Gerold Et Al 1994
Gerold Et Al 1994
Gerold Et Al 1994
2597-2606, 1994
0 1994 by The American Soeiety for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc Printed in U.S.A.
(Received forpublication, March 31, 1993, and in revised form, September 6, 1993)
Plasmodium falciparum is the causative agent of ma- the plasma membrane, in a wide range of organisms. A com-
laria tropica in man. Biochemical studies were focused parison of the glycan structures of GPI membrane anchors
on the asexual, intraerythrocytic stages of E? falcipa- indicates that the glycan parts of GPI-anchors contain a con-
rum, because of their role in the clinical phase of the servedstructure consisting of ethanolamine-P04-6Manal-
disease and the possibility of propagation in a cell cul-2Manal-GManal-4GlcN (for review see Cross (1990)).
ture system. In this report, we describe the in-culture A huge variety of modifications on the periphery of the core
labeling of malarial glycolipids and the analysis of their glycan structure havebeen observed. However, the core glycan
hydrophilicmoieties.Theywereidentified as glyco- of protein-linked GPIs is highlyevolutionarily conserved
sylphosphatidylinositols (GPIs)by: l) labelingwith throughout mammalian and protozoan cells. Therefore, it is
[SH]mannose,[SH]glucosamine,and[SHlethanolamine likely that identical or similarbiosynthetic pathways are used
and 2) sensitivity toward glycosylphosphatidylinositol- in all eukaryotes.
specific phospholipaseD, phospholipaseA2, and nitrous The biosynthesis of the trypanosoma1 GPI has been eluci-
acid. Malarial GPIs are shown to be unaffected by treat- dated usinga cell-free system from lkypanosoma brucei brucei
ment with phosphatidylinositol-specificphospholipase (Masterson et al., 1989; Doering et al., 1990; Menon et al.,
C, regardless of prior treatment with mild base com- 1990a) and was also elucidated for some other biological sys-
monly used for inositol deacylation. Two candidates for tems (Puotiet al.,1991; Stevens and Raetz, 1991; Tomavo et al.,
putative GPI-anchor precursors to malarial membrane 1992). GPI synthesis starts with the transferof GlcNAc from
proteins with the structures ethanolamine-phosphate- UDP-GlcNAc to PI, followed by de-N-acetylation. Three man-
6(Manal-2)Manal-2Manal-6Mana14GlcN-P1 (Pfgl a) nose residues, each derived from dolichol-phosphate mannose,
and ethanolamine-phosphate-6Manal-2Manal-6Man-are then added,yielding MansGlcN-PI. Phosphoethanolamine,
al-4-GlcN-PI (Pfgl /3) were identified. derived fromphosphatidylethanolamine (Menon et al., 1993), is
added to the terminal mannose to complete the GPI-anchor
precursor which is thought to be added to the protein in ex-
Malaria is the disease caused by parasitic protozoa of the change for a C-terminal hydrophobic domain in a transamidase
genus Plasmodium. Plasmodium falciparum,the most danger- reaction (Cross, 1990).
ous of the four speciesthat are naturallyinfectious to man, still Like many parasitic protozoa, I! falciparum has a complex
remains the cause of one of the most important diseases in life cycle involving an insect vector (Anopheles spp. ). During
tropical and subtropical areas. In1985, the WHO reported 4.8 the development in man, the intraerythrocytic, asexual stages
million documented cases of malaria, andmore than 50% of the produce the merozoite surface protein 1(MSPl), themerozoite
world’s population live inareaswheremalaria is endemic surface protein 2 (MSPO), and other proteins (Holder et al.,
(Lockyer and Holder, 1989). 1985; Haldar et al., 1985; Haldar et al., 1986; Smythe et al.,
Glycosylphosphatidylinositols (GPIs)’ are a recently discov- 1988; Braun-Breton et al., 1988), which were shown to be mem-
ered class of glycolipids that anchor proteins and sugars into brane-anchored involving diacylglycerol. These data lead to the
proposition that some I! falciparum surface proteins are an-
*This study was supported by DeutscheForschungsgemeinschaft chored by a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) membrane an-
Grants Schw 296/4-1, Schw 296/4-2, and Schw 296/4-3, Fondsder
Chemischen Industrie, ARC from British CounciVDAAD,Hessisches chor to the parasite membrane (Haldaret al., 1985; Haldar et
Ministerium fiir Wissenschaft und Kunst,and P. E. Kempkes Founda- al., 1986; Schwarz et al., 1986; Schwarz et al., 1987).
