Test 2

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Actual Test


101. With the help of one of the IT technicians, 104. A minor electrical malfunction was
the missing accounting files have been discovered by the pilot __ before the
plane took off.
(A) recover (A) barely
(8) recovers (8) shortly
(C) recovering (C) absolutely
(D) recovered (D) exclusively

102. A private reception for gallery donors will 105. We will make a final decision about
be __ on March 5, prior to the grand changing the landscaping of the property
opening of the exhibit. after reviewing the costs.
(A) held (A) estimation
(8) faced (8) estimate
{C) claimed (C) estimated
(D) made (D) estimating

103. Aurora Furnishings is finding it difficult 106. MyHealth Co. has produced a wide range
to make a profit in its _ competitive of vitamin supplements for __ two
market. decades.
(A) increases (A) along
(8) increased (8) during
(C) increasingly (C) over
(D) increase (D) when
107. The April edition of Fishing and More 112. The Master Gardeners Club had to __
magazine looks __ different from its monthly meeting because the
previous issues because of the new art community center's conference room was
editor. double-booked.
(A) completed (A) prepare
(B) complete (B) oppose
(C) completely (C) postpone
(D) completing (D) extend

108. The customer's order __ will be sent by 113. Financial advisors report that older
e-mail within twenty-four hours. investors tend to be __ than their
(A) confirmation younger counterparts.
(B) confirms (A) cautious
(C) confirmed (B) cautioned
(D) confirm (C) more cautious
(D) caution
109. The maintenance team's repair requests
should be __ in groups according to the 114. Mr. Albrecht's __ in replying to the HR
urgency. director's e-mail demonstrated that he was
(A) organizing highly interested in the position.
(B) organize (A) promptness
(C) organized (B) prompted
(D) organizes (C) prompt
(D) promptly
110. Following Ms. Rivera's __ statement,
the official awards ceremony for Plex 115. The soccer players usually practice on
Industries will commence. the main field at Waterbury Park, but they
(A) brief sometimes practice __ .
(B) straight (A) everybody
(C) former (B) twice
(D) steep (C) yet
(D) elsewhere
111. Due to the high volume of foot traffic, the
shop must polish its floors more __ 116. The accountants were unable to produce
than usual during the peak season. a full report by the deadline but promised
(A) frequent that __ would give a summary of the
(B) frequented important points.
(C) frequency (A) their
(D) frequently (B) themselves
(C) they
(D) theirs


117. Despite having some problems with the 122. The restaurant has a __ decorated
sound system during the performance, room that is perfect for hosting children's
the concert was an experience for parties.
everyone. (A) cheerful
(A) enjoyable (B) cheerfully
(B) enjoyment (C) cheerfulness
(C) enjoys (D) cheer
(D) enjoyably
123. A wildlife expert is scheduled to give a talk
118. the building has an excellent on the __ that the factory has had on
location and a modern interior, it is popular the surrounding forest.
among visitors. (A) components
(A) In view of (B) degree
(B) Provided that (C) requirements
(C) Other than (D) impact
(D) Seeing that
124. The landlord raised the monthly rent for the
119. The Parks and Recreation Department first time in several years, and __ so.
offers __ opportunities for volunteers to (A) reasonable
improve the community. (B) reasonably
(A) reward (C) reason
(B) rewards (D) reasons
(C) rewarded
(D) rewarding 125. As long as there are no further delays, the
factory will be fully __ by June 18.
120. The vacant rooms on the inn's second floor (A) operational
have __ been cleaned. (B) operate
(A) most (C) operates
(B) every (D) operation
(C) some
(D) all 126. Thanks to his experience, Mr. Warren is
__ capable of completing the job on his
121. The short story cannot be reprinted __ own.
explicit permission from the writer. (A) certainly
(A) without (B) certain
(B) regarding (C) certainty
(C) among (D) certify
(D) unlike

127. Because of _ _ fuelfuel costs,
costs , some
some people
are choosing to stay home
home for
for the
the summer
vacation rather than drive
drive to
to tourist
tourist sites.
(A) rising
(B) above
(C) dependable
(D) lengthy

128. The green light on the

the side
side of
of the
the water
purifier lights up _ _ thethe filter
filter needs
needs to
be replaced.
(A) likewise
(B) whenever
(C) therefore
(D) whereas

129. Ms. Burke's

129. Two items in Ms. Burke's order
order were
were out
out of
stock, so her invoice was adjusted _ _ .
was adjusted
(A) continuously
(B) accordingly
(C) immeasurably
(D) recognizably

130. The notice indicated

indicated that
that aa first-aid
first-aid training
course will be provided free
free ofof charge
charge toto
next month.
next month.
(A) residents
(B) residence
(C) residential
(D) resides



Actual Test 02 41

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