Model Railroad News 02 2024
Model Railroad News 02 2024
Model Railroad News 02 2024
in HO from Roco
“Bigger is Better” is an apt description for EMD’s SD45X, the locomotive powerhouse of the 1970s. Built on their longest single-
engine platform at the time with an unprecedented 4,200hp out of its 20-cylinder 645-series prime mover, the SD45X became a
signature locomotive of the Southern Pacific Railroad.
Our Museum Quality™ model faithfully captures all of the nuances of this Legendary Locomotive. Click the “Prototype Details” tab
to learn more about its features, including the many LED-illuminated lighting effects, frog “clank”, curve squeal sounds, and the many
railroad, road number, and era-specific™ details you have come to expect from ScaleTrains’ premier Museum Quality brand.
CALL 423-299-3689 EXT. 1 ORDERING
SYSTEM • 4901 Old Tasso Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37312 • 844-9TRAINS 844-987-2467 • International 423-299-3689
© 2023 ScaleTrains,, Museum Quality, railroad, road number, and the era-specific details, and respective logos are trademarks of, Inc.
LokSound is a trademark of ESU electronic solutions ulm GmbH & Co. KG. Models are made under trademark license from Union Pacific Railroad.
Now Arrivin
WP&YR Mini-Mogul PI K O
l -
Now arriving: A new economical Mini-Mogul loco with Smoke
Fu l
and Analog Sound. Pair with the WP&YR coaches with new road
names and numbers for a colorful consist on a wintery layout.
WP&YR Mini-Mogul (38260)
a g e WP&YR Coaches (38667/38668)
76 66
More SD40-2s in N scale from ScaleTrains!
Volume 30, Issue 2 • February 2024
in HO from Roco
N-Scale Review
Eastern Seaboard Models 65-foot Mill Gondola 877-787-2467
P.O. Box 48 • Bucklin, MO 64631
[email protected]
[email protected]
Dan Hansen • 866-451-7243
Book Review
mailing offices.
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: U.S.A. $56.00 per year,
92 — Latest Volume Covers Improved Boxcar Canada $76.00 per year, International $91.00 per year. Single
copies are $10.99 plus shipping. Payment must be in U.S. funds.
Railway Prototype Cyclopedia 36 POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to
Model Railroad News, P.O. Box 48, Bucklin, MO, 64631.
Send new subscriptions, renewals, and change of address
(please include mailing label if available) to Model
Railroad News, P.O. Box 48, Bucklin, MO, 64631 or email
Editorial/Things We’re Doing.......................................................10 [email protected]. Please allow six weeks for
Prototype Profile: EMD SD40-2................................................... 44 change of address.
All material in this publication, except where noted, is
From The Archive........................................................................94 copyright ©2024 by White River Productions and may not
Timetable..................................................................................95 be reproduced in any form without prior written permission
from the publisher. Trademarks, servicemarks, etc., where
Dealer Directory.........................................................................96 used, are the property of their respective owners.
Advertising Index.......................................................................98
Facto r y D i r e c t
HobbiINe s USRA Pacific, N Scale - Various Schemes
F u l l - Pa g
EMD SD40-2, N Scale - Various Schemes
the perfect size?
A m e r i c a n
Since early in the 20th Century, General Electric had provided
electrical components for railroad applications and electric Available from American Models,
locomotives, but the U25B was GE’s first entry into the market the U25B is ready to haul freight
with a diesel-electric locomotive. Introduced in the 1960s, this on your S model railroad.
locomotive began GE’s journey to becoming the premier Order with Scale Wheels/Couplers or Hi-Rail.
locomotive manufacturer in North America.
American Models 11770 GREEN OAK IND, WHITMORE LAKE, MI 48189
S Gaugers
In this new book, George Dutka demonstrates
his techniques in an easy-to-follow format for
modelers of all skill levels.
See your dealer first or $
visit PLUS S&H*
It appears we need to find some He recently shared views of a trip Amtrak 75, looking well-worn
models for Randall Pratt to review... on Amtrak’s California Zephyr. This and certainly contemplating retire-
he seems to have time on his hands. journey took place in October 2023. ment, led Randall’s run and is shown
Actually, Mr. Pratt’s regular gig Model Railroad News reader Adam near Glenwood Springs, Colo., on
involves sound and lighting and he Pinales (shown below in his Amtrak October 17, 2023. Athearn has a much-
helps make a wide range of events uniform) was the conductor for anticipated and frequently asked
come to life. As part of his work, some of the more scenic portions of about Genesis run of these P42 diesel
Randall travels quite a bit. Randall’s journey. locomotives due soon in HO scale.
HO — Walthers will add an 89-foot chain channels on the deck, position- sideframes. The decorated offerings
Greenbrier TTX flatcar to the hobby able container pedestals, separately (illustrations shown below) include
manufacturer’s Proto series. Planned applied cable straps and brackets, and TTX-TPDX (military use), TTX-XTTX,
to ship this summer, the newly tooled factory-installed wire grab irons. The TTX-JTTX, TTX-PTTX, and TTX-TPDX.
model reproduces a North American die-cast underframe will possess full, The model carries a $64.98 suggested
prototype seen on the rails since 2018. separately applied brake and air rigging. retail price. In addition to decorated
The flatcar can handle heavy military The fully assembled Walthers Proto models, Walthers will offer an undeco-
vehicles and containers (two 40-foot- 89-foot Greenbrier TTX 110-ton flatcar rated version of this all-new model.
ers or four 20-footers). Details and model will ride on 36-inch metal wheels
features will include dual tie-down mounted in accurate roller bearing truck Walthers,
g to N
e co m in
r Do m
Su pe
2-8-2 IN HO
$56 $56
$76 CANADA N $7
& G$9
$91 INT’L. GP9
O H1
ary 2016
• Febru
e 22, Issue 2
Volum ANADA 02 >
$5.99 US/C
em –2 at
CNJ m GP38
-L ike’s HO
N — Micro-Trains Line (MTL) and-white Southern Pacific Lines supply details (as shown in the
plans a January delivery for its herald, and white lettering noting illustration above). The set comes
Southern Pacific Supply Car the equipment as “Supply Car” with rolling stock presented in
3-pack with accessories release. with maintenance-of-way report- jewel cases (983 02 235, MSRP
This N-scale offering includes ing marks. The set also includes $93.95) or in a foam-lined box (993
two single-sheathed wood boxcar a gondola in similar Southern 02 235, MSRP: $81.95)
models with sliding doors. The Pacific decoration. In addition,
Mineral Red cars include a black- MTL will include a forklift and Micro-Trains Line Co.,
Includes three scale motorcycles,
three figures, ladder, oil drum, tires,
boxes, and Jack the German Shepherd!
