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Revised October 1995 Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Ferrous Alloys • FfiAH

Author J. Robert Kattus 17-4PH

1. General by the fabricator or user. Ex¬

ceptions to this practice can be
17-4PH, a martensitic stainless steel, is produced in made for material to be cold Fe
worked, which may be sup¬
the form of wrought, cast, and powder-metal prod¬
ucts. It offers a good combination of high strength, plied in the overaged condi¬ 17. Cr
toughness, corrosion resistance, and weldability. In tion (HI150 or H1150-M) for
addition, it can be fabricated in the relatively soft so¬ ease of forming; for such prod¬ 4.0 Ni
lution-treated condition and then precipitation hard¬ ucts as well as for those that
ened to a wide range of mechanical properties by an are hot worked, welded, or 4.0 Cu
aging treatment in the range of 900F to 1150F. brazed, it is necessary to fully
Strengthening is achieved by martensitic transforma¬ solution treat and age harden
tion (when air-cooled from its solution temperature of in order to obtain optimum properties in the final
1900F) and subsequent aging at 900F to 1075F, which product. Although the solution-treated (Condition A)
induces the precipitation of small coherent copper- alloy has performed satisfactorily in a number of ap¬
rich particles. At higher aging temperatures plications, precipitation hardening is recommended
overaging occurs by the precipitation of incoherent for critical applications because it provides optimum
larger copper-rich particles resulting in lower combinations of strength, toughness, and resistance to
strength and hardness. The alloy retains useful stress corrosion cracking. For castings, a homogeniza-
strength at temperatures up to about 900F; like other tion treatment at 2100F and air cool to below 90F prior
martensitic steels, it undergoes a ductile-brittle transi¬ to the solution treatment can significantly benefit me¬
tion at subzero temperatures. Some typical applica¬ chanical properties, particularly ductility and tough¬
tions are aircraft and missile fittings, fasteners, gears, ness, and can help to ensure compliance with
jet engine parts, valve parts, turbine blades, pump minimum specification requirements. (Refs. 2-4, 49,
shafts, chemical process equipment, nuclear reactor 51, 52, 70)
components, and paper mill equipment. (Refs. 2, 4, 22, [Table] Heat treatments for 17-4PH.
1.5.2 During the aging treatment a predictable dimensional
1.1 Commercial Designation change occurs, ranging from contractions of 0.0004-
0.0006 in./in. for the H900 treatment to 0.0008-0.0010
in./in. for the H1150 treatment. (Refs. 20, 21, 23)

1.2 Alternate Designations 1.5.3 Electric furnaces or gas-fired radiant-tube furnaces are
AISI Type 630, CB-7Cu-l (ACI designation for cast¬ generally used for heat treating 17-4PH. Air has
ings), UNS S17400 (wrought), UNS J92200 (castings), proved to be a satisfactory furnace atmosphere for so¬
UNS SI7480 (welding wire), UNS W37410 (covered lution treating and age hardening. Controlled reduc¬
welding electrodes). ing atmospheres such as dissociated ammonia or
bright annealing gas introduce the hazard of nitriding
1.3 Specifications and carburizing or decarburizing. Bright solution
1.3.1 [Table] AMS, ASTM, and MIL specifications. treating may be accomplished in hydrogen, argon, or
helium atmosphere (dew-point approximately -65F),
1.4 Composition but these atmospheres, generally, are not useful at the
1.4.1 [Table] AMS specified compositions. aging temperatures because of the extremely low
dew-point required. Heat treating in a vacuum can
1.5 Heat Treatment provide freedom from scale and heat discoloration.
1.5.1 For optimum properties, 17-4PH should be precipita¬ Solution treatment in molten salts is not recom¬
tion hardened, which requires a solution treatment at mended because of the danger of carburization and
1900F plus aging at a temperature in the range 900 to intergranular penetration. However, age hardening
1150F. Generally, maximum strength and hardness (900 to 1150F) has been successfully accomplished in a
are obtained with a 900F aging treatment (identified few of the hydride or nitrate salts. (Ref. 23)
as Condition H900), but ductility, toughness, machin- 1.5.4 Thorough cleaning prior to heat treatment facilitates
ability, and resistance to stress corrosion increase as scale removal and prevents carburization from surface
strength and hardness decrease with increasing aging contamination such as oils or other lubricants. The fol¬
temperature up to a maximum of 1150F. Wrought lowing procedure has proved to be effective: first, va¬
products are usually supplied by the manufacturer in por degrease or solvent clean to remove oil, grease,
the solution-treated condition (Condition A), and pre¬ and drawing lubricants; second, mechanically scrub
cipitation hardened (aged) to the desired properties with mild abrasive cleaners to remove dirt and other
insoluble materials; finally, warm-water rinse to re¬
This section produced with the support of NASA-Lewis Research Center. move the remains of the cleaners. (Ref. 23)

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FeAH • Ferrous Alloys Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Revised October 1995

1.6 Hardness rial into the desired shape. Before sintering, the
(See also Table binder is removed by one of two methods: one con¬
sists of two stages in which the part is first processed
1.6.1 [Table] Hardness of wrought products and castings in
in a solvent extraction unit, which removes a portion
various heat-treated conditions.
of the binder; subsequently, the remainder of the
1.6.2 [Figure] Effects of long-time exposures at 700F and binder is burned out in an oven; the second method
900F on room-temperature hardness of bar in three employs an evaporative technique in which the
heat-treated conditions. binder is designed to provide reasonable rheology
and stability in molding yet can be rapidly evapo¬
1.7 Forms and Conditions Available rated from the green body under proper thermal con¬
1.7.1 Wrought Products. The alloy is available in the form ditions. Sintering is carried out at temperatures and
of sheet, strip, plate, billets, bars, wire, forgings, tube, controlled atmospheres similar to those used for con¬
and welding wires and electrodes. Wrought forms are ventional powder-metal parts, after which the desired
normally supplied by the mills in the solution-treated heat treatment is applied. Injection molding permits
condition (ConditionA), ready for fabrication and production of denser, stronger, more uniform, and
subsequent hardening by the user. For other condi¬ more complex powder-metal parts than conventional
tions, special arrangements may be made with the press and sinter. (Refs. 54, 58)
mills. (Refs. 49, 50, 55) In both powder-metal processes, the parts shrink in
1.7.2 Castings. Available as sand castings, investment cast¬ proportion to the increase in density that occurs dur¬
ings, and centrifugal castings, which can be supplied ing sintering. The molds are sized to compensate for
in Condition A or in one of the hardened or overaged this shrinkage. If necessary and practical, the density
conditions as specified by the user. (Ref. 51) and mechanical properties of powder-metal parts, in
1.7.3 Powder-Metal Products. Powder-metal products of general, can be increased by a hot isostatic pressure
17-4PH are produced by both the conventional press- (HIP) treatment applied to the as-sintered parts, that is
and-sinter method and the more recently developed prior to heat treatment. (See Fig. (Refs. 58, 60)
metal-injection-molding process. These processes are [Table] Comparison of properties of wrought,
attractive for certain types of parts (normally rela¬ cast, and powder-metal (P/M) products.
tively small and intricate), which can be made to final
or nearly final shapes, thus eliminating or reducing 1.8 Melting and Casting Practice
scrap metal and secondary machining and assembly Although 17-4PH is generally air-melted in electric-
operations. On the other hand, they normally retain a arc furnaces, consumable-electrode vacuum arc re-
certain amount of porosity, which results in some¬ melted (VAC CE) material is also available for
what lower density and mechanical properties than aerospace and other applications requiring optimum
wrought and cast products. (See Table mechanical properties. Induction melting in air or
vacuum is also used, primarily in the production of
In the conventional process, suitable powder is mixed
or blended along with a lubricant such as zinc stear-
castings. (Ref. 21)
ate or stearic acid. The mixture is then compacted in a 1.9 Special Considerations
steel die under controlled pressure into the desired
shape with sufficient "green" strength to avoid dam¬ 1.9.1 In common with most high-strength steels, the ductil¬
age during ejection from the die and during normal ity of wrought products in the transverse and short-
handling between compacting and sintering. Prior to transverse orientations is significantly inferior to that in
sintering, the lubricant is burned off at about 800- the longitudinal orientation, the differences being more
1000F, after which the compact is sintered in a protec¬ pronounced in conjunction with the lower aging tem¬
tive atmosphere, normally at a temperature in the peratures. (See Table 3.1.1 and (Refs. 23, 35)
range of 2100 to 2300F. After the sintering operation, 1.9.2 The transverse orientation of bar and the short-trans¬
the desired heat treatment is applied. The mechanical verse orientation of plate are lower in fatigue strength
properties of the product tend to increase with in¬ than the longitudinal orientation. (Ref. 24)
creasing sintered (final) density; the density increases 1.9.3 In all age-hardened conditions, long-time exposure at
with increasing compacting pressure and increasing
temperatures of 700 to 900F cause sharp decreases in
sintering temperature. (Refs. 56, 57, 59) room-temperature impact strength. (See Table
With injection molding much finer powders are used; (Ref. 23)
particle size is about 10 microns rather than 100 mi¬ 1.9.4 Material in the solution-treated condition (Condition
crons as in the conventional process. Large quantities
A) is generally not recommended for critical applica¬
of thermoplastic binders are used to permit injection tions since the microstructure consists of untempered
molding into dies by means of conventional plastic martensite, which is relatively low in ductility and in
molding equipment, which molds the feedstock mate¬ resistance to stress corrosion and hydrogen embrittle-

