DC Chennai 24-06-2023
DC Chennai 24-06-2023
DC Chennai 24-06-2023
‘Middle schools must have GCC to build more sponge
CoP inaugurates
safe city project physical edu teachers’ parks in north Chennai
T. SUDHEESH I DC parks are proposed at an perimeter wall will be
under Nirbhaya N. RAVIKUMAR | DC
There are about 37,000
schools in the State with
sports competitions.
Scientific training with
tion teachers should be
appointed to teach
CHENNAI, JUNE 23 estimated cost of Rs 7.67
crore. Out of this, five
constructed and saplings
will be planted around. A
scheme Although sports infra-
about 2.32 lakh teachers.
Physical education teach-
ers have been appointed
proper methods is neces-
sary to develop the bud-
ding talent but in more
the syllabus. The appoint-
ment of teachers will also
ensure jobs for youth who
In order to solve the
perennial flooding during
have been completed. The
remaining are in various
stages of completion.
pond with rainwater
drainage connection will
be constructed. The bot-
structure in Tamil Nadu heavy rains, the Greater
DC CORRESPONDENT has received a boost after only in 6,000 high schools than 7,000 middle schools are trained in sports and Chennai Corporation Each sponge park will tom of this pit will be
CHENNAI, JUNE 23: Udhayanidhi Stalin took and higher secondary there is no such vacancy former players could (GCC) is focusing on con- have a fencing around the designed to absorb water
charge as youth affairs schools. called physical education have a career structing more sponge pond, rainwater harvest- into the ground. During
As a part of the Nirbhaya safe and sports development The State has more than teacher. i n parks in North Chennai. ing facility, stone pitching, waterlogging in residen-
city project, Chennai minister, there is a need to 24,000 primary schools Teachers of some other teaching sports, it said. The concept of sponge greenery, benches and tial areas, the water is
Commissioner of Police create the post of physical where secondary grade subject are allocated the The sports minister has parks, which the GCC has electrical arrangements, brought into the pond
Shankar Jiwal on Friday education teacher at the teachers take charge of work of monitoring the announced renovation of been implementing across said the official. through the rainwater
inaugurated the Integrated middle school-level to physical education train- children while playing. major stadiums in the zones for the last one The completed projects drain. If the pond fills up,
Command & Control Centre develop the skills of stu- ing and allow the children Every game at the interna- Chennai besides setting year, aims to make urban are in Secretariat Colony the water will be trans-
(ICCC) from which feeds from dents at an early stage, the to play games. Since they tional level is taught and up playgrounds at the vil- areas more permeable, to in Madhavaram, Block 38 ported to nearby ponds or
4,008 CCTV cameras installed physical education teach- are not specialised teach- played in a scientific man- lage-level and distribution store rainwater and to Street, Anna Nagar, ponds through drainage
at 1,336 installations can be ers association has said. ers in physical education, ner with methodical exer- of sports kits to rural allow it to percolate to Gangai Street, Adyar, channels.
viewed. Since the camera The association says they cannot teach the cise routines and proper youth. Having a place and aquifers. V.G.P. Selva Nagar, Adyar S. Janakarajan, former
feeds could be viewed at ICCC, there is no such post techniques and rules of diet. Having two periods equipment alone is not A senior GCC official and Murasoli Maran Park professor, Madras
crime incidents can be cur- called physical education the games. per week and playing in enough and there is a need told DC that they were in Thiru.Vi.Ka. Nagar Institute of Development
tailed across the Greater teacher in over 7,000 mid- They simply monitor the an organised manner for sports teachers and going to set up two large zone. Studies, Chennai, wel-
Chennai police limits. dle schools in the State children during the period without properly knowing coaches at the sponge parks in north The structure of sponge comed the initiative by
Through the system, video though two weekly peri- to ensure they don’t get the rules and scientific school-level, it said. Chennai. ‘’A meeting parks does not contain suggesting that the civic
analytics on the crime inci- ods are allocated for injured and to maintain techniques do not develop Udhyanidhi Stalin has regarding this was held any cement constructions. body should convert all
dents such as chain, hand bag sports. discipline. Children of sportspersons, said the also planned to formulate on Friday at Ripon There are trees all over parks in the city into
or mobile snatching, eve teas- Countries which have primary schools do not association. a sports policy for the Building. We have been the park and rainwater sponges. Currently, at
ing, women surrounded by developed in sports had take part in State-level or After Udhayanidhi State and appointing phys- focusing on setting up harvesting facilities will least 95 percent of run-off
men, violence, abduction, done so by holding on to national-level tourna- Stalin took charge as min- ical education teachers sponge parks across the be provided throughout water ends up in rivers
vandalism, vehicle tampering the slogan ‘catch them ments. ister, the school education from the primary level or city for the last one year. the park besides artificial and eventually in sea.
and camera tampering can be young’, which means bud- Students studying from ministry has promised to at least the middle school- We have identified as ponds to absorb water. This initiative will help to
done. The system functions ding sportspersons should sixth to eighth standard prepare a common text- level must be part of the many as 126 open spaces This rainwater is increase the water reten-
with the state-of-the-art tech- be identified at an early can participate in district, book for the subject. policy, says the for this purpose,’’ said the absorbed and carried into tion capacity of soil and
nology and Artificial age and trained. State and national-level Trained physical educa- association. official. the ground or into nearby prevent flood situations in
Intelligence (AI) based soft- A total of 57 sponge water bodies. In these, a the future,’’ he said.
ware system which offers
numerous analytics features Weeding out
Women of Arambakkam vil- IT WING UNEARTHS WILFUL DEFAULT BY TN-BASED COOP BANK ished, leaving her with no
choice but to pay the full
notice, her pleas went
unanswered, and the pur-
up for hearing recently,
the commission,
with a compensation of `.
2 lakh towards compensa-
lage near Padappai in amount. Despite her reser- chased scooter was never comprising president, G. tion for
Kanchipuram district on CHENNAI, JUNE 23: years, sources said. PAN number, and account vations, she made the pay- delivered. She now seeks Vinobha, and members, deficiency in service and
Friday lay siege to Tasmac "In this case, the bank details of those customers ment of `. 1,10,296 on July the delivery of the prom- Kavitha Kannan and V. unfair trade practice
shop located in the midst of The income tax depart- did not disclose the inter- who have conducted such 16, 2021, through her ICICI ised Ola S1 PRO model in Ramamurthy, said the and a cost of `. 5,000.
houses, schools and temples ment has unearthed a est paid to the customers. financial transactions to
in the area demanding its clo- "willful default" by a It has come to our notice the department, they said.
sure. Students from nearby Tamil Nadu-based cooper- that there may be a loss of As the bank did not
schools also took part in the
protest. Since the Tasmac
shop is situated in the resi-
dential locality, those who
ative bank causing losses
to the exchequer of sever-
al crore rupees, sources
said on Friday.
about Rs 1.5 crore every
year." they said.
A 10-member team of
the department along
respond to any of the com-
munications sent by the
department, the on-the-
spot survey was conduct-
DVAC raids on former municipal head
consume liquor at the shop According to the depart- with police personnel ed. DC CORRESPONDENT Covid-19 period in 2020-21. the tune of `. 32 lakh was that a thorough
are indulging in eve teasing ment's Intelligence and then conducted a survey Failure of the financial CHENNAI, JUNE 23: Maheshwari was the found. investigation will reveal
and harassing children, the Criminal Investigation on Thursday. institutions to submit the commissioner of The municipal adminis- irregularities for many
protesters complained. They wing, financial institu- "According to the requisite data or defecting The Directorate of Kanchipuram when it was tration department filed a c r o r e s
are also unaware of their tions, banks, and coopera- Income Tax Act and data results in loss of rev- Vigilance and Anti- a municipality and she is complaint with the DVAC during the pandemic
clothing in a drunken state tive banks are supposed to Rules, the financial insti- enue to the exchequer, Corruption officials on the commissioner for who visited the corpora- period.