Beautifully lit exterior with
LED lights under the eaves!
$34.95 (Higher
a l
A n n
her of
from the publis
Pasasin jo
al at 80
4Montreal Centr Today
4Japan’s Tram sh
4Accidental Varni
4On the Prop
C o
m b
On30 Annual
o H 2 2023
HOn3 Annual
2023 Garden
Trains Annual
er Powerhouse
2023 Passenger
Train Annual
2023 Railroads
Illustrated Annual
34.95 $
34.95 $
34.95 $
34.95 $
HO — These are only a portion GP18). The program commenced rebuild (see “InterMountain Rail-
of the road names due in the in 1979 and by late 1982 there way’s All-New HO GP10” article in
first production of an HO-scale were more than 150 examples of June 2017’s M odel R ailroad N ews ).
GP16 diesel locomotive from GP16s in service. Following their The standard DC GP16 retails for
InterMountain Railway Co. This Seaboard (and later CSX) careers, $229.95, while DCC-sound models
four-axle locomotive was Seaboard these units have gone on to work list for $319.95. This offering will
Coast Line’s effort to rebuild for various short line roads. come fully assembled and ready to
first-generation Electro-Motive This 1:87 effort follows Inter- run.
Division Geeps (GP7, GP9, and Mountain’s prior Paducah Geep InterMountain Railway Co.,
N — Wheels of Time will offer a arched roof with utility vents and Above: These preproduction examples show the
two styles of roofline coming on Wheels of Time’s
collection of head-end cars com- clerestory roof offerings. Northern N-scale Louisville & Nashville baggage car models.
missioned by RailSmith Models Pacific’s famous North Coast Limited in These cars are designed to fit in with RailSmith
to match that company’s popular its 1947 version is the look for Wheels Models’ Louisville & Nashville passenger car offer-
ings for the road’s Pan American train.
“Build-a-Train” series of N-scale of Time’s baggage car model coming
passenger car offerings. Wheels of in three road numbers. You will be
Time will sell these limited editions able to add head-end cars decorated
direct from its website. for New York Central’s The Wolver-
The group will include Great ine service. Chicago, Burlington &
Northern storage mail cars decorated Quincy cars are also due this summer.
in orange and green for use with The assembled models will include Below: The railroads represented in this group of
N-scale plastic head-end car models coming from
The Western Star series. Louisville & adjustable draft gear, drop-equalizer Wheels of Time will include Louisville & Nashville,
Nashville cars will include arched passenger trucks, and more. Visit Frisco, Great Northern, Northern Pacific, New York
roof and clerestory roof models Wheels of Time’s website to order C e n t r a l , a n d C h i c a g o, B u r l i n g t o n & Q u i n c y.
Individual models list for $49 and 2-packs will be
for use in The Pan American train yours. available for $95. This production of head-end car
series. Frisco’s train The Meteor will Wheels of Time, models is expected in June and will only be sold
be included in this production with direct to hobbyists from Wheels of Time.
VALUE PRICING N — The N Scale Enthusiast (NSE) Visit The N Scale Enthusiast online
offers an Atlas-made caboose shar- to learn more about the group, its
FAST SHIPPING ing the decoration of Union Pacific’s publication, and its special model
GREAT SERVICE 1943 diesel locomotive. The caboose offerings.
model is a limited-production re-
lombard lease and only offered via NSE. The N Scale Enthusiast,
630.620 .1084
Limited-run wood reefer kits
524 E. St. Charles Place
Lombard, Illinois 60148
in HO-scale from Accurail
Erie Lackawanna
Railroad Historical Society
9 11
HO — This collection of 40- or are available as a set selling for
foot wood refrigerator cars is a $61.98. The group includes Nickel
l i m i t e d - r u n o f f e r i n g f r o m A c- Plate Lackawanna Dairy Line,
curail. These plastic HO-scale Boston & Maine, and Chesapeake
David Start, 22 Ice Plant Road, Lafayette, NJ 07848-2403 freight cars come with trucks and & Ohio.
dstart.elhs @ couplers and sell for $21.98 each Accurail,
Above: A spotting feature differentiating EMD’s Phase II GP9 production from the later Phase III offerings
is the change from pairs of 36-inch fans on the roof (as shown on the Boston & Maine and Grand Trunk
Western illustrations shown above at the left) to a single 48-inch fan as shown on the rest of the road
names in this coming production. This Walthers Proto HO-scale GP9 diesel locomotive will come in stan-
dard DC version (MSRP: $199.98) and with ESU’s LokSound 5 and DCC (MSRP: $299.98).
HO — InterMountain Railway
Co. recently revised plans for its
coming production of Procor Pres-
sure Flow hopper car models. Four
new paint schemes (illustrations
shown below) are to be part of
this run, along with five formerly
released decorations (three are
shown on this page from a prior
release), and three previously
announced road names have been
canceled. The assembled HO
freight car model lists for $64.95
with no specific release date set
at press time. Visit InterMountain
Railway Co. online or inquire with
your hobby dealer for more infor-
mation or to make a reservation.
InterMountain Railway Co.,
CUSTOM East Coast Circuits
DECALS AAA Plus Trains & Darts Innovating Your Model Railroad Layout
AND P. O. Box 25412 • Providence, RI 02905
VINYL Lighted Circuits For Your Layout
ALL SCALES • Random Lighting Circuit • Burning Fire Circuit and more!
29-PAGE CATALOG $7.00 • Traffic Light Circuit • Custom Lighted Vehicles
Refunded on orders of $50 or more 307 NORTH MICHAEL STREET • ST. MARYS, PA 15857
N — The N Scale Enthusiast teams Above and Below: These Atlas caboose models
are specially made for The N Scale Enthusiast and
with Atlas Model Railroad Co. for a only available through this group. Each Norfolk
series of specially decorated N-scale Southern caboose in this series includes two road
Norfolk Southern caboose releases. numbers. The models are sold individually and in
sets of two cabooses in matching paint schemes
There are five color combinations in with unique road numbers. The assembled models
the Flowing Horse Mane series (shown include knuckle couplers.
above) and an Operation Awareness
& Response caboose (shown at right).
Members of The N Scale Enthusiast
pay $39.50 each for these collector
offerings, with sets of two similar
decorated cabooses (with unique road
numbers) selling for $69.00. Visit The
N Scale Enthusiast online to learn
more about the group, its publication,
and its special model offerings.