tion Marburg, Germany.This communication is presented as a partial It hasrecently been demonstrated that the GPI moiety may
fulfillment of the requirements of the doctoral thesis of P. G. The costs also play an importantrole in thepathology of severe malaria,
of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of in addition to its role in membrane anchoring of surface pro-
page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked “aduertise-
ment” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely toindicate this teins. Purified C-terminal GPI derived from MSPl and MSP2
fact. by pronase hydrolysis induces tumor necrosis factor and inter-
This work is dedicated to the memory of Bernard Fournet (1940- leukin 1production by macrophages and regulatesmetabolism
1993) to whom the field of glycoconjugates owes so much. in adipocytes. When administered to mice in uiuo, it induces
$ Recipient of a scholarship of the Hessische Graduiertedorderung.
To whom correspondence and reprint requests should be addressed: cytokine release, transient pyrexia, and hypoglycemia and un-
Tel.: +49-6421-285149or +49-6421-285493;Fax: +49-6421-285482. der some conditions elicits cachexia (Schofield and Hackett,
Theabbreviations used are: GPI,glycosylphosphatidylinositol; 1993).
MSP, major surface protein; PI-PLC, phosphatidylinositol-specificphos- In this report we provide evidence that the biosynthesis of
pholipase C; PIA,, phospholipase Az; GPI-PLD, glycosylphosphatidyl-
inositol-specificphospholipase D; HPAEC,highpHanionexchange GPIs protozoan I! falciparum involves a hydro-
in the parasitic
chromatography; Dol(?)-P-Man, dolichol(?)-phosphate-mannose (see phobically modified inositol ring and therefore shows a simi-
Footnote 2); Pfg,, Z? fakiparum glycolipid; AHM, 2,5-anhydromannitol. larity to the pathways described for mammalian cells (for a
EtN-P-Man,-GlcN-Ino(x)-PA 0.25 L L L + f + +
EtN-P-Man,-GlcN-Ino(x)- P A 0.33 L L L + f + +
Man,-GlcN-Ino(x)-PA 0.50 L L NL + f + +
Man,-GlcN-Ino(x)-PA 0.56 L L NL + f + +
Man,-GlcN-Ino (x)-PA 0.62 L L NL + f + +
GlcN-Ino-PA 0.66 L NL NL + + + +
Man,-GlcN-Ino ( x )-PA 0.71 L L NL + * + +
pf; e
GlcN-Ino( x )-PA 0.85
* +
the treatments, reaction mixtures were partitioned between ring (Menon et al., 1988). Pfgl 6 is totally susceptible to PIA2
water and water-saturated1-butanol. The organic phases con- treatment, consistent with the assumption that this glycolipid
tained uncleaved glycolipids or lipid products. They wereana- has no modification at the inositol.
lyzed by TLC (Fig. 2, left panels), The corresponding aqueous One [3Hlmannose-labeled lipid was shown to be insensitive
phases contained glycan fragments andwere analyzed on Bio- to PI-PLC, GPI-PLD, and HNOZ (Table I). This glycolipid was
Gel P4 (Fig. 2, right panels).Control reactions were performed identified as Dol(?)-P-Man by the following observations: 1)
in parallel. As shown in Fig. 2 (left panel ), only glycolipid 6 is mild acid hydrolysis (2 N HCV1-propanol, 1:1,v/v, 50 "C, 15
cleaved by PI-PLC. All other glycolipids are not susceptible to min) quantitatively released mannose and 2) co-migration on
PI-PLC treatment. To ascertain whether the insensitivity of the TLC (solvent systems A and B) with Dol-P-Man from 2: brucei
other malarial GPIstoward PI-PLC was dueto the presence of and l? falciparum Dol(?)-P-Man synthesized in a cell-free sys-
palmitoylated inositol, as it is described for some GPIs of ?: tem prepared from asexual intraerythrocytic stages of l? fal-
brucei (e.g. P3) and several mammalian GPIs (for review, see ciparum (Gerold et al., 1992a).