and women find it difficult to inform the department of tutions including coopera- they said. Friday conducted search- Dindigul corporation. tion office and seized the
cross the place. The residents cash deposits and interest tive banks are statutorily The cooperative bank es in the house of former During the auditing of documents related to the There were com-
association gave a petition to paid to customers in the obliged to file details of has reported certain Kanchipuram municipali- accounts in Kanchipuram, irregularities. They also plaints of irregulari-
the collector to close the shop form of a Statement of cash deposits by cus- transactions with defects. ty commissioner and four which has become a seized documents showing ties in buying floor
but it was not added to the list Financial Transactions tomers above certain lim- Earlier, notice issued to former municipality corporation now, it was the involvement of the cleaning anti-
of 500 shops closed. After the (SFT). its and fixed deposits of rectify the defects was not employees in connection found there were irregu- then municipality
police promised take steps for However, the cooperative above ` 10 lakh in the complied with by the with complaints of irregu- larities in buying floor commissioner Maheswari
sceptic liquor and
the closure of the shop, peo- bank in Pudukottai dis- form of Statement of bank. Therefore, the need larities in buying floor cleaning solutions and and four personnel Iqbal, other safety equip-
ple dispersed. trict was not sending the Financial Transactions," to carry out a spot verifi- cleaning anti-sceptic other safety equipment. In Ramesh Kumar, ment during the
details of the interest paid the sources said. cation was felt, they liquor and other safety buying floor cleaning Radhakrishnan and Covid-19 period
to customers, based on the The cooperative banks added. equipment during the solutions, irregularities to Santhavalli. It is said
deposits for the last four should inform the name, —PTI
EPFO outreach
prog on June 27
Chennai: EPFO Regional
HEARTWARMING RURAL NARRATIVE WITH DEPTH Intriguing concept, complex narrative
Office, Tambaram, will con-
duct ‘Nidhi Aapke Nikat 2.0’ ANUPAMA THANDATTI ANUPAMA ASVINS fill their roles in the nar-
as a district outreach pro- SUBRAMANIAN | DC CAST: Pasupathy, SUBRAMANIAN | DC CAST: Vasanth Ravi, rative.The film's first half
gramme on June 27, between tends to overuse typical
Rohini, Vivek Vimala Raman,
9.00 am and 5.45 pm at handatti, directed by he psychological horror tropes, with repeti-
Butterfly Gandhimathi debutant Ram Prasanna horror thriller Udhayadeep tive scenes that may seem
Appliances Ltd , 143, Sangaiah, offers a Asvins takes its monotonous. However, the
Pudupakkam Village, delightful portrayal of a DIRECTION: Ram roots from the realm of DIRECTION: Tarun plot takes an intriguing
Vandalur - Kelambakkam heartfelt, rural narrative mythology, referencing Teja turn post intermission,
Road, Chengalpattu district . that resonates with Sangaiah the Ashwini Kumaras with the introduction of
Activities like orientation authenticity and warmth. from the Rig Veda – twin the archeologist's
programme for newly covered Cop Subramani RATING: 3/5 horsemen deities RATING: 2.9/5 chapter and the emer-
establishments with a focus (Pasupathy), is reassigned ing and more by the allure renowned for their medic- gence of the malevolent
on EPF & MP Act, duties to Theni after defying his of her 'thandatti', or long inal and healing abilities. entity. The storytelling
and responsibilities of superiors. On the brink of golden earrings, which humans while The film sets the stage (Udhayadeep), Varun might have been more
employers and employees, retirement, Subramani are said to be of consider- simultaneously highlight- with a prologue, introduc- (Muralidharan), Ritu effective had it been less
online services for employ- finds himself dealing able value. ing the damaging effects ing us to a farmer from an (Saraswathi Menon) and complex, as the highly
ers/principal employers/con- with a particularly chal- Subramani locates of caste, especially era long past who had Grace. They journey to a technical narrative could
tractors,. online services for lenging case in a village Thangaponnu but the sit- regarding a woman's free- twin sons. Tragically, the desolate mansion in potentially be challenging
employees, awareness pro- named Kidaripatti near uation soon spirals out of dom to choose her life children perish, but the London, said to be haunt- f o r
gramme on new Theni, known for its aver- control as she unexpected- partner. farmer, through penance, ed by the spirit of archeol- audiences in B and C cen-
Initiatives/reform, interac- sion to law enforcement. ly passes away and her Despite an unpre- persuades the Ashwini ogist Aarti Rajagopal ters.Technically, the
tion with exempted establish- A young boy from precious thandattis disap- dictable climax, the Kumaras to restore life to (Vimala Raman), intend- movie is very strong. The
ments, redressing the griev- Kidaripatti files a com- pear overnight. The sequences leading up to it one of the twins. The ing to film a black tourism majority of the action
ances of members/pension- plaint about his missing unfolding of these events lack a natural progres- resuscitated child is episode for their channel. takes place within a con-
ers and employers, submis- g r a n d m o t h e r , forms the crux of the nar- sion. Nonetheless, blessed with immortality, Their eerie encounters fined space, adding to the
sion of digital life certificates Thangaponnu (Rohini). rative. Pasupathy's stellar per- destined only to die of nat- therein make up suspense. Edwin Sakay’s
by pensioners. and providing Despite warnings from Thandatti engages the formance is noteworthy, ural causes. Twin golden the crux of the striking visuals, inten-
assistance to seed UAN KYCs, his colleagues, Subramani audience right from the as are Rohini's commend- horse statues are given to story. t i o n a l l y
file e-Nomination, and upload agrees to help the boy and start, introducing the able portrayal and Vivek the boy, a symbol of bal- unleashing a wave of Vasanth Ravi, in his dual low-lit, along with Vijay
the details of contractors will i n v e s t i g a t e characters within the first Prasanna's convincing act ance between good and wickedness. As a result, role, performs commend- Siddharth’s exceptional
be conducted. Thangaponnu's disap- quarter of the film. The as an alcoholic son. evil in the world. several villagers and cat- ably, particularly in the musical score and the
Those concerned can attend pearance. As they journey screenplay is intriguing, The background score by However, this equilibri- tle die. second half where he expert sound design by
the programme to avail of back to the village, the boy speckled with humor, and Sundaramurthy KS and um is disrupted when the Fast forward to contem- truly shines. Vimala Sachin and Hari,
this facility, said a press reveals a family secret. successfully maintains Mahesh Muthusami's boy trades one of the stat- porary times, we follow a Raman also delivers a magnificently create an
release. His aunts' search for their audience engagement. It rustic visuals harmonize ues to the devil in group of YouTubers – notable performance, eerie atmosphere that
mother is motivated less underscores the selfish perfectly with the exchange for his deceased Arjun (Vasant Ravi) and along with the supporting amplifies the film's overall
by concern for her wellbe- and ungrateful nature of film's ambiance. brother's life, thereby his crew Rahul cast who competently ful- impact.
pg 3
of US Congress
announcement at a work- A Trinamul Congress community in the US, Biden discussed all press-
shop held by the leader was shot dead by Prime Minister Narendra ing challenges con-
two miscreants in Modi has said that they fronting the global com-
members, a
International Labour
Organisation to discuss Purulia of West Bengal are brilliant in every field, munity in their talks and
bringing domestic workers’ on Thursday evening. not just in Spelling Bee exchanged views on how
swipe at Rahul
rights under the legal ambit The victim’s security and have played a big role India and the US could
in Delhi Addressing the man from the state in the country’s relation- cooperate to mitigate,
workshop, Anand said the police was also shot at ship with America. address and deal with ter-
AAP government is con- while trying to save him. Prime Minister Modi’s Washington, June 23: rorism comprehensively,
stantly working for the wel- Later, two persons remarks on Thursday Prime Minister Narendra Foreign Secretary Vinay
fare of labourers in Delhi. including a Congress came during his address Modi has lauded the mem- Kwatra has said.
