Chapter 6
This chapter covers industrial blowers or low-pressure air compressors. Most
commonly known as blowers, these devices deliver oil free air at pressures below the
normal operational limits of air compressors and above the normal operational limits
of fans. The defined pressure capacity of a blower is the ability to develop a process
system pressure of up to 30 psig. Blower technologies fall into two categories:
positive displacement and dynamic. Positive displacement blowers trap fixed volumes
of air from the inlet port and convey these volumes to the outlet port, where they are
discharged into the process or system. Increased pressure is achieved as the air flow
encounters resistance from the system or process. Dynamic blowers work by adding
kinetic energy to the air molecules and then converting the kinetic energy into static
energy (pressure). The blower technologies discussed in this chapter are outlined
below in Figure 6.1.
Positive Displacement
Positive Displacement (PD) blowers can be further described by the specific impeller
technology used to generate the required air flow at the required pressure. These
technologies include rotary lobe, rotary screw, rotary claw, and rotary vane.
Operating Principle
All rotary blowers operate by mechanically ingesting atmospheric air at an inlet port,
trapping the air in a sealed cavity, and finally discharging the trapped volume of air
into the system or process at the discharge port of the blower. The major difference
among the various types of PD blowers is the manner in which the blower moves air
through the machine. In the case of rotary lobe, rotary screw, and rotary claw types,
the cavities are created by the action of two intermeshing rotors as they rotate in © 2022 CAGI
opposite directions within a cylinder. Figure 6.2 describes the operation of a rotary
lobe blower. The symmetric rotors, or impellers, are attached to two parallel rotating
shafts. Only one rotor is driven, and this rotor drives the second rotor through a set
of timing gears. The timing gears also keep the rotors from making contact with each
other. Bearings support the shafts and position the rotors so that they do not contact
the inner walls of the cylinder within which they rotate. The suction and discharge
ports are located on the cylinder and are positioned in line with each other along the
center line of the blower.
Focus on the top impeller in Figure 6.2 to understand how air flows through a rotary
lobe PD blower. The top rotor rotates clockwise, and the bottom rotor rotates coun-
terclockwise. Position 1: As the impeller passes the suction port (inlet port), a fixed
volume of air of is drawn into the blower, filling the void that is created between
the impeller and the cylinder. Position 2: As the tips of the impeller seal this pocket
of air from the inlet and outlet ports, the pocket remains at the inlet pressure. No
compression or volume reduction has taken place. Position 3: As the impeller rotates,
the pocket is directed around the outside of the rotor between the impeller and
the cylinder. As the impeller opens to the outlet port, a pressure equalization briefly
occurs as system pressure fills this pocket. Position 4: The impeller continues to rotate
and pushes this accumulation of air molecules into the discharge port. Each rotation
of the drive shaft moves four equal volume pockets of air from the inlet port to the
discharge port — two pockets for each of the two impellers. The blower achieves
compression as these pockets of air are forced against the prevailing discharge
pressure of the system.
In the case of rotary vane PD blowers, the solid cylindrical rotor is placed eccentrically
in the cylinder. The rotor has radial slots with vanes (also called blades). Figure 6.3
illustrates the air path through the blower as well as the orientation of the rotor and
2 the cylinder. As the rotor turns, centrifugal forces push the vanes out of their slots,
creating volumetric cells bounded by the rotor, adjacent vanes, and the cylinder. As
each cell passes the inlet, a specific volume of air is trapped. Due to the eccentric
positioning of the rotor/cylinder, these cells reduce in volume as the machine rotates.
As rotation continues, the pressurized volumetric cells are exposed to the discharge
port and the compressed air is delivered to the system or process.
Chapter 6
Positive Displacement Blower Characteristics
Gasses Handled
While most applications of PD blowers involve handling air, the machine is also
capable of handling any number of gases, including hydrogen, steam, natural gas,
ethylene, and nitrogen. Blowers for pressure service deliver oil free gas into the
system or process since there is no lubricant injected into the compression chamber.
Most PD blowers that operate in vacuum service are also oil free, except in the
case of some rotary vane blowers, where lubricant is injected into the compression
chamber to reduce friction while sealing the internal clearances required for achiev-
ing deep vacuum levels.
PD blowers can be used in both pressure service and vacuum service. An example
of pressure service would be wastewater aeration, where the blower delivers air to
the wastewater during the secondary treatment process in order to introduce oxygen
into the water and thus enhance microbial digestion of the organic material in the
wastewater. The blower pressurizes the air within the system delivery by piping to
a level that overcomes the static head pressure of the weight of the water atop the
blower discharge outlet pipe. An example of vacuum service would be negative-pres-
sure pneumatic unloading of plastic pellets from a bulk tanker into a storage silo.
The blower inlet is piped to the receiving silo, and a line is connected from the silo to
the bulk tanker. The blower exhausts air from the silo, creating a negative pressure
within the silo (vacuum); this pressure differential allows the pellets to flow from the
higher-pressure tanker into the lower-pressure silo.
Performance Range
Rotary PD blowers provide flow ranges from 20 cfm to over 26,000 cfm with
maximum compression ratios limited by the technology. Rotary lobe blowers, for © 2022 CAGI
example, are limited to a compression ratio of about 2:1. Compression ratio is 3
defined as absolute discharge pressure divided by absolute inlet pressure. At sea
level, a 2:1 compression ratio will develop pressures up to 15 psig and vacuums up
to 15" Hg. Blowers at elevation will see lower pressure levels while maintaining the
2:1 compression ratio limit. A blower can also be subjected to negative pressure
on the suction side and positive pressure on the discharge at the same time (again
limited by the compression ratio). Exceeding the compression ratio limit of a blower
can result in shaft deflections and/or excessive operating temperatures. Higher
compression ratios are attainable with specialized designs, cooling, or by operating
blowers in series.
In all PD blower systems, system pressure occurs via isochoric compression, meaning
that compression takes place downstream of the discharge port of the PD blower
(i.e., external compression). System pressure is increased as the flow of air supplied
by the blower encounters system resistance. Accordingly, all rotary blowers operate at
the pressure required to overcome the resistance within the system to accomplish the
intended work. Should this resistance vary, the blower pressure will adjust automati-
cally as long as limits of the blower are not exceeded.
Rotary lobe blowers are 100% isochoric machines, since there is no internal
compression ratio occurring within the rotary lobe blower. Some rotary PD blowers
are both adiabatic and isochoric machines. Rotary screw, rotary vane, and rotary
claw blowers are adiabatic devices in that some compression takes place internally
between the inlet and discharge ports — these devices do have an internal compres-
sion ratio. Once the pressurized air exhausts from the adiabatic blower, additional
system pressure is attained as the flow of air supplied by the blower encounters
system resistance (isochoric compression). Final system pressure is developed by a
combination of adiabatic and isochoric methods.
Blower Capacity/Performance
The displacement, or swept volume, of a blower is the theoretical volume that the
unit will transport from inlet to discharge in one revolution of the drive shaft. The
term is expressed as cubic foot per revolution (cfr). Figure 6.4 shows the area “A”
which, when multiplied by the impeller length, represents the volume of each of the
four “pockets” created in a two-lobe PD blower as the machine makes one complete
shaft rotation. Therefore, this volume times four is the displacement or cfr. The key
factors affecting cfr are rotor length and rotor profile. Note that the cfr multiplied
by shaft speed (rpm) equals the gross displacement of the machine in cubic feet per
minute. All blowers have internal leakage losses due to slip and losses through seal
vents, so the actual net delivery of air into the system will be less than the gross
displacement. Slip will be discussed later in the chapter.
The limits of a blower can be found in a blower performance curve. These curves will
provide plots of flow, power, and temperature rise against blower speed, outlining
the performance envelope of the blower. Note that the curves are often published at
standard conditions. For project-specific conditions, correction factors will need to be
applied to these values or project specific data should be acquired from the blower
Chapter 6
As the rotors move air from the inlet port of the blower to the discharge port, the air
is maintained within the blower by way of tight clearances between the rotors and
the cylinder walls. The timing gears and bearings position the rotors to prevent rotor-
to-rotor or rotor-to-cylinder contact. The tightness of these clearances is critical to the
operational efficiency of the blower. The larger the clearances, the greater the amount
of air that passes through the blower from the higher-pressure discharge port to the
lower-pressure inlet port. This passage of air is known as slip. The amount of slip is
a function of the internal clearances of the blower and the differential pressure. Slip
varies directly with both clearance size and discharge pressure. Minimizing the slip of
the blower improves efficiency by increasing the blower delivery rate. Minimizing slip
also increases reliability by reducing the operating temperature of the blower. Since
the air chamber is oil free, all internal cooling of the blower occurs by the passage
of air through it. The more air that is recycled in the form of slip, the higher the
operating temperature of the blower.
Temperature rise is defined as the differential between outlet and inlet temperatures.
Too much temperature rise can cause thermal expansion of the metal rotors until the
internal clearances are lost and the rotors contact themselves, the housing, or both.
Such contact is often catastrophic to the blower. Higher temperatures also impact
the lubricant that is required for bearings and gears within the blower housing.
High operating temperature shortens the service life of the lubricant, which can
cause premature gear and bearing failure. High discharge air temperature can also
negatively affect the process into which the blower is delivering air. Because it can
be significant, blower temperature rise should be considered during both the process
design phase and the blower selection process.
