DC Chennai 24-06-2023

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Max: 34 CO
4 infiltrators shot in Pujara dropped from The extreme
Min: 28OC tribe
Rainfall: 1 mm gunbattle near LoC India squad
ASTROGUIDE deccanchronicle.com, facebook.com/deccannews, twitter.com/deccanchronicle, google.com/+deccanchronicle Vol. 19 No. 89 Established 1938 | 20 PAGES| `3.00

Oppn to meet in Shimla Democracy is one of our sacred and

Tithi: Sashti
Star: Magam

July 10-12 to fix agenda shared values, says PM Modi in US

9 am to 10.30 am
1.30 pm to 3 pm

COUNTER POINT ■ No decision taken on PM candidate, Stalin says SRIDHAR

Seeking to dispel any
The 17 Opposition parties,
which met in Patna on
doubts about India’s posi-
tion as the world’s largest
Friday to strategize a com- democracy and the fifth- SRIDHAR
prehensive plan to form an largest economy that will KUMARASWAMI | DC
anti-BJP front ahead of the soon be the third-largest NEW DELHI, JUNE 23
2024 Lok Sabha elections, economy, Prime Minister
decided to hold the next Narendra Modi told a joint After talks between Prime
meeting in Shimla on July sitting of the US Congress Minister Narendra Modi
10–12. Congress president Bihar Chief Minister and Janata Dal (United) leader on Thursday (Friday IST) and US President Joe
Mallikarjun Kharge made that “India is the mother Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the State dinner host- Biden at the White House,
Nitish Kumar with RJD chief Lalu Prasad, Congress
the announcement during of democracy” and that ed by the President of USA Joe Biden, at White House in India and the United
President Mallikarjun Kharge, Congress leader Rahul
a joint press conference in “democracy is one of our Washington, Friday. — PTI States together “affirmed
Patna. He said that the Gandhi, West Bengal Chief Minister and TMC chief sacred and shared values”, a vision of their being
common agenda will be Mamata Banerjee and others during a joint press confer- adding that “we are home WIN-WIN FOR INDIA, US Series of pacts among the closest part-
prepared to work and con- ence after the opposition parties’ meeting, in Patna, to all faiths in the world, signed to boost ners in the world -- a part-
test the Lok Sabha elec- Friday. — PTI and we celebrate all of Modi addressed a bilateral ties in nership of democracies
tions in a collective man- them”. joint sitting of US defence, space, looking into the 21st cen-
ner. GET MARRIED, I WILL JOIN Pointing out that “in Congress for the trade, technology tury with hope, ambition,
FM holds bilaterals on “The next meeting will be
held in Shimla between BARAAT, LALU TELLS RAHUL
India, diversity is a natur-
al way of life”, Mr Modi --
second time as Prime
Minister of India
and people-to-
people ties
and confidence” and their
“Comprehensive Global
Paris summit sidelines July 10 and July 12. During
the meeting, we will dis- Patna, June 23: Known and said, “Rahul Gandhi
in what is being seen as a
message to India’s Mr Modi said India-US
Modi was hosted to a
and Strategic Partnership
anchored in a new level of
New Delhi: Finance Minister cuss and frame a common for his witty comments, didn’t follow my suggesti- Opposition -- said while State dinner at the trust and mutual under-
partnership, would make
Nirmala Sitharaman on Friday agenda to fight against the former Bihar CM and RJD on earlier. He should have “there must be a contest of White House on standing” that “spans the
“the world a better place”
held a series of bilateral meet- BJP while working in our patriarch, Lalu Prasad married before. But still ideas at home, we must Thursday night seas to the stars”, a joint
ings with her counterparts in states”, Mr Kharge said, Yadav once again tickled it’s not too late.” “Get mar- also come together as one statement issued in the
France, Brazil and UAE on the adding that “the Congress funny bone of the top polit- ried so we can be your ‘ba- when we speak for our under his leadership that India-US partnership, Mr early hours Friday (IST)
sidelines of the Paris summit ideology can never be sepa- ical leaders in the country raatis’,” Lalu Yadav said nation”. Addressing the included all. Modi said it would make said.
on the new global financing rated from Bihar”. when he reminded Congr- as leaders from all parties US Congress for the sec- Launching a veiled but “the world a better place”, With an obvious eye on
pact. She met France’s Minister Amid the Opposition ess leader Rahul Gandhi broke into laughter. ond time as Prime pointed attack on China at while telling the US China, the two nations
of Economy, Finance and meeting, Arvind of his advice to get mar- “Listen to me, get mar- Minister, which he the US Congress, Mr Modi Congress: “The scope of mentioned the Quad as a
Industrial and Digital Kejriwal’s AAP said on ried and complained that ried. Your mummy com- described as a “great hon- said that the “dark clouds our cooperation is endless, mechanism “to contribute
Sovereignty Bruno Le Maire Friday that it will not be he did not listen to him. plains that you don’t lis- our” and an “exceptional of coercion and confronta- the potential of our syner- toward a free, open, inclu-
and exchanged views on key part of any future The comments came in ten to her about getting privilege”, Mr Modi reiter- tion are casting their shad- gies is limitless, and, the sive, and resilient Indo-
G20 deliverables under Indian Opposition gatherings that the aftermath of the oppo- married,” Yadav said. ated his vision of “togeth- ow in the Indo Pacific”, chemistry in our relations Pacific”, besides warning
Presidency, including strength- include the Congress till it sition meeting held in Even Rahul Gandhi er, for everyone’s growth, and “the stability of the is effortless… That is the Pakistan and asking it to
ening MDBs (multilateral opposes the Centre’s ordi- Patna on Friday. could not stop himself with everyone’s trust and region has become one of mission of our partner- ensure that th territory
development banks) and man- nance on the control of At a press conference, laughing at Lalu’s wit and everyone’s efforts”, and the central concerns of our ship. That is our calling under its control was not
aging debt vulnerabilities, administrative services in Lalu quipped at the for- said he’d listen to the RJD also highlighted the (Indo-US) partnership”. for this century.” used by terrorists.
among other issues. Delhi. ■ P7 mer Congress President leader’s advice. achievements of India Lavishing praise on the ■ P7 ■ P7
pg 2

‘Middle schools must have GCC to build more sponge
CoP inaugurates
safe city project physical edu teachers’ parks in north Chennai
T. SUDHEESH I DC parks are proposed at an perimeter wall will be
under Nirbhaya N. RAVIKUMAR | DC
There are about 37,000
schools in the State with
sports competitions.
Scientific training with
tion teachers should be
appointed to teach
CHENNAI, JUNE 23 estimated cost of Rs 7.67
crore. Out of this, five
constructed and saplings
will be planted around. A
scheme Although sports infra-
about 2.32 lakh teachers.
Physical education teach-
ers have been appointed
proper methods is neces-
sary to develop the bud-
ding talent but in more
the syllabus. The appoint-
ment of teachers will also
ensure jobs for youth who
In order to solve the
perennial flooding during
have been completed. The
remaining are in various
stages of completion.
pond with rainwater
drainage connection will
be constructed. The bot-
structure in Tamil Nadu heavy rains, the Greater
DC CORRESPONDENT has received a boost after only in 6,000 high schools than 7,000 middle schools are trained in sports and Chennai Corporation Each sponge park will tom of this pit will be
CHENNAI, JUNE 23: Udhayanidhi Stalin took and higher secondary there is no such vacancy former players could (GCC) is focusing on con- have a fencing around the designed to absorb water
charge as youth affairs schools. called physical education have a career structing more sponge pond, rainwater harvest- into the ground. During
As a part of the Nirbhaya safe and sports development The State has more than teacher. i n parks in North Chennai. ing facility, stone pitching, waterlogging in residen-
city project, Chennai minister, there is a need to 24,000 primary schools Teachers of some other teaching sports, it said. The concept of sponge greenery, benches and tial areas, the water is
Commissioner of Police create the post of physical where secondary grade subject are allocated the The sports minister has parks, which the GCC has electrical arrangements, brought into the pond
Shankar Jiwal on Friday education teacher at the teachers take charge of work of monitoring the announced renovation of been implementing across said the official. through the rainwater
inaugurated the Integrated middle school-level to physical education train- children while playing. major stadiums in the zones for the last one The completed projects drain. If the pond fills up,
Command & Control Centre develop the skills of stu- ing and allow the children Every game at the interna- Chennai besides setting year, aims to make urban are in Secretariat Colony the water will be trans-
(ICCC) from which feeds from dents at an early stage, the to play games. Since they tional level is taught and up playgrounds at the vil- areas more permeable, to in Madhavaram, Block 38 ported to nearby ponds or
4,008 CCTV cameras installed physical education teach- are not specialised teach- played in a scientific man- lage-level and distribution store rainwater and to Street, Anna Nagar, ponds through drainage
at 1,336 installations can be ers association has said. ers in physical education, ner with methodical exer- of sports kits to rural allow it to percolate to Gangai Street, Adyar, channels.
viewed. Since the camera The association says they cannot teach the cise routines and proper youth. Having a place and aquifers. V.G.P. Selva Nagar, Adyar S. Janakarajan, former
feeds could be viewed at ICCC, there is no such post techniques and rules of diet. Having two periods equipment alone is not A senior GCC official and Murasoli Maran Park professor, Madras
crime incidents can be cur- called physical education the games. per week and playing in enough and there is a need told DC that they were in Thiru.Vi.Ka. Nagar Institute of Development
tailed across the Greater teacher in over 7,000 mid- They simply monitor the an organised manner for sports teachers and going to set up two large zone. Studies, Chennai, wel-
Chennai police limits. dle schools in the State children during the period without properly knowing coaches at the sponge parks in north The structure of sponge comed the initiative by
Through the system, video though two weekly peri- to ensure they don’t get the rules and scientific school-level, it said. Chennai. ‘’A meeting parks does not contain suggesting that the civic
analytics on the crime inci- ods are allocated for injured and to maintain techniques do not develop Udhyanidhi Stalin has regarding this was held any cement constructions. body should convert all
dents such as chain, hand bag sports. discipline. Children of sportspersons, said the also planned to formulate on Friday at Ripon There are trees all over parks in the city into
or mobile snatching, eve teas- Countries which have primary schools do not association. a sports policy for the Building. We have been the park and rainwater sponges. Currently, at
ing, women surrounded by developed in sports had take part in State-level or After Udhayanidhi State and appointing phys- focusing on setting up harvesting facilities will least 95 percent of run-off
men, violence, abduction, done so by holding on to national-level tourna- Stalin took charge as min- ical education teachers sponge parks across the be provided throughout water ends up in rivers
vandalism, vehicle tampering the slogan ‘catch them ments. ister, the school education from the primary level or city for the last one year. the park besides artificial and eventually in sea.
and camera tampering can be young’, which means bud- Students studying from ministry has promised to at least the middle school- We have identified as ponds to absorb water. This initiative will help to
done. The system functions ding sportspersons should sixth to eighth standard prepare a common text- level must be part of the many as 126 open spaces This rainwater is increase the water reten-
with the state-of-the-art tech- be identified at an early can participate in district, book for the subject. policy, says the for this purpose,’’ said the absorbed and carried into tion capacity of soil and
nology and Artificial age and trained. State and national-level Trained physical educa- association. official. the ground or into nearby prevent flood situations in
Intelligence (AI) based soft- A total of 57 sponge water bodies. In these, a the future,’’ he said.
ware system which offers
numerous analytics features Weeding out

Ola slapped a fine of `3 lakh

coupled with alerts to facili-
tate immediate action on any
As per the scheme 5,250
CCTV cameras will be
installed in 1,750 key locations OP ARULN | DC Bank account. the coral glam colour, deliberate removal of the
across the city. The AI based CHENNAI, JUNE 23 Upon completing the along with substantial cancellation option in the
software will help in ensuring payment, the complainant damages for the mental Ola app after the final pay-
the safety of women as the A Chennai resident’s was shocked to find that agony and financial losses ment is a violation of
camera feeds will analyse the quest for an electric scoot- she couldn’t cancel the caused by Ola’s unfair and customer rights.
situation by the software and er turned into a night- purchase. Meanwhile, deceptive practices from Customers are being
it will alert the ICCC for tak- mare when she encoun- Nisha received a message Ola Mobility Pvt. Ltd., denied the opportunity to
ing appropriate action. tered a string of broken stating that she would be Bengaluru. cancel their booking and
The video feeds will be promises and deceptive receiving the upgraded She said the incident seek refunds for unsatis-
stored in the data centre and practices by Ola. Ola S1 PRO model, despite serves as a wake-up call factory service or other
replicated in the data recov- Eager to purchase a originally booking the Ola for consumers to exercise reasons.
ery centre. scooter, K. Nisha of S1. While accepting the caution when making This action reveals Ola’s
The live monitoring of the Purasawalkam visited upgrade, she insisted on online purchases. intention to restrict cus-
feeds will be done in the ICCC Ola’s website, hoping for a receiving it in the coral Companies must be held tomers and impose their
and it will be made available smooth transaction. glam colour she had origi- accountable for their com- delivery choices. It has
at the offices of Joint However, the absence of nally chosen. mitments, ensuring trans- caused significant mental
Commissioners of Police and physical dealerships As the complainant parency and fairness in agony and stress to the
deputy commissioners of meant relying solely on uploaded the required doc- their dealings. The complainant, who sold
police. the website. She proceed- uments for registration episode underscores the their vehicle in anticipa-
ed to book an Ola S1 Model and delivery, she eagerly importance of stringent tion of receiving
in the highly desired coral awaited the scooter’s consumer protection a new one. Such actions
Women, students glam colour, with acces-
sories included.
arrival. To her dismay, she
received a call from Ola's
measures in the burgeon-
ing electric scooter mar-
amount to service defi-
c i e n c i e s
After paying the initial customer care, demanding ket, she said. and unfair trade practices.
demand closure of Weeds being removed from a canal in Velachery.
amount, she awaited
instructions for final pay-
an additional `. 40,000 for
registration and despatch.
Ola Mobility Pvt. Ltd.,
Bengaluru, failed to
The commission direct-
ed Ola to register and
Tasmac shop ment and delivery. But her
excitement quickly turned
The complainant vehe-
mently protested, as it
appear before the district
consumer disputes redres-
deliver Ola S1 PRO model
of coral glam colour
LOSS TO EXCHEQUER into disappointment. The contradicted the promises sal commission, Chennai within two months to the
DC CORRESPONDENT promised financing made by Ola. (north), and file a reply. complainant or pay her
CHENNAI, JUNE 23: options suddenly van- Despite sending a legal When the matter came refund of `. 1,10,296, along

Women of Arambakkam vil- IT WING UNEARTHS WILFUL DEFAULT BY TN-BASED COOP BANK ished, leaving her with no
choice but to pay the full
notice, her pleas went
unanswered, and the pur-
up for hearing recently,
the commission,
with a compensation of `.
2 lakh towards compensa-
lage near Padappai in amount. Despite her reser- chased scooter was never comprising president, G. tion for
Kanchipuram district on CHENNAI, JUNE 23: years, sources said. PAN number, and account vations, she made the pay- delivered. She now seeks Vinobha, and members, deficiency in service and
Friday lay siege to Tasmac "In this case, the bank details of those customers ment of `. 1,10,296 on July the delivery of the prom- Kavitha Kannan and V. unfair trade practice
shop located in the midst of The income tax depart- did not disclose the inter- who have conducted such 16, 2021, through her ICICI ised Ola S1 PRO model in Ramamurthy, said the and a cost of `. 5,000.
houses, schools and temples ment has unearthed a est paid to the customers. financial transactions to
in the area demanding its clo- "willful default" by a It has come to our notice the department, they said.
sure. Students from nearby Tamil Nadu-based cooper- that there may be a loss of As the bank did not
schools also took part in the
protest. Since the Tasmac
shop is situated in the resi-
dential locality, those who
ative bank causing losses
to the exchequer of sever-
al crore rupees, sources
said on Friday.
about Rs 1.5 crore every
year." they said.
A 10-member team of
the department along
respond to any of the com-
munications sent by the
department, the on-the-
spot survey was conduct-
DVAC raids on former municipal head
consume liquor at the shop According to the depart- with police personnel ed. DC CORRESPONDENT Covid-19 period in 2020-21. the tune of `. 32 lakh was that a thorough
are indulging in eve teasing ment's Intelligence and then conducted a survey Failure of the financial CHENNAI, JUNE 23: Maheshwari was the found. investigation will reveal
and harassing children, the Criminal Investigation on Thursday. institutions to submit the commissioner of The municipal adminis- irregularities for many
protesters complained. They wing, financial institu- "According to the requisite data or defecting The Directorate of Kanchipuram when it was tration department filed a c r o r e s
are also unaware of their tions, banks, and coopera- Income Tax Act and data results in loss of rev- Vigilance and Anti- a municipality and she is complaint with the DVAC during the pandemic
clothing in a drunken state tive banks are supposed to Rules, the financial insti- enue to the exchequer, Corruption officials on the commissioner for who visited the corpora- period.
and women find it difficult to inform the department of tutions including coopera- they said. Friday conducted search- Dindigul corporation. tion office and seized the
cross the place. The residents cash deposits and interest tive banks are statutorily The cooperative bank es in the house of former During the auditing of documents related to the There were com-
association gave a petition to paid to customers in the obliged to file details of has reported certain Kanchipuram municipali- accounts in Kanchipuram, irregularities. They also plaints of irregulari-
the collector to close the shop form of a Statement of cash deposits by cus- transactions with defects. ty commissioner and four which has become a seized documents showing ties in buying floor
but it was not added to the list Financial Transactions tomers above certain lim- Earlier, notice issued to former municipality corporation now, it was the involvement of the cleaning anti-
of 500 shops closed. After the (SFT). its and fixed deposits of rectify the defects was not employees in connection found there were irregu- then municipality
police promised take steps for However, the cooperative above ` 10 lakh in the complied with by the with complaints of irregu- larities in buying floor commissioner Maheswari
sceptic liquor and
the closure of the shop, peo- bank in Pudukottai dis- form of Statement of bank. Therefore, the need larities in buying floor cleaning solutions and and four personnel Iqbal, other safety equip-
ple dispersed. trict was not sending the Financial Transactions," to carry out a spot verifi- cleaning anti-sceptic other safety equipment. In Ramesh Kumar, ment during the
details of the interest paid the sources said. cation was felt, they liquor and other safety buying floor cleaning Radhakrishnan and Covid-19 period
to customers, based on the The cooperative banks added. equipment during the solutions, irregularities to Santhavalli. It is said
deposits for the last four should inform the name, —PTI
EPFO outreach
prog on June 27
Chennai: EPFO Regional
HEARTWARMING RURAL NARRATIVE WITH DEPTH Intriguing concept, complex narrative
Office, Tambaram, will con-
duct ‘Nidhi Aapke Nikat 2.0’ ANUPAMA THANDATTI ANUPAMA ASVINS fill their roles in the nar-
as a district outreach pro- SUBRAMANIAN | DC CAST: Pasupathy, SUBRAMANIAN | DC CAST: Vasanth Ravi, rative.The film's first half
gramme on June 27, between tends to overuse typical
Rohini, Vivek Vimala Raman,

9.00 am and 5.45 pm at handatti, directed by he psychological horror tropes, with repeti-
Butterfly Gandhimathi debutant Ram Prasanna horror thriller Udhayadeep tive scenes that may seem
Appliances Ltd , 143, Sangaiah, offers a Asvins takes its monotonous. However, the
Pudupakkam Village, delightful portrayal of a DIRECTION: Ram roots from the realm of DIRECTION: Tarun plot takes an intriguing
Vandalur - Kelambakkam heartfelt, rural narrative mythology, referencing Teja turn post intermission,
Road, Chengalpattu district . that resonates with Sangaiah the Ashwini Kumaras with the introduction of
Activities like orientation authenticity and warmth. from the Rig Veda – twin the archeologist's
programme for newly covered Cop Subramani RATING: 3/5 horsemen deities RATING: 2.9/5 chapter and the emer-
establishments with a focus (Pasupathy), is reassigned ing and more by the allure renowned for their medic- gence of the malevolent
on EPF & MP Act, duties to Theni after defying his of her 'thandatti', or long inal and healing abilities. entity. The storytelling
and responsibilities of superiors. On the brink of golden earrings, which humans while The film sets the stage (Udhayadeep), Varun might have been more
employers and employees, retirement, Subramani are said to be of consider- simultaneously highlight- with a prologue, introduc- (Muralidharan), Ritu effective had it been less
online services for employ- finds himself dealing able value. ing the damaging effects ing us to a farmer from an (Saraswathi Menon) and complex, as the highly
ers/principal employers/con- with a particularly chal- Subramani locates of caste, especially era long past who had Grace. They journey to a technical narrative could
tractors,. online services for lenging case in a village Thangaponnu but the sit- regarding a woman's free- twin sons. Tragically, the desolate mansion in potentially be challenging
employees, awareness pro- named Kidaripatti near uation soon spirals out of dom to choose her life children perish, but the London, said to be haunt- f o r
gramme on new Theni, known for its aver- control as she unexpected- partner. farmer, through penance, ed by the spirit of archeol- audiences in B and C cen-
Initiatives/reform, interac- sion to law enforcement. ly passes away and her Despite an unpre- persuades the Ashwini ogist Aarti Rajagopal ters.Technically, the
tion with exempted establish- A young boy from precious thandattis disap- dictable climax, the Kumaras to restore life to (Vimala Raman), intend- movie is very strong. The
ments, redressing the griev- Kidaripatti files a com- pear overnight. The sequences leading up to it one of the twins. The ing to film a black tourism majority of the action
ances of members/pension- plaint about his missing unfolding of these events lack a natural progres- resuscitated child is episode for their channel. takes place within a con-
ers and employers, submis- g r a n d m o t h e r , forms the crux of the nar- sion. Nonetheless, blessed with immortality, Their eerie encounters fined space, adding to the
sion of digital life certificates Thangaponnu (Rohini). rative. Pasupathy's stellar per- destined only to die of nat- therein make up suspense. Edwin Sakay’s
by pensioners. and providing Despite warnings from Thandatti engages the formance is noteworthy, ural causes. Twin golden the crux of the striking visuals, inten-
assistance to seed UAN KYCs, his colleagues, Subramani audience right from the as are Rohini's commend- horse statues are given to story. t i o n a l l y
file e-Nomination, and upload agrees to help the boy and start, introducing the able portrayal and Vivek the boy, a symbol of bal- unleashing a wave of Vasanth Ravi, in his dual low-lit, along with Vijay
the details of contractors will i n v e s t i g a t e characters within the first Prasanna's convincing act ance between good and wickedness. As a result, role, performs commend- Siddharth’s exceptional
be conducted. Thangaponnu's disap- quarter of the film. The as an alcoholic son. evil in the world. several villagers and cat- ably, particularly in the musical score and the
Those concerned can attend pearance. As they journey screenplay is intriguing, The background score by However, this equilibri- tle die. second half where he expert sound design by
the programme to avail of back to the village, the boy speckled with humor, and Sundaramurthy KS and um is disrupted when the Fast forward to contem- truly shines. Vimala Sachin and Hari,
this facility, said a press reveals a family secret. successfully maintains Mahesh Muthusami's boy trades one of the stat- porary times, we follow a Raman also delivers a magnificently create an
release. His aunts' search for their audience engagement. It rustic visuals harmonize ues to the devil in group of YouTubers – notable performance, eerie atmosphere that
mother is motivated less underscores the selfish perfectly with the exchange for his deceased Arjun (Vasant Ravi) and along with the supporting amplifies the film's overall
by concern for her wellbe- and ungrateful nature of film's ambiance. brother's life, thereby his crew Rahul cast who competently ful- impact.
pg 3