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Revised October 1995 Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Ferrous Alloys • FeAH

ment. Heat treating to any of the age-hardened condi¬ 2.1.3 Thermal Conductivity.
tions (H conditions) has a dual effect: the martensite is [Figure] Thermal conductivity from 200F to
tempered at the same time that precipitation harden¬ 2500F.
ing occurs. Thus, the combination of strength, ductil¬
ity, toughness, hardness, and resistance to stress 2.1.4 Thermal Expansion.
corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement is improved. [Figure] Thermal expansion from -100F to
(Refs. 24, 55) 900F.
1.9.5 Whereas the mechanical properties of the cast and pow¬ 2.1.5 Specific Heat. 0.11 Btu per (lb-F) from 32F to 212F.
der-metal products are generally inferior to wrought (Refs. 21,49,51)
material, they can be improved by hot isostatic press¬
2.1.6 Thermal Diffusivity.
ing. (See Figures and (Refs. 60, 61)
1.9.6 17-4PH is susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement by 2.2 Other Physical Properties
galvanically introduced hydrogen or by exposure to 2.2.1 Density.
pressurized hydrogen gas. (See Section 2.3.3) [Table] Density in various heat-treated condi¬
1.9.7 Close control of temperature is important in solution tions.
treatment. Below 1900F, copper (the hardening ele¬
2.2.2 Electrical Properties.
ment) is not completely dissolved, which results in
less-than-optimum strength after the age-hardening [Table] Electrical properties of sheet and bar in
treatment. Solution treatment at temperatures appre¬ various heat-treated conditions.
ciably above 1900F causes excessive grain growth, re¬ 2.2.3 Magnetic Properties. The alloy is magnetic.
sulting in deficiencies in ductility and toughness in the [Table] Magnetic permeability in various heat-
aged condition. (Ref. 23)
treated conditions.
1.9.8 The AMS specifications on castings require that "cast¬
2.2.4 Emittance.
ings shall not be peened, plugged, welded, or repaired
by other methods without written permission from 2.2.5 Damping Capacity.
purchaser." (Refs. 27-31)
2.3 Chemical Environments
2.3.1 General Corrosion. In rural and mild industrial atmo¬
2. Physical Properties and Environmental spheres, 17-4PH in all heat-treated conditions has ex¬
Effects cellent resistance to general corrosion, equivalent to
Type 304 stainless steel. When exposed to seacoast at¬
2.1 Thermal Properties mospheres it gradually develops over-all light rusting
and pitting, its resistance under such conditions being
2.1.1 Melting Range, 2550 to 2625F. (Ref. 5)
slightly inferior to Type 304 but much better than the
2.1.2 Phase Changes. standard hardenable (martensitic) stainless steels. It is Time-temperature-transformation diagrams well suited for many dynamic marine applications
such as valve parts and pump and propeller shafting. When 17-4PH is heated, the martensite micro- However, like other stainless steels, 17-4PH is subject
structure, which is stable at low temperatures, to crevice attack in stagnant seawater; if equipment
begins to transform to austenite at about 1160F exposed to seawater is not operated continuously, ca-
and transformation is complete at 1300F. With thodic protection is desirable to prevent such attack.
further increases in temperatures, the copper (Refs. 6, 36, 37, 47, 49)
dispersed in the matrix goes into solution in
the austenite, the solution becoming complete Welds are subject to heat-affected-zone corrosion un¬
at 1900F. Upon cooling from 1900F, transfor¬ less a postweld fuU solution and aging treatment is
mation from austenite to martensite starts at carried out. (Ref. 36)
approximately 270F and is complete when 90F In pressurized water at temperatures from 500 to 600F,
is reached. This martensite is supersaturated 17-4PH corrodes at a rate comparable to other marten¬
with copper. Aging at 900F to about 1075F pre¬ sitic and ferritic stainless steels, which is about five
cipitates an extremely fine coherent copper- times faster than austenitic stainless steels but only
rich phase within the martensite resulting in one tenth as fast as low-carbon and low-alloy steels.
excellent combinations of strength and tough¬ (Ref. 10)
ness. At llOOF to 1160F overaging occurs, In aerospace application, Type 17-4PH has been used
which is characterized by the precipitation of for tanks, thrust chambers, fins, fuel-line elements,
larger incoherent copper-rich particles and de¬ control shafts, and other components exposed to vari¬
creased strength and hardness but increased ous fuels and oxidizers. These include oxygen, hydro-
ductility. (Refs. 18, 23, 73)

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FeAH • Ferrous Alloys Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Revised October 1995

gen, nitrogen tetroxide, red fuming nitric acid, anhy¬ b. Welded + solution treated + aged to Conditions
drous ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, hydrazine, and H1025, H1075, HI150
unsymetncal dimethyl hydrazine (UDMH). Except for c. Solution treated + welded + aged to Conditions
long-time containment of hydrogen peroxide, the al¬ HI025, H1075, HI100
loy is suitable for storage as well as short-time usage
in conjunction with these substances. (Ref. 23) Careful examination showed no evidence of stress
corrosion cracking in any of the test specimens after
Whereas the overall corrosion resistance of 17-4PH one year in test. (Ref. 49)
and Type 304 stainless steels are generally considered
to be comparable, their resistances to certain specific Laboratory tests in synthetic sour well solution (5 per¬
chemical media can vary significantly depending cent sodium chloride + 0.5 percent acetic acid satu¬
upon concentration and temperature. rated with hydrogen sulfide) in accordance with
NACE Test Method TM-01-77 show that for best resis¬ [Table] Comparison of typical corrosion rates tance to this aggressive medium, 17-4PH should be ei¬
for Types 17-4PH and 304 stainless steels in ther in Condition H1150-M or aged at 1150F for two
several chemical media. four-hour periods. In either of these heat-treated con¬
2.3.2 Stress Corrosion. In salt-water and marine environ¬ ditions, it is considered acceptable for use in sour (sul¬
ments, 17-4PH in Condition H900 is susceptible to stress fide) service. (Ref. 49)
corrosion cracking; but when hardened at temperatures 2.3.3 Hydrogen Effects. Hydrogen embrittlement is a po¬
of 1025F and above, the alloy is much more resistant. For tential threat to 17-4PH, as well as to all other high-
maximum resistance to chloride stress corrosion crack¬
strength martensitic steels, wherever the reduction of
ing, 17-4PH should be hardened at the highest aging hydrogen ions to atomic hydrogen may occur. Com¬
temperature that will yield required properties, but not mon examples are acid pickling, aqueous corrosion,
less than 1025F. (Refs. 2, 23, 38, 40-42, 49) electroplating, and galvanic coupling with less noble [Table] Effects of heat-treat condition and ap¬ metals. Table shows the deleterious effects of
plied stress on time to stress corrosion failure galvanic coupling with less noble metals on Kiscc in
of bent-beam strip.specimens exposed to ma¬ salt water. The adverse effect of the coupling on resis¬
rine environment at Kure Beach, NC. tance to stress-corrosion cracking is due to the gal¬ [Table] Comparison of tensile properties for vanic formation and absorption of atomic hydrogen at
various heat-treated conditions with critical the surface of the 17-4PH, which functions as the cath¬
stress intensity levels for stress corrosion ode while the less noble metal functions as the anode.
Practical experience indicates that, for most condi¬
cracking in salt water.
tions of use, 17-4PH has adequate resistance to hydro¬
In a study of the effects of welding, bent-beam speci¬ gen embrittlement. Where the problem is acute and
mens consisting of 17-4PH base and weld metals were strength requirements permit, it should be aged at
stressed at 90 percent of F|y and exposed to a marine temperatures of 1100F or higher to obtain optimum
atmosphere at Kure Beach, NC. The test samples were resistance. (Refs. 16, 36, 39, 40, 49)
divided into three groups, each in Conditions H900,
H1025, H1075, and H1150: In one investigation of hydrogen embrittlement (Ref.
53), tensile and impact specimens that had been ma¬
a. Not welded (solution treated + aged) chined from 17-4PH Condition A bar were aged to
b. Solution treated + welded + aged several hardened conditions and then cathodically
c. Welded + solution treated + aged
charged with hydrogen for up to 24 hours in a solu¬
tion of sulfuric acid and arsenic trioxide at a current
All specimens in Condition H900 cracked due to stress density of 58 mA/sq. in. When tested immediately
corrosion in 68 days or less, regardless of whether after charging, the specimens showed marked de¬
welded or not. None of the others failed after more creases in tensile strength and ductility (reduction of
that 25 years in test. (Ref. 49) In addition, welded area) for the higher-strength conditions but much less
specimens were made by fusing 2-in.-diameter 17-4PH significant effects for the lower-strength conditions.
circular weld beads onto one face of l/4-in.-thick Except for Condition A, the notch-impact properties
plate. After welding and final heat treatment, the sur¬ were not significantly affected by hydrogen charging,
faces were ground to a smooth finish. The residual probably because of the very high strain rate. The ad¬
stresses caused by welding can approach or exceed verse effect on the notch-impact properties of the
the yield strength of the steel. These specimens were Condition A material is attributed to the fact that its
exposed to quiet sea water. The welding and heat- microstructure of untempered martensite is highly
treat conditions were as follows: sensitive to hydrogen embrittlement.
a. Solution treated + aged to Conditions H1025, [Figure] Impact energy of specimens ma¬
HI075, HI150 + welded chined from bar, heat treated to various con-

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Revised October 1995 Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Ferrous Alloys • FeAH

