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Check List the journal of

biodiversity data

Lists of Species Check List 11(6): 1807, 9 December 2015 doi:
ISSN 1809-127X © 2015 Check List and Authors

Diversity and distribution of microlichens in the state of

Arunachal Pradesh, Eastern Himalaya, India
Pushpi Singh1*, Krishna Pal Singh1 and Ajay Ballabh Bhatt2

1 Botanical Survey of India, Central Regional Centre, Allahabad – 211 002, India
2 Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University, Srinagar, Uttarakhand
* Corresponging author. E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: The paper reports the occurrence of 404 spe- been made (e.g., Pinokiyo et al. 2004; Dubey et al. 2007,
cies of microlichens belonging to 105 genera and 39 fam- 2010; Pinokiyo et al. 2008; Singh and Pinokiyo 2008;
ilies known so far, from the state of Arunachal Pradesh, Singh and Swarnlatha 2011a, 2011b; Jagadeesh Ram and
a part of the Himalaya biodiversity hotspot. Twelve Sinha 2011; Upreti et al. 2011; Singh and Singh 2012a,
species, namely Arthopyrenia saxicola, Arthothelium sub- 2012b, 2012c, 2014; Singh et al. 2013; Joshi et al. 2014).
bessale, Diorygma macgregorii, D. pachygraphum, Graphis Recently, a publication on foliicolous lichens of India
nuda, G. oligospora, G. paraserpens, G. renschiana, Herpo- (Singh and Pinokiyo 2014) recorded 98 species from
thallon japonicum, Megalospora atrorubricans, Porina ti- Arunachal Pradesh. However, the microlichens of upper
jucana and Rhabdodiscus crassus, are new distributional northern regions of the state could not be fully explored
records for India. Astrothelium meghalayense (Makhija because of rugged and inaccessible hilly terrain. In the
& Patw.) Pushpi Singh & Kr. P. Singh and Astrothelium present study, the microlichens collected so far, have
subnitidiusculum (Makhija & Patw.) Pushpi Singh & Kr. P. been investigated, identified and enumerated together
Singh are proposed as new combinations and 66 species with published reports in the tabular form (Appendix,
marked by an asterisk (*) are new distributional records Table A1) for future users.
for the state.
Key words: microlichens, diversity, Eastern Himalaya, Arunachal Pradesh borders the states of Assam and
new records Nagaland to the south, and shares international borders
with the countries of Myanmar in the east, Bhutan in
INTRODUCTION the west, and Tibet (People’s Republic of China) in the
The Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh, one of the north. Several extensive collection expeditions were
most important parts of the Himalaya biodiversity undertaken in different localities in the state (Figure
hotspot (Mittermeier et al. 2005) covers an area of 1). Collected specimens were deposited in the herbaria
83,743 km2 (2.54 % total area of India) and is at altitudes of Botanical Survey of India, Central Regional Centre,
ranging between 200 and 7,000 m above the mean sea Allahabad (BSA), and Eastern Regional Centre, Shillong
level. Arunachal Pradesh lies between 26°28′ and 29°30′ N (ASSAM). Also studied were specimens loaned from
latitude and 091°30′ and 097°30′ E longitude. It harbours the National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow
rich and unique diversity of lichen flora in northeastern (LWG). Morphological observations were made using
India due to varied climate and topography. Various a stereomicroscope (Nikon SMZ 1500). Thin, hand-cut
types of substrata, such as bark, twigs, leaves, soil, and sections, of thalli and ascomata were mounted in water,
rocks, provide suitable conditions for the rich growth of lactophenol cotton blue (LPCB), 10% KOH and Lugol’s
lichens from tropical to alpine regions. Lichenological iodine solution. All anatomical measurements were
exploration in the state was first made by Rolla taken in water mounts and examined under a compound
Seshagiri Rao and Gopinath Panigrahi of Botanical microscope (Nikon Eclipse 50i). Secondary metabolites
Survey of India during 1956–1958. These collections were identified by thin layer chromatography (TLC)
were studied by Awasthi (1961) who reported 42 species following Orange et al. (2001) and White and James
of macrolichens. Subsequently, based on new collections (1985). All the specimens were identified with the help
in the state, some additional publications on foliicolous of authenticated specimens available in the various
lichens, new species, and new records for India have herbaria and published literature. Current names of the

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Singh et al. | Diversity and distribution of microlichens in Indian Himalaya

1. Tawang
2. West Kameng
3. East Kameng
4. Papampare
5. Lower Subansiri
6. Upper Subansiri
7. West Siang
8. East Siang
9. Lower Dibang Valley
10. Dibang Valley
11. Lohit
12. Anjaw
13. Changlang
14. Tirap
15. Upper Siang
16. Namsai
17. Kurung Kumey
18. Longding

Figure 1. Map of Arunachal Pradesh showing areas of exploration (stippled) of microlichens in various districts.

species, habit and distribution in districts along with Total number of Species Total number of Genera
selected voucher specimen numbers are also provided. 2
Trypetheliaceae 4
Teloschistaceae 1
RESULTS Strigulaceae 1

This study of microlichens of Arunachal Pradesh Stereocaulaceae 2

revealed the occurrence of 404 species (Appendix, Table Roccellaceae
A1), belonging to 105 genera and 39 families (Figure 2), Ramalinaceae
of which 12 species are newly recorded for the Indian Pyrenulaceae 4

lichen flora and 66 species (marked with an asterisk) are Porinaceae 2


new distributional records for Arunachal Pradesh. Pilocarpaceae 10


As far as the microlichen diversity is concerned, the 1
Phyllobatheliaceae 1
family Graphidaceae comprises 123 species and shows Phlyctidaceae 2
maximum diversity, followed by Porinaceae (35 species), Pertusariaceae 1

Pyrenulaceae (34 species), Pilocarpaceae (31 species), Ophioparmaceae 1

Arthoniaceae (30 species), Lecanoraceae (22 species), 1
Physiaceae (16 species), Pertusariaceae (12 species), etc. Monoblastiaceae
At the generic level, Graphis comprises 46 species and Megasporaceae 1

shows maximum species diversity, followed by Porina 34 Megalosporaceae 2

species and Lecanora 21 species. Megalariaceae 1
Malmideaceae 1
Letrouitiaceae 1
New distributional records Lecideaceae 3

Lecanoraceae 2

Arthopyrenia saxicola A. Massal. Symmict. Lich.: 107. 1855. Hymeneliaceae 1

(Figure 3A–C) 1
Notes: This species is characterized by its saxicolous Fuscidaceae 1

habit (on cemented rock), lichenized, superficial to Coenogoniaceae 1

endolithic, whitish or pale brownish or greyish thallus; Coccotremataceae 1

black solitary ascomata, branched and anastomosing Coccocarpiaceae 1
pseudoparaphyses with simple periphysoids; 8-spored Catillariaceae
asci; colorless, transversely 1-septate, 18–19 (–21) × 7–9 Brigantiaeaceae 1
μm ascospores with upper cell slightly broader than the Aspidotheliaceae 1

lower cell and lacking lichen substances. Sometimes this Arthopyreniaceae 2


species is confused with Porina linearis (Leight.) Zahlbr., 5

which has 3-septate ascospores and ± simple paraphyses Figure 2. Total number of genera and species of per microlichen family in
(fide Orange 2013). Earlier, this species was erroneously Arunachal Pradesh.

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Singh et al. | Diversity and distribution of microlichens in Indian Himalaya

Figure 3. A–C: Arthopyrenia saxicola, (A) habit, (B) transverse section of ascoma, (C) ascus with ascospores. D–E: Arthothelium subbessale, (D) habit, (E)
ascus and ascospores. F–G: Diorygma macgregorii, (F) habit, (G) ascospore. H–I: D. pachygraphum, (H) habit, (I) ascospore. Scale bars: A, D, F, H = 1 mm;
B=100 μm; C, E=20 μm; G=25 μm; I=50 μm.

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Singh et al. | Diversity and distribution of microlichens in Indian Himalaya

