Altmann 2001
Altmann 2001
Altmann 2001
The embryonic central nervous system (CNS) is patterned along its antero-posterior,
dorsal-ventral, and left-right axes. Along the dorsal-ventral axis, cell fate determination
occurs during and following neural tube closure and involves the action of two opposing
signaling pathways: SHH ventrally from the notochord and BMP/GDF dorsally from the
boundary of neural and nonneural ectoderm and later from the roof plate. In addition, Wnt
and retinoic acid signaling have been shown to act in dorsal-ventral patterning; however,
their roles are understood in less detail. Along the antero-posterior axis, signals divide the
neural tube into four major divisions: forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain, and spinal cord, and
these differences can be detected soon after the formation of the neural plate. The FGF,
Wnt, and retinoic acid signaling pathways have been implicated in the caudalization of
neural tissue. Boundaries of Hox gene expression are observed along the antero-
posterior axis and have been suggested to be involved in establishing different identities
in the hindbrain and spinal cord. Complex gene expression patterns in the brain suggest
the development of neuromeres dividing the brain into different regions that are
elaborated further during development. Patterning along the left-right axis occurs
concurrently with antero-posterior and dorsal-ventral patterning during gastrulation. A
leading candidate for initiating asymmetry is activin, which acts through Nodal and Lefty
before any morphological differences are observed. The big challenge will be
understanding how these diverse signaling pathways interact both temporally and
spatially to generate the complex adult nervous system.
KEY WORDS: Neural patterning, Embryonic axis, Cell fate, Cell signaling, Vertebrate
embryos. 䊚 2001 Academic Press.
I. Introduction
The cellular and molecular basis underlying the formation of the nervous
system in the vertebrate embryo is a topic that has generated passionate
International Review of Cytology, Vol. 203 447 Copyright 䉷 2001 by Academic Press
0074-7696/01 $35.00 All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
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1. Neural Tube
The initial patterning along the medio-lateral axis in the dorsal ectoderm
occurs at the open neural plate stages. By the time the neural plate closes
dorsally to form the neural tube, medial cells assume the ventral positions
to develop into floor plate and ventral types of neurons, while the most
lateral cells populate the dorsal structures and become neural crest, roof
plate, and dorsal types of neurons. Signals from both the underlying meso-
derm and the epidermis seem to influence dorsal-ventral patterning, and
many factors have also been identified that play a role in this process
(reviewed in Graham, 1997). Though most of our knowledge on regulation
of D-V patterning comes from studies in chick or mouse at the spinal cord
level, similar mechanisms seem to operate in the brain region and may be
applied to other vertebrates.
2. Spinal Cord
The dorsal, lateral, and ventral differences in the embryonic spinal cord are
manifested by the presence of different cell types. The most ventral cell type
in the spinal cord is the floor plate. Immediately adjacent to these cells are
the motor neurons. The lateral part of the neural tube is populated by differ-
ent types of interneurons. The most dorsal cells in the neural tube belong to
the roofplate, which itself is flanked on each side by sensory neurons (see
Figure 2 on color insert and Table I). During neural tube closure (in amphibi-
ans) or immediately following closure (amniotes) a population of cells,
called neural crest, migrate away from the most dorsal region of the neural
tube (Mayor et al., 1999; Bronner-Fraser, 1995a, b). Although these cells
are originally multipotent, they differentiate in response to uncharacterized
cues within the local environment into a wide variety of cell types including
cartilage, pigmented cells, and neurons. In the case of the spinal cord these
neural crest populations contribute to different trunk structures, while the
more rostral neural crest cells contribute to a number of head structures,
including the skeleton of the head as well as a diverse population of sensory
neurons and glia. While these cells are pluripotent, they do become re-
stricted at later times (Artinger and Bronner-Fraser, 1992b).