CPM for state,

EPS: Stalin harbouring Drive against single
use plastic intensified
alliance to beat BJP
Prime Ministerial dream DC CORRESPONDENT

Giving a clarion call to the peo-

Nadu Pollution Control Board
(TNPCB) were jointly imple-
menting the ban from 2019,
TNPCB along with the urban
THANJAVUR, JUNE 23 G BABU JAYAKUMAR dreams of becoming the Prime ple to take a pledge to “Avoid local authorities were conduct-
& D SEKAR I DC Minister of the country was not Single Use Plastic” and “Use ing district-wise series of
Welcoming the Opposition CHENNAI, JUNE. 23 acceptable. Eco-Friendly Alternatives” inspections and awareness
leaders meeting in Patna, However, in Patna, there was no and follow it with determina- campaigns against Single Use
CPI(M) State secretary K. Leader of the Opposition in the indication of anyone offering the tion, the State Government Plastic products in the State,
Balakrishnan said for achiev- State Assembly Edappadi K top job in the country to Stalin or has launched "Manjappai App an official press release on
ing the agenda of the meeting, Palaniswami accused Chief he expressing any desire for that. and Website" in Tamil and Friday said.
there need not be uniform Minister M K Stalin of ‘going In fact, Stalin skipped the press English to enable them to The Manjappai App was
alliance at the national-level around’ with Prime Ministerial conference held after the meeting know the details of the ban designed to create awareness
but State and constituency-spe- dreams and failing to take care of and rushed to Chennai, landing and the awareness campaigns. on the ban on single use plastic
cific alliances should be the law and order situation in the her at around 6.30 pm ahead of Launched by Minister for and about the availability of
formed to defeat the BJP at the State that had led to custodial the scheduled arrival past 8 pm. Environment and Climate eco-friendly alternatives to
Centre. “This is because deaths becoming a regular affair. Going back in time, former Change, Siva V Meyyanathan, changing lifestyles for the
regional parties are in power Palaniswami, in a statement on Chief Minister M Karunanidhi, as a follow-up to the World environment.
and dominant in various Friday, was referring to the Patna. would be decided at the appropri- father of Stalin, was asked to Environment Day, the website Users can locate Manjappai
States,” he clarified. recent case relating to the death The Patna meeting saw leaders ate time. take over as Prime Minister in is designed for the public and vending machine and plastic
He told mediapersons that of a 26-year-old construction of various political parties tak- But Palaniswami, suggesting 1997 by a coalition of provides details on district bottle crushing machine
the CPI(M) welcomes the meet- worker, charged with bootleg- ing a vow to stand united and that Stalin was vying for the non-Congress parties that had wise locations for Manjappai through Google maps, know
ing of Opposition leaders in ging, at Puliakulam in Tenkasi defeat the BJP in the next Lok Prime Minister’s post, sarcasti- just then romped home in the Lok vending machines and plastic the details of manufacturers of
Patna, which, according to district, when he took a swipe at Sabha elections but decided not cally said that police excesses Sabha elections when he bottle crushing machines. eco-friendly products, register
Nitish Kumar, Bihar Chief Stalin for participating in the to haggle over the Prime happening when the Chief declined. He later said that he Since the Department of En- complaints against on use of
Minister and convenor of the opposition unity meeting at Ministerial candidate now. That Minister was ‘going around’ with knew his height. vironment, Climate Change banned items through the App,
meeting, has the only one agen- and Forests and the Tamil the release said.a
da of removing BJP from
power at the Centre in the 2024
Lok Sabha elections, he said.
He also said the Tamil Nadu
government should ensure
25 kg plastic found in Governor leaves for Delhi, triggering speculations
continuous supply of water for
kuruvai cultivation by getting
carcass of cow in Coonoor DC CORRESPONDENT
expected to be till next
Tuesday. While sources
without a portfolio, some
others claimed that it was
issuing statements against
it and the Dravidar Kazha-
stian missionaries like G U
Pope and Bishop Caldwell
the State’s due share of Cauv- B. RAVICHANDRAN I last week. close to the Governor said personal jaunt. gam calling people to atte- in his speech at a meeting
ery water from Karnataka as DC The cow reared by a Governor R N Ravi left for that he would be meeting Since the controversy nd a function at Vadalur in in Vadalur, Ravi had this
per the Supreme Court order, OOTY, JUNE.23 farmer in Koderi vil- Delhi by an Air India flight experts to ascertain the stirred by the Governor by memory of Vallalar, the time attacked Karl Marx,
said Balakrishnan. lage near Coonoor died past 10 am on Friday, trig- legality of the DMK gov- claiming that Vallalar was trip to Delhi made many the icon of Communists,
The government should In an alarming trend, a on Wednesday, after gering speculations on the ernment passing a GO to a lodestar of Sanatana curious. ruffling the features of
insist on a distress sharing for- cow which was killed grievously attacked by purpose of his visit to the enable V Senthil Balaji Dharmam has still not died Besides launching a local Communists who are
mula, instead of Karnataka by a leopard in rural a leopard that strayed national capital that is retain the Minister’s post down with political leaders scathing attack on Chri- also up in arms.
giving water when there is sur- Coonoor on Wednesday into the village limits.
plus. “It is only during the was found to have con- During the autopsy, the
deficit period we want water sumed nearly 25 kg of veterinary team found
from Karnataka,” he explai- throwaway plastics. nearly 25 kg of throw-
ned. He said crop insurance A week ago, the car- away plastic waste
should be done for kuruvai cass of another cow inside its gut.
(short-term crop) also like it is which died in Yedapalli Meanwhile, wildlife
being done for samba (long- village near Coonoor activists in the hills
term crop). If private compa- contained nearly 30 kg wanted stringent action
nies do not show interest in of throwaway plastics to curb plastic use in
insuring kuruvai crop, Tamil in the gut and plastic the village limits to
Nadu government should impl- wastes were found in ensure that the health
ement its own crop insurance the elephant dung of animals is not affect-
scheme for kuruvai, he added. along the NMR track in ed by throwaway plastic
Runneymade section wastes.

Call to rejuvenate Guinness Park near Ooty

B. RAVICHANDRAN I DC monsoon weather on June 24, husbandry department did
OOTY, JUNE 23 2002. It also reflected the not show any enthusiasm to
labour and enthusiasm maintain the park and many
B.K. Kumaran, president, the shown by hundreds of select of the native tree saplings
Nilgiris Ecology and volunteers and government planted there withered over
Animals Protection Samithi, employees who made the the years. Now, it is learnt
has called for revamping the record possible. The that the animal husbandry
Guinness Park at Guinness Park, a pride of the department is taking efforts
Kuruthukuli village, near Nilgiris, has over the years to build a dairy farm there by
here, which holds a Guinness became neglected due to landscaping the area. It is
record for planting more inter-departmental squab- high time the state govern-
saplings on a single day. He bles between the forest and ment takes steps to revamp
appealed for rejuvenation of animal husbandry depart- the park under the Green
the park under the Green ments as the 80 acres of land Tamil Nadu Mission by
Tamil Nadu Mission as most where the park was set up planting suitable tree species
of the saplings planted there belongs to the animal hus- there to ensure that it devel-
have withered over the years. bandry department. ops into a man-made forest of
He said that the park creat- ‘’Over the two decades the class in the future and also
ed a world record when 42,184 state government failed to acts as a natural carbon-
saplings were planted brav- hand over the land to the for- sink,’’ Mr Kumaran demand-
ing the hostile southwest est department. The animal ed.

Protesting ASHA workers Prison bazaar

demand higher stipend DC CORRESPONDENT
DC CORRESPONDENT other States provide Rs. 10,000 CHENNAI, JUNE 23
CHENNAI, JUNE. 23 per month of stipend for ASHA
workers. More than 30,000 work- Minister for Law,
As many as 1,700 accredited ers are working in all these Courts, Prisons, and
social health activist (ASHA) states. Union territories like Correctional Services,
workers gathered in protest at Puducherry have announced S.Regupathy inaugu-
Rajarathinam stadium in Rs. 10,000 per month bonus for rated 'Prison Bazaar'
Egmore on Friday, demanding ASHA workers. However, Tamil (Sirai Santhai) at the
higher stipend and permanent Nadu has 2,650 workers and the prison headQuarters
jobs. government has not given any in Egmore on Friday.
The protest, organised under bonus. We demand a salary of The event marked an
the aegis of Tamil Nadu ASHA Rs. 24,000 per month as prom- important step
Paniyalar Sangam, urged the ised by the health minister dur- towards promoting
government that workers who ing the conference of ASHA rehabilitation and
are 45 years of age and holding workers held in Chennai in providing opportuni-
higher secondary school certifi- 2020,” said association general ties for prisoners.
cate should be made permanent secretary Wahida Nizam. The outlet will offer
as village health nurse by the The protesters said there had high-quality products,
State health department. been no notification of the manufactured in cen-
“We are requesting a perma- announcement made by the tral prisons and spe-
nent salary as we get only an health minister and even after 3 cial prisons for
incentive of about Rs 3,000 per years, there is no implementa- women in Tamil
month: Rs. 2,000 from the tion. They have also made rep- Nadu, at affordable
National Health Scheme of the resentations to the health minis- prices for the public.
Union government and Rs. 1,000 ter and the Chief Minister in The minister also
from the State health depart- this regard. inaugurated a modern
ment. The governments in No health department official gym for the staff
Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, responded to the protest by the working at the prison
Karnataka, Telangana and ASHA workers. headQuarters.

Jewels worth `100 cr of Tiruchendur

temple invested in SBI gold bond
M. Aruloli I DC the past 10 years, according ariamman Temple and
Tiruchendur, June 23 to the HR&CE minister, Mangadu karumariamman
would be purified and con- Temple have been monetised
As part of monetising verted into gold bars at a by investing in SBI gold
unused temple jewellery, Central government facility bonds, said the minister,
Hindu Religious and in Mumbai, before being who added that the HR&CE
Charitable Endowment deposited in the SBI's bul- has divided the state into
(HR&CE) Minister P.K. lion branch. Investing three zones, Chennai,
Sekhar Babu on Friday 211.546 K of gold in gold Trichy and Madurai for the
handed over gold jewels, bonds for five years purpose and 10 more tem-
weighing 211.546 kg and would fetch an annual ples would be included in
worth around `100 crore, interest of `2.58 crore the scheme soon.
offered by the devotees to which, the HR&CE minister The monetisation of tem-
Tiruchendur Subraman- said, would be utilised for ple jewels scheme would be
yaswamy Temple, to State the development of the tem- monitored by retired judges
Bank of India general man- ple. in the zones and Justice R.
ager Govind Narayan Goyal Under the scheme Mala, who was also present
to be invested in gold bond. launched by Chief Minister when the jewels of Tiruc-
Minister and Tiruchendur M.K. Stalin on October 2021, hendur Subramanyaswamy
MLA Anitha R the unused jewels of temple were handed over to
Radhakrishnan was present Irukkankudi Mariamman the SBI officer on Friday, is
on the occasion. Temple, Periyapalayam the monitoring officer of the
The jewels offered by the Bhavaniamman Temple, temple gold conversion
devotees to the temple over Thiruverkadu Karum- scheme in the Madurai zone.
pg 4

■ India, US are working together, in space and in the seas: Modi

SHORT TAKES TMC neta FS: Modi, Biden
Welfare schemes
for workers soon
shot, Cong
rural polls
PM: Indians brilliant in every discuss terrorism,
field, not just in Spelling Bee global challenges
New Delhi: The Delhi gov-
ernment will soon come up
with welfare schemes for
nearly five lakh domestic
pick held
workers in the national cap-
RAJIB CHOWDHURI Washington, June 23:
In PM’s praise
ital, labour minister Raaj
Kumar Anand said on KOLKATA, JUNE 23 Washington, June 23: Prime Minister Narendra
Friday. Mr Anand made the Applauding the Indian Modi and President Joe

of US Congress
announcement at a work- A Trinamul Congress community in the US, Biden discussed all press-
shop held by the leader was shot dead by Prime Minister Narendra ing challenges con-
two miscreants in Modi has said that they fronting the global com-
members, a
International Labour
Organisation to discuss Purulia of West Bengal are brilliant in every field, munity in their talks and
bringing domestic workers’ on Thursday evening. not just in Spelling Bee exchanged views on how

swipe at Rahul
rights under the legal ambit The victim’s security and have played a big role India and the US could
in Delhi Addressing the man from the state in the country’s relation- cooperate to mitigate,
workshop, Anand said the police was also shot at ship with America. address and deal with ter-
AAP government is con- while trying to save him. Prime Minister Modi’s Washington, June 23: rorism comprehensively,
stantly working for the wel- Later, two persons remarks on Thursday Prime Minister Narendra Foreign Secretary Vinay
fare of labourers in Delhi. including a Congress came during his address Modi has lauded the mem- Kwatra has said.
He said that chief minister candidate of the to a joint session of the US bers of the US Congress Kwatra briefed
Arvind Kejriwal believes he Panchayat election were Congress. He attributed a for coming together to cel- reporters on the out- Vinay Kwatra
is “a creator of the coun- arrested by the police on big part of the success of ebrate their country’s ties comes of the second day
try’s destiny.” The Kejriwal murder and attempt to India-US ties to Indian- with India, saying there of Modi’s visit that began challenges were dis-
government has formulated murder charges for their Americans. must be a contest of ideas here with a grand cere- cussed between the two
and implemented 17 welfare alleged role in the Representing 1.4 billion at home but people must monial welcome on the and how India and US
schemes covering educa- attack. The victim, Indians, Modi said it is also come together as one South Lawn of the White could cooperate to miti-
tion, health, safety and pen- Dhananjay Choube, was always a great honour and while speaking for the House. gate, address and try and
sion for construction work- the TMC (Adra Town) an exceptional privilege to Prime Minister Narendra Modi being received by US nation. It was followed by bilat- deal with this challenge
ers in the capital, he said. president in the district. address the US Congress President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden at the Modi’s remarks in his eral discussions, remarks as comprehensively as
The Delhi government will He, accompanied by his twice. This is the second White House in Washington on Thursday. —PTI address to a joint session to the press, an address to possible.”
security staff, Shekhar time that the prime minis- of the US Congress on the joint session of the US “That was also dis-

Modi visit will take India-US

soon come up with similar
welfare schemes for five Das, was talking to TMC ter has addressed the US Thursday came against Congress and the state cussed between the two
lakh domestic workers in workers at a party office Congress, the first time the backdrop of Rahul dinner where high-profile leaders. And going for-

ties to next level, says Harris

the city, he said. in Adra Market area. being in 2016. Gandhi’s frequent swipes invited guests included ward, it would be our
At around 7.45 pm, two “In all this, Indian at his government during Reliance Industries effort to see how some of
goons on a motorcycle Americans have played a his visits abroad, which Chairman Mukesh those discussions can
CBI raids IL&FS came and opened fire on
them, according to the
big role. They are brilliant
in every field, not just in
Washington, June 23:
Prime Minister Narendra
shape the future as we
work to create a more
the ruling BJP has often
projected as the opposi-
Ambani, Microsoft CEO
Satya Nadella and
translate into concrete
cooperative decisions

over `100-cr fraud police. At least six

rounds were fired. After
the shooting, both the
Spelling Bee. With their
hearts and minds, talent
and skills, and their love
Modi’s first state visit to
the US will take bilateral
ties in areas of space,
prosperous, secure, and
healthy world,” Ms
Harris’ office tweeted on
tion leader’s bid to malign
the country from foreign
soil to target the central
Alphabet chief Sundar
“Besides the reference
between India and the
US,” he said.
In his address to the US
New Delhi: The CBI on attackers fled leaving for America and India, defence, emerging tech- Thursday. government. in the US Congress to the Congress on Thursday,
Friday said it had conducted their two-wheeler they have connected us; nology and supply chains “The partnership The prime minister’s challenge of terrorism, Modi said, “These ideolo-
searches in three cities after behind. they have unlocked doors; to the next level, vice- between the United States remarks were perceived to the prime minister said gies keep taking new
registering an FIR against Choube suffered five they have shown the president Kamala Harris and India is one of the be an attack on the that even after the two identities and forms, but
IL&FS Energy Development bullet injuries in potential of our partner- has said. most important of the Congress leader. decades of 9/11 and a their intentions are the
Company Limited for abdomen. He was ship,” he said. Mr Modi became the 21st century, and this visit Modi told US lawmakers, decade of 26/11, the prob- same. Terrorism is an
allegedly defrauding the rushed to Raghunathpur Spelling Bee is a presti- first Indian leader to will take our partnership “I can understand the lem of terrorism remains enemy of humanity and
Punjab National Bank (PNB) super speciality hospital gious contest where chil- address the joint sitting of to the next level — from debate of ideas and ideolo- a pressing challenge for there can be no ifs or buts
to the tune of Rs 100.30 along with Shekhar who dren of Indian origin have the US Congress twice on space, to gy. But I am delighted to the global community,” in dealing with it. We
crore. “The CBI has conduct- sustained one round of ruled the roost. Dev Shah, Thursday. He first defense, to emerging tech- see you come together Kwatra told reporters in a must overcome all such
ed searches at office and bullet injury. The TMC a 14-year-old eighth-grad- addressed a joint meeting nology and supply today, to celebrate the media briefing on forces sponsoring and
residential premises of leader was declared er from Florida, has won of the US Congress in chains,” it said. bond between the world’s Thursday. exporting terror”
accused including the pri- brought dead there. the 2023 Scripps National 2016. Mr Modi, in his two great democracies — He said Modi was clear- Kwatra also said tech-
vate company at New Delhi, Shekhar was shifted to Spelling Bee. “The US-India partner- response, thanked vice- India and the United ly highlighting the need nology cooperation fea-
Dehradun (Uttarakhand) and another hospital in “Today India and the US ship is stronger than ever. president Harris for her States. for “the international tured prominently in the
Mumbai (Maharashtra), etc. Durgapur later. His con- are working together, in Together, our nations will remarks. — PTI Addressing the US community to recognise discussion between India
Which led to recovery of dition is said to be sta- space and in the seas, in House of Representatives that the people who spon- and the US and described
incriminating ble now. On Friday the science and in semi-con- Speaker Kevin McCarthy, sor terrorism, support it as one of the most sub-
documents/articles etc.,” the Adra police arrested ductors, in start-ups and Indian heritage in his Gopalan migrated to the Modi said, “Being a citi- terrorism, they continue stantive outcomes of
CBI said in a statement. The Congress candidate sustainability, in tech and administration, including US from Tamil Nadu in zen of a vibrant democra- to pose a serious chal- Prime Minister Modi’s
agency has booked the com- Arshad Hossain from in trade, in farming and Vice President Kamala India, while her father, cy myself, I can admit one lenge to the safety and visit.
pany and its directors under Betogram. Later anoth- finance, in art and artifi- Harris, whose success sto- Donald J Harris, thing Mister Speaker ? security of our societies “Clearly, technology, in
the Indian Penal Code sec- er accused, Mohammad cial intelligence, in energy ries define the relation- moved to the US from you have a tough job! I can and have to be very stern- particular, advanced tech-
tions relating to criminal Jamal, was also arrest- and education, in health- ship and the limitless pos- Jamaica. relate to the battles of pas- ly and firmly dealt with”. nology, across all
conspiracy and cheating ed. Both the accused care and humanitarian sibilities between the two Biden’s remarks came as sion, persuasion.” He said when Prime domains ranging from
besides provisions of the were remanded by a dis- efforts,” he said. nations. he welcomed Prime Gandhi was recently in Minister Modi and defence to space and ener-
Prevention of Corruption Act trict court in President Joe Biden also Harris, 58, was born in Minister Modi at the the US and often criticised President Biden held gy is one of the most
for diversion of funds and police custody. mentioned the contribu- Oakland, California. Her White House on his first the Modi government’s their discussions, “all important substantive
other irregularities. tions of Americans of mother Shyamala state visit. —PTI handling of issues. — PTI aspects of such global outcomes,” he said. —