identified as Anisomeridium calcicolum Upreti & Nayaka Symb. Bot. Upsal. 34 (1): 163. 2004. Graphis pachygrapha
(Pinokiyo et al. 2008). It grows between 300 and 400 Nyl., Acta Soc. Sci. fenn. 7(2): 472. 1863.
m altitude in shady exposed places in tropical forests. (Figure 3H–I)
The species is distributed in Britain, China, Ireland and Notes: This species is characterized by its greenish
Hong Kong. or whitish grey slightly fissured to rimose ecorticate
Specimen examined: Arunachal Pradesh, Lower Debang thallus; flexuous, elongated, prominently raised
Valley district, Mehao Wildlife Sanctuary, Sally Lake, on constricted lirellae; closed or slightly opened whitish
cemented stones, alt. 390–400 m, K.P. Singh & P. K. Dixit pruinose disc; convergent to divergent, uncarbonized
476 (BSA). exciple; hyaline, weakly I+ blue-violet hymenium
mostly in lateral part; 1-spored asci with large
Arthothelium subbessale (Nyl.) Makhija & Patw., densely muriform, 164–195 × 34–50 μm ascospores
Tropical Bryology 10: 210. 1995. Arthonia subbessalis Nyl., and presence of norstictic and connorstictic acids.
Sert. Lich. Trop. Labuan Singapore: 23. 1891 In chemistry and ascospores characters, it closely
(Figure 3D–E) resembles Diorygma macgregorii (Vain.) Kalb, Staiger
Notes: Arthothelium subbessale is characterized by & Elix, which has whitish pruinose exposed disc. The
its endophloeodal to slightly epiphloeodal, irregular, species is distributed in China, Colombia, Philippines
brownish grey thallus; blackish-brown semi-immersed and Tanzania.
substellate to irregular, blackish-brown ascomata; Specimens examined: Arunachal Pradessh, West Siang
branched and anastomosing paraphysiods; 8-spored asci; district, Basar to Bame, alt. ca. 850 m, K. P. Singh 2445
muriform, transversely 6–7-septate and longitudinally (ASSAM); West Kameng district, Bhalukpong-Tenga
1–3-septate, 30–35 (–36) × 14–16 µm ascospores with road, near Dedza Bridge, on bark, alt. ca. 1216 m, K.P.
a large undivided apical cell and absence of lichen Singh & G. Swaranlata 4931, 4835, 4845, 4832 (BSA).
substances. In ascospores character, it closely resembles
Arthothelium bessale (Nyl.) Zahlbr., which has rounded, Graphis nuda (Magn.) Staiger & Lücking, in Lücking,
large ascomata and large ascospores (36–44 µm long, Chaves, Sipman, Umaña & Aptroot, Fieldiana Bot. 38
fide Makhija and Patwardhan 1995). The species is (no. 1549): 93. 2008. Graphina nuda H. Magn., Ark. Bot.
distributed in Singapore. 3(no. 10): 266. 1955.
Specimen examined: Arunachal Pradesh, Upper (Figure 4A–B)
Subansiri district, Taliha, Subansiri River bed, on bark, Notes: This species is characterized by the greyish or
K.P. Singh 10502 (ASSAM). whitish grey thallus; very short, sessile lirellae lacking
thalline margin; concealed disc; entire labia; completely
Diorygma macgregorii (Vain.) Kalb, Staiger & Elix, carbonized exciple; clear hymenium; 8-spored asci with
Symb. Bot. Ups. 34(1): 159–160. 2004. Cyclographina colorless, muriform, 28–44 (–47) × 14–19 μm ascospores
macgregorii (Vain.) D.D. Awasthi & M. Joshi, Norw. J. and absence of lichen substances. Morphologically, it
Bot. 26(3): 172. 1979. closely resembles Graphis ruiziana (Fée) A. Massal., and
(Figure 3F–G) G. subruiziana Sipman, Chaves & Lücking, but both later
Notes: Diorygma macgregorii is characterized by species have larger 35-65 μm and 55–80 μm long asco-
its pale brown or grayish brown, rugose ecorticate spores respectively (fide Lücking et al. 2009) ascospores.
thallus; straight to incurved, flexuous and branched, The species is widely distributed in Neotropics and East-
prominently raised lirellae; wide open whitish ern Palaeotropics.
pruinose disc; divergent, non-carbonized exciple; Specimen examined: Arunachal Pradesh, Lower Dibang
clear, completely I+ blue hymenium; colorless, oblong, Valley district, Mehao Wildlife Sanctuary, Sally lake, on
densely muriform, 110–180 × 40–50 µm ascospores bark, alt. 390-400 m, K.P. Singh & P.K. Dixit 448 (BSA).
and presence of norstictic and connorstictic acids. This
species resembles Diorygma pachygraphum (Nyl.) Kalb, Graphis oligospora Zahlbr. apud Handel-Mazzetti,
Staiger & Elix, but later species differs in having closed Symbol. Sinic. Pars 3: 45. 1930.
to slightly open disc and strongly raised apothecia. This (Figure 4C–D)
species is widely distributed in China, Philippines and Notes: This species is characterized by its pale brown,
Papua New Guinea. rugose thallus; short and sparsely branched, emergent
Specimens examined: Arunachal Pradesh, West lirellae covered with lateral thalline margin; concealed
Kameng district, near Dedza bridge, Bhaulkpong-Tenga disc; entire labia; apically to peripherally carbonized
road, on bark, alt. ca. 1216 m, K.P. Singh & G. Swarnlatha exciple; clear hymenium; 2–4 (–6)-spored asci with
4833, 4826 (BSA). colorless, fusiform, transversely 8–10-septate, (26–)
36–42 × (7–) 8–10 μm ascospores and absence of lichen
Diorygma pachygraphum (Nyl.) Kalb, Staiger & Elix, substances. Anatomically, it closely resembles Graphis

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Figure 4. A–B. Graphis nuda, (A) habit, (B) ascospore. C–D: G. oligospora, (C) habit, (D) ascospores. E–F: G. paraserpens, (E) habit, (F) ascospores. G–H: G.
renschiana, (G) habit, (H) ascospores. Scale bars: A, C, E, G = 1 mm; B, D, F, H = 20 μm.

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intermediella Stirt., which has very long and radiately (Figure 5A–B)
branched lirellae. The species is widely distributed in Notes: This species is characterized by the whitish to
eastern palaeotropics. greenish-grey, minutely felty thallus lacking calicium
Specimen examined: Arunachal Pradesh, Lower Dibang oxalate crystals, I-/KI-; numerous, dense, cylindrical,
Valley district, Mehao Wildlife Sanctuary, Mehao lake, unbranched, byssoid-felty, 0.8–1 × 0.2 mm pseudoisidia;
on bark, alt. 1550-1600 m, K.P. Singh & P. Barua 10871 whitish byssoid hypothalllus; pale brown to whitish
(ASSAM). byssoid prothallus and presence of gyrophoric acid as
major substance. It closely resembles H. philippinum
Graphis paraserpens Lizano & Lücking, in Lücking, (Vain.) Aptroot & Lücking in morphology but later
Chaves, Sipman, Umaña & Aptroot, Fieldiana Bot. 38 species differs in I+/KI+ blue reaction and presence
(1549): 96. 2008. of calicium oxalate crystals in the thallus. Earlier this
(Figure 4E–F) species was reported from Japan.
Notes: Graphis paraserpens is characterized by its Specimen examined: Arunachal Pradesh, East Kameng
greyish brown to pale brown thallus; elongate, straight district, Phakui Wildlife Sanctuary, Dichu-Julley Nala,
to flexuose, partly branched, immersed-erumpent on bark, alt. 300-400 m, K. P. Singh 10091 A, B (ASSAM).
lirellae with concealed disc and striate labia; apically
to peripherally carbonized exciple with apically thin Megalospora atrorubricans (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich.
complete thalline margin; 2–6-spored asci with colorless, Univ. 4: 86. 1927. Lecidea marginiflexa var. atrorubricans
muriform, 22–35 × 8.5–10 μm ascospores and absence of Nyl., Flora Regensburg 49: 132. 1866.
lichen substances. Morphologically, it resembles Graphis (Figure 5C–D)
symplecta Nyl., which has broader ascospores (15–20 Notes: This species is characterized by its greyish green,
μm, fide Lücking et al. 2009). It also closely resembles rugulose thallus; sessile, concave to strongly convex,
Graphis puiggarii (Müll. Arg.) Lücking in morphological dark brown to black, epruinose apothecia; inspersed
characters and ascospores size but the latter species hymenium; brown epihymenium; 1-spored asci with
differs in having lateral carbonized exciple. The species colorless, ellipsoid to oblong, straight, transversely
is distributed in Costa Rica. 1-septate, 88–102 × 30–35 μm ascospores and presence
Specimen examined: Arunachal Pradesh, West Kameng of usnic acid and zeorin. In ascospores character and
district, Sessa, on bark, alt. 1110-1500 m, Pinokiyo 64 chemistry, it closely resembles Megalospora sulphurata
(BSA). Meyen, which has 2–8-spored asci and ±curved
(sulphurata-type) ascospores. This species is widely
Graphis renschiana (Müll. Arg.) Stizenb., Bericht. Uber distributed in the Hawaiian Islands, Indonesia, the
die Thatigk. St. Gallisch. Naturw. Gesellsch. 184. 1891. Mascarene Islands, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines
Graphina renschiana Müll. Arg., Flora Regensburg 68(28): and New Caledonia.
512. 1885. Specimen examined: Arunachal Pradesh, West Kameng
(Figure 4G–H) district, Shergoan river side, on bark, alt. ca. 1,600 m,
Notes: This species is characterized by its greyish G.P. Sinha & T.A.M. Jagadeesh Ram 11416 (ASSAM).
brown to reddish brown thallus; elongate and
irregularly branched, erumpent lirellae with concealed Porina tijucana Vain., Étude Lich. Brésil 2: 220. 1890.
disc and entire labia; laterally carbonized exciple; clear (Figure 5E–F)
hymenium; 4–6-spored asci with colorless, muriform, Notes: Porina tijucana is characterised by its
22–35 × 10–15 µm ascospores and presence of norstictic saxicolous habit, grey brown to greenish brown thallus;
acid. Morphologically and in chemistry, it resembles emergent 0.3–0.65 μm diam. perithecia with broad
Graphis norstictica A.W. Archer & Lücking and G. borealis black perithecial cap; well-developed involucrellum
(A.W. Archer) A.W. Archer, but both latter species have and fusiform, transversely 5–9 (–11)-septate, 69–80
larger ascospores. Morphologically, it also resembles × 8.5–10 (–13) µm ascospores with gelatinous sheath.
G. deserpens Vain, which has stictic acid. This species is It resembles P. guaranitica Malme, which has a highly
widely distributed in China, Florida, Madagascar and reduced involucrellum. It is also close to P. mastoidea
the Philippines (Pantropical). (Ach.) Müll. Arg., but later species differs in having
Specimen examined: Arunachal Pradesh, West Kameng smaller ascospores (32–65 × 6–12 µm, fide McCarthy
district, Tipi, Festival ground, on bark, alt. ca. 160 m, 2001). The species is widely distributed in Brazil, Costa
K.P. Singh & G. Swarnlatha 4741 (BSA). Rica, Colombia, Panama and Thailand.
Specimens examined: Arunachal Pradesh, Dibang
Herpothallon japonicum (Zahlbr.) G. Thor in Aptroot Valley district, Ryali-Anini forest, on rock, alt. ca. 900
et al. Biblioth. Lichnol. 99: 44. 2009. Chiodecton japonicum m, K. P. Singh 4783 (ASSAM); Lower Subansiri district,
Zahlbr., Annals mycol. 29(1/2): 77. 1931. Yazali river side forest, on rock, alt. 480–494 m, K. P.

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Singh et al. | Diversity and distribution of microlichens in Indian Himalaya

Figure 5. A–B. Herpothallon japonicum, (A) habit, (B) pseudoisidia (close-up). C–D: Megalospora atrorubricans, (C) habit, (D) ascus with ascospore. E–F:
Porina tijucana, (E) habit, (F) ascospore. G–H: Rhabdodiscus crassus (G) habit, (H) ascospores. Scale bars: A, B, C, E, G = 1 mm; D, H= 20 μm; F= 25 μm.