ditions, and tested as-heat-treated and also percent increase in the magnetic permeability of the
tested immediately after cathodic hydrogen material in Condition H900. The 4 x 1019 NVT expo¬
charging for 16 hours. sure increased the hardness from 34 to 50 Rÿ; for Con¬ [Figure] Ultimate tensile strength of speci¬ dition A and from 43 to 46 for Condition H900. (Ref.
mens machined from bar, heat-treated to
various conditions, and tested immediately
after cathodic hydrogen charging for various
lengths of time.
3. Mechanical Properties [Figure] Tensile ductility (percent reduction of 3.1 Specified Mechanical Properties
area) of specimens machined from bar, heat
treated to various conditions, and tested im¬ 3.1.1 [Table] AMS specified mechanical properties for
mediately after cathodic hydrogen charging wrought products.
for various lengths of time. 3.1.2 [Table] AMS specified mechanical properties for in¬
In order to evaluate the reversibility of hydrogen vestment, sand, and centrifugal castings.
charging, additional charged tensile specimens were 3.2 Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature
tested after they had been held for various periods of
time rather that tested immediately after charging. In 3.2.1 Tension Stress-Strain Diagrams and Tensile
these tests a 40-hour holding period at room tempera¬ Properties.
ture resulted in recovery of about 50 percent from the [Figure] Stress-strain curves for bar in three
embrittling effects of a 16-hour charging time; the ef¬ heat-treated conditions.
fects of longer holding periods were not reported. [Figure] Effect of aging treatment on tensile
However, baking at 400F for four hours produced full
properties of wrought products at room tem¬
recovery. These test results suggest that the damaging
effects of hydrogen absorbed into 17-4PH during pro¬
duction operations, such as pickling and electroplat¬ [Figure] Effect of aging treatment on tensile
ing, may be ameliorated naturally during the time properties of castings at room temperature.
period prior to service installation or may be com¬ [Figure] Effects of long-time exposure at 700F
pletely eliminated by a mild baking treatment. How¬ on room-temperature tensile properties of bar
ever, hydrogen absorbed during service, for example in three heat-treated conditions.
due to aqueous corrosion, galvanic coupling to a less
noble metal, or simply exposure to pressurized hy¬ / Figure] Effects of long-time exposure at 900F
on room-temperature properties of bar in
drogen may create more serious problems; under
three heat-treated conditions.
these conditions hydrogen damage tends to decrease
as the aging temperature, applied during prior heat [Figure] Effects of short exposure times at
treatment, increases within the normal range. (Refs. high temperatures on room-temperature ten¬
53, 64) sile properties of sheet in Condition H900.
Solution treatment at 1900F in air creates a tight oxide [Figure] Effects of 30-second exposures at
surface skin about 0.0001-in. thick plus a loose flaky temperatures from 1000F to 2000F on room-
outer scale. If the outer scale is removed, for example temperature properties of sheet in Condition
by a mild abrasive, the intact inner skin provides ef¬ H1150.
fective mitigation of hydrogen absorption and result¬ [Table] Comparison of longitudinal and trans¬
ing embrittlement. Of course, this benefit of an oxide verse tensile properties of plate and bar.
skin is obviated if non-oxidizing solution atmospheres
are used or if the skin is removed by full surface clean¬ Tensile properties of powder-metal products.
ing (Section 4.4.1) or by machining. The much lighter (See Table and Figures and
oxide skin developed during aging treatments has little
or no effect on hydrogen absorption. Sputtered surface 3.2.2 Compression Stress-Strain Diagrams and Compres¬
films of aluminum oxide, less that 0.00001-in. thick, sion Properties. (See Figures and
also provide effective protection against hydrogen ab¬
3.2.3 Impact.
sorption and embrittlement. (Ref. 74) IFigure] Effects of aging temperature on
2.4 Nuclear Environments room-temperature Charpy V-notch impact
Nuclear irradiation described as "water loop at 450F, properties of wrought bar and castings.
3 months at 4 x 1019 and 3 x 1019 NVT (thermal)" pro¬ [Table] Effects of exposures of 1000 and 2000
duced no changes in the density or dimensions of hours at 700F, 800F, and 900F on room-tem¬
17-4PH in Conditions A and H900; it produced a 4 perature Izod impact properties.

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FeAH • Ferrous Alloys Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Revised October 1995

3.2.4 Bending [Figure] Low-temperature tensile properties of

3.2.5 Torsion and Shear. investment castings in Condition H1150-M. [Figure] Effects of aging temperature on room- 3.3.2 Compression Stress-Strain Diagrams - Compression
temperature shear strength determined on Properties.
pin-type double-shear specimens. [Figure] Compressive stress-strain curves for [Table] Torsional strength of bar in various bar at room temperature and elevated tem¬
heat-treated conditions. peratures.

3.2.6 Bearing. [Figure] Effect of elevated temperatures on

compressive strength of bar. [Figure] Effects of aging treatment on bearing
properties at room temperature. 3.3.3 Impact.

3.2.7 Stress Concentration. [Figure] Low-temperature impact properties of

bar and forgings in several overaged condi¬ Notch Properties. tions. [Table] Comparison of smooth and [Figure] Low-temperature impact properties of
notched tensile properties. bar in various heat-treated conditions. Fracture toughness. [Figure] Low-temperature impact properties of [Table] Fracture toughness of bar in castings in an overaged condition.
several heat-treated conditions. Injection-molded powder products.
3.2.8 Combined Loading. (See Figure

3.3 Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures 3.3.4 Bending.

3.3.5 Torsion and Shear.

3.3.1 Tension Stress-Strain Diagrams and Tensile Properties. 3.3.6 Bearing. [Figure] Tensile stress-strain curves for bar at [Figure] Effect of elevated temperatures on
room and elevated temperatures. bearing properties. [Figure] Complete tensile stress-strain curves 3.3.7 Stress Concentration.
for bar at room and cryogenic temperatures. Notch properties. [Figure] Effects of elevated temperatures on [Figure] Comparison of low-tem¬
tensile properties of bar in five heat-treated perature notch tensile strength with
conditions. ultimate tensile strength of bar in [Figure] Effects of elevated.temperatures on two overaged conditions.
tensile properties of bar in Condition H900. [Figure] Comparison of low-tem¬ [Figure] Effects of elevated temperatures on perature notch tensile strength with
tensile properties of plate. ultimate tensile strength of invest¬
ment casting in Condition H1150-M. [Figure] Effects of long-time exposures at 700F
on tensile properties at 700F of bar in three Fracture toughness.
heat-treated conditions. [Figure] Comparison of low-tem¬ [Figure] Effects of long-time exposures at 900F perature tensile and fracture-tough¬
on tensile properties at 900F of bar in three ness properties of plate in Condition
heat-treated conditions. H900. [Figure] Tensile properties at room and el¬ 3.3.8 Combined Properties.
evated temperatures after exposures up to
3.4 Creep and Creep Rupture
7000 hours at 600F and 750F of sheet initially
in Condition H1150. 3.4.1 [Figure] Creep and rupture curves for bar at 700F,
900F, and HOOF. [Figure] Tensile properties of sheet at tempera¬
tures from 1000F to 2000F after exposures of 3.4.2 [Figure] Effects of temperature on stress to cause creep
30 seconds at test temperature. rupture in 100 and 1000 hours for bar in various heat-
treated conditions. [Figure] Low-temperature tensile properties of
bar in various heat-treated conditions. 3.4.3 [Figure] Creep-rupture curves at 600 to 800F for
smooth and notched bars in Condition H1000.

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Revised October 1995 Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Ferrous Alloys • FeAH

3.4.4 [Figure] Creep-rupture curves at 300 to 800F for [Figure] Poisson's Ratio of overaged casting
smooth and notched bars in Condition H1100. determined by ultrasonic technique at tem¬
peratures from -45 to 1465F.
3.5 Fatigue Properties
3.6.2 Modulus of Elasticity.
3.5.1 Conventional High-Cycle Fatigue. [Figure] Effects of elevated temperatures on [Figure] Fatigue properties of smooth and static modulus of elasticity in both tension
notched bars at room temperature and and compression.
elevated temperatures. [Figure] Dynamic modulus of elasticity of [Figure] Fatigue properties of bar in Condi¬ overaged casting at temperatures from -45 to
tions H900 and H1050 at room temperature. 1465F. [Figure] Effects of stress ratio (R) on fatigue 3.6.3 Modulus of Rigidity.
properties of forged bar in longitudinal and [Table] Modulus of rigidity for various heat-
transverse orientations at room temperature.
treated conditions. [Table] Rotating beam fatigue strength at 107
and 108 cycles of bar in various heat-treated [Figure] Dynamic modulus of rigidity of
conditions. overaged casting at temperatures from -45 to
1465F. [Figure] Fatigue properties of smooth and
notched specimens in air and brackish water 3.6.4 Tangent Modulus.
at room temperature. [Figure] Tangent modulus curves in compres¬ [Figure] Effects of chloride environment and sion at room and elevated temperatures.
shot peening on the fatigue properties of bar. 3.6.5 Secant Modulus. [Figure] Effect of hot isostatic pressing (HIP),
4-hr. at 2050F in 15,000 psi argon, on fatigue
and tensile properties of investment castings.
4. Fabrication / Figure] Bending fatigue and other properties 4.1 Forming
of powder-metal products made by injection-
molding process. 4.1.1 Cold Forming. Because of its relatively high yield
strength, cold forming of 17-4PH is normally limited [Figure/ Effect of hot isostatic pressing (HIP), to mild operations. Test results indicate that for stretch
2-hr. at 2125F in 15,000 psi argon, on fatigue
forming and similar uniaxial methods an overaged
and other properties of powder products condition such as HI150 or H1150-M is preferable. In
made by injection molding. biaxial operations such as drawing, however, Condi¬
3.5.2 Low-Cycle Fatigue. tion A may be just as satisfactory as an overaged con¬
3.5.3 Fatigue Crack Propagation. dition. After cold forming, full solution-and-aging
heat treatment is recommended to develop the higher [Figure] Fatigue-crack growth rate as a func¬ strength levels. However, if an overaged condition
tion of stress-intensity-factor range in atmo¬ (H1150 or H1150-M) is desired in the final product
spheres of dry argon and humid argon. and the forming stock is initially in that condition, the [Figure] Fatigue-crack growth rate as a func¬ formed part may simply be re-aged to relieve residual
tion of stress-intensity-factor range with varia¬ stresses and restore toughness. (Ref. 49)
tions in melting practice, heat-treatment, and [Table] Minimum radius to make indicated
stress ratio (R). cold bend with no Assuring when viewed un¬ [Figure] Fatigue-crack growth rate as a function der lOx magnification.
of stress-intensity-factor range in air and in 4.1.2 Warm Forming. Type 17-4PH sheet and strip can be
flowing sea water with different applied nega¬ warm formed by first solution treating at 1900F and
tive electrochemical potentials and with varia¬ then forming during cooling from this temperature
tions in melting practice and heat treatment. while it is still austenitic. The preferred temperature [Figure] Effects of stress ratio (R) on fatigue- range for such forming is 650 to 900F. After subse¬
crack growth rate at low (near threshold) quent aging (hardening), the mechanical properties
stress-intensity levels. are comparable to those obtained by standard heat
treatments. (Ref. 20, 49)
3.6 Elastic Properties [Table] Tensile properties of sheet and strip
3.6.1 Poisson's Ratio, 0.291 at room temperature for all heat- warm stretch formed during cooling from
treated conditions. (Ref. 45) solution-treatment temperature (1900F) and
subsequently aged.
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FeAH • Ferrous Alloys Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Revised October 1995

