Plants and Natural Products For The Treatment of Skin Hyperpigmentation - A Review

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Plants and Natural Products for the Treatment

of Skin Hyperpigmentation – A Review

Mayuree Kanlayavattanakul 1, 2, Nattaya Lourith 1, 2

Affiliations AB STR AC T
1 School of Cosmetic Science, Mae Fah Luang University, Skin hyperpigmentation is caused by several factors that up-
Chiang Rai, Thailand regulate melanogenesis. Plants and natural products with

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2 Phytocosmetics and Cosmeceuticals Research Group, skin-whitening effects are gaining interest among consumers
Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand and researchers because they are perceived to be milder,
safer, and healthier than synthetic alternatives. This review ex-
Key words tensively summarizes the status of plants and natural prod-
cosmeceuticals, hyperpigmentation, kojic acid, natural ucts currently used in skin-whitening cosmetics as well as po-
products, skin‑whitening, topical agents tential candidates for future use, because the scope of natural
choices for efficient treatment of skin hyperpigmentation is
received November 13, 2017 rapidly widening. Biological activities of plants and natural ex-
revised February 10, 2018 tracts are therefore available for cosmetic formulators and
accepted February 20, 2018 dermatologists interested in naturally derived ingredients for
Bibliography skin hyperpigmentation treatment and in accordance with the
DOI consumersʼ preferences and expectations upon natural cos-
Published online March 5, 2018 | Planta Med 2018; 84: 988– metic products.
1006 © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York |
ISSN 0032‑0943

Nattaya Lourith
School of Cosmetic Science/Phytocosmetics and Cosmeceuti-
cals Research Group, Mae Fah Luang University
333 Tasud, 57100 Chiang Rai, Thailand
Phone: + 66 53 91 68 34, Fax: + 66 53 91 68 31
[email protected]

damage. Melanogenesis is controlled by MAPKs, with MITF being

Introduction activated by p38 phosphorylation. By contrast, ERK activation in-
Skin hyperpigmentation is caused by several factors (i.e., UV radi- hibits melanin synthesis by downregulating MITF expression [1].
ation, radicals, inflammatory mediators, and hormones) as de- Preliminary evaluation of skin-whitening agents is best
picted in ▶ Fig. 1. Briefly, UV radiation causes skin hyperpigmen- achieved through in vitro assays including cell culture assess-
tation by stimulating keratinocytes to secrete α-MSH, a small pep- ments. In this context, plant-based and naturally derived skin-
tide hormone derived from proopiomelanocortin. Consequently, whitening agents have been examined for their biological activ-
α-MSH binds to MC1R expressed on melanocyte surfaces and ities and safety. Scientific literature provided by the American
thereafter induces melanogenesis via multiple signaling pathways Chemical Society, J-STAGE, Karger, ScienceDirect, Taylor and
resulting from cAMP, PKA, CREB, and MITF activity. MITF is a key Francis, Thieme Medical, and Wiley-Blackwell publishers included
transcription factor regulating the transcription of melanogenic those that are searchable using Google Scholar published from
enzymes (i.e., TYR, TRP-1, and TRP-2). In addition, UV radiation 1997 to 2017 and cosmetic suppliersʼ databases. The literatures
modulates Nrf2 and further activates MAPKs. MAPKs consist of were searched on active, activity, bio-based, cosmeceuticals, hy-
three subtypes: stress-activated protein kinases/JNK, p38, and perpigmentation, herb, melanin, melanogenesis, melanoma,
ERKs. JNK and p38 kinases are stimulated by pro-inflammatory cy- plant, natural product, skin-lightening, and skin-whitening. Only
tokines and environmentally induced stresses such as exposure to articles in the English language have been selected. Unclear bo-
UV irradiation, heat, and hydrogen peroxide, resulting in DNA tanical identification, inadequate or insufficient data in terms of

988 Kanlayavattanakul M, Lourith N. Plants and Natural … Planta Med 2018; 84: 988–1006
pendent. Mechanistically, the enhancement of ERK phosphoryla-
A B B R E V I AT I O N S tion levels occurs via MAPK signaling [9].
ABTS 2,2′–azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothaiazoline)-6- Other compounds downregulate melanogenesis via different
sulfonic acid mechanisms. For example, the phenolics caffeic acid (7), ferulic
CREB cAMP response element-binding protein acid (8), quercetin (9), and rutin (10) modulate Nrf2 activity.
DPPH 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl UVA-induced melanogenesis in B16F10 cells is suppressed by
EC50 half maximum effective concentration TYR inhibition; in particular, quercetin (9), rutin (10), caffeic acid
ERKs extracellular signal-regulated kinases (7), and ferulic acid (8) reduce melanin content and inhibit TYR at
FRAP ferric reducing ability of plasma IC30 values of 7.8 ± 1.4 and 10.1 ± 3.1 µM, respectively, 15.31 ±
IC50 inhibitory concentration at 50 % 4.7 and 18.56 ± 4.2 µM, respectively, 17.54 ± 4.8 and 24.1 ±
IL-1α interleukin-1α 6.2 µM, respectively, and > 30 and > 30 µM, respectively. Further-
JNK c-Jun NH2-terminal kinases more, caffeic acid (7) and quercetin (9) markedly suppress 8-hy-
LD50 median lethal dose droxy-2′-deoxyguanosine formation following UV irradiation, re-

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MAPKs mitogen-activated protein kinases sulting in decreased DNA damage and glutathione depletion. Ad-
MC1R melanocortin 1 receptor ditionally, exposure to caffeic acid and quercetin prior to UVA irra-
MITF microphthalmia-associated transcription factor diation induces cellular defenses against oxidative stress [10].
α-MSH α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone Nrf2 nuclear Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (11) occurs naturally in plants and
factor E2-related factor 2 propolis, and it is bioactivated by TYR, generating derivatives that
PDA potato dextrose agar are cytotoxic to melanoma cells. In B16F10 melanoma cells, it po-
PKA protein kinase A tently suppresses tumor growth and neovascularization by pre-
TNF-α tumor necrosis factor-α venting VEGFR-2 activation [11]. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester also
TRP tyrosinase-related protein effectively slows α-MSH-stimulated melanin synthesis by sup-
TYR tyrosinase pressing TYR, TRP-1, TRP-2, and MITF expression [12].
VEGFR-2 vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 Genkwanin (12) was observed to significantly decrease mela-
nin production in B16F10 melanoma cells in a concentration-de-
pendent manner. Conversely, treatment with apigenin-7-gluco-
side (13) and naringenin (14) significantly stimulated intracellular
examination assays with controls, and details on the preparation melanin production (42.12 and 43.03 µg/106 cells, respectively)
of natural products are excluded as described in ▶ Fig. 2. The compared with the control (23.93 µg/106 cells) [13].
above-mentioned criteria allowed selecting 77 eligible articles. Hinokitiol (15) was found to be more potent in inhibitory activ-
The excluded literature does not satisfy the selection methodol- ity against mushroom TYR than hydroquinone (1), resorcinol (16),
ogy. Natural products (plants, fungi, and marine organisms) that hydroxyhydroquinone (17), kojic acid (4), ascorbic acid (2), and
are potentially available for further in vivo assessments were arbutin (3), which exhibit IC50 values of 8.22 × 10−6, 5.15 × 10−5,
therefore summarized based on their scientific names including 1.45 × 10−5, 2.37 × 10−4, 2.85 × 10−4, 6.40 × 10−4, and 7.48 ×
their isolated pure compounds. 10−3 M, respectively [14]. It was noncytotoxic toward Mel-Ab cells
at a concentration of 10 µM. Furthermore, treatment with 0.1 µM
hinokitiol significantly reduced cellular melanin content, with the
Active Ingredients for Skin Hyperpigmentation effect increasing in a concentration-dependent manner. MITF is
Treatment also effectively suppressed by hinokitiol [15].
Rhododendrol (18), or 4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-butanol, inhibits
Phenolics are the most widely used skin-whitening agents, and TYR activity in cultured human melanocytes in a concentration-
they are used as a single compound or in combination to achieve dependent manner (IC50 = 5.3 µM). This result was in accordance
synergistic effects [2–4]. Of these, hydroquinone (1), vitamin C or with radiolabeling experiments in B16 melanoma cells, which re-
ascorbic acid (2), arbutin (3), and kojic acid (4) as well as their de- vealed that TYR utilizes rhododendrol as a substrate in place of L-
rivatives are most commonly used. In addition, herbal extracts, for tyrosine. Furthermore, the presence of rhododendrol resulted in
instance mulberry, artocarpus, and orchid extracts, are also widely no detectable reactive oxygen species in the melanocytes [16].
known skin-whitening agents [5, 6]. Linoleic acid (19) and palmitic acid (20) have divergent effects
Retinoids (or vitamin A) (5) stimulate cell turnover and pro- on melanogenesis in B16F10 melanoma cells relative to the con-
mote rapid loss of melanin through epidermopoiesis. Tocotrienols trol. Linoleic acid (19) decreases cellular melanin levels (30 %),
are derivatives of vitamin E that are composed of four homo- whereas palmitic acid (20) enhances melanogenesis (150 %) in a
logues: α-, β-, γ-, and δ-tocotrienols. Of these, δ-tocotrienol (6) time-dependent manner. These activities are regulated by TYR ac-
was demonstrated to inhibit melanin production in B16 melano- tivity. Specifically, linoleic acid (19) suppresses its enzymatic ac-
mas by downregulating TYR, TRP-1, and TRP-2 [7, 8]. At a maxi- tivity by 50 %, whereas palmitic acid (20) promotes its overexpres-
mum concentration of 20 µM, δ-tocotrienol reduced melanin con- sion to 190 %. However, neither acid affected the activity of TRP-1
tent and inhibited reactive oxygen species production by 20 % and and TRP-2, suggesting that they affect melanogenic enzymatic
15 %, respectively. Moreover, its downregulating effects on TYR, activity in a posttranscriptional manner. Further examination of
MC1R, MITF, TRP-1, and TRP-2 expression were concentration-de- the cellular mechanism revealed that the presence of linoleic acid

