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CYTOLOGY V203 - AP - 5173 / C11-447 / 10-04-00 09:03:32

Neural Patterning in the

Vertebrate Embryo
Curtis R. Altmann and Ali H. Brivanlou
The Rockefeller University, New York, New York 10021

The embryonic central nervous system (CNS) is patterned along its antero-posterior,
dorsal-ventral, and left-right axes. Along the dorsal-ventral axis, cell fate determination
occurs during and following neural tube closure and involves the action of two opposing
signaling pathways: SHH ventrally from the notochord and BMP/GDF dorsally from the
boundary of neural and nonneural ectoderm and later from the roof plate. In addition, Wnt
and retinoic acid signaling have been shown to act in dorsal-ventral patterning; however,
their roles are understood in less detail. Along the antero-posterior axis, signals divide the
neural tube into four major divisions: forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain, and spinal cord, and
these differences can be detected soon after the formation of the neural plate. The FGF,
Wnt, and retinoic acid signaling pathways have been implicated in the caudalization of
neural tissue. Boundaries of Hox gene expression are observed along the antero-
posterior axis and have been suggested to be involved in establishing different identities
in the hindbrain and spinal cord. Complex gene expression patterns in the brain suggest
the development of neuromeres dividing the brain into different regions that are
elaborated further during development. Patterning along the left-right axis occurs
concurrently with antero-posterior and dorsal-ventral patterning during gastrulation. A
leading candidate for initiating asymmetry is activin, which acts through Nodal and Lefty
before any morphological differences are observed. The big challenge will be
understanding how these diverse signaling pathways interact both temporally and
spatially to generate the complex adult nervous system.
KEY WORDS: Neural patterning, Embryonic axis, Cell fate, Cell signaling, Vertebrate
embryos. 䊚 2001 Academic Press.

I. Introduction

The cellular and molecular basis underlying the formation of the nervous
system in the vertebrate embryo is a topic that has generated passionate

International Review of Cytology, Vol. 203 447 Copyright 䉷 2001 by Academic Press
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debate among developmental biologists. In recent years the tools of molecu-

lar biology have endowed experimental embryologists with the ability to
provide molecular solutions to classical embryological problems. Among
these problems were the molecular basis of embryonic induction, a subject
of intense scrutiny for the last few decades of the twentieth century. In this
chapter we discuss one aspect of embryonic induction: the processes that
underlie the formation of the diverse regions and cell types of the nervous
system, focusing specifically on the embryological, cellular, and molecular
basis of early neural patterning in the vertebrate embryo. Neural patterning
is a process that initiates during neural induction (or neuralization), the
earliest phase of establishing a neuronal fate, and continues afterward
throughout embryonic development. Most classical work in vertebrate em-
bryology has been performed on the embryos of birds and amphibians,
and these systems still play a leading role in allowing an understanding of
the molecular aspects of embryonic development. Recent model systems
such as the fish and the mouse have begun to contribute to our knowledge
of embryonic development, and by taking advantage of genetic approaches,
have joined the ranks of the classical studies in providing novel insights in
the understanding of the molecular decisions of early vertebrate devel-
In all vertebrates the presumptive neural tissue is specified during a
very important process of early embryonic development called gastrulation.
During gastrulation, the cells located in the dorsal side of the ectoderm
receive neural-promoting signals from a dorsal organizing center. These
signals inhibit ongoing signaling from the BMP/GDF subfamily of ligands
[which belong to the transforming growth factor-웁 (TGF-웁) super-family of
signaling factors; Weinstein and Hemmati-Brivanlou, 1999]. In the ventral
ectoderm, where the BMP/GDF signals escape these inhibitors, an epider-
mal fate is imposed (Wilson and Hemmati-Brivanlou, 1997). Therefore,
while the induction of the epidermis clearly involves instructive signaling
(in molecular terms, a signal that activates a transduction cascade), the
genesis of the neurogenic ectoderm can be considered permissive (inhibition
of signaling from outside of the cell which does not involve a direct activa-
tion of a signaling cascade). This molecular scenario for the formation
of the embryonic nervous system has been named the default model of
neurogenesis, and the word neuralization was suggested instead of neural
induction (Hemmati-Brivanlou and Melton, 1997) to highlight the permis-
sive nature of the signaling involved in the specification of the neuronal
fate. It is important to emphasize, however, that while the default model
has enjoyed the support of many lines of evidence and is generally accepted
in the amphibian system, this model has been challenged in the amniotes
and is still contested (Streit and Stern, 1999). Since this topic has been
reviewed extensively elsewhere it will not be discussed in this chapter
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(Eagleson et al., 1995; Brivanlou and Melton, 1997; Gould and Grainger,
1997; Tiedemann et al., 1998).
The first morphological manifestation of the future nervous system occurs
shortly after gastrulation during neurulation, when a thickening of the
ectoderm in the dorsal side demarcates the future neural plate. The neural
plate undergoes morphogenetic movements that first create a neural groove
by raising the lateral edges of the plate and ultimately the neural tube when
the lateral edges of the plate meet and close dorsally. This tube will then
further differentiate to create patterns of cell types in three axes, thus
forming the brain in the anterior part and the spinal cord in the posterior
end. At neural groove/neural tube stages, the neural crest, a complex popu-
lation of cells derived from the dorsal side of the neural tube, detaches
from the developing embryonic nervous system and begins migration to-
ward specific targets (Mayor et al., 1999; Bronner-Fraser, 1995a, b; Selleck
et al., 1993). Once the primary neurons have been specified, the cells divide
once or twice before projecting axons to the appropriate targets (Harte-
nstein, 1993). The resultant vector of all these events ultimately gives rise
to a mature nervous system that will allow the embryo to begin to interact
with its environment.
In this chapter, whenever possible, we take a comparative approach
in describing what is currently known about these important embryonic
processes. As an introduction, we discuss briefly the origin of the nervous
system in vertebrates as well as the spatial and temporal coordinates in-
volved in the genesis of this tissue. We take a little historical tour by
highlighting the crucial contribution of experimental embryology from its
birth at the turn of the century. It will become obvious to the reader that
the heritage of this early work had set the stage for the modern molecular
characterization of neural patterning. We then explore the timing of forma-
tion as well as the spatial origin of the nervous system by discussing neurula
fate maps. Following this is a description of the cellular and molecular basis
of neural patterning along the antero-posterior (A-P) and dorsal-ventral
(D-V) axes, and the right-left patterning of the embryonic brain and spinal
cord. We then explore the lessons learned from genetic approaches in
zebrafish and mouse regarding neural patterning.