He said that chief minister candidate of the to a joint session of the US bers of the US Congress Kwatra briefed
Arvind Kejriwal believes he Panchayat election were Congress. He attributed a for coming together to cel- reporters on the out- Vinay Kwatra
is “a creator of the coun- arrested by the police on big part of the success of ebrate their country’s ties comes of the second day
try’s destiny.” The Kejriwal murder and attempt to India-US ties to Indian- with India, saying there of Modi’s visit that began challenges were dis-
government has formulated murder charges for their Americans. must be a contest of ideas here with a grand cere- cussed between the two
and implemented 17 welfare alleged role in the Representing 1.4 billion at home but people must monial welcome on the and how India and US
schemes covering educa- attack. The victim, Indians, Modi said it is also come together as one South Lawn of the White could cooperate to miti-
tion, health, safety and pen- Dhananjay Choube, was always a great honour and while speaking for the House. gate, address and try and
sion for construction work- the TMC (Adra Town) an exceptional privilege to Prime Minister Narendra Modi being received by US nation. It was followed by bilat- deal with this challenge
ers in the capital, he said. president in the district. address the US Congress President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden at the Modi’s remarks in his eral discussions, remarks as comprehensively as
The Delhi government will He, accompanied by his twice. This is the second White House in Washington on Thursday. —PTI address to a joint session to the press, an address to possible.”
security staff, Shekhar time that the prime minis- of the US Congress on the joint session of the US “That was also dis-
Centre refuses to Cong, BJP spar after ‘Wanted Corruption Nath’ bill surfaces
sell rice to K’taka
RABINDRA NATH scams happened during the would already have taken transparent and healthy
CHOUDHURY 15-month-old Kamal Nath action against him.” politics. The poster cam-
BHOPAL, JUNE 23 government. “Today, they (BJP) have paign against Mr Nath may
The controversial posters nothing to say against me. be an outcome of the raging
“Wanted Corruption Nath have appeared at many That is why they have infighting within the
Delivers blow to Anna Bhagya scheme posters”, featuring former places in Bhopal, Sehore, launched such a vilification Madhya Pradesh Congr
chief minister Kamal Nath, Rewa, Indore, Jabalpur, campaign against me”, he ess”, Mr Sharma said.
M.B. GIRISH Progressive Alliance (UPA) on Friday surfaced at Chhatarpur and Dhar, said. The Congress on He was referring to the
BENGALURU, JUNE 23 in 2013, and the programme places in different parts of catching Congress off Friday lodged a complaint Opposition rising against
is neither new nor intro- the poll-bound Madhya guard since the party was in the local police station Mr Nath as party’s CM-face
To make it difficult for the duced by Prime Minister Pradesh, triggering a spar planning to rerun its seeking action against by a section of leaders.
state government to launch Narendra Modi. between the Congress and Karnataka strategy in the those behind the poster Several senior Congress
its ambitious “Anna “I told the minister that the BJP here. year-end Assembly elec- Pradesh, ahead of the year- “No one can belittle him”. campaign. leaders, such as Congress
Bhagya” scheme, the minis- we would purchase the rice The posters, akin to the tions in Madhya Pradesh to end Assembly elections in “There is not a single State BJP president Legislature Party (CLP)
ter for food and civil sup- and tried my best to con- PayCM campaign launched corner BJP by highlighting the state. charge of corruption Vishnu Dutt Sharma, how- leader Govind Singh, for-
plies K.H. Muniyappa said vince the Union minister on by the Congress in the alleged corruption in “BJP is playing dirty poli- against me. Everyone ever, refuted his party’s role mer union minister Arun
the union minister for food the need for rice in recent Assembly elections Shivraj Singh Chouhan tics by circulating such knows it. I do not need any in the poster campaign Yadav and former minister
and civil supplies, Piyush Karnataka, but the Union in Karnataka to dislodge government. objectionable posters in the certificate from BJP, as peo- against Mr Nath. Ajey Singh, have recently
Goel, turned down the state minister was unrespon- the Basavaraj Bommai gov- The Congress has seen the state’’, Congress spokesm ple know me well”, Mr. “BJP has nothing to do come out openly against
government’s request to sive,” said Mr Muniyappa, ernment, were seen having hand of BJP in the poster an K K. Mishra said. Nath said. He added that with the posters. BJP is a any move by the party to
buy rice from the Food who stated that “I told the a QR code which after scan- campaign against Mr Nath, Mr Nath has also taken had there been any corrup- party which does not project Mr Nath as CM face
Corporation of India (FCI). minister that FCI has ning gives access to a video the chief minister face of strong exception to the tion charge against him, believe in doing things dis- of Congress in the MP
Mr Muniyappa held a enough stock of rice to sell link that detailed alleged the party in Madhya poster campaign, saying, the state BJP government creetly,as we believe in Assembly polls.
meeting with Mr Goel in it to the state government,
New Delhi and requested but the minister remained
the Union minister permit evasive.”
FCI to sell rice under the
Open Market Sale Scheme.
After the meeting, Mr
Muniyappa told reporters
Mr Muniyappa stated that
he would explore ways to
purchase for the launch of
the “Anna Bhagya” scheme,
Nadda says Odisha
that “I came to meet Mr
Piyush Goel with the hope
that the state would get the
required amount of rice for
where the state government
will distribute 10 kg of rice
to BPL and Antyodaya card
holders free of cost.
admin outsourced
the state, but the Union It may be recalled here AKSHAYA KUMAR SAHOO one else’s rule persists
minister was evasive to the that FCI, Bengaluru, had BHAWANIPATNA, JUNE 23 here. Time has come to
state’s request. I am not agreed upon the state gov- ensure that we form a gov-
convinced by the replies of ernment’s request to sell The BJP national presi- ernment both at the Centre
the Union minister.” rice of about 2.28 metric dent J.P. Nadda on Friday and here in Odisha,” he
“The Centre’s move has tonne under the Open launched a no holds said.
political motives behind it,” Market Sale scheme in its barred attack on the Though Mr Nadda did
accused the minister, who letter on July 12, and a day Naveen Patnaik-led Biju not mention the name of
stated that FCI stores food later, FCI discontinued the Janata Dal (BJD) govern- the officer who he said was
grains from high-produc- sale of rice and wheat ment in Odisha by alleging ruling the state, his
tion states and then distrib- under the Open Market Sale that the entire state admin- remarks were seen as an
utes them to the states that scheme. istration had been out- indirect reference to the
are in need. Distribution of Over the discontinuation sourced. CM Naveen Patnaik’s pri-
rice for the poor comes of the sale of rice, state Mr Nadda, who was here vate secretary V.K.
under the Food Security chief minister to present the report of Pandian, an IAS officer
Act, which was brought by Siddaramaiah termed the Modi government in the who is making tours to dif-
the Congress-led United move a “political one”. past nine years, said ferent districts.
nobody in the state actual- Alleging that corruption
ly knew who was running had become rampant in
24 JUNE 2023
India’s recent track record in treatment of minorities may have been the rime Minister tary of state Antony Blin- fabrication platform now revived interest in get-
subject of media attention in the United States, but it was glossed over in a Narendra Modi ken during his recent Beij- ting six Westinghouse reac- the flame of a lighted
series of bear hugs, with commonality of interests and objectives trumping arrived in New ing visit. It may also have of Lam Research tors installed at Kovvada. candle. As a child,
most other considerations. A relationship that was largely transactional, York on June 21, been intended to put at rest The final part of the joint
save for India becoming part of Quad, has given way to a more substantial on his first-ever any Indian fears about be- statement comes to foreign
Ramalingam used to visit
alignment featuring a deeper security cooperation earlier marked only for state visit to the United ing blindsided by US-China Soviet spacecraft Soyuz T- policy issues. “Deep con- Khanda Swami Kottam in
allies. States. After celebrating detente. That set the scene 11 in 1984 and became cern” is expressed about Chennai to pray to Lord
International Yoga Day at for the rest of the visit. India’s first astronaut. the Ukraine war, without Muruga, Siva and
the United Nations, nine The joint statement is However, it reflects the condemning Russia. Post-
years after its declaration, fairly comprehensive. It changed orientation of the war reconstruction is moo- Vinayaka. As a lad,
Adventure often ends in tragedy he proceeded to Washing-
ton for a carefully choreo-
graphed visit. Select mem-
opens by reiterating that
India and the United States
are “among the closest
Indian approach, now
accepting American help.