© 2022 CAGI
The most traditional Rotary Lobe PD blower design is the two-lobe blower. As
illustrated in Figure 6.5, the name derives from each impeller shaft being fitted with
an impeller that has a finely machined profile based upon a mathematically derived
curve. The curve allows the impellers to rotate in conjunction with and in close prox-
imity to one another without coming into contact. As the most prevalent lobe blower
design, both historically and in the current market population, they are known for
their robust and reliable design. They are also typically 100% symmetrical in the key
elements of design: rotor profile, rotor-to-rotor clearances, and the inlet and outlet
port geometry. This symmetry allows them to rotate clockwise or counterclockwise,
providing for two flow directions in one blower. They can be easily configured for
both vertical and horizontal flow. The drive shafts can also be configured for multiple
locations, which further increases their versatility.
The three-lobe blower was designed specifically to address the noise created by
two-lobe blowers. As previously described, the noise-producing pulsations are a
result of the pressure equalization event that occurs when the pockets of trapped air
go from ambient pressure to system pressure as the rotor tip passes the discharge
port. The three-lobe design, with its additional lobe and 120-degree geometry,
minimizes the effects of blower pulsations and increases the strength of the rotor.
Figure 6.6 illustrates the design of a typical three-lobe rotary blower. The reduction in
pulsation energy is the result of the lower volume per trapped air pocket. Increasing
the lobes to three from two increases the number of pulsations per revolution from
two to three for each rotor. Accordingly, the three-lobe blower produces six pressure
pulsations per revolution compared to the four pressure pulsations created by the
two-lobe blower. The six, three-lobe events are of smaller volume than the four,
Chapter 6
two-lobe events, which reduces the magnitude of each pulsation event, ultimately
generating less noise.
The addition of a third lobe reduces the per-revolution displacement of the three-lobe
blower compared to a similarly sized two-lobe design. To compensate for the lost
swept volume per rotation, the three-lobe blower operates at higher speeds, made
possible by the increased rotor strength and rigidity imparted by the addition of
the third lobe. This increased speed results in an increased pulsation frequency. The
noise from higher pulsation frequencies is easier to dissipate with common silencer
technologies and noise-attenuation enclosures. The combination of lower pulsation
energy and higher pulsation frequencies that can be attenuated with standard
silencing methods results in a quieter operation of the three-lobe blower. More
advanced three-lobe designs further reduce the magnitude of the pulsation event by
slowly equalizing the pressures between the trapped pocket of air and the system
pressure in a process called precompression.
Figure 6.7 illustrates the precompression process with a three-lobe blower and
provides a step-by-step explanation of the process. Precompression is accomplished
by machining a radius into the cylinder housing near the discharge port. This radius
extends the full length of the housing except for a small area at the edges of the
cylinder. As the impeller tip passes the leading edge of radius, the clearance between
the impeller and the radius increases, allowing the higher-pressure system air to
slowly equalize with the lower-pressure air trapped in the blower cavity. Slowing the
equalization results in a lower pressure pulse and lower noise. Due to the complex
geometries that are machined into the housing to accomplish the precompression
effect, such blowers have dedicated inlet and discharge ports and cannot be oper-
ated in both directions.
© 2022 CAGI
In position 1
Flow is from the top (blower inlet) to the bottom (blower discharge). The left
impeller rotates counterclockwise, and the space (B) between the impeller
and the cylinder wall is filling with volume of air at inlet pressure. Space (B)
is about to be sealed off by the counterclockwise rotation of this impeller.
At the same time, the space (C) is progressively filled and compressed with
discharge volume through the precompression passage.
In position 2
The inlet area is sealed in (B), and discharge compression starts to enter
space (A) as the rotation of precompression passage continues at (C).
In position 3
Volume (C) is now delivered to the discharge port at pressure in the same
manner as volume (A) had been previously. Because of the almost complete
pressure equalizaion via the precompression passage, no sudden shock or
pulsation will occur.
In position 4
The inlet area volume is sealed on the right-side shaft at (C) and the dis-
charge pressurized volume entering space (B) starts to enter through the
precompression passage on the left-hand shaft. Volume (A) is delivered to
the discharge port and the volume in (B) will also start delivering with (A) as
soon as the rotaion reaches the outlet side.
Twisted Three-lobe
The typical PD rotary lobe blower is constructed almost entirely of cast iron, with
the exception of shafts, bearings, and timing gears. The rotor assembly consists of
an impeller mounted to a shaft, as illustrated in Figure 6.9. As previously discussed,
there are different impeller designs and profiles for special functions. The rotor can
be machined from one piece of cast iron or steel, or the impeller can be fitted with
a separately machined shaft. The rotors are precisely positioned and supported by
either antifriction bearings seated within the end plates or headplates positioned on
either end of the rotors. These bearings support the load of the rotors and maintain
the close clearances between the rotating impellers.
The cylinder surrounds the rotors and is held in place by the headplates to create the
Chapter 6
sealed compression chamber. The cylinder also contains the inlet and discharge ports.
Mounting feet are located on either the headplates or the cylinder.
Timing gears are affixed to one end of each rotor and located outside of the blower
compression chamber. These critical components are responsible for maintaining
the finite clearances between the rotating impellers. They are attached to the shafts
by various means depending upon the design. Attached timing gears prevent any
slippage, as slippage may cause the impellers to go out of time allowing rotor-to-
rotor contact — a serious condition that often results in catastrophic failure. Timing
gears and gear end bearings are oil-lubricated. The gearcase attaches to the head
plate to create a gear-house or gearbox. Lubrication is usually splash-type, but
pressure lubrication is also used on different models. The bearings in the headplate at
the opposite end of the unit are either grease- or oil-lubricated depending upon the
design of the blower.
Where the shafts pass through the headplates, rotor shaft seals are used to restrict
leakage of lubricant into the compression chamber, making the air from these
blowers oil free. The seals also restrict the leakage of higher-pressure air into the
gearcase. Rotor shaft seals are typically lip-type, labyrinth, or mechanical-type
designs. As a precaution against allowing lubricant from entering the airstream in the
event of a damaged or worn seal, a seal vent to atmosphere is located between the
lubricant seal and the air seal.
All rotary blowers generate radial loads that are carried by the bearings. Additional
axial loads are generated by the use of helical timing gears or by twisted impellers
that impart axial thrust loads. Two- and three-lobe, straight-lobe blowers with
straight timing gears do not generate axial thrust loads, so no special bearing
designs are required. When both axial thrust loads and radial loads are generated,
the bearing design must be such to accommodate these bidirectional loads.
Rotary screw blowers, also known as helical screw blowers, function as low-pressure,
oil free blowers with discharge pressures up to 36 psig. The flows and pressures of
rotary screw blowers overlap with other blower technologies. Commercial offerings
of rotary screw blowers are available from 20 cfm to 6,000 cfm and are available
from a wide number of manufacturers. © 2022 CAGI
The rotary screw blower utilizes two intermeshing rotors (or screws) positioned
parallel to each other inside a machined cylinder. The rotors consist of two separate
precision-machined profiles: a male rotor and a female rotor, as illustrated in Figure
6.10. The male rotor rotates inside the cavity formed between the two flutes of the
female rotor. The trapped cavity between the two rotors and the wall of the cylinder
forms the compression chamber. As the rotors rotate, the trapped cavity is “screwed”
down the length of the rotors from the inlet to the discharge port. Unlike straight- or
twisted-lobe blowers, where the airflow through the blower is perpendicular to the
rotor shafts, rotary screw blowers have an axial airflow, parallel to the rotor shafts.
The male rotor is the drive rotor, and it typically has fewer lobes than the female rotor
has flutes. Timing gears on both rotors allow the two rotors to turn at different speeds
without contact. The relative speed of the drive rotor to the female rotor is a ratio of
the number of lobes to flutes. For instance, if the male rotor has two lobes and the
female rotor has four flutes, a 2+4 design, and the male rotor is driven at a speed of
1800 rpm, the female rotor will have a speed of 3600 rpm (1800 divided by 2/4).
Cylinder with
Female Rotor
Rotor Set
Male Rotor
Rotary screw blowers have an internal compression ratio. The internal compression
of gas means that in these types of blowers, there will be a pressure differential
between the suction and discharge sides of the unit. Compression ratios are gener-
ally 3:1 or lower. The volume of air trapped between the meshed rotors and the case
is reduced, as illustrated in Figure 6.11, which shows a “4+6” rotor arrangement
where the male rotor has four lobes and the corresponding female rotor has
six flutes.
The rotors turn into each other and rotate in opposite directions. The lobed shaft is
turning counterclockwise and the fluted shaft clockwise.
Once the male rotor lobe completely meshes between the two female flutes at the
inlet, a fixed volume of air is trapped in the space created by the two rotors, the
cylinder wall, and the cylinder endplate at the discharge of the blower. As the rotors
rotate, the male lobe forms a moving piston that progressively reduces the volume
of the air pocket. By the time the trapped volume of air reaches the discharge end
of the blower, it is at an increased pressure due to the reduction in its volume. The
rotors expose a discharge port, and the compressed air exits the blower.
Figure 6.12 shows the same set of rotors as viewed from underneath. Position #1
shows the trapped volume of air that fills the pocket created between the lobe and
the flutes of the rotors and sealed at the discharge end by the flat surface of the
cylinder wall. As the rotors mesh, the male rotor lobe pushes the pocket down the
length of the rotors toward the discharge port, position #2. Note that the escape of
Chapter 6
air is prohibited until the rotation of the rotors exposes the discharge port, position
#3, and the air exits the blower at a pressure higher than that at the inlet. In position
#4, a new pocket is being formed at the inlet and the process repeats continuously.
