65) = $22,172 structures. These typically include both energy
($/kWh) and demand charges ($/kW), and have
The Direct Measurement sidebar shows an exam- different rates depending on the level of
ple calculation of energy costs. By taking full-load consumption or seasons. Demand charges are
amps and volts, converting them to full-load
kilowatt (kW), multiplying by hours of operation Calculation with Fan Curves
and electricity price, annual energy costs can be
determined. Annual electricity costs =
Fan bhp/motor efficiency x (annual hours of operation)
x (electricity cost in $/kWh) x (load factor)
Use of Fan Curves. Another method of determining
fan power consumption is to take pressure Assumptions:
measurements of the airstream and use the fan’s • Fan discharge pressure is known
performance curve to determine the corresponding • Motor efficiency = 90 percent
bhp. Refer to Figure 2-27. The correct method of • Load factor = 65 percent
measuring fan pressure depends on how the fan is • $0.05/kWh unit electricity cost
configured in the system.
For example:
Figure 2-28 shows different methods of measuring • Fan discharge pressure = 19 in. wg
fan pressure. Once the fan operating pressure is • Reading from the bhp line, fan bhp = 49
known, the corresponding horsepower reading can
be found. The Calculation with Fan Curves sidebar Annual electricity costs =
shows how to estimate annual energy cost. (49 bhp) x (0.746 kW/hp) x (1/0.9) x (8,760 hours)
x ($0.05/kWh) x (0.65) = $11,563
Static Static
Pressure Pressure Total
Total Pressure
based on the peak demand for a given month or In much the same way that preventive and predictive
season and can have significant impacts on maintenance schedules minimize expensive
electricity costs for some customers. When the repairs, a well-designed system can avoid higher-
economic impacts of efficiency measures are than-necessary operating costs. Using a life-cycle
calculated, the actual cost of the electricity needs to cost perspective during initial system design or
be considered, taking into account energy and during the planning of system upgrades and
demand charges, seasonal rates, and different rates modifications can provide both lower operating
for different levels of consumption. costs and improved system reliability. For fan
applications, the dominant components of life-
◆ Maintenance Considerations and cycle cost include initial equipment cost, energy
Life-Cycle Costs consumption, maintenance, and decommissioning.
In addition to the cost of energy consumption, A highly efficient fan system is not merely a system
maintenance costs can be a significant portion of a with an energy-efficient motor. Overall system
fan system’s total operating costs. There are two efficiency is the key to maximum cost savings.
principal types of maintenance: preventive and Often, users are only concerned with initial cost,
predictive. Both are intended to improve system accepting the lowest bid for a component, while
reliability, reduce the risk of unplanned downtime, ignoring system efficiency. To achieve optimum
and avoid expensive failures. Preventive mainte- fan system economics, users should select equip-
nance generally refers to the use of a schedule to ment based on life-cycle economics and operate
perform inspections and replacement tasks. and maintain the equipment for peak performance.
Predictive maintenance uses diagnostic tools to
evaluate machinery condition, allowing effective
planning of repair or replacement tasks.
steam system operations and management. This End users can participate in plant-wide energy
tool will help users evaluate steam system assessments. Depending on the size of the facility,
operations against identified best practices. BestPractices offers no-cost or cost-shared energy
assessments with a team of experts. Small- to
• The 3E Plus software tool allows users to easily medium-sized plants may be eligible for a no-cost
determine whether boiler systems can be assessment with one of our Industrial Assessment
optimized through the insulation of boiler steam Centers. Larger plants can propose a cost-shared,
lines. The program calculates the most economical plant-wide energy assessment.
thickness of industrial insulation for a variety of
operating conditions. Users can make calculations Plant assessments provide the opportunity to work
using the built-in thermal performance relation- with BestPractices’ Allied Partners to develop case
ships of generic insulation materials or supply studies that document the results of the assessments
conductivity data for other materials. and any efficiency upgrades. Such written reports
provide positive public relations with existing and
Training sessions in industrial systems improvements potential customers, and with the plant’s surrounding
using these software tools are offered periodically community.