4.1.3 Hot Forming. The alloy can be readily hot forged, is desirable since higher copper levels have been asso¬
headed, and upset within the temperature range 2200 ciated with under-bead cracking. (Refs. 22, 23, 50, 51,
to 1850F. For optimum grain size and mechanical 55, 65, 66, 75)
properties, hot-worked material should be cooled in [Table] Variations in tensile properties with
air to below 90F before further processing. For proper section size and postweld treatment for butt
hardening it must then be solution treated prior to the welds made by the manual-shielded-metal-arc
aging treatment. (Refs. 2, 21-23, 50) technique with 17-4PH electrodes.
4.2 Machining and Grinding [Table] Comparison of tensile properties of
Type 17-4PH can be machined in both the solution- sheet with those of sheet containing a trans¬
treated and age-hardened conditions. In the solution- verse butt weld made by automatic GTA tech¬
treated condition (Condition A), it machines similarly nique with 17-4PH weld wire.
to Type 302 and 304 stainless steels. After machining [Table] Tensile properties of sheet containing a
to final dimensions in this condition, one of the stan¬ transverse butt weld made by the GMA tech¬
dard aging treatments can be applied, for which tem¬ nique with 17-4PH weld wire.
peratures are low enough to obviate scaling and [Figure] Comparison of fatigue properties of
distortion. However, on large sections, allowance
base metal and shielded-metal-arc weldments
should be made for the predictable contraction on
fully heat treated after welding.
hardening (See Section 1.5.2). Generally, cutting rates
vary inversely with hardness, Condition H1150-M [Table] Tensile properties of flash-butt welds
providing optimum machinability. If material in this in bars.
condition is used for best machinability, subsequent 4.3.2 Satisfactory furnace-brazed joints in 17-4PH parts can
full solution and aging heat treatment is required to be made with nickel-base, copper-base, and silver-base
obtain higher mechanical properties. (Refs. 21, 50) brazing alloys. Where feasible, a brazing alloy should
4.2.1 [Table] Relative machinability of 17-4PH bar in various be selected that permits the use of a procedure that fits
heat-treated conditions. into the heat-treating cycle. (Ref. 23)

4.3 Joining 4.4 Surface Treating

4.3.1 Type 17-4PH has excellent weld ability. It can be 4.4.1 Cleaning. Scale from hot-working or solution-treating
welded with any of the usual electric-arc, resistance- operations can be removed by wet grit blasting or by a
welding, and electron-beam processes. For optimum duplex pickling procedure. One effective pickling
strength, 17r4PH filler metal is recommended in con¬ method requires 60 minutes in a caustic permanganate
junction with the electric-arc processes; when high bath at 160 to 180F, water rinse, and then 2 to 3 min¬
weld strength is not needed, a standard austenitic utes in 10 percent nitric-2 percent hydrofluoric acid so¬
filler such as 308L can be used. No preheat is required lution at 110 to 140F, followed by hot-water rinse with
for thicknesses up to about 4-in.; for thicker sections, high pressure or brush scrub. Light discoloration or
preheat and interpass temperatures of 200 to 500F are heat tint produced by aging treatments can be re¬
recommended. Condition A is a satisfactory condition moved by mechanical means such as wet grit blasting
prior to welding, but for heavy sections and highly or with a short pickle in 10 percent nitric-2 percent hy¬
restrained joints an overaged condition (H1100 or drofluoric acid (by volume) at 110-140F followed be
HI150) is preferred. After welding, a full solution and water rinse. Alternatively, heat tint may be removed
aging treatment is required to obtain optimum me¬ by a light electropolishing operation. Both the short
chanical properties. When material in Condition A is pickling and the electropolishing treatments also pas-
welded, however, postweld aging at 900 to 1150F sivate the surfaces for maximum corrosion resistance.
without solution treatment produces properties ap¬ (Refs. 23, 49, 50)
proaching those obtained by full postweld heat treat¬ 4.4.2 Nitriding. Whereas nitriding decreases the corrosion
ment in sections less than 1/2-in. thick but not in resistance of any stainless steel, it can be used when
heavier sections. When postweld solution treatment is increased resistance to galling and wear is required.
not feasible in weldments 1/2-in. and greater in thick¬ For example, nitriding has been used to case harden
ness, precipitation hardening at 1025F or less is sug¬ 17-4PH jet engine fuel pump shafts. Using the gas-
gested. The use of 17-4PH weldments in the as-welded phase method, case hardness of approximately 1ÿ67
condition is not recommended. Oxyacetylene welding can be obtained to a depth of about 0.005 in. This
is not advisable because of possible impairment of method of nitriding utilizes a temperature of about
both corrosion resistance and mechanical properties 1050F which, when applied to material initially in
caused by carbon pickup. For castings that are in¬ Condition A, results in a strong core with good tough¬
tended to be welded, copper content below 3.0 percent ness. (Refs. 21, 23)

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Revised October 1995 Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Ferrous Alloys • FcAH

Table 1.3.1 AMS, ASTM, and MIL specifications (Refs. 26-

35, 49, 51, 55)

Alloy 17-4PH

Specification Form

AMS 5643N Bars, Wire, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings

AMS 5604C Plate, Sheet, and Strip

AMS 5622B Wrought, Consumable Electrode Melted

AMS 5398D Sand and Centrifugal Castings

AMS 5355E Investment Castings

AMS 5342D Investment Castings, 130 ksi

AMS 5343D Investment Castings, 150 ksi

AMS 5344D Investment Castings, 180 ksi

AMS 5825E Welding Wire

AMS 5827D Covered Welding Electrodes

ASTM A 564 Bars and Shapes

ASTM A 693 Plate, Sheet, and Strip

ASTM A 705 Forgings

ASTM A 747 Castings

MIL-C-24111 Bars, Rod, and Forgings

MIL-S-81591 Castings

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FeAH • Ferrous Alloys Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Revised October 1995

Table 1.4.1 AMS specified compositions (Refs. 26-35)

Alloy 17-4PH

AMS Specifications. 5344D, 5342 D, 5343D, 5355E 5604C, 5643N, 5622B3 5827Da, 5825E

Form Investment Castb Wrought Weld Filler Metal

Percent Min. Max. Min. Mx. Min. Max.

Carbon - 0.06 - 0.07 - 0.05

Manganese - 0.70 - 1.00 0.25 0.75

Silicon 0.50 1.00 - 1.00 - 0.75

Phosphorus - 0.025 - 0.040 - 0.04

Sulfur - 0.025 - 0.030 - 0.03

Chromium 15.50 16.70 15.00 17.50 16.00 16.75

Nickel 3.60 4.60 3.00 5.00 4.50 5.00

Columbium 0.15 0.40 5XC 0.45c 0.15 0.30

Copper 2.80 3.50 3.00 5.00 3.25 4.00

Tantalum - 0.05 - - - -
Aluminum - 0.05 - - - -
Tin - 0.02 - - - -
Nitrogen - 0.05 - - - -

Molybdenum - - - 0.05 - 0.75

Iron Remainder Remainder Remainder

a AMS 5622B and S827D specify 0.025 percent maximum sulfur and phosphorus.

b AMS 5398D (Sand and Centrifugal Castings) is similar with the following minor exceptions: 0.04 maximum phosphorus, 0.03 maximum
sulfur, 2.50 to 3.20 copper, and 0.10 to 0.35 columbium plus tantalum.

0 Columbium plus tantalum.

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Revised October 1995 Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Ferrous Alloys • FeAH

Table Heat treatments for 17-4PH (Refs. 5, 8, 21, 23, 49-52)

Alloy 17-4 PH

Form Wrought and Cast

Solution Treatment3 Condition11
Temperature (F) Time (Hour)

For all conditions, 1900F Is the most A - -

common solution temperature, but some H900 900 1c

sources use 1925 or 1950F. A minimum H925 925 4C

of 30 minutes at solution temperature is H1025 1025

recommended; longer times may be H1075 1075

appropriate for large sections. Cooling to H1100 1100

below 90F is required before aging. Air cooling H1150 1150

is widely used, but oil quench is acceptable 1400 2

for simple sections less than 3 in. 1150 4

1150 4
1150 4

For optimum properties in castings, a homogenization treatment at 21OOF for 90 minutes or more followed by air cool to below 90F prior to
solution treatment is sometimes applied. Also lor castings, after the specified solution treatment, it is occasionally necessary to cool in dry
ice to ensure complete transformation of the austenite. (Ref. 52)

b Air cool from aging temperature.

c For castings, 1.5 hours aging time is recommended for conditions H900 and H925. (Ref. 52)

6 Occasionally, other conditions such as H975 or H1050 are used, indicative of other aging temperatures.

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FeAH • Ferrous Alloys Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Revised October 1995

Table 1.6.1 Hardness of wrought products and castings in 17-4PH, Bar

various heat-treated conditions (Refs. 21, 49-51, 72)

Alloy 17-4PH Exposure temperature = 700F

Form Sheet Bar Castings

Condition Hardness, Rc
A 35 36 34
£ 48
H900 45 44 Exposure t emperature = SOOF
H925 43 42 44

H1025 38 40
H1075 37 36 34
10 100 1000
H1100 - 35 31
Exposure Time (Hr)
H1150 35 33 29

H1150-M 33 28 - Fig, 1.6.2 Effects of long-time exposures at 700F and

900F on room-temperature hardness of bar in three
heat-treated conditions (Ref. 23)

Table Comparison of properties of wrought, cast, and powder-metal (P/M) products (Refs 49-51, 54, 57)

Alloy 17-4PH

Form Conventional P/M MIMa P/M Wrought Castings

Condition H900

Flu (ksi) 140.0 140.5 195.6 187.0

Fty <ksi) 122.0 133.9 177.0 161.0

e, 4D (percent) 2 7 14 10

Hardness, Rc 24b 34b 44 44

Density, (g/cm3) 7.15 7.48 7.81 7.76

a Metal injection molded.

b Apparent hardness, that is an integrated hardness representing the combination of metal and pores inherent in powder-metal products.

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Revised October 1995 Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Ferrous Alloys • FeAH

17-4PH 7.4
18 17-4PH, A Wrought onris
Condition H90
C a Refs. 2, 3, 2 1 O A
• Rfif.7
« 16 7.2

H9 10
fc. ÿ H1 50

§ 14 4 7.0
70F to In licated Terr perature

ÿS 12
6.8 i?-
ÿ 10
12 6.6

t 6.4
0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400
Temperature (F)
6.2 /
Fig. Thermal conductivity from 200F
to 2500F (Refs. 2, 3, 7, 21) 6.0

-200 200 400 600 800 1000

Temperature (F)

Fig. 2,1.4.1 Thermal expansion from -100F to 900F

(Refs. 20, 21)

Table Density in various heat-treated conditions

(Refs. 20-22)

Alloy 17-4PH

Form All Wrought Forms


Condition (IbTin.3) (g/cm3)

A 0.280 7.75

HMO 0.282 7.81

H1075 0.283 7.84

H1150 0.284 7.87

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FeAH • Ferrous Alloys Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Revised October 1995

Table Electrical properties of sheet and bar in various heat-treated conditions (Refs. 20, 21, 49)

Alloy 17-4PH

Electrical Conductivity
Form Condition Electrical Resistivity
(percent IACS) (megohms per cu in.) (microhm-in.)