Athear n
Keeping up with the latest Athearn new
announcements is easier than ever with
the interactive Athearn live feed Train
Tuesday. Each week learn about the latest
models available for pre-order, learn about
the prototype and ask questions in this
interactive format.
Stay social! Athearn is also on the following
social media outlets and is continually
bringing you news and product information.
Exclusively HO Scale
O — Menards Collectibles introduces number and the decoration is based The nearly 10-inch model comes with
an all-new O-gauge freight car model on an early 1970s Canadian National metal wheels and working metal
with the arrival of this colorful series of promotional rolling stock. couplers and will navigate curves as
Canadian National two-bay hopper This fully assembled O-gauge model tight as O-27 radius. This CenterFlow
car. The model follows American consists of a multi-piece, molded hopper model sells for $34.99 direct
Car & Foundry’s popular CenterFlow plastic body with added see-through from Menards.
design and is a limited-edition release. metal roofwalk surrounding the four
Each model comes with a unique road separately applied loading hatches. Menards Collectibles;
H O — Aurora Miniatures will A b ove: T hi s g r ay G r up o M ex i c o Tr a ns p o r te s Facing Page Top: The other road names include
Ferromex decoration is a late addition to the road many familiar looks commonly seen trackside in
add the Ferromex road name to names coming from Aurora Miniatures for its all-new North America. The yellow Union Pacific decoration
it coming collection of Green- HO-scale Greenbrier/Gunderson 7550 high-cube is a recent change for the road and features raised
brier/Gunderson 7550 excess-height boxcar model. reporting marks and data.
IHOP Restaurant
HO — Bachmann will soon ship its manufacturer received to confirm Monon, Rock Island, and Chesa-
first production of Electro-Motive decoration and details. The fully peake & Ohio. Check with your
Division BL-2 diesel locomo- assembled HO BL-2 will come hobby dealer for availability.
tive models in HO scale. This decorated for the road names
view shows early samples the shown above: Western Maryland, Bachmann Trains,
and complete new mailing address to:
White River Productions
P.O. Box 48 – Bucklin, MO 64631
Ron’s Books
Ron's Books and SilverLake Images are pleased
to announce the LIMITED EDITION release of
Wider. This new publication is a super-sized 385-page book
full of useful freight car prototype information.
This volume continues covering 20th century American box
car design with a look at the evolution of the A.A.R. 1937 Standard, Steel-Sheathed,
Wood-Lined Box Car - Twenty Years of Improvements to the Original Design. The book
includes 56 industry trade ads, 60 U.S. patent excerpts, 48 car diagrams, 500 B&W
photographs, an extensive bibliography, and a complete detailed roster. This book will
not be reprinted, don't miss out! Softcover. - $90 each postpaid within the U.S.
Ron’s Books
w w w. ro n s bo o k s .c o m
P.O. BOX 714, HARRISON, NY 10528 • [email protected]
(914)967-7541 11AM to 10PM EST FAX (914)967-7492 24HR
Dealer Inquiries Welcome.
All orders U.S. funds only. NY &CT res. add sales tax. Print name, address and phone. Credit card users
add card number, CVC code & expiration date. Allow 4 weeks delivery. All foreign orders sent airmail
and billed accordingly. Checks payable to Ron’s Books.
HO & N — Athearn’s Fruit Growers Select offerings (like the faded green
Express (FGE) mechanical reefer Burlington Northern car shown The complete history of
model will return in both HO and above) will be Primed For Grime Rio Grande narrow gauge
N for an early 2025 delivery. The releases. This model will be offered high-side gondolas!
models will be fully assembled
and road names will include mul-
with SoundTraxx sound and in
a non-sound edition for all road
tiple Burlington Northern and FGE names. Check Athearn online for SHIPPING & HANDLING CHARGES: $10 U.S., $30 INTERNATIONAL
O — Atlas adds EMD’s six-axle SD45 numbers will be available for each of LED lighting, onboard DCC receiver,
diesel locomotive to the company’s the announced road names: CSX, CP accurate 1:48 proportions, and more.
Premier series of O-scale releases. Rail, Guilford/Springfield Terminal, Check with your hobby dealer to
This assembled 1:48 SD45 will come Norfolk & Western, Southern Pacific, reserve yours. Atlas plans to ship this
in the buyer’s choice of 2-rail or 3-rail and Union Pacific. Features of these production during third quarter 2024.
version and both carry a $639.95 new Atlas Premier SD45s will include
suggested retail price. Two road Proto-Sound 3.0 audio, directional Atlas Model Railroad Company,
MARY Sh joy , as ted Ra o Ha sellin
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N —ScaleTrains will have a second Above: Chicago & North Western 6817 is paired with SD18R rebuild 6635 at St. Paul, Minn., in August
1986. This SD40-2 is an earlier phase production example and includes the road’s herald with “Employee
production of its Rivet Counter Owned” lettering; ScaleTrains will offer its N-scale C&NW SD40-2s in this version of the road’s yellow
edition SD40-2 diesel locomotive and green with three road numbers with this style herald (below) and three with “System” lettering in the
model available this summer. This herald (bottom). — John Luckfield photo, Kevin EuDaly collection
one of the road’s first purchases Finally, this run will offer SD40-2s
of low-hood EMD motive power that served in EMD Leasing service Below: EMD 6302 is in lease ser vice at For t
Worth, Texas, in September 1989. ScaleTrains will
with two lettering styles. The black in the late 1980s and 1990s. Two offer two versions of this patched Milwaukee Road
Norfolk & Western offerings will EMD Leasing road numbers will liver y in its coming N -scale SD40 -2 release.
come with large “NW” decoration come in blue with white repaint — James D. Spears photo, Kevin EuDaly collection
EMD SD40-2
by Tony Cook with images from the Kevin EuDaly collection
Above: Chicago & North Western 6856 was working Below: The Milwaukee Road 173 shows a well-worn
at Green Bay, Wis., on June 27, 1986. Note the example around the time of the road’s takeover by
signature bell mounted in the nose, which will be Soo Line. The unit is at Kansas City’s Knoche Yard
included on the coming ScaleTrains N-scale SD40-2 surrounded by Kansas City Southern and Rio Grande
models. — Larry Nast photo, Kevin EuDaly collection power. — Mark Hall photo, Kevin EuDaly collection
Big Boxcars
from Class One Model Works
Above: Class One Model Works adds its first boxcars to the company’s line with two versions of Thrall’s
Review by Tony Cook 86-foot high cubes. The green Penn Central is a four-door edition, while the light blue Detroit & Toledo
Model Photos by Pamela Varney Shore Line is an eight-door model. The fully assembled HO-scale replicas sell for $59.99.