through Allied Partners. For more information,
visit the BestPractices Web site at www.oit.doe. Service Providers. Organizations that provide equip-
gov/bestpractices. ment, advice, or other services to manufacturers
benefit by becoming Allied Partners. BestPractices
Energy Matters Newsletter. Energy Matters, published provides Allied Partners with the technical support,
quarterly, is Industrial Technologies technical news- software, and materials to improve users’ knowledge
letter. Articles include case studies of companies of energy-efficient motor, steam, compressed air,
that have successfully implemented energy-efficient and other industrial systems. In addition, Allied
technologies and practices, optimization tips for Partners who provide these unbiased materials to
improving system operations, technology updates, their clients are seen as credible resources for
Allied Partner activities, and news and information industrial customers.
on plant assessments, system improvements, and
new products and services. For a free subscription Allied Partners can gain additional access to the
to Energy Matters, contact the Information media. For example, an Allied Partner can refer
Clearinghouse or subscribe online at www.oit.doe. customers who have completed energy efficiency
gov/bestpractices/energymatters/energy_matters.shtml. improvements to BestPractices. These projects may
be featured in Industrial Technologies case studies,
◆ Benefits of Participation Energy Matters newsletter, and on the BestPractices
BestPractices is only as effective as its partners. and Industrial Technologies Web sites.
Industrial plant efficiencies can only be improved
when plant engineers, plant managers, service Industry Trade or Technical Associations. Original
providers, and industry leaders get involved. All of equipment manufacturers’ trade associations, end-
these people can participate in and benefit from user industry associations, and utility consortia
BestPractices in the following ways. also work with BestPractices as Allied Partners.
Associations often work with BestPractices to
End Users. End users have access to the broad create new efficiency guidelines, products,
variety of BestPractices tools described earlier in this materials, and services.
section, and also have access to the Industrial
Technologies Information Clearinghouse. The ◆ Benefits of a Systems Approach
technical staff at the Clearinghouse can answer spe- BestPractices encourages use of the “systems
cific questions about energy efficiency upgrades approach” energy system design and analysis.
and assessments. They are available Monday
through Friday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Eastern The systems approach seeks to increase the
Standard Time. Call (800) 862-2086 or e-mail efficiency of systems by shifting the focus from
[email protected]. individual components and functions to total
Process Mechanical and Electrical Feedback
Input Power
system performance (see Figure 3-1). When 122 billion kilowatt-hours per year, or up to $5.8
applying the systems approach, system design and billion per year. These estimates include only the
manufacturing best practices seek to optimize per- energy savings and do not factor in other benefits
formance in the entire process system, and then focus likely to result from optimization. Benefits include
on selecting components and control strategies that improved control over production processes, reduced
best match this optimized system. The steps involved maintenance, and improved environmental compli-
in accomplishing a system optimization include: ance. This study is based on on-site surveys of 265
industrial facilities in the United States, in a statistically
■ Characterizing the process load requirements based sampling of the manufacturing sector. The study,
titled United States Industrial Electric Motor Systems
■ Minimizing distribution losses
Market Opportunities Assessment, can be downloaded
■ Matching the equipment to load requirements
from the BestPractices Web site at
■ Controlling the process load in the most optimal bestpractices or obtained through the Industrial
manner, considering all cycles of the process load Technologies Information Clearinghouse at (800)
■ Properly matching the system components to 862-2086.
each other as well as to the load.
Table 3-1. Financial Impact of Motor Consumption and Savings for Selected Industries
Sources: Manufacturers Energy Consumption Survey 1994, Bureau of Economic Analysis 1997, Census of Manufacturers 1993,
and United States Industrial Electric Motor Systems Market Opportunities Assessment, U.S. Department of Energy, 1998.
Table 3-1 displays motor systems energy use and information on all aspects of the BestPractices
potential savings per establishment in the ten Program are available by calling the Information
4-digit Standard Industrial Classification groups Clearinghouse at (800) 862-2086. Information is
with the highest annual motor energy consumption. also available at the BestPractices Web site at
In all these industries, the annual cost of motor
system energy in a typical plant exceeds $1 million;
in steel mills, the energy cost is $6 million. Potential
savings at the typical plant are also large, ranging
Air Movement and Control
from $90,000 per year in the industrial organic Association International, Inc.
chemicals sector to nearly $1 million per year in
petroleum refineries.
