Ryza Research
Ryza Research
Ryza Research
Department of Education
Region V- Bicol
Prepared by:
Ryza T. Domagco
This chapter covers the related literature and studies after the thorough and
in-depth search done by the researchers. To fully comprehend the research that
needs to be done, this also presents the gaps bridged by the study, synthesis of the
Related Literature
staying away from school without providing a genuine or any reason for not attending
student does not attend school, has become major and continuous problem among
answer a question that is why high school students miss classes. In this notion,
Teasley have noted numerous risk factors that contribute to student absenteeism
such as family health, low income, poor school climate, drug and alcohol use,
environment, family matters, bad weather, transportation problems, poor health, peer
pressure, and the addiction to social media (Ingul et. al, 2012)
Frequent school absenteeism has immediate and long-term negative effects
rates, adult income, health, and life expectancy. Chronic absenteeism appears to be
driven by overlapping medical, individual, family, and social factors, including chronic
illness, mental health conditions, bullying, perceived lack of safety, health problems
Related Studies
“School Policies and Practices to Address Chronic Absenteeism: A Guide for Action”
it provides practical guidance for schools to develop and implement effective policies
School” it identifies the primary reasons for absenteeism among senior high school
student with absenteeism miss opportunities to learn the material that enables them
achievement. In this notion, previous studies has revealed that student absenteeism
Characteristics of truants from 8th and 10th grade”, students negative beliefs of being
beliefs about their academic ability, negative attitudes towards teacher and school
The collective conclusion drawn from all the recent studies indicates that
(2018) study, who claimed that classroom atmosphere, personal attitudes, and
school distance are the main causes of absenteeism among senior high school
performance are health issues including anxiety and depression. In addition, Henry
(2007) research revealed how students’ negative beliefs about their chances of
success can affect their desire to attend class. The National Center for Homeless
Education (2015) conducted a study that offered helpful advice on how schools may
create and carry out efficient policies and intervention to deal with chronic
absenteeism. Demonstrating how the issues of absenteeism can be resolved by
putting in place sensible regulations and taking appropriate action to deal with the
The collected recent studies gathered by the researcher shows some of the
factors that affect absenteeism and also some solutions that could address this
problem but none of these studies have been conducted to the specific area where
this study will be done. Therefore making this study as the first one to be conducted
Conceptual Framework
from school.
health, and personal challenges. Poor academic performance and lack of motivation
can lead to disengagement and decreased desire to attend school. Mental health
issues such as anxiety or depression can also create barriers to regular attendance.
without strong family support or facing significant challenges at home may struggle
This conceptual framework recognizes that these factors act together, with
any one factor potentially triggering or exacerbating another. For example, a student
facing personal challenges at home may find it difficult to cope with academic
to identify the underlying causes of frequent absenteeism among senior high school
The research strategy that the researchers are going to use is covered in
detail in this chapter. The research design, sources of data, description of research