Ferguson (1991) and Englund(1993)), the glycolipids Pfgl a,p, After PI-PLC, GPI-PLD, or HNOz treatment of malarial gly-
y, 6, E , q, and 8 were subjected to mild alkaline hydrolysis by colipids, the released oligosaccharide moieties were analyzed
ammonia prior to PI-PLC treatment. Only glycolipid 8 became on Bio-Gel P4 (Fig. 2, right panel). In the cases of GPI-PLD and
45% susceptible, whereas theglycolipids Pfgl a,p, y, 6, E , and q HN02,five peaks with different apparent sizes (depending on
remained insensitive (Table I). the cleavage method) were obtained. In contrast, theradioac-
The glucosamine-inositol fragment of Pfgl a, generated by tivity released by PI-PLC elutes as one peak on the Bio-Gel P4
dephosphorylation and treatment with jack bean a-mannosi- columns. This is consistent with the observation that only Pfgl
dase, was completely (>go%) recovered in the organic phase 6 disappeared from the organic phases afterPI-PLC treatment.
after phase partition. Therefore, Pfgl a (and presumably all Determination of the Size and Presence of Terminal Manno-
other PI-PLC-resistant malarialglycolipids) carry a hydropho- sidase-blocking Residues-The presence of the terminal etha-
bic modification at the inositol ring. nolamine in GPI-anchor precursors renders the structure re-
The treatment of the glycolipids with GPI-PLD and HNOz sistanttojackbeana-mannosidase which requiresan
leads to recovery of >90% (only ~ 1 0 %in the case of Pfgl 6 ) and unsubstituted terminal mannose residue (Li and Li, 1972). Gly-
60%of the radioactivity, respectively, in the organic phases. colipids Pfgl a and p appear to contain ethanolaminesince they
The comparison of the GPI-PLD-generated hydrophobic frag- can be radiolabeled with [3H]ethanolamine. To determine
ments of Pfgl p and the putativeGPI-anchor precursor P3 of .'2 whether this ethanolamineblocking is the terminal mannose in
brucei in the TLC system C showed significant differences in glycolipids Pfgl a and p and whether the other malarialglyco-
the chromatographic behavior (Rf = 0.07 and Rf = 0.75, respec- lipids carry blocking residues, the lipids were tested for their
tively) although both GPIs share the same hydrophilic moieties susceptibility toward jack bean a-mannosidase. TLC-purified
(see below). [3H]Man-labeled Pfgl a, p, y , 6, E, and q and the r3H1GlcN-
However, after HN02 treatment, we found one major and labeled Pfgl 6 and 8 were treated with HN02.The released
several minor productsin theorganic phases.The generationof oligosaccharides were sized on Bio-Gel P4 before and after
alternative deaminationproducts appears to be a common fea- treatment with jack bean a-mannosidase (Fig. 3, A and B ) .
ture of nitrous acid deamination (Krakow et al., 1986; Mayor et HN02-generated fragments of Pfgl a and p (corresponding to
al., 1990). Based on the results that theefficiency of deamina- 7.7 and 6.7 glucose units, respectively; Fig. 3 A , panels A and B 1
tion in our experiments is similar to ofthat the deaminationof are only partly sensitive (Pfgl a;Fig. 3A, panel A1 or insensi-
the GPI-anchor precursors P2 andP3 of ?: brucei, we conclude tive (Pfgl 0; Fig. 3 A , panel B1 ), respectively. The HN02-gener-
that the malarialglycolipids are sensitive to deamination, in- ated and a-mannosidase-treated fragmentsof Pfgl a elute cor-
dicating that they have a nonacetylated hexosamine, as is de- responding to 6.7 and 0.9 glucose units. This indicatedthat Pfgl
scribed for GPIs. a possesses one additional a-mannose side chain which is not
Treatment of the malarialglycolipids with phospholipase A2 blocked like the other mannosyl residues ofPfgl a and are.