II. Neural Patterning

A. Experimental Embryological View

The embryonic central nervous system (CNS) can be subdivided along

its antero-posterior axis into four major divisions: forebrain, midbrain,
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hindbrain, and spinal cord. Classical experiments, which consisted of cutting

and pasting different pieces of the neural tube in different orientations and
locations, had afforded two discoveries: first, that A-P and D-V patterning
are independent events, and second, that the establishment of the A-P axis
precedes the establishment of fate in the D-V axis as demonstrated by
experiments in chicks (Simon et al., 1995; Graff et al., 1989; Stumpo et
al., 1989).
During gastrulation, neural induction occurs in parallel with the earliest
aspects of neural patterning. At the early neural plate stage, the axes of
the future nervous system have been laid out. While not yet differentiated,
the cells have received and continue to receive signals directing them to their
fate. In Xenopus, this can be seen in the early neural plate by monitoring
molecular markers such as the expression of OtxA (otd-type homeobox),
En2 (en homeobox class), Krox20 (zinc finger containing transcription fac-
tor), and HoxB9 (Antp-type homeobox protein), which are localized to
the forebrain, midbrain/hindbrain, hindbrain, and spinal cord, respectively
(Lamb et al., 1993; Brivanlou and Harland, 1989; Nieto et al., 1992). Experi-
ments to determine whether these tissues are specified (i.e. differentiate
without further signals when explanted) are technically demanding due to
the difficulty in separating the underlying mesoderm from the overlying
neural tissue. By tracing the lineage of marked cells, a fate map of the
embryo at neural plate stages has been prepared from Xenopus embryos
(Eagleson and Harris, 1990) and is presented in Figure 1a (see color insert).
These studies reveal that the more dorsal fates are derived from the lateral
regions of the neural plate, while ventral cells arise from medial regions.
This is a consequence of the folding of the neural plate to form the neural
tube. The more rostral regions of the brain map to the anterior end of the
neural plate, while caudal regions lie posteriorly. In addition, all subdivisions
of the brain lay contiguously also at the neural plate stages, thus indicating
that migration is not playing a major role in organizing the brain architecture
(Eagleson et al., 1995; Eagleson and Harris, 1990). However, the ventral
forebrain arises from the antero-medial part of the neural ridge where
descendents do not always lie contiguously. This indicates that in this region,
cellular migration is important in determining the final spatial map. In the
chick, a similar anterior to posterior arrangement of neural tissue has been
identified (Figure 1b), though there appears to be more mixing of the cells,
especially in the A-P axis (Bortier and Vakaet, 1992; Hatada and Stern,
1994; Garcia-Martinez et al., 1993; Schoenwolf et al., 1989; Schoenwolf and
Sheard, 1990). These maps suggest a conservation of fate in both non-
amniotes and amniotes, though differences are likely to be identified. To
date, neurula fate maps in the mouse and zebrafish have not been deter-
mined at similar resolutions.
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B. The D-V Patterning

1. Neural Tube
The initial patterning along the medio-lateral axis in the dorsal ectoderm
occurs at the open neural plate stages. By the time the neural plate closes
dorsally to form the neural tube, medial cells assume the ventral positions
to develop into floor plate and ventral types of neurons, while the most
lateral cells populate the dorsal structures and become neural crest, roof
plate, and dorsal types of neurons. Signals from both the underlying meso-
derm and the epidermis seem to influence dorsal-ventral patterning, and
many factors have also been identified that play a role in this process
(reviewed in Graham, 1997). Though most of our knowledge on regulation
of D-V patterning comes from studies in chick or mouse at the spinal cord
level, similar mechanisms seem to operate in the brain region and may be
applied to other vertebrates.

2. Spinal Cord
The dorsal, lateral, and ventral differences in the embryonic spinal cord are
manifested by the presence of different cell types. The most ventral cell type
in the spinal cord is the floor plate. Immediately adjacent to these cells are
the motor neurons. The lateral part of the neural tube is populated by differ-
ent types of interneurons. The most dorsal cells in the neural tube belong to
the roofplate, which itself is flanked on each side by sensory neurons (see
Figure 2 on color insert and Table I). During neural tube closure (in amphibi-
ans) or immediately following closure (amniotes) a population of cells,
called neural crest, migrate away from the most dorsal region of the neural
tube (Mayor et al., 1999; Bronner-Fraser, 1995a, b). Although these cells
are originally multipotent, they differentiate in response to uncharacterized
cues within the local environment into a wide variety of cell types including
cartilage, pigmented cells, and neurons. In the case of the spinal cord these
neural crest populations contribute to different trunk structures, while the
more rostral neural crest cells contribute to a number of head structures,
including the skeleton of the head as well as a diverse population of sensory
neurons and glia. While these cells are pluripotent, they do become re-
stricted at later times (Artinger and Bronner-Fraser, 1992b).

a. Cell Fate Determination in the Ventral Spinal Cord In recent years

the molecular dissection of events underlying patterning across the D-V
axis of the spinal cord has allowed the characterization of signaling factors
involved in the specification of ventral cell fate. Elegant experiments per-
formed first in chick embryos and subsequently on amphibians demon-
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Spinal Nerves and Molecular Markers in Chick

Spinal nerve identity Marker Reference

MND isl-1, isl-2, lim-3 (Ericson et al., 1997; Tsuchida et al., 1994)
MNv isl-1 (Ericson et al., 1997)
Dorsal limb lim1, isl-2 (Jungbluth et al., 1999)
Ventral limb/muscle isl-1, isl-2 (Ruiz i Altaba, 1996)
Dorsal interneuron 1 mAth1 (Helms and Johnson, 1998)
Dorsal interneuron 2 Ngn-1 (Perez et al., 1999)
Dorsal interneuron 3 D1b (Lee et al., 1998)
D1 Lim1/2-, LH2A/B (Liem et al., 1997)
V0 Evx1/2 (Ericson et al., 1996; Burrill et al., 1997)
V1 En1, Lim 1/2, Pax2 (Matise and Lance-Jones, 1996)
V2 Chx10, Lim 3 (Ericson et al., 1997)
MN Isl1/2 (Pfaff et al., 1996)
V3 Nkx2.2 (Briscoe et al., 1999)
FP SHH (Roelink et al., 1994)
Ventral interneuron lim-3, en-1 (Tsuchida et al., 1994)