(AMCA International)
The right-hand column of Table 3-1 shows potential ◆ Introduction to AMCA International
energy savings as a percentage of operating margin. AMCA International is a not-for-profit international
These figures suggest the potential impact of motor association of the world’s manufacturers of related
energy savings on the bottom line. The process air system equipment. Such equipment primarily
industries listed in Table 3-1 operate on thin margins: includes fans, louvers, dampers, air curtains, air-
the difference between revenues from sales and flow measurement stations, acoustic attenuators, and
variable costs, including labor, materials, and sell- other air system components for the industrial,
ing costs. In 1996, operating margins for the groups commercial, and residential markets. The association’s
listed below ranged from 10 to 24 percent and mission is to promote the health and growth of
clustered around 16 percent. Thus, even relatively industries covered by its scope and the members
small increases in operating margin can have a of the association consistent with the interests of
significant impact on profitability. the public. It encourages the effective and efficient
use of air systems. AMCA International, with origins
Educational and informational materials, including dating back to 1917, has members in most
additional copies of this sourcebook and further industrialized countries throughout the world.
methods, and a standard for the field testing of AMCA International is a not-for-profit international
industrial process/power generation fans (AMCA association of the world’s manufacturers of related
Standard 803.) These standards, as well as application air system equipment. Such equipment primarily
guides and certified ratings programs, are described includes fans, louvers, dampers, air curtains, air-
in AMCA International’s Publications Catalogue. flow measurement stations, acoustic attenuators,
AMCA International tests to international standards, and other air system components for the industrial,
including those of the ISO, and participates in the commercial, and residential markets. The
international development of standards for industry. association’s mission is to promote the health and
growth of industries covered by its scope and the
Test standards provide an important equipment members of the association consistent with the
performance yardstick, while customer feedback interests of the public.
provides an application yardstick. AMCA
International research contributes to improved test American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
standards or evaluation of application conditions. 11 West 42nd Street
The AMCA International laboratory also provides a New York, NY 10036
reference standard for testing by other laboratories. Phone: (212) 642-4900
Many laboratories around the world compare their Fax: (212) 398-0023
product test data with the AMCA International
laboratory test data on identical products. An overall
improved fan system performance results from the ANSI is a professional society that develops and
application of AMCA International standards. maintains standards for a broad range of goods
and services. ANSI has approved several standards
For additional information on AMCA International’s on fan performance for testing purposes.
products and services, call (847) 394-0150, or visit
the AMCA International Web site at American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air
Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
Directory of Contacts 1791 Tullie Circle, NE
Atlanta, GA 30329
The following organizations can provide more Phone: (404) 636-8400
information on improving the performance of fans Fax: (404) 321-5478
and fan systems.
ANSI/AMCA Standard 204-96, Balance Quality The Selection and Use of Fans, Osborne, William
and Vibration Levels for Fans C. [Engineering design guides series], Design
Council, The British Institution and The Council of
ANSI/AMCA Standard 210-99—Laboratory Engineering Institutions by Oxford University
Methods of Testing Fans for Aerodynamic Press, 1979.
Performance Rating
Available from:
Centers for Education and Training
317 George Street, Plaza II, 2nd Floor
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-2008
Phone: (732) 235-9450
Fax: (732) 235-9460
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:
This appendix is a collection of terms used in ARI—Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute
fans and fan systems. It is based primarily on
Engineering Letter G, written by The New York ASHRAE—American Society of Heating,
Blower Company, and is used here with permission. Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers
anneal—the process of relieving stress and brittle- balancing—the process of adding (or removing)
ness in metals by controlled heating and cooling weight on a rotor in order to move the center of
gravity toward the axis of rotation
ANSI—American National Standards Institute
barometric pressure—a measurement of the
API—American Petroleum Institute pressure of the atmosphere; standard atmospheric
pressure is 29.92” Hg at sea level
bearing losses—power losses resulting from friction cfm—cubic feet per minute; the volume of flow for
in the main bearings a given fan or system
Bernoulli’s Theorem—the principle that the total coatings—specialty coverings, typically referred to
energy per unit of mass in the streamline flow of a as paints, with varying degrees of resistance to
moving fluid is constant, being the sum of the atmospheric or chemical corrosion
potential energy, the kinetic energy, and the energy
because of pressure. In terms of air movement, the coefficient of conductivity—the rate of heat transfer
theorem states that static pressure plus velocity through a material, expressed in Btu, transmitted
pressure as measured at a point upstream in the per hour through one square foot of surface per
direction of airflow is equal to the static pressure degree difference in temperature across the material.
