217122, 18:28 Macmillan Education
Optimise B1+ Online Workbook > UNIT 1
Read the exam task below. Then write A-D in the paragraph plan to put the paragraphs in the
correct order.
Paragraph 1 introduction to the subject (|
Paragraph 2 | first point that agrees with the statement
Paragraph 3 | second point that agrees with the statement (
Paragraph 4 | conclusion/summary of opinion
Teenagers should spend less time using technology to communicate and more time
communicating face-to-face. Do you agree?
Teenagers who spend too much time communicating with other people through a screen
rather than in person can struggle to connect emotionally. | completely support the idea
that this can make it harder for them to develop close relationships with ‘real’ people and
can make them feel isolated.
Of course, technology can be useful to communicate sometimes. | am not in favour of
teenagers never using it at all. However, | think teenagers would benefit from spending
more time interacting face-to-face and less time communicating through screens.
Today, it is very common for young people to use technology to communicate. Even when
teenagers are with their friends, they are often on their phones rather than actually talking
to each other. | totally agree with the idea that teenagers should spend more time
communicating face-to-face.
In addition, | do not accept the idea that it's important to be digitally ‘connected’ with your
friends 24/7. Sending more text messages does not mean you are closer to someone. In
my opinion, it is better to spend half an hour being with someone rather than texting
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