Kanlayavattanakul M, Lourith N. Plants and Natural … Planta Med 2018; 84: 988–1006 989

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▶ Fig. 1 Mechanism of melanogenesis [1].

▶ Fig. 2 Criteria used to select the articles for the data presented in
this review.
▶ Fig. 3 Chemical structures of the active ingredients for skin hy-
perpigmentation treatment.

(19) decreases TYR levels to 30 % of the initial level, whereas pal- ity gradient. Extraction was also conducted in parallel with boiling
mitic acid (20) markedly increased its content (130 % of the initial water. Following concentrating and drying, the extracts were
level). Radiolabeling assays indicated that linoleic acid (19) dra- tested in Melan-a cells, and hexane and dichloromethane extracts
matically accelerates the proteolytic degradation of TYR com- of Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels Apiaceae exhibited the highest po-
pared with palmitic acid [17]. Linoleic acid (19) effectively modu- tency (IC50 = 5.1 and 2.9 µg/mL, respectively), in addition to being
lates the proteasomal degradation of TYR via the selective degra- noncytotoxic. Other A. sinensis constituents, namely 4-ethylresor-
dation of a melanogenic enzyme through the ubiquitin-protea- cinol (21), 4-ethylphenol (22), and 1-tetradecanol (23), were also
some pathway [18]. active in the same assay, with IC50 values of 9.6, 3.6, and
A summary of the aforementioned compounds (▶ Fig. 3), their 19.37 µM, respectively [19].
activities, and other characteristics and properties is provided in Maceration of Arnica montana L. (Asteraceae) flowers in 80 %
▶ Table 1. EtOH followed by partitioning with EtOAc and chromatography
afforded pure active 3β,16β-dihydroxy-21 α-hydroperoxy-20
(30)-taraxastene (24). This compound is a potent melanogenesis
Plants for Treating Skin Hyperpigmentation inhibitor in B16 melanoma cells with an IC50 of 0.02 µg/mL
Treating aesthetically displeasing skin disorders using naturally (0.04 µM), compared with 0.25 µg/mL (2.01 µM) for the positive
derived agents including herbal extracts is gaining interest among control 4-methoxyphenol (25). Its inhibitory function is related
consumers due to their perceived safety [2–4]. In this context, to TRP-1 and MITF suppression [20].
currently used herbs and those with potential skin-whitening ef- Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L., Asteraceae), a commonly
fects are discussed. used flavoring herb, has been highlighted as a source of melanin
Ten traditional Chinese herbs known to combat skin darkening biosynthesis inhibitors. Two isolated compounds, undeca-2E,4E-
were screened to identify their active components. Each herb was dien,8,10-dynoic acid isobutylamide (26) and undeca-2E,4E-di-
subjected to sequential soxhlet extraction using a range of sol- en-8,10-dynoic acid piperidylamide (27), were found to be noncy-
vents (i.e., hexane, CH2Cl2, MeOH) featuring an increasing polar- totoxic toward B16 melanoma cells (IC50 = 34.5 and 36.5 µg/mL,

990 Kanlayavattanakul M, Lourith N. Plants and Natural … Planta Med 2018; 84: 988–1006
▶ Table 1 Biological activities of active ingredients for skin hyperpigmentation treatment.

Name Study Reference

Enzyme inhibition Cell culture
Vitamin E (6) TYR, TRP-1, and TRP-2 downrelations in B16F10 [7, 8]
MC1R, MITF downregulation
ERK phosphorylation enhancement
Kojic acid (4) mushroom TYR TYR inhibitor [9]
Caffeic acid (7) TYR inhibition, DNA damage and glutathione depletion in B16F10 [10]
Caffeic acid phenyel ester (11) VEGFR-2, α-MSH, TYR, TRP-1, TRP-2, and MITF suppression in B16F10 [11, 12]
Ferulic acid (8) TYR inhibition, DNA damage and glutathione depletion in B16F10 [10]
Quercetin (9) TYR inhibition, DNA damage and glutathione depletion in B16F10 [10]

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Rutin (10) TYR inhibition, DNA damage and glutathione depletion in B16F10 [10]
Genkwanin (12) antimelanogenesis in B16F10 [13]
Hinokitol (15) mushroom TYR cellular melanin production and MITF suppression in Mel-Ab [14, 15]

respectively) and to more potently suppress cellular melanin cated that their activity results from the presence of artocarpa-
production (EC50 = 1.8 and 2.3 µg/mL, respectively) than arbutin none (30), as indicated by the mushroom TYR and melanin pro-
(EC50 = 24.0 µg/mL). Their safety as skin-lightening agents was al- duction activities in B16 melanoma cells (IC50 = 80.8 and
so confirmed, possessing safety coefficients (EC50/IC50) of 19.2 89.1 µM, respectively) compared with those of arbutin- and kojic
and 12.9, respectively [21]. acid-treated cells (104 mM and 111 µM, respectively; 15.5 and
Material from several Thai medicinal plants was macerated in > 3521 µM, respectively) [24].
EtOH, affording 77 crude extracts that were comparatively as- Extraction of Betula pendula Roth (Betulaceae) leaves via ho-
sessed for their inhibitory effects on mushroom TYR compared mogenization in 80 % EtOH afforded an extract containing sub-
with standards kojic acid and Artocarpus lakoocha Roxb. (Mora- stantial amounts of polymeric proanthocyanidins and phenolics.
ceae) (20 µg/mL). A. lakoocha extract was the most potent inhib- The crude extract inhibited mushroom TYR, albeit less potently
itor followed by kojic acid (90.14 % ± 1.46 % and 89.57 % ± 2.15 %, than kojic acid (4) (IC50 = 119.08 ± 2.04 and 2.24 ± 0.18 µg/mL,
respectively), with root, root bark, and wood extracts of Artocar- respectively) [25].
pus integer (Thunb.) Merr. (Moraceae) (90.57 % ± 2.93 %, 82.60 % Methanol extract of sappanwood (Caesalpinia sappan L., Faba-
± 0.76 %, and 80.02 % ± 3.22 %, respectively), wood extract of Cu- ceae) proved mildly effective in inhibiting melanin synthesis in
drania javanensis Trec. (Moraceae) (77.86 % ± 2.41 %), and juice of B16F1 melanoma cells (84.5 % ± 13.5 % at 10 µg/mL). The crude
Averrhoa bilimbi L. (Oxalidaceae) (61.23 % ± 1.55 %) also exerting extract was further partitioned with hexane, EtOAc and BuOH,
potent inhibitory effects. A. integer root extract was further chro- giving different fractions that were subjected to the melanogene-
matographed, affording pure artocarpin (28), cudraflavone C sis assay at the same concentration as the crude extract. The
(29), and artocarpanone (30), among which artocarpanone (30) EtOAc fraction proved most potent, followed by the BuOH and
was the most potent inhibitor, albeit with less potency than kojic hexane fractions (79.4 % ± 9.0 %, 78.3 % ± 20.1 %, and 0.3 %
acid (4) (IC50 = 44.56 and 31.43 µg/mL, respectively) [22]. In addi- ± 1.2 %, respectively). The EtOAc fraction was chromatographed,
tion, Artocarpus xanthocarpus Merr. (Moraceae) root extracts pro- giving pure brazilin (33), 4-O-methylsappanol (34), brazilein
vided artoxanthocarpone A (31) and chlorophorin (32), which (35), sappanchalcone (36), and 3′-deoxy-4-O-methylsappanol
proved to be more potent mushroom TYR inhibitors (IC50 = (37), all of which were more active (IC50 = 3.0 ± 0.5, 4.6 ± 0.7,
59.3 ± 3.7 and 2.5 ± 0.4, respectively) than arbutin (3) and kojic 18.6 ± 0.5, 42.6 ± 1.8, and 50.4 ± 2.0 µM, respectively) than kojic
acid (4) (IC50 = 81.8 ± 2.3 and 63.7 ± 4.5 µM, respectively). Assess- acid (4) (IC50 = 70.6 ± 3.0 µM). Additionally, the compounds had
ments using B16F10 melanoma cells highlighted their safety (cell more favorable cytotoxicity profiles (IC50 = 18.4 ± 0.8, 20.2 ± 0.8,
viability = 110.1 % ± 3.7 % and 95.2 % ± 3.4 %) and abilities to sup- 33.8 ± 1.1, 83.1 ± 4.0, and 72.0 ± 2.4 µM, respectively) than kojic
press melanin production to 63.2 % ± 9.4 % and 64.6 % ± 8.9 % of acid (4) (IC50 = 99.7 ± 2.1 µM) [26].
the initial levels (at 40 µM), respectively. These results corre- Callicarpa longissima (Hemsl.) Merr., Verbenaceae leaf was ex-
sponded to more potent cellular TYR activities (78.7 % ± 12.3 % tracted, affording a carnosol (38)-rich extract. This extract signifi-
and 72.2 % ± 7.5 %, respectively) than those observed for 300 µM cantly suppressed melanin production in B16F10 melanoma cells,
arbutin (3) and kojic acid (4) (76.4 % ± 6.3 % and 85.8 % ± 6.8 %, re- and its activity was associated with the downregulation of MITF
spectively; 73.8 % ± 5.4 % and 81.1 % ± 13.7 %, respectively) [23]. gene transcription, diminishing TYR levels [27].
The skin-whitening effects of A. integer and Artocarpus heterophyl- Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L., Asteraceae) is the herbal
lus Lam. (Moraceae) extracts were further confirmed with sap- source of the pigment carthamus yellow, which can suppress
wood and heart wood extracts, which inhibited TYR activity mushroom TYR in a concentration-dependent manner (IC50 =
(IC50 = 7 and 125 µg/mL, respectively). Later isolation studies indi- 1.01 ± 0.03 mg/mL), although it is less potent than vitamin C (2)