Centre refuses to Cong, BJP spar after ‘Wanted Corruption Nath’ bill surfaces
sell rice to K’taka
RABINDRA NATH scams happened during the would already have taken transparent and healthy
CHOUDHURY 15-month-old Kamal Nath action against him.” politics. The poster cam-
BHOPAL, JUNE 23 government. “Today, they (BJP) have paign against Mr Nath may
The controversial posters nothing to say against me. be an outcome of the raging
“Wanted Corruption Nath have appeared at many That is why they have infighting within the
Delivers blow to Anna Bhagya scheme posters”, featuring former places in Bhopal, Sehore, launched such a vilification Madhya Pradesh Congr
chief minister Kamal Nath, Rewa, Indore, Jabalpur, campaign against me”, he ess”, Mr Sharma said.
M.B. GIRISH Progressive Alliance (UPA) on Friday surfaced at Chhatarpur and Dhar, said. The Congress on He was referring to the
BENGALURU, JUNE 23 in 2013, and the programme places in different parts of catching Congress off Friday lodged a complaint Opposition rising against
is neither new nor intro- the poll-bound Madhya guard since the party was in the local police station Mr Nath as party’s CM-face
To make it difficult for the duced by Prime Minister Pradesh, triggering a spar planning to rerun its seeking action against by a section of leaders.
state government to launch Narendra Modi. between the Congress and Karnataka strategy in the those behind the poster Several senior Congress
its ambitious “Anna “I told the minister that the BJP here. year-end Assembly elec- Pradesh, ahead of the year- “No one can belittle him”. campaign. leaders, such as Congress
Bhagya” scheme, the minis- we would purchase the rice The posters, akin to the tions in Madhya Pradesh to end Assembly elections in “There is not a single State BJP president Legislature Party (CLP)
ter for food and civil sup- and tried my best to con- PayCM campaign launched corner BJP by highlighting the state. charge of corruption Vishnu Dutt Sharma, how- leader Govind Singh, for-
plies K.H. Muniyappa said vince the Union minister on by the Congress in the alleged corruption in “BJP is playing dirty poli- against me. Everyone ever, refuted his party’s role mer union minister Arun
the union minister for food the need for rice in recent Assembly elections Shivraj Singh Chouhan tics by circulating such knows it. I do not need any in the poster campaign Yadav and former minister
and civil supplies, Piyush Karnataka, but the Union in Karnataka to dislodge government. objectionable posters in the certificate from BJP, as peo- against Mr Nath. Ajey Singh, have recently
Goel, turned down the state minister was unrespon- the Basavaraj Bommai gov- The Congress has seen the state’’, Congress spokesm ple know me well”, Mr. “BJP has nothing to do come out openly against
government’s request to sive,” said Mr Muniyappa, ernment, were seen having hand of BJP in the poster an K K. Mishra said. Nath said. He added that with the posters. BJP is a any move by the party to
buy rice from the Food who stated that “I told the a QR code which after scan- campaign against Mr Nath, Mr Nath has also taken had there been any corrup- party which does not project Mr Nath as CM face
Corporation of India (FCI). minister that FCI has ning gives access to a video the chief minister face of strong exception to the tion charge against him, believe in doing things dis- of Congress in the MP
Mr Muniyappa held a enough stock of rice to sell link that detailed alleged the party in Madhya poster campaign, saying, the state BJP government creetly,as we believe in Assembly polls.
meeting with Mr Goel in it to the state government,
New Delhi and requested but the minister remained
the Union minister permit evasive.”
FCI to sell rice under the
Open Market Sale Scheme.
After the meeting, Mr
Muniyappa told reporters
Mr Muniyappa stated that
he would explore ways to
purchase for the launch of
the “Anna Bhagya” scheme,
Nadda says Odisha
that “I came to meet Mr
Piyush Goel with the hope
that the state would get the
required amount of rice for
where the state government
will distribute 10 kg of rice
to BPL and Antyodaya card
holders free of cost.
admin outsourced
the state, but the Union It may be recalled here AKSHAYA KUMAR SAHOO one else’s rule persists
minister was evasive to the that FCI, Bengaluru, had BHAWANIPATNA, JUNE 23 here. Time has come to
state’s request. I am not agreed upon the state gov- ensure that we form a gov-
convinced by the replies of ernment’s request to sell The BJP national presi- ernment both at the Centre
the Union minister.” rice of about 2.28 metric dent J.P. Nadda on Friday and here in Odisha,” he
“The Centre’s move has tonne under the Open launched a no holds said.
political motives behind it,” Market Sale scheme in its barred attack on the Though Mr Nadda did
accused the minister, who letter on July 12, and a day Naveen Patnaik-led Biju not mention the name of
stated that FCI stores food later, FCI discontinued the Janata Dal (BJD) govern- the officer who he said was
grains from high-produc- sale of rice and wheat ment in Odisha by alleging ruling the state, his
tion states and then distrib- under the Open Market Sale that the entire state admin- remarks were seen as an
utes them to the states that scheme. istration had been out- indirect reference to the
are in need. Distribution of Over the discontinuation sourced. CM Naveen Patnaik’s pri-
rice for the poor comes of the sale of rice, state Mr Nadda, who was here vate secretary V.K.
under the Food Security chief minister to present the report of Pandian, an IAS officer
Act, which was brought by Siddaramaiah termed the Modi government in the who is making tours to dif-
the Congress-led United move a “political one”. past nine years, said ferent districts.
nobody in the state actual- Alleging that corruption
ly knew who was running had become rampant in

They agreed to get Rahul married: the administration.

“Nobody knows who is
Odisha, Mr Nadda said the
state recorded the lowest

Thakur’s swipe at Opposition meet

running the administra- per capita income while
tion in Odisha. Many peo- farmers’ income dipped
ple say it’s an officer run- abysmally low. Besides, the
New Delhi, June 23: tions, the artistes have ning the show here. It is “exploitation” of women
Union minister and BJP started gathering, the char- also heard that nobody lis- was also high in the state.
leader Anurag Thakur took acters are being finalised. tens to BJD MLAs and He also charged that 50
a swipe at the Opposition The drama will play out, MPs as officers are ruling per cent commission was
parties’ meeting in Patna vows will be exchanged for the state. In fact, the CM being realized from con-
on Friday, saying a key reso- supporting each other, peo- Naveen Patnaik has sublet tractors while the remain-
lution adopted by the lead- ple will have a good laugh everything to officers. The ing 50 percent was utilised
ers was about the marriage and Modiji will take oath as total administration has on the ground.
of Rahul Gandhi “much to the Prime Minister for the been outsourced here to “Naveen Babu had
the annoyance of mummy third time after winning a officers,” said Nadda. announced plans to pro-
ji”. massive majority,” Thakur He claimed that a power- vide cold storage and irri-
Thakur described the said on Twitter. ful officer along with few gation facilities for 35 per
meeting as a “drama” that Listing what he called the other bureaucrats was in cent land in each block.
was being staged ahead of outcome of the meeting of fact running the govern- Has this target been
the Lok Sabha elections 17 parties, Thakur said, ment in the name of CM achieved? Such a govern-
next year and exuded confi- “Nitish Kumar not accept- Naveen Patnaik. ment doesn’t deserve to
dence about Prime Minister able as convenor. Proposal “Do we want such an out- remain in power. Changing
Narendra Modi’s third con- of Rahul Gandhi’s mar- sourced government to names or hijacking
secutive victory. riage passed. Mummy is continue in Odisha? central schemes will no
“The stage is getting deco- very annoyed. Will address People of Odisha voted for longer help,” the BJP chief
rated ahead of the 2024 elec- the media but will not someone, whereas, some- said.
pg 5

Kerala PCC president

Sudhakaran held, released
on bail as per HC order
GILVESTER ASSARY I DC eration. What difference
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, will it make by putting him
JUNE 23 on the enemy side, some-
one who has already been
Kerala Pradesh Congress sentenced to three life
Committee (KPCC) presi- terms in a Pocso case.”
dent K Sudhakaran was A special court in Kochi
arrested by the Crime on June 17 had awarded
Branch after seven hours triple lifer to Mavunkal for
of questioning in Kochi on sexually assaulting a
Friday. minor on multiple occa-
Mr Sudhakaran's grilling K Sudhakaran sions. Of the three life
took place in connection imprisonment terms, two
with a cheating case Mr Sudhakaran told media are to be served lifelong.
involving antique fraud- persons; “my arrest was Monson was arrested on
ster Monson Mavunkal. recorded after the ques- September 26, 2021, by the
The case against Mr tioning got over. I have full crime branch on the
Sudhakaran was regis- faith in the judiciary. So let charges of selling off fake
tered following a written the case continue in the antique pieces to various
complaint filed by a com- court. Let the court go into people for crores of
plainant alleging that Rs the merits and demerits of rupees. He has been in
20 lakh was handed over to the case and decide accord- judicial custody for nearly
the `fraud' antique collec- ingly. The crime branch two years after getting
tor Mavunkal in the pres- wanted to know certain booked in multiple finan-
ence of the Congress things which I would not cial fraud cases and two
leader. There are allega- be able to share with the cases under Pocso Act.
tions that the KPCC presi- media. I am fully confident He claimed to possess sil-
dent had reportedly that there is no evidence ver pieces received by
received Rs 10 lakh in against me which can Judas for betraying Jesus
return for a favour. result in my conviction. Christ to Roman soldiers,
The KPCC president was So, I am fully confident, I staff of Moses, Lord
released on bail per the have no apprehensions Krishna’s favourite dahi
earlier direction of the and no fear at all. I am not handi, throne of Tipu
Kerala high Court. The HC hiding anywhere.” Sultan, a copy of first edi-
had directed that in the When asked why he had tion of Holy Bible, books
event of Mr Sudhakaran's not distanced himself from the libraries of
arrest, he should be from Monson and why he Mughal emperor
released on furnishing a said that he doesn’t want Aurangzeb and
surety of Rs 50,000 and two to be an enemy of the Chhatrapati Shivaji, Raja
other sureties for like fraudster, Mr Sudhakaran Ravi Varma and Pablo
sums. said; “I have spoken Picasso’s original paint-
After his release on bail, against his cultural degen- ings.

Even united oppn can’t

defeat BJP: Amit Shah
YOJNA GUSAI AND they will face a drubbing
YUSUF JAMEEL | DC in the next Lok Sabha
JUNE 23 “A photo session is hap-
pening in Patna. All the
On a day when key Opposition leaders have
Opposition leaders met in come together on a single
Patna to chalk out a platform to convey the
roadmap for the formation message that they will
of an anti-BJP alliance challenge the BJP, NDA
ahead of the 2024 Lok and Mr Modi (in 2024)…
Sabha election, Union All I want to say to these
home minister Amit Shah Opposition leaders is that
said on Friday that even if your unity is nearly
the proposed unity impossible and even if it
becomes a reality, it won’t Modi but the nation's cof- gets real, please come in
be capable of defeating the fers”. front of the people as in
BJP at the hustings. While Taking a dig at the 2024, Modiji’s return with
the BJP asserted that Opposition meeting, the 300 plus seats is con-
Prime Minister Narendra BJP claimed that the firmed,” said Mr Shah.
Modi will return to power Congress has admitted At a public meeting in
by winning over 300 seats, that it cannot defeat Mr Bhawanipatna in Odisha,
top party leaders played Modi alone and needs sup- BJP chief J.P. Nadda said
down the meeting of the 17 port from others after the leaders who attended
Opposition parties. Congress leader Rahul the meet were those who
Hosted by Bihar chief Gandhi said that the were jailed by the
minister and JD(U) leader Opposition parties are Congress during
Nitish Kumar, senior lead- working together to defeat Emergency.
ers of 17 Opposition par- the BJP in the 2024 Lok The BJP chief said:
ties held deliberations in Sabha elections. “Strange things are hap-
Patna over the formation Asserting there is no pening in politics today.
of an anti-BJP front ahead comparison between Leaders jailed by Indira
of the Lok Sabha polls “Modiji and Rahul Baba” Gandhi have now joined
next year. The BJP termed and his ilk, Mr Shah, while hands with her grandson.”
the Patna meeting “self- addressing a public rally He pointed out that RJD
ish” and “multi-headed”, in Jammu, dubbed the supremo Lalu Prasad was
with its leaders talking in Patna meeting a “photo jailed for 22 months, while
different voices. It alleged session”. The Union home Mr Kumar was behind
that the “target of this minister said their unity bars for 20 months during
Opposition unity is not Mr is nearly impossible and the Emergency.

AAP-Cong tension over

ordinance casts shadow
on Opposition unity
BHASKAR HARI SHARMA announced that the party
NEW DELHI, JUNE 23 should support the Modi
government on this issue.”
The Aam Aadmi Party on The statement said,
Friday said that it would be “today, during the (meeting
difficult to attend future of) like-minded parties... In
meetings of the Opposition Patna, many parties urged
parties where Congress, the Congress to publicly
participating as the grand denounce the black ordi-
old party, has “refused” to nance. However, the
publicly denounce the Congress refused to do so.”
Centre’s ordinance on The black ordinance is
Delhi’s administrative anti-constitutional and out-
services right undemocratic.
The Congress’ silence Furthermore, it seeks to
raises suspicions about its reverse the Supreme
real intentions, the AAP Court’s judgment on the
said in a statement. issue and is an affront to
The AAP issued a state- the judiciary, AAP said.
ment on a day when leaders “The Congress’ hesitation
from 17 Opposition parties, and refusal to act as a team
including Delhi chief minis- player, especially on an issue
ter and AAP national con- as important as this one,
venor Arvind Kejriwal, met would make it very difficult
in Patna and “decided to for the AAP to be a part of
work together and contest any alliance that includes
the 2024 Lok Sabha elections Congress...... Until the
unitedly” by setting aside Congress publicly
their differences. denounces the black ordi-
A day before the meeting, nance and declares that all
the AAP had threatened to 31 of its RS MPs will oppose
walk out of the Opposition the ordinance in the Rajya
leaders’ meeting if the Sabha, it will be difficult for
Congress did not promise AAP to participate in future
its support against the meetings of like-minded par-
ordinance. ties where the Congress is a
“The Congress, a national participant,” it said.
party that takes a stand on The AAP said it’s high
almost all issues, is yet to time that the Congress
make its position on the decides whether it is stand-
black ordinance public. ing with the people of
However, the Congress’ Delhi or the Modi govern-
Delhi and Punjab units have ment.
pg 6


24 JUNE 2023

Modi’s visit takes India-US

ties to an entirely new level
t takes two to tango. The eagle and the peacock, symbols of the oldest
and the most populous democracies, may have become locked in a warm
and embracing dance somewhat late, both pushed towards greater coop-
eration, teamwork and mutual understanding by the existing geopoliti-
cal currents amid fast-changing equations of a multipolar world.
These warm ties appear so naturally aligned it is a mystery why they took
so long to manifest. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the United
States could be considered the most significant defining moment as the two
countries go into a phase in which the friendship and the partnership is
“stronger, closer and more dynamic than in history”.
The substantive points of confluence and aims stated for the journey for-
ward, covering areas from the seas to the sky, are a testament to how the ties
between two democracies have evolved in the time between 2008, when India
signed the India-US civil nuclear deal, and now, and rapidly so seeing as
peculiar pressures are being posed by the rise of China and its increasingly
belligerent military posturing.
The sweeping range of subjects chosen to take forward cooperation, from
sending an Indian astronaut to the International Space Station in 2024 to
agreeing on a roadmap for defence co-production, highlighted by a land-

India-US ties: Roadmap LETTERS

mark deal to collaboratively make fighter jet engines and UAVs (unmanned
aerial vehicles) in India, besides technology transfer and secure semicon-
ductor supply chains, point to the (Joe) Biden-Modi meeting becoming a
seminal moment in FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT
India-US ties.
The symbolism of the high-profile happenings on three eventful days,
beginning with the International Yoga Day and culminating in a grand din-
ner at the White House in which Indians and Indian-origin persons had as
huge a presence as American tech czars, was not lost on the audience in
India, as Prime Minister Modi was treated to a state visit of pomp and
pageantry like none other in recent history.
Nine years of visa denial and then a nine-year wait for a state visit with the
set, but hurdles remain The technology chains. Another Indian
The Brihadaranyaka
Upanishad says, "Lead me
from darkness to light".
When as a child
Ramalinga Adigal saw the
ceremonial gun salute for Mr Modi might be a story in itself, but it pales company, Epsilon, is set to
when considering the impact of the nation’s Prime Minister and the US
partnership invest $650 million in a US priests in Chidambaram
covers India’s
President taking the relationship far beyond personal bonhomie to a sub-
stantive win-win situation encompassing a diverse range of strategic, tech-
K.C. Singh induction into the
electric vehicle battery
components unit. Nuclear
Natarajar temple offering
Deepa Aradhana to Lord
nological, industrial, social and education sectors. semiconductor energy collaboration has Siva, it made a profound
All this is not going to come without a cost for India, now forced into seek- supply chain and been lagging despite the US
ing defence purchases, collaboration and co-production with sophisticated, having exerted great impression on his mind.
and yet hugely more expensive, sources to move away from a near-total training of 60,000 efforts to get the nuclear From that day on he
dependence on Russia which, after starting the war in Ukraine, will have Indian engineers deal with India cleared by began advocating the
less and less to offer on the front of military supplies. via the virtual the US Congress. There is
concept of worshipping

