Amoebiasis Notes
Amoebiasis Notes
Amoebiasis Notes
eausesard ansmission i
- IE is yeney@lly caued pom ontaminatel o d t w a ,
-ELISA -Enzyme enked. Inuno Saberd Axsoy
useel ta delet anthus peviasite Erdamtba Hysáluytica
R- poumarise chain Readuon to g0u
used to distinguish bdtoeen Entoriuba thi,ineioris.
Blood test
his test pey/amed t npw does he ideitn i
uted only intstine o oihe 0gant or boy
Stol dample st
This Hest i Sereened deveial dajs tta amobd widoigo
mubuplcauon in vey aste te. Beause amocba vasuies
somday to day and tan be too lous to tst cet t
Suess anubcdiespresenta
t u the"bveatmet Lrolicati
the presence antlh odies doesnot
do yeons, s0
the atui o Cument in/edion uedchvoric ikretim
Complicauons: s i -
Bowd/ Intestine puloatm: hle in inteshine, kekar
ood and tonderts takes place.
2.GlTSleeding:j tDsada
y diqulive tract ard lod
oyton appeans in stool and vmiting
3.Sicture UmauonCausin domage to lare mutosa
walls Swellingesophagus.
i'tonitis:hin l tksue înside akdlbmto
Qels iected
5 Emgyem: Pocke DUSS Colleted inside a body
Treatment: s
Sypmptmatie deionah ntesuinal fuam and
luesuinal disebses, tieatmtvt ulte
Artiomocbi dhrugd dhould bs aken oriusain
wh doctovs
Asypormatie lutestnal iton al tratd uit
antiambebic drugs, 6itause ay ca et othens
and because t-lo7. disease develope i a
yeau unheated.
1.Meronidaxole' 3dien t t
2. tndazole
3.para m0myun
4dilonanid wo alo eau
5.Chloro guine
Symptoms and pveventuon
Acodaing o coc- Centre a cuireasSe oniol
ohly 20-10 people inkded BeLome iL
We mighd hot have Symptome espeüally on thu vt day
posute to intetion. Bus Symptomu may devedape. wHhin
2-4 weeks al' ineection
- Abdominal pain
Diamhoea fsometimes
- fevot Retal lecdinq)
kOOSe Stoolsatoy o tolour moa donqe
Acudy amoubiasis Stnpiov1y: 0iawhoea, 6loody thools Fevor
Cwonic amotbiasis Sumptoms: GlIT Symptorns, 4aigue,
weiold los, Ocuasatanal eve
Imgro ved tJodil Suppiu: CHsti ane not killel in chlorine tn
amaurt used oodu disinedüon, Lodi î thoriin and
bi ling ave vHcive agonst amoebiasio,
Soritation doke diposal human ennda ond wathing
hards aldoay e Emsumiry and handling food,
od daldy:lnupokad huiks 4 veqetables 6hould be swashed
tmoughly uit, daeWa
dokei also indudes protecling drins and (odt pom s ,
Cockyoaches,Toderdtt othu msetr,
HtalHh Fdlueatin and about Sanit atibn and kygientc
practtes in School, Campoutgns and mass midia.
- Dink boiled wata o Staled/paukaged watu wCale