Class One Model Works HO-scale 86-foot high-cube boxcars, with Thrall of the car. Those depressed sections or
Thrall 86-foot High-Cube Boxcar being a major contributor to this fleet. pockets reside on the side ends where
This Class One Model Works release is the ladders sit and on the sides of the
Penn Central (four-door) the first contemporary tooling to arrive doors. The depth of variation on these
in HO scale for Thrall prototypes. high cubes is immense, and beyond
Grand Trunk Western (four-door) Whether built by Greenville, Pullman- the scope of the space available here.
Standard, Thrall, or others, this big For a survey of Thrall’s production,
The Milwaukee Road (four-door)
boxcar was a classic 1960s freight car visit Class One Model Works online
Detroit & Toledo Shore Line (eight-door) and received bright paint schemes with and you’ll find information from noted
large decorations representing their freight authority James A. Kinkaid. Mr.
Illinois Central (eight-door)
owner railroads. Production ceased Kinkaid’s information shared there
Class One Model Works by the mid- to late 1970s; cars you find journeys from Type One cars with today (like the well-weathered Grand running boards on the roof through
Trunk shown on page 49) are around Type Seven.
a half-century old. Many remain in The models shown are early produc-
he first boxcar release from Class their designed purpose of transporting tion samples shared by Class One
One Model Works is a highly vehicle components, while others Model Works with Model Railroad
detailed reproduction of Thrall’s handle varied cargo like finished home News. The road names on display were
big and tall auto parts carrier. This appliances. By the 1978 close of produc- given the green light and checked out
86-foot high-cube boxcar debuts with tion, more than 11,000 high cubes were by the company. I was privileged to
a wide selection of road names and roaming the rails. Thrall’s contribution see the coming Santa Fe four-door and
two distinct body styles: four-door and to that total was more than 3,500 cars Southern Pacific eight-door models,
eight-door. built from 1964 to 1973. but was unable to include them in this
These excess-height boxcars were Though a general appearance spans review as revisions to various colors
developed in the 1960s and first saw all these 86-foot high cubes, each were being ordered prior to the start of
service on North American rails in builder had signature spotting features. the regular production. It is interesting
handling auto parts. Several famous For Thrall examples, you can look for a to see and learn about the production
freight car manufacturers supplied straight sill and indentions on the sides process and how a manufacturer in
Roco HO-scale
Northlander set
ifty years ago, decades before under names such as Edelweiss and surplus TEE trains for their combina-
Alstom and Siemens emerged as L’Arbalete. Aimed at business travel- tion of luxurious amenities, immediate
the new faces of North American ers, the air-conditioned, all-first class availability, and bargain price (report-
passenger railroading, equipment with 114-seat trains included a dining car, edly $200,000 per train, which included
European origins was a distinct rarity a luggage room in the locomotive, and refurbishing).
on this side of the Atlantic. Four years space for time-saving on-board customs ONR’s Northlander debuted in May
after Amtrak made news by importing clearance. One trainset was wrecked in 1977, with the trains wearing a variation
its first pair of French turbine-powered 1971, and, as electrification of main lines of the railway’s recently introduced
trainsets in 1973, another group of proliferated, the remaining four were yellow and two-tone blue livery and
European passenger trains arrived in retired in 1974. chevron logo, and receiving standard
North America, with a somewhat more They crossed the Atlantic in 1977 to Canadian safety appliances (roof-
exotic pedigree. These were a quartet of begin a new chapter in their careers, mounted bells, horn, three-aspect
former Trans Europ Express (TEE) trains acquired for the provincially owned classification lights, ditch lights, and
built by a Swiss-Dutch partnership in Ontario Northland Railway (ONR) illuminated number boards). The
1957 for deluxe daytime service linking in Canada to launch a new daytime European interior configuration was
Zurich, Amsterdam, Paris, and other service — the Northlander — between retained, with a combination of 2+1
points. Toronto, Timmins, and (in later years) coach seating, nine enclosed six-seat
Five such bidirectional four-unit Cochrane, Ont. Ontario’s provincial compartments, and a 32-seat dining car.
trains were built, with a twin-engine government had considered acquiring The trains’ Dutch Werkspoor diesel
1,980-hp diesel-electric locomotive at either Canadian-built LRC equipment locomotives proved problematic when
one end (also equipped with a 300-hp (still in development at the time) or it came to parts supply and winter
head-end-power [HEP] package) and a U.S.-built versions of those French operation, and in 1979-80 they were
cab-control car at the other, operating turbine trains, but opted for the four replaced with ONR FP7Am locomo-
continued from page 51 and crisp, opaque, and accurately sized tive and cab-car pilot. Roco offers an
interior configuration (including the and positioned lettering. Comparison optional interior lighting package for
diner’s kitchen), and are appropriately with prototype photos of locomotive this trainset, as part number 40420.
colored (blue or beige coach seats and 1981 shows that the lower-edge curve Roco set 72066 (the subject of this
red compartment seats) as a starting of the model’s light blue band is too review) is DC/silent. Set 72067 is DCC/
point for added detailing. All body angular; the corresponding curve on the Sound. A 5-pole motor and flywheel
shells are easily removed by gently cab-control car is accurate. Five-color provide smooth and quiet operation.
spreading the shell above each truck. renderings of Ontario’s provincial flag An 8-pin socket is provided for an
Car A, coupled to the locomotive, is appear on both sides of cars A and B, aftermarket DCC/sound upgrade. All
the compartment car; Car B is the diner and all were printed in perfect register. six locomotive axles are powered, and
(with an 18-seat coach section); and Car Glazing is flush and clear, with the outboard wheelset on each locomo-
C is the cab-control car, equipped with the prototype’s metal sashes and tive truck is fitted with traction tires, per
42 coach seats. Per the prototype, each window frames represented by finely European practice. Floating (geared)
car is identified with a blue placard in and uniformly applied silver paint. center axles can move laterally to ac-
the window beside the boarding doors. Although venetian blinds used in all commodate tight curves; the minimum
In European service, the dining car the prototypes’ passenger windows are recommended radius is 16.5 inches (419
featured prominent table-top lamps. absent, several aftermarket options are mm). Sideframe-mounted steps are a
Although these were removed prior available to create this distinctive effect. non-prototypical compromise to allow
to the Northlander’s debut, they remain LED lighting is bright and directional, unimpeded swivel of the locomotive’s
(unlit) in the model’s interior and but with a red aspect on the trailing long-wheelbase trucks at this radius.
