A Remark of Feminism - Based On The Analysis of Film and TV Works in Different Times

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 670

Proceedings of the 2022 3rd International Conference on Mental Health, Education and Human Development (MHEHD 2022)

A Remark of Feminism -- Based on the Analysis of Film

and TV Works in Different Times
Xuan Deng1, † Borong Lin2, † Chang Xu3, *, †
Radio and Television Director, School of Humanities, Jinggangshan University, Ji’an
Accounting, International Business School, Tianjin University of Finance and Economic, Tianjin
Drama, Film and Television Literature Major, School of Humanities and Communication, Haikou
Corresponding author. Email:[email protected]

These authors contributed equally.

With the development of society, the power of women is increasing. However, they are still defined as weak and not
free group and face many social problems. Equality of women's rights is a pillar of social development, which is related
to everyone's life and the healthy development of society. This paper aims to sort out the development history of
women's rights movement through film and television works, show the changes of women's status, and discuss how
women defend their rights in the development of modern society, and call for social attention to women's unresolved
problems. In this paper, we describe the materials used in the research, explore their background, and choose to reflect
the changes of women's social status in the real society through film and television works. In the selection of materials,
we focus on the literature that has more description and development of the social background, including some materials
that analyze films through the social status quo. By reading lots of literature, we choose the famous movie as part of the
main female characters, such as Hua Mulan, princess Anne, through the analysis of their social background, social status
and behavior, etc., to explore the role they had played in the feminist movement time, and the positive influence on the
social feminism. In our research, we find that women do make sustained efforts and sacrifices for their rights. From the
pursuit of freedom of marriage to their pursuit of independence and gender equality, women have been trying to change
their subordinate social status. Also, we analyze a series of films good reveals the women of generation process of
constant struggle for himself, but more important is the feminist movement in the independent group of women has
grown to encourage women to be brave to say no to inequality, to fight for their own rights, to find more possibilities
through the process of potential digging.

Keywords: Feminism, Film, The feminist movement.

1. INTRODUCTION are constantly discussed and studied by people. After the

Enlightenment, that is, the first feminist movement,
Today, with the prevalence of feminism, more and women began to realize the importance of feminism and
more people participate in the activities to safeguard found relevant contradictions in the society, such as
women's rights and interests, but there are still many discrimination, labeling and objectification of women,
problems in the society, and women have not achieved which further triggered disputes between the two genders
equal rights with men. The most important problem that in the society. These issues and debates have been
modern women have to confront with is how to change discovered and recorded by writers of different eras, and
their subordinate status in a powerful patriarchal society. their thoughts and views on this issue have been
This is not only a problem for women, but also would be preserved through the medium of film and television
a restriction the development of the human world. series. We hope to explore the process of feminist
indispensable part of human society and the backbone of movement by analyzing films and TV plays related to
social development. The equality of women's rights is women's rights, explore the changes in social views on
related to everyone's life. women's rights, and analyze the problems encountered by
In today's era, women's rights, as an important issue, contemporary women's rights, so as to conduct in-depth
research on the transformation of feminism.

Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license -http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/. 291
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 670