(PLA2) leads to the formation of lyso-forms of each malarial The larger fragments of Pfgl a and p produced by jack bean
glycolipid with theexception of dolichol(?)-phosphatee-mannose a-mannosidasetreatment co-elute on Bio-Gel P4withthe
(Dol(?)-P-Man; Table I). However, only about 3 0 4 0 % of each HN02-generated fragmentof the structureethanolamine-phos-
glycolipid, except P f g l 6, was converted to its lyso-form, consist- phate-mannose3-anhydromannoseof the T brucei precursors
ent with the results described for I: brucei GPI-anchor precur- P2 and P3 (6.7 glucose units). The peak intensities of the
sor P3, which was described to have a palmitoylated inositol a-mannosidase-generated fragments of Pfgl a (Fig. 3A, panel
Glycosylphosphatidylinositols in Plasmodium fakiparum 2601
A1 ) show that theside chain mannose is preferentially labeled. acterization, the L3H]GlcN-labeled glycolipidsPfgl a , p, y , 6,E , (,
The HN02-generated fragmentsof the [3Hlmannose-labeled q,and 0 were dephosphorylated by treatment with aqueous HF.
glycolipids Pfgl y , 6 , E , and q (which elute at 4.7,3.7,2.7, and 1.8 This procedureselectivelycleaves phosphodiester linkages.
glucose units, respectively; Fig. 3B) are sensitive to a-manno- The HF-generated glycan fragments were deaminated and re-
sidase treatment (i.e. elution at 0.9 glucose unit afbr treat- duced (as described under “Experimental Procedures”), then
ment), confirming that their terminal mannosyl residues are analyzed by Dionex-HPAEC using elution program 1(Fig. 4, A
not blocked. and B).
The glycolipids Pfgl ( and Pfgl 8, labeled only with L3H]glu- The neutral glycans derived from glycolipids Pfgl a and y
cosamine, are not affected by digestion with jack bean a-man- (Fig. 4A, panels A and C ) co-eluted with a Man4-2,5-anhydro-
nosidase (Fig. 3B, panels F and HI. Together with the failure to mannitol (AHM) standard generated from the Thy-1 GPI-an-
label these two glycolipidswith [3Hlmannoseand theirelution chor (a generous gift from Dr. M.Ferguson). ARer treatment of
size (1.2 glucoseunits), these resultsindicate that Pfgl 5 and 0 the neutralglycans of P f,,a and y with A. saitoi a-mannosidase
do not contain mannose residues. (an exo-mannosidase specific for Manal-2Man linkages), the
Based on the labeling experiments with L3Hlethanolamine, resulting fragments were analyzed on the Dionex-HPAEC sys-
the sensitivity toward dephosphorylation with aqueous HF (see tem and found to co-elute with a Man2-AHMstandard gener-
below), the a-mannosidase digestions, and theconserved struc- ated from I: brucei (Fig. 4A, panels A1 and C1 ). This indicates
ture of other GPI-anchor precursors indicate that theterminal the removal of two al-2-linked mannoses from the glycans of
mannose residues of Pfgl a and p are blocked by ethanolamine- P f g l a and y.
phosphate. Recent experiments show that themalarial surface proteins
Analysis of the Glycans by Dionex-HPAEC-For further char- MSPl and MSP2 possess GPI-anchors with the same neutral
2602 Glycosylphosphatidylinositols
lP.B.!. ?.? . 'p I?.?.!. t . ?. "0 I?.!.?. ? .?
.....,.. .. ...... .. . . ....... ., . ........ .
