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Measure the coefficients of static and kinetic friction between a block and a plane using
various combinations of materials.

AIM:To measure the coefficients of static and kinetic friction between a block and a plane using various
combination of materials.

Part 1: Static Friction


The coefficient of static friction µs can be measured experimentally for an object placed on a flat
surface and pulled using a known force. The coefficient of static friction is related to the Normal
Force FN of the object on the surface, when the object just begins to slide. Using what we have
covered in class, you can derive this relationship yourself!

Normal Force = FN

Friction = FF
Tension = FT

To pulley →

Gravitational Force = Fg

Wooden Flat Plane
Large Steel Block
Hanging Mass Set
Alternative surfaces: Plastic/ Wood
Test 2 different combinations of materials; steel/wood and one other combination of materials:
plastic/wood, wood/wood, or Velcro/wood. Record the material of the block for each
1. Place the block on the plane and begin adding small amounts of mass to the mass holder
until the point when the block begins to slide.
2. Record the mass and material in the following data tables. Take the mass off the hanger
and repeat part 1 two more times for each combination of materials. Record all the
measurements in the tables below.

Block/Ramp: Block/Ramp:

Mass of Block (kg): Mass of Block (kg):

Normal Force (N): Normal Force (N):

Mass of Coefficient of Mass of Coefficient of

3. #Remember
Trial that in class
hanging weight weFriction
Static said that friction does
Trial # not depend
hanging on surface
weight area.
Static You can
easily test whether
(kg) or not this
(µs) is correct. Choose a block/ramp
(kg) combination of steel/wood
1 already tested. Place the block so that the side1with the smaller surface area is in contact
2 with the board. 2
3 3
Ave.of Block Face: Area of Block Face:
St.Dev St.Dev
Mass of Block (kg): Mass of Block (kg):

Normal Force (N): Normal Force (N):

Mass of Coefficient of Mass of Coefficient of

Trial # hanging weight Static Friction Trial # hanging weight Static Friction
(kg) (µs) (kg) (µs)
1 1
2 2
3 3
Ave. Ave.
St.Dev St.Dev
Part 2: Kinetic Friction
You can calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction, µk using a variation of the method you used
for the coefficient of static friction. For the coefficient of kinetic friction, you can use the same
free body diagram as the one drawn on the first page. Now, the combination of the force of
tension and the force of friction will need to add up such that the block will slide at a constant
speed or with zero acceleration. Think of Newton’s first and second laws when you set up this

You can measure µk using a procedure similar to the one you used to measure µs. This time, just
pick two combinations of materials. The combinations you pick for this part of the experiment
have to be combinations you already used for the static friction part of the experiment,
because the point is to compare µs and µk!

The pulley on the ramp rotates. Both the rotational velocity (ω, measured in revolutions
per second) and the rotational acceleration (α, measured in revolutions per second squared) can
be related to the linear velocity and the linear acceleration, by the equations; v = ω r and a = αr.
For a more detailed explanation see the previous lab. So the block and the pulley should have the
same acceleration, (assuming the string is not slipping on the pulley).

Procedure Part 2:

For this part of the lab you will use the laptop connected to your set up. Save the Data Studio file
to the desktop. The file can be downloaded from the Physics lab site at: Once you have the
laptop on and the sensors plugged in you can double click on the saved file to open the Data
Studio program. If you need to find it later the program can be found in the ‘Education’ folder
under the programs in the start menu. To start taking measurements, click on the run button
on the upper tool bar. The lab TA will provide more instruction. If you make a mistake with the
program you can start over by closing the program without saving and opening it again from the

For this experiment the spokes in the pulley act as on/off switches. The radius of the pulley is 1
inch or .0254 meters.

1. Hold the block on the plane and add the same amount of weight that you had recorded
from the previous part. For instance if 275g got the metal/wood started for the static
friction measurement start this experiment with 275g.
2. Start recording the data by clicking on the run button.
3. Release the block; if it doesn’t move give it a flick or a tap in the right direction.
4. Stop the recording. By highlighting only the data points which indicate movement, find
the average acceleration.
5. Take away 10 grams and repeat the experiment. The goal now is to try to minimize the
acceleration. If taking away mass causes the system to stop moving on its own, then add
weights back on to the mass holder.
6. Record the mass and material in the following data tables. Take the mass off the hanger
and repeat part 1 for the next set of block/ramp material. Record all the measurements in
the tables below.
Calculate the mean value and standard deviation of the coefficient of static friction that you
measured, for each set of materials.

Block/Ramp: Block/Ramp:

Mass of Block (kg): Mass of Block (kg):

Normal Force (N): Normal Force (N):

Mass of Coefficient of Mass of Coefficient of

Trial # hanging weight Kinetic Friction Trial # hanging weight Kinetic Friction
(kg) (µk) (kg) (µk)
1 1
2 2
3 3
Ave. Ave.
St.Dev St.Dev
1. How do the values of µs compare to the values of µk? (Of course, you can only compare
them for the same pairs of materials.)

2. Is the relationship between µs and µk what you expected?

3. Of the two parts of the experiment, measurement of µsand measurement of µk, which had
more sources of error? What were some of the sources of error?

4. Could µk or µs ever be greater than 1? Explain why or why not.

5. Is the coefficient of friction the same as when the block was standing on its larger (or
smaller) end? Is one value within one standard deviation of the other?

6. Think about your results. Do they make sense when you consider your everyday

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