Lifetiem of WTG
Lifetiem of WTG
Lifetiem of WTG
Abstract From the fatigue load spectra the damage In addition, the results of the simulation can be
equivalent loads are derived and the resulting used to give advice on how to operate a WEC more
The lifetime of a wind turbine is a minimum of 20 overall lifetime of the cross sections are calculated. safely and adjust it to the individual on-site
years according to IEC 61400 [1]. However, The values for the overall lifetime are given per conditions.
differences between the design loads and the main component (Table 1).
actual loads on-site can lead to the possibility of Also, the individual maintenance plan can be
operating the WEC longer than the design life. The components of wind turbines are made of adjusted according to the lifetime of the main
various materials. Therefore the analysis is carried components and repairs of critical components can
Using an aero elastic simulation the individual
overall lifetime can be calculated per main out irrespective of the material. The specific be planned in a long-term schedule. In the regular
component. resistance against fatigue of each material is inspections it is possible to check the weak points,
characterized by the slope of the S-N curve. e.g. the rotor blade connection (Table 1), more
Objectives closely and notice anomalies at an early stage. To
extend the lifetime of the wind turbine it is
Each WEC has an individual lifetime which is possible to
affected by the on-site wind conditions. Using an
adjust the operation mode and/or
analytical approach, the lifetime of each WEC main
component can be calculated (Table 1). renew the affected component.
Consequently, the weak points of a WEC can be
determined and the risk of damage caused by Results
fatigue can be reduced (Figure 1). Knowing the
overall lifetime serves as a basis for reliable So far, more than 30 projects show that the
organisational and financial decisions. simulated WECs can be operated past their design
lives (Figure 3). The results lie between 23 and 41
years of overall lifetime for a design life of 20 years
Figure 1. Fatigue can cause severe damage Figure 2. Regional distribution of lifetime in Germany
The individual WEC type is modelled using the aero Different settings for the calculations are In most cases a retrofit or renewal of the weakest
elastic software ADCoS [2]. Afterwards, the model imaginable. The simulations can be carried out component can easily be carried out after a few
is exposed to the site-specific loads to calculate during the planning process of a wind farm if an years of operation. That way it even prolongs the
fatigue load spectra. The site-specific loads result advanced planning reliability is needed. overall lifetime for several years.
from the wind conditions and include the average
Moreover, the analysis helps to estimate financial Conclusions
wind speed and the natural and effective
and structural risks when the conditions on-site
change e.g. in the case of new WECs built in the
In summary, each WEC has its individual lifetime
First of all the fatigue load spectra of the design direct vicinity of existing WECs. The new wind
which can be analysed based on the on-site wind
process are calculated. Next the fatigue load turbines influence the turbulence on-site and
conditions. Thus, the analysis enables operators,
spectra of the site, taking into account ambient cause a wake effect. This might lead to lower
project developers and investors to plan
turbulences and surrounding wind turbines, are energy yields of the existing wind turbines and
individually and with a high reliability. Various
calculated. For both configurations the fatigue load even influence the structural safety in a negative
scenarios for the analysis are imaginable and lead
spectra are determined in cross sections for the way. The analysis offers a direct comparison
to a base for financial and organisational decisions.
blade hub, centre of the hub, tower head and between the two settings.
foundation respectively and compared with each
Table 1. Examples of the minimum lifetime in years per component for different wind turbines
Manufacturer Vestas NEG Micon NEG Micon Enercon Enercon Enercon Enercon References
Turbine V39 NM48-750 NM1000/60 E-40/5.40 E-66/18.70 E-70 E4 E-82 E2
1. IEC 61400-1:2005+AMD1:2010. Wind turbines – Part 1: Design
Quantity 3 > 100 2 3 2 1 4 requirements - Wind turbine classes. International
Site Germany Spain Germany Germany Lithuania Netherlands Germany Electrotechnical Commission, Geneva, Switzerland.
Rotor blade > 50 47,7 22,4 > 50 28,1 48,4 31,7 2. Kleinhansl, S., Mayer, M. (2003, October 21). Short Summary
Bolted blade connection 30,3 27,8 22,9 30,7 24,0 28,3 23,2 of Aeroelastic-Code ADCoS.
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