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Singh et al. | Diversity and distribution of microlichens in Indian Himalaya

Singh 5547 (ASSAM). rounded (not diamond-shaped) lumina in ascospores

cluster around the Trypethelium group, while species
Rhabdodiscus crassus (Müll. Arg.) Rivas Plata, Lücking with diamond-shaped lumina form another cluster
& Lumbsch, Taxon 61. 1175. 2012. Leptotrema crassum around the Astrothelium conicum-group, regardless of
Müll. Arg., Flora, Regensburg 65(21): 332. 1882. their ascoma organization. Accordingly following two
(Figure 5G–H) new combinations are proposed.
Notes: This species is characterized by its greenish
grey to brownish thallus; emergent to prominent apo- Astrothelium meghalayense (Makhija & Patw.) Pushpi
thecia with broad-stump shaped carbonized columella Singh & Kr. P. Singh comb. nov.; Trypethelium meghalay-
with whitish pruinosity at the tip and open disc; lat- ense Makhija & Patw., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 73: 201.1993.
eral carbonized exciple with clear hymenium; 8-spored (Figure 6A–B)
asci with fusiform, 5–7 × 0–1-septate, 15–20 × 7–9 μm Mycobank: MB 814410
ascospores and presence of psoromic acid (major). Notes: Astrothelium meghalayense is characterized by
Morphologically, it closely resembles Ocellularia papil- its greenish grey thallus; multicarpic, thallus colored,
lata (Leighton) Zahlbr., which has a simple columella, raised pseudostromata with creamish colored top;
3–5-septate ascospores and lacks psoromic acid. The inspersed hamathecium; 8-spored asci and colorless,
species is widely distributed in Australia, Costa Rica, transversely 3-septate, 23–30 × 7–9 μm ascospores with
Indonesia (Java), Japan and USA. diamond-shaped lumina.
Specimen examined: Arunachal Pradesh, Lower Dibang Specimen examined: Arunachal Pradesh, Lower Dibang
Valley district, Mehao Wildlife Sanctuary, Mehao lake, Valley district, Mehao Wildlife Sanctuary, Mehao Lake,
alt. ca. 1,550 m, K.P. Singh & P.K. Dixit 547 C, F (BSA). on bark, alt. 1,550–1,700 m, K. P. Singh & P. K. Dixit 589
New combinations
Recently, phylogenetic studies on Trypetheliaceae Astrothelium subnitidiusculum (Makhija & Patw.)
(Nelsen et al. 2014) have shown that the species with Pushpi Singh & Kr. P. Singh comb. nov.; Trypethelium

Figures 6. A–B: Astrothelium meghalayense, (A) habit, (B), ascus with ascospores. C–D: Astrothelium subnitidiusculum, (C) habit, (D) ascospore. Scale bars:
A, C = 1 mm; B, D = 20 μm.

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Singh et al. | Diversity and distribution of microlichens in Indian Himalaya

subnitidiusculum Makhija & Patw., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 73:

207. 1993.
(Figure 6C–D) Sikkim, 15%
Mycobank: MB 814411
Notes: A. subnitidiusculum is characterized by its
brownish-yellow thallus; monocarpic, thallus colored, Arunachal Pradesh,
raised pseudostromata with pale top; inspersed 43%

hamathecium; 8-spored asci and colorless, transversely Uttarakhand, 30%

7-septate, 30–58 × 10–13 μm ascospores with diamond-

shaped lumina.
Specimen examined: Arunachal Pradesh, Namsai district, West Bengal
Madhuban Reserve Forest, alt. ca. 250 m, K.P. Singh 4196 (Darjeeling district),

DISCUSSION Figure 7. Microlichen diversity in Indian Himalayan states.

Geographically, Arunachal Pradesh is the largest state Tripura, 1%

among the eight northeastern states (Arunachal Pradesh,

Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Naga­land, Sikkim
Sikkim, 11%
and Tripura) of India and harbours a wide spectrum of
Assam, 19%
lichen diversity. The present study provides an idea of
the diversity and distribution of microlichens in the Nagaland, 8%

state and provides baseline data for future research in

Mizoram, 6%
this region. Arunachal Pradesh has characteristic lichen
genera such as Coccotrema (Singh and Singh 2012c), Meghalaya, 2%
Erythrodecton (Singh et al. 2009) and Mycoblastus (Singh Arunachal
Manipur, 15%
Pradesh, 32%
and Singh 2015), which are hitherto unknown from the
other parts of India. Forty-eight species (marked with
an “E” in Appendix, Table A1) are endemic to India.
Thus, Arunachal Pradesh has a distinct and unique
lichen diversity and justifies its inclusion as a hotspot of
Figure 8. Microlichen diversity in northeastern states of India.
biodiversity in the Indian Himalaya. Habitat-wise, 265
species are corticolous (67%), 98 species are foliicolous
(25%), 27 species are saxicolous (7%), and four species unexplored; future exploration of these areas may
are terricolous (1%). It is observed that the corticolous provide many interesting finds. The present assessment
and foliicolous species are dominant and commonly dis- of microlichens will be helpful in biomonitoring and
tributed in almost all localities where as saxicolous and climate change studies, conservation research, and
terricolous ones are scarce. sustainable utilization of lichen resources.
A comparison of microlichen diversity with other
Indian Himalayan states indicates that the Arunachal ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Pradesh has the highest number of microlichen species The authors thank Dr. Paramjit Singh, Director,
known so far (Figure 7). The state has 404 species, but Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata, for encouragement
Uttarakhand has 282 species, Sikkim has 265 species, and Dr. G.P. Sinha, Head of Office, Botanical Survey of
Himachal Pradesh has 155 species, Jammu and Kashmir India, Central Regional Centre, Allahabad for facilities.
has 149 species, and West Bengal-Darjeeling has 114 One of the authors (PS) also thanks the authorities of
species (Singh and Sinha 2010; Upreti et al. 2010; Sinha Botanical Survey of India for financial assistance under
and Jagadeesh Ram 2011; Jagadeesh Ram and Sinha the “Flora of India Project”.
2011a, 2011b; Joseph and Sinha 2012, 2015; Goni et al.
2015). Similarly, a comparison among the north eastern LITERATURE CITED
states the Arunachal Pradesh also shows high percentage Awasthi, D.D. 1961. Some foliose and fruticose lichens from Assam
of microlichen diversity (Figure 8). and North-East Frontier Agency of India. Proceedings of the
Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 54: 24–44.
The rugged, hilly, and largely inaccessible terrain, Dubey, U., D.K. Upreti and J. Rout. 2007. Lichen flora of Along, West
which is cut by many rivers and streams originating Siang district, Arunachal Pradesh. Phytotaxonomy 7: 21–26.
from higher Himalayas, has made lichen surveys in the Dubey, U., D.K. Upreti and N. Sanjeeva. 2010. A new species of
region extremely difficult. As a result, many areas in Leiorreuma Eschw. from India. The Lichenologist 42: 711–713. doi:
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Check List | 9 Volume 11 | Number 6 | Article 1807

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flora of Jammu and Kashmir State, India: An updated checklist. Singh, K.P. and A. Pinokiyo. 2014. Foliicolous lichens of India.
Tropical Plant Research 2(1): 64–71. Dehradun: Bishen Singh Mehendra Pal Singh. 335 pp.
Jagadeesh Ram, T.A.M. and G.P. Sinha. 2011. A new species and a Singh, K.P. and G. Swarnlatha. 2011a. A new species of Schistophoron
new record of Herpothallon (lichenized Ascomycota) from India. from India. The Lichenologist 43(3): 209–212. doi: 10.1017/
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Jagadeesh Ram, T.A.M. and G.P. Sinha. 2011a. Additional records of Singh, K.P. and G. Swarnlatha. 2011b. A note on Graphidaceous
lichens for Darjeeling hills. Annals of Foresty 19(2): 264–265. lichens from Arunachal Pradesh. Indian Journal Forestry 34:
Jagadeesh Ram, T.A.M. and G.P. Sinha. 2011b. Additions to lichen 353–360.
flora of Himalaya from Darjeeling and Sikkim. Geophytology Singh, K.P. and G.P. Sinha. 2010. Indian lichens: Annotated Checklist.
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record to Indian lichen flora and some additions to the lichen from India. The Lichenologist 44(6): 773–776. doi: 10.1017/
flora of Sikkim, India. Geophytology 42(1): 71–75. S002428291200028X
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Synarthonia (lichenized Ascomycota, Arthoniaceae). The Ascomycota: Pyrenulaceae) in India. Taiwania 57(4): 391–395.
Lichenologist 47(2): 123–130. doi: 10.1017/s002428291500002x Singh, K.P., T.A.M. Jagadeesh Ram and G.P. Sinha. 2009.
Joshi, Y., T.A.M. Jadageesh Ram, P. Singh and G.P. Sinha. 2014. Erythrodecton G. Thor (Lichenized Ascomycetes), a new generic
Caloplaca indica, a new lichenized Ascomycetes (Teloschistaceae) record for India. Indian Journal Forestry 32(2): 335–336.
from Eastern Himalaya, India. National Academy Science Letter Singh, P. and K.P. Singh. 2012c. Coccotrema (Lichenized: Ascomycota)
37(6) 517–519. doi: 10.1007/s40009-014-0270-3 a new generic record for India. Indian Journal Forestry 35(1):
Lücking, R., A.W. Archer and A. Aptroot. 2009. A world wide key to 131–132.
the genus Graphis (Ostropales: Graphidaceae). The Lichenologist Singh, P. and K.P. Singh. 2014. Cyphelium inquinans (Sm.) Trev.
41: 363–452. doi: 10.1017/S0024282909008305 (lichenized: Ascomycota): a new record for India. Check List
Makhija, U. and P.G. Patwardhan. 1995. The Lichen genus 10(1): 178–179. doi: 10.15560/10.1.178
Arthothelium (Family Arthoniaceae) in India. Journal, Hattori Singh, P. and K.P. Singh. 2015. Mycoblastus Norman (Mycoblastaceae):
Botanical Laboratory 78: 189–235. A new generic record for India from Arunachal Pradesh. Indian
McCarthy, P.M. 2001. Porina; pp. 106–153, in: P.M. McCarthy Journal of Forestry 38(3): 249–251.
(ed.). Flora of Australia. 58A, Lichens 3. Canberra: Australia Singh, P., K.P. Singh and A.B. Bhatt. 2013. New species and new
Government Publishing Service. records of thelotremoid Graphidaceae (lichenized Ascomycota)
Mittermeier, R.A., P.R. Gil, M. Hoffman, J. Pilgrim, T. Brooks, from Arunachal Pradesh (India). Taiwania 58(4): 246‒250. doi:
C.G. Mittermeier, J. Lamoreux and G.A.B. de Fonseca (eds). 10.6165/tai.2013.58.246
2005. Hotspots revisited: Earth’s biologically richest and most Sinha, G.P. and T.A.M. Jagadeesh Ram. 2011. Lichen diversity in
endangered terrestrial ecoregions. Mexico: CEMEX. 392 pp. Sikkim; pp. 13–29, in: M.L. Arrawatia and S. Tambe (eds.).
Nelsen, M.P., R. Lücking, A. Aptroot, C.J. Andrew, M.E.S. Cáceres, Biodiversity of Sikkim exploring and conserving a global hotspot.
E. Rivas Plata, C. Gueidan, L. DA Silva Canez, A. Knight, L.R. Gantok: Department of Information and Public Relations,
Ludwig, J. Mercadi-Diaz., S. Parnmens and H.T. Lumbsch. Government of Sikkim.
2014. Elucidating phylogenetic relationships and genus- Upreti, D.K., S. Nayaka and S. Chatterjee. 2010. Lichen diversity of
level classification within the fungal family Trypetheliaceae Uttarakhand Himalaya; pp. 79–196, in: P.L. Uniyal, B.P. Chamola
(Dothideomycets: Ascomycota). Taxon 65: 974–992. and D.P. Semwal (eds.). The plant wealth of Uttarakhand. New
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Wales: Department of Biodiversity and Systematic Biology, Upreti, D.K., U. Dubey and N. Sanjeeva. 2011. A new isidiate species of
National Museum of Wales. 250 pp. Hemithecium Trevis. (Ascomycota, Graphidaceae) from India. The
Orange, A., P.W. James and F. J. White. 2001. Microchemical Methods Lichenologist 43(5): 483–485. doi: 10.1017/S0024282911000430
for the Identification of Lichens. London: British Lichen Society. White F.J. and P.W. James. 1985. A new guide to microchemical
101 pp. techniques for the identification of lichen substances. British
Pinokiyo, A., K.P. Singh and S.K. Borthakur. 2004. Foliicolous species Lichen Society Bulletin 57(Suppl.): 1–41.
of Porina (Lichens) from Arunachal Pradesh, India. Indian
Journal Forestry 27(4): 407–416. Author contributions: KPS collected the specimens, PS and KPS
Pinokiyo, A., K.P. Singh and J.S. Singh. 2008. Diversity and did identification and photography and wrote the text and ABB
distribution of lichens in relation to altitude in a protected attended the review processes.
area within a biodiversity hot spot of North-east India. The
Lichenologist 40(1): 47–62. doi: 10.1017/S0024282908007214
Singh, K.P. and A. Pinokiyo. 2008. New taxa of lichens from Received: 2 July 2015
eastern India. The Lichenologist 40(1): 23–29. doi: 10.1017/ Accepted: 16 September 2015
S0024282908006889 Academic editor: Sandra Costa-Böddeker