are readily visible through the large end that is incorrect for ONR. Number Otherwise, sideframe molding is crisp,
windows. They are easily removed boards are lit, but the three-aspect class- with factory-applied separate brake
by pulling up and out of a tabletop light clusters on the locomotive and cab cylinders. Current-conducting coupler
mounting hole, or by cutting at their car are not, and instead have painted bars throughout the train mate easily
base. lenses. No headlight glow-through and securely, and allow power to
Exterior paint and lettering is very is evident, although some stray light be drawn from the front of the train
good, with sharp color demarcations reaches the track behind the locomo- in either direction. Spring-loaded,
CEFX 600480
169008, $59.95
GLFX 8116
169011A, $59.95
Rapido Trains
apido Trains offers a common an air-controlled system that opens and Above: This view of BNSF 651343 shows the end
detail and the look of the coal load. The first HO
sight in contemporary North closes them. The highly detailed replica AutoFlood III coal hoppers included contemporary
American railroading with retails for a bit less than $60 and comes wedge presentation of BNSF’s logo; the coming
its HO-scale plastic rendering of in single-car offerings and in 6-pack production will include this earlier circle-cross her-
ald. — Matt Gentry photo, courtesy Rapido Trains
FreightCar America’s AutoFlood III sets (retailing for $350.70).
coal hopper. This model reproduces This model, like other Rapido Trains
the 4,200-cubic-foot prototype. This efforts, comes fully assembled and Facing Page: Rapido Trains is known for its atten-
tion to detail and these coal hoppers have accurate
hopper is a rapid-discharge design features fine details separately applied outlet gates running on the underside of the hopper
with multiple outlet gates on its un- all around the plastic body. The car and excellent end details. The cars include accurate
derside that are worked remotely by rides on 36-inch metal wheels and 100-ton truck sideframes with rotating caps.
new model can easily get by about it, so it was a welcome sight
Review by Tony Cook even the ardent model train when it arrived. This HO reproduction
Photos by Pamela Varney enthusiast, especially with the is based on the manufacturer’s previ-
InterMountain Railway Co. HO-scale near-constant flow of new products in ously offered rib-side boxcar that was
40-foot Spent-Grain Boxcar the market. This was my experience a signature member of The Milwaukee
The Milwaukee Road 8285 with InterMountain Railway’s new Road’s rolling stock roster. This version
48505-1, $42.95 variant of its Milwaukee Road-proto- is a 40-foot freight car, and the railroad
InterMountain Railway Co. type boxcar model in HO scale. This also owned 50-foot versions with spent-grain variant was announced horizontal ribs. Like many other fine
some time ago and I had forgotten examples in InterMountain Railway’s
Low-Nose Landmark
from Rapido Trains
ordered a dozen U25Bs (2501–2512).
apido Trains includes a variety This GE order came with a similar buy
of production phases in its for GP35s from Electro-Motive Division
debut release of HO-scale (EMD). This sampling of every maker
General Electric (GE) U25B diesel was not uncommon at the time. Also,
locomotives. In January’s M odel EL was struggling financially and may
Railroad News, you saw coverage of have been prospecting with multiple
the early high-hood U25B models, and manufacturers to see who could help
this review shares low-nose examples get financing through for the road. The
decorated for Erie Lackawanna (EL) road’s livery was black with yellow
and Santa Fe. Rapido Trains supplied prior to the onslaught of four-axle
the DCC-sound EL and I had to locomotives from Alco, EMD, and GE.
have an as-delivered “bookends” or The attractive mix of yellow body with
“pinstripe” scheme Santa Fe, which I maroon band striped in yellow was first
bought from New York’s TrainWorld seen in these early 1960s locomotives.
( Rapido’s decoration is a slightly later
Bookends Boat
Santa Fe was among the early buyers
of GE’s U25B, though they missed
receiving high-nose Phase I examples.
This model represents one of four
road numbers (1609, 1610, 1612, and
1613) offered in this production. I’ll
not argue against the beauty of Santa
Fe’s famous Warbonnet, but I do favor
this earlier blue with yellow look. The
model includes a can-type antenna
on the cab roof with air horn cluster
centered on the long hood roof behind
the cab. I believe the longer raised
platform on the long hood walkway
is unique to these Santa Fe U25Bs and
was a toolbox option GE offered. The
longer walkway is spotted not only by
its extended length but also by its ad-
ditional (third) stanchion. As with the
EL sample, I find the paint and lettering
from Hornby Hobbies
Versatile Boxcar
Above: A new production is available featuring new road names and paint schemes for Rivarossi’s HO-
Review by Tony Cook scale 50-foot boxcar model. There are five road names in the collection and details vary across the group.
The fully assembled plastic freight car model retails for $32.99.
Rivarossi HO-scale
50-foot Boxcar ivarossi delivers a new produc- up a plastic boxcar model that could be
Burlington Northern 318631
tion of its HO-scale 50-foot sold assembled, offer some variations
sliding door without running boards boxcar model. This group to its appearance, and provide hob-
HR6637DTF, $32.99 shows the versatile style of both the byists with a low-cost option for this
prototypes and this plastic replica with common North American example. I
Canadian Pacific 80901
plug door with running boards
different door and roof options. There found the model successfully hit its
HR6636ATF, $32.99 are five road names in this release and goals in a January 2017 review of the
each includes three road numbers. This first production.
Great Northern 36904 Rivarossi model, distributed by Horny This collection is the third run for
plug door without running boards
HR6634CTF, $32.99
Hobbies, was produced in China and this HO boxcar model, and I find this
comes fully decorated and ready to effort succeeds well again with five
New York Central 48089 run. The suggested retail price, $32.99, interesting road names and a mix of
plug door with running boards makes this one of the most economical features. There is no prototype given
HR6635BTF, $32.99
freight car models on the HO market. by the manufacturer for this boxcar;
Union Pacific 508535 This model was the first new-tooling however, it resembles freight cars
sliding door without running boards freight car to come to the famous produced from the latter part of the
HR6633DTF, $32.99 Rivarossi brand name in the 21st 1950s well into and through the 1960s.
Rivarossi is distributed by
century. The design goal of this boxcar Though it carries the common 50-foot
Hornby Hobbies was shared with Model Railroad News label, the boxcar measures a bit more during the development process just than 51 feet to its outer edges (which is
over five years ago. The idea was to tool accurate). All releases include a vertical
collection Rapido created offers two Above: Chessie System’s bright appearance looks
Review by Tony Cook g r e a t o n t h i s n e w R a p i d o Tr a i n s H O - s c a l e
cupola/roof designs, two running Northeastern caboose model. This is one of sev-
Model Photos by Tony Cook
board types, two body side styles, eral road names (many offered with multiple paint
Rapido Trains HO-scale three end wall configurations, two schemes) in this debut release.
