Vue 3 Certification
Vue 3 Certification
Vue 3 Certification
The parent of MyComponent will call a function doThing when MyComponent emits the
change event.
2) one-way = v-bind
4) Which code block correctly shows the text “no items” when a reactive variable ‘items’ is an
empty array?
<div v-if="items.length">...</div>
<div>No items</div>
6) Given the following code block, how many times is “hello” logged to the console?
const fish = ref({
name: 'Blubbles',
hobbies: ['swimming', 'sleeping']
Cuando la variable es ref, para que el watch tome los cambios, se tiene que usar el .value
Si la variable es reactive, si se puede usar fish.
A su vez, si la variable es ref y no se usa el .value, se debe usar el { deep: true } para que se
ejecute el watch, en caso de usar el immediate se ejecutara una sola vez.
7) In a single file component, the '<template>' taag must always come first, before the other
tags like '<script>' and '<stlye>’
9) Which of the following is NOT true about an app created with 'npm init vue@latest'
It is server rendered by default
10) Using vue router, how would you register the 'HomeComponent' to be displayed when
visiting the home page (eg.
A packages that provides a set of reusable Vue composition utilities for use with the
Composition API
14) Given the following handlers object, which of the code snippets correctly attaches all the
event handlers at once?
const handlers = {
15) Pinia
16) How can you listen for a custom event emitted by a child component?
It is used for two-way data binding between form inputs and component data
18) Which of the following classes is applied during the entire leaving phase when transitioning
an element?
19) In Vue 3, the Options API is built on top of the Composition API
after the component has been created and inserted into the parent DOM container.
23) Which options below are valid ways of defining the script section in a SFC?
24) Vue automatically escapes dynamic attribute bindings for security purposes
the child component to pass data to the slot content in the parent. (???)
27) vuetify
Animates elements when they are inserted or removed from the DOM
29) Which of the following best describes Nuxt?
A meta framework…