Kanlayavattanakul M, Lourith N. Plants and Natural … Planta Med 2018; 84: 988–1006 991

(IC50 = 0.12 ± 0.03 mg/mL). Kinetic analysis of the herbal extract mL), and its application resulted in significant decreases in cellular
revealed it to be a competitive TYR inhibitor, similar to arbutin melanin production at 50 µg/mL (p < 0.01) [34].
(3), azelaic acid (39), deoxyarbutin (40), hydroquinone (1), and Extraction of saffron (Crocus sativus L., Iridaceae) petals with
kojic acid (4). The phenolic compounds safflomin A (41) and saf- MeOH, followed by partitioning and chromatography, afforded
flomin B (42) are responsible for the activity of the herbal extract, several pure compounds exhibiting mushroom TYR inhibitory ac-
both of which are noncytotoxic toward B16F10 melanoma cells at tivity. Crocusatin-K (51) displayed similar potency as kojic acid (4)
concentrations of 1–4 mg/mL. At the highest concentration of (IC50 = 260 and 250 µM, respectively), whereas crocusatin-L (52)
4 mg/mL, melanin production was decreased to 82.3 % ± 0.4 % of and 4-hydroxy-3,5,5-trimethylcyclohex-2-enone (53) were less
the initial level, whereas the effects of the extract were less pro- potent (IC50 = 1.0 and 1.1 mM, respectively) [35].
nounced in cells treated with 0.1 mg/mL vitamin C (2) or arbutin Cudrania tricuspidata (Carrière) Bur. ex Lavallée (Moraceae) ex-
(3) (87.9 % ± 1.6 % and 56.8 % ± 1.7 %, respectively) [28]. N-feru- tract containing oxyresveratrol (54) and trans-dihydromorin (55)
loylserotonin (43), N-(p-coumaroyl) serotonin (44), and acacetin exhibited inhibitory effects against cellular melanin production in
(45) extracted from safflower seeds inhibited mushroom TYR with Melan-a cells. The safety margin of trans-dihydromorin was wider

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IC50 values of 0.023, 0.074, and 0.779 mM, respectively, com- (10–100 µM) than that of oxyresveratrol (54) (10–20 µM). Its anti-
pared with 0.223 mM for arbutin (3). Their effects on melanin melanogenic effects resulted from MITF, TRP-1, and TRP-2 sup-
production and cytotoxicity in B16 melanoma cells were further pression, with oxyresveratrol (54) being less potent than trans-di-
examined, with the reduction in melanin content in accordance hydromorin (55) [36].
with the in vitro results. N-feruloylserotonin (43), N-(p-coumaroyl) The rhizome of nut grass, or purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus
serotonin (44), and acacetin (45) suppressed melanin production L., Cyperaceae), has been used in Oriental medicine due to its
(IC50 = 0.191, 0.245 and > 20 mM, respectively) with IC50 values of broad spectrum of activity against inflammation and cellular oxi-
> 20, > 20, and 0.423 mM, respectively [29]. dation and proliferation. Extraction of the material afforded pure
The inner skin of chestnut (Castanea crenata Siebold & Zucc., valencene (56), camphene (57), caryophyllene oxide (58), α-cy-
Fagaceae) kernels boiled in aqueous MeOH solvent and then fur- perone (59), and nootkatone (60), with valencene (56) proving
ther partitioned with EtOAc afforded an extract for skin-whitening the strongest inhibitor of photoaging-related ion channels, as ex-
assessments. The EtOAc fraction inhibited mushroom TYR (IC50 = amined in HEK293T cells. Investigation of its antimelanogenic ef-
160 µg/mL), and it was noncytotoxic toward B16F10 melanoma fects in UV-induced B16F10 cells confirmed that the mechanism
cells over the concentration range of 15–125 µg/mL. The extract of action involved ion channels and not the suppression of TYR ac-
suppressed melanin production to 61.7 %, 43.7 %, and 25.5 % of tivity [37].
the initial levels at concentrations of 10, 50, and 100 µg/mL, re- Euterpe oleraceae Mart. (Arecaceae), commonly called açaí
spectively [30]. palm, oil contains oleic (61), palmitic (20), linoleic (19), palmito-
The phenolic-rich (17.4 % ± 0.67 %) extract of Chenopodium qui- leic (62), stearic (63), and linolenic (64) acids (60.7 %, 22.8 %,
noa Willd., Chenopodiaceae or quinoa inhibited mushroom TYR 9.6 %, 4.2 %, 1.9 %, and 0.3 %, respectively), and it has been re-
activity at concentrations of 0.5 and 1.0 mg/mL (56.7 % and vealed to inhibit mushroom TYR (IC50 = 66.08 µg/mL), albeit less
77.0 %, respectively; p < 0.001 and p < 0.0001, respectively), effectively than kojic acid (4) (IC50 = 5.86 µg/mL) [38].
although it was less potent than kojic acid (4) (45.7 % at 0.01 mg/ Soxhlet extraction of Garcinia livingstonei T. Anderson (Clusia-
mL) [31]. ceae) stem bark gave a crude extract that was further purified by
Cocoloba uvifera L. (Polygonaceae) or Jamaican Kino or sea chromatography. One isolated compound, morelloflavone-7″-sul-
grape extract is an effective inhibitor of mushroom TYR, albeit to phate (65), was assayed in MeWo melanoma cells and identified
a lesser extent than kojic acid (4) (IC50 = 90.4 and 20.2 µg/mL, re- as the most promising active compound in the bark fraction con-
spectively). This extract also had anti-inflammatory properties, cerning cytotoxicity and suppression of melanin production
suppressing IL-1α and TNF-α in UVB-stimulated melanocytes in a (IC50 = 41.8 ± 2.5 µM and EC50 = 8.6 ± 1.3 µM) [39].
similar manner as kojic acid. Furthermore, it slowed the release of The aerial foliage of ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea L., Lamia-
α-MSH in melanocytes [32]. ceae) was centrifuged in water, giving a clear supernatant that
Colocasia antiquorum var. esculenta L. (Araceae), commonly was subsequently lyophilized to afford a dry extract. The extract
known as Imperial Taro, is a source of biologically active fatty ac- inhibited melanin production in B16F10 melanoma cells without
ids, sterols, and flavonoids. Its dried tuber bark was sonicated with inducing cytotoxicity at concentrations of 0.1–1 mg/mL, with
MeOH, partitioned with EtOAc, and chromatographed to isolate TYR inhibition occurring through MITF protein expression op-
the active constituents in five fractions. Biologically active frac- posed to TRP-1 and TRP-2 [40].
tions were further purified to afford refined cis-grossamide K Methanol extraction of Juniperus chinensis L. (Cupressaceae)
(46) and (−)-pinoresinol (47), exhibiting IC50 values of 54.24 and yielded an extract exhibiting antioxidative scavenging (DPPH,
163.60 µM, respectively, and LD50 values of 556.26 and > 500 µM, IC50 = 9.45 ± 0.07 µg/mL) and anti-TYR activities (IC50 = 55.18 ±
respectively, as examined in Melan-a cells [33]. 0.55 µg/mL). α-MSH inhibition (IC50 = 13.67 µg/mL) in B16F10
The aerial material of Crataegus azarolus L. (Rosaceae) macer- melanoma cells was also evident, with further examination of the
ated in MeOH for 10 d followed by further partitioning gave an extract resulting in the isolation of two antimelanogenic com-
EtOAc fraction containing ursolic acid (48), hyperoside (49), and pounds, namely cedrol (66) and widdrol (67). In pure form
virtexin-2″-O-rhamnoside (50) as major constituents. This frac- (10 µg/mL), each agent more significantly (p < 0.05) inhibited cel-
tion proved cytotoxic to B16F10 melanoma cells (IC50 = 50 µg/

