LOTR Applicant Information Template-V5

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Official Sensitive Personal (When Complete)

Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy (ARAP) – Leave Outside the Rules (LOTR)
Please complete this application form to enable the ARAP LOTR Panel to consider your
request to relocate ARAP non-eligible family members to the UK under LOTR. Information
provided will be required to be shared with your employing or sponsoring department from
the UK Government to assess your case.
Note that submission of this form does not guarantee relocation for any additional family
members not eligible under the ARAP scheme.
In addition to this form, you must provide all relevant documents to support your application.
These include:

1. Copies of Tazkiras (photograph of front and back of ID card) are essential and,
where available, passports for all family members to be considered:
2. Birth, marriage, divorce and death certificates, as applicable:
3. Official adoption/fostering paperwork if you are applying for an adopted/fostered
4. Medical certificates to evidence any medical conditions listed.
You should be aware that failing to provide the relevant documentation may delay your
application and incomplete information may ultimately impact the panel’s decision.
Additional guidance on eligibility of additional family members can be found at the link below:
Part 1 – Applicant to complete

Full name
Date of application
LSU/Staff number
Employing department
Job Title/Role
Are you a current employee?
Have you applied to relocate under
ARAP or EGS? If yes, please provide
your case reference (M/R/T/ATAE)
If EGS – when did you arrive in the
Are you a British Citizen?
What is your relationship status? Single / Married / Widowed / Divorced / Separated
Contact telephone number
Contact email address
1. Please detail any family members that you would like considered for Leave
Outside the Rules (LOTR). Qualifying family members under ARAP are listed in the
immigration rules:
Please include their names, dates of birth, employment status/occupation, describe their
relationship to you to allow us to understand your family group, and list the required
documents you have attached with this application.
‫ تولد‬،)‫بشمول تذکره یا پاسپورت (در صورت موجود بودن‬،‫لطفًا اطمینان حاصل نمایید که باید تمام جزئیات ارائه شده باشد‬

LOTR Template 1
‫)‪Official Sensitive Personal (When Complete‬‬

‫خط و نکاح خط‪ .‬اگر شما سرپرست قانونی کودکان دیگری هستید و نه از خودتان(فرزندی)‪ ،‬باید اسناد قانونی مبنی بر این‬
‫موضوع ارائه نمایید‪ .‬همه اسنادهای قانونی باید دارای مهر رسمی باشند‪ .‬در صورت عدم دریافت‪ ،‬نمی توانیم پروسه کیس‬
‫شما را ادامه دهیم‪.‬‬
‫مهرباني وکړئ ډاډ ترالسه کړئ چې ټول معلومات چمتو شوي وی‪ ،‬تاسو باید تذکره یا پاسپورټ (که شتون ولري)‪ ،‬د‬
‫زیږون خط او نکاح خط شامل کړئ‪ .‬که تاسو د ماشومانو قانوني سرپرست یاست ستاسو خپل ماشومان نه (فرزندی)‪ ،‬تاسو‬
‫باید قانوني اسناد چمتو کړئ چې دا بیانوي‪ .‬ټول قانوني اسناد باید رسمي ټاپه ولري‪ .‬که نه وي ترالسه شوي‪ ،‬موږ نشو‬
‫کولی ستاسو د کیس پروسه پرمخ بوځو‪.‬‬
‫‪Name‬‬ ‫‪Date of‬‬ ‫‪Employment‬‬ ‫‪Relationship‬‬ ‫‪Supporting‬‬
‫‪Birth‬‬ ‫‪status/occupation‬‬ ‫‪to Applicant‬‬ ‫‪Documents‬‬

‫‪2. Please describe your current living situation including your address and‬‬
‫‪complete the below table with the details of any family members who are living with‬‬
‫لطفًا شرایط زندگی فعلی خود را از جمله آدرس‪ ،‬ترکیب خانواده (همه اعضای خانواده از جمله سن‪ ،‬رابطه با شما و‬
‫کار‪/‬شغل) بیان نمایید‪.‬‬
‫مهرباني وکړئ د خپل اوسني ژوند شرایط بیان کړئ پشمول پته‪ ،‬د کورنۍ جوړښت (د کورنۍ ټول غړي پشمول عمرونه‪ ،‬له‬
‫‪.‬تاسو سره اړیکه او د کار ‪/‬شغل)‬