Check List | 10 Volume 11 | Number 6 | Article 1807

Table A1. List of microlichens of Arunachal Pradesh, India. Abbreviations: + Present; C, corticolous; F, foliicolous; S, saxicolous; T, terricolous; E, endemic.

Distribution in districts



Endemic status
West Kameng
East Kameng
Lower Subunsiri
Upper Subansiri
West Siang
East Siang
Upper Siang
Lower Dibang Valley
Dibang Valley
Species Family range (m) Voucher Number
Aderkomyces albostrigosus (R. Sant.) Lücking, Sérus. & Vězda Graphidaceae CF 2500–2750 + 397B (BSA)

Check List |

Anisomeridium biforme (Borrer) R.C. Harris Monoblastiaceae C ca. 1600 + 10561, 10569 (ASSAM)
Anthracothecium prasinum (Eschw.) R.C. Harris Pyrenulaceae C 300–400 + 10021 (ASSAM)
Anthracothecium macrosporum (Hepp) Müll. Arg.   " C 200–700 + + + + + + 2835, 9620 (ASSAM)
Arthonia antillarum (Fée) Nyl. Arthoniaceae C ca. 400 474B (BSA)
Arthonia cinnabarina (DC.) Wallr.   " C 1000–1200 + + + 10309, 10665 (ASSAM)
Arthonia collectiva Stirt.   " C – + Dubey et al. 2007
Arthonia inconspicua Stirt.   " C ca. 250 + 4233 (ASSAM)
Arthonia palmulacea (Müll. Arg.) R. Sant.   " F 200–800 + + + + + 12410A (ASSAM)
Arthonia recedens Stirt.   " C E 390–400 + + 592A, 514 (BSA)
Arthonia subgyrosa Nyl.   " C 300–400 + Dubey et al. 2007
Arthonia trilocularis Müll. Arg.   " F 200–800 + + + + 12706E (ASSAM)
Arthonia sp. 1   " C 400–500 + 2939, 2945 (ASSAM)
Arthonia sp. 2   " C ca.1800 + 9941 (ASSAM)
Arthopyrenia clavaeformis (Stirt.) D. Hawksw. Arthopyreniaceae C E 350–850 + 3023 (ASSAM)

Arthopyrenia grisea (Schleich. ex Schaer.) Körb.   " C ca. 300 + 3047 (ASSAM)
*Arthopyrenia majuscula (Nyl.) Zahlbr.   " C ca. 202 + 5195 (BSA)
Arthopyrenia saxicola A. Massal.   " S 390–400 + 476 (BSA)
*Arthothelium abnorme (Ach.) Müll. Arg. Arthoniaceae C 115–200 + + 10120, 10165 (ASSAM)
Arthothelium chiodectoides (Nyl.) Zahlbr.   " C – + Dubey et al. 2007
Arthothelium subbessale (Nyl.) Makhija & Patw.   " C 600–800 + 10502 (ASSAM)
Arthothelium sp. 1   " C 1350–1500 + 9874 (ASSAM)
Aspicilia dwaliensis Räsänen Hymeneliaceae S E ca. 2400 + 508B (BSA)
Aspidothelium scutellicarpum Lücking var. indicum Kr.P. Singh & Pinokiyo Aspidotheliaceae F E 1600–800 + + 12972E (CAL)
Asterothyrium decipiens (Rehm) R. Sant. Graphidaceae F 500–600 + 12856D (ASSAM)
Asterothyrium rotuliforme (Müll. Arg.) Sérus.   " F 1100–1200 + + 12864D (ASSAM)
Astrothelium meghalayense (Makhija & Patw.) Pushpi Singh & Kr. P. Singh Trypetheliaceae C E 1550–1700 + 589E (BSA)
Singh et al. | Diversity and distribution of microlichens in Indian Himalaya

Astrothelium subnitidiusculum (Makhija & Patw.) Pushpi Singh & Kr. P. Singh   " C E ca. 250 + 2676 (ASSAM)
Aulaxina quadrangula (Stirt.) R. Sant. Graphidaceae F 200–300 + 11819C (ASSAM)
Aulaxina uniseptata R. Sant.   " F 550–950 + 12850D (ASSAM)
*Bacidia heterochroa (Müll. Arg.) Zahlbr. Ramalinaceae C ca. 400 + 2912 (ASSAM)
*Bacidia laurocerasi (Delise ex Duby) Vain.   " C 300–600 + 4029 (BSA)
*Bacidia medialis (Tuck. ex Nyl.) Zahlbr.   " C 1100–1200 + 11282 (ASSAM)
*Bacidia millegrana (Taylor) Zahlbr.   " C ca. 1575 + 5060B (BSA)
Bacidia nigrofusca (Müll. Arg.) Zahlbr.   " C ca. 1400 + 619E (BSA)
Bacidia olivaceorufa Vain.   " F 200–300 + + + + + 11810 (ASSAM)
*Bacidia rubella (Hoffm.) A. Massal.   " C 750–1500 + 10592 (ASSAM)
Bacidia submedialis (Nyl.) Zahlbr.   " C 500 –1700 + + 284B (BSA), 7–013645 (LWG)
Bacidina apiahica (Müll. Arg.) Vezda   " F 225–900 + 12894P (ASSAM)
Bacidina mastothallina (Vain.) Vezda   " F 300–800 + + + 12977I (ASSAM)

Volume 11 | Number 6 | Article 1807

Table A1. Continued.

Distribution in districts



Endemic status
West Kameng
East Kameng
Lower Subunsiri
Upper Subansiri
West Siang
East Siang
Upper Siang
Lower Dibang Valley
Dibang Valley
Species Family range (m) Voucher Number
Bactrospora myriadea (Fée) Egea & Torrente Roccellaceae C – + Dubey et al. 2007
Baculifera remensa (Stirt.) Marbach Physciaceae C 300–400 + 5035 (BSA)
Badimia galbinea (Kremp.) Vezda Pilocarpaceae F 200–300 + + + 13045 (ASSAM)

Check List |

Bapalmuia palmularis (Müll. Arg.) Sérus. Pilocarpaceae F 1300–1400 + + + + + + 12948I (ASSAM)
Biatora subduplex (Nyl.) Printzen Ramalinaceae C ca. 510 + 06–006588 (LWG)
*Biatora vernalis (L.) Fr.   " C ca. 1500 + 4782 (ASSAM)
Brigantiaea leucoxanthum (Spreng.) R. Sant. & Hafellner Brigantiaeaceae C ca. 220 + Dubey et al. 2007
*Buellia aethalea (Ach.)Th.Fr. Physciaceae C ca. 2450 + 9420, 10501 (ASSAM)
Buellia alboatra (Hoffm.) Th. Fr.   " C – + Pinokiyo et al. 2008
Buellia leptocline (Flot.) Körb.   " C ca. 1500 + 355A (BSA)
*Buellia morehensis Kr.P. Singh & S.R. Singh   " C E 1625–1800 + 1925 (ASSAM)
*Buellia pharcidia (Ach.) Malme   " C 3200–3650 + 7802 (ASSAM)
*Buellia posthabita Nyl. Zahlbr.   " S ca. 500 + 10602 (ASSAM)
*Buellia subtigmea S.R. Singh & D.D.Awasthi   " C E 500–1700 + 10501 (ASSAM)
Byssolecania deplanata (Müll. Arg.) R. Sant. Pilocarpaceae F ca. 800 + + + + 12314A (ASSAM)
Byssolecania fumosonigricans (Müll. Arg.) R. Sant.   " F 500–700 + 11769D (ASSAM)
Byssoloma chlorinum (Vain.) Zahlbr. Pilocarpaceae F 500–1300 + + 11760B (ASSAM)