992 Kanlayavattanakul M, Lourith N. Plants and Natural … Planta Med 2018; 84: 988–1006
lular TYR activity and protein expression than arbutin (3) (100 µg/ Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L., Sapindaceae) peel extract
mL) [41]. exhibited antioxidant activities as assessed by ABTS, DPPH, and
Extraction of the rhizome material of Kaempferia pandurate O2•− scavenging assays and inhibitory effects on mushroom TYR
Roxb., Zingiberaceae, a traditional Thai herb, using EtOH followed with IC50 values of 2.92 ± 0.02, 1.86 ± 0.06, 39.49 ± 0.52, and
by partitioning with EtOAc afforded a crude mother liquor that 430.84 ± 0.57 µg/mL, respectively. This noncytotoxic herbal ex-
yielded panduratin A (68) on chromatography. Panduratin A (68) tract suppressed melanin production in B16F10 melanoma cells
more potently inhibited melanin production in Melan-a cells than was by inhibiting TYR and TRP-2. Ferulic acid (8) was reported to
kojic acid (4) or arbutin (3) (IC50 = 9.6, 152 and 990 µM, respec- be the most prevalent phenolic in the extract followed by gallic
tively) in conjunction with anti-TYR effects (IC50 = 8.2, 126 and acid (70), rosmarinic acid (69), caffeic acid (7), kojic acid (4),
660 µM, respectively). This noncytotoxic agent (IC50 = 31.6 µM) quercetin (9), and chlorogenic acid (73) [44, 52].
effectively suppressed TYR, TRP-1, and TRP-2 expression [42]. The panicle or flower of Jamine rice (Oryza sativa cv. indica,
Litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn., Sapindaceae) pericarp macerated Oryzeae) has been shown to have a high content of p-coumaric
in 70 % EtOH and partitioned gave rise to an EtOAc fraction, exhib- (76), ferulic (8), and caffeic (7) acids. The extract did not show

This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited.
iting significantly greater antioxidant activity than ascorbic acid any cytotoxicity. It suppressed melanogenesis through TYR and
(p < 0.01), as assessed by ABTS (IC50 = 7.137 ± 0.021 µg/mL), DPPH TRP-2 inhibitions in B16F10 melanoma cells at a concentration of
(IC50 = 2.288 ± 0.063 µg/mL), O2•− scavenging (IC50 = 29.57 ± 0.1 mg/mL. To determine the safety profile and antioxidant activ-
0.30 µg/mL), and FRAP (EC1 mMFeSO4 = 8,013.183 ± 58.804 µg/mL) ity of the extract in human skin fibroblast cells, the extract was
assays. The extract exerted an in vitro TYR-suppressing effect tested in a concentration range that was similar to the concentra-
(IC50 = 197.860 ± 1.230 µg/mL). Litchi extract, being more potent tions used in B16F10 cells (0.0001–0.1 mg/mL). The cellular anti-
than kojic acid (4), suppressed melanin production in B16F10 mel- oxidant activity was dose-dependent due to its protecting effect
anoma cells by inhibiting TYR and TRP-2. Quercetin (9), rosmarinic from oxidative stress [53].
acid (69), and gallic acid (70) were the main active phenolics in the The skin depigmentation effects of Paeonia lactiflora Pall.
extract [43, 44]. (Paeoniaceae) root extract were assessed in comparison with its
Mulberry (Morus alba L., Moraceae) is widely used to treat skin pure active compound paeoniflorin (77). HPLC analysis of P. lacti-
hyperpigmentation due to its high phenolic content, particularly flora extract indicated the presence of 53.25 % paeoniflorin (77).
the active compound oxyresveratrol (54). Mulberrosides are other Reconstructed human pigmented epidermis was topically treated
active compounds isolated from mulberry, with mulberroside F with P. lactiflora extracts (300 and 500 µg/mL), paeoniflorin (77)
(71) exhibiting more potent activity against mushroom TYR than (120 and 200 µg/mL), and the positive control 4-n-butylresorcinol
kojic acid (4) (IC50 = 0.29 at 1.30 µg/mL), although its activity (50 and 83 µg/mL). The cellular melanin content was significantly
against mammalian TYR is weaker (IC50 = 68.3 at 58.5 µg/mL) lower following treatment with the extract (28 and 30 %) or paeo-
[45]. Accordingly, mulberry extract is widely used in topical prod- niflorin (77) (30 and 10 %) than that obtained with the control (7 %
ucts for treating skin hyperpigmentation. Extracts of the closely and 26 %), as indicated by the melanin density determined via
related black or wild mulberry (Morus nigra L., Moraceae) leaf also multiphoton microscopic analysis. P. lactiflora extract, paeoniflo-
inhibit mushroom TYR. The compounds responsible for the activ- rin (77) (120 and 200 µg/mL), and 4-n-butylresorcinol reduced
ity are isoquercitrin (72), rutin (10), and chlorogenic acid (73). melanin content by 23 % and 39 %, respectively, 23 % and 27 %, re-
The extract proved noncytotoxic toward B16F10 melanoma cells spectively, and 24 % and 40 %, respectively [54].
and human keratinocytes at 7.81 µg/mL, its IC50 against mush- Extraction of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims, Passiflora-
room TYR [46]. ceae) seeds using 80 % EtOH afforded an extract rich in phenolics
Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt., Myristicaceae) oil has long (total phenolic content = 33 %) that significantly (p < 0.01) inhib-
been used as a traditional medicine with well-known therapeutic ited melanogenesis in MNT-1 human melanoma cells at a concen-
effects. Partitioning of its ethanolic extract with EtOAc and chro- tration of 20 µg/mL. LC/MS studies identified the major active
matography afforded the melanogenesis inhibitor macelignan constituent (4.8 mg/g) as piceatannol (78), with resveratrol (79)
(74), which inhibits melanin production and exerts anti-TYR ef- being a minor constituent (0.22 mg/g) [55]. Fractionation of the
fects in Melan-a cells with IC50 values of 13 and 30 µM, respective- methanolic extract into the EtOAc fraction revealed that chloro-
ly. This noncytotoxic compound functions by downregulating genic acid (73), rosmarinic acid (69), and quercetin (9) were the
TYR, TRP-1, and TRP-2 (10–50 µM), with TRP-2 being the most re- major phenolic constituents. The fraction with potent antioxidant
sponsive to the compound [47]. In addition, another nutmeg-de- activities (IC50 DPPH = 2.7 ± 0.2 µg/mL, IC50 ABTS = 9.0 ± 0.0 µg/mL,
rived active safrole (75) inhibits the monophenolase and dipheno- and EC1 mM FeSO4 = 2813.9 ± 11.6) also inhibited TYR activity
lase activities of mushroom TYR (IC50 = 32.11 and 27.32 µM, re- (39.9 % ± 0.0 % at 1 mg/mL), and it was safe in Vero cells. The pas-
spectively) [48]. sion fruit seed extract was similarly protective against sun expo-
Naringi crenulata (Roxb.) D. H. Nicolson (Rutaceae), synonyms sure as benzophenone-3, octylmethoxycinnamate and ferulic acid
Hesperethusa crenulata M. Roem. (Rutaceae) or Limonia crenulata [56]. The extract was thereafter formulated into stable protective
Roxb. (Rutaceae), is commonly called Kra-jae in Thai or Thanaka products (i.e., liquid foundation and concealer mousse covering
in Burmese. This herb has been continuously documented as a tra- UVA and UVB ranges) [57].
ditional cosmetic for its skin-whitening effects. Its extract inhibits Phyla nodiflora (L.) Greene, Verbenaceae (frog fruit) is a com-
mushroom TYR (IC50 = 0.546 mg/mL) [49] due to its active com- mon ingredient of herbal tea found in Taiwan. Dried aerial compo-
ponents arbutin (3) and kojic acid (4) [50, 51]. nents of this herb macerated in MeOH followed by partitioning

