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Journal of Anatomy

J. Anat. (2016) 228, pp877--886 doi: 10.1111/joa.12438


Comparative anatomy of the extraocular muscles in

four Myliobatoidei rays (Batoidea, Myliobatiformes)
 R. Kfoury Jr4
Carlo M. Cunha,1,2 Luciano E. Oliveira3 and Jose
Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Capes Foundation, Ministry of Education of Brazil, Brasılia, DF, Brazil
Ecology and Environmental Resources Post Graduation Program, Uberla ^ ndia Federal University, Uberla
^ndia, MG, Brazil
Department of Surgery, School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, University of Sa ~o Paulo, SP, Sa
~o Paulo, Brazil

Extraocular muscles are classically grouped as four rectus and two oblique muscles. However, their description
and potential associations with species behavior are limited. The objective was to characterize extraocular
muscles in four Myliobatoidei rays from diverse habitats with divergent behaviors. Heads (10 per species) of
Dasyatis hypostigma, Gymnura altavela, Mobula thurstoni and Pteroplatytrygon violacea were decalcified and
dissected to characterize and describe extraocular muscles. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to
evaluate relationships between muscle length and species; for P. violacea, D. hypostigma and G. altavela, these
were qualitatively and quantitatively consistent with the general pattern of extraocular muscles in vertebrates.
In contrast, for M. thurstoni, the two oblique muscles were completely fused and there was a seventh
extraocular muscle, named m. lateral rectus b (both were apparently novel findings in this species). There were
also significant differences in eye disposition in the chondrocranium. The PCA axis 1 (rectus muscles) and PCA
axis 2 (oblique muscles) accounted for 98.47% of data variability. Extraocular muscles had significant
differences in length and important anatomical differences among sampled species that facilitated grouping
species according to their life history. In conclusion, extraocular muscles are not uniform in all vertebrate
species, thereby providing another basis for comparative studies.
Key words: Dasyatis; Gymnura; Mobula; morphology; Pteroplatytrygon.

Elasmobranchs have a variety of advanced visual features,

including mobile pupils, multiple visual pigments (essential
Elasmobranchs have great morphological diversity, occupy for color vision), prominent visual streaks (enhance visual
disparate environments and include many species with a acuity) and a moveable lens that facilitate accommodation,
highly specialized sensory system, consistent with their roles characteristics of a much more complex system than previ-
as top predators in marine ecosystems (Compagno, 1990; ously reported (Hueter, 1991; Hueter et al. 2004). Species
Pough et al. 1999; Nelson, 2006). Sharks and rays are gener- with relatively smaller eyes tend to be coastal dwellers (e.g.
ally described as having small eyes and poor vision, relying benthic, batoids and sharks). Furthermore, active ben-
primarily on other senses (e.g. smell, hearing and electrore- thopelagic and pelagic species that prey on active, mobile
ception). Nevertheless, after discovery of their double retina prey also have relatively larger eyes than more sluggish
containing cones and rods (Gilbert, 1963; Gruber et al. benthic elasmobranchs that feed on more sedentary prey
1963; Hamasaki & Gruber, 1965; Cohen, 1989), more evi- such as benthic invertebrates (Lisney & Collin, 2007).
dence emerged regarding eye function, thereby confirming Eyes have functional and structural variations determined
the importance of vision in several of these species (Gruber by environmental, evolutionary and genetic factors (Hair-
& Cohen, 1978; Hueter & Cohen, 1991; Hart et al. 2006). ston et al. 1982). In fish, eye morphology can vary, depend-
ing on feeding strategy and habitat, as well as other factors
(Menezes et al. 1981; Hairston et al. 1982; Williamson &
Carlo Magenta Cunha, Academy of Natural Sciences, 1900 Benjamin Keast, 1988; Fanta et al. 1994).
Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19103, USA. Extraocular muscles are responsible for eyeball move-
E: ment, and are regarded as constant in number, arrange-
Accepted for publication 16 December 2015 ment and innervation in vertebrates (Goodrich, 1986).
Article published online 8 February 2016