Byssoloma leucoblepharum (Nyl.) Vain.   " F 800–2000 + + + 12632B (ASSAM)
Byssoloma polychromum (Müll. Arg.) Zahlbr.   " F ca. 800 + + 12504B (ASSAM)
Byssoloma subdiscordans (Nyl.) P. James var. subdiscordans   " F 550–850 + + + + 12941C (ASSAM)
Byssoloma tricholomum (Mont.) Zahlbr.   " F 200–300 + + 11802B (ASSAM)
Calenia aspidota (Vain.) Vezda Graphidaceae F 550–900 + 12850D (ASSAM)
*Calicium indicum Tibell Physciaceae C E 3200–3650 + 7802A (ASSAM)
Calicium sp.1   " C 3200–3650 + 7802B (LWG)
Calopadia fusca (Müll. Arg.) Vezda Pilocarpaceae F 200–1600 + + + + 12637B (ASSAM)
Calopadia nymanii (R. Sant.) Vezda   " F ca. 550 + 13146D (ASSAM)
Calopadia perpallida (Nyl.) Vezda   " F 200–500 + + + + + 11805 (ASSAM)
Calopadia puiggarii (Müll. Arg.) Vezda   " F 200–300 + + + 11910A (ASSAM)
Calopadia subcoerulescens (Zahlbr.) Vezda   " F 350–800 + + + 13218A (ASSAM)
Singh et al. | Diversity and distribution of microlichens in Indian Himalaya

Caloplaca bassiae (Willd. ex Ach.) Mahler. Teloschistaceae C 500–1500 + 538 (BSA)

*Caloplaca brebissonii (Fée) J. Sant. ex Hafellner & Poelt   " C ca. 1200 + 11338 (ASSAM)
Caloplaca ferruginea (Huds.)Th.Fr.   " C ca. 2641m + 5012 (BSA)
*Caloplaca flavorubescens (Huds.) J.R. Laundon   " C ca. 2641m + 5147 (BSA)
*Caloplaca handelii (Zahlbr.) D.D. Awasthi   " S 2000–2500 + 11365 (ASSAM)
*Caloplaca herbidella (Nyl. ex Hue) H. Magn.   " C ca. 1184 + 5142C (BSA)
Caloplaca indica Y.Joshi, Jagadeesh & Sinha   " C E ca. 2000 + 4979 (BSA)
*Caloplaca saxicola (Hoffm.) A. Nordin   " S ca. 1800 + 11423 (ASSAM)
Carbacanthographis marcescens (Fée) Staiger & Kalb Graphidaceae C ca. 300 + + 07–009098 (LWG), 3043B (ASSAM)
Catillaria sp. 1 Catillariaceae C ca. 340 + + 9616 (ASSAM)
*Chapsa pseudophlyctis (Nyl.) A. Frisch Graphidaceae C ca. 750 + 10367, 10601 (ASSAM)
Chapsa sp. 1   " C ca. 1500 + 11206 (ASSAM)
Chiodecton leptosporum Müll. Arg. Roccellaceae C ca. 500 + 06–006570 (LWG)

Volume 11 | Number 6 | Article 1807

Table A1. Continued.

Distribution in districts



Endemic status
West Kameng
East Kameng
Lower Subunsiri
Upper Subansiri
West Siang
East Siang
Upper Siang
Lower Dibang Valley
Dibang Valley
Species Family range (m) Voucher Number
Chroodiscus coccineus (Leight.) Müll. Arg Graphidaceae F ca. 250 + 13055C (ASSAM)
Chroodiscus mirificus (Kremp.) R. Sant.   " F 200–800 + + 12697D (ASSAM)
*Chrysothrix candelaris (L.) J.R. Laundon Chrysotrichaceae C 200–1645 + 9028, 9030 (ASSAM)

Check List |

Coccocarpia palmicola (Spreng.) Arv. & D.J.Galloway Coccocarpiaceae F ca. 325 + 2884L (ASSAM)
Coccotrema cucurbitula (Mont.) Müll. Arg. Coccotremataceae C ca. 2125 + 5138 (BSA)
Coenogonium luteum (Dicks.) Kalb & Lücking Coenogoniaceae CF ca. 1500 + 452B (BSA)
Coenogonium subluteum (Rehm) Kalb & Lücking   " CF 300–1340 + 452B (BSA)
Coenogonium zonatum (Müll. Arg.) Kalb & Lücking   " F ca. 1100 + 152C (BSA)
*Cresponea plurilocularis Egea & Torrente Roccellaceae C 400–950 + 2737 (ASSAM)
Cryptothecia candida (Kremp.) R. Sant. Arthoniaceae C ca. 500 + 502 (BSA)
Cryptothecia effusa (Müll. Arg.) R. Sant. C ca. 200 + 10139 (ASSAM)
*Cryptothecia faveolata Makhija & Patw.   " C ca. 750 + 10459 (ASSAM)
Cryptothecia lunulata (Zahlbr.) Makhija & Patw.   " C ca. 900 + 2719 (ASSAM)
*Cryptothecia punctulata Makhija & Patw.   " C 300–400 + 10042 (ASSAM)
*Cryptothecia scripta G. Thor   " C ca. 200 + + 10085, 10074 (ASSAM)
Cryptothecia sp.1   " C ca. 500 + 2935 (ASSAM)
Cyphelium inquinans (Sm.) Trev. Physciaceae C 3200–3650 + 7802 (ASSAM)

Diorygma heiroglyphium (Pers.) Staiger & Kalb Graphidaceae C 300–1216 + + + + 4854 (BSA)
Diorygma junghuhnii (Mont. & Bosch.) Kalb, Staiger & Elix   " C 350–500 + + + + + 4733 (BSA)
Diorygma longilirellatum B.O. Sharma & Makhija   " C E ca. 1216 + 4825, 4845 (BSA)
Diorygma macgregorii (Vain.) Staiger & Elix   " C ca. 1216 + 4833, 4826 (ASSAM)
Diorygma megasporum Kalb, Staiger & Elix   " C 202–1700 + + 4860 (BSA)
Diorygma pachygraphum (Nyl.) Kalb, Staiger & Elix.   " C 850–1216 + + 4831 (BSA)
Diorygma pruinosum (Eschw.) Kalb, Staiger & Elix   " C ca. 300 + 3094A (ASSAM)
Diorygma radiatum (D.D.Awasthi & S.R. Singh) Kr.P.Singh & Swanalatha   " S E ca. 500 + 11087 (ASSAM)
*Diorygma soozanum (Zahlbr.) M. Nakan. & Kashiw.   " C ca. 202 + 5219 (BSA)
*Diploschistes caesioplumbeus (Nyl.) Vain. Graphidaceae S ca. 900 + 9255(ASSAM)
*Diploschistes cinereorcaesius (Sw. ex Ach.)Vain.   " T 1050–1750 + 8120 (ASSAM)
*Diploschistes diacapsis (Ach.) Lumbsch   " T 750–1500 + 10607 (ASSAM)
Singh et al. | Diversity and distribution of microlichens in Indian Himalaya

*Diploschistes scruposus (Schreb.) Norman   " S ca. 1000 + 10444 (ASSAM)

Dyplolabia afzelii (Ach.) A.Massal.   " C ca. 150 + 4174 (BSA)
Echinoplaca epiphylla Fée   " F 750–1100 + + 12985A (ASSAM)
Echinoplaca pellicula (Müll. Arg.) R. Sant.   " F 800–2000 + 12419 (ASSAM)
Erythrodecton malacum (Kremp.) G. Thor Roccellaceae C 550–1200 + + 5904 (ASSAM)
Fellhanera bouteillei (Desm.) Vezda Pilocarpaceae F 200–1500 + + + + + 11826C (ASSAM)
Fellhanera fuscatula (Müll. Arg.) Vezda   " F 500–1300 + + 11170B (ASSAM)
Fellhanera rhapidopfylli (Rehm) Vezda   " F 230–500 + + + + 11805C (ASSAM)
Fellhanera semecarpi (Vain.) Vezda   " F 1300–1500 + + + + 12932H (ASSAM)
Fissurina subcontexta Ach. Graphidaceae C ca. 400 + L81796 (LWG)
Fissurina sp. 1   " C ca. 136 + 4662 (BSA)
Glyphis cicatricosa Ach.   " C 202–1100 + + + 4961 (BSA)
Glyphis scyphulifera (Ach.) Staiger   " C 220–229 + + 4279 (BSA)

Volume 11 | Number 6 | Article 1807

Table A1. Continued.

Distribution in districts



Endemic status
West Kameng
East Kameng
Lower Subunsiri
Upper Subansiri
West Siang
East Siang
Upper Siang
Lower Dibang Valley
Dibang Valley
Species Family range (m) Voucher Number
Graphidastra byssiseda (Müll. Arg.) G. Thor Roccellaceae C 1033–1170 08-009421 (LWG)
Graphis ajarekarii Pat. & C.R.Kulk Graphidaceae C E ca. 202 + 5257 (BSA)
Graphis anfractuosa (Eschw.) Eschw.   " C ca. 500m + Dubey et al. 2007

Check List |

Graphis caesiella Vain   " C 1000–1575 + + + 5068 (BSA)
Graphis capillacea Stirt.   " C 300–400 + 10035 (ASSAM)
Graphis chlorotica A. Massal.   " C 1350–1650 + 469B (BSA)
Graphis cincta (Pers.) Aptroot   " C ca. 1095 + + + 823 (ASSAM)
Graphis contortuplicata Müll. Arg.   " C ca. 300 + 40159 (ASSAM)
Graphis crebra Vain.   " C – + 10696D (ASSAM)
Graphis cycasicola A.W. Archer & Elix   " C 1950–2050 + 5683 (ASSAM)
Graphis daintriensis (A.W. Archer) A.W. Archer   " C ca. 300 + 4640 (BSA)
Graphis dimidiata Vain.   " C 1700–1900 + 2011 (ASSAM)
Graphis duplicata Ach.   " C 680–1601 + + + 2537 (ASSAM)
Graphis farinulenta Müll. Arg.   " C ca. 500 + 282C (BSA)
Graphis filiformis Adaw. & Makhija   " C ca. 1216 + 4872,4866 (BSA)
Graphis furcata Fée   " C 400–1184 + 1116A (ASSAM)
*Graphis galactoderma (Zahlbr.) Lücking   " C ca. 200 10173 (BSA)