Position #1 Position #2 Position #3 Position #4
Figure 6.12: Volume is compressed internally and discharged into the system
Most of the same operating characteristics and limitations described for lobe-type
PD blowers also pertain to rotary screw blowers. Rotary blowers have some unique
differences in efficiency and noise generation.
Unlike the lobe-type blowers that develop system pressure strictly by the previously
described isochoric process, rotary screw blowers use both the adiabatic and
isochoric processes to develop system pressure. Rotary screw blowers have an
internal compression ratio of 3:1 or lower. If the required system pressure is lower
than the designed-in blower discharge pressure, the higher-pressure discharge air
will re-expand to match the lower system pressure. If the required system pressure is
higher, then external backflow compression will raise the pressure of the discharge
air up to the pipeline pressure following the isochoric cycle of the rotary lobe blower.
With rotary screw blowers, final system pressure is developed by a combination of
adiabatic and isochoric methods.
Rotary screw blowers can be machined to tighter clearances than can be attained
in lobe-type blowers. Tighter clearances are possible due to two factors: reduced
operating temperature and reduced rotor deflection. The increased efficiency of a
rotary screw blower results in less energy being consumed to do a given amount
of work. Lower energy consumption reduces heat, which results in lower operating
temperatures. Lower rotor temperature reduces thermal expansion and reduces the
risk of rotor-rotor and rotor-housing impact during operation. Due to the reduced
thermal expansion, the clearances machined into the rotary screw rotors and cylinder
are tighter. These tight clearances reduce slip and further increase efficiency.
The rotors in a lobe-type blower tend to deflect more under differential pressures
than the rotors in a rotary screw blower. The rotors of both designs must withstand
the compression forces of the air. The rotary lobe impeller has to resist bending by the © 2022 CAGI
force generated from the discharge pressure along its full length. The rotary screw 11
rotor experiences a lower bending force as the compressed air in the compression
pocket moves along its length. Tighter tolerances are achievable in a rotary screw
blower since there is less rotor deflection than in a similarly sized lobe-type blower.
The rotors of a rotary screw blower are generally smaller in diameter and length than
in a similar performance, lobe-type blower. Having smaller rotors, the rotary screw
blower develops the needed displacement volume through increased speed.
Blower noise is caused by the backflow of higher-pressure system air into the trapped
pocket of lower pressure air that gets pushed into the system. This backflow pressure
equalization results in a sound pressure wave that is heard as noise. Possessing
adiabatic internal compression, rotary screw blowers have less of a pressure
differential between discharge port and system pressure than lobe-type blowers.
This characteristic reduces the noise emitted from rotary screw blowers. Rotary screw
blowers achieve their minimum noise levels when their compression ratio and system
pressures match.
The typical rotary screw blower is constructed almost entirely of cast iron, with the
exception of the bearings and timing gears. The terms impellers and rotors are used
interchangeably to describe the complete rotor assembly (rotor plus shaft). The rotors
are generally machined from one piece of cast or ductile iron. The rotors are precisely
positioned and supported either by antifriction bearings seated within the end
plates or headplates that are positioned on either end of the rotors. Cylindrical roller
bearings support the radial loads and maintain the close clearances between the
rotating impellers. Angular contact bearings support the axial loads generated by the
helical gears and thrust loads.
Generally, the axial load of the timing gears offsets some of the axial thrust load.
These bearings maintain the close clearances between the cylinder end plates and
the ends of the rotors. The cylinder surrounds the rotors and is held in place by
the headplates to create the sealed compression chamber. The cylinder commonly
contains cast-in flanges for air inlet and outlet ports. Mounting feet can be located
on the headplates or the cylinder. In flange-mount designs, the inlet or discharge port
flanges serve as the mounting surface. Some manufacturers design the compression
element to fit to a purpose-built gearbox as their support method.
Timing gears are affixed to one end of each rotor and located outside of the blower
compression chamber. These critical components are responsible for maintaining the
finite clearances between the rotating impellers. They are attached to the shafts by
various means depending on the design. Attached timing gears prevent any slippage,
as slippage may cause the impellers to go out of timing, allowing rotor-to-rotor
Chapter 6
contact — a serious condition that often results in catastrophic failure.
Timing gears and gear-end bearings are oil-lubricated, and a cover attaches to the
headplate to create a sealed gear-house or gearbox. Lubrication is usually splash-
type, but pressure lubrication is also used on higher-pressure models. The bearings
in the headplate at the opposite end of the unit are either greased or oil-lubricated,
depending upon the design of the blower. Figure 6.13 depicts a splash-lubricated
unit with oil lubrication at both ends.
In the areas where the shafts pass through the headplates, rotor shaft seals are used
to restrict leakage of lubricant into the compression chamber, making the air from
these blowers oil free. Additional air seals restrict the leakage of higher-pressure air
into the gearcase. Rotor shaft seals are typically lip-type, labyrinth, or mechanical
design. As a precaution against lubricant entering the airstream, and in order to
relieve the pressure across the rotor shaft seals, an area vented to atmosphere is
located between the lubricant seal and the air seal.
Rotary claw pumps are oil free, positive-displacement machines that are capable of
operating in pressure service up to 30 psig and vacuum applications up to 24" Hg.
The volumetric flow associated with this technology is relatively low, generally 650
cfm or less, so as a blower it has limited applications. However, as a vacuum pump,
the rotary claw sees extensive service in vacuum applications. A rotary claw pump
consists of two claw-shaped impellers, as illustrated in Figure 6.14. A drive rotor
transfers power to the impellers through a set of timing gears, ensuring that the
impellers do not contact each other. Extremely tight machined clearances allow the
claws to maintain minuscule gaps between themselves and the cylinder during their
rotation, minimizing slip and making rotary claw blowers one of the most efficient
blower technologies. Similar to lobe-type and rotary screw blowers, rotary claw © 2022 CAGI
blowers employ oil lubrication for bearings and gears. Shaft seals keep the lubricant
from entering the compression chamber and the high-pressure process air from
pressurizing the gearcase.
As illustrated in Figure 6.15, rotary claw blowers generate pressure or vacuum using
two rotors spinning in opposite directions, similar to a PD lobe blower. The claw
shape of the impeller allows them to generate internal compression adiabatically
within the compression chamber before opening the path to the discharge outlet.
As illustrated in Figure 6.16, a fixed volume of air enters the compression chamber
via the suction intake (position 1). The two impellers rotate in opposite directions,
sweeping the air around the outside of the cylinder (positions 2-3). The impellers
mesh together on the discharge side of the chamber, reducing the volumetric space
and compressing the air (positions 4-5). The rotating impellers expose the discharge
port and the compressed air discharges through the outlet (position 6). Since the
rotary claw blower utilizes both adiabatic and isochoric compression to generate
both system vacuum and pressure, it provides efficiency and noise characteristics
similar to the rotary screw blower.
Claw pumps typically are supplied as fully packaged units, as shown in Figure
6.17. Packages commonly include the claw airend, integrated motor, inlet filter,
and discharge silencer. These machines are typically run on two-pole motors at an
operating speed of 3600 rpm. By using variable speed motors, rotary claw blowers
can be tuned to match a precise flowrate requirement. For flowrates in excess of 650
cfm, multiple claw airends can be operated in parallel.
Claw impellers
Rotary vane pumps are positive displacement machines that are capable of operating
in pressure or vacuum applications. Pressures are typically 30 psig or lower, and
rotary vane pumps are available in oil free and oil injected designs. Oil free rotary
vane pumps have flows less than 100 cfm, with maximum pressure of 36 psig and
maximum vacuum of 24" Hg. Oil injected pumps have flows up to 900 cfm with
pressure capability of up to 24 psig and vacuum capability of up to 28" Hg. Oil
injected designs used in vacuum service are the most commonly applied usage of
rotary vane pumps due to their ability to attain a constant vacuum of 28" Hg. The
rotary vane blower develops internal compression and utilizes both adiabatic and
isochoric compression to generate both system vacuum and pressure. Accordingly,
rotary vane blowers provide efficiency and noise characteristics similar to rotary
screw and rotary claw blowers.
The rotary vane pump, also known as a sliding vane pump, consists of a housing, a
rotor, and vanes as major components. The rotor diameter is usually 10-15% smaller
than the housing diameter, and it is installed eccentrically inside the housing, having
a radial face almost tangent to the face of the housing as shown in Figure 6.18. This
arrangement of housing and rotor creates a crescent-shaped cavity in the housing.
Vanes are installed in the radial slots machined in the rotor. The vanes slide radially
into the slots, and the centrifugal force developed during rotor rotation keeps the
vanes tips pressed against the inner wall of the housing. Oil is injected through ports
in the housing at the air intake and serves to lubricate, seal, and cool the pump. In
smaller designs, the oil is not recirculated and is separated from exhaust air by means
of filtration. Larger designs employ an oil separation and recirculating system similar
to an oil injected rotary screw compressor. In oil free designs, the vanes are made of
carbon-graphite, and as they wear against the housing they deposit a self-lubricating
film of carbon. Such vanes are wearitems and require periodic replacement.