MND isl-1, isl-2, lim-3 (Ericson et al., 1997; Tsuchida et al., 1994)
MNv isl-1 (Ericson et al., 1997)
Dorsal limb lim1, isl-2 (Jungbluth et al., 1999)
Ventral limb/muscle isl-1, isl-2 (Ruiz i Altaba, 1996)
Dorsal interneuron 1 mAth1 (Helms and Johnson, 1998)
Dorsal interneuron 2 Ngn-1 (Perez et al., 1999)
Dorsal interneuron 3 D1b (Lee et al., 1998)
D1 Lim1/2-, LH2A/B (Liem et al., 1997)
V0 Evx1/2 (Ericson et al., 1996; Burrill et al., 1997)
V1 En1, Lim 1/2, Pax2 (Matise and Lance-Jones, 1996)
V2 Chx10, Lim 3 (Ericson et al., 1997)
MN Isl1/2 (Pfaff et al., 1996)
V3 Nkx2.2 (Briscoe et al., 1999)
FP SHH (Roelink et al., 1994)
Ventral interneuron lim-3, en-1 (Tsuchida et al., 1994)
strated that the notochord (axial mesoderm) is the source of signals involved
in the specification of the floor plate and secondarily to the formation of
motor neurons and ventral interneurons. The notochord itself acts as an
organizing center and hosts a number of secreted factors (Figure 2a). The
leading candidates for the induction of the floor plate are currently the
members of the hedgehog family of signaling factors. One such member,
sonic hedgehog (SHH), is expressed in the notochord (Krauss et al., 1993;
Echelard et al., 1993; Riddle et al., 1993; Roelink et al., 1994; Chang et
al., 1994). Loss-of-function as well as gain-of-function experiments have
suggested that SHH is both necessary and sufficient to induce the floor
plate. More interestingly, SHH has been shown to be able to act as a
morphogen, eliciting different cell fates at different thresholds of concentra-
tion. While it is still unclear how many thresholds of SHH exist, there is
evidence that at high concentration (10⫺8M) SHH will strongly induce floor
plate while at lower concentrations (10⫺9M) it will induce motor neurons
(Roelink et al., 1995). Additionally, the induction of the floor plate seems
to be contact-dependent whereas the induction of the motor neurons
does not require contact (Placzek et al., 1993, 1990; Tanabe et al., 1995).
Since SHH protein exists in both a membrane bound form as well as an
N-terminally cleaved secreted protein (Lee et al., 1994; Porter et al., 1995;
Bumcrot et al., 1995), it is presumed that the membrane bound form of
the protein is involved in floor plate induction while the soluble secreted
form is in charge of motor neuron specification. The requirement for SHH
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FIG. 3 Signaling pathways in neural patterning. (A) Hedgehog signaling pathway: Hedgehog
(Hh) binds to and inhibits the 12-membrane spanning Patched receptor (ptc1 or ptc2 in
vertebrates) on the cell surface. Ligand binding acts to geneticaly de-repress the Smoothened/
Frizzled (Smo/Frz) receptor of the serpentine family, which has not been shown to interact
directly with Hh but which is required for Hh function. Though the mechanism of action is
not known, signaling results in the stable phosphorylation of the serine-threonine kinase
Fused (Fu) and the kinesin-related protein Costal-2 (Cos-2) in the cytoplasm. Events in the
cytoplasm affect the transcription factor Cubitus interruptus (Ci), which is related to the
oncogene Gli (Gli1) in an uncharacterized manner. The Ci/Gli transcription factors can both
activate and repress transcription leading to dorsal and ventral fate determination in the
neural tube (Dierick and Bejsovec, 1999). (B) BMP/GDF signaling pathway: BMP/GDF
ligands bind to heteromeric type I and type II receptors and induce the autophosphorylation
of the receptors on serine and threonine residues. The active receptor complex phosphorylates
the Smad1 protein, which associates with the Smad4 and translocates to the nucleus where
it activates the transcription of Msx/Vent/Gata1 genes to promote dorsal fates and inhibit
ventral fates. Smad6 acts as decoy and competes for heterodimerization of Smad1 with Smad4
and thus selectively inhibits Smad1. Smad7 is a general inhibitor of Smads and interferes with
phosphorylation of Smads by the receptors (Weinstein and Hemmati-Brivanlou, 1999).
(C) Wnt signaling pathway: Soluble Wnt ligands bind to the Frizzled receptor and activate
disheveled (dsh). Dsh acts to inhibit the activity of GSK3, which in turn inhibits 웁-catenin.
웁-catenin translocates to the nucleus, where it associates with a member of the Tcf/Lef family
of nuclear factors to activate the genes Siamois and Xnr3, thus leading to the formation of
neural crest derivatives. Axin, APC, and Trcp act to inhibit 웁-catenin while GBP acts to
inhibit GSK3 (Dierick and Bejsovec, 1999). (D) FGF signaling pathway: FGF ligands bind
to the FGF receptor to induce dimerization and activate Ras signaling by tyrosine phosphoryla-
tion. Ras activates Raf and leads to the sequential phosphorylation of MEK, MAPKK, and
MAPK. Activated MAPK translocates into the nucleus to activate brachyury, which later
leads to the formation of caudal fates and the neural crest lineage (Weinstein and Hemmati-
Brivanlou, 1999).