Graphis glaucescens Fée   " C 136–200 + 10164 (BSA)
Graphis handelii Zahlbr.   " C ca. 2250 + + 10696D (ASSAM)
Graphis intermediella Stirt.   " C 200–300 + 659 (ASSAM)
Graphis japonica (Müll. Arg.) A.W. Archer & Lücking   " C 300–600 + + + 2136 (ASSAM)
Graphis kousyuensis (Horik. & M. Nakan.) Lücking   " C 220–229 + 5313, 5294 (BSA)
Graphis leptoclade Müll. Arg.   " C ca. 500 + 11038 (ASSAM)
Graphis librata C. Knight   " C 500–1184 + + 516 (BSA)
Graphis longiramea Müll. Arg.   " C 250–900 + + + 967 (ASSAM)
Graphis longispora D.D.Awasthi & S.R. Singh   " C E ca. 900 + 4786 (ASSAM)
Graphis marginata Raddi   " C ca. 400 + 2611 (ASSAM)
Graphis nanodes Vain.   " C 250–300 + 55, 5305 (BSA)
Graphis nuda (Magn.) Staiger & Lücking   " C 390–400 + 448 (BSA)
Singh et al. | Diversity and distribution of microlichens in Indian Himalaya

Graphis oligospora Zahlbr.   " C ca. 500 + 10871 (ASSAM)

Graphis paraserpens Lizano & Lücking   " C 1100–1500 + 64 (BSA)
Graphis parilis Kremp.   " C 300–440 + + 10084 (ASSAM)
Graphis pavoniana Fée   " C ca. 202 5256 (ASSAM)
Graphis pertricosa (Kremp.) A.W. Archer   " C 1184–1800 + 1897 (ASSAM)
Graphis pinicola Zahlbr.   " C ca. 202 + 5244 (BSA)
Graphis proserpens Vain.   " C 2500–2750 + + + 376A (BSA)
Graphis pyrrhocheiloides Zahlbr.   " C ca. 600 + 4277A (ASSAM)
Graphis renschiana (Müll. Arg.) Stizenb.   " C ca. 160 + 4741 (BSA)
Graphis scripta (L.) Ach.   " C 300–400 + + + 10690 (ASSAM)
Graphis sitapurensis Makhija & Adaw.   " C E ca. 1550 + 551A/2 (BSA)
Graphis streblocarpa (Bel.) Nyl.   " C 750–900 + + + + + 4835 (ASSAM)
Graphis striatula (Ach.) Spreng.   " C 550–1050 + + 4787 (BSA)

Volume 11 | Number 6 | Article 1807

Table A1. Continued.

Distribution in districts



Endemic status
West Kameng
East Kameng
Lower Subunsiri
Upper Subansiri
West Siang
East Siang
Upper Siang
Lower Dibang Valley
Dibang Valley
Species Family range (m) Voucher Number
Graphis subassimilis Müll. Arg. Graphidaceae C 300–500 + 3002 (ASSAM)
Graphis subserpentina Nyl.   " C 1625–1800 + 1900A (ASSAM)
Graphis tenella Ach.   " C 1550–1700 + 608 (BSA)

Check List |

Graphis valparaiensis Adaw. & Makhija   " C E 400–1500 + + + 5180 (ASSAM)
Graphis vittata Müll. Arg.   " C ca. 400 + + + 331 (ASSAM)
Gyalectidium filicinum Müll. Arg.   " F 200–300 + + + + + + 11830C (ASSAM)
*Haematomma puniceum (Sw.) A. Massal. Haematommataceae C ca. 1600 + + 5286 (BSA)
Haematomma wattii (Stirt.) Zahlbr.   " C ca. 2350 + 298A (BSA)
Haemmatoma sp.1   " C 2500–2700 + 394B (BSA)
Hafellia curatellae (Malme) Marbach Physciaceae C 300–1600 + + 9752 (ASSAM)
Hemithecium amboliense Makhija & A. Dube Graphidaceae C E ca. 500 + 504F (ASSAM)
Hemithecium aphaneomicrosporum Makhija & A.Dube   " C E ca. 160 + 4757 (BSA)
Hemithecium aphanes (Mont. & Bosch.) M.Nakan. & Kashiw.   " C 300–440 + + + 4901 (ASSAM)
Hemithecium isidiatum Upreti & U. Dubey   " C E ca. 200 + 06-006534 (LWG)
Hemithecium nagalandicum (Kr.P. Singh & G.P. Sinha) Adaw. & Makhija   " C E 1400–1250 + + 11225 (ASSAM)
Hemithecium nakanishianum (Patw. & C.R. Kulk.) Makhija & A.Dube   " C ca. 136 + 4652 (BSA)
Hemithecium noristicticum Makhija & A.Dube   " C E 250–300 + 11292 (ASSAM)

*Herpothallon cinereum G. Thor Arthoniaceae C ca. 1300 + 7139 (ASSAM)
*Herpothallon echinatum Aptroot   " C ca. 750 + 10472 (ASSAM)
*Herpothallon isidiatum Jagadeesh Ram & G.P.Sinha   " 160–229 4234 (BSA)
Herpothallon japonicum (Zahlbr.) G. Thor   " C 300–440 + 10091 (ASSAM)
Herpothallon philippinum (Vain.) Aptroot & Lücking   " C 136–400 + 346 (ASSAM)
Herpothallon sticticum Jagadeesh Ram & G.P.Sinha   " E ca. 1200 + 11331 (ASSAM)
Ionaspis lacustris (With.) Lutzoni Hymeneliaceae C ca. 2400 + 428C (BSA)
Lasioloma arachnoideum (Kremp.) R. Sant. Pilocarpaceae F 300–400 + + 12431B (ASSAM)
Lasioloma phycophilum (Vain.) R. Sant.   " F ca. 325 + 12884C (ASSAM)
*Laurera megasperma (Mont.) Riddle Trypetheliaceae C ca. 1200 + 583E (BSA)
Laurera meristospora (Mont. & Bosch.) Zahlbr.   " C ca. 1550 + + + 343E (BSA)
Lecanora achroa Nyl. Lecanoraceae C 1200–1500 + 9872 (ASSAM)
Singh et al. | Diversity and distribution of microlichens in Indian Himalaya

Lecanora alba Lumbsch   " C ca. 2050 + 305A,385C (BSA)

Lecanora aff. albella (Pers.) Ach.   " C ca.1575 + + 7836 (ASSAM)
Lecanora austointumescens Lumbsch & Elix   " C ca. 1250 + + 9908 (ASSAM)
Lecanora concilianda Vain.   " C 1250–1500 + + 9882,9875 (ASSAM)
Lecanora fimbriatula Stirt.   " C 600–900 + + + 4773,4485 (ASSAM)
Lecanora helva Stizenb.   " C ca. 1600 + + 10567, 10605 (ASSAM)
Lecanora hensenniae Vanska   " S 1500–2300 + 4921 (BSA)
Lecanora impudens Degel.   " C ca. 1100 + 4411,4389 (ASSAM)
Lecanora imshaugii Brodo   " C 600–800 + 715 (ASSAM)
Lecanora interjecta Müll. Arg   " C – + Pinokiyo et al. 2008
Lecanora perplexa Brodo   " C ca. 200 + + 4212, 4095 (ASSAM)
Lecanora phaeocardia Vain.   " C 2500–2750 + 388A (BSA)
Lecanora rugosella Zahlbr.   " C ca. 2125 + 4969 (BSA)

Volume 11 | Number 6 | Article 1807

Table A1. Continued.

Distribution in districts



Endemic status
West Kameng
East Kameng
Lower Subunsiri
Upper Subansiri
West Siang
East Siang
Upper Siang
Lower Dibang Valley
Dibang Valley
Species Family range (m) Voucher Number
Lecanora streimanii Lumbsch Lecanoraceae C ca. 500 + 522A (BSA)
Lecanora subalbellina Vain.   " C ca. 1600 + 449 (ASSAM)
Lecanora subimmersa (Fée) Vain.   " C 600–800 + 10524 (ASSAM)

Check List |

Lecanora subjaponica L. Lü & H. Y. Wang   " C ca. 2250 + 439B (BSA)
Lecanora tropica Zahlbr.   " C ca. 2100 + + 10112, 5069 (ASSAM)
Lecanora wilsonii Mull Arg.   " S 1500–1550 359A (BSA)
Lecanora sp. 1   " C 2306–2344 + 4971 (BSA)
Lecidea lapicida (Ach.) Ach. Lecideaceae S 600–800 + 10515, 10497 (ASSAM)
Lecidea sp.1   " C 500–950 + 2735 (ASSAM)
Leiorreuma exaltatum (Mont. & Bosch) Staiger Graphidaceae C 400–900 + + 4886 (ASSAM)
Leiorreuma lyellii (Sm.) Staiger   " C ca. 500 + 10870 (ASSAM)
Leiorreuma subpatellulum Dubey, Upreti & Nayaka   " C E 900 + 07–011897 (LWG)
Lepraria aff. casieoalba (B. de Lesd.) J.R. Laundon Stereocaulaceae C ca. 1100 + 10684 (ASSAM)
*Lepraria lobificans Nyl.   " C ca. 200 + + 9023, 10623 (ASSAM)
Letrouitia transgressa (Malme) Hafellner & Bellem Letrouitiaceae C 150–900 + + 4534, 5044 (ASSAM)
Lithothelium decumbens (Müll. Arg.) Aptroot Pyrenulaceae C – + Dubey et al. 2007
*Lithothelium hyalosporum (Nyl.) Aptroot   " C ca. 136 + 4692 (BSA)