Kanlayavattanakul M, Lourith N. Plants and Natural … Planta Med 2018; 84: 988–1006 993

and chromatography afforded pure eupafolin (80), a flavonoid mL, and 105.3 % ± 3.0 % and 50.4 % ± 4.5 % at 10 µg/mL, respec-
that is noncytotoxic towards B16F10 melanoma cells (20–80 µM, tively) [63].
70–90 % cell viability). At 5–10 µM, cell viability exceeded 90 %; in Maceration of Saururus chinensis (Lour.) Baill. (Saururaceae) fo-
this range, eupafolin (80) significantly (p < 0.05) decreased cellu- liage in MeOH yielded a crude extract exerting no cytotoxic ef-
lar melanin production as well as TYR and MITF activities. TRP-1 fects in B16F10 cells (1–500 mg/mL). The inhibitory effect of the
was also significantly suppressed at 10 µM, with TRP-2 and p-CREB extract (100–500 ng/mL) against cellular melanin production was
protein expression being significantly reduced at 0.1, 1 and comparable to that of arbutin (200 µM), and significant inhibition
10 µM. Furthermore, at 10 µM, this herbal active regulates MAPK of cellular TYR (50–500 ng/mL) was observed. The mechanism of
signaling to inhibit melanogenesis [58]. these effects was related to MITF and TYR downregulation via ERK
The ethanolic extract of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. (Pinaceae), activation [64].
commonly called Pini Nodi Lignum, exhibited similar inhibitory ef- Sesamol (86) isolated from sesame (Sesamun indicum L., Peda-
fects on mushroom TYR (51.7 % ± 9.1 % at 10 µg/mL) as arbutin (3) liaceae) oil exhibits antioxidant and anti-TYR activities. The DPPH-
(43.4 % ± 7.3 % at 1 mM). The extract at 10 µg/mL suppressed mel- scavenging activity of sesamol (86) (IC50 = 5.44 µg/mL) was com-

This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited.
anin production by 52 % (p < 0.05) in HM3KO melanoma cells parable to that of butylated hydroxyl toluene (IC50 = 5.81 µg/mL).
compared with untreated cells. The molecular mechanism was Sesamol (86) is a powerful inhibitor of mushroom TYR, acting
found to involve the suppression of TYR and TRP-1 [59]. against the monophenolase activity of the enzyme (Ki = 1.4 µM,
An extract of Punica granatum L. (Punicaceae) or pomegranate IC50 = 3.2 µM) through complex formation. This activity proved
peel enriched with 20 % punicalgin (81) significantly suppressed more potent than that of kojic acid (4) (IC50 = 59.72 µM), and it
cellular melanin content by 40 % and 60 % at 50 and 100 µg/mL, was consistent with its inhibitory effects against melanin pro-
respectively, with no cytotoxic effects observed in Melan-a cells. duction in B16F10 melanoma cells (63 % at 100 µg/mL) [65]. The
Its antimelanogenic activity results from the potent suppression compound was also more potent than kojic acid (4) in SK-MEL2
of TRP-1, TYR, and MC1R expression [60]. cells (23.55 % ± 8.25 % at 217 µM and 33.88 % ± 1.43 % at
Acid hydrolysis of the aqueous ethanolic extract of Rhodiola ro- 4222 µM) and arbutin (3) (8.26 % ± 8.78 % at 3673 µM) [66].
sea L. (Crassulaceae) root yielded several active principles, namely The inner bark of Tabebuia avellanedae Lorentz ex Griseb.
salidroside (82) and tyrosol (83), at levels of 0.28 ± 0.03 and (Bignoniaceae), synonym Handroanthus impetiginosus (Mart. ex
14.25 ± 0.27 mg/g, respectively. These agents inhibited TYR DC.) (Mattos), or pink lapacho, contains β-lapachone (87), which
(77.1 % ± 0.5 % at 4 mg/mL) more efficiently than arbutin (3) proved noncytotoxic toward Melan-a cells (concentration range,
(63.1 % ± 3.2 % at 2 mM). B16F0 cell viability was maintained 0.2–0.8 µM) and displayed significant reducing effects on melanin
(73.4 % ± 0.8 %) following treatment with the most concentrated content at 0.8 µM. Cellular TYR activity was depressed by 60 % at
hydrolysate (70 µg/mL). Hydrolysate (50 µg/mL) suppressed mel- this concentration, and this effect was regulated by MITF inhibi-
anin production similarly as arbutin (3). In addition, isolated tyro- tion. Moreover, reductions in the mRNA levels of TYR, TRP-1, and
sol (83) significantly (p < 0.001) inhibited melanin synthesis at 0.4 TRP-2 (but not MITF and mRNA) were detected, in addition to de-
and 4 mM, with the inhibitory effect arising from activity against layed phosphorylation of ERK in Melan-a cells. Examinations in a
MITF and TRP-2 [61]. human skin model (MelanoDerm) indicated the highest efficacy
Material from Rhus verniciflua Stokes (Anacardiaceae), syno- at a concentration of 40 µM [67].
nym Toxicodendron vernicifluum (Stokes) F. A. Barkley (Anacardia- Sweet tamarind (Tamarindus indica L., Fabaceae) seed coat,
ceae), also known as the Chinese lacquer tree, produced a crude with antioxidant activities according to ABTS, DPPH, and O2•−
extract (1 mg/mL) on sonication with 80 % EtOH that completely scavenging assays and mushroom TYR activity (IC50 = 3.41 ±
inhibited TYR (100 % ± 10.95 %). Cytotoxicity testing in B16F1 mel- 0.03, 1.44 ± 0.01, 27.44 ± 0.09, and 96.15 ± 0.62 µg/mL, respec-
anoma cells indicated that the extract was safe at ≤ 100 µg/mL. tively), is a potential candidate herbal extract for skin hyperpig-
Cellular melanin levels following treatment with 10, 50, and mentation treatment. In addition, the extract inhibited melano-
100 µg/mL extract were 175.08 % ± 7.42 %, 79.96 % ± 3.51 %, and genesis via inhibitory effects on TYR and TRP-2, as examined in
46.30 % ± 8.81 %, respectively, of the control level, with the inhib- B16F10 melanoma cells, due to its active compounds (−)-epicate-
itory action due to TYR and MITF suppression [62]. chin (88), epigallocatechin (89), chlorogenic acid (73), quercetin
Chia (Salvia hispanica L., Lamiaceae) seed extract containing (9), gallic acid (70), rosmarinic acid (69), caffeic acid (7), and
0.5 % linoleic acid (19) and 1.2 % linolenic acid (64) inhibited mel- ferulic acid (8) [44, 68].
anin production to 55 % and 65 % of the initial levels in Melan-a Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L., Sterculiaceae) powder was ex-
cells at 100 and 400 µg/mL, respectively, with no effects on cell tracted with 80 % EtOH, giving a crude extract that was assayed
viability. This inhibitory effect was regulated by the suppression for mushroom TYR inhibition, affording an IC50 of 357.95 µg/mL,
of TRP-1 and TYR, with MC1R expression being less affected at ex- which was superior to those of kojic acid (4) and arbutin (3)
tract concentrations of 25 and 50 µg/mL [60]. (IC50 = 572.28 and 670.82 µg/mL, respectively). This activity is re-
Sage (Salvia officinalis L., Lamiaceae), similar as oregano, is a lated to the presence of phenolics and fatty acids, as character-
common source of therapeutic essential oil. Extraction with ized by LC/MS/MS [69].
MeOH followed by partitioning and chromatography enabled iso- The traditional Asian herbal cocktail Ssanghwa-tang, which
lation of 7a-methoxyrosmanol (84) and isorosmanol (85), which contains the medicinal herbs P. lactiflora (28 %), Angelica gigas
proved noncytotoxic toward B16 melanoma cells and suppressed Nakai (Apiaceae) (11.2 %), Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.)
melanin production (93.5 % ± 13.6 % and 65.3 % ± 9.5 % at 20 µg/ Bunge (Fabaceae) (11.2 %), Cnididium officinale Makino (Apiaceae)

994 Kanlayavattanakul M, Lourith N. Plants and Natural … Planta Med 2018; 84: 988–1006
▶ Table 2 Biological activities of plants for skin hyperpigmentation treatment.