In this paper, we hope to analyze the general situation life, and also formed a great impact on people's ideas.
of women's rights in the society at that time by Women began to show their talents in the field of social
conducting research on the core female characters in production, and the social experience and inspiration they
different films and television works and their behaviors, received prompted them to rethink their status and value.
images and social backgrounds, and dig the development At the beginning of the 20th century, a large-scale
of women's rights movement and its impact on the society. feminist movement began to take shape. Women's pursuit
From the pursuit of freedom of marriage to the pursuit of of equal rights with men reached the first climax of the
independence and equality between men and women, the feminist movement.
change of female images in film and television works
reflects the change of women's rights and interests in the 2.1.2 Second Wave of Feminism
society. Besides, the social problems in film and
television works are also the best portrayal of practical The second wave of feminism occurred in the 1960s
problems. We try to understand the real society through and 1970s. During this period, western feminists tried to
movies and TV plays, which is the main research method establish the main space of women themselves. Although
of this paper. We hope to analyze the social influence of the postwar western countries to improve women's status,
female characters through the analysis of films and women in the field of political economy and the
television works with wide social influence such as education equality on efforts to made obvious progress,
Beauty and the Beast, Mulan, The Devil Wears Prada and but the condition of the patriarchal culture and gender
Gone With the Wind. We try to find the contradiction discrimination was not improved, the desire of the
between modern society and women, explore the women's liberation and the real equality between men and
evolution of feminism in film history, and summarize women were still real and objective. There was still a big
whether the The society has brought women mental and gap between the true equality of men and women.
life pressure and other issues. Further digging, we hope
to see that in today's society, women can have more 2.1.3 Third Wave of Feminism
choices and pursue more of their own value. We also hope
that through our research, women are no longer required In the 1980s and 1990s, feminists began to pay more
to rely on men to realize their own value. attention to academic and cultural studies. On the basis of
continuing to study the root causes of gender inequality,
2. FEMINISM AND THE FOUR WAVES OF postmodernism and other new disciplines and theoretical
schools emerged. They shifted their focus from economic
and political equality to cultural equality and cultural
identity, not only focusing on the differences between
2.1 Feminism men and women, but also the differences within women.
Also known as feminism, it is a social theory that However, there were still many differences between the
opposes gender discrimination and strives for equal rights sexes and within the female group that cannot be
between men and women based on female experience and eradicated. Therefore, they criticized the patriarchal
motivation. Since women in western societies often fight culture and tried to construct a pluralistic female
for their rights in the form of large-scale social discourse system that emphasized and focuses on
movements, the term "feminism" is also often used to differences, gradually weakening the deep influence of
refer to the feminist movement. The United States is a patriarchy on the feminism of the first and second
country with frequent feminist movements. Before this waves[2].
century, there were three waves of feminist movements
in American society which had a significant impact on 2.2 Background: Analyze Historical Reasons,
American politics and law. Since the beginning of the Social Reasons and Economic and Social Basis
21st century, stimulated by the rapid development of
Internet and we-media and the resurgence of anti-feminist The feminist trend of thought has its special social and
conservative forces, the Feminist movement in the United historical background and ideological and theoretical
States has undergone important changes, showing origin. The feminist trend of thought and feminist
different characteristics from previous feminist movement in the real sense are conditional on the certain
movements. It is generally believed that western development of capitalism. Both the large-scale feminist
feminism originated from the Enlightenment movement and socialist movements emerged in the middle of the
in the 18th century. Up to now, feminist theory has 19th century. After the rise of the international women's
developed into an interdisciplinary theoretical system[1]. movement and the socialist movement, the mutual
influence and close trend in the development process
provided a direct social background for the emergence of
2.1.1 First Wave of Feminism
feminist thoughts. With the advent of the Great
The development of the first industrial Revolution Depression of capitalist economy, prejudice against
greatly changed the face of the world and people's way of women's employment in Europe and the United States