Figure 6.18: Operating principle of a rotary vane vacuum blower with air-injection cooling
Rotary vane blowers are available as bare pumps, as shown in Figure 6.19. These
types of blowers are often used in mobile transport industry applications for high-
er-pressure bulk material conveying and for vacuum-assisted onload and pressure-as-
sisted offload of both bulk solids and liquids. For mobile applications, additional
accessories are needed for a complete system. These accessories are oftentimes
packaged into a compact, fully packaged system for ease of installation on a truck
chassis, as shown in Figure 6.20.
Figure 6.19: Rotary vane pump typically designed for mobile applications
Chapter 6
Figure 6.20: Typical compact rotary vane package designed for mobile applications
PD Blower Packaging
The OEM market is a large user of blowers. Such OEMs provide the industry with
pneumatic conveying systems, aeration systems, and vacuum hold-down systems, to
name a few. These OEM packages can be found in all types of industries around the
world. The OEM applies a blower as a component part of their system. The blower
can be an integral component fitted to other pieces of equipment, or it can be
supplied as a standalone package that supplies the required airflow.
When the blower is packaged, the package generally contains the following basic
components: blower, base, drive motor, drive, inlet air filter, silencers, pressure/
vacuum relief devices, and gauges (temperature, pressure, vacuum). These basic
components are illustrated in Figure 6.21. Depending on the required function and
sophistication of the package, the package might also include full enclosures and
advanced controls.
© 2022 CAGI
Inlet air filters are required to keep airborne contaminants from entering the blower
compression chamber. As previously described in this chapter, contamination within
the compression chamber is to be avoided due to its negative effects on the opera-
tion and life of the blower.
The most common drive arrangement for basic blower packages is the simple v-belt
drive, as shown in Figure 6.21. Belt drives provide the needed flexibility to accommo-
date a wide range of blower speed requirements at a relatively low cost. Other drive
types are also used, such as direct drives, coupled drives, or gear drives. Typically,
motor starters or variable frequency drives (VFD) are not provided with these
machines. These items are normally provided by the customer or their contractor.
Due to the sound pressure pulsations that all blowers create, most blower packages
include a discharge silencer to reduce the blower noise. Oftentimes, both an inlet and
discharge silencer are included. Because all blowers are positive-displacement pumps
that deliver a constant flow at variable pressure, the blower package must include a
pressure or vacuum relief device to keep the blower from experiencing a pressure or
vacuum level that exceeds its design limitations.
Most blower manufacturers offer fully assembled blower packages. The packages are
most often utilized in industrial and wastewater applications. As such, their configu-
rations are tailored towards the specific requirements of these markets.
Although the basic unenclosed package addresses the most basic needs of the
blower, and while these packages drastically reduce the blower noise generated by
pulsations, mechanical noise remains an issue. To further reduce the noise emitted
from the blower package, a sound enclosure can be provided, as illustrated in Figure
6.22. The enclosed blower package will include the same components as described
in the basic package. However, all of the items are now contained within the sound
enclosure. The enclosure panels will be lined with dense noise-attenuating material,
which absorbs the residual pulsations and mechanical noises.
Figure 6.22: Enclosed blower package with side sound-attenuating panels removed
For customers requiring a blower package that includes all of the components required
to operate a complete blower system combined into one structure, manufacturers
offer complete machines, as shown in Figure 6.23. These machines include all of the
components described for the unenclosed and enclosed packages but will also include
the starter and/or variable frequency drive for the drive motor as well as provisions for
Chapter 6
the cooling fan and machine controller.
In many cases, gauges and instruments are replaced with sensors that input into the
machine controller. The controller becomes the central point of the unit for operation
and protection. Many of these controllers are fitted with modern communication
protocols that allow these machines to be connected to plant networks for real-time
monitoring and control.
Blower Applications
Vacuum systems are typically used for unloading bulk trucks or railcars over short
distances, while pressure systems are used for delivery over longer distances. Rotary
screw PD blowers, due to their higher-pressure capability, are used to pneumatically
convey denser materials, such as fly ash or fertilizer, which create greater backpressure
within the systems. For pneumatic conveying systems, the OEM supplies a blower
package that is built into the receiving silo or onto the bulk tanker truck. Larger
industrial installations will consist of many stationary blower packages.
One specialized industry for both rotary lobe and rotary screw PD blowers is the bulk
tanker truck industry. Blowers are oftentimes mounted under the truck frame and
powered by a power-take-off (PTO) from the truck engine. These blowers operate in the
pressure mode to unload a bulk tanker or in the vacuum mode to load a bulk tanker.
Individual electric-motor-driven blower packages may also be mounted on the chassis © 2022 CAGI
of the bulk tanker. 19
The other primary market for the rotary PD blower is the wastewater treatment
industry. In the wastewater treatment process, blowers are used in numerous
applications ranging from filter back-washing, tank agitation, and main aeration —
with main aeration being the prominent use. In main aeration, the blower pumps
atmospheric air through a series of pipes and diffusers located at the bottom of the
treatment basin to provide oxygen to the microorganisms living in the solution. This
is a critical part of the treatment process, and rotary blowers have proven to be
reliable and low-maintenance devices for providing the high volume of oil free air
needed for aeration.
Rotary PD blowers are applied in many niche, industrial applications. These include
vacuum boosters, vapor compression, and combustion air. These blowers can utilize
standard cast iron construction, as previously described, or they can be made from
specialty metals with customized seal arrangements to satisfy the niche application.
Common applications for rotary vane and rotary claw pumps are found in the
transport industry, where they provide air as the fluid to assist in the offloading of
both liquids and solids from bulk tankers. Due to their higher-pressure capabilities,
rotary vane pumps are applied for pneumatic conveying of dense materials, such
as Portland cement, especially in high altitude locations where a traditional lobe
or screw truck blower will not perform. Vacuum systems are mounted on tank
trucks ranging in sizes from a few gallons to thousands of gallons. These tanks are
specifically designed to withstand maximum vacuum and limited pressure. Mobile
vacuum systems are designed to vacuum liquid and slurry materials in a variety of
applications, such as septic tank pumping, environmental spill remediation, portable
sanitation, restaurant grease trap vacuuming, and general vacuum service in both the
oil and gas and industrial markets.
Figure 6.24 shows a mobile vacuum truck. The rotary vane vacuum pump is powered
by a hydraulic motor driven by the truck engine. Alternatively, the vacuum system
can be powered directly from the PTO from the truck transmission by means of a
drive belt or right-angle gear box. Industrially, rotary vane and rotary claw blowers
are more commonly applied to vacuum service than to pressure service. Vacuum
applications are many within the food and beverage industry, the medical and
pharmaceutical industries, and in CNC applications for hold-down purposes.
Dynamic Blowers
Dynamic blowers are used in many different areas of industry. They provide reliable,
oil free compressed air service and are used to distribute and process a wide variety
of gases in addition to air. All dynamic blowers achieve a pressure rise by adding
Chapter 6
velocity (kinetic energy) to a continuous flow of air through the action of a high-
speed rotating impeller. This kinetic energy is then converted to an increase in static
pressure (potential energy) by slowing the flow of air through a diffuser. Rapidly
spinning impellers use centrifugal force to sling air molecules at high speed into a
vaneless or vaned diffuser. The sudden slowing down of the high-speed air molecules
at the diffuser creates a static pressure as molecules pack-in against each other in a
process called impingement. This process follows Bernoulli's principle, which states
that a decrease in the velocity of a fluid will result in an increase in pressure within
the fluid. Similar to positive displacement rotary screw blowers, dynamic blowers are
adiabatic compressors that generate an internal pressure differential between the
inlet and the discharge of the blower. Accordingly, when used in a pneumatic system,
dynamic blowers develop system pressure both adiabatically and isochorically, as
previously described.
The flows and pressures of dynamic blowers overlap with other blower technologies.
Dynamic blowers are classified as being centrifugal blowers or regenerative blowers,
depending upon the internal process used to impart velocity onto the airstream.
Regenerative blowers are often found in relatively small airflow blower applications,
up to 1700 cfm with pressures up to 15 psig and vacuum levels up to 16" Hg.
Centrifugal blowers develop flows ranging from 500 cfm to upwards of 300,000
cfm. At sea level, centrifugal vacuums up to 15" Hg and pressures up to 18 psig
are normal. Although discharge pressures of 65 psig are attainable with dynamic
technology, dynamic blowers are designated to operate at 30 psig or less.
Centrifugal Blowers
© 2022 CAGI
Inlet Bearings
Single-stage centrifugal blowers come in three types depending upon how they are driven:
1. Integral gearbox
a. Vertically Split Gearbox
b. Horizontally Split Gearbox (Meet API — 617 and 672 specification
2. Standalone gearbox
3. High-speed VFD motor (turbo blower)
All three of these single-stage designs have a cantilever shaft impeller arrangement.
Constant-speed blowers (#1 and #2 above) utilize gearboxes with speed-increasing
gearsets to allow the impeller to achieve the high speed required to compress the
air. Two gearbox configurations can be found in the marketplace — integrally geared
and standalone. In the integrally geared configuration, the speed-increasing gearbox
and the blower are integrated together. The gearbox shaft is flexible-coupled to
Chapter 6
a conventional induction motor, as shown in Figure 2.27. The overhung impeller
is mounted on the secondary shaft of the gear box. The gearboxes are typically
equipped with journal bearings or roller bearings to help increase the impeller speed.
Integral gearboxes can be either vertically split or horizontally split.
