DRP Test Templates Full

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DRP Test Template

Use these test templates in order to help create test plans to test the effectiveness of your Disaster
Recovery Plan.

We start by deciding how we will do the testing:

 Determine the critical function that is to be tested

 Determine the scenario that will be tested
 Determine what type of test will be performed
 Determine goals and personnel requirements needed for the test

Next, we actually perform the test:

 Organize the test process (scheduling, etc)
 Run through the test process
 Record the results of the test in the test plan document

Next, we update the DRP (if needed) based on the test results
 Address next steps and remedial actions that need to be taken

When filling out the form, be sure to delete any pre-provided information in GREY text and fill in the
actual information relating to the disaster recovery plan as necessary. Be sure to change all necessary
text to BLACK before printing or distributing.
This template has been pre-populated with an example of how a Full Interruption test might be done.
Change, delete, or add to the example and template as required.
I. Test Scenario
Test scenario A water leak from the floor above the data closet
has shorted out the server for the order entry
application. The water has been cleaned up, power
and networking have been restored.

Remedial actions required

1. A review of the server indicates that the unit
must be replaced.

2. A backup server is available in the IT storage


3. Install the new server onto the network.

4. Restore/install order entry application.

5. Restore data.

Goal(s) of test scenario

The main goal of this test scenario is to get the
servers running again within 5 hours, ensuring that
access to all data is restored.

Date of test January 26, 2016

Type of test(s) to be performed X Walkthrough

Parallel Test
Full-Interruption Testing

People/groups/departments involved in test DRP Team

Networking Team
System Administration Team
Applications Team

Downtime forecasted 0 hours

Assignment of Action Items
Action Item Person Assigned to Action Item
Testing Coordinator DRP Project Manager

Installation of server System Administration Team

Installation of order entry application Applications Team

Restoration of data System Administration Team

Review of Test DRP Project Manager

II. Testing
Test Scenario: Full-Interruption

Testing Documentation
Step Action Team
[Action Item] [Results/Comments/
1 [Team]
[Action Item] [Results/Comments/
2 [Team]
[Action Item] [Results/Comments/
3 [Team]
[Action Item] [Results/Comments/
4 [Team]
[Action Item] [Results/Comments/
5 [Team]
[Action Item] [Results/Comments/
6 [Team]
[Action Item] [Results/Comments/
7 [Team]

Full-Interruption Checklist
Step Results
Full Interruption Checklist

1 [Results]
Did the recovery team have adequate
information to restore the service?

2 [Results]
Was the documentation readily available
to assist the team?

3 [Results]
Were all resources and tools available to
do the job?
4 [Results]
Were the right people involved on the

5 [Results]
How long did it take to restore this
III. Updating the Disaster Recovery Plan
Remedial Actions

Remedial Action Required Person/Team Assigned to Expected Date of Completion

Action Item
Provide sufficient documentation Systems Administration Team February 26, 2016
for configuring the server
Provide exact location of Applications Team February 1, 2016
software for DRP
[Remedial Action] [Team] [Date]

[Remedial Action] [Team] [Date]

[Remedial Action] [Team] [Date]

[Remedial Action] [Team] [Date]

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