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ventrally but is not required for all ventral cells types. While SHH knockout
mice lack floorplate and motor neurons (Chiang et al., 1996), four other
classes of ventral neuron (as defined by patterns of homeobox expression)
still develop. These markers are presented in Table 1. In the absence of
SHH signaling, RA can induce the expression of the markers Dbx2 and
Evx1/2 in tissue explants (Pierani et al., 1999). This activity is inhibited by
the expression of Pax7 (which is activated dorsally in response to BMP/
GDF signaling). The source of the RA that might be responsible in vivo
for this activity is not known. Possible sources include notochord precursors
(Hogan et al., 1992; Wagner et al., 1992) and the paraxial mesoderm (Maden
et al., 1998). As has been noted in other sections, the strong conservation
of signaling mechanisms along the neural tube suggests that other RA
dependent D-V patterning pathways have yet to be characterized at other
levels along the A-P axis.
other scenarios can be envisioned. It has been speculated that BMPs (as
well as other members of the TGF-웁 family ligands) can heterodimerize and
that these heterodimers display qualitatively and quantitatively different
responses than their homodimer counterparts (Aono et al., 1995). There-
fore, different fates can be due to the formation of different heterodimers
and the associated changes in activity. Finally, since a difference in the
timing of the specification of the cell types exists (with roof plate being
specified first and interneurons last) perhaps it is the difference in the
competence of the responsive cells at different times that ultimately allows
the generation of these three cell types. In favor of the timing arguments
are experiments performed with young versus aged neural explants, which
have shown that BMP induces different cell types as a function of time
(Liem et al., 1997).
The second type of signaling involved in neural crest specification has
been attributed to specific members of the Wnt superfamily of signaling
factors. The signaling pathway is presented in Figure 3c. Wnts may be
involved in both cell fate determination and expansion of dorsal progenitor
cells (through proliferation) within the embryonic neural tube. In Xenopus,
expression of secreted BMP inhibitors such as noggin, chordin, or follistatin
in embryonic ectodermal explants (animal caps) induces neural fate that
is anterior in character. In the absence of these inhibitors the explants
would solely differentiate as epidermis. Coexpression of Wnt1, Wnt3a, or
Wnt7B with neural inducers in animal caps has been shown to induce
expression of neural crest and dorsal neural markers (Saint-Jeannet et al.,
1997; Chang and Hemmati-Brivanlou, 1998a). In addition, in vivo overex-
pression of these Wnts enlarges the neural crest population flanking the
neural plate. The induction of dorsal cell fates by Wnt1 and Wnt3a occurs
in the absence of cell division, indicating that these Wnts (or other Wnt
members) may specify dorsal cells directly instead of merely stimulating
survival or multiplication of these cells (Saint-Jeannet et al., 1997). Since
experimental embryological evidence had demonstrated that juxtaposition
of epidermis and neural tissue is sufficient to induce neural crest cells (see
above and Selleck and Bronner-Fraser, 1995), it could have been possible
that Wnts induce only epidermis, which would indirectly give rise to neural
crest cells when in close proximity to the neural tissue formed in response
to the neural inducers. Epidermal induction assays performed with the same
Wnts have clearly demonstrated that Wnt activity alone is not sufficient to
induce epidermis and that the induction of dorsal fate occurs without a prior
commitment of epidermal induction by the Wnts in ectodermal explants
(A. Suzuki and A. Hemmati-Brivanlou, unpublished observations). One
unresolved issue in these experiments is that the same Wnts have strong
caudalizing activity (see below), and it still can be argued that the induction
of the dorsal fate and neural crest cells can be dependent, or secondary,
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(Foerst-Potts and Sadler, 1997). The paired homeobox genes Pax3 and
Pax7 also demarcate the dorsal domain in the neural tube (Goulding et al.,
1993a, b; Jostes et al., 1990). Consistent with a deterministic role of these
transcription factors in the establishment of dorsal fate is the observation
that elimination of these genes results in severe impairment of neural
crest formation (Koblar et al., 1999; Mansouri et al., 1996). Among other
transcription factors expressed in the dorsal neural tube are 1mx1 (Lim
homeodomain gene) and slug (a vertebrate homologue of the Drosophila
snail gene). The latter has been shown in the chick, using antisense ap-
proaches, to be necessary for the proper genesis of neural crest (Nieto et
al., 1994).
In summary, the establishment of fate along the medio-lateral (M-L)
axis during neural plate stages and in the D-V axis during and following
neural tube closure involves the concerted action of two opposing forces.