© 2016 Anatomical Society

878 Anatomy extraocular muscles Myliobatoidei rays, C. M. Cunha et al.

There are four rectus and two oblique muscles (Nomina

Anatomica Veterinaria, 2007); during eyeball movement,
these muscles form three pairs (antagonistic and synergis- B
tic). Inferior and superior rectus muscles are responsible
for movement around the horizontal axis of the eyeball,
thereby directing the eye up or down. Medial and lateral
rectus muscles are responsible for movement around the
vertical axis (moving eyes forward and backwards).
Finally, inferior and superior oblique muscles are responsi- D
ble for rotation of the eyeball around the optical axis
(Harder, 1975; Carpenter, 1977). The innervation pattern C
by three cranial nerves is consistent among extant verte-
brates (Fritzsch et al. 1990). Nerve IV innervates superior
oblique. Nerve VI innervates lateral rectus in chon-
drichthyan and osteichthyan fishes, but two muscles in
the lamprey, and in most tetrapods. All remaining
extraocular muscles are innervated by Nerve III (Fritzsch
et al. 1990; Young, 2008).
Elasmobranchs from different habitats have differences in
size of extraocular muscles, perhaps due to reduced use of a
particular eye movement, based on habitat and mode of
locomotion (Graf and Brunken, 1984). The objective of this Fig. 1 Right eyeball (flipped horizontally) and extraocular muscles
study was to characterize extraocular muscles in four Mylio- arrangement from Dasyatis hypostigma. (A) Dorsal view of m. superior
batoidei ray species from diverse habitats with divergent rectus (SR), m. medial rectus (MR) and mm. oblique (SO and IO) with
behaviors. The hypothesis that there are significant differ- part of the chondrocranium (CR) attachted in the origins. (B) Right lat-
eral view of SR and MR. (C) Ventral view of m. inferior rectus (IR), m.
ences among species in extraocular muscles morphometry
lateral rectus (LR) and IO. (D) Posterior view, with mm. oblique
was tested. It was expected that results could provide a new
deflected, eyestalk (Eyt) and SR removed to illustrate insertion. Scale
basis for future evolutionary/phylogenetic studies and com- bar: 10 mm. II, optic nerve (cranial nerve II); IV, trochlear nerve (cranial
parative homology within myliobatoids. nerve IV).

Materials and methods

For each muscle, the following were analyzed: shape, origin,
Four species (each from a different genera) were studied within the insertion point and fixation line. Muscle length measurements
suborder Myliobatoidei, as proposed by Aschliman et al. (2012) as (muscle + tendon) and EYL (Ebert, 2015) were measured (calipers)
follows: Dasyatidae: Dasyatis hypostigma; Pteroplatytrygon vio- and recorded (mm). To compare muscle length among species, EYL
lacea; Gymnuridae: Gymnura altavela; and Myliobatidae: Mobula was normalized to 100 for all species. Lengths are represented as %
thurstoni. Prior to preparation, species were identified according to of EYL as described (Oliva, 1967). Data were analyzed by one-way
Figueiredo (1977), Gadig et al. (2003) and Santos & Carvalho (2004). ANOVA, and means compared by the Tukey test (5% probability). In
There were 10 individual specimens for each species. addition, a principal component analysis (PCA) was used to deter-
Material consisted mainly of fresh specimens captured by trawl- mine relationships between muscle length and species (Manly,
~o Paulo state,
ing and longline fishing vessels off the coast of Sa 1986). All statistical analyses were done with R software (R Core
south-eastern Brazil. Specimens were decalcified and dissected Team, 2015).
(Casas et al. 2005). Identification and terminology for muscle
description followed Nishida (1990) and Shirai (1992). Anatomical
descriptions were made with both eyes; however, morphometric Results
analyses were conducted only with right eyes.
All anatomical analyses were conducted at the Faculdade de
Extrinsic muscles were located completely within the orbit
Medicina Veterina ria da Universidade de Sa ~o Paulo (FMV-USP). in all species. In D. hypostigma (Fig. 1A–D), G. altavela
Anatomical abbreviations: CR, chondrocranium; EB, equator of the (Fig. 2A–D) and P. violacea (Fig. 3A–D), there were four
bulb (central portion of axial length on the ocular bulb); EYL, eye recti (SR, LR, IR, MR) and two oblique muscles (SO and IO).
length; Eyt, eyestalk; IR, m. inferior rectus; ITD, insertion tendon; LR, However, mm. rectus in M. thurstoni (Figs 4A–E and 5) dif-
m. lateral rectus; LRb, m. lateral rectus b; MR, m. medial rectus; IO, fered from the other three species in having a fifth muscle
m. inferior oblique; OB, ocular bulb; SO, m. superior oblique; SR, m.
associated with LR, named here as LRb (Figs 4C and 5). Fur-
superior rectus; II, optic nerve (cranial nerve II); III, oculomotor nerve
(cranial nerve III); IV, trochlear nerve (cranial nerve IV); VI, abducent
thermore, oblique muscles in M. thurstoni (Figs 4A–B and
nerve (cranial nerve VI). For clarity, photographs of the right eye in 5: SO and IO) were completely fused.
Fig. 1 were inverted (horizontally) to match the orientation of mus- All recti originated posterior to the orbit and were ori-
cles in Figs 2–4 and 6. ented in a dorsocaudal direction. All oblique originated at