strated that the notochord (axial mesoderm) is the source of signals involved
in the specification of the floor plate and secondarily to the formation of
motor neurons and ventral interneurons. The notochord itself acts as an
organizing center and hosts a number of secreted factors (Figure 2a). The
leading candidates for the induction of the floor plate are currently the
members of the hedgehog family of signaling factors. One such member,
sonic hedgehog (SHH), is expressed in the notochord (Krauss et al., 1993;
Echelard et al., 1993; Riddle et al., 1993; Roelink et al., 1994; Chang et
al., 1994). Loss-of-function as well as gain-of-function experiments have
suggested that SHH is both necessary and sufficient to induce the floor
plate. More interestingly, SHH has been shown to be able to act as a
morphogen, eliciting different cell fates at different thresholds of concentra-
tion. While it is still unclear how many thresholds of SHH exist, there is
evidence that at high concentration (10⫺8M) SHH will strongly induce floor
plate while at lower concentrations (10⫺9M) it will induce motor neurons
(Roelink et al., 1995). Additionally, the induction of the floor plate seems
to be contact-dependent whereas the induction of the motor neurons
does not require contact (Placzek et al., 1993, 1990; Tanabe et al., 1995).
Since SHH protein exists in both a membrane bound form as well as an
N-terminally cleaved secreted protein (Lee et al., 1994; Porter et al., 1995;
Bumcrot et al., 1995), it is presumed that the membrane bound form of
the protein is involved in floor plate induction while the soluble secreted
form is in charge of motor neuron specification. The requirement for SHH
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is indicated by the inhibition of notochord-mediated induction of ventral
types by neutralizing antibodies to SHH (Marti et al., 1995; Ericson et al.,
1996). It is also important to note that while the induction of the floor plate
by SHH has been suggested to be direct (Ruiz i Altaba et al., 1995), the
specification of motor neurons might require a signaling intermediate. In
addition, there is evidence that SHH requires TGF-웁 signaling to elicit its
effects (Bitgood and McMahon, 1995). Though still an open issue, recent
experiments using inhibitory anti-SHH antibodies suggest that SHH directly
induces and is required for motor neuron differentiation (Ericson et al.,
Through a signal transduction cascade (Figure 3a) elucidated by both
genetic approaches as well as biochemical studies, SHH ultimately induces
or represses the expression of specific set of transcription factors in the
nucleus. Within the neural tube, SHH signaling acts to repress the expres-
sion of Pax3 and Pax7 (members of the paired box homeodomain family)
as well as Msx1 and Msx2 (msh type of homeobox proteins, Goulding et
al., 1993a, b; Liem et al., 1995). SHH signaling acts to upregulate nkx2.1,
nkx2.2 (members of the NK-2 type homeobox class Barth and Wilson,
1995; Ericson et al., 1995). By regulating specific downstream genes these
transcription factors then proceed intrinsically to impose and maintain the
fate dictated by SHH. Genes such as HNF3-웁 have been shown to be
required for the formation of the notochord and the floor plate as HNF3-
웁 null mice lack both of these tissues (Weinstein et al., 1994; Ang and
Rossant, 1994). Although not supported by direct evidence, the lack of the
floor plate in these mutants is assumed to be due to the lack of notochord
and therefore the absence of SHH signaling. Supporting this view are gain-
of-function experiments performed in Xenopus embryos where ectopic
expression of the Xenopus HNF3-웁 homologue (pintallavis) has been shown
to induce ectopic floor plate (Ruiz i Altaba and Jessell, 1992; Ruiz i Altaba,
1992; Ruiz i Altaba et al., 1993; Hynes et al., 1995; Sasaki and Hogan, 1996).
Another transcription factor, Isl-1, has been shown to be required for the
formation of both motor neurons and a subpopulation of ventral interneu-
rons (which are selectively expressing the marker En-1). In all vertebrates,
Isl-1 is selectively expressed in the motor neurons (Karlsson et al., 1990; Eric-
son et al., 1992; Tsuchida et al., 1994; Pfaff et al., 1996). Both in the mouse and
in the chick, elimination of the Isl-1 gene results in embryos lacking the entire
population of motor neurons (Pfaff et al., 1996). It is interesting that in addi-
tion to the lack of motor neurons, a population of ventral interneurons (which
are also En1⫹ ) is also missing in these homozygous Isl-1⫺ mice. This suggests
that the En1⫹ interneurons are dependent on the presence of the motor neu-
rons or dependent on a cell type generated by the motor neurons, and high-
lights a cascade of inductive interactions originally derived from the noto-
chord. In these embryos the notochord and floor plate develop apparently
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normally, thus suggesting that the lack of ventral cell types is not an indirect
consequence of perturbing the differentiation of the midline. Secreted signals
are not only necessary, but also sufficient for the specification of the En1⫹
interneurons, as shown by experiments in which conditioned medium pre-
pared from ventro-lateral neural tubes of wild-type mice restored the popula-
tion of En1⫹ interneurons in the neural tube of Is1-1⫺/⫺ mice. It is also impor-
tant to emphasize that not all the populations of ventral interneurons are
dependent of SHH signaling. For example, the Lim-2⫹ group of interneurons
(V1) can be formed in embryos lacking notochord (HNF3b⫺/⫺, Weinstein
et al., 1994) and this may be due to RA signaling. The inhibition of BMP/
GDF ligands by Noggin is also required for the proper formation of ventral
cell types in the presence of normal SHH signaling (McMahon et al., 1998).
While SHH signaling accounts for some aspects of the patterning of the
ventral spinal cord, a role for retinoic acid (RA) in D-V patterning has
been established. SHH is sufficient to induce floor plate and motor neurons

FIG. 3 Signaling pathways in neural patterning. (A) Hedgehog signaling pathway: Hedgehog
(Hh) binds to and inhibits the 12-membrane spanning Patched receptor (ptc1 or ptc2 in
vertebrates) on the cell surface. Ligand binding acts to geneticaly de-repress the Smoothened/
Frizzled (Smo/Frz) receptor of the serpentine family, which has not been shown to interact
directly with Hh but which is required for Hh function. Though the mechanism of action is
not known, signaling results in the stable phosphorylation of the serine-threonine kinase
Fused (Fu) and the kinesin-related protein Costal-2 (Cos-2) in the cytoplasm. Events in the
cytoplasm affect the transcription factor Cubitus interruptus (Ci), which is related to the
oncogene Gli (Gli1) in an uncharacterized manner. The Ci/Gli transcription factors can both
activate and repress transcription leading to dorsal and ventral fate determination in the
neural tube (Dierick and Bejsovec, 1999). (B) BMP/GDF signaling pathway: BMP/GDF
ligands bind to heteromeric type I and type II receptors and induce the autophosphorylation
of the receptors on serine and threonine residues. The active receptor complex phosphorylates
the Smad1 protein, which associates with the Smad4 and translocates to the nucleus where
it activates the transcription of Msx/Vent/Gata1 genes to promote dorsal fates and inhibit
ventral fates. Smad6 acts as decoy and competes for heterodimerization of Smad1 with Smad4
and thus selectively inhibits Smad1. Smad7 is a general inhibitor of Smads and interferes with
phosphorylation of Smads by the receptors (Weinstein and Hemmati-Brivanlou, 1999).
(C) Wnt signaling pathway: Soluble Wnt ligands bind to the Frizzled receptor and activate
disheveled (dsh). Dsh acts to inhibit the activity of GSK3, which in turn inhibits 웁-catenin.
웁-catenin translocates to the nucleus, where it associates with a member of the Tcf/Lef family
of nuclear factors to activate the genes Siamois and Xnr3, thus leading to the formation of
neural crest derivatives. Axin, APC, and Trcp act to inhibit 웁-catenin while GBP acts to
inhibit GSK3 (Dierick and Bejsovec, 1999). (D) FGF signaling pathway: FGF ligands bind
to the FGF receptor to induce dimerization and activate Ras signaling by tyrosine phosphoryla-
tion. Ras activates Raf and leads to the sequential phosphorylation of MEK, MAPKK, and
MAPK. Activated MAPK translocates into the nucleus to activate brachyury, which later
leads to the formation of caudal fates and the neural crest lineage (Weinstein and Hemmati-
Brivanlou, 1999).
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ventrally but is not required for all ventral cells types. While SHH knockout
mice lack floorplate and motor neurons (Chiang et al., 1996), four other
classes of ventral neuron (as defined by patterns of homeobox expression)
still develop. These markers are presented in Table 1. In the absence of
SHH signaling, RA can induce the expression of the markers Dbx2 and
Evx1/2 in tissue explants (Pierani et al., 1999). This activity is inhibited by
the expression of Pax7 (which is activated dorsally in response to BMP/
GDF signaling). The source of the RA that might be responsible in vivo
for this activity is not known. Possible sources include notochord precursors
(Hogan et al., 1992; Wagner et al., 1992) and the paraxial mesoderm (Maden
et al., 1998). As has been noted in other sections, the strong conservation
of signaling mechanisms along the neural tube suggests that other RA
dependent D-V patterning pathways have yet to be characterized at other
levels along the A-P axis.