A 1.76 0.0259 38.6

H900 2.24 0.0330 30.3

A 1.73 0.0254 39.4

Bar H900 31.5

2.16 0,0317


Table Magnetic permeability in various heat-

treated conditions (Ref. 3)

Alloy 17-4PH

Form All Wrought Forms

Magnetic Permeability
at 100 oersteds at 200 oersteds Maximum

A 74 48 95

H900 90 56 135

H1075 88 52 136

H1150 59 38 71

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Revised October 1995 Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Ferrous Alloys • FbAH

Table Comparison of typical corrosion rates for Types 17-4PH and 304 stainless steels in several chemical
media (Ref. 49)

Alloy 17-4PH Type 304

Form Sheet

Condition H925 H1025 H1075 H1150 Annealed

Medium Concentration Temperature Corrosion Rate2 (mils per year)

(percent) . (F)

2 <1 57
5 4 7 11 9 240
Sulfuric Acid
1 1 350
2 8 9 13 17 480

Hydrochloric Acid 1/2 95 2 3 16 33

1 35 174 518 650 240

25 14 6 7 8 2
Nitric Acid Boiling
50 70 35 47 31 4

10% Nitric +
1% Hydroflouric Acid
- 95 1500 380

Formic Acid 10 176 2 3 5 100

Acetic Acid 33 6 6 4 4 300

20 Boiling 1 2
Phosphoric Acid
70 86 57 60 119 32

176 3 4 5 1
Sodium Hydroxide 50
480 450 560 80

Ammonium Hydroxide 10 Boiling

Salt-Sugar-Vinegar -

3 Rates determined after total immersion, in most instances, tor five 48-hour periods. Chemically pure reagents were used. These data should
be used only as guide to comparative performance.

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FeAH • Ferrous Alloys Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Revised October 1995

Table Effects of heat-treat condition and applied

stress on time to stress corrosion failure of bent-beam
strip specimens exposed to marine environment at Kure
Beach, NC (Ref. 49)

Alloy 17-4PH

Form Strip

Condition Applied Stress (ksi) Time to Failure3

124 - 100% Fty
93 - 75% Fty

H900 -
187 100% Fty 26 days

140 - 75% fty 28 days

173 - 100% Fty 100 months + 1 NF

130 -75% Fty 52 months + 1 NF

168 - 100% Fty NF

126- 75% Fty 78 months + 2 NF

140 - 90% Fty


116- 75% Fty

135 - 90% Fty

H1075 NF
113- 75% Fty
102-90% Fty .
85- 75% Fty

3 The results are based upon the average of three or five tests for
each test condition. NF signifies no failure after more than 15 years
of exposure.

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Revised October 1995 Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Ferrous Alloys • FeAH

Table Comparison of tensile properties for various heat-treated conditions with critical stress intensity levels
for stress corrosion cracking in salt water (Ref. 10)

Alloy 17-4PH

Form 1.0 in. Plate


Properties H900 H975 H1075 H1150 H1150-M

Fty (ksi) 177.0 161.7 150.9 120.3 91.0

Ftu (ksi) 195.6 170.8 156.5 141.6 124.6

e, 2 in. (percent) 14 15 17 19 22

RA (percent) 50 55 61 64

K|Scc. (ksi Vin.)a b

Open circuit 45 82 117 124 97

A! coupled 36 73 103 105 93

Zn coupled 30 45 59 74 88

Mg coupled 17 20 49 52 90

a Stress corrosion tests for Condition H900 carried out in natural seawater; for all other conditions, stress-corrosion tests were done in 3.5
percent sodium chloride in distilled water.

" Kiscc is the stress intensity level below which no evident crack extension will occur.

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FeAH • Ferrous Alloys Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Revised October 1995

17-4PH, Bar
• Uncharged
O 16 Hour Charge
• H900
ÿ H1000
225 a H1150 —
Hydrogen Charged
Cond. A


25 150
Cond. AO

\« H900 125
125 150 175 200 225

UltlmatB Tensile Stress, F|U (ksi) 100

Fig. Impact energy of specimens machined 75

from bar, heat-treated to various conditions, and 0 4 6 12 16 20 24
tested as-heat-treated and also tested immediately
Charging Time (hr)
after cathodic hydrogen charging for 16 hours
(Ref. 53)
Fig. Ultimate tensile strength of specimens
machined from bar, heat-treated to various conditions,
and tested immediately after cathodic hydrogen
charging for various lengths of time (Ref. 53)

17 4PH, Bar
O H11S0-M

* H1150
ÿ H10D0

• H9G0
Hydro |en Char ged

ft ÿ >-
\ c

N=s= •
0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Charging Time (hr)

Fig. Tensile ductility (percent reduction of

area) of specimens machined from bar, heat-treated
to various conditions, and tested immediately after
cathodic hydrogen charging for various lengths of
time (Ref. 53)

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Revised October 1995 Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Ferrous Alloys • FfiAH

Table 3.1.1 AMS specified mechanical properties for wrought products (Refs. 26, 34, 35)

Alloy 17-4PH

Specs. Form Condition F(y, min Ftu, min e, 4Da, min RAa, min Hardness
(ksi) (ksi) (percent) (percent)
min max

A 160b 185b 3 - - 38 Rc
H900 170 190 5,8,10 -, 30, 35 40 Rc 47 Rc

Sheet, Strip, Plate H925 155 170 5, 8, 10 -, 30, 35 38 Rc 45 RC

AMS 5604C
up to 4.0 in. thick H1025 145 155 5, 8, 12 35, 40 35 Rc 42 RC

H1075 125 145 5, 9, 13 35, 45 33 RC 39 Rc

H1100 115 140 5, 10, 14 -, 35, 45 32 Rc 38 RC

H1150 105 135 8, 10, 16 40, 50 28 Rc 37 Rc

A - 175b - - - 353 BHN

Bars, Wire, Forgings, H900 170 190 10(L), 5(T) 35(L), 15(T) 388 BHN 444 BHN

Tubing, Rings up to H925 155 170 10(L), 6(T) 38(L), 20(T) 375 BHN 429 BHN

AMS 5622B 8.0 in. in diameter or H1025 145 155 12(L),7(T) 45(L), 27(T) 331 BHN 401 BHN

thickness. (Consum¬ H1075 125 145 13(L),8(T) 45(L), 28 (T) 311 BHN 375 BHN

able-electrode melted.) H1100 115 140 14(L),9(D 45(L), 29(T) 302 BHN 363 BHN

H1150 105 135 16(L), 10(D 50(L), 30(T) 277 BHN 352 BHN

A - 175b - - - 363 BHN

H90O 170 190 10 40° 388 BHN 444 BHN

Bars, Wire, Forgings, H925 155 170 10 44c 375 BHN 425 BHN

AMS 5643N Tubing, Rings up to H1025 145 155 12 45 331 BHN 401 BHN

8.0 in. in diameter or H1075 125 145 13 45 311 BHN 375 BHN

thickness. H1100 115 140 14 45 302 BHN 363 BHN

H1150 105 135 16 50 277 BHN 352 BHN

a The series of e (40) and RA numbers for AMS 5604C apply fo the following thicknesses respectively: up to 0.1875 in., 0.1875 to 0.625 in.,
and 0.625 to 4,000 in.; the and Fm values do not vary with thickness. For AMS 5622B, the two numbers for both e (4D) and RA refer to
longitudinal (L) and transverse(T) orientations; the Fÿ and Ftu values are the same for L and T.

b This particular value is maximum rather than minimum.

c For sizes over 3 in. these values are reduced to 35 and 38 percent respectively.

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FeAH • Ferrous Alloys Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Revised October 1995

Table 3.1.2 AMS specified mechanical properties for investment, sand, and centrifugal castings (Refs. 27-31)

Alloy 17-4PH

Refs. Form Condition Fty, min Ftu, min e, 4D, min RA, min Hardness
(ksi) (ksi) (percent) (percent)
min max

(27) Investment castings A - - - - - 36 Rc

(27)(28) Investment castings test bar

H900 160 180
6 15 40 RC -
(28) Investment castings 4 12 40 Rc 46 RC

(27) Investment castings test bar H925 150 180 6 15 40 RC -

(27)(30) Investment castings test bar 8 20 34 Rc -
H1000 130 150
(30) Investment castings 4 12 34 Rq 42 Rc

(27) Investment castings test bar H1025 130 150 10 20 34 Rc -

(27)(29) Investment castings test bar
H1100 120 130
10 25 30 Rc -
(29) Investment castings 6 15 30 Rc 38 RC

(27) Investment castings test bar H1150 110 125 12 25 28 Rc -

Sand & Centrifugal castings - - - - - - 363 8HN

Test bars H925 150 180 6 12 375 BHN -

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Revised October 1995 Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Ferrous Alloys • FeAH

17-4PH, Bar

HI 050

H 50

17-4PH I I I
Solution treated and aged as shown
• Sheet i
a Bar

0 .002 .004 .006 .008 .010 .012 .014 E

Strain (In./in.)

Fig. Stress-strain curves for bar in three

heat-treated conditions (Ref. 23)

.2 CO CD
=5 Q>
~Z a.