Northeastern Caboose step types, and additional road- and
Chessie System WM 1869 era-specific features. This HO caboose with orange hue highlighting ladders,
144029, $99.95
comes fully assembled and ready for railings, and grab irons. All caboose
Rapido Trains operation or display. Rapido includes releases come with a magnet wand interior detail and illumination for the for controlling the lighting; additional
cabin area. The model rides on one of parts are provided and vary depending
on the road name. This model’s parts
three truck styles: Andrews, Birdsboro,
apido Trains delivers its take or Taylor. include lanterns, caps for windows,
on a North American railroad- This style caboose dates to the 1920s and additional grab irons. Rapido
ing classic with the arrival of and was a Reading Railroad creation includes two truck styles in this WM
this HO-scale Northeastern caboose (with steel body) that used a proposed release with the additional pair of
replica. There are many road names USRA design (which called for wood trucks (which come prewired) bagged
available for this model’s introduc- sides). Reading’s roster numbered and tucked in with the light wand and
tion, including Central Railroad of nearly 300 and many other roads additional details.
New Jersey, Conrail, Lehigh & New included this style waycar too. The model comes equipped with
England, Lehigh Valley, Reading, and The decoration on this review model metal knuckle couplers of Rapido’s
Western Maryland. Among these road reproduces a classic 1970s look with own design. The metal couplers are
names, many include more than one Chessie System markings and Western approximately the size of Kadee’s
decoration style; and, all come in more Maryland (WM) reporting marks. well-known No. 5 examples and
than one road number. The tooling The paint application was excellent easily accessed on the well-detailed
b o
Techniques with George Dutka with Scott Lupia
(SWTS) $34.95 (MRGD) $34.95 (PDRM) $24.95
k s C o
B o o
The Structure Handbook The Penn Line Story: 21 Projects:
for Model Railroaders A History and Collector’s Guide Scratchbuilding Structures
(SHMR) $24.95 (PLSC) $29.95 (21PR) $24.95
CRS- passenger cars: 1 $
Volume 1 features photos and plans of wood and heavyweight cars
from the earliest days through the postwar era.
C l o
CRS- passenger cars: 2
Volume 2 features photos and plans of streamlined coaches,
combines, baggage and mail, lounges, cafes, and dining cars.
CRS- passenger cars: 3
Volume 3 features photos and plans of solariums, sleepers, and
inspection cars. Includes Pullman, Budd, and ACF.
S a
16.48 TDTB
3 days, 20 bucks
A nostalgic look at the Rocky Mountain Railroad Club’s narrow
gauge excursions through the lens of photographer Stan Rhine.
nothing could be finer than a frisco diner
FDJR Dining cars on the St. Louis-San Francisco Railway had a
reputation for serving the finest food on rails. $
16.48 railroad pit stops
RRPS Enjoy amazing black and white photography by Robert P. Olmsted
of engine terminals and roundhouses from Ohio to Nebraska.
the circus moves by rail
CMBR The definitive book on circus trains from the earliest days to the
modern fleet of Ringling Brothers, Barnum & Bailey.
12.48 all aboard amtrak: 1971-1991
A detailed look at Amtrak’s first 20 years, authored by Mike
Schafer with foreword by then-Amtrak CEO W. Graham Claytor Jr.
route of the rockets
ROTR A history of Rock Island “Rocket” streamliner passenger trains
from the earliest days of 1937 through the end in 1979.
southern pacific rails: a motive power finale
A super-detailed roster of SP and Cotton Belt diesel locomotives
19.97 from 1986 through the Union Pacific merger in 1996. $
Review N
folk & Western in similar style cars. Above: These models are from Eastern Seaboard
Review by Tony Cook Models’ new production of its 65-foot mill gondola.
Model Photos by Pamela Varney
The model’s shell is plastic with The N-scale releases feature an enhanced design
a die-cast underframe. The samples and new body styles. The 1:160 replicas come fully
Eastern Seaboard Models N-scale weigh 0.6 ounces each. The underbody assembled and retail for $37.95 each.
65-foot Mill Gondola includes air and brake details and the
Pennsylvania Class G26 439880
inner sides and bed of the gondola
220104, $37.95 feature rows of rivets. The ends of the Below: Norfolk & Western versions of this 65-foot
mill gondola made up the road’s G3 and G3a
gondola are separate and allow for classes. This plastic N-scale gondola comes fully
Pennsylvania Class G26c 440057 positioning up or dropped down for assembled and includes Dalman truck sideframes
219102, $37.95
loads of extended length. The brakes, with smooth-rolling wheels. This is one of the new
ratchet-brake versions of this freight car introduced
Norfolk & Western G3 70508 whether ratchet or wheel type, are with this production.
218302, $37.95
astern Seaboard Models brings
back its N-scale 65-foot mill
gondola with a new production.
The tooling is enhanced with an
improved coupler pocket design. The
brake-wheel version is joined by two
new ratchet-brake offerings.
This 1:160 steel gondola replicates a
Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR) design
introduced in the 1930s. The G26-class
was a common piece of Pennsy equip-
ment with more than 1,600 examples
built. In addition to appearing on
PRR’s roster, this 65-foot mill gondola
was built for Lehigh Valley and Nor-
tlas adds another new freight (2-rail edition). The body is molded (MRL) and tan CSX models. Lettering
car to its Premier series with plastic with additional plastic features and details like reflective bands add
the arrival of this three-bay like separate hatches and running to the presentation of these models.
covered hopper in O scale. This is one boards on the roof. The coupler My friend Jeff Zucker of Spring Creek
of the MTH-heritage toolings and for crossover platform is plastic and both Model Trains is an MRL guy and he
this first Atlas production the freight it and the running boards include see- mentioned the gray color is a repaint
car reproduction comes in 2-rail and through grate design. The B-end cage for these hoppers (originally in the
3-rail versions. includes the expected tanks and piping road’s dark blue) and helped them
The model follows 1:48 dimensions for the air and brake appliances, and stay better looking in service. Also,
and authentically reproduces Pullman- the plastic brake wheel includes a runover from loading would show on
Standard’s PS2-CD 4,427-cubic-foot metal chain hanging from it. As stated, the blue sides more than on this gray
covered hopper. This popular 100-ton this rendering features scale propor- version.