b. Cell Fate Determination in the Dorsal Spinal Cord The anatomy of

the dorsal part of the spinal cord resembles the ventral side in the sense
that a specialized group of cells contributes to an anatomically distinct
region called the roof plate. Flanking the roof plate are a population of
dorsal sensory relay neurons. Moving more laterally are groups of dorsal
interneurons. The dorsal side of the neural tube is also the birth place of
the neural crest cells, which migrate following neural tube closure. There
is evidence that the fate of these cell types is established independently of
the signal derived from axial mesoderm. It is interesting that if the noto-
chord is removed or if signaling from the notochord is blocked, the cells
of the neural tube adopt a dorsal fate (Yamada et al., 1991; Artinger and
Bronner-Fraser, 1992a, b; Monsoro-Burq et al., 1994). Evidence for this is
provided by the behavior of two markers of dorsal cell types, Msx-1 and
Pax-3. While in wild-type embryos these genes demarcate dorsal cell types
within the neural tube, in embryos lacking signaling from the notochord
these markers are expressed along the entire D-V axis of the neural tube,
thus suggesting that the cells along this axis have adopted a dorsal fate
(Goulding et al., 1993b; Liem et al., 1995). The action of BMP/GDF signaling
dorsally, combined with the ventral signaling initiated by SHH, results in
the differential expression of Pax7, Pax3, Msx1, and Mxs2 from the dorsal
aspect and the expression of Pax6 and Gli1,2,3 genes ventrally.
What then is the origin of signals that specify the fate of the dorsal cells
within the spinal cord? Molecular studies addressing these issues, mostly
performed in chick embryos, have elegantly demonstrated that the specifi-
cation of these cells occurs early during neural plate/neural groove stages of
neural tube specification. Signals derived from the epidermis (immediately
adjacent to the neural plate) can induce the differentiation of both roof
plate as well as neural crest cells (Moury and Jacobson, 1990; Sechrist et
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al., 1995; Dickinson et al., 1995; Selleck and Bronner-Fraser, 1995; Liem et
al., 1997). Three types of signaling factors have been implicated in this
biological activity. First, the BMP subgroup of the TGF-웁 superfamily of
growth factors (specifically BMP 4/5/7 and dorsalin-1) has been shown to
be able to induce both the roof plate as well as the neural crests in the
chick embryo (Liem et al., 1997; Liem et al., 1995). The signal transduction
cascade mediated by BMP/GDF signals has been recently identified (Mas-
sague, 1998) and characterized and is presented in Figure 3b. These BMP/
GDF signaling factors are believed to be derived from the epidermis flank-
ing the neural plate and are assumed to signal in a planar fashion, specifying
fate at the border of neural and nonneural ectoderm. These recent molecu-
lar studies are also in agreement with experimental embryological ap-
proaches in which pieces of nonneural ectoderm (epidermis) were grafted
in the neural plate and pieces of the neural plate were grafted within the
epidermal environment (Moury and Jacobson, 1989; Moury and Jacobson,
1990; Selleck and Bronner-Fraser, 1995). In both cases neural crest cells
were formed at the junction between the two tissues, suggesting that signal-
ing for neural crest specification is derived from the interactions at the
border between the two tissues. Later, at or after neural tube closure, the
BMPs that are localized to the roof plate after the tube closes have also
been shown to induce dorsal interneurons (Liem et al., 1997). Since BMPs
can induce mulitiple types of cells from a given source of signaling, it has
been speculated that BMPs might act as a morphogen that would elicit
different activities at different thresholds. In favor of this argument is the
demonstration that BMP4 can act as a morphogen in the context of the
embryonic ectoderm in the frog (Wilson et al., 1997). There is evidence of
at least three thresholds for BMP4: at low or zero BMP4 activity, cells will
adopt an anterior neural fate (telencephalon); at intermediate activity,
BMP4 will induce sensory placodes and cement gland (both structures arise
at the anterior border of the neural plate in a region which overlaps both
the neural as well as nonneural ectoderm). Finally, at the highest dose,
BMP4 will induce an epidermal fate. It is important however to note that
while these studies clearly indicate that BMP4 can act as a morphogen,
there is to date no evidence that morphogens actually do exist in vertebrates.
In parallel with this argument, there is also evidence in the chick against
a morphogen type of effect of BMP4 for the specification of the dorsal cell
types. The same dose of BMP4 has been shown to trigger all three cell
types: roof plate, neural crest, and dorsal interneurons (Liem et al., 1997).
It could be speculated here that although the same amount of BMP4 protein
elicited all three cell types the amount of activity that each cell has seen
might be different, as secreted inhibitors of BMPs such as noggin and
chordin have been shown to be present in the dorsal side of the chick
neural tube. If BMP4 does not act as a morphogen in this context two
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other scenarios can be envisioned. It has been speculated that BMPs (as
well as other members of the TGF-웁 family ligands) can heterodimerize and
that these heterodimers display qualitatively and quantitatively different
responses than their homodimer counterparts (Aono et al., 1995). There-
fore, different fates can be due to the formation of different heterodimers
and the associated changes in activity. Finally, since a difference in the
timing of the specification of the cell types exists (with roof plate being
specified first and interneurons last) perhaps it is the difference in the
competence of the responsive cells at different times that ultimately allows
the generation of these three cell types. In favor of the timing arguments
are experiments performed with young versus aged neural explants, which
have shown that BMP induces different cell types as a function of time
(Liem et al., 1997).
The second type of signaling involved in neural crest specification has
been attributed to specific members of the Wnt superfamily of signaling
factors. The signaling pathway is presented in Figure 3c. Wnts may be
involved in both cell fate determination and expansion of dorsal progenitor
cells (through proliferation) within the embryonic neural tube. In Xenopus,
expression of secreted BMP inhibitors such as noggin, chordin, or follistatin
in embryonic ectodermal explants (animal caps) induces neural fate that
is anterior in character. In the absence of these inhibitors the explants
would solely differentiate as epidermis. Coexpression of Wnt1, Wnt3a, or
Wnt7B with neural inducers in animal caps has been shown to induce
expression of neural crest and dorsal neural markers (Saint-Jeannet et al.,
1997; Chang and Hemmati-Brivanlou, 1998a). In addition, in vivo overex-
pression of these Wnts enlarges the neural crest population flanking the
neural plate. The induction of dorsal cell fates by Wnt1 and Wnt3a occurs
in the absence of cell division, indicating that these Wnts (or other Wnt
members) may specify dorsal cells directly instead of merely stimulating
survival or multiplication of these cells (Saint-Jeannet et al., 1997). Since
experimental embryological evidence had demonstrated that juxtaposition
of epidermis and neural tissue is sufficient to induce neural crest cells (see
above and Selleck and Bronner-Fraser, 1995), it could have been possible
that Wnts induce only epidermis, which would indirectly give rise to neural
crest cells when in close proximity to the neural tissue formed in response
to the neural inducers. Epidermal induction assays performed with the same
Wnts have clearly demonstrated that Wnt activity alone is not sufficient to
induce epidermis and that the induction of dorsal fate occurs without a prior
commitment of epidermal induction by the Wnts in ectodermal explants
(A. Suzuki and A. Hemmati-Brivanlou, unpublished observations). One
unresolved issue in these experiments is that the same Wnts have strong
caudalizing activity (see below), and it still can be argued that the induction
of the dorsal fate and neural crest cells can be dependent, or secondary,
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to caudalization. In double knockout mice lacking both Wnt1 and Wnt3a,
caudal structures seem to be normal but the embryos display a reduced
(but not eliminated) neural crest cell population, suggesting that the caudali-
zation and dorsalization activities of the Wnts can be uncoupled. Additional
roles for Wnt1 and Wnt3a in expansion of dorsal neural cells as well as
partial redundancy of activity with other Wnts has also been suggested
(Ikeya et al., 1997). The expression of these ligands in Xenopus and other
vertebrate is also consistent with their described activities within the dorsal
neural tube. In Xenopus, Wnt7B is expressed before the onset of neural
crest induction and is later restricted to the dorsal midline of the neural
tube. Wnt1 and Wnt3a are expressed in the dorsal midline of the spinal
cord of many vertebrate embryos (Wolda et al., 1993; Parr et al., 1993;
Hollyday et al., 1995; Chang and Hemmati-Brivanlou, 1998a, b). It is pres-
ently unclear how BMPs and Wnts might work together to pattern the
dorsal neural tube. It is possible that the two signals synergize with each
other to fine tune the timing and/or spatial competence of the responding
cells; alternatively, one pathway may work downstream of another to deter-
mine dorsal neural cell fates.
Finally, FGF has also been implicated in specification of neural crest
cells. The FGF signaling pathway is presented in Figure 3d. A truncated
FGF receptor blocks expression of the neural crest-specific gene, Slug, in
embryos without affecting the pan-neural marker gene Sox-2, while co-
expression of the neural inducer noggin and FGF stimulates Slug transcrip-
tion (Mayor et al., 1995, 1997). As mentioned in the case of Wnts, since
FGF has been shown to have caudalizing activity (Cox and Hemmati-
Brivanlou, 1995), it is presently not clear if the induction of neural crest
by FGF is secondary to its caudalization activity (Kengaku and Okamoto,
1995; Lamb and Harland, 1995). Since the requirement for an active FGF
pathway occurring during neural induction has been suggested, it is tempt-
ing to speculate that FGFs might have a general role in regulating the
competence of the ectoderm to respond to these inducers in a similar
scenario as the one suggested for FGF during mesoderm induction (Klein
and Melton, 1994).
As is the case for cell fate determination in the ventral neural tube, a
large number of transcription factors have been shown to have direct roles
in the induction and maintenance of dorsal cell fates. Among these, some
have been shown to be immediate early response genes to either BMPs or
the Wnt signaling pathways. These include Msx1 and 2, which are expressed
in a broad domain in the dorsal side of the neural tube in all vertebrates
so far studies (Davidson, 1995). Msx genes expression has been demon-
strated to be an immediate early response to BMP signaling (Suzuki et al.,
1997). Knock-out of msx1 and msx2 in mice leads to craniofacial defects
which may be due to the elimination of cranial neural crest derivatives
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(Foerst-Potts and Sadler, 1997). The paired homeobox genes Pax3 and
Pax7 also demarcate the dorsal domain in the neural tube (Goulding et al.,
1993a, b; Jostes et al., 1990). Consistent with a deterministic role of these
transcription factors in the establishment of dorsal fate is the observation
that elimination of these genes results in severe impairment of neural
crest formation (Koblar et al., 1999; Mansouri et al., 1996). Among other
transcription factors expressed in the dorsal neural tube are 1mx1 (Lim
homeodomain gene) and slug (a vertebrate homologue of the Drosophila
snail gene). The latter has been shown in the chick, using antisense ap-
proaches, to be necessary for the proper genesis of neural crest (Nieto et
al., 1994).
In summary, the establishment of fate along the medio-lateral (M-L)
axis during neural plate stages and in the D-V axis during and following
neural tube closure involves the concerted action of two opposing forces.
One from the notochord is mediated by SHH, which suppresses dorsal fate
and promotes ventral cells. The other, from the M-L boundary of neural
and nonneural ectoderm at neural plate stages early and then from the
roof plate itself, is mediated by BMPs and Wnts. These signals suppress
ventral fates and impose a dorsal fate. It is imperative to remember, how-
ever, that although a relatively simple picture emerges for the patterning
of the D-V axis of the neural tube, a large number of questions remain
unresolved. Among the most burning issues are (a) What happens at the
intermediate level of the neural tube at the boundary when the opposite
signals intercept each other? and (b) What is the role of a large number of
BMP and Wnt inhibitors present in the notochord? These include follistatin,
chordin, cerberus, and frazzled. The future might have more surprises and
additional levels of fine tuning for these important cell fate determina-
tion events.