In standalone gearbox designs, as shown in Figure 6.28, the gearbox and the blower
are two separate units where the drive shaft from the speed-increasing gearbox is
flexible coupled to the blower drive shaft. In this arrangement, the blower has its
own bearing stand, which is typically horizontally split. This design is used instead of
an integral gear type for critical purpose applications and for large-flow applications
requiring high horsepower where an integral gear drive is not practical. This style
also allows for a larger sealing area along the shaft than is typically possible with an
integral gear blower. This design can accommodate a more sophisticated gas seal for
applications requiring a higher degree of seal confidence.
© 2022 CAGI
Figure 6.28: Standalone gearbox drive single-stage centrifugal blower 23
A turbo blower includes a single-stage centrifugal airend similar to a constant-speed,
gearbox-driven blower, but instead of using a gearbox to drive the impeller, the
impeller is driven directly by a high-speed, permanent magnet motor, as shown in
Figure 6.29. Eliminating the gearbox reduces the overall footprint of the blower
compared to the gearbox-driven designs. When powered by a variable frequency
drive, these motors are able to achieve speeds ranging from 10,000 to 70,000 rpm
by utilizing either air foil bearings or magnetic bearings. The benefits of these types
of bearings include oil free design, low maintenance needs, and a long service life.
In turbo blowers, flow and pressure control is primarily achieved by controlling the
speed of the rotating shaft and impeller.
Magnet Motor
Figure 6.29: Turbo blower with integral, high-speed permanent magnet motor
If the rotating speed of a centrifugal blower is held constant, its performance can
be plotted on a graph with flow along the x-axis and pressure rise on the y-axis,
as shown in Figure 6.30. The slope of this curve drops as the flow increases as
noted by curve n. Several factors cause this natural flow curve. First, the design of
the passages in the volute will create an optimal condition, which is usually at the
mid-range capacity of the blower. The efficiency drops off at either end of the curve.
In addition, there are leakage losses from the high-pressure side to the low-pressure
side of the volute due to the small mechanical clearances between the rotating and
stationary parts. Also, the inlet losses and outlet velocity vary with the capacity of
the blower since frictional losses vary with the square of the velocity. In the case of
variable-speed, high-speed blowers, increasing the speed of the impeller moves the
performance curve upward, as noted by curves n+.
Chapter 6
The natural curve operates between two conditions: surge and choke. With speed
held constant, there is a minimum volume of flow below which the blower will not
operate smoothly. This is the surge limit as noted on the left-hand surge limit line
on the performance curve. Surge occurs when the flowrate is too low to create
enough pressure to overcome the discharge-system pressure. If this happens, flow
reversal occurs when the compressed gas rushes back from the discharge towards
the lower-pressure inlet of the volute, resulting in a pressure drop at the discharge.
This reduction in the discharge pressure then re-establishes the flow, allowing the
impeller to impart energy back onto the moving fluid until flow reversal once again
occurs back to the discharge. If nothing in the system changes, then this cycle
is repeated, placing high amounts of force on the mechanical components and
increased temperature that can lead to inefficient operation, premature wear, or
through prolonged or repeated occurrence, even machine failure. Surge control must
therefore be incorporated into the design of all centrifugal blower packages.
The choke limit is located at the right end of the performance curve. Choke is the
point at which maximum flow has been reached. This point is where the blower can
no longer increase its gas flow without dropping discharge pressure. The pressure
versus flow curve essentially becomes vertical. This occurs as the gas velocity reaches
the speed of sound in the smallest passage of the blower and cannot go any faster,
which prevents any additional gas flow from going through the blower.
The other limits of operation are the speed limit and power limit. The speed limit
represents the maximum rotation speed at which the blower impeller can safely
operate. The power limit is the maximum amount of power that can be transferred
from the driver to the shaft and impeller. Beyond this limit, the blower impeller will
be unable to provide the energy needed to increase capacity and/or increase the
pressure rise.
© 2022 CAGI
Constant-Speed Single-Stage Centrifugal Blowers
Performance Range
Single-stage centrifugal blowers have a very broad flow range, with a low end of
around 1,000 cfm and a high end of up to 300,000 cfm. Integral geared blowers
are more prevalent in lower flows, and standalone gearbox drive blowers are more
prevalent in the higher flows. Single-stage centrifugal blowers can achieve discharge
pressures of approximately 30 psig based on atmospheric air.
Capacity Control
Figure 6.31: Inlet and diffuser guide vanes on a single-stage centrifugal blower
Chapter 6
Figure 6.32: Single-stage centrifugal blower performance with inlet guide vanes
Figure 6.33: Single-stage centrifugal blower performance with discharge diffuser vanes
Figure 6.34: Single-stage centrifugal blower performance with dual vanes (inlet and discharge) © 2022 CAGI
Inlet Guide Vanes (IGV) can be the standard axial type, or the peripheral or annular
type, as shown in Figures 6.35 and 6.36. The peripheral IGV may offer a small
increase in efficiency but will likely be more expensive.
Figure 6.35: Axial inlet guide vanes Figure 6.36: Peripheral inlet guide vanes
The single-stage impellers are typically the open type with configurations ranging
from simple radial designs to three-dimensional backward-leaning vane profiles. A
wide range of impeller materials are typically available to meet the process require-
ments. Impeller material can be aluminum, standard high strength carbon steel,
stainless steel, or even more corrosion-resistant high strength materials.
The single-stage bearings, both radial and thrust, are the hydrodynamic design as
shown in Figure 6.37. Radial bearings can be either sleeve or tilting pad. The thrust
bearing can be tapered-land design or a “Kingsbury” design with a double-acting
tilting pad.
Chapter 6
Exploded and assembled views of tilting pad radial bearing Tilting pad thrust bearing with
RTD temperature sensor
Single-stage centrifugal blowers can handle both air and non-air gases. Gas seals are
used within the blower to prevent leakage of higher-pressure gas to atmosphere. For
air service, the typical gas seals are simple labyrinth types. For non-air service, there
are several gas seal types available. The non-air gas seals include multiple carbon
ring and mechanical types. Various seal types are shown in Figure 6.38. Single-stage
centrifugal blowers also require oil seals to keep bearing lubrication from entering
the compressed gas stream. Oil seals are typically non-contacting slinger type.
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Blower drivers for integral gearbox blowers are typically standard NEMA motors. For
standalone gearbox designs, drivers can be electric motors, engine drives with speed
increasing gearboxes, or steam or gas turbine direct drives.
Single-stage centrifugal blowers (both integral gear drive and separate gearbox drive
designs) are packaged in many different ways, largely dependent on the physical size
of the blower package and the industry being served.
A typical package will consist of a structural steel base for mounting the drive motor
and gearbox/blower. Flexible couplings are used to connect the drive shafts of each
piece of equipment with appropriate guards. On the smaller frame size packages,
the lubrication system is generally integrated into the structural steel base. On larger
frame size packages, and depending on the industry being served, the lubrication
system may be an off-mounted console type system with interconnecting piping
installed by the user onsite. Higher-capital-cost units will likely be supplied with pres-
sure, temperature, and vibration monitoring devices that are wired to junction boxes
at the edge of the skids for interconnection. The drive motor starter and/or variable
frequency drive are usually owner-supplied and not part of the blower package.
Performance Range
Turbo blowers are driven by high-speed VFD motors and, accordingly, are limited to
low voltage motors (600 volts or less) due to the prohibitive cost of variable-speed
drives on motors above this low-voltage threshold. This limits the maximum horse-
power of turbo blowers to 500 hp. Turbo blowers are produced from 50 hp to 500
hp with pressure capability of up to 20 psig and vacuum capability of up to 17" Hg.
The flow range for turbo blowers is from 1,000 cfm for the 50 hp turbo to upwards
of 20,000 cfm for the 500 hp turbo. The majority of turbo service is for pressure
Capacity Control
Chapter 6
In direct-drive, high-speed turbo blowers, efficient capacity control is primarily
achieved by controlling the speed of the rotating shaft and impeller. By varying the
speed of the impeller, the centrifugal blower can be made to perform at any flow
and pressure point on its natural performance curve. By speed control only, the turbo
blower can perform from 100% capacity to 50% capacity. With the addition of inlet
guide vanes and variable-diffuser vanes, capacity reduction to 40% of rated capacity
can be achieved. A blow-off valve located after the discharge can also be utilized to
prevent the machine from going into surge during low-flow requirements. If the valve
is operated via the onboard package controller, the high-speed motor turbo blower
can provide variable capacity control down to zero flow. This level of control is highly
inefficient, as it results in venting expensive compressed air to atmosphere.
The blower casings are cast pieces, which can be made from close-grained cast
iron, such as ASTM A536, or an aluminum alloy, such as ASTM A356. Both inlet and
discharge connections can be cast integrally with the casing. The discharge is usually
a flanged-type connection to handle the higher pressures.
Impellers are typically milled with an open, backward-leaning profile with splitter
blades between the main blades, as shown in Figure 6.39. Impeller profile, materials
of construction, and manufacturing process will vary by manufacturer. The impeller is
directly mounted onto the shaft, which rotates the blades at shaft speed. The produc-
tion of impellers can be done by various manufacturing methods. These include cast
construction or five-axis milling. The preferred method is five-axis milling due to the
precise tolerances that can be maintained. Impellers are usually made from stainless
steel or high-strength aluminum alloys.
Blower shafts are constructed from heat-treated materials, such as forged steel, steel
alloys, or titanium. The shafts are precision-machined to ensure the proper fits that
are required for mounting the motor rotors, impeller, spacers, seals, and bearings. The
shaft is designed to be as stiff as possible, and all rotating elements and assemblies © 2022 CAGI
must be dynamically balanced to eliminate unwanted vibration at high speeds.