Dedicated to the history of Atlantic Coast Line, CERA was formed in 1939 to encourage study in the Formed to restore SSW 819, the last steam
Seaboard Air Line, Seaboard Coast Line, and history, equipment, and operation of urban, suburban, engine built in Arkansas; establish the Arkansas
their predecessors. Members enjoy Lines South interurban, and mainline electric railways, and is a not- Railroad Museum; and preserve the history of
four times a year, an annual convention, photo for-profit technical and educational society. Membership the St. Louis Southwestern. We operate the
and data archiving, products for historians and benefits include an annual hardbound book (Bulletin) museum in the building where the 819 was built.
modelers, and a yearly calendar for sale. with monthly in-person and Zoom programs. Members receive the Cotton Belt Star quarterly.
U.S. membership: $42/year U.S. membership: $50/year U.S. membership: $25/year
P.O. Box 490563, Leesburg, FL 34749 P.O. Box 503, Chicago, IL 60690 1700 Port Rd., Pine Bluff, AR 71601
/groups/AclSalHistoricalSociety CentralElectricRailfansAssociation/About @ArkansasRailroadMuseum
Sharing an interest in Chicago, Burlington & Dedicated to the history of Chicago & Eastern The society is preserving the history of
Quincy Railroad; its subsidiaries, Colorado & Illinois Railroad. Members enjoy The Flyer the narrow gauge lines of the Colorado &
Southern and Fort Worth & Denver; and their twice a year, occasional newsletters, social Southern Railway. Currently, their signature
predecessors. Members enjoy the Zephyr news- gatherings, an annual convention, photo and project is the restoration of the railroad
letter, the Burlington Bulletin magazine, a yearly data archiving, and more. A museum and facilities in Como, Colo., and members receive
calendar, spring and fall meets, and an archive. archive are maintained in Watseka, Ill. The The Bogies and the Loop society magazine
U.S. membership: $40/year society also publishes a calendar each year. four times a year.
P.O. Box 456, La Grange, IL 60525 U.S. membership: $30/year U.S. membership: $35/year 702 Hawthorne Dr., Marshall, IL 62471 P.O. Box 371373, Denver, CO 80237
P.O. Box 3323, New York, NY 10163 U.S. membership: $30/year P.O. Box 307, Antioch, IL 60002
Not affiliated with the Kansas City Southern Railway Company. /groups/MilwaukeeRoadHistoricalAssociation
Dedicated to the history of Gulf, Mobile & Organized for the purpose of collecting, Formed to preserve the history and heritage of
Ohio Railroad. Members enjoy GM&OHS organizing, preserving, and sharing information the Monon Railroad (Chicago, Indianapolis, &
News three times a year; social gatherings; and material relating to the L&N, its predecessors, Louisville Railway). Members enjoy The Hoosier
an annual convention; photo and data and successors. Members enjoy L&N Magazine Line three times a year; social gatherings;
archiving at the Mercantile Library, University four times a year, social gatherings, an annual annual convention; photo and data archiving;
of Missouri-St. Louis in St. Louis; and the convention, photo and data archiving, and the equipment preservation display maintained at
society produces a yearly calendar for sale. society produces a yearly calendar for sale. Salem, Ind.; and more.
U.S. membership: $30/year U.S. membership: $35/year U.S. membership: $50/year
P.O. Box 382303, Germantown, TN 38183 206 S. College Ave., Salem, IN 47167 @LNrailroad
Supporting train, railway, and station preser- Dedicated to preserving the history of the Dedicated to the history of the Reading Railroad.
vation projects with hundreds of thousands of Northern Pacific Railway, NPRHA members Membership includes The Crusader monthly
dollars awarded in Heritage Grants, as well as enjoy an annual convention, The Mainstreeter newsletter, The Bee Line historical magazine,
education, publishing, and shared resources. four times a year, a 13-photo yearly calendar, Company Store discounts, large collection of
Members enjoy NRHS Bulletin and NRHS News, photo and document archives, and numerous equipment, archives and artifacts, Reading
an annual convention, and more. products for modelers and historians through Railroad Heritage Museum, and modular HO
U.S. membership: $50/year the NPRHA online store. layout. Monthly meeting with entertainment.
505 S. Lenola Rd., Ste. 226, Moorestown, NJ 08057 U.S. membership: $35/year U.S. membership: Individual, $45/year P.O. Box 2937, Kirkland, WA 98083 P.O. Box 15143, Reading, PA 19612
Members enjoy Shoreliner four times a year, Dedicated to preserving the history of the New York, Established in 2005 to preserve the history of
which includes color and b&w photography Ontario, & Western and other area railways. Yearly the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac
and historical narrative about New Haven publications include Observer book, calendar, Railroad. Printing four 16-page issues of the
Railroad history, equipment, and operations. The and several newsletters. Plus a “Members Only” society’s publication Linking North and South
Speedwitch, containing modeling articles and website section. Annual convention and banquet. each year and holding quarterly meetings.
news, is published as material becomes available. U.S. regular membership: $45/year U.S. membership: $20, $30, $100/year
U.S. membership: $40/year U.S. sustaining membership: $60/year Dept. A
P.O. Box 289, Accord, MA 02018 P.O. Box 713, Middletown, NY 10940-0713 P.O. Box 9097 Fredericksburg, VA 22403-9097
HO — Sylvan Scale Models page and cab with chassis (V-385) and comes with decals, grain, and
introduces a new collection of are base models and each kit retails stake. The gasoline trucks list for
vehicle kits for HO scale. This for $22.95. Four additional Sylvan $23.95. Check Sylvan Scale Models
group reproduces 1940–1947 Scale Models releases provide the online to learn more or ask your
Dodge cab-over-engine trucks. materials to create an REA delivery hobby dealer. These views show
The general cab and nose design truck (V-386), grain truck (V-387), assembled and decorated examples
appears common across this series stake bed truck with tarp cover (V- of the company’s kits.
of six kit releases. The highway 388), and gasoline tanker (V-389).
tractor (V-384) at the top of this The REA truck retails for $24.95 Sylvan Scale Models,
release. The offering carries a $12.95 available now from Micro-Trains 246 W. Main St.,
Dept. MRRN
suggested retail price and includes Line. Leola, PA 17540
materials to build two M4A3 Sher- Micro-Trains Line, (717) 661-7041
PO Box 15341 • Clearwater FL 33766
Santa Fe
Many Unique Model Railroad Products
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Showcasing Model Railroading’s finest:
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Mar 9-10 Edison, NJ - New Jersey Expo Center Coupler gauges and more!
HO — This eye-catching residence is Above, Left, and Below: This new addition to
Walthers’ Cornerstone series comes molded in
a new Walthers Cornerstone kit in HO multiple colors of plastic, with air conditioner unit,
scale that will arrive in early 2024. The kettle-style grill, mailbox, nonworking globe walkway
$39.98 Mid-Century Modern Home lights, and other details. The finished model (above)
includes scenery, figures, and a vehicle that are not
kit replicates a classic North American included in this $39.98 release.
prototype built from the late 1940s into
the 1960s. The plastic kit comes molded
in gray, white, tan, and clear. The
house occupies a 9 7/16 x 5 5/32-inch
footprint, and comes with many details
to dress up the exterior area surround-
ing the structure.