India’s recent track record in treatment of minorities may have been the rime Minister tary of state Antony Blin- fabrication platform now revived interest in get-
subject of media attention in the United States, but it was glossed over in a Narendra Modi ken during his recent Beij- ting six Westinghouse reac- the flame of a lighted
series of bear hugs, with commonality of interests and objectives trumping arrived in New ing visit. It may also have of Lam Research tors installed at Kovvada. candle. As a child,
most other considerations. A relationship that was largely transactional, York on June 21, been intended to put at rest The final part of the joint
save for India becoming part of Quad, has given way to a more substantial on his first-ever any Indian fears about be- statement comes to foreign
Ramalingam used to visit
alignment featuring a deeper security cooperation earlier marked only for state visit to the United ing blindsided by US-China Soviet spacecraft Soyuz T- policy issues. “Deep con- Khanda Swami Kottam in
allies. States. After celebrating detente. That set the scene 11 in 1984 and became cern” is expressed about Chennai to pray to Lord
International Yoga Day at for the rest of the visit. India’s first astronaut. the Ukraine war, without Muruga, Siva and
the United Nations, nine The joint statement is However, it reflects the condemning Russia. Post-
years after its declaration, fairly comprehensive. It changed orientation of the war reconstruction is moo- Vinayaka. As a lad,
Adventure often ends in tragedy he proceeded to Washing-
ton for a carefully choreo-
graphed visit. Select mem-
opens by reiterating that
India and the United States
are “among the closest
Indian approach, now
accepting American help.
The technology partner-
ted. Criticism of Russia, as
indeed China, comes via
laments about threats to a
Ramalingam had deliv-
ered inspiring discourses
on Periya Puranam and
here is a scene in Titanic when the orchestra in the grand dining hall bers of the Indian diaspora partners in the world”. ship encompasses India’s rules-based international
on the main deck stops momentarily as seawater invades. The musi- jammed the White House And that this is a partner- induction into the semicon- order. Terrorism, the 63 Nayanmars. He
cians, knowing the fate awaiting them, decide to play on to provide lawns, expectedly chanting ship of democracies “look- ductor supply chain and Afghanistan situation, believed in the Hindu
heroic yet tragic moments. Their action represents not so much fatalism “Modi… Modi”. ing into the 21st century training of 60,000 Indian North Korea’s nuclear and concept of liberation
as symbolism of undying human spirit even in the face of grave danger. Separating the hoopla, with hope, ambition and engineers via the virtual missile programme, I2U2 (a
The passengers of the fatalistically named submersible Titan, whose there are substantive parts confidence”. It affirms a fabrication platform of new group of Israel, India, and moksha. All these
spirit of adventure related to the historical wreck of the Titanic in 1912, of the visit. The Prime “new level of trust”. And Lam Research Corpor- UAE and US), and the Quad and more would show
were extremely unfortunate in meeting their death in the implosion of Minister finally answered that the future is grounded ation. It also covers the (which India chairs in 2024) that Ramalinga Adigalar
their vehicle that may have caved in to the unimaginable pressure exist- a media question at the in “respect for human telecommunications sector were salient issues dis-
ing some 3,500 metres below the sea. But, just as a single swallow does not White House when a Wall rights, shared principles of and aims to create 6G net- cussed by the two sides. was deeply influenced by
a summer make, a solitary mishap is not going to rub out the sense of Street Journal correspon- democracy, freedom and works. They would also The visit brought to a cli- the principles of Sanatana
adventure in human beings. dent asked both the host the rule of law”. More than work closely on quantum max the work put in by suc- Dharma!
The US Coast Guard, in possession of the knowledge of an implosion and the guest whether once it is spelt out that computing. To facilitate cessive governments since
under the sea near the wreck of the Titanic, may have maintained a virtu- India’s democratic slippage India-US cooperation will this, the US will work with the Indian nuclear tests in Kangayam R. Narasimhan
ally sadistic silence as a search operation went on for about four days in had been discussed? Presi- serve the “global good”, Congress to lower barriers May 1998, when bilateral Chennai
trying to locate an object that was in a situation even worse than that of a dent Joe Biden replied working through a range of to enable export of HPC relations fell to a low point.
needle in a haystack. The optimism of somehow finding the submersible diplomatically, to satisfy multilateral and regional technology and source A clearer roadmap is now MODI’S MAGIC MOMENTS
and extracting the adventurers in one piece died a sudden death only with his own party members groupings, particularly the codes. Both would collabo- available but some issues, It was a moment of pride when Modi
the announcement of the tragic accident. agitated over the issue as Quad — comprising rate to create “trustworthy which can create future got a standing ovation during his sec-
Post-mortems will go on and the mishap will be analysed as to why and well as to avoid offending Australia, India, Japan and and responsible AI”. hurdles, still linger. ond address to the US Congress. The
how it took place. But the adventurers were aware of the risks and of the his Indian guest. Mr Modi the US. There have been The defence sector coop- One is the path that the coming together of the two nations to
video game toy-like controls to guide the submersible, leading to their simply denied any threat to discussions to draw even eration also received a Ukraine war may take. An bring world peace is a matter of
finding ‘Davy Jones Locker’. Some bristled at the thought of undertaking India’s democratic system the Philippines into it, and boost. The US and India early ceasefire will be help- appreciation now when war and hate
such risk and cancelled. Others like the son of the Pakistani billionaire and repeated his old argu- eventually even Indonesia. have had on paper the ful, while an escalation will speeches mar the peace. The sealing
went despite dreading the unusual journey. ment that India was the Vietnam would bring new Major Defence Partnership test India-US relations. of the defence deal for the manufac-
James Cameron, the man who directed the runaway Hollywood hit of “mother of all democra- strength but it fails to qual- for some time, but progress Two, there are crucial elec- ture of fighter jets engines will send a
1997 that nestles among the top grossing films of box office history, had cies”. Former US President ify, not being a democracy. so far has only been tardy. tions coming up in both warning signal to China and
undertaken 33 dives to the Titanic wreck and he had expressed genuine Barack Obama, in Athens, The joint statement, Now a big jump is project- nations, and their outcome Pakistan who continue to encourage
doubts about the capabilities of Titan to tackle the journey to the bottom of considered the cradle of unlike most such docu- ed. Liaison officers will be could well create new sce- terror.
the Atlantic Ocean. His tribute in celluloid may have contributed to fur- democracy, complicated ments that convey more a posted in each other’s mili- narios. The personalisa- Sravana Ramachandran
ther fuelling this insatiable interest in the fate of the Titanic, the “ship that matters in an interview vision than a work plan, is tary organisations. This is tion of foreign policy has a Chennai
cannot sink” when it set sail 111 years ago. But the spirit of adventure, with CNN’s Christiane both broad as well as spe- likely to worry the risk of a successor govern-
which a story of death and destruction thus engendered, will not die. Amanpour. Asked about cific. There are four the- Russians about the securi- ment stalling even positive PRAY FOR THEM
Mr Modi’s commitment to matic headings — Charting ty of their technologies. past decisions. Three, pri- Five bravehearts died while undertak-
a liberal democratic sys- a Technology Partnership The transfer of Synthetic vate assurances if any that ing a deep sea journey in the Atlantic
tem, he pointed out the dan- for the Future; Powering a Aperture Radar, which may have been given by to have glimpses of the Titanic ship-
ger of majoritarianism as it Next Generation Defence produces higher resolution either side on Russian oil, wreck. The quintet had undertaken
DECCAN CHRONICLE Partnership; Catalysing images, and the purchase the Ukraine war and
can even affect India’s this high degree adventure knowing
KAUSHIK MITTER K. SUDHAKAR unity and integrity. It is the Clean Energy Tran- of General Atomic’s MQ 9- human rights. Four, the fully well of the danger they might be
Editor Printer & Publisher difficult to imagine that Mr sition; and Deepening B HALE high-altitude trajectory of US-China rela- involved in the underwater journey.
R. MOHAN Obama, usually very care- Strategic Convergence. Un- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle tions can affect the Though many sceptics would say that
Resident Editor der each category specific (UAV) would enhance dynamism of bilateral
DECCAN CHRONICLE offices are located at: ful about his public state- the journey was a suicidal mission to
Chennai: SP 3 Developed Plot, Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai 600032. Phones: (044) 22254750, ments, would not have run ideas are articulated or India’s defence capabilities engagement. Finally, a new be condemned than admired, none
222547451 it by President Biden. Were actual investments listed. exponentially. The UAV is leadership in either nation should forget the fact that many feats
Coimbatore: No. 2/22 Sengalipalayam Road, N.G.G.O. Colony Post, Kurudampalayam Village, Mr Biden and Mr Obama The technology partner- to be assembled in India. can recalibrate national and records and discoveries in science
Coimbatore-641022. Phone: (0422) 2231255, 2231256 ship for the future comes President Barack Obama priorities. But in a pre-elec-
Hyderabad: 36, Sarojini Devi Road, Secunderabad 500 003. Phone: (040) 27803930-4. Fax: (040) playing the good-cop bad- became possible only because of the
27805256. cop routine? under the Initiative on had cajoled India to join the tion year, the Opposition sacrifice of many scientists who had to
Visakhapatnam: Survey No. 1/3A Beach Road, Near Kailasagiri Ropeway, Sector-9 MVP Colony, Notably, during the joint Critical and Emerging Paris accord. Now the US will only see the glass half- give up their lives while being engaged
Visakhapatnam - 530 017. Phones: (0891) 2552333/2552334, Fax (0891) 2755285 press interaction, Presi- Technologies (iCET). In will take cooperation in empty, while the govern- in research and experiments. Let us
Vijayawada: No. C 3 & 4, Patamata, Industrial Estate, Auto Nagar, Vijayawada (A.P.). Phones: (0866) space, an Indian astronaut this field to a higher level. ment claims that it is over-
2555284/ 2555287, Fax (0866) 2555234 dent Biden refused to back pray for the departed souls to rest in
Rajahmundry: Vemagiri, Dhawleswaram Rd, Rajahmundry 533125. Phones: (0883) 2417208, 2417618 down from his statement is to be trained to be at the This will cover production flowing. peace.
Anantapur: Thapovan Colony, Bangalore Bye-Pass Road, Anantapur 515004. Phones: (08554) 276903, calling Chinese President International Space of and research into green R.Aadhithya Iyer
Fax: 08554-276904 Xi Jinping a “dictator”. He Station by 2024. Looking hydrogen, solar panel man- The writer is a former Coimbatore
Nellore: Survey No. 527/2, Burranpur Village, Venkatachalam (M), Chemudugunta Panchayat, Nellore. back this is not new, as ufacture in the US by an secretary in the external
Phone: (0861) 2348581/ 82, Telefax (0861) 2348580 seemed to be restoring a
Karimnagar: H .No. 1-21-12/1, Cheralabhutkur Road, Mugudhumpur Village, Karim Nagar - 505186 harder line after the softer Wing Commander Rakesh Indian company and work affairs ministry. He tweets Mail your letters to
Phone : 9121181123 stance adopted by secre- Sharma flew aboard the on critical mineral supply at @ambkcsingh. [email protected]

Farrukh “Surya charms the oceans

Giving birth to clouds
dastardly, self-seeking and jealous committee or
even Hedgie? Who knows! You see, BoJo has proved
sation against BoJo is that he lied to Parliament. He
lied his way to the prime ministership with ludi-
However reluctant I was to admit that Tony Blair
and George W. Bush may have been correct about
Dhondy In deep ingratitude
They cover their mother in shrouds.
through his nominations that he has rewarded with
honours everyone who did his bidding. In India
crous claims about the benefits of Brexit. He lied to
his wife. He lied about his affair with an IT
Saddam Hussein amassing weapons of mass
destruction, here was possible evidence that he
Apples always fall to earth we’d call these maha-chamchas, though the Brits American lady when he was mayor of London… it could have been. I told Charles that he was sitting
Cabbages Unless they are hand-plucked
Hawwah plucked the first in Eden
have a ruder name and call them lickers of a partic-
ular secret part of the anatomy. Just check the list.
is generally accepted that he economises when it
comes to the truth. His trump card in difficult cir-
on one huge, international scoop and if he came
over to London from Paris, I would introduce him to
& Kings And so got royally — err — thrown out of the
Going to the Lords are Priti “Clueless” Patel and
the current mayor of Tees Valley, Ben Houchen,
cumstances is dishonesty.
Now that no seat in the House of Lords is to be
some journalists who would use this international-
ly sensational story. He came. The only journalist I
who is under scrutiny for a corrupt development warmed by my eminent backside, I can blow the thought of calling worked for the Spectator, and
— From Eggless in Noida, by Bachchoo deal of a “free port” involving millions of pounds. gaffe. I mean I have definite evidence of an instance Charles and I went to his place early next morning
He is of course innocent until proved guilty of this when BoJo didn’t tell the truth and so I’m going to and he summoned the editor of the weekly maga-

How I know that O

nce again, gentle reader, I have been over- corruption, but he can’t be acquitted of, metaphori- let the large feline beast out of the recyclable bag. zine, at the time, one Boris Johnson.
looked by ex-PM BoJo for a knighthood or cally speaking, the BoJo bum-lick. Here’s the story with the witness named! BoJo heard Charles’ claim and said the story was
a seat in the House of Lords. This is, I But then, gentle reader, BoJo has nominated peo- Several years ago, this acquaintance of mine, too big for a weekly and he called a journalist from
admit, conjecture. BoJo submitted several ple who worked in 10 Downing Street and could sup- Charles Sobhraj — yes, the convicted serial killer — the Daily Telegraph and introduced him to Sobhraj.

BoJo tells lies… names, perhaps 45 for all ranks of honours in his
“resignation list”.
This list is then passed to a vetting committee
ply ample and damning evidence of his breaking the
rules as in “Partygate”. At least five of his nomina-
tions are of internal functionaries who know what
before he landed up in jail in Kathmandu came to
me with a question.
“Fa’ook”, he asked “what is Wed Mercuwy”?
The whole story, and more, is there in my book
Hawk and Hyena! (Advertising again? And didn’t
you say ‘first time’? — Ed).

He’s been doing which can accept or refuse the nominations. It is

then up to the sitting PM, now Hedgie Soongone —
sorry, I meant Sunak (this wretched predictive
text!) — to override these acceptances and rejec-
went on with him and what went on in the
Conservative Party headquarters.
Now I am no conspiracy-walla, and yet it seems
likely that these honours bestowed on the “loyal and
I know a bit of physics and keep up with its scan-
dalous claims, so I told him it was something the
Russians say they had invented from antimony
which acts as a nuclear trigger. On enquiry, I found
Years later, in 2021, Andrew Antony, a journalist
from the Observer and Guardian, interviewed
Sobhraj in Kathmandu jail, heard this story and, on
his return to London, called me to verify it. I did. He

it for a long time! tions. In this instance the committee rejected sever-
al of the listed names, only some of which have been
disclosed to the media.
uncomplaining” apparatchiks is a sort of hush-
money. Here’s a bauble, now keep your mouth shut.
Having worked this out for myself, and not
out that he had gone to Bahrain to sell Red Mercury
which he and associates would obtain from ex-
Soviet arms dumps in the ex-Soviet countries, to
then called BoJo’s now-prime ministerial office and
BoJo said he never met the serial killer Charles
Sobhraj, but he did recall meeting me.
What I’m getting at is that BoJo may well have received the long-awaited nomination as Lord some Arab gentlemen. He said he had evidence of In baba-school we used to say: “Liar, liar lipstick,/
nominated someone to be — ahem! — Lord Dhondy Dhondy of Sarbatwalla Chowk, I am now ready to this meeting and I asked him if these Arabs could Born on a broomstick/ Broomstick broke/ Liar got a
of Sachapir, and it may have been squashed by the break ranks. You see, gentle reader, the main accu- have been Iraqis. He said yes. poke.”
pg 7

■ Kashmir Valley’s youth have given up stones for laptops: HM

NEW LEVEL OF 4 infiltrating militants shot
TRUST, MUTUAL Gandhis, Abdullahs & Muftis dead in gunbattle near LoC

Expressing their “deep con-

behind 42K J&K deaths: Shah

In a second such clash in

the past week, the security
◗ LAST WEEK, they had
in a similar clash killed
five militants in the
same sector. The offi-
The Army said that nine
AK series rifles and three
pistols with 288 rounds of
ammunition, four hand-
grenades, 55 suspected
cern over the conflict in SRINAGAR, JUNE 23 forces shot dead four cials had said that the narco-substance packets
Ukraine and mourning its ter- Islamic militants soon slain men may have and other “huge quantities
rible and tragic humanitarian Union home minister, after breaching the Line of been operating with the of war like stores” were
consequences”, both leaders Amit Shah, on Friday Control (LoC) to sneak into found on the slain men.
“pledged to render continuing made a scathing attack on Jammu and Kashmir’s
Taliban in Afghanistan “The recovery of large
humanitarian assistance to three families — Nehrus- north-western Kupwara or their “co-zealots” in amounts of war-like
the people of Ukraine”, while Gandhis, Abdullahs and district on Friday. Pakistan. stores including substan-
calling for respect for interna- Muftis — who played all- The firefight between and 23 June, alert Indian tial narcotics material to
tional law, the principles of embracing role in running the infiltrating militants Army troops detected sus- be used for terror funding
the UN Charter, and territorial the affairs of Jammu and and a joint team of the picious movement in the indicates the vicious plan
integrity and sovereignty. But Kashmir for over seven Army and the J&K police general area of Kala of Pakistan by utilising
there was no direct criticism decades by accusing them took place in Kupwara’s Jungle along the LoC in the terrorists to derail the
of Russia due to India’s sensi- of being responsible for Machhal sector, the offi- Machhal sector. existing peace in Kashmir
tivities. “ruin” of the erstwhile cials said. Last week, they “Ambushes were laid and Valley. However, this suc-
India and the US also state and “miseries” suf- had in a similar clash tracking of the terrorist cessful operation is a big
announced a series of pacts fered by its people. killed five militants in the movement was carried out blow to the narco-funding
and other measures to boost “Three families ruled same sector. The officials during the night. At and terror plans of the
bilateral ties in defence, space, J&K from 1947 to 2014 — had said that the slain around 4.30 am, four terror- terrorists,” the Army said
trade, technology and people- Gandhis, Abdullahs and men may have been oper- ists were observed crossing in a statement.
to-people ties. Both perhaps Muftis. They criticise the ating with the Taliban in the LoC from PoJK. They Earlier the J&K police
the most significant area was abrogation of Article 370 Afghanistan or their “co- were engaged upon coming had said in a tweet, “In a
the defence sector, with the due to which development zealots” in Pakistan. in effective range by the joint operation, Army and
two leaders “welcoming the could not happen here. Union home minister Amit Shah visits the newly-constructed Tirupati Balaji temple in Giving the details of the ambush parties,” he said. Police have killed terror-
adoption of a Defence The lives of 42,000 people Jammu on Friday. — PTI latest incident, Srinagar- He added that the ensuing ists in Kala Jungle of
Industrial Cooperation were claimed because of based defence spokesman “intense fire fight” resulted Machhal sector in

Shah prays at newly-built

Roadmap (DICR), which will terrorism yet these people 2,056 civilians were killed, lieutenant Emroz Musavi in elimination of all the Kupwara who were trying
provide policy direction to are saying Article 370 while in the last nine said that during the inter- four infiltrators “without to infiltrate to our side
defense industries and enable should have remained years, with a decrease of vening night of June 22 any harm to own troops”. from PoJK.”

Tirupati temple in Jammu

co-production of advanced there,” Mr. Shah said about 70 percent, 2,350 ter-
defence systems and collabora- while addressing a public rorist incidents happened
tive research, testing, and pro-
totyping of projects”. They
meeting in Jammu.
The Home Minister who
in which 377 civilians
were killed,” he said,
Armed men fire at People taking
law in their
also “welcomed India’s emer- began a 3-day visit of J&K adding “In 47 months, DC CORRESPONDENT 2021. Situated amidst the
gence as a hub for mainte- earlier during the day after the abrogation of SRINAGAR, JUNE 23 scenic Shivalik forests at
nance and repair for forward
deployed US Navy assets and
the conclusion of Master Ship
asserted that under the
leadership of Prime
Minister, Narendra Modi,
Article 370, there were
only 32 calls for shut-
downs and stone pelting
Home minister, Amit
Shah, on Friday visited
Majeen and spread over 62
acres of land, the Tirupati
Balaji Temple has added to
villages in Manipur hands won’t
be spared: V-P
Repair Agreements with the government of India declined by 90 percent. the newly constructed the spiritual ambience of Imphal, June 23: A search operations by the
Indian shipyards that will took a series of proactive The youth of Kashmir Tirupati Balaji temple at Jammu which is also group of armed men, who security forces, one
allow the US Navy to expedite measures to combat ter- Valley have replaced Majeen on the peripheries known as the “City of sneaked from INSAS light machine gun
the contracting process for rorism in J&K and “today stones with laptops and of J&K’s winter capital Temples”. Yaingangpokpi (YKPI) in and one INSAS rifle were DC CORRESPONDENT
mid-voyage and emergent terrorism is on the death books in their hands”. Jammu where he prayed The temple was to be Manipur’s Imphal East dis- recovered. JAIPUR/NEW DELHI, JUNE 23
repair”. Under the DICR, both bed.” Substantiating his Mr. Shah said that by for peace and prosperity of inaugurated by Mr. Shah trict and moved towards Shots of automatic
countries will “work together statement, he said that in removing Article 370, Mr. the Union territory and virtually but, as was the hills on Friday after- small arms were also Vice President Jagdeep
for the creation of logistics, the UPA’s ten-year rule, Modi has given the rights the rest of the country. claimed by J&K L-G, Manoj noon, fired from automatic heard near Urangpat, Dhankhar on Friday
repair, and maintenance infra- there were, as many as of reservation to hill com- It is J&K’s first Tirupati Sinha, he could not do it weapons towards Uran north of YKPI, around took a dim view of some
structure for aircrafts and ves- 60,327 militancy-related munities, scheduled Balaji temple which was due to some indispensable gpat and Gwaltabi villages, 5.45 pm on Wednesday. people taking to the
sels in India”. incidents in J&K and in castes, scheduled tribes, thrown open for the devo- work. Apart from L-G, officials said. More than 100 people streets and indulging in
On the “landmark signing of the nine years of the Modi women and senior citi- tees on June 8, exactly two many including minister of Security forces columns, have lost their lives in the violence and arson when
an MoU between General government “terrorism zens. “This justice could years after the work on the state at the PMO, Jitendra which were immediately ethnic violence between found on the wrong side
Electric and Hindustan has touched its lowest have been ensured by magnificent place of wor- Singh had participated in deployed in these “vacant” Meitei and Kuki commu- of the law. Speaking at a
Aeronautics Limited (HAL) ebb”. Modiji only,” he said, ship and allied infrastruc- the “Maha Samprok villages, responded cau- nities in the northeastern function at the Malaviya
for the manufacture of GE F- “During the rule of pre- adding that peace has tures was started by shanam” or grand inaugu- tiously to avoid any collat- state so far. Clashes first national institute of
414 jet engines in India” for the vious government, there returned to, and unprece- Andhra Pradesh-based ration of the temple dedi- eral damage. However, a broke out on May 3 after a technology here, Mr
IAF Tejas Light Combat were 7,327 terrorist inci- dented development is tak- Tirumala Tirupati cated to Lord Sri large group of women in “Tribal Solidarity March” Dhankhar, however, did
Aircraft (LCA) Mk 2, the joint dents in 10 years in which ing place in J&K. Devasthanams (TTD) in Venkateswara Swamy. YKPI and Seijang areas was organised in the hill not mention any particu-
statement said “this trail-blaz- were preventing the districts to protest against lar incident or name any
ing initiative to manufacture movement of additional the Meitei community's state where violence was
F-414 engines in India will
enable greater transfer of US `2.19cr seized Shah to review security, logistics columns into the area,
officials added.
demand for ST status.
Meiteis account for about
reported in recent times.
“We cannot claim to be
jet engine technology than
ever before”. The two leaders from Odisha This comes a day after
two soldiers were injured
53% of Manipur’s popula-
tion and live mostly in the
a society governed by
law if someone is above
also “welcomed India’s plans
to procure General Atomics
MQ-9B HALE UAVs (armed
Predator drones), with the
govt employee
for ‘hassle-free’ Amarnath yatra when unknown gunmen
fired at them at North
Boljang in Imphal West
district around 5am on
Imphal Valley. Tribals —
Nagas and Kukis — consti-
tute another 40 per cent of
the population and reside
the law, if someone has
immunity from law, be it
anyone,” he said.
“Some people, if they
joint statement declaring that SAHOO DC CORRESPONDENT The authorities expect touches” to the “elaborate Thursday. During initial in the hill districts. — PTI get a legal notice, take to
“the MQ-9Bs, which will be BHUBANESWAR, JUNE 23 SRINAGAR, JUNE 23 more than half a million arrangements” for securi- the streets. No one is
assembled in India, will devotees to turn up at ty, lodgings, healthcare above the law and the
enhance the ISR (surveillance
and reconnaisance) capabili-
ties of India’s armed forces
The officials of the
Odisha police’s vigilance
wing were on Friday
Home minister, Amit
Shah, who is likely to fly
to Amarnath during his
Amarnath during the 62-
day pilgrimage.
The official sources said
and sanitation for the pil-
grims. The
sources said that the
official Terror funds: Charges filed law will not spare any-
one. This is understood
by all,” he said, adding
across domains (and that) as
part of this plan, General
Atomics will also establish a
stunned as they stum-
bled upon a huge hoard-
ing of cash of `2.91 crore
ongoing visit to Jammu
and Kashmir to pay obei-
sance at the revered cave-
that the Home Minister
will be briefed at the meet-
ing by the J&K authorities
Home Minister will fly to
some of the yatra areas to
oversee the arrange-
against 13 Pak nationals that “they” are now
fighting the last battle.
Without elaborating he
Comprehensive Global MRO during raids at multi shrine will be holding a about a slew of measures ments. AMRESH SRIVASTAVA 120 rounds of 9 mm live asked why no action is
facility in India to support of locations relating to one high-level official meeting including deploying the Meanwhile, the Home NEW DELHI, JUNE 23 cartridges, along with doc- taken when public prop-
India’s long-term goals to Prasanta Kumar Rout. here to review the securi- highest levels of safety Minister on Friday laid uments, Pakistani identity erty and police vehicles
boost indigenous defence capa- Prasanta Rout, an ty and logistics for a has- measures in collaboration the foundation stone of The NIA on Friday filed a cards, mobile phones and are burnt, and this is
bilities”. Odisha administrative sle-free pilgrimage. with security forces and Central Forensic Science charge sheet against 13 Pakistani currency. caught on video. “How
Pointing out that the “India- officer, is currently post- The annual yatra to the various other official Laboratory (CFSL) at accused, all Pak nation- The charge sheet, filed can we allow such a sce-
US major defence partnership ed as sub-collector, Nabar place of worship dedicat- agencies to ensure a Samba near Jammu and als, in the 2022 case relat- at NIA Special Court at nario to develop?”
has emerged as a pillar of angpur district. The ed to Lord Shiva and peaceful yatra. inaugurated and laid ed to smuggling of Ahmedabad, names all Mr Dhankhar said
global peace and security”, sleuths of Odisha vigi- tucked away in the Mr. Shah had earlier this foundation stone of vari- weapons and contraband the 10 arrested accused, youngsters will have to
President Biden and Mr Modi lance on Friday raided Kashmir Himalayas at a month held a meeting of ous development schemes drugs from Pakistan via identified as Kadarbaksh make a difference in soci-
“appreciated the strong mili- the office, residence and height of 13,000 feet (3,882 the officials of the home in the region. Gujarat for funding ter- Umetan Baloch, ety by building narra-
tary-to-military ties, mutual other properties of Rout m) will commence on July ministry and the J&K He said that these devel- rorist activities in India. Amanullah Musa Baloch, tives and flooding social
logistics support, and efforts on the allegation of 1 simultaneously from administration in New opment schemes will cost Ten of the 13 Ismail Sabzal Baloch, media with positive and
to streamline implementation acquisition of dispropor- both the traditional Delhi over the prepared- about ? 309 crore and are chargesheeted were arrest- Allahbaksh Hatar Baloch, growth-oriented ideas.
of foundational agreements”, tionate assets. Pahalgam route in south- ness for this year’s part of the effort to ensure ed in December 2022 with a Goharbaksh Dilmurad “You are lucky to be liv-
and “also reiterated their `500 notes worth over `2 ern Anantnag district and yatra. J&K does not lag in devel- huge consignment of Baloch, Ammal Phullan ing at a time when India
resolve to strengthen mar- crore stashed in six car- shorter Baltal route in the This was followed by the opment. He said, “Under drugs and arms, hidden in Baloch, Gul Mohammad is rising as never before.
itime security cooperation, toons were seized from north in the Valley’s security forces’ top brass the leadership of Prime gas cylinders, from a Hatar Baloch, Andam Ali This rise is unstoppable.
including through enhanced the house of Prasanta Ganderbal district and holding a series of meet- Minister Narendra Pakistani fishing boat. The BoherBaloch, Abdulgani The incremental trajec-
underwater domain aware- Rout’s neighbour during conclude on Shravan ings in Srinagar and Modiji, J&K is marching seizure included 40 kgs of Jungiyan Baloch and tory will get a boost with
ness”. a raid at Kanan Vihar in Purnima (Raksha Jammu, the twin capitals ahead on the path of drugs, six Pistols (foreign Abdulhakim Dilmurad your contribution,” V-P
Bhubaneswar. Bandhan) on August 31. of J&K, to give “final development.” made), six magazines and Baloch. said.

