Some of Peplau’s ideas were not widely accepted at the time they were
introduced. Such as the concepts of learning through experiences between the
patients and the students. At that time, her research and emphasis on the give-
and -take of nurse-client relationships was seen by many as new and
revolutionary. However, as the concepts that form her Interpersonal Relations
Model were applied and tested, many nursing experts now recall Peplau as the
one who brought a new perspective, a new approach and theoretical foundation
for nursing practice. Her ideas paved way for integrating other scientific
disciplines into nursing especially in formulating the paradigm of psychiatric
nursing in its early days.
Her theoretical ideas, particularly her views of nursing and nursing process, the
psychodynamic theory, and her views of nursing and nursing process, the
psychodynamic theory and her prescribed methods, have been an essential part
of the collective culture of the nursing profession.
Application of Theory in Nursing Research
At the arrival of the Interpersonal Model, nursing researchers follow the major
assumption that the patient problems were within the person phenomena and
were dealt inside the nurse-patient interaction studies. When her model was
slowly integrated research has shifted to perspective within the social system as
newer studies indicate that broader sets of relationship could also affect a person
in many ways. Peplau influenced upcoming leaders especially those in the
graduate school in the field of Psychiatric Nursing. The role of the nurse as a
stranger changed one’s view on anxiety as an important definition of stress and
its real effect on learning. Other psychiatric nurses developed a behavior scale
using Peplau’s conceptual framework and her assumptions in regards with the
therapeutic behavior of nursing experts were able to identify ways to reduce
anxiety and therefore, stress, in patients.
a. Simplicity
- The major focus of Peplau’s theory, interpersonal relations, is easily
understood. The theory’s basic assumptions and key concepts were clearly
given, explained, broken down and outlined. In turn, she also demonstrated
how this model could be used as a process when she introduced the Four
Phases of Nurse-Patient Relationship. The different roles of the nurse added
further understanding on how nurses could effectively use the Interpersonal
Model by identifying which role is appropriate at a given phase or situation in
perfect harmony with the nursing process.
b. Generality
- Peplau believed that all nurses, regardless of their area or clinical setting, could
effectively utilize her model. However, the theory can be used only to situations
that communication can occur between the nurse and the patient. The use of
the model is limited or impossible in working with senile, comatose or newborn
patients. In these given situations, the nurse-patient relationship is often one-
sided. Knowing this, the nurse and the patient cannot work together to
develop goals and become more knowledgeable. For the nurse to function as an
educative, therapeutic and maturing force, understanding the meaning of the
experience to the patient is very important. This evaluative standard is not
c. Empirical Precision
-Peplau provides a theory based on reality. Her theory could be tested and
observed using pure observation. The relationship between the theoretical
area and empirical data could be validated and verified. Peplau functionally
categorizes the four phases of the interpersonal process, with the nurse’s
role taken into consideration together with the patient’s level of
dependence. We may consider Peplau’s theory to be precise but with
continued research and development, the degree of precision could be more
d. Derivable Consequences
- In historical perspective, Peplau is one of the first theorists after Florence
Nightingale to present a theory in nursing. Her works are highly regarded as
pioneering, and more so, widening the perception of nursing as a noble
Peplau’s works, thoughts, and ideas have greatly touched the lives
of many patients and nurses, from students to practitioners. Although her
work has been published five decades ago, it never ceases in providing the
direction for nursing practice, education and research. Peplau’s work has
provided a significant contribution to the profession.
Assessment Nursing Planning Implementation Evaluation
(Orientation diagnosis (Identification (Exploitation (Resolution
phase) phase) phase) phase)
Mrs. JL is on pelvic Impaired physical Goal setting was done Carried out plans Mrs. JL was free to
traction and she is mobility related to the along with patient mutually agreed upon. express problems
restricted to bed. presence of pelvic regarding difficulty in
The need for bed rest traction. Patient will have mobilizing.
and restriction was improved physical Provided active and
discussed. mobility as evidenced by passive exercises to all She expressed
participating in self care the extremities satisfaction when able
Mrs. JL within the limits. to move without
27 years Made the patient to difficulty.
Provide active and perform breathing
Diagnosis: Inter
passive exercises to all exercises
vertebral disc the extremities to
prolapse improve the muscle Massaged the upper and
tone and strength. lower extremities
Provided article within
the reach of the patient
Balita, Carl E.,Octaviano, Eufemia F. (2008). Sampaloc, Manila: Ultimate Learning Series