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 670

soared. After Hitler came to power, he expanded wildly there were three waves of feminism in the History of the
and launched the Second World War, which destroyed United States before this century, and the time division of
women's organizations in some European countries. After each wave of feminism is basically the same as that of the
world War II, capitalist countries led by the United States western feminist movement. The current feminist
pursued the anti-communist "Cold War" policy, and the movement still belongs to the residual wave of the third
international women's movement was suppressed as well wave feminist movement. However, Prudence
as the labor movement. Especially in the 1950s, in Chamberlain, Helen Pankhurst and other contemporary
particular, the anti-feminist movement reached its height feminist scholars believe that the post-2012 feminist
in the United States, and there was a backlash against movement can be seen as the fourth wave of feminism in
women's participation in public life[3]. the United States.
In period of the 1920s and 1930s, the two world wars The most important problem faced by modern women
broke, and also, the first and the second feminist is how to change their subordinate status in the face of a
movement happened during the period. At this time, powerful patriarchal social and cultural system. This is
American society had experienced economic prosperity, not only a women's problem, but also a human problem.
in a sharp transition period of American women's life had The personal development of women, who account for
became rich and colorful. Their appearances, behaviors, half of the population, is of great significance to the
marriages, family and employments have taken on new development of the human world.
characteristics. Appeared in the 1920s with the prosperity
In the private space, the patriarchal society adopts a
of economy, the consumption society, the new mass
series of sexual political strategies to ensure the
media promoted the formation of information
dominance and leadership of men in the private sphere,
communication and national values. American women
and women are constructed as a subordinate gender both
enjoyed the modernization of material and spiritual physically and mentally. In public space, the sexual
wealth, so the maverick, particularly striking "new political strategy of private space makes women subject
women" groups, became the most outstanding to the ubiquitous gaze of the patriarchal society, while
representatives of women's freedom and liberation in the only positions the value of women on her biological
1920s, and a symbol of the tumultuous 1920s. But with attributes, and refuses to allow women to participate in
the coming of the great depression, America plummet all creative public things. In a society that flaunts equality
women's living conditions during the 1930s the United and democracy, men and women still maintain the
States women's marriage, family, jobs had been huge unequal gender pattern of dominance and subservience,
impact of the great depression, who were under the master and servant. There is no way for women to revolt,
double tribulations of lack of material and spiritual pain, and the return after the failure of revolt makes women fall
trying to cope with the crisis, striving to maintain the into a more passive and helpless situation. The female
family and its own survival. They not only had withstood becomes symbolic existence and completely loose
the test of the great depression, and simultaneously, their themselves. Women's liberation becomes an equation
status in the family and society had improved. with no solution [5].
Women's living conditions are regulated by the At the present stage, the Feminist movement in the
external world, and social political, economic and United States has fallen into the dilemma of alienation in
cultural changes have a fundamental impact on their lives. the aspects of ideological orientation, expression of
Women's own efforts are the key to real liberation, and demands and movement achievements, and the feminist
economic independence is the basis for women's equality movement of American women is facing severe
and liberation. Either in the private sector or the public challenges.
domain, women's status and role largely depend on its
economic independent ability, which is a motive force of
the women thought liberation, individual development,
but economic equality not only depends on the life level
of productivity development, also is subject to the social 3.1 Extension and Change of Feminism in Film
and cultural development level, all of these need to be and Television
achieved through long-term efforts. At the same time, the
The fact that the social meaning of gender is forced
influence of traditional and cultural factors is also
upon us does not mean that we are passive recipients of
powerful. On the road of women's equality and liberation,
cultural meaning. We have choices: we can accept
ideological liberation is as important as economic
cultural norms, we can fix them, or we can reject them
equality [4].
altogether[1] .Entering the 20th century, Western society
is faced with science and technology as well as social
2.3 Problems: Problems Encountered by culture, and at the same time, the two also have related
Feminists in the Feminist Movement intersection and connection. Science and technology
drive the change of social and economic structures, and
It is generally believed in the academic circle that