Oppn to meet in Shimla Democracy is one of our sacred and

July 10-12 to fix agenda shared values, says PM Modi in US
FROM PG 1 era of war but it is one of India is blessed to have We enjoy all of these.”
FROM PG 1 and chant Bharat Mata ki Telangana, Madhya Pradesh, He asked him to shave his dialogue and diplomacy such values from times Talking about India’s
Jai. We also feel pain when Chhattisgarh, and beard and get married. “Even by the high stan- and (that) we all must do immemorial. In the evolu- economic prowess, Mr
Reports suggest that the Manipur burns. We will Rajasthan. The Congress is “You should get married dards of our partnership, what we can to stop the tion of the democratic Modi said: “When I first
Delhi chief minister, who stand against the BJP’s standing with the poor. We and we will be joining you as this visit is one of a great bloodshed and human suf- spirit, India is the mother visited the US as Prime
arrived in Patna to attend atrocities and dictatorship. are here to spread love and baratis. Your mom told me positive transformation. fering”, while emphasis- of democracy.” Minister, India was the
the Opposition meeting They send the ED and CBI if they believe in hatred”, Mr that you don’t listen to her, I Together, we shall demon- ing “respect for sovereign- Talking about India’s tenth largest economy in
along with Punjab CM people stand up and speak Gandhi added. ask you to get married”, Mr strate that democracies ty and territorial integri- journey, he said: “Last the world. Today, India is
Bhagwant Mann, left the against them”, Ms Banerjee RJD chief Lalu Yadav was Yadav said. matter and democracies ty”. He added: “With the year, India celebrated 75 the fifth largest economy.
venue early and returned to said. also present during the meet- Around 17 political parties deliver. I count on your Ukraine conflict, war has years of its independence. And (it) will be the third
Delhi. While regional leaders gave ing. Later, while addressing attended the mega continued support to the returned to Europe. It is Every milestone is impor- largest economy soon. We
At the press conference, credit to Mr Kumar for that press conference, he Opposition meeting in Patna, India-US partnership.” causing great pain in the tant, but this one was spe- are not only growing big-
Bihar chief minister Nitish organising the meeting and said that the united which was hosted by the He added: “Now, the US region. Since it involves cial. We celebrated a ger but are also growing
Kumar, who had convened bringing various parties, Opposition will dislodge the Bihar CM. Among those who is the oldest and India the major powers, the out- remarkable journey of faster. When India grows,
the meeting, sought to down- including the Congress, on BJP from power in the 2024 attended the event were Mr largest democracy. Our comes are severe. The over 75 years of freedom, the whole world grows.
play the AAP's absence. Mr one platform, Ms Banerjee Lok Sabha elections. Kharge, Mr Gandhi and K.C. partnership augurs well countries of the Global after a thousand years of After all, we are one-sixth
Kumar clarified, “Mr said, “It was her idea to hold “You will see what will hap- Venugopal from the for the future of democra- South have been particu- foreign rule in one form or of the world’s population!
Kejriwal left because he had a meeting in Patna because pen to the BJP in the coming Congress, the RJD supremo; cy. Together, we shall give larly affected.” another. This was not just In the last century, when
to return to Delhi”. what starts from here turns elections. They will be wiped Bihar deputy CM Tejashwi a better future to the On the values of democ- a celebration of democra- India won its freedom, it
Sources said that Mr out to be a mass movement”. out. You saw what happened Yadav; Ms Banerjee; Tamil world, and a better world racy, Mr Modi said: “Being cy, but also of diversity. inspired many other coun-
Kejriwal's insistence that the Ahead of the mega to them in Karnataka. Lord Nadu CM M.K. Stalin; to the future. We come a citizen of a vibrant Not just of the Constitut tries to free themselves
Congress clarify its stance Opposition meeting, while Hanuman thrashed them Jharkhand CM Hemant from different circum- democracy myself… I can ion, but also of its spirit of from colonial rule. In this
on the Delhi ordinance issue addressing Congress work- with his mace. Lord Soren; former Maharashtra stances and history, but relate to the battles of pas- social empowerment. Not century, when India sets
caused unease among the ers, Rahul Gandhi asserted Hanuman is now with us and CM and Shiv Sena (UTB) we are united by a com- sion, persuasion and poli- just of our competitive benchmarks in growth, it
Congress leaders here. that the party will defeat the they (the BJP) will be defeat- chief Udhav Thackeray and mon vision. And by a com- cy. I can understand the and cooperative federal- will inspire many other
West Bengal CM Mamata BJP in the upcoming ed”, the RJD chief said. NCP’s Sharad Pawar, mon destiny. When our debate of ideas and ideolo- ism, but also of our essen- countries to do the same.”
Banerjee asserted that the Assembly elections in Mr Yadav was the last to Supriya Sule and Praful partnership progresses, gy… The beauty of democ- tial unity and integrity.” Praising the US and the
Opposition parties will fight Telangana, Madhya Pradesh, speak during the press con- Patel. economic resilience racy is the constant con- He continued: “We have Indian-American commu-
against the BJP in the 2024 Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan. ference. His presence at the Top left leaders D. Raja, increases, innovation nect with the people, to lis- over 2,500 political parties. nity, including US vice-
Lok Sabha elections. While “Aapka mood kaisa hai? Opposition meeting is also Sitaram Yechuri and grows, science flourishes, ten to them, and feel their Yes, you heard that right – president Kamala Harris,
addressing the press meet Mood acha hai?” Mr Gandhi being seen as his return to Dipankar Bhattacharya, as knowledge advances, pulse… Democracy is one 2,500. About 20 different Mr Modi said: “The foun-
Ms Banerjee said, “We have asked party workers who active political life after a well as former Jammu and humanity benefits, our of our sacred and shared parties govern various dation of America was
united and we will fight col- had gathered to greet him at long gap. He had been ill Kashmir chief ministers seas and skies are safer, values… Democracy is the states of India. We have 22 inspired by the vision of a
lectively. We will raise our Sadaquat Ashram in Patna. since his release from Omar Abdullah and democracy will shine spirit that supports equal- official languages and nation of equal people.
voice against the fascist gov- “You saw what happened in prison. Mahbooba Mufti, were pres- brighter”. ity and dignity. thousands of dialects, and Throughout your history,
ernment and oppose their Karnataka. The BJP made “You can see that I am fit ent at the meeting. Former Seeking to address Democracy is the idea that yet, we speak in one voice. you have embraced people
(the BJP’s) political agenda”. tall claims and big speeches and active now”, Mr Yadav UP CM and Samajwadi Party America’s concerns, Mr welcomes debate and dis- Every hundred miles, our from around the world.
“Don’t call us the there, but what happened? said. chief Akhilesh Yadav Modi spoke on the course. Democracy is the cuisine changes. From And, you have made them
Opposition parties, we are The BJP will be wiped out He also used the occasion to was also present at the meet- Ukraine conflict by reiter- culture that gives wings to dosa to aloo paratha and equal partners in the
also citizens of this country during elections in crack a joke on Mr Gandhi. ing. ating that “this is not an thought and expression. from srikhand to sandesh. American dream.”
pg 8


Titan destroyed in implosion, all aboard dead
Kin mourn, raise
New York, June 22: A
deep-sea submersible car- OCEANGATE COULD BE SUED DESPITE WAIVER 1 2
FOR SKILLED FORCE rying five people on a voy-
age to the century-old
passengers on the submersible
Berlin, June 23: The German wreck of the Titanic was
Parliament on Friday approved
a new immigration law
designed to attract skilled
workers to the country, which
found in pieces from a "cat-
astrophic implosion" that
killed everyone aboard,
the U.S. Coast Guard said
lost at sea during a dive to the
Titanic wreck may not shield the
vessel’s owner from potential
lawsuits by the victims’ families, 3 4
questions on safety
is suffering from an unprece- on Thursday, ending a legal experts said. New York, June 23: utes into a 2-hour descent,
dented labour shortage that is multinational five-day Relatives and colleagues were discovered on the
belabouring the economy. search for the vessel. ● THE PASSENGERS, who paid mourned on Friday thefive seabed about 1,600 feet (488
The law — championed by the A robotic diving vehicle as much as $250,000 each for people who died when meters) from the bow of
governing centre-left SPD, the deployed from a Canadian the journey to 12,500 feet below their submersible implod- Titanic wreck, about 2-1/2
liberal FDP and the Greens — ship discovered a debris the surface, are believed to have ed in the North Atlantic miles (4 km) below the sur-
garnered 388 yes votes, while field from the submersible signed liability waivers. Search and rescue ships were 1. Hamish Harding 2. Stockton Rush during a deep dive to the face, U.S. Coast Guard
234 lawmakers voted against it. Titan on Thursday morn- Titanic wreck, prompting Rear Admiral John
ing on the seabed some ● VICTIMS’ FAMILIES could sue called back on Friday after the 3. Paul-Henry Nargeolet questions about safety Mauger said.
implosion was confirmed. 4. Shahzada Dawood and Suleman Dawood
1,600 feet (488 meters) from despite liability waivers. rules for such adventures He told reporters on
TALIBAN BARS the bow of the Titanic, 2
1/2 miles (4 km) beneath ● WAIVERS NOT always ironclad. ● THE DEGREE of potential ● OCEANGATE COULD argue it was not gross- into the ocean depths.
Debris from the Titan
Thursday the debris was
consistent with “a cata-
FEMALE AID STAFF the surface, in a remote
corner of the North
It is not uncommon for judges to
reject them if there is evidence of
negligence and its impact on
applicability of waivers will
ly negligent and that the waivers apply beca-
use they fully described the dangers inherent
submersible, which had
been missing since
strophic implosion of the
FROM WORKING Atlantic, U.S. Coast Guard
Rear Admiral John
gross negligence or hazards that
were not fully disclosed.
depend on the causes of the dis-
aster, which are being probed.
in plunging the deepest reaches of the ocean
in a submersible the size of a minivan.
Sunday, was detected on
Thursday by a robotic div-
The five who died includ-
ed Stockton Rush, U.S.
Kabul, June 23: Taliban Mauger told reporters. ing vehicle deployed from founder and chief execu-
authorities in Afghanistan’s The Titan, operated by hour, 45 minutes into what debris field left from its human remains were Guard’s press conference, a Canadian ship as part of tive officer of OceanGate
Kandahar province ordered the U.S.-based company should have been a two- disintegration, including sighted. OceanGate issued a state- an international rescue Expeditions, which operat-
female aid workers this week to OceanGate Expeditions, hour dive to the world's the vessel's tail cone and "The debris field here is ment saying there were no effort. ed the submersible and
stop work on a refugee project, had been missing since it most famous shipwreck. two sections of the pres- consistent with a cata- survivors among the five Remains of the sub- charged $250,000 per per-
according to an official letter, lost contact with its sur- Five major fragments of sure hull, Coast Guard strophic implosion of the men aboard the Titan, mersible, which lost con- son to make the Titanic
reinforcing rules against face support ship on the 22-foot (6.7-meter) officials said. No mention vehicle," Mauger said. including the company's tact with a surface ship trip. He was piloting the
women working despite exemp- Sunday morning about an Titan were located in the was made of whether Even before the Coast founder. — Reuters about 1 hour and 45 min- craft. — Reuters
tions sought by organisations.

Stopped Russia in east,

The letter between depart-
ments of the ministry for
refugees in Kandahar, the
Taliban’s historical heartland,
said aid agencies had been in
violation of the orders in work
World to find $200 b extra
to counter climate change gains in south: Ukraine
related to refugees in Spin
Boldak, a town near the border
with Pakistan.

Paris, June 23: Multi-
lateral development banks

like the World Bank are
expected to find $200 bil-
lion in extra firepower for
Fierce battles reported from Kupiansk, Lyman cities
SECURE: OZ PM low-income economies by
taking on more risk, a
Kyiv, June 23: Ukraine’s
armed forces have halted a
Sydney, June 23: Australia move that may require Russian offensive towards ● ON THE ground
Prime Minister Anthony wealthy nations to inject the cities of Kupiansk and now, the Russian army
Albanese said on Friday the more cash, world leaders Lyman in the east of the is retreating on the
contested site of a proposed said on Friday. country, and are advanc-
Russian embassy was secure, The leaders, gathered at ing in the south, a senior
Zaporizhzhia and
after it emerged a Russian a summit in Paris to Ukrainian defence official Kherson fronts. The
diplomat was squatting on the thrash out funding for the said on Friday. Armed Forces of
French President Emmanuel Macron (C) takes part at Ukraine are pushing
land following an Australian climate transition and “We had very fierce bat-
the New Global Financial summit in Paris. — AFP
decision to cancel the lease. post-Covid debt burdens tles in the Kupiansk and back the Russian army,
This month, Australia passed of poor countries, said World Bank and the “If these reforms are Lyman directions, but our head of Russia’s
a law to prevent Russia from their plans would secure International Monetary implemented, MDBs may soldiers stopped the Wagner mercenary
moving its embassy from a billions of dollars of Fund were increasingly need more capital,” it enemy there,” deputy group, Yevgeny
Canberra suburb to a prime matching investment ill-suited for tackling the added, recognising in a defence minister Hanna Prigozhin, said on
site close to Parliament and the from the private sector. most pressing challenges. final summit document Maliar said.
Chinese embassy, citing nation- An overdue pledge of “We ... expect an overall for the first time that Ukraine is in the early Friday.
al security concerns. $100 billion in climate increase of $200 billion of wealthy nations may have stages of its most ambi- ● THE COMMENTS
On Thursday a Russian diplo- finance for developing MDBs' lending capacity to inject more cash. US tious counterattack since contradict recent
mat was squatting on the land nations was also now in over the next ten years by treasury secretary Janet Russia's full-scale inva- assessments by
under the watch of police, who sight, they said. optimizing their balance Yellen earlier said devel- sion in February 2022 and Russian President
were unable to arrest him. Many in attendance, sheets and taking more opment banks had to first says it has retaken eight
however, said over the risks,” the summit’s final squeeze out more lending villages, its first substan- Vladimir Putin that
Ukraine was suffering
two-day summit that the statement said. themselves. — Reuters tial gains on the battle-
field for seven months. Workers clean debris of the destroyed bridge next to the “catastrophic” losses
Svyatogirsk Orthodox Christian Monastery in Svyatogirsk, and that there was a
But Russia still holds
swathes of territory in Donetsk region of Ukraine, on Friday. — AFP lull in fighting.

Beijing, June 23: China
issued its highest-level heat
Pak submits report eastern and southern
Ukraine, and Ukrainian
forces have yet to push to
the main defensive lines
that Russia has had
● NATO ON Friday con- ● UKRAINE SAID it had downed an entire barrage of 13
cluded its largest ever air cruise missiles fired by Russian forces overnight, tar-
force deployment exercise geting an airfield in the west of the country.
in Europe. Up to 10,000
alert for northern parts of the
country on Friday as the capi-
tal baked in temperatures hov-
ering around 40ºCelsius.
A day earlier Beijing logged
on May 9 detentions months to prepare.
“Indeed, we still have the
main events ahead of us.
And the main blow is still
to come. Indeed, some of
service members took ● BRITISH MILITARY spies on Friday said Russia
part. The German-led “Air appears to be training combat dolphins in the annexed
Defender 23” manoeuvres Crimean peninsula to counter Ukrainian forces.
brought together some
250 military aircraft from
● THIS INCLUDES at least four layers of nets and
its hottest June day since Islamabad, June 23: the reserves - these are booms across the harbour entrance. In recent weeks,
records began with the mercu- Pakistan’s Punjab govern- 350 PAKISTAN NATIONALS WERE ON staged things - will be acti- 25 Nato and partner coun- these defences have highly likely also been augment-
ry edging up to 41.1ºC, breaking ment on Friday submitted vated later,” Maliar said. tries including Japan and ed by an increased number of trained marine mam-
a record set in 1961.
The city is accustomed to
a report to the Supreme
Court detailing the num-
still aimed to gain control
Sweden. mals,” UK Defence Intelligence said.
sweltering summers but tem- ber of people arrested in Islamabad, June 23: had survived. He said that of the whole of the
peratures across China have the province following the Pakistan on Friday con- the identification of the Donetsk and Luhansk fields were slowing them something very fast,” steadily.” Reuters was
been unusually high in recent May 9 violence after the firmed that about 350 dead was going on and regions in eastern down, she said. Maliar said. unable to verify this.
months, with scientists saying top court summoned the Pakistanis were aboard may take several days if Ukraine. “In the military, accord- “Every day we are Each side says the other
the heat is being exacerbated records of hundreds of an overcrowded fishing not weeks and warned Ukraine’s military oper- ing to their reports and advancing, every day. Yes, has suffered heavy losses
by climate change. On Friday alleged rioters, including boat which sank off that the number of ation in the south was positions, everything is it is gradual, but our since Ukraine began its
morning, 185 red alerts were women and journalists, in Greece’s coast last week, deceased may go up. going according to plan moving according to plan. forces are gaining a counteroffensive. Moscow
issued in north and east China. custody. killing scores of passen- Sanaullah said that 281 and its forces were It is not necessary to foothold on these borders hasn’t acknowledged mili-
The report, submitted as gers in one of the dead- families have contacted advancing, even if mine- expect the offensive to be and they are advancing tary losses. — Reuters


the top court on Friday liest incidents in the cen- the government to know
resumed hearing, showed tral Mediterranean Sea. about the victims and the


that detention orders for Interior minister Rana government so far has col-

2,258 people were issued
under the Maintenance of
Public Order, adding that
21 were in jail, Dawn News
Sanaullah told Parliament
that the boat which sank
on June 14 was carrying
around 700 people when it
lected 193 DNA samples.
The repatriation of bodies
would follow once identifi-
cation was completed.
Twitter faces EU’s ‘stress HOSPITAL DOCS
Phnom Penh, June 23:
Cambodia’s Parliament on
Friday approved a new law ban-
ning anyone who fails to vote in
The report, submitted by
the Punjab advocate gen-
eral, also showed that
only had the capacity to
carry 400 passengers.
Among these, the number
of Pakistani passengers
The minister also reject-
ed the idea that people
from Pakistan illegally
migrate by saying that
test’ on tough new rules 5-DAY STRIKE
London, June 23:
an upcoming national poll from 1,888 people had been on board as per the infor- about 99 per cent leaving San Francisco, June 23: Digital Services Act, meeting on Thursday at Hospital doctors in
running for office in future arrested in 51 terrorism mation that we have for Europe adopt legal A top European Union which will force compa- Twitter headquarters to England on Friday
elections, in a move that will cases, adding that 500 had received so far i s means but upon reaching official is in Silicon Valley nies to crack down on hate carry out a voluntary announced the longest
affect exiled rivals. been discharged while 232 approximately 350, he countries such as Egypt, to check whether Twitter speech, disinformation stress test to prepare for strike in the history of
The kingdom votes in a gener- were on bail. said, adding that 82 UAE, and Libya, they tend is ready to comply w i t h and other harmful materi- the new rules. the state-funded Natio-
al election next month with It further said that 4,119 deceased Pakistani vic- to opt for illegal routes. the blocs tough new digi- al on their sites. It takes “The company is taking nal Health Service
Prime Minister Hun Sen’s had been arrested in 247 tims had been recovered. Sanaullah said the PM tal rulebook, a set of effect August 25 for the this exercise very serious- (NHS), in an ongoing
party running almost unop- other cases, adding that The minister said that 12 has established a commit- sweeping new standards biggest platforms. ly,” he said, adding he had row over pay.
posed, after the main opposi- 1,201 people had been dis- Pakistanis were among tee to investigate the inci- that the worlds biggest The law, along with new constructive dialogue Junior doctors — those
tion outfit was barred on a charged while 3,012 were the total of 104 people who dent. — PTI online platforms all must regulations in the pipe- with owner Elon Musk below consultant level —
technicality. on bail. obey in just two months. line for data and artificial and new CEO Linda will walk out for five
Rights groups accuse Hun The government has European Comm- intelligence, has made Yaccarino. The mock exer- days from 7:00 am (0600
Sen of using the legal system to decided to try civilians vandalised army installa- led by Chief Justice of issioner Thierry Breton, Brussels a trailblazer in cise tested Twitter’s readi- GMT) on July 13 until
crush any opposition. under the Army Act after tions following the arrest Pakistan Umar Ata who oversees digital poli- the growing global move- ness to cope with the the same time on July
Parliament has voted unani- enraged protesters of former prime minister Bandial is hearing the cy, is the EU's point person ment to clamp down on DSA’s requirements , 18, the British Medical
mously to approve the law on belonging to the Pakistan Imran Khan. pleas against military tri- working to get tech com- Big Tech. including protecting chil- Association said.
Friday. Tehreek-e-Insaf party A seven-member bench als. — PTI panies in line for the Breton tweeted about his dren online. — AP The stoppage — just
after the NHS marks its