‫‪Name‬‬ ‫‪Relationship to‬‬ ‫‪Date of‬‬ ‫‪Employment‬‬

‫‪Applicant‬‬ ‫‪birth‬‬ ‫‪Status/Occupation‬‬

‫‪LOTR Template‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬

‫)‪Official Sensitive Personal (When Complete‬‬


‫‪3. Please explain what exceptional circumstances you believe mean that the family‬‬
‫‪members at Q1 should be considered to accompany you to relocate to the UK.‬‬
‫‪Medical conditions will need to be evidenced by a supporting diagnosis from a medical‬‬
‫‪professional detailing any health conditions and their impact on the individual and‬‬
‫‪associated care requirements.‬‬

‫اگر یکی از اعضای خانواده مشکل صحی دارد‪ ،‬لطفًا کاپی اسنادهای صحی را به عنوان اسناد ارائه نمایید‪ ،‬در صورت عدم‬
‫دریافت‪ ،‬درخواست شما به تأخیر می افتد‪ .‬در مورد تهدید طالبان علیه اعضای خانواده ‪ ،‬بشمول هر نوع اسناد‪ ،‬جزییات‬
‫مشخص ارائه نمایید‪.‬‬
‫که چیرې د کورنۍ کوم غړی صحي حالت ولري‪ ،‬مهرباني وکړئ د شواهدو په توګه د طبي اسنادو کاپي چمتو کړئ‪ ،‬که نه‬
‫وي ترالسه شوي دا به درخواست وځنډوي‪ .‬د کورنۍ د غړو په وړاندې د طالبانو د ګواښ په اړه‪ ،‬د هر ډول شواهدو په‬
‫ګډون مشخص معلومات وړاندې کړئ‪.‬‬

‫‪4. Please detail any specific dependences that family members listed in Q1 have on‬‬
‫‪Please explain the impact on family members listed in Q1 if you and your approved‬‬
‫‪family members relocated to the UK without them.‬‬
‫اگر شما و خانواده نزدیکتان بدون اعضای خانواده شما که در سؤال ‪ 1‬ذکر گردیده است‪ ،‬افغانستان را ترک نمایید‪ ،‬چه‬
‫تأثیری بر آنها خواهد داشت؟‬
‫که تاسو او ستاسو نږدې کورنۍ پرته د کورنی غړی چې په ‪ 1‬پوښتنه کې لیست شوي افغانستان پریږدئ په هغوی باندې‬
‫څه اغیزه لري ؟‬

‫‪LOTR Template‬‬ ‫‪3‬‬

Official Sensitive Personal (When Complete)

LOTR Template 4
Official Sensitive Personal (When Complete)

5. Please list family members that will remain in Afghanistan or another country
after you have relocated. Please detail their name, age, relationship to you, location
and occupation and why they cannot support family members listed in Q1.

Name Age Relationship to Location Occupation


‫ حمایت نماییند‬1 ‫لطفًا توضیح دهید که چرا بقیه اعضای خانواده نمی توانند از اعضای خانواده ذکر شده در سؤال‬.
‫ پوښتنه کې‬1 ‫مهرباني وکړئ تشریح کړئ چې ولې د کورنۍ پاتې غړي نشي کولی د کورنۍ غړو سره مرسته وکړي چې په‬
‫لیست شوي‬

6. Please detail why support to the family members requested for consideration at
Q1 cannot be provided remotely from another country?

7. Please detail if any other family members have applied under ARAP, the Ex-
Gratia Scheme or another UK relocation scheme, or are in the process of, or have
relocated to the UK, or relocated to other countries under other schemes?

8. Please detail any other concerns or supporting information that will assist in an
assessment of your circumstances.
You must include any supporting documentation that is of relevance to your application.

LOTR Template 5
Official Sensitive Personal (When Complete)

LOTR Template 6
Official Sensitive Personal (When Complete)

Part 2 – ARAP to complete

9. Threat Assessment

10. Cultural Assessment

LOTR Template 7
Official Sensitive Personal (When Complete)

11. LOTR Secretariat

Documentation Received: Comments

Birth Certificate
Death certificates
Adoption paperwork

LOTR Template 8

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