Soft Re Eng Ass 1
Soft Re Eng Ass 1
Soft Re Eng Ass 1
Code Refactoring: Refactoring takes the center stage, aiming to restructure the code
while preserving its external behavior. This process enhances code readability,
maintainability, and performance. It encompasses practices like variable renaming,
method extraction, and simplification of intricate code segments.
Forward Engineering: This technique revolves around the creation of a fresh system or
version of the software based on insights derived from reverse engineering. It often
necessitates the complete redesign and reimplementing of the software using
contemporary technologies and best practices.
Compatibility: Legacy software often faces compatibility issues with modern hardware
and software environments. Re-engineering ensures that the software remains
compatible with current technologies.
Functional Requirements: These delineate the specific features and functionalities that
the software must possess to fulfill its intended purpose. Functional requirements
detail the software's expected behavior and are typically documented through use
cases, user stories, or detailed feature descriptions.
Inclusions: Inclusions refer to all the elements that form part of the software project,
including particular features, modules, and components. They define what the software
is expected to incorporate.
Exclusions: Conversely, exclusions explicitly specify what is not within the software
project's scope. This is a valuable element for managing expectations by clarifying
what the software will not encompass.
Constraints: Constraints are limitations or restrictions that impact the project, which
may include budget constraints, time constraints, and technological constraints. These
factors need to be considered as they can influence the project's scope.
Functional Requirements: These define what the software should do, specifying
features and interactions.
Clear and comprehensive requirements are crucial for effective software development
and ensure that the software aligns with user needs and expectations.
1. Corrective Maintenance:
2. Adaptive Maintenance:
3. Perfective Maintenance:
2. Code Generation Tools: Automate code creation from high-level design models.
3. Repository Tools: Manage and store software artifacts, enabling version control
and collaboration.
12.Quality Assurance Tools: Improve code quality through reviews, code analysis,
and metrics.
2. Baseline Management: SCM defines baselines, which are specific versions of the
software at significant development milestones. These baselines serve as
reference points for comparing and monitoring changes.
3. Change Control: Change control processes manage and document all proposed
changes to the software. Changes undergo review, approval, and controlled
implementation to ensure consistency and prevent unregulated alterations.
1. Unified Modeling Language (UML) Tools: UML tools provide a standardized way
to visually represent, specify, and document software systems. They allow
developers to create diagrams like class diagrams, sequence diagrams, and use
case diagrams.
2. Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) Tools: ERD tools are used for designing and
modeling database structures. They define relationships between entities in a
database, such as tables and attributes.
3. Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Tools: These tools model the flow of data within a
system, helping developers understand how data is processed and transformed
in a software application.
4. Flowchart Tools: Flowcharts are valuable for illustrating processes and decision-
making in software systems. Flowchart tools make it easier to create diagrams
that represent a system's logic.