The technology partner-
ted. Criticism of Russia, as
indeed China, comes via
laments about threats to a
Ramalingam had deliv-
ered inspiring discourses
on Periya Puranam and
here is a scene in Titanic when the orchestra in the grand dining hall bers of the Indian diaspora partners in the world”. ship encompasses India’s rules-based international
on the main deck stops momentarily as seawater invades. The musi- jammed the White House And that this is a partner- induction into the semicon- order. Terrorism, the 63 Nayanmars. He
cians, knowing the fate awaiting them, decide to play on to provide lawns, expectedly chanting ship of democracies “look- ductor supply chain and Afghanistan situation, believed in the Hindu
heroic yet tragic moments. Their action represents not so much fatalism “Modi… Modi”. ing into the 21st century training of 60,000 Indian North Korea’s nuclear and concept of liberation
as symbolism of undying human spirit even in the face of grave danger. Separating the hoopla, with hope, ambition and engineers via the virtual missile programme, I2U2 (a
The passengers of the fatalistically named submersible Titan, whose there are substantive parts confidence”. It affirms a fabrication platform of new group of Israel, India, and moksha. All these
spirit of adventure related to the historical wreck of the Titanic in 1912, of the visit. The Prime “new level of trust”. And Lam Research Corpor- UAE and US), and the Quad and more would show
were extremely unfortunate in meeting their death in the implosion of Minister finally answered that the future is grounded ation. It also covers the (which India chairs in 2024) that Ramalinga Adigalar
their vehicle that may have caved in to the unimaginable pressure exist- a media question at the in “respect for human telecommunications sector were salient issues dis-
ing some 3,500 metres below the sea. But, just as a single swallow does not White House when a Wall rights, shared principles of and aims to create 6G net- cussed by the two sides. was deeply influenced by
a summer make, a solitary mishap is not going to rub out the sense of Street Journal correspon- democracy, freedom and works. They would also The visit brought to a cli- the principles of Sanatana
adventure in human beings. dent asked both the host the rule of law”. More than work closely on quantum max the work put in by suc- Dharma!
The US Coast Guard, in possession of the knowledge of an implosion and the guest whether once it is spelt out that computing. To facilitate cessive governments since
under the sea near the wreck of the Titanic, may have maintained a virtu- India’s democratic slippage India-US cooperation will this, the US will work with the Indian nuclear tests in Kangayam R. Narasimhan
ally sadistic silence as a search operation went on for about four days in had been discussed? Presi- serve the “global good”, Congress to lower barriers May 1998, when bilateral Chennai
trying to locate an object that was in a situation even worse than that of a dent Joe Biden replied working through a range of to enable export of HPC relations fell to a low point.
needle in a haystack. The optimism of somehow finding the submersible diplomatically, to satisfy multilateral and regional technology and source A clearer roadmap is now MODI’S MAGIC MOMENTS
and extracting the adventurers in one piece died a sudden death only with his own party members groupings, particularly the codes. Both would collabo- available but some issues, It was a moment of pride when Modi
the announcement of the tragic accident. agitated over the issue as Quad — comprising rate to create “trustworthy which can create future got a standing ovation during his sec-
Post-mortems will go on and the mishap will be analysed as to why and well as to avoid offending Australia, India, Japan and and responsible AI”. hurdles, still linger. ond address to the US Congress. The
how it took place. But the adventurers were aware of the risks and of the his Indian guest. Mr Modi the US. There have been The defence sector coop- One is the path that the coming together of the two nations to
video game toy-like controls to guide the submersible, leading to their simply denied any threat to discussions to draw even eration also received a Ukraine war may take. An bring world peace is a matter of
finding ‘Davy Jones Locker’. Some bristled at the thought of undertaking India’s democratic system the Philippines into it, and boost. The US and India early ceasefire will be help- appreciation now when war and hate
such risk and cancelled. Others like the son of the Pakistani billionaire and repeated his old argu- eventually even Indonesia. have had on paper the ful, while an escalation will speeches mar the peace. The sealing
went despite dreading the unusual journey. ment that India was the Vietnam would bring new Major Defence Partnership test India-US relations. of the defence deal for the manufac-
James Cameron, the man who directed the runaway Hollywood hit of “mother of all democra- strength but it fails to qual- for some time, but progress Two, there are crucial elec- ture of fighter jets engines will send a
1997 that nestles among the top grossing films of box office history, had cies”. Former US President ify, not being a democracy. so far has only been tardy. tions coming up in both warning signal to China and
undertaken 33 dives to the Titanic wreck and he had expressed genuine Barack Obama, in Athens, The joint statement, Now a big jump is project- nations, and their outcome Pakistan who continue to encourage
doubts about the capabilities of Titan to tackle the journey to the bottom of considered the cradle of unlike most such docu- ed. Liaison officers will be could well create new sce- terror.
the Atlantic Ocean. His tribute in celluloid may have contributed to fur- democracy, complicated ments that convey more a posted in each other’s mili- narios. The personalisa- Sravana Ramachandran
ther fuelling this insatiable interest in the fate of the Titanic, the “ship that matters in an interview vision than a work plan, is tary organisations. This is tion of foreign policy has a Chennai
cannot sink” when it set sail 111 years ago. But the spirit of adventure, with CNN’s Christiane both broad as well as spe- likely to worry the risk of a successor govern-
which a story of death and destruction thus engendered, will not die. Amanpour. Asked about cific. There are four the- Russians about the securi- ment stalling even positive PRAY FOR THEM
Mr Modi’s commitment to matic headings — Charting ty of their technologies. past decisions. Three, pri- Five bravehearts died while undertak-
a liberal democratic sys- a Technology Partnership The transfer of Synthetic vate assurances if any that ing a deep sea journey in the Atlantic
tem, he pointed out the dan- for the Future; Powering a Aperture Radar, which may have been given by to have glimpses of the Titanic ship-
ger of majoritarianism as it Next Generation Defence produces higher resolution either side on Russian oil, wreck. The quintet had undertaken
DECCAN CHRONICLE Partnership; Catalysing images, and the purchase the Ukraine war and
can even affect India’s this high degree adventure knowing
KAUSHIK MITTER K. SUDHAKAR unity and integrity. It is the Clean Energy Tran- of General Atomic’s MQ 9- human rights. Four, the fully well of the danger they might be
Editor Printer & Publisher difficult to imagine that Mr sition; and Deepening B HALE high-altitude trajectory of US-China rela- involved in the underwater journey.
R. MOHAN Obama, usually very care- Strategic Convergence. Un- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle tions can affect the Though many sceptics would say that
Resident Editor der each category specific (UAV) would enhance dynamism of bilateral
DECCAN CHRONICLE offices are located at: ful about his public state- the journey was a suicidal mission to
Chennai: SP 3 Developed Plot, Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai 600032. Phones: (044) 22254750, ments, would not have run ideas are articulated or India’s defence capabilities engagement. Finally, a new be condemned than admired, none
222547451 it by President Biden. Were actual investments listed. exponentially. The UAV is leadership in either nation should forget the fact that many feats
Coimbatore: No. 2/22 Sengalipalayam Road, N.G.G.O. Colony Post, Kurudampalayam Village, Mr Biden and Mr Obama The technology partner- to be assembled in India. can recalibrate national and records and discoveries in science
Coimbatore-641022. Phone: (0422) 2231255, 2231256 ship for the future comes President Barack Obama priorities. But in a pre-elec-
Hyderabad: 36, Sarojini Devi Road, Secunderabad 500 003. Phone: (040) 27803930-4. Fax: (040) playing the good-cop bad- became possible only because of the
27805256. cop routine? under the Initiative on had cajoled India to join the tion year, the Opposition sacrifice of many scientists who had to
Visakhapatnam: Survey No. 1/3A Beach Road, Near Kailasagiri Ropeway, Sector-9 MVP Colony, Notably, during the joint Critical and Emerging Paris accord. Now the US will only see the glass half- give up their lives while being engaged
Visakhapatnam - 530 017. Phones: (0891) 2552333/2552334, Fax (0891) 2755285 press interaction, Presi- Technologies (iCET). In will take cooperation in empty, while the govern- in research and experiments. Let us
Vijayawada: No. C 3 & 4, Patamata, Industrial Estate, Auto Nagar, Vijayawada (A.P.). Phones: (0866) space, an Indian astronaut this field to a higher level. ment claims that it is over-
2555284/ 2555287, Fax (0866) 2555234 dent Biden refused to back pray for the departed souls to rest in
Rajahmundry: Vemagiri, Dhawleswaram Rd, Rajahmundry 533125. Phones: (0883) 2417208, 2417618 down from his statement is to be trained to be at the This will cover production flowing. peace.