Labyrinth seals are used to minimize high-pressure air leakage from the blower
volute to the atmosphere, the gearbox, or the motor. The sealing action works by
allowing a very small amount of high-pressure gas to escape into a chamber formed
by a row of rings, as illustrated in Figure 6.40. The set of rings can be on the rotating
shaft, stationary casing, or both. Figure 6.40 depicts a labyrinth seal with the rings
on the stator. As the air or gas enters the chamber, it is slowed down and its direction
is changed as it navigates the tortuous labyrinth path. This action creates a pressure
drop. As the pressure of the escaping air decreases, so too does the amount of
leakage past the labyrinth seal. The length of the labyrinth varies according to the
required pressure drop. The higher the pressure drop, the longer the required seal.
Because these labyrinth seals are noncontact, they do not wear out. The seal parts
can be made of brass, aluminum, or carbon steel.
High-speed motor turbo blowers use oil free, non-contacting bearing technology. The
two basic types of oil free bearing technologies are air-bearing type and magnet-
ic-bearing type. The air bearing creates an air pressure film barrier between the shaft
journal and bearing surface as the shaft rotates. The shaft is essentially riding on air
as it rotates. The magnetic bearing uses magnetic force to suspend the shaft so that
the shaft rotates inside the magnetic bearing. Both technologies allow the shaft to
rotate without making contact with the bearing surface. Each technology type has
advantages and disadvantages. The user should investigate both technologies to
determine the best fit for their specific blower application.
Air Bearings
The general principle of operation is that a fluid, typically air, creates a clearance
between the bearing surfaces. In blowers, the rotating shaft pressurizes the air
trapped between the stationary and moving surfaces. Starting at zero rpm, the
shaft rests on the air bearing. When the shaft starts to spin, the air aerodynamically
converges in a wedge-like fashion between the rotating and non-rotating surfaces,
which causes the air to compress. As the shaft speed increases, it will hit a critical
rpm where the air pressure becomes greater than the weight of the rotor assembly,
at which point the shaft lifts off of the non-rotating bearing surface and floats within
a gap clearance that is typically 5 to 50 microns. Special coatings are used on the
contacting surfaces to provide lubricity during starts and stops. There are three types
of air bearings: air foil bearings, leaf air bearings, and tilting pad journal air bearings.
Air Foil Air Bearing
Air foil bearings are typically constructed with a single corrugated (bump) foil and a
smooth top foil, as shown in Figure 6.41. Both foils are attached to the non-rotating
stator along one edge and are wrapped around in the opposite direction that the
Chapter 6
shaft rotates. When the shaft spins, the air is drawn by radial motion between the
shaft and top foil, causing the gas to be compressed. The bump foil acts as a spring
to absorb the expansion of the air and corrects any misalignments. The spacing of
the foil allows for cooling air to pass through the bearing. To handle the axial loads
in the rotating assembly, a thrust bearing is used. This thrust bearing uses the same
aerodynamic principle described above to handle the axial load on the shaft.
Leaf bearings are composed of several flat, thin structures (leaves) arranged in an iris
formation that rests against the shaft when it is stationary, as illustrated in Figure
6.42. When the shaft starts rotating, a cushion of compressed air is formed, which
causes the leaves to expand away from the shaft. As the shaft rotation increases, the
pressure becomes critical and creates a clearance between the shaft and leaves, thus
allowing the blower to operate.
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Figure 6.42: Leaf air bearing
Tilting pad journal bearings consists of several curved rocker pads in an arrangement
that surrounds the shaft, as shown in Figure 6.43. Each rocker pad is designed with
a pivot point that rests against the non-rotating part of the bearing. As the shaft
starts to rotate, a cushion of air will circulate around the shaft and push against the
pads, tilting them slightly. This creates a wedge of compressed air and when the
shaft attains critical rpm, the pressure causes the shaft to “lift off.” The positioning of
the rocker pads around the shaft allows the increased air pressure to be distributed
across the surface of the shaft and keeps it centered. The disadvantage of the tilting
pad journal bearing is its complex design with multiple parts.
Magnetic Bearings
The second type of bearing used in high-speed blowers is the Active Magnetic
Bearing (AMB). The AMB has several sets of electromagnets. When electrical power
is provided to the unit, the motor rotor shaft will be levitated in a magnetic field. The
Chapter 6
magnetic field is generated by two radial and two axial AMBs. The position of the
rotor is located by two rotor position sensors. These two sets of AMBs are controlled
by a Magnetic Bearing Controller (MBC). The position sensor continuously monitors
the shaft position in both the radial and axial directions. As illustrated in Figure
6.44, the position sensors send a signal to the MBC, which adjusts the strength of
the magnetic field in each magnet set. The magnetic field centers the motor rotor
shaft and keeps it in the correct axial position as the rotor spins. The MBC monitors
the position of the shaft/rotor combination on five axes: X, Y, up, down, and Z. This
design allows for vibration-free operation, which ensures less stress in the piping and
provides pulsation-free air distribution. If the shaft were to move out of its proper
position, the MBC will detect this movement and correct the shaft position. If the
vibration is determined to operate outside of the acceptable range, the unit will fault
out and safely shut down. The MBC system therefore acts as its own vibration sensor.
The advantages of magnetic bearing blowers are extremely low energy consumption
and high reliability due to the elimination of mechanical contact and friction between
the shaft and the AMB. The AMB allows for limitless starts and stops with zero wear.
A backup system is used to provide power to the MBC in the event of a power
outage to safely shut down the machine. These blowers also use mechanical roller
bearings as touch-down bearings for “worst-case” failures.
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Figure 6.45: Typical direct-drive, high-speed blower packages
Inlet filters are required to clean the incoming air to prevent particulates from
entering the machine and clogging the seals and bearings. Silencers are mounted
directly onto the inlet and outlet of the blower package, or even inside the package,
to mitigate the noise created by the rapidly moving air in the pipes. Flexible joints are
required on the outlet of the blower package to prevent the thermal expansion of the
pipe, caused by the heat of compression, from transmitting stresses to the volute.
Centrifugal blowers, unlike positive displacement blowers, will only produce a certain
maximum discharge pressure even if the discharge valve is closed. If the piping
system is designed to withstand this maximum pressure level, then pressure relief
safety valves are not needed. However, if two or more blowers are to be operated in
parallel, then each blower must have its own dedicated check valve. This will prevent
the air flow of the operating blower from entering the discharge of the offline blower,
preventing the offline blower from rotating backwards. Autorotation, over time, could
damage the machine. Shutoff valves are typically needed to safely isolate the blower
if the unit needs to be taken offline and serviced.
Direct-drive blowers require constant monitoring to assure safe operation. The blower
package utilizes instrumentation, such as pressure sensors, temperature sensors,
proximity probes, vibration switches, power monitors, and speed indicators. This data
is sent to the onboard package controller (that can receive process inputs manually)
through analog PID control loops or from signals sent from the SCADA or other plant
Chapter 6
control systems. The controller adjusts the flow continuously to maintain the required
pressure, flow, and process parameters that have been established. The controller
also allows the blower to alarm or fault-out due to conditions such as high
bearing temperature, excessive vibration, out of tolerance rotor position, or low
suction pressure.
As previously discussed, the blower will go into surge if it is operated below the
minimum flowrate. To avoid this condition from happening at start-up or shut-down,
a blow-off valve is used. The blow-off valve is opened during startup until back
pressure is achieved, normally in 30-45 seconds, at which time the valve automati-
cally closes. Once the blower is no longer needed and shuts down, the blow-off
valve opens.
Centrifugal blowers are used in applications that require large volumes of air or
gas at pressures of 18 psig or vacuums up to 15" Hg. Although they are capable of
operating as exhausters, the majority of single-stage centrifugal blower applications
are for pressure service. Centrifugal blowers find extensive use in aerating wastewa-
ter for both municipal and industrial wastewater treatment facilities. Aeration feeds
the microorganisms in the waste stream with the oxygen they need to digest the
organic matter in the wastewater. Industrially, centrifugal blowers supply combustion
air in applications like waste-to-power electricity-generating plants. They are used
extensively in the non-woven textile industry to produce the non-woven fabrics used
as filter media, face masks, and disposable hazmat suits. Due to the fact that they
produce oil free pressurized air, centrifugal blowers are commonly used in the food
and beverage industry, as well as in the pharmaceutical industry, for applications
such as blow-off, dust removal, and drying. Unlike positive displacement blowers,
centrifugal blowers see only limited usage in pneumatic conveying applications
due to their difficulty in maintaining a constant discharge pressure under varying
conveying loads. Due to their usage of air foil or magnetic bearings, high-speed turbo
blowers are limited to air applications only, whereas constant-speed centrifugal
blowers can operate in applications with air and a variety of other gasses.
The multistage centrifugal (MSC) blower is a dynamic blower that works similarly to
a single-stage centrifugal blower by accelerating air molecules into kinetic energy
and then converting this kinetic energy into static pressure by slowing the air down.
As shown in Figure 6.46, the MSC blower draws air into the center of its first stage
via an inducer/volute. The air is accelerated outward, via centrifugal force, towards
the periphery of the shrouded impeller, and is then discharged into the diffuser
section, which slows the air and builds pressure. The pressurized air is then guided
into the eye of next impeller with a single or multiple baffle ring.