Name Active Study Reference

Scientific Common Enzyme inhibition Cell culture
A. sinensis dong quai or female ginseng 4-ethylresorcinol (21), 4-ethylphenol (22), 1-tetradecalnol Melan-a [19]
A. montana mountain tobacco or Leopardʼs 3β,16β-dihydroxy-21α-hydroperoxy-20(30)-taraxastene (24) antimelanogenesis in B16 by [20]
bane TRP-1 and MITF suppressions
A. dracunculs tarragon undeca-2E,4E-dien,8,10-cynoic acid isobutylamide (26), un- antimelanogenesis in B16 [21]
deca-2E,4E-dien-8,10-dynoic acid piperidylamide (27)
Artocarpus spp. Lakoocha, cempedak artocarpin (28), cudraflavone C (29), artocarpanone (30), mushroom TYR antimelanogenesis in B16F10 [22–24]

Kanlayavattanakul M, Lourith N. Plants and Natural …

artoxanthocarpone A (31), clorophorin (32) by anti-TYR
B. pendula silver birch or warty birch proanthocyanins, phenolics mushroom TYR
C. sappan sappanwood brazilin (33), 4-O-methylsappanol (34), brazilein (35), B16F1 [26]
sappanchalcone (36), 3′-deoxy-4-O-methylsappanol (37)
C. longissima beautyberry carnosol (38) antimelanogenesis in B16F10 by [27]
MITF and TYR suppression
C. tinctorius safflower safflomin A and B (42,43), N-feruloylserotonin (44), mushroom TYR antimelanogenesis in B16F10 [28, 29]

Planta Med 2018; 84: 988–1006

N-(p-coumaroyl) serotonin, acacetin (45) and B16
C. crenata chestnut mushroom TYR antimelanogenesis in B16F10 [30]
C. quinoa quinoa phenolics mushroom TYR [31]
C. uvifera Jamaican Kino or sea grape mushroom TYR anti-inflammatory and anti-α- [32]
MSH in melanocytes
C. antiquorum var Imperial Taro cis-grossamide K (46), (−)-pinoresinol (47) antimelanogenesis in Melan-a [33]
C. azarolus azarole, azerole, or Mediterranean ursolic acid (48), hyperoside (49), virtexin-2′′-O-rhamnoside antimelanogenesis in B16F10 [34]
medlar (50)
C. sativus saffron crocusatin-K (51), crocusatin-L (52), 4-hydroxy-3,5,5-trime- mushroom TYR [35]
thylcyclohex-2-enone (53)
C. tricuspidata silkworm thorn or storehouse- oxyresveratrol (54) and trans-dihydromorin (55) antimelanogenesis in Melan-a by [36]
bush MITF, TRP-1, and TRP-2 suppres-
C. rotundus nut grass or purple nutsedge valencene (56), camphene (57), carryophyllene oxide (58), antimelanogenesis mechanism [37]
α-cyperone (59), nootkatone (60) via the ion-channels in B16F10
E. oleraceae açaí palm oleic (61), palmitic (20), linoleic (19), palmitoleic (62), stearic mushroom TYR [38]
(63) and linolenic acids (64)
G. livingstonei African mangosteen or lowveld morelloflavone-7′′-sulphate (65) antimelanogenesis in MeWo [39]
mangosteen or Livingstoneʼs
G. hederacea ground ivy antimelanogenesis in B16F10 by [40]
MITF suppression


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▶ Table 2 Continued

Name Active Study Reference

Scientific Common Enzyme inhibition Cell culture
J. chinensis cedrol (66), widdrol (67) mushroom TYR α-MSH inhibition in B16F10 and [41]
TYR and TRP expressions
K. pandurata panduratin A (68) antimelanogenesis in Melan-a [42]
by TYR, TRP-1, and TRP-2 sup-
L. cinensis litchi quercetin (9), rosmarinc acid (69), gallic acid (70) mushroom TYR antimelanogenesis in B16F10 [43, 44]
melanoma by TYR and TRP-2
M. alba mulberry oxyresveratrol (54), mulberrosides (71) mushroom and mamma- [45]
lian TYR
M. nigra black mulberry isoquercitrin (72), rutin (10), chlorogenic acid (73) mushroom TYR B16F10 melanoma and human [46]
M. fragrans nutmeg macelignan (74), safrole (75) mushroom TYR antimelanogenesis in Melan-a [47, 48]
by TYR, TRP-1, and TRP-2 sup-
N. crenulata Kra-jae or Thanaka arbutin (3), kojic acid (4) mushroom TYR [49–51]
N. lappaceum rambutan ferulic (8), gallic (70), rosmarinic (69), caffeic (7), kojic (4) mushroom TYR antimelanogenesis in B16F10 [44, 52]
and chlorogenic (73) acids, quercetin (9) melanoma by TYR and TRP-2
O. sativa cv. indica rice p-coumaric (76), ferulic (8) and caffeic (7) acids mushroom TYR antimelanogenesis in B16F10 [53]
melanoma by TYR and TRP-2
P. lactiflora paeoniflorin (77) antimelanogenesis in recon- [54]
structed human pigmented
P. edulis passion fruit piceatannol (78), resveratrol (79), chlorogenic acid (73), mushroom TYR antimelanogenesis in MNT-1 hu- [55, 56]
rosmarinic acid (69), quercetin (9) man melanoma
P. nodiflora frog fruit eupafolin (80) antimelanogenesis in B16F10 [58]
by TYR, MITF, TRP-1, TRP-2, and
CREB suppression

Kanlayavattanakul M, Lourith N. Plants and Natural …

P. tabulaeformis Chinese red pine mushroom TYR antimelanogenesis in HM3KO by [59]
TYR and TRP-1 suppression
P. granatum pomegranate punicalgin (81) antimelanogenesis in Melan-a by [60]
TRP-1, TYR, and MC1R suppres-
R. rosea golden root, roseroot salodroside (82), tyrosol (83) antimelanogenesis in B16F0 by [61]
TYR, MITF, and TRP-2 inhibitions

Planta Med 2018; 84: 988–1006

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▶ Table 2 Continued

Name Active Study Reference

Scientific Common Enzyme inhibition Cell culture
R. verniciflua Chinese lacquer tree antimelanogenesis in B16F1 by [62]
TYR and MITF inhibitions
S. hispanica chia linoleic acid (19), linolenic acid (64) antimelanogenesis in Melan-a by [60]
TYR, TRP-1, and MC1R inhibitions
S. officinalus sage 7a-methoxyrosmanol (84), isorosmanol (85) antimelanogenesis in B16 [63]
S. chinensis antimelanogenesis in B16F10 by [64]
TYR and MITF inhibitions and ERK

Kanlayavattanakul M, Lourith N. Plants and Natural …

S. indicum sesamin sesamol (86) mushroom TYR antimelanogenesis in B16F10 and [65, 66]
T. avellanedae pink lapacho lapachone (87) antimelanogenesis in Melan-a by [67]
TYR, TRP-1, TRP-2, and ERK and
T. indica tamarind epicatechin (88), epigallocatechin (89), clorogenic (73), gallic mushroom TYR antimelanogenesis in B16F10 [44, 68]
(70), rosmarinic (69), caffeic (7) and ferulic (8) acids, querce- melanoma by TYR and TRP-2 sup-

Planta Med 2018; 84: 988–1006

tin (9) pression
T. cacao cocoa phenolics, fatty acids mushroom TYR [69]
P. lactiflora, A. gi- Ssanghwa-tang paeoniflorin (77), benzoic acid (90), nodakenin (91), liquiritin antimelanogenesis in B16F10 by [70]
gas, A. membra- (92) CREM, MITF, and TRP-1 suppres-
naceus, C. offici- sions
nale, R. glutinosa,
G. glabra, Z. offi-
cinale, C. cassia,
Z. jujube

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This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited.
▶ Fig. 4 Chemical structures of the active ingredients isolated from
A. sinensis, A. montana, A. dracunculus, Artrocarpus spp., and C. sap-
▶ Fig. 5 Chemical structures of the active ingredients isolated from
C. longissima, C. tinctorius, C. crenata, C. antiquorum var. esculenta,
C. azarolus, and C. sativus.