plus velocity pressure as measured at a point
downstream in the direction of airflow plus the compressibility—a factor used by fan manufacturers
friction and dynamic losses between the points. to correct performance ratings in higher pressure
ranges to account for the fact that air is a
best efficiency point (BEP)—the operating condition compressible gas
at which a fan transfers energy to an airstream most
efficiently. In general, this is a point on a fan curve compression—a phenomenon related to positive
to the right of peak pressure. pressure. When air is forced into a system it is
compressed and becomes more dense. Depending on
blade liners—pieces of material added over the the volume or weight of air required downstream
impeller blades to reduce abrasion of the blades in the positive-pressure portion of the system, the
volume of air at the inlet of a fan may have to be
blade-pass frequency—the tone generated by the adjusted by the ratio of absolute pressure at the
blades passing a fixed object entrance of the fan versus the design requirements
in the system.
blast area—the fan outlet area less the projected
area of the cut-off conveying velocity—the air velocity required in a
duct system to maintain entrainment of a specific
brake horsepower (bhp)—a measure of the rate of material
energy expended. One bhp is equivalent to mechan-
ical energy consumed at a rate of 33,000-ft. lbs. corrosion—the deterioration of a material by
per minute. chemical or electrochemical reaction resulting
from exposure to weathering, moisture, chemical,
breakdown torque—maximum torque a motor will or other agents in the environment in which it is
produce without a sudden decrease in speed. Often placed
referred to as pullout torque or maximum torque.
curve, fan performance—a graphic representation
Btu—British thermal unit; heat required to raise the of static or total pressure and fan bhp requirements
temperature of 1 pound of water by 1°F over an airflow volume range
capture velocity—air velocity necessary to over- curve, system—a graphic representation of the
come opposing air currents or natural flow and pressure versus flow characteristics of a given system
cause contaminated air, fumes, or material to flow
in a desired direction damper—an accessory to be installed at the fan
inlet or outlet for air-volume modulation
Celsius—a thermometric scale in which water
boils at 100° and freezes at 0° density—the measure of unit mass equal to its
weight divided by its volume (lbs./ft.3); standard air
centrifugal fan—a fan design in which air is is 0.075 lbs./ft.3
discharged perpendicular to the impeller’s
rotational axis
dew point—the temperature at which condensation fan class—operating limits at which a fan must be
begins to form as air is cooled physically capable of operating safely
full-load torque—the torque required to produce inch of water—unit of pressure equal to the
the rated horsepower at full-load speed pressure exerted by a column of water 1 inch high
at a standard density (1 inch of water = 0.036 psig)
fumes—airborne particles, usually less than
1 micrometer in size, formed by condensation of inch-pound (in.-lb.)—torque equal to one-twelfth
vapors, sublimation, distillation, or chemical reaction foot-pound
gauge pressure—the pressure differential between induced draft—how air is provided in a process,
atmospheric and that measured in the system such as a combustion process, where air is drawn
or pulled through a process. Also see forced draft.