Anantapur: Thapovan Colony, Bangalore Bye-Pass Road, Anantapur 515004. Phones: (08554) 276903, calling Chinese President International Space of and research into green R.Aadhithya Iyer
Fax: 08554-276904 Xi Jinping a “dictator”. He Station by 2024. Looking hydrogen, solar panel man- The writer is a former Coimbatore
Nellore: Survey No. 527/2, Burranpur Village, Venkatachalam (M), Chemudugunta Panchayat, Nellore. back this is not new, as ufacture in the US by an secretary in the external
Phone: (0861) 2348581/ 82, Telefax (0861) 2348580 seemed to be restoring a
Karimnagar: H .No. 1-21-12/1, Cheralabhutkur Road, Mugudhumpur Village, Karim Nagar - 505186 harder line after the softer Wing Commander Rakesh Indian company and work affairs ministry. He tweets Mail your letters to
Phone : 9121181123 stance adopted by secre- Sharma flew aboard the on critical mineral supply at @ambkcsingh. [email protected]
BoJo tells lies… names, perhaps 45 for all ranks of honours in his
“resignation list”.
This list is then passed to a vetting committee
ply ample and damning evidence of his breaking the
rules as in “Partygate”. At least five of his nomina-
tions are of internal functionaries who know what
before he landed up in jail in Kathmandu came to
me with a question.
“Fa’ook”, he asked “what is Wed Mercuwy”?
The whole story, and more, is there in my book
Hawk and Hyena! (Advertising again? And didn’t
you say ‘first time’? — Ed).
it for a long time! tions. In this instance the committee rejected sever-
al of the listed names, only some of which have been
disclosed to the media.
uncomplaining” apparatchiks is a sort of hush-
money. Here’s a bauble, now keep your mouth shut.
Having worked this out for myself, and not
out that he had gone to Bahrain to sell Red Mercury
which he and associates would obtain from ex-
Soviet arms dumps in the ex-Soviet countries, to
then called BoJo’s now-prime ministerial office and
BoJo said he never met the serial killer Charles
Sobhraj, but he did recall meeting me.
What I’m getting at is that BoJo may well have received the long-awaited nomination as Lord some Arab gentlemen. He said he had evidence of In baba-school we used to say: “Liar, liar lipstick,/
nominated someone to be — ahem! — Lord Dhondy Dhondy of Sarbatwalla Chowk, I am now ready to this meeting and I asked him if these Arabs could Born on a broomstick/ Broomstick broke/ Liar got a
of Sachapir, and it may have been squashed by the break ranks. You see, gentle reader, the main accu- have been Iraqis. He said yes. poke.”
pg 7
Titan destroyed in implosion, all aboard dead
Kin mourn, raise
New York, June 22: A
deep-sea submersible car- OCEANGATE COULD BE SUED DESPITE WAIVER 1 2
FOR SKILLED FORCE rying five people on a voy-
age to the century-old
passengers on the submersible
Berlin, June 23: The German wreck of the Titanic was
Parliament on Friday approved
a new immigration law
designed to attract skilled
workers to the country, which
found in pieces from a "cat-
astrophic implosion" that
killed everyone aboard,
the U.S. Coast Guard said
lost at sea during a dive to the
Titanic wreck may not shield the
vessel’s owner from potential
lawsuits by the victims’ families, 3 4
questions on safety
is suffering from an unprece- on Thursday, ending a legal experts said. New York, June 23: utes into a 2-hour descent,
dented labour shortage that is multinational five-day Relatives and colleagues were discovered on the
belabouring the economy. search for the vessel. ● THE PASSENGERS, who paid mourned on Friday thefive seabed about 1,600 feet (488
The law — championed by the A robotic diving vehicle as much as $250,000 each for people who died when meters) from the bow of
governing centre-left SPD, the deployed from a Canadian the journey to 12,500 feet below their submersible implod- Titanic wreck, about 2-1/2
liberal FDP and the Greens — ship discovered a debris the surface, are believed to have ed in the North Atlantic miles (4 km) below the sur-
garnered 388 yes votes, while field from the submersible signed liability waivers. Search and rescue ships were 1. Hamish Harding 2. Stockton Rush during a deep dive to the face, U.S. Coast Guard
234 lawmakers voted against it. Titan on Thursday morn- Titanic wreck, prompting Rear Admiral John
ing on the seabed some ● VICTIMS’ FAMILIES could sue called back on Friday after the 3. Paul-Henry Nargeolet questions about safety Mauger said.
implosion was confirmed. 4. Shahzada Dawood and Suleman Dawood
1,600 feet (488 meters) from despite liability waivers. rules for such adventures He told reporters on
TALIBAN BARS the bow of the Titanic, 2
1/2 miles (4 km) beneath ● WAIVERS NOT always ironclad. ● THE DEGREE of potential ● OCEANGATE COULD argue it was not gross- into the ocean depths.
Debris from the Titan
Thursday the debris was
consistent with “a cata-
FEMALE AID STAFF the surface, in a remote
corner of the North
It is not uncommon for judges to
reject them if there is evidence of
negligence and its impact on
applicability of waivers will
ly negligent and that the waivers apply beca-
use they fully described the dangers inherent
submersible, which had
been missing since
strophic implosion of the
FROM WORKING Atlantic, U.S. Coast Guard
Rear Admiral John
gross negligence or hazards that
were not fully disclosed.
depend on the causes of the dis-
aster, which are being probed.
in plunging the deepest reaches of the ocean
in a submersible the size of a minivan.
Sunday, was detected on
Thursday by a robotic div-
The five who died includ-
ed Stockton Rush, U.S.
Kabul, June 23: Taliban Mauger told reporters. ing vehicle deployed from founder and chief execu-
authorities in Afghanistan’s The Titan, operated by hour, 45 minutes into what debris field left from its human remains were Guard’s press conference, a Canadian ship as part of tive officer of OceanGate
Kandahar province ordered the U.S.-based company should have been a two- disintegration, including sighted. OceanGate issued a state- an international rescue Expeditions, which operat-
female aid workers this week to OceanGate Expeditions, hour dive to the world's the vessel's tail cone and "The debris field here is ment saying there were no effort. ed the submersible and
stop work on a refugee project, had been missing since it most famous shipwreck. two sections of the pres- consistent with a cata- survivors among the five Remains of the sub- charged $250,000 per per-
according to an official letter, lost contact with its sur- Five major fragments of sure hull, Coast Guard strophic implosion of the men aboard the Titan, mersible, which lost con- son to make the Titanic
reinforcing rules against face support ship on the 22-foot (6.7-meter) officials said. No mention vehicle," Mauger said. including the company's tact with a surface ship trip. He was piloting the
women working despite exemp- Sunday morning about an Titan were located in the was made of whether Even before the Coast founder. — Reuters about 1 hour and 45 min- craft. — Reuters
tions sought by organisations.
Paris, June 23: Multi-
lateral development banks
like the World Bank are
expected to find $200 bil-
lion in extra firepower for
Fierce battles reported from Kupiansk, Lyman cities
SECURE: OZ PM low-income economies by
taking on more risk, a
Kyiv, June 23: Ukraine’s
armed forces have halted a
Sydney, June 23: Australia move that may require Russian offensive towards ● ON THE ground
Prime Minister Anthony wealthy nations to inject the cities of Kupiansk and now, the Russian army
Albanese said on Friday the more cash, world leaders Lyman in the east of the is retreating on the
contested site of a proposed said on Friday. country, and are advanc-
Russian embassy was secure, The leaders, gathered at ing in the south, a senior
Zaporizhzhia and
after it emerged a Russian a summit in Paris to Ukrainian defence official Kherson fronts. The
diplomat was squatting on the thrash out funding for the said on Friday. Armed Forces of
French President Emmanuel Macron (C) takes part at Ukraine are pushing
land following an Australian climate transition and “We had very fierce bat-
the New Global Financial summit in Paris. — AFP
decision to cancel the lease. post-Covid debt burdens tles in the Kupiansk and back the Russian army,
This month, Australia passed of poor countries, said World Bank and the “If these reforms are Lyman directions, but our head of Russia’s
a law to prevent Russia from their plans would secure International Monetary implemented, MDBs may soldiers stopped the Wagner mercenary
moving its embassy from a billions of dollars of Fund were increasingly need more capital,” it enemy there,” deputy group, Yevgeny
Canberra suburb to a prime matching investment ill-suited for tackling the added, recognising in a defence minister Hanna Prigozhin, said on
site close to Parliament and the from the private sector. most pressing challenges. final summit document Maliar said.