(11.2 %), Rehmannia glutinosa (Gaertn.) Steud. (Orobanchaceae)

(11.2 %), Glycyrrhiza glabra L. (Fabaceae) (8.4 %), Zingiber officinale Fungal Agents for Treating
Roscoe (Zingiberaceae) (4.4 %), Cinnamomum cassia Presl (Laura- Skin Hyperpigmentation
ceae) (8.4 %), and Zizyphus jujube Mill. (Rhamnaceae) (6.0 %), was
refluxed in water for 3 h and then lyophilized to give a dried ex- Fermentation of Alternaria alternata var. monosporus (Fr.) Keissl.
tract. The extract proved noncytotoxic toward B16F10 melanoma (Pleosporaceae), a microorganism from the bark of the yew tree,
cells over a wide concentration range (up to 2 mg/mL), and it sup- provided alteronol (93). Alteronol (93) at concentrations < 2 µg/
pressed cellular melanin production (to 70 % and 45 % of the initial mL is noncytotoxic toward B16F1 and B16F10 cells, although the
level at 250 and 500 µg/mL, respectively). At these concentra- compound suppressed cellular migration by 79.9 %, 58.9 %, and
tions, TYR activity was decreased by 17 % and 36 %, respectively, 42.9 % (B16F1) and 63.3 %, 45.5 %, and 23.1 % (B16F10) at concen-
with the mode of action involving CREB and MITF activities (in- trations of 0.5, 1, and 1.5 µg/mL, respectively [71].
cluding TRP-1). HPLC analysis revealed paeoniflorin (77) as the Crude laccase isolated from Lentinus polychrous Lév. (Poly-
key active agent (1.136 µM), followed by benzoic acid (90), noda- poraceae), having an enzymatic activity of 6.99 U/mg protein,
kenin (91), and liquiritin (92) (0.415, 0.130, and 0.122 µM, re- was demonstrated to decolorize synthetic melanin on examina-
spectively) [70]. tion using PDA plates. High levels of melanin decolorization were
▶ Table 2 summarizes the key properties and activities in rela- observed at pH 4.5–6.5, with optimum bleaching (87 %) occurring
tion to the botanical extracts and compounds described in this within 5 h at pH 6.5. Enzymatic activity was enhanced in the pres-
section. In addition, the isolated compounds are summarized as ence of the synthetic radical ABTS and was the highest at 35 °C
shown in ▶ Figs. 4–8. (77.5 %), with higher temperatures (60 °C) resulting in suppres-
sion [72].
Monascus spp. Tiegh. (Elaphomycetaceae) produces an orange
pigment that was further derivatized via exposure to an amino ac-
id and amine in separate experiments to afford glutamic acid (94)

998 Kanlayavattanakul M, Lourith N. Plants and Natural … Planta Med 2018; 84: 988–1006
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▶ Fig. 7 Chemical structures of the active ingredients isolated from
M. fragrans, O. sativa cv. indica, P. lactiflora, P. edulis, P. nodiflora, P.
▶ Fig. 6 Chemical structures of the active ingredients isolated from granatum, R. rosea, and S. officinalis.
C. rotundus, E. oleraceae, G. livingstonei, G. hederacea, J. chinensis, K.
pandurate, L. chinensis, and M. alba.

and 1-amino-2-propanol (95), respectively, as characterized by

HPLC and LC/MS. These modified compounds were highly active Marine Algae for Skin Hyperpigmentation
in B16F10 melanoma cells, exhibiting anti-TYR activity and sup- Treatment
pressing TRP-1 and TRP-2 expression over concentration ranges
of 2.5–10 µM (glutamic acid, 94) and 1.25–5 µM (1-amino-2- The 80 % methanolic extract of Ishige foliacea Okamura (Ishigea-
propanol, 95) [72, 73]. The fungus Monascus purpureus Went (Ela- ceae) on partitioning with EtOAc and chromatography afforded
phomycetaceae) in the form of red rice yeast (angkak), or red koji, pure octaphlorethol A (96), which proved noncytotoxic toward
is traditionally used in eastern Asia as a food colorant and medi- B16F10 melanoma cells over a concentration range of 12.5–
cine. The extract obtained from sonicating angkak powder in 50 µM. TYR activity was significantly (p < 0.05) suppressed in con-
water was subjected to chromatography to separate active princi- cert with reduced melanin content. The active compound also
ples. The extract inhibited mushroom TYR, albeit less potently suppressed MITF expression and reduced p38 phosphorylation,
than kojic (4) and ascorbic (2) acids (IC50 = 5.57, 5.00 × 10−3 and while significantly enhancing ERK and JNK phosphorylation [75].
5.00 × 10−2 mg/mL, respectively) [74]. Sargassum polycystum C. Agardh (Sargassaceae), an edible
Fungi with extracts exhibiting potential as skin-whitening brown seaweed, was extracted with EtOH, and the extract was
agents and their activities are summarized in ▶ Table 3 as well as further fractionated with hexane and EtOAc. Mushroom TYR in-
the isolated pure compounds as shown in ▶ Fig. 8. hibitory assays of these fractions (100 µg/mL) indicated that the
hexane fraction was the most potent, followed by the crude ex-
tract and EtOAc fraction (activity = 97.10 % ± 0.55 %, 97.78 %
± 1.34 %, and 100.58 % ± 1.81 %, respectively). All of these agents
were less potent than kojic acid at the same concentration
(11.73 % ± 1.51 %). Cytotoxicity and cellular TYR activity studies
using B16F10 melanoma cells illustrated that the hexane fraction

Kanlayavattanakul M, Lourith N. Plants and Natural … Planta Med 2018; 84: 988–1006 999

84.56 % ± 1.62 %, respectively. On further screening, the chemical

constituents of the extract were identified as saponins, flavo-
noids, tannins, terpenoids, phenols, sugars, amino acids, and
amines [76].
The EtOAc fraction obtained from partitioning ethanolic wa-
kame (Undaria pinnatifida [Harvey] Suringar, Alariaceae) extract
proved noncytotoxic toward B16F10 melanoma cells at concen-
trations of 25–31.25 µg/mL. At these concentrations, cellular mel-
anin content was decreased in a concentration-dependent man-
ner, with the suppression of TYR and MITF expression being re-
sponsible for this effect [77].
A summary of marine algae and their potential utility in skin
hyperpigmentation treatment, including the active compounds,
is shown in ▶ Table 3 (▶ Fig. 8).

This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited.
The biological activities of natural products, including plants, fun-
gi, and marine organisms, potentially useful for treating skin hy-
perpigmentation were summarized in this text. Those with con-
firmed safety and biological activities in cell cultures including
the precise mechanism of actions as well as the characterized ac-
tives responsible for the activities are therefore firstly encouraged
to be applied. According to the sufficient data for safety profile
▶ Fig. 8 Chemical structures of the active ingredients isolated from
S. indicum, T. avellanedae, T. indica, the herbal cocktail Sanghwa- and quality control practice, which are mandatory for manufac-
tang, A. alternata var. monosporus, Monascus spp., and I. foliace. turing of the natural products and topical products comprised
with the plant extracts; plants and natural products that are
therefore first priority recommended for use as the key ingre-
dients for skin-whitening products are A. montana, A. dracunculus,
possesses superior effects regarding noncytotoxicity and enzyme Artocarpus spp., C. sappan, C. tinctorius, J. chinensis, K. pandurate,
suppression (96.38 % ± 4.77 % and 79.25 % ± 2.99 %, respectively) M. fragrans, P. nodiflora, R. rosea, R. verniciflua, S. indicum, and
over the crude extract (86.99 % ± 3.48 % and 86.86 % ± 2.35 %, re- T. avellanedae. Furthermore, A. alternata var. monosporus and Mo-
spectively) and EtOAc fraction (77.32 % ± 0.98 % and 89.08 % nascus spp., and marine-sourced algae (i.e., I. foliacea) are high-
± 3.07 %, respectively). Notably, the cell viability and enzymatic lighted as the potential candidates for skin hyperpigmentation
activity of kojic acid-treated cells were 92.70 % ± 1.63 % and treatment. Some of the plants and algae summarized in this

▶ Table 3 Biological activities and potential of fungus and marine algae extracts for skin hyperpigmentation treatment.

Name Active Study Reference

Scientific Common Enzyme inhibition Cell culture
A. alternata var. alteronol (93) antimelanogenesis in B16F1 [71]
monosporus and B16F10
L. polychorus laccase melanin decolorization [72]
M. spp. angkak glutamic acid (94), 1-amino- mushroom TYR antimelanogenesis in B16F10 [73, 74]
2-propanol (95) by TYR, TRP-1, and TRP-2
I. foliacea octaphlorethol A (96) antimelanogenesis in B16F10 [75]
by TYR, MITF, and p38
suppressions, enhance ERK
and JNK
S. polycystum sargassum saponins, flavonoids, tannins, mushroom TYR antimelanogenesis in B16F10 [76]
weed terpenoids, phenolics, by anti-TYR
sugars, amino acids, amines
U. pinnatifida wakame antimelanogenesis in B16F10 [77]
by TYR and MITF suppressions

1000 Kanlayavattanakul M, Lourith N. Plants and Natural … Planta Med 2018; 84: 988–1006
▶ Table 4 Commercializing herbal extracts for skin hyperpigmentation treatment.