3. D-V Patterning in the Brain

a. Forebrain The dorsal-ventral patterning of the forebrain seems to
involve the same players seen in the spinal cord, with signals derived from
axial mesoderm, as well as nonneural ectoderm. In all vertebrates, how-
ever, the anterior boundary of the notochord ends at approximately the
telencephalic-diencephalic boundary. Immediately extending more anteri-
orly and adjacent to the notochord are mesodermal cells that were the
leading edge of the involuting mesoderm during gastrulation, the prechordal
plate (or head mesoderm). Signals from both of these mesodermal deriva-
tives have been shown to be involved in the patterning of the ventral
forebrain (Yamada et al., 1993; Shimamura and Rubenstein, 1997). Perhaps
not surprisingly, SHH, which is expressed both in the prechordal plate as
well as in the notochord, has been shown to induce ventral cell fates in the
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forebrain. In addition, the fish mutant Cyclops, which lacks SHH expression,
has severe deletions in the ventral forebrain. Dorsally, signals from nonneu-
ral ectoderm (epidermis) have been suggested to pattern the dorsal side
of the forebrain. This suggestion is based on experiments in which the
elimination of the anterior nonneural ectoderm tissue has led to the exten-
sion of forebrain markers such as BF1. This implies that signals from
the ectoderm juxtaposed to the forebrain play a role in patterning of the
forebrain. The candidate molecules to mediate this type of activity are
BMPs and FGF8 (Muhr et al., 1997). Fate mapping in amphibians (Figure
1a) has suggested that the anterior edge of the neural plate will give rise
to the sensory placodes. These include, from the lateral edge from the
posterior towards the anterior, otic vesicle, lens placode, olfactory placodes,
and the pituitary gland. As described above, and in agreement with this
hypothesis, studies in the frog embryo have demonstrated that at a given
threshold of activity, BMP4 can induce both placodal fate as well as epider-
mal specific markers (Wilson et al., 1997). The development of these sensory
structures (which will not be discussed further here) will in turn involve
further interactions between neural and nonneural ectoderm.

b. Midbrain In contrast to the spinal cord, little is known about the

D-V patterning of the midbrain. As with other regions, it is expected that
similar mechanisms operate there, including ventral SHH and RA signaling
and dorsal BMP/GDF signaling. Wnt signaling, though not well defined
outside of its activity on the neural crest, is also presumed to be effecting
patterning in the midbrain.

c. Hindbrain Along the D-V axis, the hindbrain is patterned by the same
cast of characters seen before. SHH, originally derived from the notochord,
is later expressed in the floor plate underlying the entire hindbrain. Since
the levels of SHH (at least at the RNA level) are homogenous along the
length of the hindbrain, differential competence to respond to SHH in the
ventral side of the hindbrain has been suggested as a possible mechanism
for the generation of different rhombomeres ( Jessell and Lumsden, 1997).
On the dorsal side, BMP4 effects mediated by its immediate early re-
sponse genes msx1 and msx2 (Hollnagel et al., 1999), as well as signaling
from inter-rhombomeric segments, have been implicated in the specification
(or absence) of specific populations of neural crest cells (Marazzi et al.,
1997). The hindbrain is also the site from which most of the cranial neural
crest is derived; there is a direct relationship between rhombomere identity
and the kind of cranial neural crest to which it contributes (Graham and
Lumsden, 1996; Rubenstein et al., 1998). In addition to specific populations
of neural crest, the hindbrain contributes to a number of cranial nerves
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(Kuratani and Eichele, 1993; Yamamoto and Schwarting, 1991). Table II

shows the origin of cranial nerves and their future projections. While most
rhombomeres contribute to cranial neural crest, this is not the case for
rhombomeres 3 and 5. This is not because these rhombomeres cannot
generate neural crest, but rather to the elimination of the neural crest they
form by programmed cell death prior to migration (Graham et al., 1993,
1996). The apoptosis of r3- and r5-derived neural crest cells is initiated by
BMP4, which apparently is provided by the neighboring rhombomeres. In
favor of this argument is the demonstration that when r3 and r5 are cultured
alone, they can produce neural crest cells, but when cultured together with
the neighbors these neural crest cells are eliminated. BMP4 cannot exert
the same effect on r4. R4 can generate and maintain neural crest cells in
the presence of BMP4. Since the Msx genes have been shown to be an
immediate early response to BMP4, and since Msx2 expression correlates
very well with the pattern of apoptosis in the chick, it has been suggested
that selective BMP receptors expressed in these rhombomeres activate
programmed cell death pathways via msx2 (Marazzi et al., 1997). It is also
important to emphasize that BMPs play additional patterning roles in the