Chinese embassy, citing nation- An overdue pledge of “We ... expect an overall for the first time that Ukraine is in the early Friday.
al security concerns. $100 billion in climate increase of $200 billion of wealthy nations may have stages of its most ambi- ● THE COMMENTS
On Thursday a Russian diplo- finance for developing MDBs' lending capacity to inject more cash. US tious counterattack since contradict recent
mat was squatting on the land nations was also now in over the next ten years by treasury secretary Janet Russia's full-scale inva- assessments by
under the watch of police, who sight, they said. optimizing their balance Yellen earlier said devel- sion in February 2022 and Russian President
were unable to arrest him. Many in attendance, sheets and taking more opment banks had to first says it has retaken eight
however, said over the risks,” the summit’s final squeeze out more lending villages, its first substan- Vladimir Putin that
Ukraine was suffering
two-day summit that the statement said. themselves. — Reuters tial gains on the battle-
field for seven months. Workers clean debris of the destroyed bridge next to the “catastrophic” losses
Svyatogirsk Orthodox Christian Monastery in Svyatogirsk, and that there was a
But Russia still holds
swathes of territory in Donetsk region of Ukraine, on Friday. — AFP lull in fighting.
Beijing, June 23: China
issued its highest-level heat
Pak submits report eastern and southern
Ukraine, and Ukrainian
forces have yet to push to
the main defensive lines
that Russia has had
● NATO ON Friday con- ● UKRAINE SAID it had downed an entire barrage of 13
cluded its largest ever air cruise missiles fired by Russian forces overnight, tar-
force deployment exercise geting an airfield in the west of the country.
in Europe. Up to 10,000
alert for northern parts of the
country on Friday as the capi-
tal baked in temperatures hov-
ering around 40ºCelsius.
A day earlier Beijing logged
on May 9 detentions months to prepare.
“Indeed, we still have the
main events ahead of us.
And the main blow is still
to come. Indeed, some of
service members took ● BRITISH MILITARY spies on Friday said Russia
part. The German-led “Air appears to be training combat dolphins in the annexed
Defender 23” manoeuvres Crimean peninsula to counter Ukrainian forces.
brought together some
250 military aircraft from
● THIS INCLUDES at least four layers of nets and
its hottest June day since Islamabad, June 23: the reserves - these are booms across the harbour entrance. In recent weeks,
records began with the mercu- Pakistan’s Punjab govern- 350 PAKISTAN NATIONALS WERE ON staged things - will be acti- 25 Nato and partner coun- these defences have highly likely also been augment-
ry edging up to 41.1ºC, breaking ment on Friday submitted vated later,” Maliar said. tries including Japan and ed by an increased number of trained marine mam-
a record set in 1961.
The city is accustomed to
a report to the Supreme
Court detailing the num-
still aimed to gain control
Sweden. mals,” UK Defence Intelligence said.
sweltering summers but tem- ber of people arrested in Islamabad, June 23: had survived. He said that of the whole of the
peratures across China have the province following the Pakistan on Friday con- the identification of the Donetsk and Luhansk fields were slowing them something very fast,” steadily.” Reuters was
been unusually high in recent May 9 violence after the firmed that about 350 dead was going on and regions in eastern down, she said. Maliar said. unable to verify this.
months, with scientists saying top court summoned the Pakistanis were aboard may take several days if Ukraine. “In the military, accord- “Every day we are Each side says the other
the heat is being exacerbated records of hundreds of an overcrowded fishing not weeks and warned Ukraine’s military oper- ing to their reports and advancing, every day. Yes, has suffered heavy losses
by climate change. On Friday alleged rioters, including boat which sank off that the number of ation in the south was positions, everything is it is gradual, but our since Ukraine began its
morning, 185 red alerts were women and journalists, in Greece’s coast last week, deceased may go up. going according to plan moving according to plan. forces are gaining a counteroffensive. Moscow
issued in north and east China. custody. killing scores of passen- Sanaullah said that 281 and its forces were It is not necessary to foothold on these borders hasn’t acknowledged mili-
The report, submitted as gers in one of the dead- families have contacted advancing, even if mine- expect the offensive to be and they are advancing tary losses. — Reuters
2,258 people were issued
under the Maintenance of
Public Order, adding that
21 were in jail, Dawn News
Sanaullah told Parliament
that the boat which sank
on June 14 was carrying
around 700 people when it
lected 193 DNA samples.
The repatriation of bodies
would follow once identifi-
cation was completed.
Twitter faces EU’s ‘stress HOSPITAL DOCS
Phnom Penh, June 23:
Cambodia’s Parliament on
Friday approved a new law ban-
ning anyone who fails to vote in
The report, submitted by
the Punjab advocate gen-
eral, also showed that
only had the capacity to
carry 400 passengers.
Among these, the number
of Pakistani passengers
The minister also reject-
ed the idea that people
from Pakistan illegally
migrate by saying that
test’ on tough new rules 5-DAY STRIKE
London, June 23:
an upcoming national poll from 1,888 people had been on board as per the infor- about 99 per cent leaving San Francisco, June 23: Digital Services Act, meeting on Thursday at Hospital doctors in
running for office in future arrested in 51 terrorism mation that we have for Europe adopt legal A top European Union which will force compa- Twitter headquarters to England on Friday
elections, in a move that will cases, adding that 500 had received so far i s means but upon reaching official is in Silicon Valley nies to crack down on hate carry out a voluntary announced the longest
affect exiled rivals. been discharged while 232 approximately 350, he countries such as Egypt, to check whether Twitter speech, disinformation stress test to prepare for strike in the history of
The kingdom votes in a gener- were on bail. said, adding that 82 UAE, and Libya, they tend is ready to comply w i t h and other harmful materi- the new rules. the state-funded Natio-
al election next month with It further said that 4,119 deceased Pakistani vic- to opt for illegal routes. the blocs tough new digi- al on their sites. It takes “The company is taking nal Health Service
Prime Minister Hun Sen’s had been arrested in 247 tims had been recovered. Sanaullah said the PM tal rulebook, a set of effect August 25 for the this exercise very serious- (NHS), in an ongoing
party running almost unop- other cases, adding that The minister said that 12 has established a commit- sweeping new standards biggest platforms. ly,” he said, adding he had row over pay.
posed, after the main opposi- 1,201 people had been dis- Pakistanis were among tee to investigate the inci- that the worlds biggest The law, along with new constructive dialogue Junior doctors — those
tion outfit was barred on a charged while 3,012 were the total of 104 people who dent. — PTI online platforms all must regulations in the pipe- with owner Elon Musk below consultant level —
technicality. on bail. obey in just two months. line for data and artificial and new CEO Linda will walk out for five
Rights groups accuse Hun The government has European Comm- intelligence, has made Yaccarino. The mock exer- days from 7:00 am (0600
Sen of using the legal system to decided to try civilians vandalised army installa- led by Chief Justice of issioner Thierry Breton, Brussels a trailblazer in cise tested Twitter’s readi- GMT) on July 13 until
crush any opposition. under the Army Act after tions following the arrest Pakistan Umar Ata who oversees digital poli- the growing global move- ness to cope with the the same time on July
Parliament has voted unani- enraged protesters of former prime minister Bandial is hearing the cy, is the EU's point person ment to clamp down on DSA’s requirements , 18, the British Medical
mously to approve the law on belonging to the Pakistan Imran Khan. pleas against military tri- working to get tech com- Big Tech. including protecting chil- Association said.
