Vol-1004 1 Grapes Updates

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Grapes Report

Competitive Advantage/ RCA:

In this era of Globalization, it is important for any nation to involve in global trade for national
income composition. Given their rapid rate of urbanization and income growth, middle-income
countries have become target markets for global trade. The changing consumer preferences are
also evident in the year-round consumer demand for important products specially in case of fresh
fruit and vegetables, which matches year-round availability with consumers willing to pay more
for imported out-of-season fresh products. While being an exporter, every country face
increasing competition from emerging markets as well as the existing competitors.

The RCA (Reveal Comparative Advantage) Value for India Grapes:

Export in billion
Grapes Export from India 0.39
Total Agri culture export from India 39
Total Export of Grapes by all Countries 10.96
Total Export of Agriculture from World 1820

RCA Calculation:

X: Grapes Export from India/ Total Agri culture export from India
Y: Total Export of Grapes by all Countries/ Total Export of Agriculture from World

X: 0.39/39 = 0.01 Y: 10.96/1820 = 0.006

X/Y: 0.01/ 0.006 = 1.67

RCA Value is 1.67

A comparative advantage is "revealed" if RCA>1. If RCA is less than unity, the country is said to
have a comparative disadvantage in the commodity or industry.

As comparative advantage is "revealed" if RCA>1, there is lots of scope for India’s Grapes export.
It clearly shows India’s has lot of scope for Grapes Export. However, production of Grapes
currently is much higher than demand in the domestic market. There is need to promote export
of grape and its products to sustain present production trend.
Predictive Demand in Major Market
Major market for Grapes, now the demand of these shortlisted market has been calculated with the
help of Forecast Modelling.

Note: Impact of Pandemic (Covid-19) is not taken into account.

Trade Trend and Predicted Demand Analysis for Major Market

Value in USD Million
2019 2020 2021
Country 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 (Predicted (Predicted (Predicted
Value) Value) Value)
USA 1377 1572 1706 1753 1834 1977 2087 2196
Netherland 1084 748 753 786 933 782 756 729
Germany 908 843 841 856 913 879 882 884
UK 1021 894 891 860 890 822 793 763
China P Rp 641 637 685 634 639 645 644 643
Hong Kong 463 447 466 496 503 514 527 540
Source: UN Comtrade
Import Tariff

A tariff is a tax on imports or exports between the nations. It is a form of regulation of foreign
trade and a policy that taxes foreign products to encourage or safeguard domestic industry.
Traditionally, states have used them as a source of income. Now, they are among the most widely
used instruments of protectionism, along with import and export quotas.

Import Tariff in the above-mentioned major market for India’s Grapes is given below:

MFN Tariff for India with Major Partner

Average of
Product Name HS Code Importing Country AV Duties List of Non-AV Duties
Grapes, fresh or dried. 0806 China 11.5
Fresh grapes 080610 China 13.0
Dried grapes 080620 China 10.0
Grapes, fresh or dried. 0806 *European Union 8.4
Fresh grapes 080610 *European Union 14.4 [EP]
Dried grapes 080620 *European Union 2.4
Grapes, fresh or dried. 0806 Russian 4.2
Fresh grapes 080610 Russian 5.0
Dried grapes 080620 Russian 3.3
Grapes, fresh or dried. 0806 UAE 0.0
Fresh grapes 080610 UAE 0.0
Dried grapes 080620 UAE 0.0
Grapes, fresh or dried. 0806 USA 0.0
Fresh grapes 080610 USA 0.0 [$1.13/m3] [$1.80/m3]
Dried grapes 080620 USA [1.8 cents/kg] [2.8 cents/kg] [3.5 cents/kg]
Note: Ad valorem tariffs (AV) are those imposed as a percentage of the custom value of the product imported
EP: European Partner
*: Tariff for Netherland, Germany and UK are same as these are the member of European Union
Source: WTO

Non MFN Tariff for India with Major Partner

Importing Average of List of Non-AV

Product Name HS Code Country Agreement AV Duties Duties
Fresh grapes Generalized System of
080610 *European Union Preferences (GSP) scheme 9.45
EU - Country Specific Tariff
Fresh grapes 080610 *European Union Preferences for India 14.4 [EP]
Fresh grapes 080610 Federation GSP duty rates 3.75
Generalized System of [$1.80/m3]
Fresh grapes 080610 USA Preferences (GSP) scheme 0 [$1.13/m3]
Note: Ad valorem tariffs (AV) are those imposed as a percentage of the custom value of the product imported
EP: European Partner
*: Tariff for Netherland, Germany and UK are same as these are the member of European Union
Source: WTO
Sanitary & Phytosanitary (SPS) measure published since 1st January 2019, which may
have direct or indirect impact on Grapes exports from India

Circulation Region/ Information for Exporters

Date Notifying Product
Country Notification
Member Covered

Pesticide Adoption of new MRL limits

All amisulbrom in G/SPS/N/CA for Grapes & Raisin has
15 Feb
Canada Trading or on raisins, N/1217/Add. introduce by Canada
Partners grapes and 1
Due to Increasing
distribution of “Drosophila
08 Apr New domestica, Plum G/SPS/N/NZ
Chile suzukii” within Chile. This
2019 Zealand and Vitis L/594
vinifera, Grape may impact the Chile export
of grapes to New Zealand.
This regulation establishes
Celery; Grape;
All tolerances for residues of
05 Aug Grape, raisin; G/SPS/N/US
USA Trading valifenalate in Grapes,
2019 Vegetable, bulb, A/3095
Partners trading partners need to
group 3-07;...
comply with the same.
South Africa developed an
electronic system for export
certification (eCertification).
Trading partners that have
All ability to receive ePhytos that
12 Nov South G/SPS/N/ZA
Trading Table grapes South Africa will be
2019 Africa F/65
Partners delivering, may receive them
via the IPPC hub in an XML
format or direct (where
bilaterally agreed).

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