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Anatomy extraocular muscles Myliobatoidei rays, C. M. Cunha et al. 879



Fig. 2 Left eyeball and extraocular muscles arrangement from Gym-

nura altavela. (A) Dorsal view of m. superior rectus (SR), m. medial
rectus (MR) and m. superior oblique (SO). (B) Same view with m. infe-
rior oblique (IO) and SO deflected, demonstrating MR insertion and
innervation of SO. (C) Ventral view of IO, m. lateral rectus (LR) and m.
inferior rectus (IR). (D) Same view with IO deflected, demonstrating IR
insertion and innervation of SO. Scale bar: 10 mm; *eyestalk attach-
ment point. Eyt, eyestalk; II, optic nerve (cranial nerve II); IV, trochlear Fig. 4 Right eyeball and extraocular muscles arrangement from Mob-
nerve (cranial nerve IV). ula thurstoni. (A) Anterior view of all muscles, m. lateral rectus b (LRb)
removed and arrow indicating the continuity of the oblique muscle
insertion. (B) Same in posterior view, muscles deflected, demonstrating
A B its relation with the optic nerve (II) and eyestalk (Eyt). (C) Dorsal view
in situ, chondrocranium (CR) partially removed, showing its relation
with LRb. (D) Same, LRb removed to show the LR with insertion par-
tially removed from the ocular bulb (OB) and deflected upwards. (E)
Posterior view in situ, showing the innervation of m. inferior oblique
(IO) by the oculomotor nerve (III) and m. superior oblique (SO) by the
trochlear nerve (IV). Scale bar: 30 mm. IR, m. inferior rectus; MR, m.
medial rectus; SR, m. superior rectus.


Fig. 5 Right extraocular muscles from Mobula thurstoni, with ocular

bulb and muscles partially removed, keeping their origins to demon-
strate its arrangement. Scale bar: 40 mm. Eyt, eyestalk; II, optic nerve
Fig. 3 Left eyeball and extraocular muscles arrangement from Ptero- (cranial nerve II); IO, m. inferior oblique; IR, m. inferior rectus; LR, m.
platytrygon violacea. (A) Dorsal view of m. superior oblique (SO) and lateral rectus; LRb, m. lateral rectus b; MR, m. medial rectus; SO, m.
m. superior rectus (SR). (B) Same view with m. inferior oblique (IO) superior oblique; SR, m. superior rectus.
deflected, demonstrating the m. medial rectus (MR) insertion, its rela-
tion with the optic nerve (II) and eyestalk (Eyt). (C) Same in lateral
view, IO and their relation with eyeball. (D) Same, IO deflected, that anterior region of the orbit. The IO followed the orbit
demonstrating their relation with the optic nerve and Eyt in posterior dorsally, whereas the SO followed the mediorostral region.
view. Scale bar: 20 mm. IR, m. inferior rectus; LR, m. lateral rectus. Gymnura altavela and D. hypostigma had comparable