Human Cranial Nerves

Name Type Origin Distribution

I Olfactory Sensory Telencephalon/ol- Olfactory epithelium

factory placode (telencephalon)
II Optic Sensory Telencephalon Eye
III Oculomotor Motor Midbrain Eye muscles
IV Trochlear Motor Hindbrain r1 Eye muscles
V Trigeminal Mixed Hindbrain r2, r3 Face; sinuses; teeth; jaw
VI Abducens Motor Hindbrain r5, r6 Eye muscles
VII Facial and Mixed Hindbrain r4, Face muscles; tongue;
intermediate (branchial arch 2) palate
VIII Vestibulocochlear Sensory Hindbrain r4, r5, r6 Cochlea; vestibular
(otic placode) organs
IX Glossopharyngeal Mixed Hindbrain r6, r7 Tongue; tonsil; pharnyx;
(branchial arch 3) pharnyx
X Vagus Mixed Hindbrain r7, r8 Heart; lung; digestive
(branchial arch 4) system; external ear
XI Spinal accessory Motor Hindbrain r7, r8 Neck/shoulder muscles
(branchial arch 4)
XII Hypoglossal Motor Hindbrain r8 Tongue
(branchial arch 4)
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dorsal rhombencephalon and that their activity is not limited to pro-
grammed cell death. Experiments performed in the mouse embryo, for
example, have demonstrated that BMPs can initiate the program for granule
cell specification (Alder et al., 1996). This is the most abundant class of
CNS neurons and is generated at the dorsal border of the rhombic lip.
Hence, in the hindbrain as well as in the spinal cord, SHH and BMPs
regulate cell fate specification along the D-V axis.

C. The A-P Patterning

1. Neural Tube
Anterior-posterior (A-P) neural patterning occurs soon after neural induc-
tion at open neural plate stages. Neural cells with equivalent developmental
potentials are induced to express position-specific genes along the A-P axis
in broad domains, some of which are associated with morphological features
such as bulges and restrictions. The prosencephalon, or forebrain, is the
anterior bulge early in development and later forms two bulges called the
telencephalon and diencephalon. The most anterior telencephalon gives rise
to the paleocortex, corpus striatum, and neocortex while the diencephalon
develops into the epithalamus, thalamus, hypothalamus, and infundibulum.
The midbrain, or mesencephalon, lies posterior to the diencephalon and
forms the tectum, tegmentum, and cerebral peduncles. The hindbrain, or
rhombencephalon, gives rise to the metencephalon, which forms the cere-
bellum and pons, and the myelencephalon, from which the medulla devel-
ops. The spinal cord is the most posterior part of the CNS. Within the
boundary of each domain historically defined by morphology, genes are
being identified that correspond with morphological boundaries and further
subdivide the CNS into distinct regions.
Classical embryological experiments performed in the amphibian embryo
have suggested that the organizer (a group of cells localized in the dorsal
marginal zone of an early gastrula) is a source of signals for A-P patterning
of the neural tube (reviewed in Harland and Gerhart, 1997; Zoltewicz
and Gerhart, 1997). When ectodermal explants are conjugated with the
organizer in vitro, neural tissue is induced in the ectoderm, and it is pat-
terned along its A-P axis. This is revealed not only by histological criteria
but also by the expression of molecular markers demarcating different
A-P levels. It is interesting that in these recombinants the organizer tissue
from early gastrula embryos induces a fairly complete set of anterior and
posterior markers, while organizers dissected from later gastrula induce
progressively more posterior neural genes. Two models have been proposed
to explain these observations (Chang and Hemmati-Brivanlou, 1998b). In
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Mangold’s (Mangold, 1933) model, different signals segregated in time

(early vs. late organizer) have been suggested to independently induce the
fate along the A-P axis. In this scenario the early organizer has all the signals
and the late organizer has lost the anterior-specific signals. In Nieuwkoop’s
(Nieuwkoop, 1952a, b) model, two types of signals have been suggested
that would both induce and pattern the embryonic CNS along its A-P axis.
The first signal(s) induces the ectoderm to adopt a neural fate and at the
same time imposes the most anterior (telencephalic) fate. This step is
referred to as activation. The second signal(s) has been postulated not to
have any neural-inducing activity, but instead to act on the first signal to
add more caudal fates (midbrain, hindbrain, and spinal cord). This second
step is referred to as transformation. Although most of the molecular evi-
dence so far seems to favor the Nieuwkoop hypothesis, recently some
evidence supporting the Mangold hypothesis has been suggested (Kengaku
and Okamoto, 1995; Lamb and Harland, 1995; LeSueur and Graff, 1999).
In addition, classical studies have suggested that signals transmitted both
from the underlying mesoderm (vertical signals) and from the organizer
region through the neuroectodermal layer (planar signal) are important to
pattern the A-P neural axis (reviewed by Doniach, 1993; Ruiz i Altaba,

2. The Spinal Cord

Strict boundaries of gene expression as well as the distribution of different
cell types highlights patterning along the A-P axis of the spinal cord. There
are different rostral boundaries of expression of the genes belonging to the
Hox complex, which subdivide the spinal cord into different segmental
territories and presumably allow establishment of identity along the A-P
axis of the spinal cord (Figure 4; Jungbluth et al., 1999). In addition to these
molecular differences, distinct subclasses of motor neurons distributed along
the A-P axis innervate subsets of muscles (Tanaka et al., 1997). The cell bodies
of these subclasses occupy stereotypical positions in the spinal cord. Each
subclass of motor neuron shares unique properties in terms of organization
of projections of their axons and growth cones. In lower vertebrates (zebra-
fish) as well as higher vertebrates (chick), different primary motor neurons
with distinct identities express a unique combination of LIM homeodomain
proteins (Appel et al., 1995). There are four LIM homeobox genes, and the
unique combination of each specifies subtypes of motor neurons (Tosney et
al., 1995; Lumsden, 1995). Table I provides the code between LIM combina-
tion and motor neuron identity. There are suggestions that this combination
of LIM transcription factors endows each subclass of motor neurons not
only in terms of fate and identity but also by instructing distinct pathfinding
routes for their axons and growth cones (Varela-Echavarria et al., 1996;
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Thor et al., 1999). In favor of this hypothesis are experiments performed
in zebrafish, where transplantation of single motor neurons in ectopic A-P
positions within the spinal cord has led to both a reprogramming of the
LIM combination (Appel et al., 1995) and a reprogramming of the projec-
tions (Eisen and Pike, 1991) The unique demarcation of specific motor
neuron subtype by specific combination of LIM proteins has allowed the
use of these factors as molecular markers in studies that address the source
and the nature of signals involved in the specification of these motor neuron
subclasses in the spinal cord. Although the nature and origin of signals
involved in the establishment of fate for these motor neurons are presently
unknown, two hypothesis have been suggested. There is either a planar
patterning signal diffusing from a given source imposing fate in the A-P
axis, or a vertical signal from the axial and paraxial mesoderm specifying
fate in the A-P axis of the spinal cord in synchrony with mesodermal
patterning. This latter possibility is similar to the ability of anterior noto-
chord to induce midbrain-hindbrain markers in the ectoderm. A role for
somites (paraxial mesoderm) has been suggested for the mutant spadetail
(spt, Ho and Kane, 1990). This mutation interferes with the proper develop-
ment of the somites and also disturbs the acquisition of the proper identity
of motor neurons, as judged by the changes in the combination of LIM
marker expression. Hence, analysis of axonal projections in this mutant
fish is complicated by the fact that the targets themselves are abnormal.
In addition to protein growth factors, retinoic acid has been shown to
be a strong modifier of A-P pattern in the spinal cord (Clagett-Dame
and Plum, 1997; Whiting, 1997; Lufkin, 1997; Eichele, 1997; Lufkin, 1996;
Marshall et al., 1996). In tissue culture, RA has been commonly used to
examine the expression of Hox genes (Bürglin, 1994) while RA has been
shown to affect A-P patterning both in the embryo and in tissue explants.
RA acts through at least two receptors, RAR and RXR, which can interact
with multiple putative coactivators and/or corepressors to yield a complex
molecular pathway with a variety of pleiotropic effects (reviewed in Cham-
bon, 1996; Ng et al., 1995; Pemrick et al., 1994). In general, the strongest
effects of RA pathway activation or inhibition are observed in the develop-
ing brain (Old et al., 1996; Lopez et al., 1995).

