KC Port Orders 484 Establishment Circular No - 962017

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GOVERNMENT OF INDIA. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF CUSTOMS (A&A) CUSTOM HOUSE : KOLKATA. E.No, $42-02/ 2012 Estt Dated: 14.11.2017 ESTABLISHMENT CIRCULAR NO.- 96/2017. ‘The World Customs Organization has invited nominations for the post of Technical Officer (Grade A3) in the Capacity Building Directorate at the Secretariat of the World Customs Organization (WCO) in Brussels. Detailed information on the job description, the conditions of service and application form along with Board's letter regarding “Vacancy of Technical Officer at WCO Capacity Building Directorate” have been uploaded on Kolkata Customs website. ‘Accordingly all eligible officers are requested to send their willingness to this office within 15! November 2017 for further necessary action at this end. sSIRIOERT AOS Paaler (Shiv Shankar) Assistant Commissioner of Customs Personnel & Establishment Custom House, Kolkata, Copy to 1. All Concerned (Gr, A officer); 2. Si.PS, to Chief Commissioner of Customs, PS. to Commissioner of Customs (A&A), PS. to Commissioner of Customs (Por) 137 Supdt (Computer Cell for uploading and wide circulation please. we | ec Ny 4 X¢gikata Customs (Airport ‘& Administration) q Ds rian ES 4 o \ Money féchnical Officer WOO Capacity Building Directorate-reg: 2essogen ardoep Batra iowcocbec@Nci> Mon, Nov, 2017 t 8:27 PM Hardoop Bats cr eialanco-coececin>,coxanchizone@yance cou. een eee ric.n, Fee rat@resifnoi com, [email protected], adc. tar@yaroe Scoot guj@ricin, [email protected], chiloom ga es, cesnennaizoneq@ama co, custosprovetveG ON, ‘[email protected], ond cream, reportleusC@gmal. com, cconchin (@gmal. com Pr lenon@hokmall car, ccojnch2@gmal. com. coca vanes @gmal. com, cczones@mumbaicustoms3. 90 [email protected], [email protected], Co ee lok auaassgne:n, maumorse@nen, sm isis Se rjayennic.in, commrcoord-cbec@nic in, Isc egnicin, jcbk-rev@icin, ampandey2001 @yahoo com ‘Frencrakumar67@nicin,pranabses60@gral-com, ca gyn, [email protected], cus ah. [email protected], sooo pacer Or al cm, [email protected], comal.chennsi@Ose rr, ‘[email protected], [email protected], neeta.butaia@gmal orm [email protected], 911196 [email protected], inmmayar gmat corn, atandlngmal.com,jlpurcustom sO a9 Ae ‘scp.edi@gmail com, comeusas ota a com, cop woxairediinal com, Pramos Moros Ceo ry customesmum@nicin, reitgryayjey24@amaicom, commaimpjnen@aral. com, ho [email protected], [email protected], oon ye a giicin, ravi [email protected],roopam.Kapoor@icegate Gov ‘gay [email protected], customspaina@gmalcom Respected SiiMacam, Prease find attached Circular dated 06.11.2017. KGny send the aplatn/namination for suitable ofcerocors atest BY 15% Novernber, 2017. with regards, Hardoep Batre ‘Adaitonal Commissioner Woo Cell Control Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) New Delhi Inia aay, #3 RTT ages ed ao pee aS ag aoc, He “ol: 491-11-23961525 Fax +91-11-25741542 Hardeop Batra RT -s1t0- 8, REFERENCES ye are accurate and complete and | | cetity thatthe statements made by me abot squired in Support of them. Undertake to supply. on request, any documentary evidence re {on or material omission, even unintentional, may | am aware that any misrepresentat the annulment of any subsequent appointment. ‘esult in the rejection of my application oF | agree to undergo the medical examination required before any appointment (Date) (Candidate's signature) “The Word Customs Organization isan equal opportunites omployer. 10/10-

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