One from the notochord is mediated by SHH, which suppresses dorsal fate
and promotes ventral cells. The other, from the M-L boundary of neural
and nonneural ectoderm at neural plate stages early and then from the
roof plate itself, is mediated by BMPs and Wnts. These signals suppress
ventral fates and impose a dorsal fate. It is imperative to remember, how-
ever, that although a relatively simple picture emerges for the patterning
of the D-V axis of the neural tube, a large number of questions remain
unresolved. Among the most burning issues are (a) What happens at the
intermediate level of the neural tube at the boundary when the opposite
signals intercept each other? and (b) What is the role of a large number of
BMP and Wnt inhibitors present in the notochord? These include follistatin,
chordin, cerberus, and frazzled. The future might have more surprises and
additional levels of fine tuning for these important cell fate determina-
tion events.
c. Hindbrain Along the D-V axis, the hindbrain is patterned by the same
cast of characters seen before. SHH, originally derived from the notochord,
is later expressed in the floor plate underlying the entire hindbrain. Since
the levels of SHH (at least at the RNA level) are homogenous along the
length of the hindbrain, differential competence to respond to SHH in the
ventral side of the hindbrain has been suggested as a possible mechanism
for the generation of different rhombomeres ( Jessell and Lumsden, 1997).
On the dorsal side, BMP4 effects mediated by its immediate early re-
sponse genes msx1 and msx2 (Hollnagel et al., 1999), as well as signaling
from inter-rhombomeric segments, have been implicated in the specification
(or absence) of specific populations of neural crest cells (Marazzi et al.,
1997). The hindbrain is also the site from which most of the cranial neural
crest is derived; there is a direct relationship between rhombomere identity
and the kind of cranial neural crest to which it contributes (Graham and
Lumsden, 1996; Rubenstein et al., 1998). In addition to specific populations
of neural crest, the hindbrain contributes to a number of cranial nerves
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Human Cranial Nerves
1. Neural Tube
Anterior-posterior (A-P) neural patterning occurs soon after neural induc-
tion at open neural plate stages. Neural cells with equivalent developmental
potentials are induced to express position-specific genes along the A-P axis
in broad domains, some of which are associated with morphological features
such as bulges and restrictions. The prosencephalon, or forebrain, is the
anterior bulge early in development and later forms two bulges called the
telencephalon and diencephalon. The most anterior telencephalon gives rise
to the paleocortex, corpus striatum, and neocortex while the diencephalon
develops into the epithalamus, thalamus, hypothalamus, and infundibulum.
The midbrain, or mesencephalon, lies posterior to the diencephalon and
forms the tectum, tegmentum, and cerebral peduncles. The hindbrain, or
rhombencephalon, gives rise to the metencephalon, which forms the cere-
bellum and pons, and the myelencephalon, from which the medulla devel-
ops. The spinal cord is the most posterior part of the CNS. Within the
boundary of each domain historically defined by morphology, genes are
being identified that correspond with morphological boundaries and further
subdivide the CNS into distinct regions.
Classical embryological experiments performed in the amphibian embryo
have suggested that the organizer (a group of cells localized in the dorsal
marginal zone of an early gastrula) is a source of signals for A-P patterning
of the neural tube (reviewed in Harland and Gerhart, 1997; Zoltewicz
and Gerhart, 1997). When ectodermal explants are conjugated with the
organizer in vitro, neural tissue is induced in the ectoderm, and it is pat-
terned along its A-P axis. This is revealed not only by histological criteria
but also by the expression of molecular markers demarcating different
A-P levels. It is interesting that in these recombinants the organizer tissue
from early gastrula embryos induces a fairly complete set of anterior and
posterior markers, while organizers dissected from later gastrula induce
progressively more posterior neural genes. Two models have been proposed
to explain these observations (Chang and Hemmati-Brivanlou, 1998b). In
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3. The Brain
In all vertebrates the brain is anatomically subdivided into three main
domains: the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain. Although the embryonic
origins of the forebrain have been recently the topic of intense molecular
and embryological scrutiny, the mechanisms underlying A-P patterning in
the hindbrain are the best understood. The molecular dissection of the
patterning of the midbrain is still in its infancy.
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FIG. 4 Differential gene expression along the A-P axis. Gene expression patterns are indicated
above a diagram of the caudal regions of the developing CNS. Hox genes are generally
restricted to a boundary in the anterior, and expression extends to the most caudal regions.
The expression patterns shown do not represent the expression at a single time but rather
reflect the pattern of expression in general. Some genes, like the posterior genes, are not
expressed until later while the more rostral genes are expressed earlier. The figure was
compiled from a variety of sources (Puelles and Rubenstein, 1993; Duboule, 1994; Bürglin,
1994); the Hox nomenclature was changed to reflect current usage (Scott, 1993, 1992).