3. The Brain
In all vertebrates the brain is anatomically subdivided into three main
domains: the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain. Although the embryonic
origins of the forebrain have been recently the topic of intense molecular
and embryological scrutiny, the mechanisms underlying A-P patterning in
the hindbrain are the best understood. The molecular dissection of the
patterning of the midbrain is still in its infancy.
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a. Forebrain In all vertebrates the forebrain is subdivided into two re-
gions: an anterior region called the telencephalon and a posterior region
called the diencephalon. As mentioned earlier, much of the available evi-
dence seems to favor the activation-transformation model of Nieuwkoop
with FGF, Wnt, and RA as the leading candidates for the transforming
activity. But how does the A-P patterning within each part of the brain
occur? For the forebrain, embryological, cellular and molecular studies
performed mostly in amniotes have suggested the neuromeric (or segmenta-
tion) model, with each unit called a prosomere (Puelles and Rubenstein,
1993; Rubenstein et al., 1994; Rubenstein and Puelles, 1994). This model
postulates that A-P and D-V patterning mechanisms subdivide the embry-
onic forebrain into a ‘‘checker board’’ set of coordinates that will give rise to
the different forebrain regions. This process allows a regional specification,
which in turn establishes the further differentiation between each primordia.
Six prosomeres, P1 to P6, have been suggested in the A-P axis (Rubenstein
et al., 1998). P1 and P2 are in the diencephalon while P3 to P6 are in the
telencephalon (Figure 5, see color insert). Studies in the chick have sug-
gested that the diencephalic prosomere P1 is itself subdivided into two
domains (D3 and D4) (Rubenstein and Shimamura, 1997). The fact that
both the forebrain and the midbrain undergo flexure ventrally has created
some complications in referring to the axis in a traditional way, and some-
times these axes are referred to as longitudinal (for A-P) versus transverse
(for D-V) axis (Figure 5, arrow; Rubenstein and Shimamura, 1997). Hence,
after flexure, at the point where the most anterior level of the neural plate
and the midline meet (P6), the A-P and D-V axis become the same. The
neuromeric model of brain patterning is supported by the gene expression
patterns of a variety of homeobox genes and components of signaling
pathways. A number of these genes have been mapped onto the prosomeric
diagram (Figure 5b) and have been extensively reviewed elsewhere (Ru-
benstein et al., 1998; Shimamura et al., 1995, 1997).

b. Midbrain The next major subdivision of the brain is the midbrain or

mesencephalon. Among the various regions of the CNS, the midbrain is the

FIG. 4 Differential gene expression along the A-P axis. Gene expression patterns are indicated
above a diagram of the caudal regions of the developing CNS. Hox genes are generally
restricted to a boundary in the anterior, and expression extends to the most caudal regions.
The expression patterns shown do not represent the expression at a single time but rather
reflect the pattern of expression in general. Some genes, like the posterior genes, are not
expressed until later while the more rostral genes are expressed earlier. The figure was
compiled from a variety of sources (Puelles and Rubenstein, 1993; Duboule, 1994; Bürglin,
1994); the Hox nomenclature was changed to reflect current usage (Scott, 1993, 1992).
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least characterized with respect to the formation of pattern. The midbrain

contains three major regions, the tectum, the tegmentum, and the isthmus.
The tectum receives projections from the visual system (in mammals, these
target the forebrain), auditory, and somatosensory systems. The tegmentum
is ventral to the tectum and is separated from the hindbrain by the isthmus,
though some areas present in the hindbrain are continued into this region.
The posterior aspect of the midbrain is called the isthmus and current
evidence indicates that it plays an essential role in the patterning and
formation of the midbrain and is a source of inductive signals. Experiments
in chick and zebrafish reveal the presence of a signaling center at the
midbrain-hindbrain boundary (Brand et al., 1996a, b; Lun and Brand, 1998;
Marin and Puelles, 1994). Two mutations in zebrafish, no isthmus (noi) and
acerebellar (ace), result in the loss of midbrain structures (Brand et al.,
1996a, b). The noi mutation results in the inactivation of the paired box
gene Pax2.1 (Pfeffer et al., 1998) whereas the ace mutation inactivates
FGF8 (Reifers et al., 1998). Ectopic application of FGF8 results in ectopic
midbrain formation (Crossley et al., 1996). The examination of wnt1, FGF8,
and her1 expression in noi mutant embryos reveals that in the absence of
noi function, the expression of the genes is not maintained, though they are
expressed early (Lun and Brand, 1998), thus suggesting that pax2 functions
downstream of the polarizing signals. Hence, in the midbrain, as in other
regions of the developing nervous system, FGF (FGF8 in zebrafish and
FGF17 in mouse Hoshikawa et al., 1998) signaling acts to pattern the A-P
axis. A number of other genes involved in neural patterning have been
shown to be expressed in the midbrain region, such as Otx, Mash1, Dbx,
RAR 2, and Da H. Otx genes appear to play a role in the development of
the diencephalic-mesencephalic boundary as otx1⫺/⫹/otx2⫺/⫹ heterozygotes
result in a failure of this region to form properly while the more posterior
metencephalon is expanded (Suda et al., 1997). Since FGF8 expression is
expanded dorsally, in these mutants, Otx1 and Otx2 may be acting to
restrict the midbrain-hindbrain signaling center. Current midbrain markers
are expressed in regions outside the midbrain leaving the question of further
subdivision of the midbrain unanswered.