heat exchanger—a device, such as a coil or
radiator, which is used to transfer heat between induction—the production of an electric current in
two physically separated fluids a conductor in a changing magnetic field
housing—the casing or shroud of a centrifugal fan laminar flow—gas or fluid in parallel layers with
some sliding motion between the layers, characteristic
HVAC—heating, ventilating, and air conditioning of airstreams with Reynolds numbers less than 2,000
impeller—another term for fan “wheel.” The load factor—ratio of the average capacity to the
rotating portion of the fan designed to increase the rated full capacity, determined by the following
energy level of the gas stream. relationship:
impeller diameter—the maximum diameter Load = ∑ (Actual Load x Number of operating hours at this load)
Factor Rated Full Load x Number of hours in the period
measured over the impeller blades
make-up air—a ventilating term which refers to the plenum—a chamber or enclosure within an
replacement of air lost because of exhaust air air-handling system in which two or more branches
requirements converge or where system components such as
fans, coils, filters, or dampers are located
manometer—instrument for measuring pressure;
u-shaped, and partially filled with liquid, either poles—the number of magnetic poles established
water, light oil, or mercury inside an electric motor by the placement and
connection of the windings
maximum continuous rating—the point at which
the fan is expected to operate propeller fan—an axial fan type that is compact,
inexpensive, but relatively inefficient
natural frequency—the frequency at which a com-
ponent or system resonates psia—pounds per square inch absolute, represents
total pressure above a perfect vacuum
NEMA—the National Electrical Manufacturers
Association; the trade association establishing psig—pounds per square inch measured in gauge
standards of dimensions, ratings, enclosures, pressure, represents the difference between psia
insulation, and other design criteria for electric and atmospheric pressure
motors and other devices
radial blade—fan impeller design with blades posi-
noise criteria—a way for a designer to specify the tioned in straight radial direction from the hub
maximum permissible sound-power level in each
of the eight-octave bands. Noise criteria curves give radial-tip fan—a fan type with short blades and
maximum permissible intensity per octave-band in large clearances between the blades and the
a graphical form. impeller hub
saturated air—air containing the maximum amount density of dry air at the same temperature and
of water vapor for a given temperature and pressure pressure is the specific gravity of the gas.
scfm—standard cubic feet per minute; a volume of air specific heat—the ratio of the quantity of heat
at 0.075 lbs./ft.3 density; used as an equivalent weight required to raise the temperature of a certain
scroll—the general shape of a centrifugal fan hous- volume by one degree to that required to raise an
ing; the formed piece to which housing sides are equal volume of water by one degree
squirrel-cage winding—a permanently short-
sensible heat—any portion of heat which affects a circuited winding, usually uninsulated and chiefly
change in a substance’s temperature but does not used in induction motors, with its conductors
alter that substance’s state uniformly distributed around the periphery of the
machine and joined by continuous end rings
series fans—a combination of fans connected so
that the outlet of one fan exhausts into the inlet of standard air density—0.075 lbs./ft.3, corresponds
another. Fans connected in this manner are capable approximately to dry air at 70°F and 29.92 in. Hg
of higher pressures than a single fan and are used to
meet greater pressure requirements than single fans. stator—the stationary parts of a magnetic circuit
with operating speeds associated windings
service factor—the number by which the horse-
power rating is multiplied to determine the synchronous speed—rated motor speed expressed
maximum safe load that a motor may be expected in rpm:
to carry continuously
120 x Frequency
Synchronous speed =
shaft seal—a device to limit gas leakage between Number of poles
the shaft and fan housing
system curve—graphic presentation of the
slip—the percentage difference between pressure versus volume flow-rate characteristics of
synchronous speed and actual speed a particular system
sound—produced by the vibration of matter. The system effect—the difference between the actual
vibration causes sound waves to spread through flow-pressure characteristics of a fan or a fan system
the surrounding medium. component and the flow-pressure characteristics
determined in laboratory tests to obtain performance
surge limit—that point near the peak of the ratings
pressure curve that corresponds to the minimum
flow at which the fan medium can be operated tachometer—an instrument which measures the
without instability speed of rotation; usually in rpm
sound-power level—acoustic power radiating from tensile strength—the maximum stress a material
a sound source; expressed in watts or in decibels can withstand before it breaks; expressed in
pounds per square inch
sound-pressure level—the acoustic pressure at a
point in space where the microphone or listener’s tip speed—fan impeller velocity at a point
ear is situated; expressed in units of pressure or in corresponding to the outside diameter of the
decibels impeller blades; normally expressed in feet per
minute (circumference times rpm)
specific gravity—the ratio of the weight or mass of
a given volume of any substance to that of an torque—a force that produces rotation; commonly
equal volume of some other substance taken as a measured in ft.-lbs. or in.-lbs.
standard. The ratio of the density of any gas to the
The fan marketplace connects manufacturers, commercial, and residential customers. Most of the
manufacturer representatives, engineering/specifying energy improvement opportunities for fan systems
companies, and mechanical contractors to a wide are found in the industrial sector. The installed
range of fan end users. Fans are used in residential, base of fans in the industrial sector consumes
commercial, agricultural, and industrial fluid system about 79 billion kilowatt-hours annually, repre-
applications, where customer sophistication varies senting about 11 percent of all motor-driven indus-
widely. Consequently, fans are sold through several trial electricity consumption in the United States.
different market channels. Customer knowledge, Although the market segment of fans below 5
system application, and fan cost are among the horsepower (hp) accounts for the largest number of
principal factors that affect the structure of these units sold, the segment of fans above 1,000 hp
market channels. Industrial applications represent accounts for the highest energy consumption.
the largest fan-market segment in terms of energy
consumption and are the primary focus in this ◆ Market Distribution Channels
sourcebook. The fan marketplace is relatively complex, because
of the wide range of applications (see Figure B-1).