75th anniversary — fol-
HEALTH | SCARE Structural racism, gaping inequality to cause health crisis, says new research lows a 72-hour strike

this month in opposition
to the government’s

Diabetes cases to double to 1.3 bn by 2050: Study

refusal to budge on its
GRAVES PROBE’ offer of a five-per cent
pay increase.
Colombo, June 23: Sri Prime Minister Rishi
Lanka’s former President Sunak’s spokesman said
Gotabaya Rajapaksa was Paris, June 22: The num- ● SOME 529 MILLION Lancet journal. years, different countries such as black, Hispanic, the strike was “extreme-
accused in a report released on ber of people suffering people were estimated to High body mass index — have really migrated from Asian or Native ly disappointing”.
Thursday of tampering with from diabetes worldwide already be living with dia- an indication that people traditional food habits — Americans, a separate “It puts patient safety
police records in order to ham- will more than double to betes, one of the top 10 could be overweight — maybe eating more fruits Lancet study said. and our efforts to cut
per investigations into mass 1.3 billion by 2050 driven was linked to more than and vegetables, eating Study co-author Leonard waiting lists at risk,” he
graves discovered in an area by structural racism and causes of death and dis- half of deaths and disabil- healthier greens — to Egede, of the Medical told reporters, insisting
where he was a military officer gaping inequality between ability. According to the ity from diabetes. more highly processed College of Wisconsin, the government’s offer
at the height of a bloody countries, new research study, that number will Other factors included foods,” she told AFP. blamed a “cascade of was “fair”.
Marxist insurrection in 1989. predicted on Friday. top 1.3 billion in less than people’s diets, exercise, The research estimated widening diabetes But medics say they
The report by activist groups Every country on the three decades. Type 2 is smoking and alcohol. that by 2045, three quar- inequity”. have seen a 26-per cent
including the International globe will see an increase the most common form of Liane Ong, lead research ters of adults with dia- “Racist policies such as pay cut in real terms in
Truth and Justice Project, in the number of patients Study in Lancet Journal. diabetes. scientist at the Institute betes will live in low- and residential segregation the last 15 years.
Journalists for Democracy in with the chronic disease, for Health Metrics and middle-income countries. affect where people live, They want pay
Sri Lanka and Families of the according to the most com- were estimated to already cent of which are cases of Evaluation and first But even in wealthy their access to sufficient restored to 2008-2009 lev-
Disappeared said even though prehensive analysis of be living with diabetes, type 2 diabetes — will top author of one of the stud- countries such as the and healthy food and els but the government
hundreds of remains were global data projecting out one of the top 10 causes of 1.3 billion in less than ies, said one factor was United States, diabetes health care services,” he says this would mean an
unearthed none of the victims to 2050. death and disability. three decades, according how diets had changed. rates were almost 1.5 times said in a statement. average pay award of
were identified. Some 529 million people That number — 95 per- to a study published in the “Over the course of 30 higher among minorities — AFP about 35 per cent.— AFP
pg 9




Washington: Prime Scalise, along with Aruna systems and values,”
Minister Narendra Modi Miller, Maryland’s recent- Pichai said earlier
brought his comedy game ly elected lieutenant gov- Thursday in an interview.
HYUNDAI EXCITED to Thursday’s big White ernor. He cited technology as one
area of mutual interest
House dinner in his hon- Other notables included
OVER LAUNCH our, cracking jokes about
his lack of singing chops,
social media influencer
Jay Shetty, big Democratic
between the nations. “So I
think it’s an exciting
OF EXTER the time President Joe
Biden wanted him to eat
donors like Florida lawyer
John Morgan and civil
opportunity. I’m glad there
is a lot of investment in a
OP ARULN | DC even though he was fast- rights activist Martin bilateral relationship.”
CHENNAI: ing and how well Indians Luther King III. The CEO Jill Biden enlisted
and Americans are getting contingent included California-based chef
South Korean automobile along. Apple’s Tim Cook, Nancy Curtis to help in the
giant, Hyundai Motor India Not really known for a Google’s Sundar Pichai kitchen. Curtis specializes
Ltd, commenced production sense of humour, the and Microsoft’s Satya in plant-based cooking and
for the much-anticipated prime minister kept the Nadella. said the menu “showcases
Hyundai Exter in its state-of- nearly 400 guests in stitch- Guests dined on a plant- the best of American cui-
the-art manufacturing plant es as he toasted Biden and based menu of millet and sine seasoned with Indian
located in Sriperumbudur. first lady Jill Biden before corn salad, Portobello elements and flavours.”
The employees and workers dinner was served. “I mushrooms and strawber- Saffron risotto accompa-
exchanged greetings on the know your hospitality has ry shortcake, catering to nied the mushroom main
commencement of produc- moved your guests to sing. the prime minister’s vege- course, and dessert was
tion of the SUV on Friday in I wish I too had the singing tarian tastes. For guests infused with cardamom
the plant. talent,” Modi joked. “I wanting something more, and rose syrup. She used
Mr. Unsoo Kim, MD and could have also sung roasted sea bass was avail- millet because India is
CEO of Hyundai Motor India before you all.” able upon request. leading an international
Ltd., was enthusiastic about He was referring to South Guests rode trolley cars year of recognition for the
the launch, saying, "Hyundai Korean President Yoon down to a pavilion erected grain.
has always been committed to Suk Yeol, who surprised Prime Minister Narendra Modi, flanked by US President Joe R. Biden (right) and his wife Jill sparked a laugh riot at on the White House south Lotus flowers, which are
establishing the best manu- guests when he got up the State dinner hotsed for hiom at the White House with his sense of humour. —AP grounds decorated in the native to Asia and featured
facturing processes in the onstage during a White green and saffron colours in Indian design, were vis-
industry, achieving product House state dinner hon- eating during a banquet decades ago when he was rubbing shoulders with would “skip out” of dinner of India’s flag. ible throughout the pavil-
excellence, and delighting our ouring him in April and that he said Biden hosted chairman of the Senate tech leaders from Apple, early to practice. Bell Despite concerns about ion, along with saffron-
beloved customers. By opti- belted out a rendition of for him in 2014. Modi was Foreign Relations Google and Microsoft. played a rendition of backsliding on democracy hued floral arrangements
mally utilising Industry 4.0 “American Pie,” one of his observing a religious fast Committee that the world Shyamalan powered past Antonio Vivaldi’s in India, Rep. Pramila that differed from table to
automation, HMIL's advanced favourite songs, to raucous at the time. “I remember would be safer if the reporters as he arrived, “Summer.” Jayapal, D-Wash., said she table.
production facility seamless- applause. you were asking me and United States and India declaring it “lovely” to be Saris — some thoroughly was attending to send the “We hope guests feel as if
ly integrates over 700 fourth- “We can pronounce each asking me again and again “grew to be the closest at the White House. modern and including a message that the nation of someone has set that table
generation robots with our other’s names correctly. what I could eat during my friends and partners in the Lauren, who paired his Barbiecore hot pink one — 1.4 billion people is impor- just for them — because
highly skilled workforce, thus We can understand each fast. But it was not possi- world.” “I believe that tuxedo with grey New and sequins were promi- tant and “we must call out we have,” the first lady
creating superior mobility other’s accent better,” he ble for me to eat anything even more today now that Balance sneakers, nent among those lucky some of the real issues said as she and her staff
experiences for our cus- joked. “Kids in India and you were quite con- I’m president,” Biden said. revealed he had designed enough to attend the black- that are threatening the previewed the setup.
tomers. The Hyundai Exter become Spider-Man on cerned about it,” he said. The leaders addressed the first lady’s off-shoulder tie affair with a guest list viability of democracy in After-dinner entertain-
marks our entry into a new Halloween and America’s “Well today, I’m making up each other before an audi- green gown, calling her heavy on prominent all of our countries.” ment also included Penn
segment, further solidifying youth is dancing to the for it. All that you desired ence made up of titans of style “chic and elegant.” Indian Americans. Pichai said he looked for- Masala, a South Asian a
HMIL's position as a tune of ‘Naatu Naatu,’” a at that time with so much business, fashion, enter- And violinist Joshua Bell, Politicians of both parties ward to the dinner as “an cappella group founded by
comprehensive SUV manu- catchy song from the affection is being fulfilled tainment and more, with part of the after-dinner also made the cut, notably exciting time for U.S.-India students at the University
facturer." Indian movie “RRR.” today.” the likes of designer Ralph entertainment, said the including Republican relations.” “I think we of Pennsylvania, and the
The Hyundai Exter embod- Modi said Thursday’s din- Biden, who was less Lauren, filmmaker M. evening was a “little dif- House Speaker Kevin have two countries which U.S. Marine Band
ies the essence of the great ner would give him a humorous in his toast, Night Shyamalan and ten- ferent than anything I’ve McCarthy and House have a lot of shared foun- Chamber Orchestra.
outdoors with its contempo- chance to make up for not recalled that he said two nis legend Billie Jean King done before.” He said he Majority Leader Steve dations, large democratic – AP
rary and distinctive SUV
design. Noteworthy features
such as the parametric front
grill and H-signature LED
DRLs accentuate the SUV's
Emphasising the paramount
importance of customer safe-
ty, the Hyundai Exter sets a
new benchmark by offering New York: France's LeBron James entered
six airbags (driver, passenger, Victor Wembanyama was the league in 2003.
curtain, and side) as standard chosen with the top pick In San Antonio, Spurs
across all trims. It has an Sante Fe (US): The <<<<< in the NBA Draft by the fans packed into the
impressive array of 26 safety weapons supervisor San Antonio Spurs on team's 19,000-capacity
features across all variants, charged with involuntary Photo shows the movie set Thursday, sparking wild AT&T Center to watch the
with the option of additional manslaughter in the of "Rust," at Bonanza celebrations as the Texas draft ceremony on a giant
safety features on entry trims shooting death of a cine- Creek Ranch, in Santa Fe. club revelled in landing screen and roared with
(E and S). matographer on the New Prosecutors are accusing the gifted teenager seen delight as Wembanyama's
Setting new standards in its Mexico set of the Alec as a once-in-a-generation selection was confirmed.
the weapons supervisor on
segment, the Hyundai Exter Baldwin film “Rust” was talent. Celebrations also erupted
introduces several industry- charged Thursday with the film set where Alec The 2.24m 19-year-old in the streets of San
first features, including a evidence tampering for Baldwin shot and killed a hugged family members Antonio, with fans honk-
Smart Electric Sunroof and allegedly passing drugs to cinematographer of drink- as the Spurs confirmed a ing car horns in celebra-
an inbuilt Dash Cam with someone else on the day of ing and smoking marijuana decision which had been tion of Wembanyama's
Dual Camera. As India's first the shooting. in the evenings during the a mere formality ever selection.
micro-SUV from Hyundai Hannah Gutierrez-Reed filming of “Rust,” saying since San Antonio were "My message to them is
Motor India, it will also incor- “did transfer narcotics to she was likely hung over handed the No.1 selection I'm going to give 100 per-
porate more than 60 connect- another person with the when she loaded a live in the Draft last month. cent, make all that's in my
ed features through intent to prevent the bullet into the revolver "Just accomplishing power to make this fran-
Hyundai Blue Link, establish- apprehension, prosecu- that was used by the something that I've been chise win, to have impact
ing its position as the most tion or conviction of her- actor. —AP dreaming about my on the franchise and the
connected SUV in its seg- self.” the special prosecu- whole life," a tearful fan base and the
ment. tors appointed in the case said he will be stepping Wembanyama said after c o m m u n i t y , "
The eagerly awaited said in a Santa Fe County down so special prosecu- his No.1 status was Wembanyama said.
Hyundai Exter is scheduled to court filing. They gave no tors can use their own announced by NBA com- Wembanyama has cut a
be officially launched in further details. investigator. “Not I or 200 missioner Adam Silver at relaxed figure since arriv-
Delhi on July 10. Car enthusi- Gutierrez-Reed’s attor- more proficient investiga- the Barclays Center in ing in the United States
asts and SUV aficionados can ney Jason Bowles called tors in April dropped an drinking and smoking tally included on an email tors than I can/could New York. "Hearing that earlier this week, brush-
look forward to a vehicle that the move “retaliatory and involuntary manslaughter marijuana in the evenings to District Attorney Mary clean up the mess deliv- sentence from Adam ing off the soaring hype
combines innovative design, vindictive.” “It is shock- charge against Baldwin, during the filming of Carmack-Altwies from ered to your office.” Silver, I've dreamed that has surged in the
cutting-edge technology, and a ing that after 20 months of who was pointing a gun at “Rust” and was likely her lead investigator in Bowles said in his filing of it so much - I've gotta build-up to the draft. On
seamless connected investigation, the special cinematographer Halyna hungover on the day a live the case, who slammed the that the email demon- cry," Wembanyama Thursday, the
experience. prosecutor now throws in Hutchins during a bullet was placed into the law enforcement response strates the weakness of added. Frenchman, wearing a
a completely new charge rehearsal when it went off, gun Baldwin used. to the shooting. the case against his client. Wembanyama is widely dark green suit, happily
against Ms. Gutierrez killed her and injured Bowles called that alle- “The conduct of the He said it suggests that regarded as a transforma- signed autographs for
the prosecution has been
92-year-old man Reed, with no prior notice
or any witness statements,
lab reports, or evidence to
director Joel Souza on
Oct. 21, 2021. Prosecutors
can still refile charges
gation “character assassi-
nation” from prosecutors
with a weak case that the
Santa Fe County Sheriff ’s
Office during and after
their initial investigation
withholding evidence
from the defence. Emails
tional talent, who arrives
in the NBA as the most
coveted No. 1 pick since
fans in the minutes before
the draft ceremony got
under way. – AFP
gets a new hip at support it,” Bowles said in
a statement.
against Baldwin.
The new charge comes a
defence has asked a judge
to dismiss.
is reprehensible and
unprofessional to a degree
seeking comment from the
Sheriff ’s Office and the
Rela hospital Gutierrez-Reed is the
sole remaining defendant
in the case after prosecu-
week after prosecutors
alleged in a court filing
that Gutierrez-Reed was
In his own filing
Thursday, Bowles revealed
that he had been acciden-
I still have no words for,”
Robert Schilling wrote in
the email, in which he
special prosecutors were
not immediately returned.
– AP
A 92-year-old Chennaiite
underwent a rare surgery in a
hospital recently.
Raghavendra Rao suffered
Receives one of New Zealand’s highest honours Johannesburg: At least
31 people, suspected to be
illegal miners, are
Mulibana said. "Given the
high levels of methane, it
is currently risky for any-
from a broken hip due to a fall believed to have died last one to go down," he said.
in his residence and was
bedridden for a long time.
The team of doctors at Rela
Hospital gave him a new lease
Jacinda Ardern is writing a book on leadership month in an abandoned
South African gold mine,
the government said on
Friday. The deaths
Lesotho's foreign min-

Commission in Maseru

of life with dual mobility hip Wellington: Former New she will temporarily join occurred in the ventila- on June 10, but the inci-
implant surgery. Mr. Zealand Prime Minister Harvard University this tion shaft at an aban- dent was only announced
Raghavendra Rao, a resident Jacinda Ardern year after being appointed doned site in the gold min- by Pretoria in an
of Chennai, was referred to announced Friday she is to dual fellowships at the ing town of Welkom, 260 overnight statement on
Rela Hospitals and he suffered writing a book, with the Harvard Kennedy School. kms from Johannesburg, Thursday. The reason for
from a broken hip due to a low focus more on leadership She has also taken on an the Department of the delay was unknown.
velocity fall in his residence than on politics. unpaid role combating Mineral Resources and The mine was previous-
and was bedridden. In an Instagram post, online extremism. Energy (DMRE) said. ly owned by Harmony
Clinical Lead - Ardern said she is often This month, Ardern The fatalities are Gold Mining Company,
Orthopaedics, Head - Joint asked whether she will received one of New believed to be illegal min- one of South Africa's
Replacement Services, Rela write about her five years Zealand’s highest honours ers who had come from largest producers. It
Hospital, Dr. Ashok S. as New Zealand’s leader. for her service leading the neighbouring Lesotho, a stopped operations in the
Gavaskar said “We offered “At first, my answer was country through a mass tiny kingdom surrounded 1990s. Thousands of
him a dual mobility hip no. I didn’t want to write a shooting and pandemic. by South Africa, it said. unregistered miners
implant and a partial hip book that hauled over the She was made a Dame "We are receiving reports known as "zama zamas"
replacement option to choose internal politics of the Grand Companion, mean- that other suspected ille- operate in South Africa,
from. Based on our recom- last five years, and then ing people will now call gal miners have assisted scavenging obsolete
mendation to go for a dual someone convinced me her Dame Jacinda. in retrieving at least three mines for gold. The condi-
mobility hip implant, the that I didn’t have to,” Ardern said she was bodies, so 28 are believed tions are arduous and
patient is today walking and Ardern wrote. working with a team of to still be underground," often perilous.
as active as he was earlier.” “That maybe it might be publishers — Penguin in DMRE spokesman Ernest "Although this is a
“Now I am no longer relying worth expanding on some I’m planning to do.” ence to my 14-year-old in January when she said New Zealand and Mulibana said. The unique and strange situa-
on anyone, and I am able to of things I talked about in Ardern said she had no self,” Ardern wrote. she was stepping down Australia, Macmillan in deaths possibly happened tion," a joint effort will
walk and resume daily activi- my valedictory instead — date for when the book Just 37 when she became because she no longer had Britain and Crown in the on May 18, although the "ensure that the suspected
ties unassisted. This has like the idea you can be will be published. “But I prime minister in 2017, “enough in the tank” to do United States. The pub- cause remains unknown. deceased illegal miners
brought so much joy and your own kind of leader hope when it’s done, it’s Ardern was seen as a glob- the job justice in an elec- lishers did not immediate- A search team has not are brought to the sur-
relief to my family, Rao said. and still make a differ- the kind of book that al icon of the left. She tion year. Since then, ly respond to requests for been dispatched to the face," the DMRE said.
ence. And so that’s what would have made a differ- shocked New Zealanders Ardern has announced comment. – AP shaft for safety reasons, – AFP
pg 10
Five semiconductor plants are expected to be set up in a year
quick First India-made chips players in India to
BITES by next Dec: Vaishnaw create 80,000 jobs Nirmala Sitharaman
INDICATORS % New Delhi, June 23: Gujarat entailing a total
New Delhi, June 23: The
big announcements by
Nifty 50
62,979.37 -0.41
18,665.50 -0.56
First Made-in-India chips
are expected to be rolled
out by December 2024,
investment of USD 2.75
billion (around Rs 22,540
crore), The total cost of
players like Micron,
Applied Materials and
Lam Research during
FM says digital
S&P 500*
Dollar (`)
4,349.06 -0.75
82.03 0.08
Union Minister
Communications and IT
for the plant comprises $825
million from Micron and
Prime Minister Narendra
Modi's US visit are a “sig-
infra helping
Pound Sterling (`)
Euro (`)
104.33 0.44
89.12 1.16
Ashwini Vaishnaw said
on Friday.
The minister said 4-5
rest from the government
in two phases.
Phased construction of
nificant and meaningful
milestone” in expansion
of the semiconductor
in using taxes
Gold (10gm)* (`)
Brent crude ($/bbl)*
58,500▼304 0.52
73.28 -1.16
semiconductor plants are
expected to be set up in the
country within a year.
the facility is expected to
begin in 2023. Phase 1,
which will include 5,00,000
ecosystem in the country,
Union Minister Rajeev
Chandrasekhar said on
Rajeev Chandrasekhar
IN 10-Yr bond yield 7.074 -0.011 “First Made-in-India square feet of planned Friday. FC CORRESPONDENT
chip will be out by clean room space, will be He also said the three ● THREE PROPOSALS NEW DELHI, JUNE 23
US 10-Yr T-bill yield* 3.715 -0.084 in the high technology
December 2024,” land allocation, factory chip from Micron is operational in late 2024. proposals in the high tech
* As of 8:30 PM IST Vaishnaw said while brief- design work and tax com- expected to come out in Micron has said the arena strengthen the two arena strengthen the Union finance minister
ing the media following a pliance related agreement about six quarters from plant will create up to countries' resolve to shape two countries’ resolve Nirmala Sitharaman said
joint statement issued by for the Micron semicon- now,” Vaishnaw said. 5,000 new direct jobs and the future of technology, to shape the future of digital public infrastruc-