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Figure 6.46: Air flow through a multistage centrifugal blower
This process is repeated for as many stages as are designed into the blower, as shown
in Figure 6.47. Since the rise in pressure between stages is small, additional stages of
compression are needed to achieve higher discharge pressures. The number of stages
is determined by the flow and pressure requirements that the blower is designed to
deliver. When the air reaches the outlet header of the machine, it is collected into a
volute and then fully discharged into the system. This multistage compression process
is similar to operating several single-stage units in series.
MSC blowers are categorized as being either vertically split or horizontally split, which
refers to the plane along which the blower casing and bearing housings are joined.
Whether they are horizontally split or vertically split depends upon the service for
which the blower is designed. Although there are some design differences between
the horizontally split and vertically split multistage blowers, which will be discussed
later in this section, both categories share a common, basic multistage design.
Performance Range
The flows and pressures of MSC blowers overlap with other blower technologies.
Air, along with steam and other non-air gases, can be handled. The most common
flow range for vertically split MSC blowers is from 500 cfm to 35,000 cfm, with
compression ratios limited to 1.75:1 for very low-flow MSC blowers and upwards of
2.2:1 for very high-flow MSC blowers. At sea level, these compression ratios enable
MSC blowers to operate at vacuums up to 15" Hg and pressures up to 18 psig.
MCS blowers can also be operated with negative pressures on the suction side and
positive pressures on the discharge at the same time provided the compression ratio
is not exceeded. Exceeding the compression ratio limit of a MSC blower can force
the blower into an unwanted surge condition. For horizontally split MSC blowers,
Chapter 6
the flow range is from 5,000 cfm to 100,000 cfm with pressure capability of up to
65 psig and vacuum capacity of up to 15" Hg based on sea level conditions. Note
that when classified as blowers, horizontally split MSC blowers are limited to 30 psig
discharge pressure. Horizontally split MSC machines that operate above 30 psig are
classified as low-pressure compressors.
The typical MSC blower has an inlet head, intermediate sections (stages), and an
outlet head, as illustrated in Figure 6.48. The impellers are mounted to the shaft and
positioned in each section. The rotating impeller shaft is supported by two outboard
antifriction ball bearings (one on each end of the shaft). These bearings carry the radial
load of the rotating assembly with the inlet bearing also subject to a thrust load.
In higher-pressure machines where there is greater thrust, the load can be offset by
the use of a balance piston. The ball bearings precisely position the impeller assembly
so that there is no contact between the rotating and stationary parts within the
blower. The bearings are lubricated by an oil slinger in the oil lubrication chamber
or are grease-lubricated. Bearings are typically rated for an L-10 life of 10 years or
longer as per the Anti Frictional Bearing Manufacturers Association. Shaft seals are
typically of the labyrinth or carbon ring design and are located at each end of the
shaft. These seals ensure that the MSC blower delivers oil free air by keeping bearing
lubrication out of the process air stream. Typical bearing, seal, and balance piston
arrangement is illustrated in Figure 6.49.
© 2022 CAGI
Figure 6.49: Bearing, seal, and balance piston arrangement on non-drive end of MSC blower
The inlet flange centerline is in line with the centerline of the blower shaft, and the
outlet is tangential to the blower shaft. The inlet and outlet heads, as well as the
sections, are made of machined cast iron. Shafts are typically carbon steel. Impellers
can be constructed from cast aluminum or fabricated from aluminum, steel, or stain-
less steel, as illustrated in Figure 6.50. Where required, corrosion-resistant metals or
coatings can be used for impellers and housings, making the units suitable for use
with a wide variety of gases and temperatures. It is common for a manufacturer to
have multiple impeller designs for each blower frame size. This allows the machine to
be modified to produce the airflow and pressure required for a multitude of specific
The MSC blower is assembled by adding the proper number of stages onto a single
shaft. First, the shaft is installed into the inlet head, then the first impeller is keyed
onto the shaft. Next, the housing section is installed over the impeller. The complete
assembly, consisting of the shaft-mounted impeller and its surrounding housing
section, is referred to as a stage. The remaining stages are added and tightly secured
with tie rods to form the MSC housing. Finally, the discharge head volute is installed.
To keep the assembly simple and uniform, the external dimensions of the impellers
are the same. There are different impeller vane profiles available for a given frame
of multistage blower. Within the same MSC blower, the various stages can utilize
impellers with up to three different vane designs. The most radial-vaned impellers are
closest to the blower inlet head while backward-leaning-vaned impellers are located
closest to the blower outlet head to maximize outlet pressure.
Multistage Centrifugal Blower Performance Characteristics
MSC blowers are considered constant pressure, variable-volume units, meaning that
they provide a relatively constant discharge pressure under variable flow conditions.
This characteristic makes the MSC blower ideal for a wide variety of variable flow and
Chapter 6
constant pressure applications as well as for vacuum service. The performance of a
constant-speed MSC blower is defined in its performance curve, as shown in Figure
6.51. As illustrated on the performance curve, pressure remains relatively constant
with flow, except for a slight increase in pressure at lower flows, as the units backs
up its curve. This slight increase in pressure is referred to as the “rise to surge
pressure.” As previously described regarding single-stage centrifugal blowers, the
MSC blower is subject to surging at flow rates that are below its operational range.
At its maximum flow rate, the blower will enter choke condition, where flow remains
constant regardless of any further decrease in discharge pressure. As flow reaches the
choke condition, pressure decreases. This pressure reduction is due to the friction of
the air moving through the blower, which increases as flow increases. This increased
friction results in a loss of pressure. This pressure loss can be controlled by using a
variable-speed drive on the MSC. By changing the speed of the blower, the differen-
tial pressure changes. This reduction in pressure loss makes the variable-driven MSC
blower more efficient than a constant-speed blower of similar capacity.
MSC blower horsepower increases as flow increases. Horsepower also varies with
changes of inlet gas density due to variations in temperature, inlet pressure, and
relative humidity; as illustrated in Figures 6.52 and 6.53.
© 2022 CAGI
Figure 6.52: Effect of inlet air temperature upon flow and horsepower
Figure 6.53: Effect of reduced inlet air pressure upon flow and horsepower
Similar to all air compression devices, MSC blowers develop a temperature rise
between inlet and discharge due to the heat of compression and the effects of
slip. MSC blowers are air-cooled, and they typically have a discharge temperature
limitation of 350˚F for blowers with heat-treated aluminum impellers. Slightly
higher discharge temperatures are permitted with the use of steel or stainless-steel
impellers. The operating temperature of the blower will not only affect the process
that the blower is feeding with gas but the operation of the blower itself. Excessive
temperature rise can exceed the thermal limits of the impeller, resulting in excessive
thermal expansion that can cause catastrophic impeller-to-housing contact. Excessive
blower discharge temperature can also heat the lubricant beyond its operational limit
and cause it to breakdown, leading to bearing and seal damage.
MSC blowers incorporate many design features that contribute to job versatility and
economical operation. MSC blowers provide high volumetric efficiency. There are no
contact points other than the bearings and seals, and compared to any other blower
technology, MSC blowers are traditionally lower in maintenance and replacement
costs. Equipment life cycles of 20 years or more are commonplace. The completely
enclosed construction provides the MSC blower with protection against dust and the
elements, making these blowers well suited for indoor and outdoor installations.
Capacity Control
Chapter 6
The designed-in capacity of constant-speed multistage centrifugal blowers is deter-
mined by impeller speed and impeller profile. As previously discussed, the blower will
operate on its performance curve between surge and choke conditions in response to
the system backpressure. Controlling the capacity of a constant-speed MSC blower
is achieved by throttling the inlet valve. Motorized valves to throttle the inlet can
provide precise and low-cost capacity control for both low- and high-horsepower
MSC blowers, making it a common choice for capacity control.
By using a variable-speed drive to operate the blower, the speed of the impeller can
vary, thus providing efficient capacity control. Figure 6.54 illustrates the efficiency
gain realized by controlling the capacity of a MSC blower by using a variable-speed
drive (versus capacity control by inlet throttling). Variable-speed drives are limited for
use on MSC blowers with low-voltage motors, since variable-speed is cost prohibitive
for motors larger than 600 volts.
Figure 6.54: Inlet throttling versus variable speed control on a MSC blower
Although MSC blowers are sold to OEMs as bare blower elements for specialized
applications, the blowers described in this chapter are commonly provided by man-
ufacturers as fully assembled blower packages. Since MSC blowers are heavily used
in several specific applications, such as in wastewater treatment and for industrial
combustion air, the MSC blower package is designed to the specific requirements
associated with the application for which it is intended.
Figure 6.55 illustrates a typical, basic, fixed-speed blower package. These packages
include the common structural steel baseplate, motor pedestal, drive motor and
coupling with guard, vibration isolation pads, and required blower and motor instru-
mentation. Since centrifugal blowers will only produce a certain maximum discharge
pressure even if the discharge valve is closed, relief valves are never needed with
MSC blowers. Typically, basic blower packages do not include motor starters or
variable frequency drives for the drive motor, as these are usually owner-supplied.
© 2022 CAGI
Figure 6.55: Typical MSC blower package with inlet valve modulation
Piping accessories and various options as listed below are often supplied:
Smaller blower packages may only have a manufacturer-supplied Local Control Panel
(LCP) that provides surge protection. As blowers increase in size, protection require-
ments increase as well, especially the need to precisely deliver the required air flow at
the lowest possible cost. For single MSC blower packages, the LCP can provide surge
protection plus inlet valve throttling or speed control to achieve flow control and/
or optimization to reduce energy consumption. The LCP will ensure the delivery of a
metered quantity of gas to the process within the performance limits of the blower.