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880 Anatomy extraocular muscles Myliobatoidei rays, C. M. Cunha et al.

Table 1 EYL, extraocular muscles length and width in studied rays Axes 1 and 2 from the PCA explained 98.47% of data vari-
(10 individuals for each species). ability (Fig. 7). The first axis was associated with the rectus
muscles and the second with oblique muscles (Table 2). The
Gymnura Dasyatis Pteroplatytrygon Mobula
G. altavela juveniles had the lowest values, whereas they
altavela hypostigma violacea thurstoni
were highest for M. thurstoni, and were intermediate for
three adult G. altavela specimens, D. hypostigma and
EYL (mm) 12.8  2.3 13.9  0.8 28.5  1.3 31.1  1.4
Length (mm) P. violacea (Fig. 7). Muscle length differed significantly
SR 15.3  7.7 17.3  0.6 17.2  1.4 46.7  0.8 among sampled species (Fig. 8).
LR 19.8  5.4 20.2  0.7 26.5  0.5 57.2  0.6
IR 17.5  1.5 24.1  0.8 24.5  0.7 55.2  1.1
MR 19.0  6.0 23.4  0.7 21.6  0.5 63.2  1.1 Extraocular muscles
IO 13.0  3.9 24.4  0.7 26.4  0.7 32.8  0.9
SO 11.8  5.8 25.5  0.8 22.7  1.1 32.4  0.9 SR
LRb    27.1  1.1
Width (mm) The SR was triangular in D. hypostigma (Figs 1A and B, and
SR 4.4  0.9 6.3  0.5 7.3  0.8 12.1  0.6 6B), but fusiform in other species. The insertion point was
LR 3.7  1.1 6.4  0.5 6.0  0.0 14.1  0.7 posterior to the EB in G. altavela (Figs 2A and 6C) and
IR 3.7  0.6 5.7  0.5 5.0  1.0 10.8  0.6 D. hypostigma, but anterior to EB in P. violacea (Figs 3C
MR 4.2  1.3 4.5  0.5 5.0  0.0 8.2  0.6 and D, and 6A) and M. thurstoni (Figs 4A–D and 6). The ITD
IO 5.2  2.4 15.3  0.6 10.9  0.6 15.1  0.9
fixation line varied among all four species: straight in
SO 9.5  2.6 15.0  0.6 16.6  0.7 17.2  0.6
G. altavela; concave in D. hypostigma; convex in P. violacea;
LRb    8.4  0.8
and oblique in M. thurstoni. There were no differences in
EYL, eye length; IO, m. inferior oblique; IR, m. inferior rectus; LR, muscle length between D. hypostigma and G. altavela. The
m. lateral rectus; LRb, m. lateral rectus b; MR, m. medial rectus; highest proportions were in M. thurstoni, whereas
SO, m. superior oblique; SR, m. superior rectus. Mean  SD in mm. P. violacea had the lowest (Fig. 8A; one-way ANOVA,
F3,36 = 41.9; P < 0.01).
eyeballs, with the former being slightly smaller (Table 1). In
P. violacea, the eyeball was smaller than M. thurstoni but
bigger than the other two species (Table 1). Furthermore,
there were differences between M. thurstoni and the other The IR was fusiform in all species. The insertion
three species regarding angulation of SO and SR in relation point was ventral to the EB and adjacent to the IO insertion
to the midline (Fig. 6). The SR angle ranged from slightly in G. altavela (Fig. 2C and D) and M. thurstoni (Figs 4A,
smaller or larger than the SO angle with an almost equilat- B and D, and 5), whereas in D. hypostigma (Fig. 1C) and
eral shape or much larger, giving a scalene shape (Fig. 6). P. violacea (Fig. 3D) it was between the optical nerve and

