F05.1 Leader Self Assessment

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Self Assessment for Leadership (Office/ Site/ Functional H

Office/ Function/ Site:

Name of Office/ Function/ Site Head:
Note: Self assessment sheet shall be submitted by Head to respective EHS SPOC/ Coord. on monthly basis. Its is strongly recommende
Leadership & Commitment
S. No. Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20
Score (More score- Desirable) 1 1 0
Personal commitment
I have read, understood and communicate the EHS Policy, EHS
MIS, Key Lead and Lag Indicators and MS's requirement to team.
1 (I have read the EHS MS doc. in last 6 months) 1 1

Response Based Safety (RBS): PACCC

I am part of this project and driving the same.
Steps to follow when I need to give EHS suggestions/observation:
1. Positive response (Greet/Appreciation to person).
2. Ask :
2.1 what's activity and
2.2 What's are the hazards/ risk associated ?
2.3 What will be the consequences of exposure even once in million chances.
3. Communicate: the requirement of EHS MS.
4. Check: Whether aligned with though/ requirement of EHS MS or not.
2 5. Closure:
5.1 If not agree, then recommend for training/ mentoring.
5.2 If person agree, Give Thanks and may recommend for mentoring/ training.

I have read, understood and communicate the EHS Belief, Principle

and Cardinal rule to team.

I have reviewed EHS MS awareness matrix for workmen and staff

for each procedures/ standards.
I reviewed and ensured that all the team members (all staff,
contractor's staff and workmen) go through the applicable EHS MS's
training session.
4 I taken action for those have not attended/ participated in applicable
EHS MS training and checked- those have failed in post training test.

EHS Culture:
1. Taking overall responsibility and accountability for the prevention of work-
related injury and ill health, as well as the provision of safe and healthy
workplaces and activities.
2. I have taken ownership for any repeated Non compliance in my areas/
activity under control.
I am driving EHS MS system and taking initiatives to ensure non conformity
shall not occur and repeat.
3. I will ask for status of compliance from respective area/ activity in charge
5 e.g. I will ask for compliance for housekeeping/ safety net cleaning/ PPE
compliance etc. to tower in charge. Office related safety compliance- ask from
Admin (nominated).
4. I am driving area wise/ activity wise ownership for EHS.

Keep EHS on first priority on day to day work- in case of any

6 deviation needed from EHS MS- then take approval from EHS Head.
7 Demonstration leadership- walk the talk
Define and communicate role, EHS responsibility and authority
Thoroughly review and compliance of EHS MS Planner (yrly and
9 monthly) and provide input for its improvement on continuous basis

Constitute EHS Committee Meeting:

10 > Office- Admin- Monthly. 0
> Site- PH: Monthly
EHS Meeting:
> Functional / dept. level: Monthly/ weekly
> Office- Admin- Monthly.
> Site- PH: Monthly
11 Regularly conduct EHS meeting and review MOM
Inviting opinion, remove participation barrier, Taking consultation.

Establish, document and review EHS objectives based on

12 consultation and high risk/ env. impact

Ensuring integration of the EHS into the organization‘s business

13 processes
EHS issues discussion in daily project execution meeting (Applicable
14 for site/ office)
15 Conduct EHS audit/ inspection of other sites
16 Participate in incident investigation
17 Participate in self assessment audit
18 Review and provision of resources
Promote STOP WORK AUTHORITY for unsafe act/ condition
among all staff/ contractor's staff and workmen

20 Review ROR quarterly or as required

21 Review EPRP annually or as required
Review Training and mock drill/ table top plan quarterly or as
22 required
23 Monthly thoroughly review EHS MIS
Participate in EHS campaign, reward, recognition, EHS committee
24 meeting
Ensure relevant staff/ workmen participate in EHS training
26 Report incident to top mgt on time
Take consequence action against violator and especially repeated
27 violator.
Communicate and explain EHS KPI to staff and contractor
ip (Office/ Site/ Functional Head) TRIL/CORP/EHS/F/5.1/2020/00

Date of review:

asis. Its is strongly recommended to implement the same with other employee too.
Self Assessment (Rating 0- No, 1-Yes)
Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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