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Course Name (With Code): Linux Operating System (4331602)
Semester / Year: 2nd/3rd
Sr. No. Questions related to Course Outcomes CO Number
Part – A
Questions carrying 3 Marks
1 Explain File system and types of file system supported in linux. 4331602.c
2 Explain file attributes and file types in Linux. 4331602.c
3 What are the different accessing methods of file? 4331602.c
4 Justify the need of security measures in Operating System. 4331602.d
5 Justify the need of authentication in Operating system 4331602.d
6 What are different program threats in OS? 4331602.d
7 What are the different system threats in OS. 4331602.d
8 Discuss types of looping statements in shell script. 4331602.e
9 Discuss basic operator in shell scripts. 4331602.e
Write linux command for following.
1. Display the user id of currently logged in user.
10 4331602.e
2. Display host name of your system.
3. Display history of logins into system.
Write linux command for following:
1. Display the date of your system
11 4331602.e
2. Display help for pwd command
3. Display the history of previously executed command.
12 Explain mkdir, mv, cp and rm command. 4331602.e
Part – B
Questions carrying 4 Marks
1 Explain various ways to access files into a computer system. 4331602.c
2 Differentiate between various file allocation methods. 4331602.c
3 Explain operating system security policies and procedure. 4331602.d
Describe various program threats and system threats in Operating 4331602.d
5 Explain Access control list in OS. 4331602.d
6 Write a shell script to find among three numbers. 4331602.e
Write shell script to read five numbers from user and find average
7 4331602.e
of five numbers.
Part – C
Questions carrying 7 Marks
1 List various file allocation methods and explain them in detail. 4331602.c
2 Discuss types of Linux file System. 4331602.c
What is protection in operating system? Explain the need of 4331602.d
protection mechanism in operating system.
What is protection in operating system? Explain protection domain 4331602.d
and access control list in protection mechanism.
5 Explain access control list in OS. 4331602.d
Discuss the following commands:
6 i) Whoami ii) grep iii) cat iv) pwd v) ls 4331602.e
vi) kill vii)ps
Discuss the following commands:
7 ii) top ii) head iii) tail iv) su v) hostname 4331602.e
vi) date vii) cal
Write a shell script to find numbers od characters, words and lines
8 4331602.e
of given input file “abc.txt”.

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