Fig. 6 Spatial relations between extraocular

muscles of left eye, orbit and the line of
action of the m. superior rectus (SR) and m.
superior oblique (SO), and its arrangement
with (CR) Chondrocranium, SR, m. lateral
rectus (LR), m. lateral rectus b (LRb), m.
medial rectus (MR) and SO in dorsal view. (A)
Pteroplatytrygon violacea, (B) Dasyatis
hypostigma, (C) Gymnura altavela, (D)
Mobula thurstoni. Species illustrations not to

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Fig. 7 The first and second principal

component scores of extraocular muscles for
Dasyatis hypostigma (purple), Gymnura
altavela (red), Mobula thurstoni (green) and
Pteroplatytrygon violacea (gray) generated by
principal component analysis (PCA). Species
illustrations not to scale.

Table 2 Eigenvectors, eigenvalues and percentage of variance of the LR

PCA from extraocular muscles for studied rays.
The shape of LR was triangular in M. thurstoni (Figs 4A–D,
Axis 1 Axis 2 5 and 6D) and fusiform for the other three species. The
insertion point was posterior to the EB in D. hypostigma
SR 0.42 0.23 (Figs 1B–D and 6B) and P. violacea (Figs 3D and 6A); at EB
LR 0.41 0.32 in G. altavela (Figs 2C–D and 6C); and anterior to EB in
IR 0.42 0.21 M. thurstoni. The ITD set an oblique fixation line in G. al-
MR 0.42 0.30
tavela and D. hypostigma, concave in P. violacea and con-
IO 0.38 0.58
SO 0.38 0.60
vex in M. thurstoni. There was no difference in muscle
Autov. 5.35 0.55 length between D. hypostigma and G. altavela. The highest
% Var. 89.22 9.25 proportion was in M. thurstoni and the lowest was in P. vi-
olacea (Fig. 8D; one-way ANOVA, F3,36 = 153.3; P < 0.01).
IO, m. inferior oblique; IR, m. inferior rectus; LR, m. lateral
rectus; MR, m. medial rectus; SO, m. superior oblique; SR,
m. superior rectus. LRb in M. thurstoni
The LRb in M. thurstoni was fusiform in shape. The insertion
point was anterior to the EB and on the top of the LR inser-
IO insertion. The ITD was set on an oblique fixation line tion. The ITD set an oblique fixation line (Figs 4C, 5 and 6D).
in G. altavela and P. violacea, whereas D. hypostigma
and M. thurstoni had a concave one. The highest
SO and IO
proportions without significant differences were between
D. hypostigma and M. thurstoni, whereas P. violacea and The SO and IO had a strap shape, and the ITD set a con-
G. altavela had the lowest and intermediate proportions, vex fixation line in D. hypostigma (Figs 1A–D and 6B) and
respectively (Fig. 8B; one-way ANOVA, F3,36 = 184.1; P < 0.01). P. violacea (Figs 3A–D and 6A), whereas in G. altavela
(Figs 2A–D and 6C) it was an oblique one. The IO insertion
point was posterior to the EB. The SO insertion point was
posterior to the EB in G. altavela and D. hypostigma, and
The shape of MR was triangular in G. altavela (Figs 2A and anterior to the EB in P. violacea. The SO and IO in
B, and 6C) but fusiform in other species. The insertion point M. thurstoni (Figs 4A–C and 5) were completely fused in
was ventral to the EB and adjacent to the oblique muscle that origin (Fig. 5) and insertion (see arrow in Fig. 4A), but
insertion in M. thurstoni (Figs 4A–C and E, 5 and 6D), innervated separately by nerve IV and nerve III, respectively
whereas in other species it was between the optical nerve (Fig. 4E). The insertion point lay upon the EB at the orbit0 s
and SO insertion. In G. altavela the ITD had a concave fixa- anterior border. The ITD set a convex fixation line. The
tion line, but in the other species it set an oblique fixation highest values for SO and IO were in D. hypostigma (Fig. 8E
line. Muscle length varied significantly between all species. and F). There was no significant difference in SO and IO
Proportions were lower in P. violacea (Figs 3A and C, and between G. altavela and the other two species (Fig. 8E and
6A) followed by G. altavela, D. hypostigma (Figs 1A and D, F). In M. thurstoni, both SO and IO were higher than in
and 6B) and larger in M. thurstoni (Fig. 8C; one-way ANOVA, P. violacea (Fig. 8E and F; one-way ANOVA: SO, F3,36 = 88.6;
F3,36 = 216.6; P < 0.01). P < 0.01; IO, F3,36 = 146; P < 0.01).