K <

fg C <D
mT «
o a ÿ
50 100 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1150-M

Aging Temperature (F)

H900 HI100
H925 K1025 H1075 H1150 H1160-M
Heat Treat Condition

Figure Effect of aging treatment on tensile properties

of wrought products at room temperature (Ref. 20, 21)

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FeAH • Ferrous Alloys Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Revised October 1995

17-4PH, Casting
s Solution treated and aged as shown
B 220

a 180
u \»
E 140


10 ÿ *-
tS£ S 17-4PH, Bar
c m a>
uj ™ 220
0 CD
850 800 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 H900
~ 240

Aging Temperature (F)
K1025 H1075 H1150
W '



H925 H1100
Heat Treat Condition
.§ 180
Figure Effect of aging treatment on tensile
properties of castings at room temperature (Ref. 20, 21)
_ 200 H900-

© ÿ

> U? 180

e H10D0

10 100 1000

Exposure Time (hr)

Figure Effects of long-time exposures at 700F on

room-temperature tensile properties of bar in three heat-
treated conditions (Ref. 23)

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Revised October 1995 Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Ferrous Alloys • FbAH

17-4 PH. Bar

uT 220

= 160

— 200
£ 17-4PH, Sheet I
>- u.
* 180 Condition H900
U5 Exposure Temperature (F)
c c A 1000
" 55 £ ÿ 1200
160 O 1400
A 1800




40 140 —K
200 c-$~Z
16 H1100
=ra e®
12 H1000 -
— —c
CM 8

Exposure Time (hr)

Figure Effects of long-time exposure at 900F on

room-temperature tensile properties of bar in three heat-
treated conditions (Ref. 23)

10 100 1000

Exposure Time (sec)

Figure Effects of short exposure times at high

temperatures on room-temperature tensile properties of
sheet in condition H900 (Ref. 20)

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FeAH • Ferrous Alloys Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Revised October 1995
17-4PH, Sheet Table Comparison of longitudinal and transverse
Condition H1150 tensile properties of plate and bar (Ref. 23)
2 160

Alloy 17-4PH
Form Condition Orientation3 Fty Ftu e, 2 in. RA
(ksi) (ksi) (percent) (percent)
L . 17.0 53.5
H925 195
140 ST 4.5 5.0
L 160 163 17.0 58.0
>: u? 130 4-ln. H1025
ST 159 162 13.0 32.0
E 120
to L 144 155 18.0 61.0
110 ST 27.0
147 154 12.0

100 L 157 160 17.5 62.0

e H1075
T 155 158 14.0 40.0
square bar
L 139 20.0 63.0
<il H1150 147
O T 136 15.0 44.0
a a L = longitudinal, ST = short transverse, T=transverse.

100 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800

Temperature (F)

Figure Effects of 30-second exposures at

temperatures from 1000 to 2000F on room-temperature
properties of sheet in Condition HI150 (Ref. 20)

17-4PH I I I
100 '
Solution treated and aged as shown
• Casting
Wrought Bar


900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1150-M

Aging Temperature (F)
H900 H1025 H1075
H925 H1 100 H115Q H1150-M
Heat Treatment Condition

Figure Effects of aging temperature on room-

temperature Charpy V-notch impact properties of
wrought bar and castings (Refs. 21, 51)

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Revised October 1995 Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Ferrous Alloys • FeAH

Table Effects of exposures of 1000 and 2000 hours 17-4PH, Bar I
at 700F, 800F, and 900F on room-temperature Izod impact Solution treated and aged as shown
properties (Ref. 23)

Alloy 17-4PH

Form Bar

Izod Impact (ft-lb)


Temperature (F) Time (Hr) H900 H1000 H1100

900 950 1000 1050 11DD 1150 1150-M
75 - 14 45 56 Aging Temperature (F)
H900 H1025 H1100 H1150-M
1000 7 H925
Heat Treatment Condition
2000 4 3 4
Figure Effects of aging treatment on room-
1000 2 3
temperature shear strength determined on pin-type
double-shear-specimens (Ref. 21)
2000 2

1000 3 4 6
2000 6 8 11

Table Torsional strength of bar in various heat-

treated conditions (Ref. 25)

Alloy 17-4PH

Form Bar

Condition Yield Strength, Modulus of Rupture,

'"sty C«i) Fst(ksi)

A 83.5 125.0

H900 119.8 171.4

H925 119.3 161.8

H1025 109.8 141.1

H1100 103.4 134.3

H1150 91.4 130.2

H1150-M 62.9 116.8

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FeAH • Ferrous Alloys Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Revised October 1995

17-4PH, Sheet Table Comparison of smooth and notched tensile

0.065 in. properties (Ref. 9)
425 soiuiiDn ire lien ana aged as shown


e/D = 2.0
e/D -1.5
Alloy 17-4PH
N Form Bar
e 375
Condition H900
=5, 350

e Smooth3 Notched

« 325
Fty Ftu e, 2 in. NTSb O
(ksi) (ksi) (percent) Kt (ksi) 11
195 201 15.4 3 318 324
a\ 3
Average of 9 tests.
b Average of 3 tests.
— A

\6oy _
SIS -R = 0.013'

Average of 3 tests.

900 950 10001050 1100 1150 \ 60;/

Aging Temperature (F)
H925 H1025 H1100 H1150
H3 -R = 0.025"
Heat Treatment Condition

Figure Effects of aging treatment on

bearing properties at room-temperature (Ref. 24)

Table Fracture toughness of bar in several heat-

treated conditions (Ref. 24)

Alloy 17-4PH

Form Bar

Condition K|C (ksi Vim)

A 62.4

H900 54.8

H925 100.8

H975 84.6

Code 1501
Page 26
Revised October 1995 Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Ferrous Alloys • FeAH

17-4PH, B ir 75F 17-4PH, B ar
Condition H900 Condition H1100
Longitud nal
175 / -423F
400F 280 f

150 240
- 900F -100F
// .
S. 100 160
s 75F




0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012

0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20
Strain (in./in.)
Strain (In./in.)

Figure Tensile stress-strain curves for bar at Figure Complete tensile stress-strain
room and elevated temperatures (Ref. 11) curves for bar at room and cryogenic
temperatures (Ref. 17)

Code 1501
Page 27
FeAH • Ferrous Alloys Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Revised October 1995

17-4PH, Bar Conditions

O H1075

17-4PH, Bar
Condition H900
200 . Lonaitudinal
• Ret
Ref. 11
180 1

55 160


~ 180

I --4
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Temperature (F)

Figure Effects of elevated tem¬

peratures on tensile properties of bar in
five heat-treated conditions (Ref. 21)

200 400 600 800 1000

Aging Temperature (F)

Figure Effect of elevated

temperatures on tensile properties of bar
in Condition H900 (Ref. 2, 11)

Code 1501
Page 28
Revised October 1995 Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Ferrous Alloys • FbAH

17-4PH. Plate
220 Conditions
A H900 (3)
• H900 (4)
ÿ H1D2S (3)



2 140 N

120 A x


A 180


a 140

\ \


-cf 160
180 17-4PH. Bar

b£—— H900
E c
tM 0 = E 140
5 55
0 200 400 600 800 1000

Temperature (F)

Figure Effects of elevated tempera¬ S « U. 140

tures on tensile properties of plate {Refs. 3, 4)

h T3



Exposure Time (hr)

Figure Effects of long-time exposures at

700F on tensile properties at 700F of bar in three
heat-treated conditions (Ref. 23)

Code 1501
Page 29
FeAH • Ferrous Alloys Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Revised October 1995
17-4PH, Bar

= 8 160

120 H1000
03 jS
= c
to 40
*c "eo 30
20 V
\ AH1000

—— H1100
n> as


" /.H1000
17-4PH, Sheet
Condition H11S0
\ I
Exposure Time (Hour) _
Exposure Temperature (F) • None ~~

a 100

10 100
A 1000 —
1000 None ÿ 7000
O Reaged 4 hr. at
Exposure Time (hr) 1150F after 7000
hour exposures
Figure Effects of long-time exposures at 900F
on tensile properties at 900F of bar in three heat-
treated conditions (Ref. 23)

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 600

Temperature (F)

Figure Tensile properties at room and

elevated temperatures after exposures up to
7000 hours at 600F and 750F of sheet initially
in Condition H1150 (Ref. 20)

Code 1501
Page 30
Revised October 1995 Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Ferrous Alloys • FeAH

17-4PH, Sheet 17-4 PH, Sheet

Condition H1150 Condition
H1100 (17)
•*H1160 (12)
ÿ H11S0-M (12)

O HMO (21)

Temperature (F)

Figure Tensile properties of sheet at

temperatures from 1000F and 2000F after
exposures of 30 seconds at test temperature
(Ref. 20) jl
-ff = ==:-— V
(T - rt

-400 -300 -200 -100 0 100

Temperature (F)

Figure Low-temperature tensile

properties of bar in various heat-treated
conditions (Refs. 12, 17, 21)

Code 1501
Page 31
FeAH • Ferrous Alloys Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Revised October 1995

17-4PH, Investment Cast 17-4PH, Bar

Condition H1150-M Condition H900

» 140

— 160

0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010

Strain (in./in.)

Fig. Compressive stress-strain curves for bar

at room and elevated temperatures (Ref. 11)


17-4PH, Bar
Temperature (F) Condition H900

Figure Low-temperature tensile

properties of investment castings in
Condition H1150-M (Ref. 13)

400 BOO

Temperature (F)

Fig. Effect of elevated temperatures on

compressive strength of bar (Ref. 11)

Code 1501
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Revised October 1995 Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Ferrous Alloys • FeAH

17-4PH, Bar and Forging 17-4PH, Bar
120 -

• Bar, Condition H1150, L(12)
a Bar, Condition H1150-M, L(12) 100
A H900
ÿ Forging, Condition H1150-M, L(12)

O Forging, Condition H1150-M,T(12)

• H1025

A Bar, Condition H1 100, L(17)

ÿ H1150
O H1150-M

E 60 °/ /

u 40

/ /
4*==— I I
-300 -200 -100 100
-400 -300 -200 -100
Temperature (F)
Temperature (F)

Fig. Low-temperature impact properties

Fig. Low-temperature impact properties of of bar in various heat-treated conditions (Ref. 21)
bar and forgings in several overaged conditions
(Refs. 12, 17)

17-4PH Bar
Cond tion H90t
17-4PH, Casting
100 e/D = 2.0
Conditio H1150

& 80 =ÿ

w" 375
a. 350 k


-300 -200 -100 0 100 200 200 300 400 500 600

Temperature (F) Temperature (F)

Fig. Low-temperature impact properties Fig. Effect of elevated temperatures on
of castings in an overaged condition (Ref. 71) bearing properties (Ref. 1)
Code 1501
Page 33
FeAH • Ferrous Alloys Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Revised October 1995

17-4PH, Bar 17-4PH, Investment Cast

Conditions 220 oonomon n i nu-ivi
H1150-M - Notct ed, K( 6.3 - yA TS
Smoc th, K, « 1 X
Notched, K, = 6.3 200
—- Smooth, K, = 1 •'
N F,u
y» /
S /


\ 30*/
E fo.200* >< O CM_05 CO ~i
= 120
1-R = 0.0020*
100 i 1
-400 -300 -200 -100 100

Temperature (F)

Fig. Comparison of low-temperature

notch tensile strength with ultimate tensile
strength of investment casting in Condition
H1150-M (Ref. 13)
fi = 0.0020*

-400 -300 -200 -100 0 100

Temperature (F)