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 670

thus have a huge impact on social culture. In this case, the Michelle Bartlett has pointed out, 'cultural politics are
feminist movement has been accompanied by women essential to feminism because they involve struggles over
fight for their right to vote and has became a new and rich meaning.'[6]"
typicality of social phenomenon. It is the traditional
concept of social value, especially to the deep-rooted 4.CHARACTER IMAGE ANALYSIS OF
patriarchal an unprecedented shock, the feminist TYPICAL FILM AND TEVEVISION
movement has been controversial and challenging. At this WORKS
time, due to the development of science and technology,
mass media has expanded from paper media to the field 4.1A Brief Introduction to the Individual
of video, and gradually been recognized by all social
Characters Selected
strata, warmly welcomed. With the development of
image technology, as an epitome of social culture, image
works are also an effective platform to reflect ideology.
4.1.1Smart and Selfless
Whether it is film, TV advertisement or TV drama, we Princess Belle in Beauty and the Beast is a pioneer in
can also appreciate the different social positioning of breaking through traditional women, she is intelligent and
women and the changes with the social development independent, studious and enterprising. The beast lifts the
from this series of media culture [6]. curse because of Belle's kiss, the first Disney film that
requires a princess to save the prince, and the swap of
3.2 Development of Feminism in the Early 20th male and female characters demonstrates the power of
Century female characters. Disney is no longer satisfied with the
adaptation of fairy tales, and finding materials from
During the Great Depression of 1929, the two reality is closer to reality and realizing business model
traditional media, film and radio, also became popular innovation. Princess BulgarConti was portrayed as an
pastimes for the American-dominated society at that time. Asian princess with a face, Caucasian figure, and was an
In the first decades of the emergence of film culture, the idealized beauty of exoticism shaped according to the
female orientation in film and television works is still the aesthetics of Western men. Although she fell in love with
mainstream of the traditional gentle and virtuous. But in the British explorer, a happy life was not the final
the meantime, the movie Gone With the Wind, based on outcome of the two, and BulgarConti used sacrifice to
American novelist Margaret Mitchell's novel Gone with prove the value of love. In the movie "Frozen", Disney
the Wind, has turned the traditional image of women in created two princesses with three-dimensional
film and television on its head. As the daughter of a personalities, sharp contrasts and unique characteristics
southern farmer, she was not your typical lady. She hated in a movie. One is Princess Anna, who is lively and
etiquette, rebellious character, dare to love and hate, and cheerful, optimistic and persistent, and attaches great
even a variety of shortcomings and behaviors that could importance to family and friends. The other is Princess
not be accepted by traditional values. But the role has Elsa, who is dignified, elegant and reserved, has the
been embraced by the public. In particular, after losing appearance of a king [7].
the war in the film, Scarlett witnessed a series of tragedies,
including the destruction of her home, the death of her
4.1.2 Resist and Powerless
mother and the mental disorder of her father. The scene
in which she stood under the sunset and swore her vows Audrey Although Ann, played by Hepburn, is a
has infected countless Americans. It was a time when the representative of the typical traditional woman, driven by
United States was struggling to get out of the economic the power of freedom and love, she has also decided to
crisis, especially the shadow of unemployment and escape the shackles of the royal etiquette, but under the
hunger, which were the most urgent aspirations of the pressure of family and national responsibility, her female
underprivileged. Therefore, "Scarlett spirit" was derived heart has not fully awakened in the end, and Anna's
from the film. Scarlett not only became the most female awakening road has finally ended in tragedy, so
distinctive female image in the film history, but also the awakening of female consciousness in "Roman
became a spiritual symbol in a special era.From this Holiday" is only temporary, and this consciousness does
example, it can be seen that sometimes there are certain not prompt the protagonist to completely betray tradition
limitations in interpreting films with feminist arguments, [8].
and only by combining the relevant historical background
can we have an objective and fair understanding. 4.1.3 Be Brave and Strong
Although Scarlett is not a feminist, she does have the
characteristics recognized by radical feminists. This Masculine women, once they are no longer women in
indomitable character has been recognized in the real men's aesthetics, but return to the origin, that is, ordinary
society, while is only the tip of the iceberg -- feminism is women in life, their female identity needs to be re-
intrinsically linked to cultural politics, "popular culture recognized by themselves, and they also need others to
has been the object of many feminist analysis articles. As know, but people only see her bright side, but do not see