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882 Anatomy extraocular muscles Myliobatoidei rays, C. M. Cunha et al.

Fig. 8 Mean and IC 95% of extraocular

muscles length represented as a percentage
(%) of eye length (EYL) for Dasyatis
hypostigma (Da), Gymnura altavela (Gy),
Mobula thurstoni (Mo) and Pteroplatytrygon
violacea (Pt). (A) m. Superior rectus (SR); (B)
m. inferior rectus (IR); (C) m. medial rectus
(MR); (D) m. lateral rectus (LR); (E) m. inferior
oblique (IO); (F) m. superior oblique (SO).
Different letters (z, w, k and y) indicate
significant differences (Tukey test, following

inferior b, a seventh muscle near the m. obliquus inferior

Discussion present in pristiophorids, pristoids, rhinobatoids and some
Positions and innervation patterns of extraocular muscles rajoids.
among the four species were in agreement with the litera- Nishida (1990), in his extensive work on Myliobatoidei
ture (Daniel, 1934; Harder, 1975; Walker & Homberger, phylogeny, studied the extraocular muscles of five ingroup
1992). There are only a few studies describing the anatomy species: Hexatrygon longirostra, Urolophus maculatus,
of extraocular muscles in elasmobranchs, including Von D. brevis, Myliobatis aquila and Manta birostris; and four
Bonde (1933), Edgeworth (1935), Oliva (1967), Isomura outgroup species: Rhinoraja longicauda, Trygonorhina fasci-
(1981), Miyake (1988), Nishida (1990), Gomes et al. (1991), ata, Narcine brasiliensis and Pristis microdon. The author
Shirai (1992), Walker & Homberger (1992) and Lima et al. did not describe the presence of a seventh muscle or a com-
(1997). The described pattern, with six muscles (four rectus pletely fused oblique muscle in any specimen of the group.
and two oblique) named according to their insertion points, However, D. brevis was reported to have oblique muscles
was observed for D. hypostigma, G. altavela and P. violacea ‘divided into two parts’ (sic.), which are the fused origin
(Harder, 1975; Romer & Parsons, 1985; Goodrich, 1986; and the separated insertions (Nishida, 1990: fig. 44C). A sim-
Nishida, 1990; Walker & Homberger, 1992; Liem & Summers, ilar condition was reported in D. pastinaca and Torpedo
1999). However, M. thurstoni differed from the other spe- torpedo (Oliva, 1967).
cies by having: (i) LRb (Figs 4C and 5); and (ii) complete Fossil, morphological and molecular data supported the
fusion of oblique muscles (Figs 4A and B, and 5). The hypothesis that mobulids are one of the most derived
nomenclature for LRb followed the pattern suggested by groups of elasmobranchs and closely related to rhinopterids
Shirai (1992), who described and named it the m. obliquus (cownose rays, genus Rhinoptera) within a polyphyletic

