Short Notes Unit - 2-FEM
Short Notes Unit - 2-FEM
Short Notes Unit - 2-FEM
problem in detail.
The finite element modelling process for a one-dimensional bar problem
involves the following steps:
Problem Definition:
The first step is to define the problem that needs to be solved, including the
geometry, material properties, and boundary conditions. In the case of a one-
dimensional bar problem, we need to know the length of the bar, the cross-
sectional area, and the material properties such as Young's modulus and
Poisson's ratio.
The second step is to discretize the bar into a finite number of elements. For
a one-dimensional bar problem, this means dividing the bar into a finite
number of sections or nodes. Each section is assigned a finite element, and
the nodes are used to define the boundary conditions.
Element Formulation:
The third step is to formulate the stiffness matrix for each element. This
involves determining the element stiffness matrix based on the material
properties and the geometry of the element. For a one-dimensional bar
element, the stiffness matrix is a 2x2 matrix that relates the nodal forces and
Global Assembly:
The fourth step is to assemble the element stiffness matrices to form the global
stiffness matrix. This involves combining the individual element stiffness
matrices to create a larger matrix that represents the entire system.
Boundary Conditions:
The fifth step is to apply the boundary conditions to the system. This involves
specifying the nodal displacements or forces at the boundary nodes. For
example, if one end of the bar is fixed, the displacement at that node is set to
The sixth step is to solve the system of equations to determine the nodal
displacements or forces. This can be done using numerical methods such as
Gaussian elimination or iterative solvers.
The final step is to post-process the results to obtain the desired quantities,
such as stresses, strains, or reactions. This involves using the nodal
displacements or forces to calculate the element strains and stresses, and
then using these values to determine the overall response of the system.
Explain the shape functions used in 1-D Bar problems
Shape functions are mathematical functions used to approximate the
displacement field in finite element analysis. In 1-D bar problems, the shape
functions describe how the displacement varies along the length of the bar,
and they are typically polynomial functions.
In a 1-D bar element, the displacement field can be expressed as a linear
combination of the nodal displacements and the shape functions. For
example, in a two-node bar element, the displacement field can be expressed
as: u(x) = N1(x)u1 + N2(x)u2
where u(x) is the displacement at any point along the length of the bar, u1
and u2 are the nodal displacements at the two ends of the bar, and N1(x) and
N2(x) are the shape functions.
The shape functions must satisfy two important properties:
They must satisfy the partition of unity property, which means that the sum
of all shape functions at any point along the bar must be equal to 1.
Mathematically, this can be expressed as:
N1(x) + N2(x) = 1
They must be continuous and differentiable over the entire length of the bar.
This ensures that the displacement field is also continuous and differentiable.
The most commonly used shape functions for 1-D bar elements are the linear
shape functions, which are defined as:
N1(x) = (1 - x/L)
N2(x) = x/L
where L is the length of the bar, and x is the distance from one end of the bar.
These shape functions satisfy both the partition of unity property and the
continuity and differentiability requirements.
Determine the element stiffness matrix and nodal load vectors for a two-
noded one-dimensional element.
• Properties of Stiffness Matrix
1. It is a symmetric matrix.
2. The sum of elements in any column must be equal to zero.
3. It is an unstable element. So, the determinant is equal to zero.
4. The dimension of the global stiffness matrix [ K ] is N x N, where N is the
number of nodes. This follows from the fact that each node has only one
degree of freedom.
5. The diagonal coefficients are always positive and relatively large when
compared to the off-diagonal values in the same row.
Home Work
1. What are the types of loading acting on the structure?
There are three types of loading acting on the body.
They are:
(i) Body force (f).
(ii) Traction force (T).
(iii) Point load (P).
2. Define body force (f).
A body force is a distributed force acting on every elemental volume of the
Unit: Force per unit volume.
Example: Self-weight due to gravity.
3. Define Traction force (T).
Traction force is defined as a distributed force acting on the surface of the
Unit: Force per unit area.
Examples: Frictional resistance, viscous drag, surface shear etc.
4. What is Point Load (P).
Point load is a force acting at a particular point which causes displacement.
5. What are the basic steps involved in the finite element modelling.
Finite element modelling consists of the following:
(i) Discretization of structure.
(ii) Numbering of nodes.
6. What is discretization?
The art of subdividing a structure into a convenient number of smaller
components is known as discretization.
7. What are the classification of co-ordinates?
The co-ordinates are generally classified as follows:
(i) Global co-ordinates.
(ii) Local co-ordinates.
(iii) Natural co-ordinates.
8. What is Global co-ordinates?
The points in the entire structure are defined using co-ordinate system is
known as global co-ordinate system.