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 670

her pain, helplessness, belongs to some of the weaknesses and they are not attached to someone or right, only loyal
and nature of ordinary women. Mulan in the first half of to themselves, and perhaps the consciousness of
the film is weak and feminine, more is to reflect the side resistance has not yet fully awakened. Princess Anna
of ordinary women, with the experience of military camp lives in the rules of traditional etiquette and morality, and
life, she gradually masculine, strong and become unusual even if there is resistance, it is doomed to success in this
Mulan [9]. context. The film ends in a tragic form that echoes the
theme. A glamorous identity does not give Anna
4.1.4 Independent and Greedy happiness and satisfaction, and what she really pursues is
stifled by ethics and morality, and the tragedy is strong.
The heroine Scarlett shown in front of the audience Through Anna's layered transformation, the film tells the
by the film and television work "Gone with the Wind" is audience that she dares to resist, reject male control,
not a perfect and kind person, who does not bow to the pursue her own happiness, and most importantly, the
hard life and unfortunate fate in the face of the great awakening of her inner feminist consciousness. The
transformation of life, and constantly fights against the protagonist's ending may not be perfect, they may
difficult situation, brave and strong; At the same time, sacrifice themselves to complete the happiness of others,
Scarlett is greedy, vain, and selfish, and she can take all but it is this embodiment that brings feminism into full
kinds of despicable means to achieve her goals. play. Mulan is indeed one of the most typical
Compared with the positioning of women in the area at representatives of feminist films, she dressed as a man,
that time, everything Scarlett did was beyond the scope joined the army for her father and triumphed, and the
of the "lady norms" stipulated by her, and she was not strength and suffering in it are not ordinary people can
restrained by it, and fought against the society dominated imagine. This breaks the public's perception of women, it
and controlled by the male power. Scarlett has made turns out that women can still live like this, fearless to
women clear aware that as a woman, you should be strong, protect their relatives, the country, in the face of love,
independent, self-respecting and self-loving [10]. sober and rational, she knows that everything should be
the country first, and cannot be enjoyed alone. Women
4.1.5 Confident and Successful can protect everything they love through their own power,
including men, which shows that women's power has
The movie "The Queen Wearing Prada" also risen, and it is no longer the era when they were once at
delicately portrays the emotional world and family life of the mercy of men and were regarded as pawns. And these
strong women. Miranda, as the highest female leader in are all presented in film and television works. Scarlett in
the company, puts men at her mercy. Women play a "Gone with the Wind" is very richly portrayed, after she
decisive role in world-renowned companies, which lost the protection and love of her parents, her life became
contradicts the traditional stereotype of being weak and extremely hard, and after many tribulations, she finally
can only stay at home, rather than having the right to became a southern beauty with contradictory
decide in major companies. It makes people reflect on the personalities. Her personality is independent, strong,
fact that women can also be successful women in their romantic, vain, cold, selfish and cheerful, and she can do
careers, and even stronger than men [11]. whatever she wants. Although this is not a perfect female
figure, it is enough to show that Scarlett is a flesh-and-
4.2 The Film Contains Feminist Elements in blood female figure who has been devastated by war.
Common Society is increasingly demanding of women, not only to
have their own careers, but also to manage their families.
They are the most famous protagonists in film and Women in society bear no less social responsibility than
television works who can represent the kind, brave and men, and even, delicate they will pay more patience and
independent image of women. tolerance than men. We should not stereotype the image
From the first "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" in of women in film and television works, portraying them
1937 to "Ocean's Edge" in 2016, the princess image as gentle, virtuous, and only ornamental and sensual
created by Disney animated films has undergone a huge characters, who can live with men and families, and
transformation from weak tradition to independent reality, cannot see or need to see the outside world. On the
and the princess character has undergone a huge contrary, the male image is always so active, authoritative,
transformation, from flat to three-dimensional, from ideal rational and independent, and only they can build the
to reality. The rise of feminism has gradually paled the whole society. This misconception should be given up
theme of "kindness and beauty" can be favored, completely.
"independent and true" to fight for freedom can reflect For women, there is an irreconcilable contradiction
self-worth, Disney's animation uses different narrative between career and family as wives and mothers. If
logic to reveal a deeper inner beauty, with a women want to gain social recognition, they must not
transformative thinking to portray a deeply rooted, only have the maternal characteristics of gentleness,
branded with the mark of the times of the classic image thoughtfulness and sacrifice, but also have sufficient
[7]. They all change their fate through their own efforts,