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clade of Myliobatidae (Nishida, 1990; Lovejoy, 1996; ular muscles in frontal- and lateral-eyed animals (man, cat,
McEachran et al. 1996; Shirai, 1996; Dunn et al. 2003; De guinea pig and rabbit) was examined by orientation of
Carvalho et al. 2004; McEachran & Aschliman, 2004; Claeson semicircular canals; there were marked differences in inser-
et al. 2010; Aschliman et al. 2012; Naylor et al. 2012). Thus, tion points and line action angulation of the superior mus-
the completely fused oblique muscles in M. thurstoni repre- cles (SR and SO) on the globe between them (Simpson &
sented a condition derived from that with just the fused ori- Graf, 1981). Although semicircular canals have apparently
gin and separated insertions for D. brevis, D. pastinaca and not been studied in rays, the pattern of insertion and mus-
T. torpedo (Oliva, 1967; Nishida, 1990: fig. 44C), but appar- cle path had considerable modifications, with apparent
ently autapomorphic for that single examined species of associations to muscle function and animal habitat. Modi-
Mobula. Such characteristics should be considered in future fied insertions and muscle path of vertical extraocular mus-
phylogenetic studies, ideally with inclusion of additional cles were indicative of requirements for producing specific
species. compensatory eye movements, and resulted in disparate
Evidence of up to seven extraocular muscles and the con- secondary kinematic actions. The muscle paths of SO and SR
dition of two abducens-innervated eye muscles in placo- in M. thurstoni resembled the rabbit, with the ray eyes posi-
derms (as an outgroup of all extant gnathostomes) would tioned more laterally, similar to that species. However, in
support homology between those of the lamprey and the the three other species, muscle paths resembled the guinea
external rectus and retractor bulbi of tetrapods (Fritzsch pig, with eyes positioned slightly forward compared with
et al. 1990; Young, 2008). other species (Simpson & Graf, 1981: 23; fig. 1). Comparing
The accessory lateral rectus muscle (aLR) is a well-known the angle among studied ray species, rabbit and guinea pig,
abducens-innervated muscle, with a potential role in stra- the SR tended to form an acute angle (56–65 °). However,
bismus in monkeys (Spencer & Porter, 1981; Schnyder, 1984; in humans and cats, this angle tends to be obtuse (23–25 °),
Boothe et al. 1990; Narasimhan et al. 2007) and humans almost parallel to the body axis, in species with eyes
(Von Lu € dinghausen et al. 1999; Liao & Hwang, 2014). Typi- strongly positioned forward.
cally, the aLR is very small, inconsistently located, often The association of recti muscles on the first axis and obli-
superior to the optic nerve, medial to the LR and inserts at que muscles on the second axis of the PCA (Fig. 8) indicated
the posterior half of the eye ball, approximately between the importance of the size of the recti muscles to these rays,
LR and SR (Schnyder, 1984: fig. 1; Liao & Hwang, 2014). as the bottom-dwelling G. altavela juveniles had smaller
Schnyder (1984) proposed that the aLR represented a negative values, whereas pelagic M. thurstoni had higher
residual retractor bulbi (RB) from lower vertebrates, but positive values. Three G. altavela individuals, D. hypostigma
Narasimhan et al. (2007) refuted it by comparing their ori- both bottom-dwelling rays and pelagic P. violacea
gins, because aLR originates on the LR and in lower verte- remained in the middle of the PCA axis with negative val-
brates, the RB has four broad heads originating at the optic ues, separated without overlap. Furthermore, the slightly
foramen. higher values and close position to D. hypostigma in Axis 1,
According to Narasimhan et al. (2007), the aLR originated P. violacea had shorter extraocular muscle lengths related
on the orbital surface of the deep LR belly in monkeys. Liao to eyeball diameter compared with the other species. Varia-
& Hwang (2014) described a similar condition in humans, tion in muscle length in G. altavela was attributed to a com-
with aLR and LR originating from the same tendon, and bination of juveniles and adults. These differences in muscle
that it may have a muscle belly or exist simply as a fibrous path angulation and size of recti and oblique muscles have
band. Both descriptions implied that aLR does not have its a role in eyeball rotation, providing different visual fields
own source, but that it actually appeared as an appendix LR among studied species (McComb & Kajiura, 2008).
(accessory). Both aLR and LR were equally innervated In Myliobatiformes, the pectoral girdle has four distinct
although, in aLR, innervation was to single fibers (Schnyder, articular regions constituted by three condyles and a facet
1984). (Da Silva & De Carvalho, 2015) and a diverse general loco-
The LRb in M. thurstoni was similar to topography of motor behavior (Rosenberger, 2001). Stingrays such as Dasy-
mammalian aLR. Notwithstanding the similarites, these atis species have pectoral fin skeletal structures with
muscles are considered non-homologous, as LRB was larger reduced calcification and joint staggering (Schaefer & Sum-
and had its own origin. Although innervation of LRb was mers, 2005); they move with an undulatory swimming
not confirmed, due to the proximity of its origin with the mode (Rosenberger, 2001) and feed mainly on benthic prey
LR, it was probably innervated by the same nerve (VI). (Jacobsen & Bennett, 2013). The joint-staggering pattern
Future studies are needed to confirm its innervation in was lost in P. violacea, and the chains of calcification on its
M. thurstoni and to determine whether LRb is present in robust radials are very broad and highly mineralized (Schae-
any other Myliobatiformes. fer & Summers, 2005) allowing an oscillatory swimming
The origin of recti and oblique muscles in the four species mode (Rosenberger, 2001). These changes allow it to move
studied was posterior and anterior to the orbit, respectively, away from the bottom to open, clear water. The oscillatory
in agreement with Nishida (1990). The geometry of extraoc- swimming mode and abiotic factors such as light and