HO, N, Z and Lionel Trains and Supplies Lines West: 1960-1999
Enjoy colorful coverage
of the PRR main line from
Pittsburgh to Chicago from
photographers Steve Hipes $
59.95* $
59.95* 64.95*
and David Oroszi! TRP-PLW1 TRP-PLW2 PLW3
H O — Lionel adds a variety of is Lionel’s Double Arm Parking (MRSP: $14.99). These examples are
new releases for the line’s HO Lights set (MSRP: $18.99) in gray, only three releases out the group’s
lighting accessories. Each of the this and other offerings all come collection of 20 offerings. You’ll find
offerings features warm-white in 3-packs and multiple colors for these new Lionel lighting accessories
LED illumination, complete with the pole and lamp fixture. Pictured listed in the company’s Fall 2023
resistors for use with 6- to 18-volt above in the center is Lionel’s green HO catalog and shown online at the
AC or DC power. Lights come in Single Arm Lamp 3-pack (MSRP: manufacturer’s website.
single and double configurations in $11.99). Above at the right, you see
many styles. Shown at the left above Lionel’s Double Arm Lamp 3-pack Lionel,
here’s a little kid in every and O (1:48) scales, and this working
Review by Tony Cook
model railroad enthusiast oil pump is a recent addition. Both
Menards Collectibles and animated accessories like include plastic gears and a small
Cripple Creek Beam Pump Menards’ Cripple Creek Beam Pump motor, housed in the steel shed, that
speak directly to that youngster. For can be powered by a 4.5-volt source.
HO-scale version
2759139, $29.99 the mature modeler, this working oil As with other Menards Gold Line
pump presents a ready-made starting Collection releases, this animated oil
O-scale version point for an eye-catching addition to pump comes fully assembled and
2759138, $39.99
your railroad. situated on a decorated based. There
Menards The Menards Collectibles series are two decorated worker figures uses the Cripple Creek name for a included, along with the company’s
variety of releases offered in HO (1:87) mascot Jack the German Shepherd.
B O O K — Arcadia Publishing’s
Northbound Lights: Tracks Across
Michigan and Wisconsin features 145
color photographs and maps in author
D. C. Jesse Burkhardt’s documentation
of the railroad history and changes for
these two states in the last 50 years. The
softcover, 96-page book retails for $24.99
and is available now.
on’s Books delivers the 36th common 40-foot sliding door boxcar.
volume for the popular and Beginning at page 132, the coverage
important Railway Prototype shifts to a gallery of black & white
Cyclopedia series. This series began in prototype images showing improved
1997 and equally serves the prototype AAR-design 40-foot boxcars. This
railroad enthusiast and those pursuing section surveys railroads alphabetically
model railroading. and includes notes on the variations,
This new volume’s main topic and when they arrived, and how many
focus is the improved-version As- examples filled rosters. The last few
sociation of American Railroads (AAR) pages are devoted to a roster listing for
boxcar. This nearly 400-page book opens this series of boxcars.
with an in-depth presentation review- The reproduction of diagrams and
ing and explaining the improvements vintage advertisements, and the wealth
he first plastic HO-scale high-
cube boxcar models came from
Athearn in 1969. The company
reproduced an eight-door (Illinois
Central above) and four-door (Wabash
shown below). The eight-door is close
to a Thrall prototype, though the posts
showing along the sill are an issue. The
Wabash shows as Thrall in its decora-
tion, but the fishbelly sill is more akin
to Greenville. These models never got
beyond kit offerings.
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your business as the . (9 41) 923- 93 03
Ad Here!
books, detail pa . www.rrhob
Dealer Directory and declare
3222 Clark Rd O
Open 7 days
(916 ) 782- 60 67 ducts... and for FLOR IDA, Sprin
g Hill
to shop for today’s fresh new pro
119 Ve rnon St. p ply
pla ce M ateo D a n a Rsc’s ailroad Sinusupplies.
HITERIVERP LI FORN IA , San d ales and tra
HO, N, O, & G tion & Digitrax dealer.
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t’s $10
lham (Birmingh
am ) as litt
klin, HO & N sc
DCC installa x 20 ft. HO layout.
ALABAMA, Pe & Toys Lionel, M Operating 20 t: 10am -5pm.
k M o u n ta in Ho b bieops. ported trains
Domestic and im-6, Sun 11-5 Hours: Tue – Sa
AAA Plus Trains and Darts .............................23 Great Decals! ...................................................85 Ragg’s…To Riches? ......................................... 8
Accurail, Inc .....................................................18 Greenberg Train Shows..................................85 Rapido Trains, Inc ........................................... 11
American Models ..............................................8 Hobby Smith, The ........................................... 86 ReSourced Rails.............................................. 94
Athearn Trains .................................................24 InterMountain Railway Co ................................ 9 Rix Products .................................................... 83
Azatrax .............................................................83 JAM Creations ................................................. 84 Ron’s Books .............................................. 35, 90
JB Wheelsets ................................................... 39
Bachmann Industries, Inc ............................100 K-L 2
Berrett Hill Trains.............................................83 Kato USA, Inc. ................................................... 7 Shawmut Car Shops ....................................... 23
Blair Line ..........................................................83 Lewis County Model RR Club........................ 84
Spring Creek Model Trains ............................ 32
Bluford Shops..................................................36 Litchfield Station ............................................. 24
State Tool & Die............................................... 85
Caboose Industries .........................................90 Lombard Hobbies ........................................... 20
Summit LLC ..................................................... 32
Ad Index
Call To Action ..................................................90 M
ClassOneModelWorks....................................99 M.B. Klein ......................................................... 39 .............................................. 85
Coach Yard, The..............................................24 Menards ........................................................... 15
TrainWorld........................................................ 12
Custom Model Railroads (CMR)....................84 Micro-Scale Models........................................ 37 ....................................................... 94
Miller Engineering, LLC................................... 83
Tru-Color Paint ................................................ 12
Dallee Electronics, Inc ...................................83 N-P
East Coast Circuits ...............................................23 NJ International, Inc ........................................ 83 White River Productions ..................... 14, 16, 28
Erie Lackawanna Railroad Historical Society .....20 PIKO America .................................................... 3 ............................................................37, 72, 73, 86,
Class One M o d e l Wo r