Landowner Consent Form
Landowner Consent Form
Landowner Consent Form
Registered Property Owner First Name Registered Property Owner Last Name
Street Address Unit # City or Town Province Postal Code
Telephone Email
Responsibility for any action arising from any watercourse or wetland alteration must be borne by the Permittee and no liability shall be
incurred by the Minister or the Department of Environment and Local Government. It is understood that the issuance of a permit does
not exempt or exclude the Permittee from the provisions of any Act of the Legislature of New Brunswick or the Parliament of Canada to
serve as legal defense to any action commenced by landowners who are adversely affected by the alteration.
Under the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the contact information consisting of your name, address, email address, or telephone
number included in this application is considered personal information. All other information in your application is non-personal and is open to public
inspection pursuant to sections 36 and 37 of the Clean Water Act. In order to assist in the Minister’s decision to issue a permit, the information provided
on your application, including your personal contact information, may be shared with other government entities that have regulatory requirements
impacted by the project. These can include Fisheries and Oceans Canada (Fisheries Act), the New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and
Energy Development (Crown Lands and Forest Act, Lands Administration Regulation, and Species at Risk Act), municipalities or regional service
commissions (local by-laws and planning under the Community Planning Act and Regional Service Delivery Act).
Please choose:
□ In making this application, you consent to the sharing of your contact information (personal information) with these entities and accept that
these entities may contact you for additional information as required.
□ In making this application, you do not consent to the sharing of your contact information (personal information) with these entities. All other
information provided on the application (other than your contact information) may be shared with these entities. If more information is required
for their review, these entities will contact the Department directly and the information requested will be handled solely from the Department.
Please be advised that this option will cause delays in the review process