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brain (Gould et al., 1998; Itasaki et al., 1996). The target genes regulated
by these homeobox-containing proteins are still relatively unknown, but
have been shown to include the EPH receptor (Chen and Ruley, 1998) as
well as other Hox genes (Maconochie et al., 1997). Classical embryological
studies, in which rhombomeres are rearranged, indicate that rhombomere
identity exhibits some plasticity in some cases, while in others identity
appears to be autonomous (Itasaki et al., 1996; Grapin-Botton et al., 1995;
Guthrie et al., 1992).
In addition to the potential role of somites in regulating Hox expression,
there is also evidence of a role for the node (the amniote equivalent of the
organizer) mediated by retinoic acid (RA). Both elimination of endogenous
RA and addition of exogenous RA have been shown to influence the
patterning of the hindbrain (Gould et al., 1998; Marshall et al., 1996; van
der Wees et al., 1998). Quail embryos that cannot produce RA because of
a vitamin A deficiency lack posterior rhombomeres (Maden et al., 1996,
1998a), and incubation of Xenopus embryos in RA leads to expanded
hindbrain and midbrain and reduced forebrain (Kolm et al., 1997; Ruiz i
Altaba and Jessell, 1991). Additionally, both RA and its two major classes
of receptors (RARs and RXRs) are expressed in the node (Berggren et
al., 1999; Hogan et al., 1992; Maden et al., 1998a, b). Addition or elimination
of RA influences the expression of the Hox genes, which in turn are believed
to modify the architecture of the hindbrain.
D. Right-Left Patterning
Like the patterning along the D-V and A-P axes, the determination of the
L-R axis also occurs early in development during gastrulation, though the
morphological effects are not observed until later (Izraeli et al., 1999; Patel
et al., 1999; King and Brown, 1997). Most studies of L-R asymmetry have
focused on mesodermal derivatives such as the heart and on the more
obvious morphological asymmetries observed in the whole embryo and
only recently has attention been focused to L-R asymmetry in the nervous
system. The mechanisms involved in the formation of this asymmetric axis
are likely to be well conserved among vertebrates. A number of genes have
been shown to be asymmetrically expressed during gastrulation, including
SHH, nodal, and the activin receptor ActRIIa (Levin et al., 1997). In the
chick, activin is first expressed on the right side of the primitive streak
and developing node, and is the first sign of axis asymmetry prior to any
morphological changes. Activation of this TGF-웁 family receptor leads to
the asymmetric expression of both nodal and SHH. The result of this
cascade is the expression of nodal in the lateral plate mesoderm on the
left side, and it is this expression pattern that is conserved among vertebrates
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The nervous system is perhaps the most complex organ in the vertebrate.
It consists of hundreds of differentiated cell types highly organized spatially.
The formation of this complex system begins early in development during
gastrulation when the neuronal precursor cells in the ectoderm are deprived
of BMP/GDF signaling. Signals from the mesoderm (follistatin, noggin,
chordin, xnr-3, cerberus) inhibit the action of these soluble ligands and
promote a neural fate (Weinstein and Hemmati-Brivanlou, 1999). At the
same time, signals act to pattern the neural tissues along the A-P, D-V,
and lateral axes. The main source of ventralizing signal in the neural tube
is the notochord, and the prime candidate for this signaling is SHH. Anteri-
orly to the notochord, the prechordal mesoderm or head mesoderm acts
to pattern the brain in a similar manner. In addition to SHH, retinoic acid
also has ventralizing activity. During this same period, BMP/GDF signaling
from the ectoderm acts to repress ventral signaling and promote dorsal fates.
Members of the Wnt family also appear to play a role in the development of
dorsal fates and are required for the formation of the neural crest (the
most dorsal fate in the neural tube) in some regions. Along the A-P axis,
neural induction leads to the generation of anterior cell types that are then
caudalized by the action of FGFs and RA. In addition, various Wnt family
ligands are implicated in the generation of posterior neuronal identities.
Finally, the generation of L-R asymmetry in the vertebrate nervous system
is just beginning to be elucidated with the first indications of L-R differences
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observed in the ventral neural tube. How these differences relate to the
functional differences remain to be determined. Developmental biologists,
of course, think that by understanding how an organ develops they will
also ultimately learn how it works. If this turns out to be true, we still have
a long way to go.
We thank Giorgio Lagna, Guojun Sheng, and Daniel Weinstein for critical reading of the
manuscript and helpful suggestions. We especially thank Claudio Stern for his help preparing
the chick neural plate fate maps.
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