Concorde plans
US President Joe Biden ductor plant to be set up in Computer storage chip 15,000 community jobs products and services. technology, products ture (DPI) has allowed
and Prime Minister Gujarat has been complet- maker Micron will set up over the next several The announcements will and services. The pro- India to make optimum
Narendra Modi in the US. ed. its semiconductor assem- years.
to invest `225 cr
create an estimated mini- posals will catalyse the use of taxpayers' money.
The minister said that “First Made-in India bly and test plant in — PTI mum 80,000 direct jobs, in She also said the perform-
addition to indirect jobs electronics and semi- ance of bank accounts in
conductor ecosystem.
in projects in the supply chain,
Chandrasekhar, who is
which women were given
loan assistance are doing
Realty firm Concorde will
invest Rs 225 crore to develop
commercial projects. It will
Peak, non-peak hours to minister of state for elec-
tronics and IT, said.
The proposals will catal-
yse the electronics and
include major invest-
ments by global memory
and storage chipmaker
“very well”, her remarks
came on Thursday, while
addressing a session on
digital public infrastruc-

have varying power tariff

launch over 2 million square
semiconductor ecosys- Micron Tech in multi-bil- ture in an event.
feet of commercial space over
tem, the minister said lion dollar packaging Sitharaman, who is in
the next two years. “We will
during a briefing, and facility, global semicon- Paris to attend a summit
focus on establishing Grade A
added that in areas of AI ductor equipment leaders on ‘new global financing
office space. The demand for
MADHUSUDAN SAHOO Regulatory Commission) (Artificial Intelligence), like Applied Materials' pact,’ said in India the
sustainable workspaces has
grown significantly post-pan-
demic,” said Grishma Reddy,
DUCATI RIDES IN NEW DELHI, JUNE 23 shall be 10 per cent to 20
per cent less than the nor-
high performance com-
puting, the partnership
new semiconductor cen-
tre for commercialisation
government is able to
send most of the benefits
The Centre on Friday mal charges, while it will between India and the US and innovation and Lam directly to the bank
director, Concorde. In the past,
it has developed 25 mn sq ft PANIGALE V4 R announced new electrici-
ty rules that will allow
be 10 to 20 per cent higher
during peak hours. “The
will shape the future of
Research's training pro-
gramme in India for up to
accounts of citizens. "In
India, DPI has brought in
AT `69.99 LAKH
real estate.
electricity consumers ToD tariff is a win-win for His comments come 60,000 high tech engi- greater efficiency in the
across the country to save consumers as well as the amid the Prime Minister's neers. government system, bet-
up to 20 per cent in power electricity providers,” visit to the US, which is “This is the progress ter utilisation of funding
MICHAEL GONSALVES bills by planning usage union power and new and boosting diplomatic, eco- that PM Narendra Modi for those women who so
Nuvoco to use PUNE, JUNE 23 during solar hours or day
time. However, the govern-
renewable energy minis-
ter R K Singh said.
nomic and trade ties
between both nations.
ji's vision and leadership
has delivered at such
need it," she said.
"The government was

alternative fuel Ducati, the Italian iconic

racing motorcycle maker,
ment is all set to imple-
ment ‘time of the day’ or through an amendment to
“The ToD tariffs, com-
prising separate tariffs for
In a tweet earlier,
Chandrasekhar termed
speed in this short period -
These milestones are just
able to save `1 lakh crore
in just one of the

at project sites
on Friday launched its ToD tariff plan where the the Electricity (Rights of peak hours, solar hours the latest developments the beginning as there is provinces in India
flagship Panigale V4 R in new rule will allow for Consumers) Rules, 2020. and normal hours, send “big milestones” in India's more to come as India rap- through direct benefit
the Indian market. cuts in power tariffs of up The changes are introduc- price signals to con- roadmap and growth as a idly grows as a significant transfer,” she said, adding
The imported superbike to 20 per during the day, tion of ToD tariff and sumers to manage their semiconductor nation, and trusted partner to that DPI has helped cut
is priced at Rs 69.99 lakh and increases of up to 20 rationalisation of smart load according to the tar- and said the world recog- global electronics and leakages in government
at pan India showroom, per cent during peak night metering provisions. iff. With awareness and nises India's rise as an semiconductor value and schemes.
making it the most expen- hours. “Rather than being effective utilisation of economic and technology supply chains,” the minis- She discussed climate
sive Ducati sold in India. The move is expected to charged for electricity at ToD tariff mechanism, power. ter further said. — PTI finance and reforming
The R variant of the increase the use of renew- the same rate throughout consumers can reduce The announcements financial institutions.
Panigale V4 R uses a able energy and to reduce the day, the price a user their electricity bills,”
998cc, four-cylinder, liq- demand on the grid dur- pays for electricity will Singh said, adding that
uid-cooled engine that is ing peak times when vary according to the time since solar power is

Cement maker Nuvoco Vistas

Corp Ltd on Friday said it has
claimed to deliver a maxi-
mum output of 215bhp.
“The Panigale V4 R is
the closest production
many households crank
up their use of air-condi-
tioning after work. The
ToD tariff would be appli-
of day,” the statement
As per the new rules, the
ToD tariff provides for
cheaper, the tariff during
the solar hours will be
During non-solar hours
Forex kitty at $596 bn
motorcycle to a competi- cable for commercial and varying rates during dif- thermal and hydropower Mumbai, June 23: Supplement released by
successfully completed its ferent times of the day as well as gas-based capac-
tion race bike ever. It’s industrial consumers, India's forex reserves the RBI on Friday.
alternative fuel resource proj- adopts technology and having demand of 10KW and it will allow con- ity is used. Their costs are increased by $2.35 billion weighing opening its Expressed in dollar terms,
ect at Risda Cement Plant learnings from Ducati’s and above, from April 1, sumers to avoid electricity higher than that of solar to $596.098 billion for the own office in the coun- the foreign currency
(RCP), Chhattisgarh and success in the MotoGP 2024. For all other cate- usage for washing clothes, power and this will be week ended June 16, the try in order to free itself assets include the effect of
Nimbol Cement Plant (NCP), and WorldSBK Champio- gories of consumers cooking and other purpos- reflected in the ToD tariff. Reserve Bank said on from the restrictions of appreciation or deprecia-
Rajasthan. With the use of nship. The first lot of 5 except agricultural, the es during peak hours “The new mechanism will Friday. its deal with Kotak tion of non-US units like
alternative fuels, the company
strives to reduce the usage of
bikes reached India and new rule will be applica- when power rates are also ensure better grid The overall reserves had Mahindra Capital Co., the euro, pound and yen
got sold out in no time ble from April 1, 2025. And higher. Besides, the con- integration of renewable dropped by $1.318 billion the people said. held in the foreign
fossil fuels and minimise its which is a testament to for those with smart sumers can now schedule energy sources. The ToD to $593.749 billion in the exchange reserves.
environmental impact, Nuvoco Ducati’s legacy when it meters, the ToD tariff will their work like washing or tariff will improve the previous reporting week. Gold reserves dropped by
Vistas Corp said in a statement comes to superbikes. be effective immediately cooking during off-peak management of renew- It can be noted that in caused majorly by global $324 million to $45.049 bil-
on Friday. Today, the tickets for the after installation of such hours (daytime or solar able generation fluctua- October 2021, the coun- developments. lion, the RBI said.
first ever MotoGP race in meters. hours) when tariff is tions, incentivise demand try's forex kitty had For the week ended June The Special Drawing
India went live and it’s As per the statement lower. increase during high RE reached an all-time high 16, the foreign currency Rights (SDRs) were up by
the perfect day to launch issued by the ministry of The ministry also said generation hours and of $645 billion. The assets, a major component $62 million to $18.249 bn.

LIC launches
this special Panigale V4R power, the government that the rate of electricity thereby increase grid inte- reserves have been declin- of the reserves, increased The country's reserve
edition,” said Bipul has introduced two during solar hours (eight gration of larger quanti- ing as the central bank by $2.578 billion to position with the IMF was
Chandra, managing changes to the prevailing hours in a day as specified ties of renewable power,” deploys the kitty to defend $527.651 billion, according up by $34 million to $5.149
new non-linked director at Ducati India. power tariff system, by the State Electricity Singh added. the rupee amid pressures to the Weekly Statistical billion in the week. —PTI

period plan
National insurer Life Insurance
Corporation launched a new
close-ended plan Dhan Vridhhi.
Lowering inflation will revive India added 3.8 mn jobs, says CMIE
The new plan will be on sale
from June 23 through
September 30. LIC said the
newly launched plan provides
consumer spending: RBI paper SANGEETHA G

Around 3.8 million jobs

Industry employed a
lower share, at 27.43 per
Services sector over the
financial support to the family Mumbai, June 23: nor Michael Debabrata tion expenditure. This, in were added in the past one year increased its share in
in case of unfortunate death of Bringing down inflation Patra. turn, is moderating corpo- year, with services seeing total employment to 38.53
the life assured during the poli- and stabilising inflation The retail inflation rate sales and holding the largest addition, per cent in May 2023. The
cy term. It also provides a expectations will revive based on the consumer back private investment according to CMIE. number of jobs in the
guaranteed lump sum consumer spending, and price index (CPI), which in capacity creation,” said The workforce com- services sector recorded a
amount on the date of boost corporate revenues remained above 5 per cent the article published in prised almost 407.6 mil- massive jump of 8.7 mil-
maturity to the assured. and profitability, which is during 2022-23, is now on the RBI's latest bulletin. lion people in May 2023 lion in this period. This
the best incentive for pri- the decline and fell to a The Reserve Bank, how- against 403.8 million implies a close to 5.7 per
vate capital expenditure. two-year low of 4.25 per ever, said the views employed in May 2022. lion to 109.6 million – addi- down by 6 million. cent growth in employ-
Inflation is slowing cent in May, following expressed in the bulletin The largest addition of tion of 1.1 million. In May 2022, the largest ment in the services sec-
down personal consump- RBI's monetary policy are of the authors and do jobs was in the services Services registered a provider of employment tor. Within services, the

Hyundai begins tion expenditure, which in

turn is moderating corpo-
actions and government
not represent the views of
the Reserve Bank of India.
sector, followed by indus-
try. The agricultural sec-
marked increase of 8.7
million in employment
was the services sector,
accounting for 36.81 per
hotel and tourism indus-
try added 5.4 million jobs.

production of
rate sales and holding “Recent national The RBI paper further tor witnessed a fall in from 149.2 million to 157.9 cent of the total employ- Healthcare added around
back private investment accounts data and corpo- stressed that global eco- employment in the past million in this period. On ment in India. The agri- 1.8 million jobs.
in capacity creation, said rate results when read in nomic activity has sus- year. the other hand, the size of cultural sector followed Employment in industry
Exter at TN plant 'State of the Economy'
paper authored by a team
conjunction clearly show
that inflation is slowing
tained its growth momen-
tum in the second quarter
Between May 2022 and
May 2023, jobs in industry
the workforce employed in
agriculture fell from 146.1
closely behind, employing
around 35.7 per cent of the
increased by a little over
one million or less than
led by RBI deputy gover- down personal consump- of 2023. — PTI increased from 108.5 mil- million to 140.1 million – workforce. one per cent.
Korean automaker Hyundai has
commenced production of the

Jio in talks to raise

Country betting $38 billion to develop, publish and acquire games
latest compact sports utility
vehicle Exter from its manufac-
turing unit in Tamil Nadu.
Company managing director
and chief executive office
Unsoo Kim said with Exter, it
was venturing into a new seg-
ment that enhances HMIL's
position as a full-range SUV
Saudi Arabia aims to be a video-game hub loan of $1.6 billion
Riyadh, June 23: The develop, publish and already made multibil- fund in February establish a publishing
manufacturer. Hyundai Motor Saudi Arabian govern- acquire top-tier games lion-dollar investments in increased its stake in business or distribution Mumbai, June 23: Financing Rate, they said.
India has scheduled the launch ment is betting $38 billion and support a gaming gaming companies like Nintendo to 8.6%, becom- business to serve the Reliance Jio Infocomm As the deal hasn’t yet
of Exter for July 10. on the country’s potential industry in Riyadh. Nintendo Co., Tencent ing the largest outside region,” he said. Ltd. is in talks to raise a been finalized, the lineup
to become the next hub for “We are now more of an Holdings Ltd. and shareholder. There are approximately loan for about $1.6 billion of banks and the terms
Printed & Published by the video-game industry. esports company than a Activision Blizzard Inc. Saudi Arabia has almost 21 million gamers in the to fund the purchase of may still change.
K Sudhakar on behalf of Deccan As part of its strategy to games company,” Savvy Ward plans to leverage no footprint in global country, according to ana- equipment from Nokia Finland’s export credit
Chronicle Holdings Limited. Printed & diversify its economy chief executive officer those connections to build game development. The lysts at Niko Partners. Oyj, sources said. agency Finnvera will
Published at Deccan Chronicle Presses away from oil, Saudi Brian Ward said. Savvy’s business. country’s rapidly increas- That’s about 58% of the Banks involved in the issue guarantees covering
situated at SP-3 Developed Plot, Arabia, through its Public “What we’re doing this “We would like to use ing population of gamers population, compared discussions with Mukesh the majority of the loan,
Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai. Investment Fund, wants to year is focusing more on those investments to led Ward, a former execu- with the US’s 66%. By Ambani’s telecoms com- they said.
Editor: Kaushik Mitter, RNI Reg. No. become a big player in the game publishing and begin to work with these tive at Electronic Arts, 2026, the games market in pany include Citigroup JPMorgan, Citibank and
TNENG/2008/25473 Air surcharge Re 1. $184 billion global gaming development.” companies and ask how Activision and Microsoft the Middle East and North Inc., HSBC Holdings Plc. HSBC declined to com-
© All rights reserved. Reproduction in market. After focusing ini- Savvy’s plans are ambi- we can work together on Corp., to move to Riyadh Africa is expected to grow and JPMorgan Chase & ment. A Nokia spokesper-
whole or in part without written per- tially on the esports indus- tious in a crowded market publishing in (the Middle and lead Savvy. by 56% to $2.79 billion. Co., they said. son declined to comment
mission of The Editor, Financial try, which has been strug- where longstanding play- East and North Africa), “Part of our mandate is It is focused on building The loan will likely have about the loan talks, as
Chronicle ® is prohibited. gling, the fund’s sub- ers like Electronic Arts run their esports busi- to help partners and other up resources and clout in a maturity of 15 years and did Finnvera. A represen-
sidiary, Savvy Games Inc. are laying off employ- nesses or develop new IP companies come to Saudi game development and will be priced over the tative of RIL declined to
Group, is now looking to ees. But the fund has together,” Ward said. The and choose Riyadh to publishing. —Bloomberg Secured Overnight comment. — Bloomberg
pg 11

sail into semis
India look to ward
New Delhi: Indian mixed dou-
bles pair of Manika Batra and G.
Sathiyan advanced to the semi-
off Nepal challenge
finals of the WTT Contender
tournament in Tunis after a
straight-set win over German
Pujara, Umesh dropped, Jaiswal & Gaikwad drafted in Bengaluru, June 23: A
4-0 hammering
Pakistan giving them the
duo of Cedric Meissner and
Yuan Wan on Friday. Batra-
Sathiyan won 3-0 (11-8, 11-3, 11-
New Delhi, June 23: The
national selection panel
on Friday effectively
IN OUT perfect start, India will
have a wonderful oppor-
tunity to move closer to
8) in the quarter-final match
that lasted a little over 21 min-
brought curtains down on
veteran Cheteshwar
Cheteshwar Pujara
the semifinals of the
SAFF Championship
utes. They face the Korean pair Pujara's international when they face Nepal Bengaluru, June 23:
of Shin Yubin and Lim career by dropping him here on Saturday. On Head coach Igor Stimac
Jonghoon for a place in the from Indian Test squad for paper, the hosts hold all will return to the India
final. Batra and Sathiyan had the two-Test series against the aces, evidenced by an dug out in the game
already made first round exits the West Indies, starting overwhelming 16-2 over- against Kuwait on
in the women’s and men’s sin- July 12. all head-to-head record in Tuesday after serving
gles respectively. In the men’s Inclusion of powerhouse 23 matches played one-match ban for his red-
singles, Harmeet Desai suffered domestic performers between them, a sequence card offence against
a 0-3 defeat at the hands of Yashasvi Jaiswal and that started in the 1985 Pakistan in the home
Liang Yanning of China in the Ruturaj Gaikwad in the 16- SAF Games. side’s SAFF
pre-quarterfinals on Friday. member squad is a clear The last meeting Championships opener
Desai lost 5-11, 6-11, 5-11 in a indication that the four- Ruturaj Gaikwad between the two sides here. South Asian
Round of 16 match that lasted member panel, headed by came during the 2021 Football Federation
20 minutes. His defeat brought Shiv Sunder Das, is now SAFF Championship (SAFF) General Secretary
the end of Indian challenge in looking at the next two- when India defeated Anwarul Huq said that
the men’s singles. Achanta year World Test Nepal 3-0. Stimac’s offence was not
Sarath Kamal and Sathiyan had Championship cycle (2023- As far as the SAFF tour- serious enough to attract
exited from the tournament in 2025). nament is concerned, a ban of more than one
the first round itself. India’s It was widely expected India also have a com- match and as such it will
campaign also ended in the that Pujara will be manding 6-2 head-to-head not be referred to the
women’s singles as Ayhika dropped and skipper Rohit Yashasvi Jaiswal record from nine match- SAFF Disciplinary
Mukherjee suffered an identical Sharma is likely to lead es. Even the recent form Committee for further
0-3 (5-11, 9-11, 10-12) defeat to the Test side in the Umesh of both the teams indicate action.
Miyu Nagasaki of Japan in the Caribbean. Yadav an Indian domination. “He (Stimac) will serve
Round of 16. Batra, Sreeja Akula The other significant India entered the SAFF a one-match ban, not
and Diya Chitale had failed to development was Ajinkya Championship on the more than that,” he said
go past the first round. — PTI Rahane's re-appointment back of their 2-0 triumph from Dhaka on Thursday.
as the vice-captain of the over Lebanon in the He said the report of the
Test side just after making Intercontinental Cup referee and match com-
India girls to play an international come-
back in the previous game.
final in Odisha.
The Blue Tigers carried
missioner mentioned the
scuffle during the match
Canada in opener While Mohammed
Shami has been given
that confidence into their
opening match here at the
which had led to Stimac’s
expulsion from the field
New Delhi: India will open their complete rest from both Sree Kanteerava of play but it would not be
campaign against Canada in the Tests and ODIs after near- Stadium, turning on the sent to the SAFF
FIH Junior Women’s Hockey ly three months of hectic afterburners to hammer Disciplinary Committee.
World Cup, scheduled to be competitive cricket, the Pakistan 4-0 and the victo- — PTI
held in Chilean capital Santiago selectors have indeed ry was laced by captain
from November 29 to
December 10. The Indian team
has been grouped in Pool C
along with Belgium, Canada,
and Germany. India will open
started the phasing out
process by dropping the
profligate Umesh Yadav
and bringing in the consis-
tent Kolkata seamer
Rohit completes 16 yrs Sunil Chhetri’s hat-trick.
Chhetri’s effort might
have come as a relief for
India as they are missing
the services of injured
match and a positive
result against India, how-
ever tough that might be,
is mandatory for them to
stay alive in the SAFF
their campaign against Canada
on November 29 before taking
on Germany on Belgium on
December 1 and 2 respectively,
as per the pools and schedule
Mukesh Kumar in the
main squad.
Navdeep Saini, whose
career had been on a free-
fall since the historic tour
in international cricket
New Delhi, June 23: before.
Ishan Pandita upfront.
India will be without the
services of head coach
Igor Stimac after he was
shown red card during
However, India will have
to guard against compla-
cency as Nepal have the
wherewithal to spring a
announced on Thursday night. of Australia, also gets a There is something about “I guess time flies, does- India’s 4-0 win over surprise. Nepal’s 31-year-
To add to the excitement ahead chance for resurrection as 16 that has a lingering n’t it? I actually remember Pakistan in the ill-tem- old midfielder Rohit
of the marquee event, FIH also his hit-the-deck (140 sweet aftertaste. Ask Rohit even before the pered opening match. Chand, who plays in
revealed the new junior clicks) bowling might be Mukesh Kumar Indian skipper Rohit Ireland series when we Assistant coach Mahesh Indonesian League, and
women’s world rankings as per effective on the slow Sharma, who completed 16 were playing a challenger Gawli will take charge of forward Anjan Bista
which India are ranked sixth, Caribbean tracks. Test squad: Rohit summers as an interna- in Madras (Chennai). We the team at the dug out. could be surprise pack-
while the Netherlands are All three new entrants — Sharma (C), Shubman tional cricketer after start- all knew that Rohit was Nepal went down 1-3 to ages.
ranked first. Meanwhile, Jaiswal, Gaikwad and Gill, Ruturaj Gaikwad, ing as a highly-rated 20- going to be special,” he Kuwait in their opening — PTI
Argentina, Germany, England Mukesh — were the stand- Virat Kohli, Yashasvi year-old from Mumbai’s said.
and the United States are by players for the WTC Jaiswal, Ajinkya Rahane famous stable of batters. “We could just see that
ranked second, third, fourth and final. They have been very (VC), K.S. Bharat (wk), On June 23, 2007, Rohit he was a very very special
fifth respectively.
Having won the women’s junior
Asia Cup in Japan earlier this
consistent in domestic
cricket over past few sea-
Ishan Kishan
Ravichandran Ashwin,