" 1
45 55 65 75 e5 95 105
45 55 6 5 7 5 U5 95 105
Fraction number
...... . . . 3
Fraction number
FIG.3. A, Bio-Gel P4 chromatography of HN02-generated hydrophilic moieties before and after jack bean a-mannosidase treatment. TLC-
purified, [SH]Man-labeled glycolipids Pf,,a, Pf,,p, FYgl y , and Pf,8,were deaminated, and an aliquot (1000-1500cpm for each control;A-D) of the
HNOz-generatedhydrophilic fragment was loaded ona Bio-Gel P4 column. A second aliquot (1500cpm) was incubated with jack bean a-manno-
Ridase and analyzed on the same column (panels A,-&). Glucose oligomers were added to the samples as internal standards, and theirelution
positions are indicated on the top of each profile. Radioactivity(y-axis)in the fractions (850111) was plotted against the fraction number. B,Bio-Gel
P4 chromatography of €€NO,-generated hydrophilic moieties before and after jack bean a-mannosidase treatment. TLC-purified, ISH1Man-labeled
glycolipids Pf,,< and Pf,, and [SH]GlcN-labeledFY,, and Pfzl 8 were deaminated, and an aliquot (1000-1500 cpm for each control; E-H) of the
HN0,-generated hydrophdic fragment was loaded on a Bio-Gel P4 column. A second aliquot (1500cpm) was incubated with jack bean a-manno-
sidase and analyzed on the same column (panels E1-HI).Glucose oligomers wereadded to the samples as internal standards, and their elution
positions are indicated on the top of each profile. Radioactivity (y-axis)in the fractions (850pl) was measured and plotted against the fraction
glycan as Pfgl a.3 dard (Fig. 4A,panels BI and D l ), confirming the removal of one
The neutral glycans of the glycolipids Pfgl p and 6 both co- terminal al-2-linked mannose residue, as described for the
eluted with a Man,-AHM standard prepared from I: brucei neutral glycan of the T brucei GPI-anchor precursors P2 and
(Fig. 4.4, panels B and D ) . When the malarial neutral glycans P3 (Mayor et al., 1990).
were treated with A. saitoi a-mannosidase, the resulting frag- The HF-generated, deaminated, and reduced glycan frag-
ments co-eluted onDionex-HPAEC with a Man2-AHM stan- ments from Pfgl e and q co-eluted with Man2-" and Manl-
AHM standards, respectively (Fig. 4B, panels E and G ) . Con-
3 p. Gerald, L. Schofield, and R. T. Shwarz, manuscript in prepara- sistent with the linkages in the Co~esPonding GPI-anchor
tion. biosynthesis intermediates from I: brucei, the two malarial
Glycosylphosphatidylinositols in Plasmodium falciparum 2603
A a P.I. gl p P.t. gl 7 P.I. gl 6
100. s
0. . .
0 10 20 30 50
40 EO 0 10 20 30 40 50 EO 0 10 20 30 40 50 EO 0 10 20 30 40 50 EO
Fraction number
P.f. gl E P.f. gl 5 P.f. gI ll p.f. pl e
LOO ~ 2
E .
u . .. .. . . . . .
,. . . . .. , , ,. . . .
2oo -
150. L
100 -
50 -E
0 . . . . .
6 , "., ~ 1
IO 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 4 0 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Fraction number
FIG.4. A, Dionex-HPAEC analysis of the HF-generated, dephosphorylated, deaminated, and reduced core glycans. TLC-purified, L3H1GlcN-
labeled glycolipidsPf,,01,Pf,,p, REI7, and Hgl6 were dephosphorylated,deaminated, and reduced as described under "Experimental Procedures."
The neutralglycans were desalted and divided into aliquots. One aliquot (1200-1500 cpm) of each sample was analyzed by Dionex-HPAEC using
gradient elution program 1(profiles A-D). A second aliquot (1500 cpm) was treated with A. saitoi ul-2-specific mannosidase and desalted prior
to the analysis on Dionex-HPAEC(Al-&). The standards indicated on the top of each profile are generated from Thy-1 GPI-anchor and GPI-anchor
precursors of I: brucei. The flow rate was 1 d m i n , and fractions were collected every 0.4 min. B , Dionex-HPAEC analysis of the HF-generated
dephosphorylated, deaminated, and reduced core glycans. TLC-purified, [3HlGlcN-labeled glycolipidsPfgl B , P f,,5, Pfgl q, and H,,8 were dephos-
phorylated, deaminated, and reduced as described under "Experimental Procedures." The neutral glycans weredesalted and divided into aliquots.