c. Hindbrain The development and patterning of the brain is best under-

stood in the vertebrate embryonic hindbrain, specially along the A-P axis.
In all vertebrates, after neural tube closure, the hindbrain gives rise to eight
consecutive restrictions called rhombomeres (Figure 4, 5). The rhombo-
meres behave as restricted compartments. Single cell lineage tracing experi-
ments, as well as experiments performed with chick-quail chimeras in which
a single cell or a group of cells can be followed, have demonstrated that
the progeny of a cell remains within a single rhombomere and does not
cross boundaries. This is true for at least the first three days of embryonic
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development in the chick, and for as long as the ancestral cell is labeled
after the rhombomeres are formed (Lumsden et al., 1991, 1994; Sechrist
et al., 1994; Wingate and Lumsden, 1996). The boundaries between the
rhombomeres become further specialized and generate new cell types at
the junctions. The segmented pattern of the rhombomeres is transient
and disappears later in development when groups of rhombomeric cells
condense and migrate. These observations strongly suggest an analogy with
compartments in the Drosophila embryo, which are also transient structures
in which there is lineage restriction with no (or minimal) cell mixing (re-
viewed in Vincent, 1998; Blair; 1995). Based on boundary formation, rhom-
bomeres appear to have alternate repeating units. When even-numbered
rhombomeres are explanted together, no boundary forms whereas the juxta-
position of odd and even segments generates a new boundary (Guthrie
and Lumsden, 1991). Lineage tracing experiments suggest that different
classes of neurons, characterized with respect to axonal projection, are
produced within the rhombomeres (Lumsden et al., 1994). These results
are consistent with the formation of diverse cranial nerves, many of which
arise in the hindbrain (Table II). It is not clear, however, whether these
early differences are sufficient for the formation and targeting of these
important nerve fibers.
The molecular dissection of the events leading to the generation of
rhombomeres has attracted considerable attention. The A-P axis within
the hindbrain has been suggested to be established under the influence of
two main driving forces: the Hox code and retinoic acid. First, there is
evidence that the Hox genes encode A-P positional information in a way
similar to that seen in the spinal cord (reviewed in Krumlauf et al., 1993;
Lumsden and Krumlauf, 1996). The anterior boundary of expression of
a subset of these homeobox genes corresponds exactly to rhombomere
boundaries (Figure 4). Hence, each rhombomere can be molecularly charac-
terized by the expression of a specific combination of Hox genes. The
unique combination of different Hox gene activity within each rhombomere
has also been invoked as the molecular mechanism involved in the specifi-
cation of individual rhombomeres. Loss-of-function approaches that selec-
tively eliminate the activity of one or more Hox genes have resulted in
aberrations consistent with a change of rhombomere identity. While this
is clearly the case with the elimination of Hoxb-1 activity in which r4 is at
least partially transformed to r2 and r6 (Studer et al., 1996), elimination of
other genes such as Hoxa-1 have more complicated effects that also include
elimination of rhombomeres, not necessarily consistent with a simple role
of Hox genes in assigning segmental identity within a segmented field
(Carpenter et al., 1996). Members of the Hox complex expressed in the
rhombomeres are themselves induced by paraxial mesoderm (somites),
highlighting again the influence of mesoderm in the patterning of the hind-
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brain (Gould et al., 1998; Itasaki et al., 1996). The target genes regulated
by these homeobox-containing proteins are still relatively unknown, but
have been shown to include the EPH receptor (Chen and Ruley, 1998) as
well as other Hox genes (Maconochie et al., 1997). Classical embryological
studies, in which rhombomeres are rearranged, indicate that rhombomere
identity exhibits some plasticity in some cases, while in others identity
appears to be autonomous (Itasaki et al., 1996; Grapin-Botton et al., 1995;
Guthrie et al., 1992).
In addition to the potential role of somites in regulating Hox expression,
there is also evidence of a role for the node (the amniote equivalent of the
organizer) mediated by retinoic acid (RA). Both elimination of endogenous
RA and addition of exogenous RA have been shown to influence the
patterning of the hindbrain (Gould et al., 1998; Marshall et al., 1996; van
der Wees et al., 1998). Quail embryos that cannot produce RA because of
a vitamin A deficiency lack posterior rhombomeres (Maden et al., 1996,
1998a), and incubation of Xenopus embryos in RA leads to expanded
hindbrain and midbrain and reduced forebrain (Kolm et al., 1997; Ruiz i
Altaba and Jessell, 1991). Additionally, both RA and its two major classes
of receptors (RARs and RXRs) are expressed in the node (Berggren et
al., 1999; Hogan et al., 1992; Maden et al., 1998a, b). Addition or elimination
of RA influences the expression of the Hox genes, which in turn are believed
to modify the architecture of the hindbrain.

D. Right-Left Patterning

Like the patterning along the D-V and A-P axes, the determination of the
L-R axis also occurs early in development during gastrulation, though the
morphological effects are not observed until later (Izraeli et al., 1999; Patel
et al., 1999; King and Brown, 1997). Most studies of L-R asymmetry have
focused on mesodermal derivatives such as the heart and on the more
obvious morphological asymmetries observed in the whole embryo and
only recently has attention been focused to L-R asymmetry in the nervous
system. The mechanisms involved in the formation of this asymmetric axis
are likely to be well conserved among vertebrates. A number of genes have
been shown to be asymmetrically expressed during gastrulation, including
SHH, nodal, and the activin receptor ActRIIa (Levin et al., 1997). In the
chick, activin is first expressed on the right side of the primitive streak
and developing node, and is the first sign of axis asymmetry prior to any
morphological changes. Activation of this TGF-웁 family receptor leads to
the asymmetric expression of both nodal and SHH. The result of this
cascade is the expression of nodal in the lateral plate mesoderm on the
left side, and it is this expression pattern that is conserved among vertebrates
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(Adachi et al., 1999, Bisgrove et al., 1999). In the mouse, two TGF-웁 family
members, lefty-1 (Lefty-A or EBAF in humans, Kosaki et al., 1999; Stern
and Foley, 1998; Hunt and Krumlauf, 1992; Kothapalli et al., 1997) and
lefty-2, act together with nodal to pattern the R-L axis in the early floor
plate, where lefty-1 is highly expressed in four to five cells of the left floor
plate (Meno et al., 1996, 1997). The high level of lefty-1 expression in the
floor plate persists only until the 12–14 somite stage, at which point it is
down-regulated. The target of these genes appears to be Pitx2, a member
of the bicoid class of homeodomain proteins, whose expression on the left
side of the embryo is broader and persists longer (Piedra et al., 1998; Ryan
et al., 1998; St. Amand et al., 1998; Yoshioka et al., 1998). Despite these
early differences of left-right asymmetry in the neural tube, no link has
been established between these changes and the complex functional asym-
metries of the brain observed in the adult. These left-right differences
include the well-known preference for one hand over the other and the
less obvious cognitive differences in the brain.

III. Conclusions and Summary

The nervous system is perhaps the most complex organ in the vertebrate.
It consists of hundreds of differentiated cell types highly organized spatially.
The formation of this complex system begins early in development during
gastrulation when the neuronal precursor cells in the ectoderm are deprived
of BMP/GDF signaling. Signals from the mesoderm (follistatin, noggin,
chordin, xnr-3, cerberus) inhibit the action of these soluble ligands and
promote a neural fate (Weinstein and Hemmati-Brivanlou, 1999). At the
same time, signals act to pattern the neural tissues along the A-P, D-V,
and lateral axes. The main source of ventralizing signal in the neural tube
is the notochord, and the prime candidate for this signaling is SHH. Anteri-
orly to the notochord, the prechordal mesoderm or head mesoderm acts
to pattern the brain in a similar manner. In addition to SHH, retinoic acid
also has ventralizing activity. During this same period, BMP/GDF signaling
from the ectoderm acts to repress ventral signaling and promote dorsal fates.
Members of the Wnt family also appear to play a role in the development of
dorsal fates and are required for the formation of the neural crest (the
most dorsal fate in the neural tube) in some regions. Along the A-P axis,
neural induction leads to the generation of anterior cell types that are then
caudalized by the action of FGFs and RA. In addition, various Wnt family
ligands are implicated in the generation of posterior neuronal identities.
Finally, the generation of L-R asymmetry in the vertebrate nervous system
is just beginning to be elucidated with the first indications of L-R differences
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observed in the ventral neural tube. How these differences relate to the
functional differences remain to be determined. Developmental biologists,
of course, think that by understanding how an organ develops they will
also ultimately learn how it works. If this turns out to be true, we still have
a long way to go.


We thank Giorgio Lagna, Guojun Sheng, and Daniel Weinstein for critical reading of the
manuscript and helpful suggestions. We especially thank Claudio Stern for his help preparing
the chick neural plate fate maps.


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