Fig. Comparison of low-tempera ture

notch tensile strength with ultimate tensile
strength of bar in two overaged conditions
(Ref. 12)

Code 1501
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Revised October 1995 Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Ferrous Alloys • FeAH

17-1PH, Plate 17-4PH, Bar

Co aditlon K9G ® Condition H900
• Heat 1
a Heat 2
225 Creep Deformation (percer t)

• 0.2
i i A 0.5
200 •
ÿ 1.0 70OF
o Rupture
• 150

— ~-i



55 75 \•

Time (hr)
- «A

Fig. 3.4.1 Creep and rupture curves for bar at

700F, 900F, and HOOF (Ref. 11)

•50 0 50

Temperature (F)

Fig. Comparison of low-temperature

tensile and fracture-toughness properties of
plate in Condition H900 (Ref. 19)

Code 1501
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FeAH • Ferrous Alloys Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Revised October 1995

17-4PH, Bar | 17-4PH, 3/4-in. Bar

Rupture Time (Hours) Condition Condition H1000
180 Test Temperature
IUU •A nauu o 6O0F
- — 10DO H925
• 700F
C H1150 —
200 A 800F -

\ 1 150"r SI
150 o
\\V 100
140 \ \
A 80

N \
\v 60


55 120 cSs>
\ * \60y

s\ \
110 >c \\
\ >
R = 0.002
\ \
x K, = 7.5
\\* \

\ 1I
1 X\X,

90 X
X v 10 100 1000
X \
\ >
80 V
Time (hr)
1 Fig. 3.4.3 Creep-rupture curves at 600 to 800F for
t smooth and notched bars in Condition H1000 (Ref. 43)
60 <
600 650 700 750 800 850 900

Temperature (F)

Fig. 3.4.2 Effects of temperature on stress to 17-4PH, 3/4-in. Bar

cause creep rupture in 100 and 1000 hours for Condition H1100
Test Temperatures
bar in various heat-treated conditions (Ref. 21)
O 600F S mooth
200 • 800F


e 100
--- A

n 80


ÿ0.425' ÿÿ55ÿ
u300 R = 0.002'
K, = 7.5


Temperature (F)

Fig. 3.4.4 Creep-rupture curves at 300 to 800F for

smooth and notched bars in Condition H1100 (Ref. 43)

Code 1501
Page 36
Revised October 1995 Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Ferrous Alloys • FeAH

17-4PH, Bar
17-4PH, Bar
Condition H900
Axial, R = 0.1 Rotating Beam, R = -1
Temperatures 140 - Longitudinal
•* O 75F
A 4 OOF -
Smooth, K, = 1
Notched, & = 3.0 Conditions
— H900
ÿ ÿ 700F 130 -*• H1050


s 100

Cycles to Failure
R =0.013
K, = 3.0
Fig. Fatigue properties of bar in Conditions
104 105 H900 and H1050 at room temperature (Ref. 14)
Cycles to Failure

Fig. Fatigue properties of smooth and notched 17-4PH, Forged Bar R = 0.5
bars at room and elevated temperatures (Ref. 11) Condition H1025
-h - Transverse



105 106 107

Cycles 1o Failure

Fig. Effects of stress ratio (R) on fatigue

properties of forged bar in longitudinal and trans¬
verse orientations at room temperature (Ref. 24)

Code 1501
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FeAH • Ferrous Alloys Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Revised October 1995

Table Rotating beam fatigue strength at 107 and 108 17-4PH, 1-in. Plate
cycles of bar in various heat-treated conditions (Ref. 21) Condition H1150
Rotating cantilever beam, R = -1

a Smooth
Alloy 17-4PH o a Notched
Brackish Water 0.562
Form Bar
R = 0.010

Condition Temperature (F) Fatigue Strength® (ksi) at

107 cycles 10® cycles ra

H900 90 73

H925 88 74
H1025 83 78

H1150 90 105 106

H900 77 62 Cycles to Failure

H1025 75 65 Fig. Fatigue properties of smooth and notched
specimens in air and brackish water at room temperature
a Rotating Beam, R
= -1. (Ref. 15)

17-4PH, Bar 1 1 1
R b -1, Reverse bending, 720 cpm, 75F, Kt = 1

• H1000,
H 1000, tested in air
tested in air plus 6%
17-4PH, Investment Cast
ferric-chloride solution® . R = -1, Rotating beam, 3000 rpm, 75F, Kj = 1
a H1000, shot peened®, tested in
air plus 6% ferric-chloride
—- —
O Condition H1000
a Hot isostatically pressed and
heat treated to Condition Hf 000
10D Tensile Properties »o aa
Ftu (ksi) 167 166
F,y(ksi) 159 156
- e, 4D (percent) 7.5 11.5


105 10®
Cycles to Failure

Fig. Effects of chloride environment and shot 10s 10®

peening on the fatigue properties of bar (Ref. 24) Cycles to Failure
a 6% water solution of ferric chloride dripped onto
specimens at a controlled rate during testing. Fig. Effects of hot isostatic pressing (HIP), 4 hr. at
h Peened with steel shot, size S230 to a Almen 2050F in 15,000 psi argon, on fatigue and tensile properties
intensity of 0.004 to 0.008 inch. of investment castings (Ref. 61)

Code 1501
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Revised October 1995 Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Ferrous Alloys • FeAH

17-4PH, Injection-Molded Powder Product

17-4PH, Injection-Molded Powder Product
Condition H900 .
R = -1 rotating beam, 75F, Kj = 1 I
R = -1, reverse bending, 2400 cpm, 75F, Kt = 1 Injection molded and heat treated to Condition H1000
Cr Injection molded, dot isostatically pressed, and heat _
treated to Condition H1000
Density = 7.48 g/cm3
130 Hardness = Rc 34
Ftu = 140.5 ksi
FtVP= 133.9 ksi >o
£ 120 e, i.i; in. = 7.2 percent Density (g/cm3) 7.40
\ # t/t 110
ftu (ksi) 148.6
S w
S3 110 <D e, 1.0 in. (percent) 3.3
CO 100 Charpy V IE (ft-lb) 5.4
• i T
£ 90

90 E
• \ # CO
s 80
80 m
( i 1 i
104 105 10B 107
Cycles (o Failure
10s 106
Fig. Bending fatigue and other properties of powder- Cycles Id Failure
metal products made by injection-molding process (Ref. 54)
Fig. Effect of hot isostatic pressing (HIP), 2 hours at
2125F in 15,000 psi argon, on fatigue and other properties
of powder products made by injection molding (Ref. 60)

17-4PH, Plate
Air Atmosphere
17-4PH, Plate

Axial, R = 0.1 I
vacuum Melt Argon-Oxygen Melt Argon-Oxygen Melt
10"5 - - Dry argon
100% Humid argon
Condition H1050 Condition H1050 Condition H1150

Condi ion H1100

/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /

— 10-6

5 10 50 100 5 10 50 100 50 100 10 50 100 10 50 100

Stress Intensity Factor Range, AK (ksi VfiT.) Stress Intensity Factor Range, AK (ksi VfiT.)

Fig. Fatigue-crack growth rate as a function of Fig. Fatigue-crack growth rate as a function of
stress-intensity-factor range in atmospheres of dry argon stress-intensity-factor range with variations in melting
and humid argon (Ref. 18) practice, heat-treatment, and stress ratio (R) (Ref. 48)

Code 1501
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FeAH • Ferrous Alloys Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Revised October 1995
17-4PH. Bar //
17-4PH, Plate Condition: H1075
Bending R = 0
Sea Water (-200 MV)
_ Axial, 3600 cpm.
R = 0.05-0.75, 75F
10-8 _ Specimens: C(T)(C-L). 0.04 n- think

Sea Water (-650 MV) '/ /

- R = 0.05 /'//
Vacuum Melt Argon-Oxygen Melt
R = 0.5
Condition H1050
Argon-Oxygen Melt
Condition H1050 Condition H1150
R = 0.75
. /

if) 10-ro
/' tf
/// /, 'i
// / /'//
' /
<ÿ;/' a
ft /
// /'

/ t / /

I I a I I a i i 1 10 100
10 50 100 10 50 100 10 50 100 Stress Intensity Factor Range, aK (ksi VliT.)
Stress Intensity Factor Range, aK (ksi v'Tn. )
Fig. Effects of stress ratio (R) on fatigue-crack
Fig. Fatigue-crack growth rate as a function of growth rates at low (near threshold) stress-intensity
stress-intensity-factor range in air and in flowing sea levels (Ref. 62)
water with different applied negative electrochemical
potentials and with variations in melting practice and
heat-treatment (Ref. 48)

17-4PH, Bar
• Condition H900 (11)
O ÿ All Hardened Conditions (45,21)
a Cc mpression

ÿÿ \
o • ÿ Tension

28 1

a- i fS"

a 26
0.40 c tS
o «
17-4 PH, Cast tn uj
t/i \A
Co ndition H12 00 CD O
Q, (A 24
0.35 if
O -a

ÿ£ 0.30
• — 22
•*" •
0.25 200 400 600 600 1000
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Temperature (F)
Temperature (F)
Fig. Effects of elevated temperatures on
Fig. Poisson's ratio of overaged casting determined by ultrasonic static modulus of elasticity in both tension and
techniques at temperatures from -45 to 1465F (Refs. 67, 68) compression (Refs. 11,21, 45)

Code 1501
Page 40
Revised October 1995 Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Ferrous Alloys • FeAH

17-4PH. Cast Table Modulus of rigidity for various heat-treated

32 Condition H1200
conditions (Ref. 25)

30 Alloy 17-4PH

Form Bar
£ 28 •
Condition G(103 ksl)
A 9.68

24 H900 11.00

E H925 10.70
to 22
20 \ S. H1025



18 H1150 10.10
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Temperature (F) H1150-M 9.50

Fig. Dynamic modulus of elasticity of overaged

casting at temperatures from -45 to 1465F (Refs. 67, 68)

17-4PH, Bar
Condition H900
v 75f

17ÿ4PH, Cas 400F
C gndition h 1200

12 125 ÿ 700F
a V\ £
•• I 100 - 900F —|

S1 10 •> • \

ÿ= 9
••• \
• E

ÿ= a
£ 25

0 200 400 600 600 1000 1200 1400 5 10 15 20 25 30

Temperature (F) Tangent Modulus (103 ksl)

Fig. Dynamic modulus of rigidity of overaged Fig. Tangent modulus curves in compression at
casting at temperatures from -45 to 1465F (Refs. 67, 68) room and elevated temperatures (Ref. 11)

Code 1501
Page 41
FeAH • Ferrous Alloys Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Revised October 1995

Table Minimum radius to make indicated cold Table Tensile properties of sheet and strip warm
bend with no Assuring when viewed under 10X stretch formed during cooling from solution-treatment
magnification (Refs. 23, 49) temperature (1900F) and subsequently aged (Ref. 49)

Alloy 17-4PH Alloy 17-4PH

Form Sheet and Strip, 0.015 to 0.109 in. thick Form Sheet and Strip

90° Bend 135° Bend 180° Bend Warm Aging

Condition Forming % Stretch Temp., Fty Ftu e, 2 in.
in 2 in. (ksi) (ksi) (percent)
L T L T L T Temperature 4 hr.
<F) (F)
A 3T 4T 3T 5T 6T 9T
a a 173.8 195.0 11.0
H900 3T 4T 3T 6T 5T 9T
500 9.0 198.0 202.2 9.0
H925 2T 4T 3T 6T 5T 9T
33.5 none 133.6 162.4 6.0
H1025 2T 4T 3T 6T 4T 7T
16.0 168.7 190.8
H1075 2T 4T 3T 4T 4T 7T
650 20.0 900 171.8 190.5
H1150 2T 2T 2T 3T 4T 6T
181.4 194.6
35.0 7.5
1050 155.0 160.0

42.0 none 116.0 155,8 7.0

800 22.0 166.6 178,4 11.0

47.5 176.0 190.0 8.0

a Standard H900, not stretch formed.