Ravindra Jadeja, Shardul

made his debut under cur-
rent head coach Rahul
Dravid’s captaincy in an
talent that I wouldn’t, so
many years later, be work-
ing with him that I never
month, the India team will enter
the World Cup high on confi-
dence and will aim to clinch the
The ODI squad didn't
have any major surprise
with 17 members literally
Thakur, Axar Patel, Mohd.
Siraj, Mukesh Kumar,
Jaydev Unadkat and
ODI game in Ireland, a
match India won quite
easily as one got a glimpse
when I was selected, but
the first time I had the
thought about or envis-
“But honestly, the way he
elusive trophy for the first time picking themselves. Navdeep Saini. of the youngster clad in opportunity to interact has grown as a leader and Taipei, June 23: Star Indian shuttler H.S. Prannoy
in the history of the tourna- The injured Jasprit ODI squad: Rohit Sharma full-sleeved jumpers with him (Dravid) was in as a person over these last suffered a straight-game loss to Hong Kong’s Ng Ka
ment. India came close to win- Bumrah, Shreyas Iyer and (C), Shubman Gill, amidst biting cold in Bangalore at a camp,” 14 years now. What he’s Long Angus in the quarterfinal to end country’s
ning the bronze medal in the KL Rahul, whenever fit, Ruturaj Gaikwad, Virat Belfast. Rohit had told mediaper- achieved both as an Indian campaign at the Taipei Open Super 300 tournament
last edition of the World Cup also select themselves and Kohli, Surya Kumar Following 441 interna- sons during an interaction player and as a leader for here on Friday. The world No. 9 Indian didn’t quite
but couldn’t as they lost to together these 20 players Yadav, Sanju Samson tional games, 17,115 runs just after Dravid took over the Mumbai Indians has find his rhythm, going down 19-21, 8-21 to fifth seed
England 2(0)-2(3) in the 3/4th will most likely make the (wk), Ishan Kishan (wk), and 43 international hun- as coach. been phenomenal. Ka Long in a lop-sided contest.
place match. core group going into the Hardik Pandya (VC), dreds, the 36-year-old ‘Hit- “It was a very brief chat “Having to carry the Coming into the match with a 6-5 head-to-head
“We are aware that each Pool is big World Cup. Shardul Thakur, Ravindra Man’ now stands on the and I was actually kind of legacy of obviously record, third seed Prannoy matched his rival in the
filled with talented and formi- When Pujara was Jadeja, Axar Patel, most important cusp of very nervous and I never Mumbai cricket and beginning but as the match wore on, he crumbled.
dable opponents, but we see dropped for the home Yuzvendra Chahal, his illustrious career: To used to talk so much even Indian cricket is not an Both the shuttlers didn’t yield much as they
this as an opportunity to show- series against Sri Lanka Kuldeep Yadav, Jaydev end the 10-year jinx for an with my age group of peo- easy one and he’s done it engaged in a tight game, leading to a close affair in
case our skills, determination, along with Rahane, the Unadkat, Mohd. Siraj, ICC trophy. ple, so leave alone these with a lot of grace and the first part of the opening game.
and teamwork on the global former chairman of selec- Umran Malik, Mukesh An antithesis to guys at that point. class,” said Dravid. After Ka Long made a service error, Prannoy
stage. We are confident in our tors Chetan Sharma had Kumar. Mumbai’s much talked “So I was just quietly However, as he com- grabbed a slender two-point lead at the break.
said that doors were not pletes 16 years in interna-
abilities and will give our all in closed for the gritty No.3 about Khadoos school of doing my things and get- The Indian netted a shot and missed the line next
every match,” India skipper and he could go get back to batsmanship, Rohit’s ting a move on with my tional cricket, the best as it was 12-12. Prannoy played some good-looking
Preeti said. first-class cricket and earn graceful strokeplay is game. But yeah, in Ireland compliment from a dis- jump smashes to wriggle out of situations but the
Women’s chief coach Janneke his stripes. what makes him stand-out the first time when he tance would certainly be Hong Kong player kept himself in the hunt as lead
Schopman, said, “The team is Pujara went back to among his peers. came and told me that you from Virat Kohli. kept changing hands till 19-19. — PTI
blooming with confidence after County Cricket and played But as he leads the team will be playing this game I “When he burst onto the
winning the Asia Cup.” for Sussex. He scored tons to West Indies, one can was on the moon, obvious- scene, everyone spoke
— PTI of runs and was recalled recollect how Rohit had ly, it felt like a dream to be about this young player
Rohit Sharma and I used
for the one-off
against England in 2022
Test described his feelings
when Dravid, the then cap-
part of the dressing
room,” he had recollected. to be curious,” Kohli had THE | ASHES
Shooters gear up and also got a chance to tain informed him about Dravid remembered it said during YouTube show

Anderson hits
complete 100 Tests mile- his debut. during that press meet as Breakfast With
for national trials stone in the series against
Australia this year. — PTI
Sanju Samson “It was way back in 2007 if it happened a day Champions. — PTI

New Delhi: More than 400 top

rifle and pistol shooters of the
country will take part in the
Group ‘A’ National selection 5 &
6 here from June 24 to 30, the
final event before the selectors
pick the team for the upcoming
Trials exemption unfair: Yogeshwar YOGESHWAR IS
out at flat pitch
London, June 23: ● The 40-year old
World Championships and New Delhi, June 23: Minister, the Home Expressing his displeas-
● Yogeshwar Dutt, who
Asian Games. Saturday will
mainly have pre-event training
London Olympic bronze
medallist Yogeshwar Dutt was part of the
Minister, Sports Minister
Anurag Thakur and IOA.
SAYS VINESH ure over the flat pitch in
the Ashes opener, veteran
Anderson, the world’s
most successful pacer,
before real action begins on on Friday launched a six-member oversight “Never in the history of New Delhi, June 23: England seamer James managed to take just
Sunday, with as many as six scathing attack on the IOA committee tasked by Indian wrestling such a Top Indian wrestler Anderson says he’s one wicket in the first
finals lined up across the senior ad-hoc panel for exempt- the sports ministry to step has been taken. Even Vinesh Phogat on Friday “done” if similar tracks Test as English lost the
and junior categories. ing six protesting initially probe the if they sent teams without said the wrestling world are produced for the match by two-wickets.
All top names of Indian shoot- wrestlers from Asian sexual harassment trails, top team was will remember reminder of the series.
ing, including the likes of Rahi Games and World charges against WFI picked. Exemptions have Yogeshwar Dutt for Ahead of the series,
Sarnobat, Anjum Moudgil, Manu Championship trials, and been given in the past but being a spineless lackey England skipper Ben two-wickets. “It’s a long
president Brij Bhushan that was not for everyone,
Bhaker, Rudrankksh Patil, questioned if these grap- of outgoing WFI presi- Stokes said England series and hopefully I can
Aishwary Tomar, Divyansh plers were agitating to get Sharan Singh, said if Only the outstanding per- dent Brij Bhushan wanted fast flat pitches to contribute at some point,
Panwar, Hriday Hazarika, Mehuli such favours. the panel had to grant formers and in-form Sharan Singh, hours help execute their attack- but if all the pitches are
Ghosh, Elavenil Valarivan, Esha The panel had communi- exemptions for trials wrestlers(were consid- after the London ing style of play. like that I’m done in the
Singh, Sarabjot Singh, Rhtyhm cated to Vinesh Phogat, then there were ered). Olympic medallist ques- However, Anderson said Ashes series.”
Sangwan and Divya TS, among Bajrang Punia, his wife several other deserving “These (six) wrestlers tioned the exemption the benign Edgbaston Anderson and Stuart
others, are expected to partici- Sangeeta Phogat, Sakshi Yogeshwar Dutt candidates. are away from the mat for granted. Phogat also track was “like kryp- Broad have been pivotal
pate in the event at the Dr Karni Malik, her husband the last one year, so this is alleged that Yogeshwar tonite for me”. for England, snaring
Singh Shooting range. Satyawart Kadian and about the trials, and that also there along with wrong,” he said. had laughed off the sex- “If all the pitches are wickets event on flat
The Baku World Championships Jitender Kinha on June 16 too for all six wrestlers,” many more (achievers). Dutt further appealed to ual harassment com- like that I’m done in the pitches.
in August will have as many as that they will have to just Dutt said in a video, he “I don’t understand why the Khap Panchayats, plaints against the WFI Ashes series. That pitch Anderson conceded he
48 quota places for the 2024 wrestle with the winners posted on twitter. these six wrestlers have farmer organisations to chief during the over- was like kryptonite for didn’t meet his own
Olympics. of the trials in their Dutt, who was part of been given the exemption. take note of develop- sight panel hearings me. There was not much expectation while also
Following the Asian Games respective categories to the six-member oversight This is absolutely wrong. ments, asking them to where he told one of the swing, no reverse swing, revealing why he wasn’t
(September 23 to October 8), book their slots in the committee tasked by the This was not done by even understand the motives of women wrestlers that no seam movement, no handed the second new
the Asian Championships are Indian teams. sports ministry to initial- in the the previous WFI the wrestlers. “such things happen”. bounce and no pace.” ball late on the final day.
also scheduled in October in The panel also promised ly probe the sexual harass- set up.” “See for yourself, who is “The whole wrestling “I’ve tried over the years “I know I wasn’t on top
Changwon, Korea, where a fur- the six wrestlers that their ment charges against WFI The 40-year-old Dutt, getting benefitted out of world understood that to hone my skills so I can of my game this week. It
ther 24 Olympic quota places one-bout trials will be con- president Brij Bhushan who also won two CWG this decision.” Yogeshwar was eating bowl in any conditions was not my best perform-
will be distributed. ducted in August, as Sharan Singh, said if the gold medals, exhorted the “This protest was organ- leftover from Bhushan's but everything I tried ance. I know I have more
India so far has three Paris requested them. panel had to grant exemp- junior wrestlers, their ised to report sexual plate. If anyone raises made no difference. I felt to offer and contribute to
Olympics quota places in their Dutt, who is a BJP tions for trials then there coaches and parents to harassment or to get these voice against injustice like I was fighting an the team. I want to make
kitty through Bhowneesh leader, said the panel, were several other deserv- raise voice against this exemptions. These in the society, then uphill battle,” Anderson up for it at Lord’s and all I
Mendiratta (Men's Trap), headed by Bhupender ing candidates. injustice. wresters have written a Yogeshwar definitely wrote in his column for can do is turn up on
Rudrankksh Balasaheb Patil Sngh Bajwa, had done “Ravi Dahiya is an “I request all greco letter to IOA adhoc com- vomits,” Vinesh wrote The Telegraph. Sunday and prepare to
(10m Air Rifle Men) and Swapnil injustice to the junior Olympic silver medallist roman, men’s free style mittee, asking for exemp- on her twitter page. The 40-year old play. I didn’t take the new
Kusale (50m Rifle 3 Positions wrestlers of the country and also CWG gold medal- and women wrestlers to tion from trials and delay “Wrestling world will Anderson, the world’s ball in the first innings or
Men) won at the World by taking such a step. list, Deepak Punia is CWG raise their voices (against them. Sexual harassment always remember you most successful pacer, late on the final day. I had
Championships held last “I don’t understand what gold medallist, Anshu this discrimination). You case is in court, the culprit for licking the feet of managed to take just one a chat with Ben Stokes
year in Cairo. criteria the ad-hoc panel Malik is a World silver also sit on protest, write will be punished.” Brij Bhushan,” she wicket in the first Test as about how I felt,” he
— PTI has followed in deciding medallist, Sonam Malik is letters to the Prime — PTI wrote. — PTI English lost the match by added. — PTI
pg 12

TNPL moves to Salem

Lanka, Scotland
register big wins
in CWC qualifier
Bulawayo (Zimbabwe): A domi-
Third leg to begin with a double-header today
nant Sri Lanka thrashed Oman DC CORRESPONDENT ● R. Ashwin’s Dragons
by 10 wickets in the ICC Cricket SALEM, JUNE 23
World Cup 2023 Qualifier to are at the top of the
climb to the top of Group B at After the conclusion of the table with three wins.
the Queens Sports Club, here Dindigul leg of the Tamil They are the only
on Friday. The win put Sri Nadu Premier League, the unbeaten team this
Lanka in a strong position to T20 caravan will now season. Kovai Kings
qualify for the Super Six stage move to Salem with a dou- and Nellai Royal Kings
of the tournament. Chasing a ble header on Saturday. have won three out of
low total of 99, openers Dimuth Nellai Royal Kings who their four matches.
Karunaratne and Pathum posted back to back wins
Nissanka barely broke a sweat, will take on Chepauk
Salem Spartans and
completing the task in 15 overs. Super Gillies, while Salem Tiruppur Tamizhans
Karunaratne was unbeaten on Spartans will meet have one win each.
61 while Nissanka scored 37 not Madurai Panthers in the Trichy and Madurai
out as Sri Lanka not only sealed second match of the day. Panthers are still
a win but also bolstered their The Dindigul phase pro- searching for their first
net run rate. duced some entertaining win.
Earlier, Sri Lanka skipper Dasun matches and some of them Dinesh Karthik inaugurates T. Natarajan’s cricket
Shanaka called it right at the were low-scoring thrillers. academy ground in Salem on Friday. An array of Tamil
toss and opted to bowl. His call Dindigul Dragons defend- Kumar P and Rahil S Shah Nadu cricketers, officials from Tamil Nadu Cricket
paid immediate dividends as ed 171 to win by one wick- also have done well to pick Association and celebrities attended the grand
the islanders had a brilliant et against Chepauk Super up seven wickets each. inauguration.
start with the ball, with their Gillies and another game R. Ashwin’s Dragons are
pacers breathing fire on the that went down to the wire at the top of the table with
was the contest between three wins. They are the
Oman batters.
The pace of Lahiru Kumara and Salem Spartans and Nellai
Salem Spartans players during a training session.
only unbeaten team this STATE RANKING | TABLE TENNIS
Kasun Rajitha was too much for Royal Kings. where the rain played Cap holder with 247 runs chart. season. Kovai Kings and
the Oman top-order to handle,
as they found themselves in
massive trouble early on.
Kashyap Prajapati was the first
L Suryaprakash
Nellai Royal Kings scored

an unbeaten 32 off 14 with

three sixes and two fours
spoilsport and the overs
were reduced to 16 per
B. Sai Sudharsan, who
and is the only player with
more than 200 runs this
season. M. Kaushik
Gandhi had a good couple
In the bowling depart-
ment, the spinners had a
better outing at Dindigul.
Varun Chakaravarthy
Nellai Royal Kings have
won three out of their four
matches. Salem Spartans
and Tiruppur Tamizhans
Hansini, Shreya
enter semifinals
wicket to fall, as Kumara while batting at No. 7 to dominated the Coimbatore of matches where he climbed to the top of the have one win each. Trichy
trapped him in front of the help his team win a rain- phase, continued his rich scored back-to-back half- wickets chart with eight and Madurai Panthers are
stumps. Aqib Ilyas followed curtailed humdinger. vein of form at Dindigul. centuries. He has moved to wickets in three matches. still searching for their
suit, with Rajitha getting in on This was the first match He is the current Orange the fourth spot in the runs Shahrukh Khan, Saravana first win.
the act. Kumara was in no
mood to stop as he sent DC CORRESPONDENT Anand (CTTF) bt N.

Thapa joins Mohun Bagan

Zeeshan Maqsood and CHENNAI, JUNE 23 Kavya 11-7, 11-2, 11-5.
U-19 Boys Pre-QF: S.
Mohammad Nadeem packing in
quick succession, as Oman TAMIL NADU | DIGEST M. Hansini of SSHI and Tharun (RTTHPC) bt
found themselves reeling at 20 unseeded Shreya Anand Sanjay Jai Kumar (KTTC)
for four. Ayaan Khan and DC CORRESPONDENT “Indian team’s one of known as Pailan AITA Junior tennis ner will get 75 AITA points of CTTF entered the 11-4, 11-6, 11-6; S.
Jatinder Singh then embarked CHENNAI, JUNE 23 the premier central mid- Arrows, was signed up in Trichy and the runner-up will bag semi-finals in the under- Manikandan (Jawahar)
the job of rebuilding the fielders Anirudh Thapa by Chennaiyin FC in The first edition of the 50 points. 19 category of the first bt P. Sidharth (Vin Win)
innings for Oman, putting Indian central midfield- will now be seen in 2016 before becoming a Rane AITA Junior (U-16) TNTTA Chennai Lions 11-7, 11-6, 11-8; K.
together a 52-run stand. But it er Anirudh Thapa, who Mohun Bagan Super vita cog in their attack. National Tennis Series will Sreevats slams 94 in state ranking table tennis Navaneeth (RTTHPC) bt
all changed again in a blink of played for two-time ISL Giant jersey. The club From there he made be held at Jay's Institute of Vidya Mandir’s win tournament at ICF Indoor Yudesh (MVM) 11-2, 11-4,
an eye as Wanindu Hasaranga champions Chennaiyin has signed a five-year his national debut in Tennis in Trichy from N.C. Sreevats scored an stadium on Friday. 11-2; P. Raghuram
delivered one of the best overs FC for seven seasons, contract with the 2017 in a friendly Saturday. As many as 64 unbeaten 94 as Vidya Hansini rallied from a (Vinwin) bt Sanjay
of the Qualifier so far. was on Friday roped in Midfield Maestro,” the against Nepal. Since boys and 48 girls will be Mandir thrashed PSBB game down to beat M. Madhavan (ELIS
by Mohun Bagan Super club said, without dis- then, he has been a regu- seen in action. Kristo K.K. Nagar by eight wick- Ananya 10-12, 11-6, 11-9, Madurai) 11-7, 11-8, 11-8;
Giant on a five-year con- closing the transfer fee lar in Igor Stimac’s set- Babu. Aryaman Gochwal, ets in the Take Rotary 11-6, while Shreya Anand M.R . Balamurugan
tract. which is believed to be up with 45 appearances Abhin CS, Nirvaan Serenity Cup U-19 inter- (CTTF) shocked N. Kavya (RTTHPC) bt Vishrudh
Regd. No. TNENG/2010/35692
The 25-year-old, who in the tune of Rs 3 crore. and four goals to his Thingbaijam, Hridhay school cricket tournament 11-7, 11-2, 11-5 in the quar- Ramakrishnan (AKG) 11-
Printed & Published by K. Sudhakar on chose to stay with the The club has also post- credit. Vivekanandan are some of on Friday. terfinals. 5, 11-7, 11-5; R. Rithish
behalf of Deccan Chronicle Holdings Limited Marina Machans reject- ed a video of Thapa don- He will also play a key the prominent names in Brief scores: PSBB K.K. Results: U-19 girls QF: M. Kumar (AKG) bt
and Printed at Deccan Chronicle Presses ing lucrative offers from ning the No 7 jersey at role in the Indian mid- the fray. V. Thirumurugan, Nagar 143 in 40.5 overs Hansini (SSH) bt M. Srivatsava (RTTHPC) 4-
situated at SP 3, Developed Plot,
Industrial Estate, clubs including Mohun Mohun Bagan in their field in the upcoming P.V. Sanjeev, Nithik (P. Nishith 32, Nakul Ananya 10 -12, 11-6, 11-9, 11, 11-7, 11-7, 11-7; V.
Guindy, Chennai - 600 032. Bagan, finally agreed for official Twitter handle. Asian Cup in January Sivakumar, Rithik Jayanth Sankar 29, K. Harendra 11-6; B. Kavyashree Muralidharan (RTTHPC)
RNI Registration No: TN ENG/2005/14987 The Dehradun lad, next year. “I’m looking Sai four for 25) lost to bt G.K. Mithran (SSHI)
Ph Nos: 22254747, 22254748, 22254750, a move to the Mariners and AryaThirumurthi will (Jawhar) bt Christin
22254751 in a mega deal that is who came up the ranks forward to don the icon- carry the local hopes. The Vidya Mandir 144 for two Fiona 11-7, 11-7, 11-5; V.S. 10-12, 11-7, 11-9, 10-12, 11-
Editor: KAUSHIK MITTER believed to be the from the All India ic green-and-maroon main draw matches will in 36.3 overs (N.C. Nehal (SDAT Madurai ) bt 3; S.R . Prayesh (RTTH-
biggest ever by an Football Federation colours. I hope to give begin on Monday. The win- Sreevats 94 not out). N. Sharvani 6-11, 11-9, 6- PC) bt A . Prajith Kumar (
Indian footballer. Academy, previously my best,” he said. 11, 11-9, 11-8; A. Shreya RTTHPC) 12-10, 11-5,11-5.

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