Lithothelium obtectum (Müll. Arg.) Aptroot   " C ca. 500 + 81723 (LWG)
Loflammia gabrielis (Mull. Arg.)Vezda Pilocarpaceae F ca. 800 + 12507 (ASSAM)
Loflammia intermedia (R. Sant.) Vezda   " F 230–500 + 11938 (ASSAM)
Malmidea granifera (Ach.) Kalb, Rivas Plata & Lumbsch Malmideaceae C 500–700 + 2834, 504 B (BSA)
Maronea manipurensis H. Magn. Fuscideaceae C E ca. 2350 + 298B (BSA)
Mazosia bambusae (Vain.) R. Sant. Roccellaceae F 500–800 + + + 11772D (ASSAM)
Mazosia melanophthalma (Müll. Arg.) R. Sant.   " F 200–800 + + + + 11843B (ASSAM)
Mazosia phyllosema (Nyl.) Zahlbr.   " F 200–800 + + + + + + + 11838A (ASSAM)
Mazosia rotula (Mont.) A. Massal.   " F 200–650 + + + + 11796B (ASSAM)
Mazosia tumidula (Stirt.) Müll. Arg.   " F 200–850 + + + 11802F (ASSAM)
Megalaria laureri (Hepp. ex Th. Fr.) Hafellner Megalariaceae C ca. 1500 + + 10310 (ASSAM)
Megalospora tuberosculosa (Fée) Sipman Megalosporaceae C 375–1600 + + + + 8691 (ASSAM)
Singh et al. | Diversity and distribution of microlichens in Indian Himalaya

Megalospora atrorubricans (Nyl.) Zahlbr.   " C ca. 1600 + 11416 (ASSAM)

Mycobilimbia hunana (Zahlbr) D.D.Awasthi Lecideaceae T ca. 1800 + 11436 (ASSAM)
Mycobilimbia philippina (Vain.) D.D. Awasthi   " S ca. 2350 + 294A (BSA)
Mycoblastus affinis (Schaer.) Schauer. Mycoblastaceae C 3200–3600 + 7830A (ASSAM)
*Mycomicrothelia conothelena (Nyl.) D. Hawksw. Arthopyreniaceae C E ca. 2344 + 4987 (BSA)
*Myriotrema microporum (Mont.) Hale Graphidaceae C 1500–1700 + 586A (BSA)
*Myriotrema rugiferum (Harm.) Hale   " C ca. 1550 + 10738 (ASSAM)
*Ocellularia allosporoides (Nyl.) Patw. & C.R. Kulk. Graphidaceae C ca. 300 + 493 (BSA)
Ocellularia neopertusariiformis Hale   " C 200–300 + 10607 (ASSAM)
Ocellularia subgranulosa (Homchantara & Coppins) Lumbsch & Papong   " C ca. 340 + 9617 (ASSAM)
*Ochrolechia harmandii Verseghy Ochrolechiaceae C – + 4736 (ASSAM)
*Ochrolechia subpallescens Verseghy   " C 2360–2344 + 4960 (ASSAM)
Opegrapha filicina Mont. Roccellaceae F 350–600 + 12802A (ASSAM)

Volume 11 | Number 6 | Article 1807

Table A1. Continued.

Distribution in districts



Endemic status
West Kameng
East Kameng
Lower Subunsiri
Upper Subansiri
West Siang
East Siang
Upper Siang
Lower Dibang Valley
Dibang Valley
Species Family range (m) Voucher Number
*Opegrapha vulgata (Ach.) Ach. Roccellaceae C ca. 500 + 10635 (ASSAM)
Ophioparma ventosa (L.) Norman Ophioparmaceae C 3000–3470 + + 9507 (ASSAM)
*Pallidogramme bengalense B.O.Sharma & P. Khadilkar Graphidaceae C E 1250–1500 + 9904 AASSAM

Check List |

Pallidogramme chrysenteron (Mont.) Staiger, Kalb & Lücking   " C ca. 900 + 620 (ASSAM)
Pallidogramme sp. 1   " C 1250–1500 + 9904B (ASSAM)
*Pertusaria alpina Hepp. Pertusariaceae C ca. 1601 + 5042 (BSA)
*Pertusaria ceylonica Müll. Arg.   " C ca. 800 + 925 (BSA)
Pertusaria coccodes (Ach.) Nyl.   " C 1100–1300 + 465A (BSA)
*Pertusaria colorata Awasthi & Srivastava   " C E ca. 1360 + 4756 (BSA)
Pertusaria composita Zahlbr.   " C ca. 2123 + 5139 (BSA)
Pertusaria indica Preeti Srivast. & D.D. Awasthi   " S E ca. 400 + 515 A(BSA)
Pertusaria leucosorodes Nyl.   " C ca. 2123 + 5139B (BSA)
Pertusaria multipuncta (Turn.) Nyl.   " C 1800–3200 + + 7837 (BSA)
*Pertusaria pertusa (L.) Tuck.   " C ca. 1200 + 11234 (ASSAM)
Pertusaria quassiae (Fée) Nyl.   " C ca. 750 + + 10352 (ASSAM)
Pertusaria submultipuncta Nyl.   " C 200–300 + Dubey et al. 2007
Pertusaria sp.1   " C 2600–2750 + 1627 (ASSAM)

Phaeographis caesioradians (Leight.) A.W. Archer Graphidaceae C 300–600 + 4053 (ASSAM)
Phaeographis dendroides (Leight.) Müll. Arg.   " C ca. 500 + 06–006342 (LWG)
Phaeographis divaricoides Räsänen   " C E 1500–1550 + 616B (BSA)
Phaeographis intricans (Nyl.) Staiger   " C 1500–1700 + 581D (BSA)
Phaeographis scalpturata (Ach.) Staiger   " C 300–800 + 308 (ASSAM)
Phaeographopsis indica Patw. & Nagarkar) Sipman & Aptroot   " C ca. 202 + 5182 (BSA)
*Phylctis karnatakana S. Joshi & Upreti Phlyctidaceae C E 750–1500 + 10581 (ASSAM)
Phylctis subhimalayensis S. Joshi & Upreti   " C E – + 009294 (LWG)
Phyllobathelium indicum G.P. Sinha & Kr. P. Singh Phyllobatheliaceae F E 200–300 + + 11811 D (ASSAM)
Platygramme caesiopruinosa (Fée) Fée Graphidaceae C 1625–1800 + 1900B (ASSAM)
Platygramme discurrens (Nyl.) Staiger   " C ca. 900 + 2481C (ASSAM)
*Platygramme muelleri (A.W. Archer) Staiger   " C ca. 300 + + 145 (ASSAM)
Singh et al. | Diversity and distribution of microlichens in Indian Himalaya

*Platygramme pudica (Mont. & Bosch) M. Nakan. & Kashiw   " C 300–800 + 753 (ASSAM)
Pliariona montagnei (Bosch) A. Massal.   " C – + Dubey et al. 2007
Porina albicera (Kremp.) Overeem Porinaceae F 200–800 + 11820A (ASSAM)
Porina andamanica Makhija & al.   " C E 1100–1200 + + 552B (BSA)
Porina applanata Vain.   " F ca. 500 + + + + + 13293B (ASSAM)
Porina articeps (Vain.) Vain.   " F 200–1300 + + + + 11707B (ASSAM)
Porina atrocoerulea Müll. Arg.   " F 950–1150 + 12968F (ASSAM)
Porina atroperiostiola Makhija, Adaw. & Patw.   " C E 400–500 + 504E (BSA)
Porina belanospora (Nyl.) Müll. Arg.   " C 300–400 + 460, 464 (BSA)
Porina conica R. Sant.   " F 200–1300 + + + + + 11558A (ASSAM)
Porina cupreola (Müll. Arg.) F. Schill.   " F 200–800 + + + 11823 (ASSAM)
Porina epiphylla (Fée) Fée   " F 200–1550 + + + + + 11801C (ASSAM)
Porina fulvella Müll. Arg.   " F 500–800 + + 11799A (ASSAM)

Volume 11 | Number 6 | Article 1807

Table A1. Continued.

Distribution in districts



Endemic status
West Kameng
East Kameng
Lower Subunsiri
Upper Subansiri
West Siang
East Siang
Upper Siang
Lower Dibang Valley
Dibang Valley
Species Family range (m) Voucher Number
*Porina glaucoflava Makhija & al. Porinaceae C E 300–400 + 9838 (ASSAM)
*Porina halei Makhija & al.   " C E 1100–1200 + 31 (BSA)
Porina imitatrix Müll. Arg.   " F 200–1150 + + + 11856A (ASSAM)

Check List |

Porina innata (Nyl.) Müll. Arg.   " C ca. 650 + 4205 (ASSAM)
Porina internigrans (Nyl.) Müll.   " C ca. 500 9936 (ASSAM)
Porina kameruensis F. Schill.   " F 200–300 + + 11816A (ASSAM)
Porina karnatakensis Makhija & al.   " F 200–800 + + 11816B (ASSAM)
Porina limbulata (Kremp.) Vain.   " F 200–800 + + + + + 11557A (ASSAM)
Porina lucida R. Sant.   " F 200–800 + + + + + + 11811C (ASSAM)
Porina mastoidella (Nyl.) Müll. Arg.   " C ca. 600 + 10788 (ASSAM)
Porina monocarpa (Kremp.) F. Schill.   " F 200–1100 + + + + + + + 11795B (ASSAM)
Porina napensis Lücking   " F 1200 + + + 13276G (ASSAM)
Porina nitidula Müll. Arg.   " F 200–800 + + + + + 11799B (ASSAM)
Porina rufula (Kremp.) Vain.   " F 200–1550 + + + + + + 11812B (ASSAM)
Porina subhibernica Upreti   " C 600–800 + 4210 (ASSAM)
Porina subinterstes (Nyl.) Müll. Arg.   " C ca. 1500 + 630A (ASSAM)
Porina tetracerae (Afz.) Müll. Arg.   " CF 650–1500 + + 615A (BSA), 4209 (ASSAM)

Porina tijucana Vain.   " S ca. 900 + 4783 (ASSAM)
Porina trichothelioides R. Sant.   " F 200–800 + + 11802B (ASSAM)
Porina sp. 1   " S ca. 500 + 5547 (ASSAM)
Porina sp. 2   " C ca. 930 + 3040 (ASSAM)
Porina virescens (Kremp.) Müll. Arg.   " F 200–800 + + + + + 11829B (ASSAM)
*Porpidia albocoerulescens (Wulfen) Hertel & Knoph Lecideaceae S 950–1150 + 10521, 8031 (ASSAM)
*Porpidia macrocarpa (DC.) Hertel & Knoph   " S ca. 1100 + 4453 (ASSAM)
Pseudopyrenula diluta (Fée) Müll. Arg. Trypetheliaceae C ca. 400 + 505B (BSA)
*Pseudopyrenula subnudata Müll. Arg.   " C ca. 136 + 4691 (BSA)
Pyrenula aggregata (Fée) Fée Pyrenulaceae C 1500–1700 + + 10795 (ASSAM)
Pyrenula anomla (Ach.) Vain.   " C 400–500 + + 1117 (ASSAM)
Pyrenula aspistea (Ach.) Ach.   " C ca. 136 4689 (BSA)
Singh et al. | Diversity and distribution of microlichens in Indian Himalaya