Table 4.2.1 Relative machinability of 17-4PH bar in various heat-treated conditions (Ref. 21)

Alloy 17-4PH

Form Bar

Condition Hardness, Rockwell C Cutting Rate, SF/Ma Comments


Best cutting rate, Surface not as good

H1150-M 27 100-130 as other heat-treated conditions.

H1150 33 80-100 Machinability improves as hardening

temperature increases. Higher cutting
H1100 34 75-95 rates obtained with some sacrifice
in surface finish.
H1075 36 70-90

Machinability, cutting rate, and surlace

A (Solution Treated) 34 60-80 finish comparable to Types 302 and 304.

H1025 38 50-70 Machinability improves as hardening

temperature increases.
H925 42 30-50

High hardness and strength limit machinability.

H900 44 20-30 Carbide cutters needed for maximum production.

SF/M = surface feet per minute.

Code 1501
Page 42
Revised October 1995 Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Ferrous Alloys • FeAH

Table Variations in tensile properties with section size and postweld treatment for butt welds made by the
manual-shielded-metal-arc technique with 17-4PH electrodes (Ref. 23)

Alloy 17-4PH

Condition A (Before Welding)

Form Postweld Treatment Fty (ksi) Ftu (ksi) e, 2 in. (percent) RA (percent) Fracture Location

900F age 118 158 8.0 21.0

1000F age 108 155 9.5 27.0

11OOF age 111 158 7.5 18.5

1-in. thick flat bars3 Weld
H900 163 186 36.0
H1000 146 167 39.0

H1100 129 158 11.0 38.0

900F age 154 178 10.0 32.0 Base

1000F age 136 160 11.0 29.0 Weld

11OOF age 112 159 13.5 50.0 Base

3/4-in. thick flat bars b
H900 172 187 11.0
H1000 161 170 Weld
H1100 134 158 54.0

Standard 0.505-inch tensile specimens taken transverse to weld axis.

b... Subsize 0.200-inch tensile specimens taken transverse to weld axis.

Table Comparison of tensile properties of sheet

with those of sheet containing a transverse butt weld
made by the automatic GTA technique with 17-4PH weld
wire (Ref. 8)

Alloy 17-4PH

Condition H900

Form 0.090-in Sheet

Fty Ftu e, 2 in.

Specimens Orientation (percent)
(ksi) (ksi)

L 178 199 8.4

Base Metal
T 181 202 7.6

Welded ÿ L 178 201 9.5

a Failed in base metal.

b Fully solution treated and aged to Condition H900 after welding; no

Code 1501
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FeAH • Ferrous Alloys Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Revised October 1995
17-4PH Tensile properties of sheet.containing a transverse 17-4PH, Plate

butt weld made by the GMA technique with 17-4PH weld 1-in. thick
wire (Ref. 23) Condition H1150
Rotating Cantilever Beam R = -1

Alloy 17-4PH Welded Base Metal

- Air
Condition A (Before Welding) — — Brackish water
Form 0.188-in. Sheet r ShieldedButtMetal Arc
weld, 17-4PH
120 — Filler Metal
Fty e, 2 in. t— Taper
Postweld Treatment Ftu
(ksi) (ksi) (percent) 100 I 0.5" Dia. Per ft
0.450' Oia.
M900 181
203 7.0 55 80
H950 174 185 E
7.5 X
CO 60
H1025 163 £
Tensile-test fractures occured in the welds.

106 107
Cycles to Failure

Fig. Comparison of fatigue properties of base metal

and shielded-metal-arc weldments fully heat treated after
welding (Ref. 15) Tensile properties of flash-butt welds in bars

(Ref. 23)

Alloy 17-4PH

Condition A (Before Welding)

Form Bars3
Postweid Fty Ftu e, 2 in. RA Fracture
Treatment (ksi) (ksi) (percent) (percent) Location

900F age b 182 14.2 b Base Metal

H900 184 203 8.0 37.0 Weld

a Standard 0.505-in. tensile test bars used.

b Not reported.

Code 1501
Page 44
Revised October 1995 Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Ferrous Alloys • FfiAH

References 17. Warren, K.A., and Reed, R.P., "Tensile and Impact
Properties of Selected Materials from 20 to 300°K,"
1. Keller, G., "Compilation of NAA Inc. Unpublished National Bureau of Standards Monograph 63
Materials Data," North American Aviation Inc., Report
(June 28, 1963).
No. NA61-588-6 (November 1961).
18. Rack, H.J., and Kalish, D., "The Strength, Fracture
2. "Carpenter Custom 630 (17Cr - 4Ni) Precipitation
Toughness, and Low-Cycle Fatigue Behavior of 17-4PH
Hardening Stainless Steel," Carpenter Technology Stainless Steel," Metallurgical Transactions,Vol. 5 (July
Corp. (1969). 1974).
3. Precipitation Hardenable Stainless Steels, Republic
19. Steigerwald, E.A., "Plane Strain Fracture Toughness
Steel Corp. (1975).
Data for Handbook Presentation," TRW Inc.,
4. 17Cr - 4Ni Alloy, Technical Data, Allegheny - Ludlum AF 33-615-5001 (June 1967).
Steel Corp. 20. "Armco 17-4PH Precipitation-Hardening Stainless Steel
5. Metals Handbook, Tenth Edition, Vol. 1, ASM (1990). Sheets and Strip," Armco Steel Corp., S-96,
LA-6772 (August 1972).
6. Reirihart, F.M., "Corrosion of Materials in Hydro-
space," TR R-544, U.S. Naval Civil Engineering 21. "Armco 17-4PH Precipitation-Hardening Stainless Steel
Laboratory (December 1966). Bar and Wire," Armco Steel Corp., S-6c, LA-10273
(January 1974).
7. Fieldhouse, I.B. and Lang, J.I., "Measurements of
Thermal Properties," WADD TR60-904, Armour 22. "Carpenter Custom 630 (17Cr-4Ni)," Carpenter Tech¬
Research Foundation (January 1961). nology Corp. (1977).-
8. Hamilton, C.H. and Meredith, R., "Evaluation of 17- 23. "Armco 17-4PH Stainless Steel Bar and Wire," Armco
4PH Stainless Steel Sheet for Welded Pressure Steel Corp., LA-3575 (April 1975).
Applications," Report No. SDL 301, North American 24. Data furnished by E.G. Takocs, Armco Steel Corp.
Aviation, Inc. (28 June 1961).
(March 15, 1977).
9. Wolanski, Z.R., "Material Evaluation - 17-4 PH CRES,
25. Lanning, W.J., "Torsion Properties of 17-4PH and
H900 Condition, Fatigue Characteristics," General
15-5PH Stainless Steel Bars," Advanced Materials
Dynamics, FTDM - 3287 (June 1964).
Division, Armco Steel Corp. (March 16, 1972).
10. Beaver, R.J. and Leitten, C.F. Jr., "A Survey of the
26. AMS 5604C, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
Corrosion of Martensitic and Ferritic Stainless Steels in
(October 1, 1988).
Pressurized Water," ORNL-TM 539, Oak Ridge
National Lab (July 16, 1963). 27. AMS 5355E, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
(November 1994).
11. Deel, O.L. and Mindlin, H., "Engineering Data on New
Aerospace Structural Materials," AFML - TR-72-196, 28. AMS 5344D, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
Volume 1, Battelle Columbus Labs (September 1972). (November 1994).
12. Malin, C.O., "Low-Temperature Properties of 17-4PH 29. AMS 5342D, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
Alloy," Rocketdyne Div. North American Rockwell (November 1994).
Corp., NAR 80010 (August 8, 1968).
30. AMS 5343D, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
13. Malin, C.O., "Low-Temperature Properties of 17-4PH, (November 1994).
Condition H1150M," Rocketdyne Div. North American
31. AMS 5398D, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
Rockwell Corp., NAR 80005 (July. 10, 1968).
(October 1, 1989).
14. "Fatigue Properties of 17-4PH and 15-5PH Steel in the
32. AMS 5825E, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
H900 and H1050 Conditions," The Boeing Corp.) Vertol
(October 1, 1992).
Div., Report No. D8 1038 (July 1, 1968).
33. AMS 5827D, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
15. Ferrara, R.J., and Vreeland, D.C., "Flexural Fatigue
(October 1, 1992).
Behavior of Welded and Unwelded 17-4PH Stainless
Steel and Titanium Alloy Ti-6Al-2Cb-lTa-0.8Mo," 34. AMS 5643N, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
Naval Ship Research and Development Center, Report (January 1, 1992).
8-570 (November 1970).
35. AMS 5622B, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
16. Judy, R.W., Fujii, C.T., and Goode, R.J., "Properties of (January 1, 1990).
17-4PH Steel," Naval Research Laboratory Report 7639
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FeAH • Ferrous Alloys Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook Revised October 1995

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63. Visvvanathan, R., Wittig, J.E., and Syrett, B.C., "Corro¬

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