Friday. Tehreek-e-Insaf party A seven-member bench als. — PTI panies in line for the Breton tweeted about his dren online. — AP The stoppage — just
after the NHS marks its
75th anniversary — fol-
HEALTH | SCARE Structural racism, gaping inequality to cause health crisis, says new research lows a 72-hour strike
this month in opposition
to the government’s
Commission in Maseru
of life with dual mobility hip Wellington: Former New she will temporarily join occurred in the ventila- on June 10, but the inci-
implant surgery. Mr. Zealand Prime Minister Harvard University this tion shaft at an aban- dent was only announced
Raghavendra Rao, a resident Jacinda Ardern year after being appointed doned site in the gold min- by Pretoria in an
of Chennai, was referred to announced Friday she is to dual fellowships at the ing town of Welkom, 260 overnight statement on
Rela Hospitals and he suffered writing a book, with the Harvard Kennedy School. kms from Johannesburg, Thursday. The reason for
from a broken hip due to a low focus more on leadership She has also taken on an the Department of the delay was unknown.
velocity fall in his residence than on politics. unpaid role combating Mineral Resources and The mine was previous-
and was bedridden. In an Instagram post, online extremism. Energy (DMRE) said. ly owned by Harmony
Clinical Lead - Ardern said she is often This month, Ardern The fatalities are Gold Mining Company,
Orthopaedics, Head - Joint asked whether she will received one of New believed to be illegal min- one of South Africa's
Replacement Services, Rela write about her five years Zealand’s highest honours ers who had come from largest producers. It
Hospital, Dr. Ashok S. as New Zealand’s leader. for her service leading the neighbouring Lesotho, a stopped operations in the
Gavaskar said “We offered “At first, my answer was country through a mass tiny kingdom surrounded 1990s. Thousands of
him a dual mobility hip no. I didn’t want to write a shooting and pandemic. by South Africa, it said. unregistered miners
implant and a partial hip book that hauled over the She was made a Dame "We are receiving reports known as "zama zamas"
replacement option to choose internal politics of the Grand Companion, mean- that other suspected ille- operate in South Africa,
from. Based on our recom- last five years, and then ing people will now call gal miners have assisted scavenging obsolete
mendation to go for a dual someone convinced me her Dame Jacinda. in retrieving at least three mines for gold. The condi-
mobility hip implant, the that I didn’t have to,” Ardern said she was bodies, so 28 are believed tions are arduous and
patient is today walking and Ardern wrote. working with a team of to still be underground," often perilous.
as active as he was earlier.” “That maybe it might be publishers — Penguin in DMRE spokesman Ernest "Although this is a
“Now I am no longer relying worth expanding on some I’m planning to do.” ence to my 14-year-old in January when she said New Zealand and Mulibana said. The unique and strange situa-
on anyone, and I am able to of things I talked about in Ardern said she had no self,” Ardern wrote. she was stepping down Australia, Macmillan in deaths possibly happened tion," a joint effort will
walk and resume daily activi- my valedictory instead — date for when the book Just 37 when she became because she no longer had Britain and Crown in the on May 18, although the "ensure that the suspected
ties unassisted. This has like the idea you can be will be published. “But I prime minister in 2017, “enough in the tank” to do United States. The pub- cause remains unknown. deceased illegal miners
brought so much joy and your own kind of leader hope when it’s done, it’s Ardern was seen as a glob- the job justice in an elec- lishers did not immediate- A search team has not are brought to the sur-
relief to my family, Rao said. and still make a differ- the kind of book that al icon of the left. She tion year. Since then, ly respond to requests for been dispatched to the face," the DMRE said.
ence. And so that’s what would have made a differ- shocked New Zealanders Ardern has announced comment. – AP shaft for safety reasons, – AFP
pg 10
Five semiconductor plants are expected to be set up in a year
quick First India-made chips players in India to
BITES by next Dec: Vaishnaw create 80,000 jobs Nirmala Sitharaman
INDICATORS % New Delhi, June 23: Gujarat entailing a total
New Delhi, June 23: The
big announcements by
Nifty 50
62,979.37 -0.41
18,665.50 -0.56
First Made-in-India chips
are expected to be rolled
out by December 2024,
investment of USD 2.75
billion (around Rs 22,540
crore), The total cost of
players like Micron,
Applied Materials and
Lam Research during
FM says digital
S&P 500*
Dollar (`)
4,349.06 -0.75
82.03 0.08
Union Minister
Communications and IT
for the plant comprises $825
million from Micron and
Prime Minister Narendra
Modi's US visit are a “sig-
infra helping
Pound Sterling (`)
Euro (`)
104.33 0.44
89.12 1.16
Ashwini Vaishnaw said
on Friday.
The minister said 4-5
rest from the government
in two phases.
Phased construction of
nificant and meaningful
milestone” in expansion
of the semiconductor
in using taxes
Gold (10gm)* (`)
Brent crude ($/bbl)*
58,500▼304 0.52
73.28 -1.16
semiconductor plants are
expected to be set up in the
country within a year.
the facility is expected to
begin in 2023. Phase 1,
which will include 5,00,000
ecosystem in the country,
Union Minister Rajeev
Chandrasekhar said on
Rajeev Chandrasekhar
IN 10-Yr bond yield 7.074 -0.011 “First Made-in-India square feet of planned Friday. FC CORRESPONDENT
chip will be out by clean room space, will be He also said the three ● THREE PROPOSALS NEW DELHI, JUNE 23
US 10-Yr T-bill yield* 3.715 -0.084 in the high technology
December 2024,” land allocation, factory chip from Micron is operational in late 2024. proposals in the high tech
* As of 8:30 PM IST Vaishnaw said while brief- design work and tax com- expected to come out in Micron has said the arena strengthen the two arena strengthen the Union finance minister
ing the media following a pliance related agreement about six quarters from plant will create up to countries' resolve to shape two countries’ resolve Nirmala Sitharaman said
joint statement issued by for the Micron semicon- now,” Vaishnaw said. 5,000 new direct jobs and the future of technology, to shape the future of digital public infrastruc-
Concorde plans
US President Joe Biden ductor plant to be set up in Computer storage chip 15,000 community jobs products and services. technology, products ture (DPI) has allowed
and Prime Minister Gujarat has been complet- maker Micron will set up over the next several The announcements will and services. The pro- India to make optimum
Narendra Modi in the US. ed. its semiconductor assem- years.
to invest `225 cr
create an estimated mini- posals will catalyse the use of taxpayers' money.
The minister said that “First Made-in India bly and test plant in — PTI mum 80,000 direct jobs, in She also said the perform-
addition to indirect jobs electronics and semi- ance of bank accounts in
conductor ecosystem.
in projects in the supply chain,
Chandrasekhar, who is
which women were given
loan assistance are doing
Realty firm Concorde will
invest Rs 225 crore to develop
commercial projects. It will
Peak, non-peak hours to minister of state for elec-
tronics and IT, said.
The proposals will catal-
yse the electronics and
include major invest-
ments by global memory
and storage chipmaker
“very well”, her remarks
came on Thursday, while
addressing a session on
digital public infrastruc-
at project sites
on Friday launched its ToD tariff plan where the the Electricity (Rights of peak hours, solar hours the latest developments the beginning as there is provinces in India
flagship Panigale V4 R in new rule will allow for Consumers) Rules, 2020. and normal hours, send “big milestones” in India's more to come as India rap- through direct benefit
the Indian market. cuts in power tariffs of up The changes are introduc- price signals to con- roadmap and growth as a idly grows as a significant transfer,” she said, adding
The imported superbike to 20 per during the day, tion of ToD tariff and sumers to manage their semiconductor nation, and trusted partner to that DPI has helped cut
is priced at Rs 69.99 lakh and increases of up to 20 rationalisation of smart load according to the tar- and said the world recog- global electronics and leakages in government
at pan India showroom, per cent during peak night metering provisions. iff. With awareness and nises India's rise as an semiconductor value and schemes.
making it the most expen- hours. “Rather than being effective utilisation of economic and technology supply chains,” the minis- She discussed climate
sive Ducati sold in India. The move is expected to charged for electricity at ToD tariff mechanism, power. ter further said. — PTI finance and reforming
The R variant of the increase the use of renew- the same rate throughout consumers can reduce The announcements financial institutions.
Panigale V4 R uses a able energy and to reduce the day, the price a user their electricity bills,”
998cc, four-cylinder, liq- demand on the grid dur- pays for electricity will Singh said, adding that
uid-cooled engine that is ing peak times when vary according to the time since solar power is
LIC launches
this special Panigale V4R power, the government that the rate of electricity thereby increase grid inte- reserves have been declin- of the reserves, increased The country's reserve
edition,” said Bipul has introduced two during solar hours (eight gration of larger quanti- ing as the central bank by $2.578 billion to position with the IMF was
Chandra, managing changes to the prevailing hours in a day as specified ties of renewable power,” deploys the kitty to defend $527.651 billion, according up by $34 million to $5.149
new non-linked director at Ducati India. power tariff system, by the State Electricity Singh added. the rupee amid pressures to the Weekly Statistical billion in the week. —PTI
period plan
National insurer Life Insurance
Corporation launched a new
close-ended plan Dhan Vridhhi.