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 670

patience and courage. And to succeed in the workplace, figures will be tapped by directors, who are not
you have to have ambition and some selfish qualities. But necessarily perfect, but have independent personalities
"The Queen Who Wears Prada" does not demonize and special charms. Women should live seriously, expand
women who have successful careers, but through the the circle of intersections, think rationally, not only
fragile side of the gorgeous aura of successful women at pursue personal happiness, but also shine for the
home, Miranda, reflects the great contradictions and collective and society.
confrontations that modern society brings to women: on
Through the analysis of the article, we find pleasantly
the one hand, society has to recognize the role of women
that even though the society is not completely friendly to
in socio-economic development; On the other hand, there
women, there are still more and more women who
is a fear of women with great power, which causes mental
participate in the struggle to safeguard their rights. Since
and life pressure on them. But the Miranda image still
the first feminist movement, they have worked hard to
shows a lot of inherent hidden inequality, not the ideal
change their subordinate status. In this article, we find the
female image of feminism [11].
issues faced by women in society by selecting the main
characters and analyzing their behaviours and images. In
4.3 The Film Contains the Differences of addition, by sorting through time line, we find that
Feminist Factors women are constantly trying to change the stereotype and
gradually becomeing self-reliant and independent.
There are many Disney movies based on fairy tales,
such as Princess Belle in "Beauty and the Beast", which Film is the image expression of real life, and the
is a model of breaking through the traditional female image also affects the society. After going through a
image. Intelligent, kind, hard-working and independent, series of women's rights movement, our surprise the
full of sunshine and vitality, the beast in the movie lifts female characters of the film and television play work
the curse because of Belle's kiss, which is the first Disney gradually become more full, gradually become more
movie that requires a princess to save the prince. These independent and more personality from Roman holiday
"new princess movies" are somewhat exaggerated and to Mulan, from purple to The Devil Wears Prada,
occult. Gradually, the selection of real events to adapt characterization of film and television works of female
makes feminism more convincing in society. Since the characters from the pursuit of freedom of marriage to
beginning of the 21st century, women have more choices, pursue freedom, from independence to self-improvement,
and society no longer requires women to be dependent on The portrayal of women in movies has changed
men or families to achieve value. Feminism believes that dramatically. In reality, women of all ages and races can
women should abandon the stereotypes of women by men stand up and fight for their social status and due rights.
or society, and let women define their own identity. "Frog They are more independent and powerful, and more
and Princess" released in 2009 and "Ocean's Edge" conscious about who they are and what they should have.
released in 2016 embody these concepts. Obviously, The series of films we analyze is an incomplete
marriage and family are no longer the only choices for representation of this arduous process, and the reviews
female protagonists in this period, and women's lives document the history-making and self-improvement
have become diverse. When there is no need to attach efforts of these great women.In the article we analysis of
their value to marriage and men, women can turn around a series of films good reveals the generation of women
and look for their professional social attributes, treating from the pursuit of freedom of marriage to the pursuit of
marriage as the icing on the cake rather than a necessity independence, equality between men and women, to say
[12]. Later films more and more only focus on the the women have been trying to change their subordinate
realization of personal value, rather than caring for others. social status, and more importantly, we will be the
development of the feminist movement and the growing
5. CONCLUSION independent group of women to the society, Thus, women
are encouraged to say no to inequality, fight for their own
The stories and characters in many films are feminist rights and find more possibilities.
and portray women who break the mold, who are bold
and resolute, not as weak as before, and ready to be REFERENCES
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