Herbs/INCI name Trade name Supplier Use level (%)

A. millefolium Alpaflor Gigawhite DSM
Vegewhite Sensient Cosmetic
A. chinensis fruit Botanykem Kiwifruit Berkem
Synerlight 2 Gattefossé 0.5–3
Gatuline Spot-Light 3
Morechem Kiwi Extract Morecherm
A. polygama fruit Nikkol Silver Vine Extract BG30 Nikkol
A. vulgaris Alpaflor Gigawhite DSM
A. speciosa leaf Nikkol Alpinia Leaf Extract BG Nikkol

This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited.
A. paniculata leaf Actives International ViaPure Andrographis Actives International 0.1–0.2
A. polymorpha root QS anti–inflammatory formula Fenchem
A. uva-ursi Herbalia Bearberry BASF
Vegewhite Sensient Cosmetic
A. uva ursi leaf Bearberry Extract Carrubba
Melfade J DSM 1–8
Bearberry Dry Extract Uva Ursi 20 % GfN-Selco 0.3–1
Depigmentation Factor 2 U Lipoid Kosmetik
Etioline Sederma (Croda International Group)
A. catechu seed Areca Catechu Extract Bioland 1–3
A. capillaris Nikkol Botanical Extract Complex B Nikkol
A. heterophyllus seed Whitessence Lucas Meyer Cosmetics 0.5–2
B. roxburghii seed Lightime Be Ephyla 1
B. vulgaris Morechem Bamboo Extract Morechem
B. perennis flower Belides NP CLR Berlin 2–5
B. pilosa Revinage Chemyunion Quimica 1–2
B. napus seedcake Achromaxyl ISR biofunctional Ashland Specialty Chemical
B. pekinensis root VITA GENESIS WHITE Vitalab 0.5
B. papyrifera bark Paper Mulberry Extract Carruba
C. vulgaris Vegewhite Sensient Cosmetic
C. sinensis Herbalia Green Tea BASF
C. sinensis leaf Green OL Morechem
C. tinctorius bud Natural TSC Natural Solution
C. papaya Actipone Green Papaya GW Symrise
C. aurantium flower ORGANIC ORANGE BLOSSOM DISTILLATE Biocosmethic
C. aurantium fruit Orange Extract Morechem
C. limon fruit Flashwhite Unispheres Induchem 0.5–2
C. paradisi fruit/seed FULL BRIGHT EX. Morlab 2–3
C. unshiu fruit Mandarin Extract Morechem
C. armoracia root Actiphyte Horseradish Active Organics 5–10
C. arabica seed GREEN COFFEA VITA Vitalab 0.5
C. sativus Extrapone Saffron Symrise
C. sativus Flashwhite Unispheres Induchem 0.5–2
C. longa BioNatural Tumeric Root BioOrganic Concepts
C. rotundus Actipone Nutgrass (Motha) Root GW Symrise
D. villosa root Herbex Wild Yam Extract Biospectrum
D. carota root FULLBRIGHT EX. Morlab 2–3

Kanlayavattanakul M, Lourith N. Plants and Natural … Planta Med 2018; 84: 988–1006 1001

▶ Table 4 Continued

Herbs/INCI name Trade name Supplier Use level (%)

E. euineensis Revinage Chemyunion Quimica 1–2
E. canadensis flower Jeju Cana Biospectrum
E. elatior flower Ginger Torch Naturex
F. foetida root NAB Asafetida Extract Lonza
G. hederacea ActivGH ActivON
G. glabra root BIO-OSLP Bioland 0.05–0.2
Bio-SWF Bioland 0.5–1
Herbex Licorice Extract Biospectrum
PHYTODERMINA WHITENING I. R. A. Istituto Ricerche 5–10

This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited.
Nikkol Botanical Extract Complex B Nikkol
Nikkol Polyol Soluble Licorice Extract Nikkol
Nikkol Aqua Licorice Nikkol
Vegewhite Sensient Cosmetic
SMACTIV SMA Collaboratives
Whitesphere Premium XP Soliance
G. herbaceum seed Revinage Chemyunion Quimica 1–2
H. sabdariffa flower Hibiscus Exfoliator Lessonia
H. rhamnoides Actipone Sea Buckthorn GW Symrise
H. lupulus Wonderlight Sederma (Croda International Group) 3
I. britannica flower Morechem Elecampane Extract Morechem
L. sibirica wood SIBWHITE Biocosmethic
L. sativum sprout SulforaWhite Mibelle Biochemistry 2–5
Delentigo Mibelle Biochemistry 2–6
L. usitatissimum seed Revinage Chemyunion Quimica 1–2
L. citriodora Allplant Essence Organic Verbena Symrise
L. chinense fruit Morechem Goji Berry Extract Morechem
M. officinalis Extrapone Magnolia GW Symrise
M. officinalis bark QS anti-inflammatory formula Fenchem
M. sylvestris Alpaflor Gigawhite DSM
M. indica fruit MelanʼoWhite ID bio
M. officinalis leaf Alpaflor Gigawhite DSM
M. aquatica Extrapone Watermint P Symrise
M. piperita leaf Alpaflor Gigawhite DSM
M. scaber Etioline Sederma (Croda International Group)
M. alba root Cosme-Phytami Mulberry (white) tree Alban Muller International
Bio-SWF Bioland 0.5–1
Nikkol Botanical Extract Complex B Nikkol
Perperse Incorporated-Mulberry Root Extract Persperse 0.5–1
M. alba leaf Herbex Mullberry Extract Biospectrum
M. alba fruit FULL BRIGHT EX. Morlab 2–3
M. dubia fruit CAMU-CAMU VITANEY C Neyber
N. alba flower Sepicalm VG Seppic
O. europaea leaf ILLUMISCIN Rahn 3–7
O. vulgare Allplant Essence Organic Oregano Symrise
P. erosus Actipone Bengkoang Symrise
P. suffruticosa bark Peony Root Extract Morechem

1002 Kanlayavattanakul M, Lourith N. Plants and Natural … Planta Med 2018; 84: 988–1006
▶ Table 4 Continued

Herbs/INCI name Trade name Supplier Use level (%)

P. maritimum Neurolight.61 G Codif 1.5
P. tectorius fruit Pandanas (wild pinneapple) Lucas Meyer Cosmetics
P. densiflora pollen Pine Pollen Extract Morechem
P. sativum Actiwhite LS 9808 Laboratoires Serobiologiques 2–3
P. tenax flower Jeju Lily Biospectrum
P. emblica fruit Premier Amla Super Premier Specialties
P. lanceolata leaf Senestem Sederma (Croda International Group)
P. cuspidatum Herbex Resverol 0.5 Extract Biospectrum
P. veris Alpaflor Gigawhite DSM

This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited.
P. persica leaf Bio-SWF Bioland 0.5–1
P. granatum Herbex Pomegranate Extract Biospectrum
P. granatum flower Pomegranate flower Naturex
R. rhaponticum root Unilucent PA-13 Induchem 0.5–1
R. officinalis leaf Herbex Rosemary Extract Biospectrum
R. occidentalis Tyrostat Lucas Meyer Cosmetics 1–3
S. chinensis Saururus Chinensis Extract Morechem
S. baicalensis root Nikkol Botanical Extract Complex B Nikkol
Vegewhite Sensient Cosmetic
S. angustifolia root Synerlight 2 Gattefossé 0.5–3
S. flavescens root Gatuline Spot-Light Gattefossé 3
S. japonica Vegewhite Sensient Cosmetic
T. officinale Extrapone Dandelion Symrise
T. chebula Ellagic Acid Sabinsa
T. aestivum Axolight Soliance
T. pratense NioSkin RCL40 Linnea
V. officinalis Alpaflor Gigawhite DSM
Z. jujuba fruit Nikkol Botanical Extract Complex B Nikkol

▶ Table 5 Commercializing microorganism extracts for skin hyperpigmentation treatment.

Microorganism/INCI name Trade name Supplier Use level (%)

Aspergillus sp. PHYTODERMINA WHITENING I. R. A. Istituto Ricerche 5–10
D. membranacea 3M3.WHITERIS G Codif 3
H. fusiforme Hijiki Extract Morechem
L. digitata Seanergilium BG BASF
L. edodes Herbex Shiidake Extract Biospectrum
P. sajor-caju ViaFerm White Actives International 2
U. pinnatifida KIMARINE Gelyma
Wakamine 1 % Naturactiva
Wakamine XP
Whitesphere Premium XP Soliance

Kanlayavattanakul M, Lourith N. Plants and Natural … Planta Med 2018; 84: 988–1006 1003

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