One aliquot (1200-1500 cpm) of each sample was analyzed by Dionex-HPAEC using gradient elution program 1 (profiles E-H). A second aliquot
(1500cpm) was treated with A. saitoi ul-2-specific mannosidase and desalted prior to analysis on Dionex-HPAEC(El-Hl). The standards indicated
on the top of each profileare generated from Thy-1 GPI-anchor and GPI-anchor precursors of I: brucei. The flow rate was 1d m i n , and fractions
were collected every 0.4 min.
glycans were found to be resistant to A. saitoi a-mannosidase labeled by [3H]mannose, Fig. L4)showed that both fragments
(Fig. 4B, panels E l and G1). were identical and co-eluted with 2,5-anhydroma~itol(Fig.
Dionex-HPAEC analysis of the neutralglycans derived from 4B, panels F and H ) . Treatment with A. saitoi a-mannosidase
the [3H]GlcN-labeled glycolipids PfBl& and
' 0 (which were not had no effect on the elution behavior of the glycans of both
2604 Glycosylphosphatidylinositols in Plasmodium falciparum
P.f.g1 (1 p P.1.91 -f
250 -g3.'4:- .. . . .
prior to and afterjack bean a-manno- 50
sidase and acetolysis treatment.TLC-
purified, [3HlGlcN-labeled glycolipids
Pfgl 0
a, Pfgl p, and FYgl y were dephosphory-
lated, deaminated, and reduced. The de-
salted neutral glycans were divided into 200
aliquots. The first aliquot (1200-1500
cpm) wasanalyzed by Dionex-HPAECus- I50
ing elution program 1 (profiles A X ) . A E
second aliquot (1200-1500 cpm) was di-
gested with a-mannosidase from jack
bean. The desalted fragments were also
3 100
IO 20 30 40 50 60
Fraction number
glycolipids, indicating that they have no terminal al-2 man- produce two putative glycosylphosphatidylinositol membrane
nose residue (Fig. 48,panels F l and HI ). anchor precursors ethanolamine-phosphate-6(al-2Man)
JackBeana-MannosidaseDigestion of NeutralGlycans Mancul-2Manal-GMana1-4GlcN-PI (Pfgl a) and ethanola-
-Digestion of HF-generated neutral glycans of the glycolipids mine-phosphate-6Manal-2Mana1~Mana1-4GlcN-PI (Pfgl p)
Pfgla,Pfgl p, and Pfgl y with jack bean a-mannosidase produced and a series of minorglycosylphosphatidylinositols (GPIs)
single glycans for each malarial neutral glycan (Fig. 5, panels showing a lesser degree of glycosylation.
A l , B l , and C1 ). These single glycans co-elute in each case with The glycolipid extracts contain Dol(?)-Man,six f3H]Man-and
a 2,5-anhydromannitol standard. These data show that the eight [3HlGlcN-labeled glycolipids which are shown to be GPIs
neutral glycans of Pfgl a,/3,and y consist of a-mannose residues by different chemical and enzymatic cleavages. All glycolipids,
without additional non-mannose components. except Dol(?)-P-Man,are sensitive to GPI-PLD, PLA2, HNO2,
Acetolysis of the Neutral Glycans of Malarial Glycolipids"T0 and NaOH. Only the glucosamine-labeled Pfgl 5 is sensitive to
test for Manal-GMan linkages, we made use of the relatively PI-PLC. All other glycolipids are insensitive to PI-PLC treat-
selective acetolysis conditions described by Rosenfeld and Bal- ment suggesting that these glycolipids might have a modified
lou (1974). The HF-generated deaminated and reduced neutral inositol structure, which is described to hinder PI-PLC cleav-
glycans of [3H]GlcN-labeled Pfgla,Pfgl p, and Pfgl y were sub- age (Roberts et al., 1988). Additional evidence for a modified
jected to partial acetolysis andthen analyzed onDionex inositol structure is provided by the only partial sensitivity of
HPAEC (Fig. 5 , panels A 2 , B2,and C2).Besides the unhydro- the malarial GPIs toward PLA2 which is similar to that of the
lyzed neutral glycans of these three malarial glycolipids, we I: brucei GPI-anchor precursor P3 (Menon et al., 1988,1990b).