Pyrenula balia (Kremp.) R.C. Harris   " C ca. 136 + + 10729 (ASSAM)
Pyrenula breutelii (Müll. Arg.) Aptroot   " C – + Upreti 1998 (LWG)
Pyrenula brunnea Fée   " C ca. 400 + + 1146 (ASSAM)
Pyrenula castanea (Eschw.) Müll. Arg.   " C 300–400 + 10080 (ASSAM)
Pyrenula complanata (Mont.) Trevis.   " C 100–1500 + 4014,4039 (ASSAM)
Pyrenula duplicans (Nyl.) Aptroot.   " C ca. 1000 + 10820 (ASSAM)
Pyrenula fetivica (Kremp.) Müll. Arg.   " C ca. 400 + 1145 (ASSAM)
Pyrenula globifera (Eschw.) Aptroot   " C ca. 400 + 10490 (ASSAM)
Pyrenula immissa (Stirt.) Zahlbr.   " C ca. 400 10384 (ASSAM)
Pyrenula interducta (Nyl.) Zahlbr.   " C ca. 1216 + + 10541 (ASSAM)
Pyrenula leucotrypa (Nyl.) Upreti   " – + Dubey et al. 2007
Pyrenula maravalensis Vain.   " C ca. 500 + 102A (BSA)
Pyrenula minarum Vain.   " C 100–1400 + 11219 (ASSAM)

Volume 11 | Number 6 | Article 1807

Table A1. Continued.

Distribution in districts



Endemic status
West Kameng
East Kameng
Lower Subunsiri
Upper Subansiri
West Siang
East Siang
Upper Siang
Lower Dibang Valley
Dibang Valley
Species Family range (m) Voucher Number
Pyrenula oculata Ajay Singh & Upreti Pyrenulaceae C E ca. 1000 + 3054 (ASSAM)
Pyrenula papillifera (Nyl.) Aptroot   " C 1500–1550 + 615C (BSA)
Pyrenula platystoma (Müll. Arg.) Aptroot   " C ca. 1600 + 9762 (ASSAM)

Check List |

Pyrenula punctella (Nyl.) Trevis.   " C 600–800 + 10490 (ASSAM)
Pyrenula quassiaecola Fée   " C 1550–1700 + + 87C (BSA)
Pyrenula subelliptica (Tuck.) R.C. Harris   " C ca. 1575 + 5060 (BSA)
Pyrenula sublaevigata (Patw. & Makhija) Upreti   " C ca. 1000 + 10744 (ASSAM)
Pyrenula thailandica Aptroot   " C ca. 300 + 81724 (LWG)
Pyrenula zeylanica Upreti & Ajay Singh   " C E – + + 20150A (LWG)
Pyrenula sp. 1   " C 1500–1700 + 587C (BSA)
Pyrgillus cubanus Nyl. Pyrenulaceae C 1500–1850 + 9316 (ASSAM)
Pyrgillus javanicus (Mont. & Bosch.) Nyl.   " C 600–800 + 10495, 10507 (ASSAM)
Pyrgillus tibellii Kr.P. Singh & Pushpi Singh   " C E ca. 340 + + 9616 (ASSAM)
*Ramboldia russula (Ach.) Lumbsch & Elix Lecanoraceae C ca. 1645 + 5038 (BSA)
*Rhabdodiscus asiaticus (Vain.) Rivas Plata, Lücking & Lumbsch Graphidaceae C 600–800 + 10549 (ASSAM)
*Rhabdodiscus auberianus (Nyl.) Vain.   " C ca. 500 + 323 (ASSAM)
Rhabdodiscus crassus (Müll. Arg.) Rivas Plata, Lücking & Lumbsch   " C ca. 1550 + 547F (BSA)

Rhabdodiscus indicus Pushpi Singh & Kr. P. Singh   " C E 600–800 + 10512 (ASSAM)
*Rhizocarpon geographicum (L.) DC. Rhizocarpaceae S 3200–3650 + 7829, 7747 (ASSAM)
Rhizocarpon sp. 1   " S 3000–3470 + 9524 (ASSAM)
Rinodina intrusa (Kremp.) Malme Physciaceae C ca. 500 + 591E (ASSAM)
Rinodina mackenziei Räsänen   " S 1704–1900 + 334 (BSA)
Rinodina sophodes (Ach.) A. Massal.   " C – + Pinokiyo et al. 2008
Rinodina sp. 1   " S 1800–2400 + 11441 (ASSAM)
Sarcographa heteroclita (Mont.) Zahlbr. Graphidaceae C – + Dubey et al. 2007
Sarcographa glyphiza (Nyl.) Kr.P. Singh & G.P. Sinha   " C E 300–600 + + + 10090 (ASSAM)
Sarcographa labyrinthica (Ach.) Müll. Arg.   " C 250–600 + + + + 761, 977 (ASSAM)
Sarcographa medusulina (Nyl.) Müll. Arg. C – + Dubey et al. 2007
Sarcographa subtorquescens (Nyl.) Zahlbr.   " C – + Dubey et al. 2007
Singh et al. | Diversity and distribution of microlichens in Indian Himalaya

Sarcographa tricosa (Ach.) Müll. Arg.   " C 400–900 + + + + 969, 11117 (ASSAM)
Schistophoron indicum Kr.P.Singh & Swarnalatha   " C E 500–700 + 2858 (BSA)
Sporopodium argillaceum (Müll. Arg.) Zahlbr. Pilocarpaceae F 200–300 + + + 11833 (ASSAM)
Sporopodium awasthianum Kr.P.Singh & Pinokiyo   " F E 300–400 + + + 12818C (ASSAM)
Sporopodium phyllocharis (Mont.) A. Massal.   " F 230–850 + + 12931 (ASSAM)
Sporopodium xantholeucum (Müll. Arg.) Zahlbr.   " F 200–1300 + + + + + 11798A (ASSAM)
Staurothela clopima (Wahlenb.) Th. Fr. Verrucariaceae S ca. 1000 + + 10757 (ASSAM)
Strigula antillarum (Fée) Müll. Arg. Strigulaceae F 325–850 + 12883P (ASSAM)
Strigula concreta (Fée) R. Sant.   " F 200–500 + + + + 11760A (ASSAM)
Strigula janeirensis (Müll. Arg.) Lücking   " F ca. 500 + 12930A (ASSAM)
Strigula maculata (Cook & Masse) R. Sant.   " F 750–1150 + + + + 12630B (ASSAM)
Strigula melanobapha (Kremp.) R. Sant.   " F ca. 325 + 12883C (ASSAM)
Strigula multipunctata (G. Merr. ex R. Sant.) R.C. Harris   " F ca. 800 + 12336C (ASSAM)

Volume 11 | Number 6 | Article 1807

Table A1. Continued.

Distribution in districts



Endemic status
West Kameng
East Kameng
Lower Subunsiri
Upper Subansiri
West Siang
East Siang
Upper Siang
Lower Dibang Valley
Dibang Valley
Species Family range (m) Voucher Number
Strigula nemathora Mont. f. hypothelia (Nyl.) Lücking Strigulaceae F 500–1300 + + + + + 11780E (ASSAM)
Strigula nemathora Mont. f. nemathora Mont.   " F ca. 800 + 77A (ASSAM)
Strigula nitidula Mont.   " F 200–300 + + + + 11810G (ASSAM)

Check List |

Strigula orbicularis Fr.   " F 200–800 + + + 12984F (ASSAM)
Strigula phyllogena (Müll. Arg.) R.C. Harris   " F 200–800 + + + + 11970A (ASSAM)
Strigula smaragdula Fr.   " F 500–1300 + + + + + + + 12307 (ASSAM)
Strigula subelegans Vain.   " F 235–800 + + + + + 12322 (ASSAM)
Strigula subtilissima (Fée) Müll. Arg.   " F 200–800 + + + + + 12635D (ASSAM)
Tapellaria bilimbioides R. Sant. Pilocarpaceae F 500–1300 + + + 11770A (ASSAM)
Tapellaria epiphylla (Müll. Arg.) R. Sant.   " F 500–1300 + + + 11786 (ASSAM)
Tapellaria molleri (Henriq.) R. Sant.   " F 500–1300 + + + 11747B (ASSAM)
Tapellaria nana (Fée) R. Sant.   " F ca. 325 + 12883 (ASSAM)
Tapellaria nigrata (Müll. Arg.) R. Sant.   " F 950–1150 + + 12961F (ASSAM)
*Thecaria austroindica (D.D. Awasthi & Upreti) Kr.P. Singh & G.P. Sinha Graphidaceae C E ca. 400 + 520 (ASSAM)
Thecaria quassiicola Fée   " C 400–500 + + + + + 1141 (ASSAM)
Tricharia santessonii D. Hawksw.   " F ca. 800 + + + 12623F (ASSAM)
Tricharia vainioi R. Sant.   " F 700– 1500 + 13085C (ASSAM)

Trichothelium epiphyllum Müll. Arg. Porinaceae F 200–1550 + + + + 11886B (ASSAM)
Trypethelium albopruinosum Makhija & Patw. Trypetheliaceae C E – + Dubey et al. 2007
Trypethelium dichroum Makhija & Patw.   " C E ca. 800 + 965 (ASSAM)
Trypethelium eluteriae Spreng.   " C 300–440 + + 10092 (ASSAM)
Trypethelium inamoenum Müll. Arg.   " C E 400–900 + 4930 (ASSAM)
Trypethelium tropicum (Ach.) Müll. Arg.   " C 300–440 + 4276 (ASSAM)
*Tylophoron moderatum Nyl. Arthoniaceae C ca. 1300 + + 7139, 10797 (ASSAM)
*Tylophoron nidulans Strit.   " C E 400–500 + + 2871 (ASSAM)
Verrucaria aethiobola Wahlb. Verrucariaceae S – + Dubey et al. 2007
Verrucaria coerulea (Ramond) DC.   " S ca. 1000 + 4861 (ASSAM)
Verrucaria transiliens Arnold   " S 2306–2344 + + 7829 (ASSAM)
Singh et al. | Diversity and distribution of microlichens in Indian Himalaya

Volume 11 | Number 6 | Article 1807

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