The LCP can manage either inlet throttling or variable-speed blower operation. The
LCP is the central point of the unit for smooth operation and protection. On most
blower packages, the end user has the option to wire signals from the OEM package
instrumentation and valves directly to the Distributed Control System (DCS). From the
DCS, the end user can program the start/stop control loop and flow control loop by
themselves. Many LCPs are fitted with modern processors as well as communication
protocols that allow these machines to be connected to plant networks for real-time
monitoring and control.
Chapter 6
Larger blowers are often specified with one or several of following instrumentation
and control options:
Figure 6.56: Typical bare shaft horizontally split multistage centrifugal blower
© 2022 CAGI
Horizontally Split MSC Design Characteristics
Although horizontally split MSC blowers follow the same operating principle and
characteristics of the vertically split designs, horizontally split designs differ signifi-
cantly in housing construction, bearing design, and impeller design. Horizontally
split MSC blower housings are made of two castings that bolt together versus the
separate stage-sections that are sandwiched together in vertically split designs.
The housings are manufactured from a wide range of materials to meet specific
process applications. They can be cast from iron, ductile iron, steel, or stainless steel.
Fabricated casings can offer a greater range of material options. Housings can be
designed to handle elevated pressures and temperatures in closed loop process gas
Unlike the vertically split MSC designs that utilize ball bearings on both ends of the
impeller shaft, the horizontally split MSC utilizes hydrodynamic bearings for both the
radial and thrust loads. The radial bearings can be either sleeve or tilting pad type.
The thrust bearing can be tapered-land type or “Kingsbury” type double-acting tilt
pad. These bearings were previously illustrated in Figure 6.37. These hydrodynamic
bearings require that a thin film of oil be maintained between the rotor shaft surface
and the bearing surface. Accordingly, a pressurized lubrication system continuously
pumps oil into the bearing journals to maintain this film of oil as the blower operates.
Maintaining clean oil at the right temperature allows the bearings to have a theoret-
ically infinite life compared to roller antifriction bearings that have a finite life. This
long-lived bearing life is a key characteristic of horizontally split MSC blowers that
make them the superior choice for critical applications.
The impellers on horizontally split MSC blowers are typically the closed, back-
ward-leaning-blade type, as illustrated in Figure 6.57. Unlike impellers in vertically
split MSC blowers, which are all of the same diameter, impellers in a horizontally
split blower reduce in diameter as the impellers get closer to the discharge. Impeller
size reduction, coupled with higher rotation speeds, allow the horizontally split MSC
blower to attain higher flows and pressures than the vertically split design. Horizon-
tally split MSC machines are often classified as low-pressure compressors, as their
operating pressure can approach 65 psig. Impeller material can vary from standard
high strength carbon steel to stainless steel grades and even more corrosion-resis-
tant, high-strength options. In some designs, the impeller front cover at the impeller
inducer section is the seal face to the casing inter-stage labyrinth seal. As illustrated
in Figure 6.58, the seal has a long horizontal sealing area and creates a barrier that
prohibits air leakage from the high-pressure side of the impeller to the lower-pressure
inlet side. This extra sealing length allows axial movement in the rotor without
allowing the impellers to contact the casing. This design is more forgiving than an
open impeller design that has very tight clearance to the casing. This forgiveness
is another reason that the horizontally split design is more commonly specified for
critical applications than is the vertically split design.
Front Cover
Chapter 6
Diaphragm Seal
Impeller Front
Seal Point
Horizontally split MSC blowers can be designed with simple labyrinth seals, or they
can be fitted with special seals to handle steam and other non-air gases as required
by the application.
Unlike vertically split MSC blowers, most horizontally split MSC blowers can be fitted
with inlet guide vanes at the inlet to the first stage impeller as a means for achieving
capacity control. Other forms of capacity control are variable speed and inlet valve
throttling. Figures 6.59 and 6.60 show the performance curves for various capacity
control methods available for horizontally split MSC blowers.
© 2022 CAGI
Figure 6.59: Horizontally split MSC blower performance curve with inlet guide vane
Figure 6.60: Horizontally split MSC blower performance curve with variable speed
Horizontally Split MSC Blower Packaging
Similar to vertically split MSC blowers, horizontally split blowers are commonly
provided as fully assembled blower packages. Many packages are required to meet
advanced process industry specifications, such as API, so the horizontally split MSC
Chapter 6
packages are often more complicated than vertically split industrial packages.
Horizontally split MSC blowers can be driven by an electric motor, an engine with
a speed increasing gearbox, or directly via steam or gas turbine. Figure 6.61 shows
a horizontally split MSC blower package driven by a steam turbine with a separate
lubrication oil module.
Figure 6.61: Horizontally split MSC blower package with steam turbine drive
Multistage centrifugal blowers are used heavily in the wastewater treatment industry,
in both municipal and industrial treatment facilities. MSC blowers supply oil free
air throughout the wastewater treatment process; from early-stage grit removal to
aeration of the wastewater stream to aid in the digestion of its organic material,
to backwashing filters, and to supplying combustion air for the incineration of the
sewage sludge in large furnaces. Industrially, MSC blowers supply combustion air for
the glass melting furnaces used in the manufacturing of fiberglass and glass contain-
ers. In some instances, these blowers are replacing air compressors in air-knife and
blow-off applications due to their greater efficiency compared to using regulated,
high-pressure compressed air. As exhausters, MSC blowers are used to extract landfill
gas from landfills and coalbed methane from underground coal deposits. Horizontally
split MSC blowers find extensive use in the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries due
to their ability to meet the exacting API specification often required for equipment
in these industries. The sulfur recovery process, used to convert hydrogen sulfide
gas into elemental sulfur, is a key application in the petrochemical industry, where
horizontally split MSC blowers are used to supply air for thermal incineration. © 2022 CAGI
Regenerative or Side Channel Blower
Operating Principle
Regenerative blowers are dynamic blowers often found in relatively small airflow
blower applications with flows up to 1700 cfm. Broadly speaking, these regenerative
blowers follow the same dynamic operating principles that apply to centrifugal
blowers — using an increase in air velocity to create a pressure difference. Because
there is no lubricant injected into the compression chamber of the side channel
blower, the air leaving their discharge port has an oil content no greater than the oil
content of the intake air.
This velocity energy is created by a series of fins on the impeller, rotating at a rela-
tively high speed inside the blower housing, as illustrated in Figure 6.62. The impeller
is located within a housing composed of a blower cover and blower housing, as
shown in Figure 6.63. The blower cover and housing each have a curved side channel
machined into them to accept the impeller. On the impeller, there are two fins aligned
next to each other, one front facing, one rear facing. With this fin orientation, two
streams of air are sent into a spiral motion at the same time. As the impeller rotates
within the two side channels, each fin sweeps two separate volumes of intake air at
a time and aerodynamically directs them into the 180-degree curved side channels.
During this process, the air velocity is increased. The side channels direct the air back
towards the impeller, where another passing fin “picks up” the air and repeats the
spiral process, increasing the air velocity with each iteration. As the air passes around
the side channels from intake to discharge, the repeating spiral motion process
continues to increase the velocity energy of the air until it leaves the blower housing.
When the air leaves the blower, it enters the diffuser, where a tremendous reduction
in speed occurs. This speed reduction transforms kinetic energy into pressure. The
velocity of the air determines how much pressure or vacuum is generated. Throttling
the inlet and/or discharge port permits the air volume to remain inside the blower Chapter
for a longer period of time, allowing for more spiral “regeneration” cycles to occur,
which increase the velocity energy. The regeneration process gives this dynamic
blower its name — “regenerative” blower.
© 2022 CAGI
Capacity Control
The capacity of a constant-speed side channel blower can be controlled by the use of
a three-way valve that diverts excess capacity back to the inlet to maintain a constant
pressure. Alternatively, since capacity is proportional to impeller speed, the blower
can be driven by a variable-speed motor to allow for capacity ranges between 100%
and 43% from the same blower.
Side channel blowers are supplied from the manufacturer as a complete blower
package. As illustrated in Figure 6.65, the construction of the side channel blower
package is a rather simple design with the impeller mounted directly onto the drive
motor shaft. The impeller is sandwiched between the blower housing and the blower
cover, and the entire assembly is mounted atop a base. The standard material of
construction for all components in the side channel blower is high-strength aluminum
alloy. On larger blowers, the impeller, housing, and cover are manufactured from cast
iron. The internals of the side channel blower can be anodized for added corrosion
resistance, but stainless steel and other metallurgy options are rare. Discharge
silencers are normally included with the complete blower package.
Side Channel Blower Applications
Side channel blowers are used in a wide variety of applications where large volumes
of oil free air at low pressures or vacuum are required. Typical applications include
aeration of sewage in the wastewater treatment industry, fluidizing of Portland
Chapter 6
cement, and aeration of ponds and lagoons. Pick-and-place vacuum lifting, vacuum
packaging, pneumatic conveying, and air-drying are very common uses of the side
channel blower in industrial applications. Other vacuum uses include chip, dust, or
smoke removal. Probably the two most recognizable uses of side channel blowers
are in the dental industry, for vacuum creation, and as the vacuum source for central
vacuum systems. Larger central vacuum systems often have multiple pumps for
higher flows, either tank-mounted or stack-mounted.
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