found in all cases material co-eluting with Manl-AHM and Different protein-bound GPIs (Roberts et al., 1988; Walter et
AHM standards. The identification of a Manl-AHM fragment al., 1990; Claytonand Mowatt, 1989)and GPI-lipids (Krakowet
generated by acetolysis is consistent with the presence of a al., 1989; Mayor et al., 1990; Field et al., 1991) are described
Manal-GMan bond between the first andsecond mannose resi- which have inositol structures modified by palmitic acid. In
dues of the malarial glycolipids Pfgl a, Pfgl p, and Pfgl y. The these cases, pretreatment with ammonia prior to PI-PLC treat-
observation of under- and overdigestion products in acetolysis ment leads to partial susceptibility toward PI-PLC (Krakow et
studies is confirmed by the results of Mayor et al. (1990). al., 1989; Mayor et al., 1990). Malarial glycolipids, however,
could not be rendered PI-PLC-sensitive by pretreating with
DISCUSSION ammonia. Partition of the glucosamine-inositol-Xfragment of
In this report we provide evidence that the asexual, intra- Pfgla into the organic phase and thedifferent chromatographic
erythrocytic late stages of the malaria parasite P. falciparum behavior of the GPI-PLD-generatedfragment of Pfgl p and the
in Plasmodium
falciparum 2605
respective fragment of P3 indicate that all malarial GPIs, ex- 4GlcN-PI (Pf,, p ) and Manal-2Mana1-6Manal-tGlcN-PI
cept Pfgl (,carry a hydrophobic modification on theinositol ring (Pf,, 6).
different from palmitic acid which had been described for try- A pathway of reactions in the synthesisof GPI-anchors in-
panosomal P3 (Menon et al., 1988). volving sequential addition of monosaccharides, derived from
We describe two malarial glycolipids with a single glucosa- activated precursors, has been described for T brucei (Master-
mine as their hydrophilic head group (Pfgl ( and e). Both gly- son et al., 1989; Doering et al., 1990; Mayor and Menon, 1990;
colipids differ in their chromatographic behavior and their sen- Mayor et al., 1990; Field et al., 1992; Menon et al., 1993), Toxo-
sitivity toward PI-PLC. Therefore, we postulate a n additional plasma gondii (Tomavo et al., 19921, and some mammalian
hydrophobic modification at the inositol of Pfgl 8. This would be cells (Puoti et al., 1991; Stevens and Raetz, 1991). The Bio-Gel
consistent with a biosynthetic pathway beginning with gluco- P4 and the Dionex-HPAEC analysis of the different hydrophilic
samine-PI (Pf,,() followed by the addition of a hydrophobic fragments of the malarial glycolipids Pfgl c, Pfgl q, Pf,, (, and
modification (Pf,, 0) prior to the additionof the first mannose Pfgl e, in comparison to neutral glycans generated from inter-
residue. A similar biosynthetic pathway hasbeen described for mediates in theGPI-anchor biosynthesis of T brucei, their in-
mammalian GPIs (Urakazeet al., 1992; Hiroseet al., 1992). At sensitivity to A. saitoi a1-2-mannosidase, and the remarkable
this stage, it is difficult to assess the exact location of this conservation of the core glycan on all investigated GPIs leads
modification on the inositol ring, but it is assumed to be an us to propose the structures Manal-GManal-tGlcN (Pf,, e),
ester-bound hydrophobic moiety because of its sensitivity to GlcN (Pf,, (), Manal4GlcN (Pf,, q), and GlcN (Pfgl 0 ) for these
treatment withNaOH. malarial glycolipids. The identification of potential biosyn-
One glycolipid releases mannose upon mild acid hydrolysis thetic intermediatesof GPI-anchor synthesis andtwo putative
specific for Dol-P-Man (McDowell and Schwarz, 1988). This GPI-anchor precursorsin I! falciparum labeled inculture
glycolipid is presumably Dol(?)-P-Man as judged by its chro- which, with one exception, are substitutedat the inositol ring is
reminiscent of the pathways shown for mammalian cells.