◆ Market Size and Energy Consumption Fan manufacturers sell fans through two primary
In 1997, U.S. fan and blower manufacturers channels: original equipment manufacturers (OEMs)
recorded almost $2 billion in sales to industrial, and manufacturer representatives. The key points
Fan Users
Equipment • Power
Fan Manufacturer • Mining
Manufacturer • Chemical
Mechanical • Pulp & Paper
Fan Manufacturer Contractor • Petroleum
Representative • Other Process
of influence for promoting market transformation Specifying Engineers and Mechanical Contractors.
in the process fan systems market are: Contractor and engineering firms often handle
turnkey production facility design, including system
■ Fan manufacturers and their internal sales staffs
design, fan sizing, and selection. New fan systems
■ Manufacturers representatives are typically installed by mechanical contractors.
■ Specifying engineers and mechanical Consulting engineers provide design services and
contractors help specify equipment for new facilities, as well
■ Fan users as major retrofits and system renovations.
■ Standards and trade associations
The role of specifying engineers is to design
■ Engineering societies.
systems and select fans that meet the system’s
Fan Manufacturers. The U.S. fan market is relatively needs. These engineers must ensure the system
distributed. Fan manufacturers include large meets performance criteria; however, once the
companies that produce a wide range of fan types system is installed and operating, the specifying
and comparatively small companies that specialize engineer’s task is complete. Because operating and
in a few fan designs. maintenance costs are future costs, not applied to
the capital budget, there is a tendency to focus on
Although fan manufacturers generally consider fans initial system performance. This practice often
to be commodity items, they cite technical features, results in equipment that is oversized. The
such as operating efficiency and durability, as constraint against sourcing oversized equipment is
competitive advantages. Some manufacturers use the higher cost associated with larger equipment
engineering support and order fulfillment time as rather than the need to keep life-cycle costs down.
selling points to swing purchase decisions in their
favor. Fan Users. Most fan users rely on mechanical
contractors/fan manufacturer representatives for fan
Manufacturers do not typically provide complete procurement. However, some large, sophisticated
system design services to fan customers, although fan users may use an in-house engineering staff to
a few manufacturers offer engineering services to design specialized systems and to source system
assist in fan selection. Most fan sales and service equipment, such as fans, motors, and control
support is provided by manufacturer representatives. systems. Evaluation criteria for fan selection
Fan manufacturers also sell fans to OEMs for use include initial cost, performance, and reliability.
as part of packaged products, such as unitary air The balance among these criteria changes according
conditioning units. to the sophistication level of the fan user, the needs
of the application, and resource constraints.
Another channel for fan sales is directly to end users
who need replacement fans. Fans in corrosive In many applications, fan systems are conservatively
environments often degrade and require replace- designed, which results in the selection of over-
ment before the end of the system’s service life. In sized fans. A common perception is that the costs
these cases, end users may request an entire fan of oversizing fans are small relative to the cost of
assembly or individual components, such as fan insufficient fan output. However, this practice
wheels. overlooks the life-cycle cost components of energy
use, maintenance requirements, and risk of failure,
Manufacturer Representatives. Manufacturer all of which are increased by operating a fan that
representatives are the primary links between the is improperly sized for its system.
manufacturer and the mechanical contractors.
Manufacturer representatives do not take possession Although some fan users are sufficiently
of the fans and are not exposed to the risk of sales. knowledgeable about fan system operation to
Manufacturer representatives place orders for sales, know the problems associated with poor system
and the manufacturer ships the unit directly to the design practices, many do not recognize the
fan customer. penalties of inefficient fan operation. In addition to
The Opportunities
Biomass Program
Using domestic, plant-derived resources to meet our fuel, power,
and chemical needs