© 2016 Anatomical Society

884 Anatomy extraocular muscles Myliobatoidei rays, C. M. Cunha et al.

visibility could have allowed new angles to the visual field life history. The presence of LRb and fusion of oblique mus-
and favored the development of its eyeball, leading to a cle in other Mobulid species need to be investigated.
shift in the kind of prey captured. It feeds on fish, cephalo- Extraocular muscles were not extraordinarily uniform in all
pods, pteropods and small crustaceans (Ve ras et al. 2009; vertebrates and, therefore, could be used in future compar-
Jacobsen & Bennett, 2013). Despite extraocular muscles in ative anatomical, functional and evolutionary studies in var-
P. violacea and D. hypostigma being smaller and having ious species that, until now, have not been well
similar sizes (Table 1) when related to EYL (Fig. 3), compara- characterized.
tively, the P. violacea values are smaller, as its EYL is almost
twice that of D. hypostigma.
The butterfly rays (Gymnuridae) have a crustal calcifica- Acknowledgements
tion pattern on pectoral fin skeletal structure with cross- The authors thank: Ulisses L. Gomes (UERJ), Marcelo R. de Carvalho
bracing radials (Schaefer & Summers, 2005). Its semi-oscilla- (IB USP), Arani N. B. Mariana and Pedro P. Bombonato (UFMV USP)
tory swimming mode allows both undulate/bottom and for inspiration and extensive discussions; Marcelo Machado (UFPR)
oscillatory/column water swimming (Rosenberger, 2001) or and Andre  Casas (UFAC) for help with dissection and extensive dis-
delivery of physical blows to stun prey before ingestion in cussions regarding results; and two anonymous reviewers who sug-
gested substantial revisions. The authors also thank Dr John
an ambush feeding strategy (Jacobsen et al. 2009; Jacobsen
Kastelic, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, for English edition
& Bennett, 2013). Gracile and flexible jaws with large
on manuscript. This work was partially supported by CAPES (Coor-
gape allow engulfment of food much larger than the ~o de Aperfeicßoamento de Pessoal de Nıvel Superior, Brazil)
resting mouth opening (Dean et al. 2007). Furthermore, to C.M.C. by a doctorate grant and post-doc grant (proc.
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