matographic properties. It co-chromatographs with a manno-
lipid synthesized in thecell-free system (Gerold et al. , 1992a) In this paper we present preliminary data which suggest
that theinositol ring of malarial GPIs(except Pfgl (1 is modified
showing properties of Dol-P-Man (alkali stability, chromato-
by a hydrophobic residue different from palmitic acid, the only
graphic behavior on DEAE-cellulose), the synthesisof which is
hydrophobic modification on the inositol ring of GPIs described
inhibited in vitro by amphomycin. The donor of the mannose
so far (for review, see Englund (1993)). Especially the hydro-
residues to thecore glycan of l! brucei GPIs hasbeen shown to
phobic elements of malarial GPIs maybe responsible for some
be Dol-P-Man (Schwarz et al., 1989; Menon et al., 1990b).
of the pathological properties of I? falciparum in severe ma-
Therefore, by analogy, a n isoprenoid-P-Man can be postulated
laria. For instance, thenon-protein-bound malarial GPIsPfgl a
to play a similar role for at least some of the mannose residues and Pfgl p are potential inducers of cytokine r e l e a ~ eTogether
of the malarial GPIs. The lack of Dol-PP-(GlcNAc), Dol-PP- with findings that purified GPIs derived from pronase hydro-
(GlcNAc)2,and higherglycosylated intermediates is consistent lysis of MSPl and MSP2 induce cytokine release, transient
with the findings that the asexual, intraerythrocytic stagesof pyrexia, hypoglycemia, and lethal cachexia in mice (Schofield
€? falciparum do not produce detectable amounts of dolichol and Hackett, 1993) and with other evidence (Kwiatkowski et
cycle intermediates as observed in this and previous (Dieck- al., 1990), these resultspoint to an important role of this class
mann-Schuppert et al., 1992a; Gerold et al., 1992a,1992b) of molecules in the pathology of malaria.
studies. Elucidation of the structures and biosynthetic pathways of
We show that €? falciparum produces mannose- and glucosa- malarial GPIs may provide a basis for the development of a
mine-labeled GPIs, whose glycan backbones are mannosylated glycolipid-based “antidisease” vaccine (Playfair et al., 1990;
to a variable degree. The dephosphorylated, deaminated, and Schofield and Hackett, 1993).
reduced neutral glycans analyzed by HPAEC (Dionex) and the Additional studies in progress using a cell-free system will
deaminated hydrophilic fragments analyzed on Bio-Gel P4 of provide more detailed information of the biosynthetic pathway
the different malarial glycolipids co-elute with the respective of malarial GPIs and help to determine whether Pfgl p is an
glycans or hydrophilic fragments of the GPI-anchor of Thy-1 additional possible GPI-anchor precursor. Also, the design and
(hexosaminidase-treated) and the GPI-anchor precursor P2 of testing of inhibitors of GPI biosynthesis shouldbe facilitated by
I: brucei and its biosynthetic intermediates. Labelingwith studying some of the reactions involved in thecell-free system.
f3HIethanolamine and the analysis of the neutralglycans after
HF dephosphorylation strongly suggest Pfgl a and Pfgl p to be Acknowledgments-We thank S. Koslowski, M. Eppinger,and S.
ethanolamine-phosphate-carrying, putative GPI-anchorpre- Kauer for technical assistance and B. Striepen, C. Zinecker, andDr. M.
A. J. Ferguson for helpful discussions. We gratefully acknowledgeDrs.
cursors. The resultsof the linkage type analysisof the terminal A. K. Menon and S. Tomavo for critical reading of the manuscript. We
mannoses in the malarial glycolipids Pfgl a and Pfgl y using would like to thank Dr. V. Kretschmer, Blood Donation Center, Univer-
al-2-specific mannosidase from A. saitoi and acetolysis are sity ofMarburg,forproviding human erythrocytes and Dr. M. A. J.
consistent withP f g l a and y carrying a n additional al-2-linked Ferguson for a generous gift of Thy-1 neutral glycans. P. G. thanks the
Hessische Graduiertenfdrderung for a fellowship and V.G, A. G. andA.
mannose side chain at the terminal mannose. The linkage of B. for continuous support.
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