Text Vocabulary
Seahorses are tiny fishes that are named for the shape of their Shape; bentuknya
head, which looks like the head of a tiny horse. Look like: tampak seperti
Seahorses vary in size from 1.5 cm to 36 cm in length. Seahorses Vary; bermacam-macam
have equine (horse-like) shape of the head, elongated body and Length; panjangnya
curled tail. They do not have scales. Despite their specific body Equine; seperti kuda
shape, seahorses have gills, swim bladder and fins, just like all other Elongated; memanjang
fish. Curled; keriting Despite ; meskipun
Bladder; kantung
Colour of the seahorse body matches with its environment. Some Matches; cocok
species change their body colour under stress conditions or as a part Environment; lingkungan
of mating ritual. Change; mengubah
Mating; kawin
Seahorses hold a Guinness World Record as the slowest swimmers Dwarf; kerdil
in the ocean. Dwarf seahorse swims 152 cm per hour. Record; catatan.
Seahorse can move its fins 50 times in second, but that is not Second; detik Enough; Cukup
enough for efficient movement. On the other hand, they are quite movement; gerakan
maneuverable and able to move up, down, forward and backward. Maneuverable; bergerak ke segala
Seahorse can be easily moved away by the sea current because of arah
its tiny structure and inability to swim fast. Luckily, it has a Forward; maju. Backward; mundur
prehensile tail which allows it to grab a coral branch or sea weed Current; aliran
and prevent current movement. Inability; ketidak mampuan
Prehensile ; dapat memegang
Grab; mencabut Coral ; kerang
Weed; rumput Prevent; mencegah
Seahorses eat plankton and small crustaceans. They do not have Crustaceans; udang udangan
teeth and stomach and food passes quickly through their body. Teeth; gigi .Stomach; perut
Seahorses are able to eat up to 3000 brine shrimp per day. Able ; Dapat. Brine ; asin
Shrimp; udang
Seahorses interact with each other by producing the clicking Interact; berhubungan, clicking; klik,
sounds. These sounds are also produced during meals. Some measl ; makan. Monogamous; hanya
species of seahorses are monogamous (they mate for life), while satu pasnagan. Breeding;
other stay together only during a breeding season. berkembang ikut
The best known fact about seahorses is that male carries the babies. Male; jantan Carries; mengandung
Mating ritual is complex and it involves dancing when seahorses Ritual; tata cara Complex; rumit
intertwine their tails and move around tangled. It may last for hours. Involve; melibatkan
Male seahorses have a pouch on the front side of their body. When Intertwine; mengkait
female deposits her eggs inside the pouch, male fertilizes them Tangled; mengkait Hours; ber jam
internally. Male can carry up to 2000 babies at the time. jam Pouch; kantung Deposit;
Pregnancy lasts between two and five weeks. Young seahorses look menyimpan
like miniature versions of their parents. Fertilize; membuahi
Only 1% of babies will live long enough to reach the adulthood. Pregnancy; kehamilan Versi; tiruan
Lifespan of most seahorse species is between one and five years Reach; mencapai
both in the wild and in the captivity. Wild’ liar Captivity; pelestarian