Lowering inflation will revive India added 3.8 mn jobs, says CMIE
The new plan will be on sale
from June 23 through
September 30. LIC said the
newly launched plan provides
consumer spending: RBI paper SANGEETHA G
production of
rate sales and holding “Recent national The RBI paper further tor witnessed a fall in from 149.2 million to 157.9 cent of the total employ- Healthcare added around
back private investment accounts data and corpo- stressed that global eco- employment in the past million in this period. On ment in India. The agri- 1.8 million jobs.
in capacity creation, said rate results when read in nomic activity has sus- year. the other hand, the size of cultural sector followed Employment in industry
Exter at TN plant 'State of the Economy'
paper authored by a team
conjunction clearly show
that inflation is slowing
tained its growth momen-
tum in the second quarter
Between May 2022 and
May 2023, jobs in industry
the workforce employed in
agriculture fell from 146.1
closely behind, employing
around 35.7 per cent of the
increased by a little over
one million or less than
led by RBI deputy gover- down personal consump- of 2023. — PTI increased from 108.5 mil- million to 140.1 million – workforce. one per cent.
Korean automaker Hyundai has
commenced production of the
sail into semis
India look to ward
New Delhi: Indian mixed dou-
bles pair of Manika Batra and G.
Sathiyan advanced to the semi-
off Nepal challenge
finals of the WTT Contender
tournament in Tunis after a
straight-set win over German
Pujara, Umesh dropped, Jaiswal & Gaikwad drafted in Bengaluru, June 23: A
4-0 hammering
Pakistan giving them the
duo of Cedric Meissner and
Yuan Wan on Friday. Batra-
Sathiyan won 3-0 (11-8, 11-3, 11-
New Delhi, June 23: The
national selection panel
on Friday effectively
IN OUT perfect start, India will
have a wonderful oppor-
tunity to move closer to
8) in the quarter-final match
that lasted a little over 21 min-
brought curtains down on
veteran Cheteshwar
Cheteshwar Pujara
the semifinals of the
SAFF Championship
utes. They face the Korean pair Pujara's international when they face Nepal Bengaluru, June 23:
of Shin Yubin and Lim career by dropping him here on Saturday. On Head coach Igor Stimac
Jonghoon for a place in the from Indian Test squad for paper, the hosts hold all will return to the India
final. Batra and Sathiyan had the two-Test series against the aces, evidenced by an dug out in the game
already made first round exits the West Indies, starting overwhelming 16-2 over- against Kuwait on
in the women’s and men’s sin- July 12. all head-to-head record in Tuesday after serving
gles respectively. In the men’s Inclusion of powerhouse 23 matches played one-match ban for his red-
singles, Harmeet Desai suffered domestic performers between them, a sequence card offence against
a 0-3 defeat at the hands of Yashasvi Jaiswal and that started in the 1985 Pakistan in the home
Liang Yanning of China in the Ruturaj Gaikwad in the 16- SAF Games. side’s SAFF
pre-quarterfinals on Friday. member squad is a clear The last meeting Championships opener
Desai lost 5-11, 6-11, 5-11 in a indication that the four- Ruturaj Gaikwad between the two sides here. South Asian
Round of 16 match that lasted member panel, headed by came during the 2021 Football Federation
20 minutes. His defeat brought Shiv Sunder Das, is now SAFF Championship (SAFF) General Secretary
the end of Indian challenge in looking at the next two- when India defeated Anwarul Huq said that
the men’s singles. Achanta year World Test Nepal 3-0. Stimac’s offence was not
Sarath Kamal and Sathiyan had Championship cycle (2023- As far as the SAFF tour- serious enough to attract
exited from the tournament in 2025). nament is concerned, a ban of more than one
the first round itself. India’s It was widely expected India also have a com- match and as such it will
campaign also ended in the that Pujara will be manding 6-2 head-to-head not be referred to the
women’s singles as Ayhika dropped and skipper Rohit Yashasvi Jaiswal record from nine match- SAFF Disciplinary
Mukherjee suffered an identical Sharma is likely to lead es. Even the recent form Committee for further
0-3 (5-11, 9-11, 10-12) defeat to the Test side in the Umesh of both the teams indicate action.
Miyu Nagasaki of Japan in the Caribbean. Yadav an Indian domination. “He (Stimac) will serve
Round of 16. Batra, Sreeja Akula The other significant India entered the SAFF a one-match ban, not
and Diya Chitale had failed to development was Ajinkya Championship on the more than that,” he said
go past the first round. — PTI Rahane's re-appointment back of their 2-0 triumph from Dhaka on Thursday.
as the vice-captain of the over Lebanon in the He said the report of the
Test side just after making Intercontinental Cup referee and match com-
India girls to play an international come-
back in the previous game.
final in Odisha.
The Blue Tigers carried
missioner mentioned the
scuffle during the match
Canada in opener While Mohammed
Shami has been given
that confidence into their
opening match here at the
which had led to Stimac’s
expulsion from the field
New Delhi: India will open their complete rest from both Sree Kanteerava of play but it would not be
campaign against Canada in the Tests and ODIs after near- Stadium, turning on the sent to the SAFF
FIH Junior Women’s Hockey ly three months of hectic afterburners to hammer Disciplinary Committee.
World Cup, scheduled to be competitive cricket, the Pakistan 4-0 and the victo- — PTI
held in Chilean capital Santiago selectors have indeed ry was laced by captain
from November 29 to
December 10. The Indian team
has been grouped in Pool C
along with Belgium, Canada,
and Germany. India will open
started the phasing out
process by dropping the
profligate Umesh Yadav
and bringing in the consis-
tent Kolkata seamer
Rohit completes 16 yrs Sunil Chhetri’s hat-trick.
Chhetri’s effort might
have come as a relief for
India as they are missing
the services of injured
match and a positive
result against India, how-
ever tough that might be,
is mandatory for them to
stay alive in the SAFF
their campaign against Canada
on November 29 before taking
on Germany on Belgium on
December 1 and 2 respectively,
as per the pools and schedule
Mukesh Kumar in the
main squad.
Navdeep Saini, whose
career had been on a free-
fall since the historic tour
in international cricket
New Delhi, June 23: before.
Ishan Pandita upfront.
India will be without the
services of head coach
Igor Stimac after he was
shown red card during
However, India will have
to guard against compla-
cency as Nepal have the
wherewithal to spring a
announced on Thursday night. of Australia, also gets a There is something about “I guess time flies, does- India’s 4-0 win over surprise. Nepal’s 31-year-
To add to the excitement ahead chance for resurrection as 16 that has a lingering n’t it? I actually remember Pakistan in the ill-tem- old midfielder Rohit
of the marquee event, FIH also his hit-the-deck (140 sweet aftertaste. Ask Rohit even before the pered opening match. Chand, who plays in
revealed the new junior clicks) bowling might be Mukesh Kumar Indian skipper Rohit Ireland series when we Assistant coach Mahesh Indonesian League, and
women’s world rankings as per effective on the slow Sharma, who completed 16 were playing a challenger Gawli will take charge of forward Anjan Bista
which India are ranked sixth, Caribbean tracks. Test squad: Rohit summers as an interna- in Madras (Chennai). We the team at the dug out. could be surprise pack-
while the Netherlands are All three new entrants — Sharma (C), Shubman tional cricketer after start- all knew that Rohit was Nepal went down 1-3 to ages.
ranked first. Meanwhile, Jaiswal, Gaikwad and Gill, Ruturaj Gaikwad, ing as a highly-rated 20- going to be special,” he Kuwait in their opening — PTI
Argentina, Germany, England Mukesh — were the stand- Virat Kohli, Yashasvi year-old from Mumbai’s said.
and the United States are by players for the WTC Jaiswal, Ajinkya Rahane famous stable of batters. “We could just see that
ranked second, third, fourth and final. They have been very (VC), K.S. Bharat (wk), On June 23, 2007, Rohit he was a very very special
fifth respectively.
Having won the women’s junior
Asia Cup in Japan earlier this
consistent in domestic
cricket over past few sea-
Ishan Kishan
Ravichandran Ashwin,
Anderson hits
complete 100 Tests mile- his debut. during that press meet as Breakfast With
for national trials stone in the series against
Australia this year. — PTI
Sanju Samson “It was way back in 2007 if it happened a day Champions. — PTI