Module 4
Module 4
Module 4
The Netiquette and The Computer ethics discusses about the ethical issues in the field of
computer. May it be in online or practicing in professional.
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
• Discuss the importance of being a responsible netizen by following the rules of
common courtesy online and the informal “rules of the road” of cyberspace.
• Discuss the difference between privacy and security.
• Explain various risks to internet privacy.
Lesson 1: Netiquette
What is Netiquette?
What is Netiquette? Simple stated, it’s network etiquette – that is the etiquette of cyberspace and
“etiquette” means the forms of required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be
required in social or official life. In other words, netiquette is a set of rules for behaving properly
Netiquette, or network etiquette, is concerned with the "proper" way to communicate in an online
environment. Consider the following "rules," adapted from Virginia Shea's the Core Rules of
Netiquette, whenever you communicate in the virtual world.
When you use e-mail, instant messenger, video calls, or discussion boards to communicate with
others online, please be sure to follow the rules of professional online communications known as
netiquette. These rules will help you communicate with instructors, classmates, and potential
employers more effectively and will help prevent misunderstandings.
REMEMBER THE GOLDEN RULE – Even though you may be interacting with a
computer screen, you are communicating with a real person who will react to your
message. Make a good impression - treat others with the same respect that you would like
to receive and avoid confrontational or offensive language.
• To protect your privacy and safety, do not share online any sensitive personal
information such as:
- Your home address or phone number
- Personal conversations
- Social plans, such as vacations
- Financial information
- Usernames, passwords, or hints
- Anything personal that you would not want shared by others over the Internet
• If the material you share with others online came from another source, make every
effort to gain permission from the original author or copyright holder. Copying
someone else's work and passing it off as your own is plagiarism. It damages your
reputation and could subject you to serious academic and legal consequences.
Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with determining what is right and wrong. Listed
below are 10 commandments to help you understand computer ethics. Anyone working in the
field of IT is going to encounter a lot of ethical problems. Why? Because computers are very
powerful and IT professionals are like wizards controlling this technology. We all know from
watching Harry Potter movies that wizards can be good or bad, and so can IT professionals. Non-
technical people are increasingly dependent and trusting of information technology. If the next
20 years is anything like the last 20 years, the future is very bright for IT workers. This is why IT
professionals need to study and practice computer ethics.
People rely on computers to handle the more tedious details of their social, business, and
financial lives. Imagine what would happen if an enemy or a business competitor got access to
your email account, bank account, facebook profile, and company website? They could destroy
your reputation in a matter of hours. This is why we need to study Computer Ethics.
The idea of Computer Ethics was invented in 1950 by MIT professor Norbert Wiener. Norbert
predicted that the world would undergo “a second industrial revolution” — an “automatic age”
with “enormous potential for good and for evil”. Today we live in that world! Why did he say
this? Airplane drones can bomb a target while the pilot is safe in a computer room thousands of
miles away. Criminals can use phishing and other social engineering techniques steal your
financial information while sitting safely on another country. Companies can create
confusing privacy policies to gather and use information about you without your knowledge
or consent. Governments can block access to information using firewalls. These are all very
serious ethical violations that happen every day.
The main concerns of computer ethics are: Internet privacy, cracking, copyright
infringement, and Internet control. The Computer Ethics Institute (CEI) has laid these 10
commandments down for people to follow. Below each of the 10 Commandments, I have put
some comments to help explain what the commandment means to me.
Rule #1: Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other people.
You should not program a computer to do dangerous things to people. For example, to
program a robot to kill people, make viruses, or weapons of mass destruction. What this means is
that computers are not an excuse to do bad things to people. The programmer is responsible for
the actions of his programs.
Rule #2: Thou shalt not interfere with other people's computer work.
Everyone has the right to use computers. Likewise creating a computer virus is wrong
because it wastes people’s time and money and destroys potentially valuable property. As the
hippies used to say: “Live and let live!”
Rule #3: Thou shalt not snoop around in other people's computer files:
It is illegal to open and read someone's real physical mail, and it is also illegal to snoop
on network connections and read someones email, passwords, files, databases, etc.
This one is obvious. Stealing is just as bad with a computer or without one. Use your IT
powers for good!
Rule #5: Thou shalt not use a computer to bear false witness.
This commandment means that you shouldn’t use a computer to create false facts. For
instance, photoshopping a picture to make an innocent man look guilty. Perhaps another equally
important commandment should be, “Don’t believe everything you see on the Internet”. Just like
in traditional media, it is a common practice to spread half-truths, exaggerations, lies, and rumors
on the Internet. This is wrong.
Rule #6: Thou shalt not copy or use proprietary software for which you have not paid.
Think about how hard it is to write good software. Think about all the people and costs
involved. You have two choices: 1) buy a license or 2) find an open source alternative. Using
pirated software not only unethical it is dangerous because of hidden malware.
Rule #7: Thou shalt not use other people's computer resources. without authorization or
proper compensation.
Is it ethical to use a neighbor’s lawn mower or mixer without telling them? How about
their Internet connection? No it isn’t! Is it legal or ethical to do bad things on a computer while
logged in as someone else? No it isn’t! Don’t do it!
Rule #8: Thou shalt not appropriate other people's intellectual output.
If you copy text or images from a website and post them on your own website it is a
crime in most countries, and definitely not ethical. Why? You are causing irreparable damage to
the creator of the content. Why not ‘get a life’ and create your own unique and original content?
You will be much happier in the long run creating new things rather than stealing from other
Rule #9) Thou shalt think about the social consequences of the program you are writing or
the system you are designing.
Do you write software that helps people to steal, kill, spy, gamble, or spread
pornography? Please ask yourself why. Is there a way you can use your IT talents for good
purposes? Wouldn’t the world be a better place if everyone was engaged in positive behavior
instead of negative behavior? Think about it!
10) Thou shalt always use a computer in ways that ensure consideration and respect for
your fellow humans.
Things that you do ‘online’ can have real effects in your ‘offline’ life as well. Perhaps
Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, said it best, “Having two identities for yourself is an
example of a lack of integrity."
Okay, that was a brief introduction to Computer Ethics. I hope you enjoyed it and it didn't sound
too "preachy". I also hope that you continue to think about ethical questions throughout your IT
career. It’s very important. Your career and maybe even your life can be ruined by making the
wrong ethical decisions.
The original 10 commandments, minus my excellent ;) comments, can be found at this URL:
Computer Ethics Institute
Lesson 2: Cybercrimes
What is Cyber?
It is the Characteristics of the culture of computers, information, technology and virtual reality.
Republic Act No. 10175 Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 is a law in the Philippines
approved on September 12,2012 which aims to address legal issues concerning online
interactions and internet.
Republic Act No. 10173 Data Privacy Act of 2012 is an act protecting individual personal
a. Copyright
The exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform,
film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same.
Copyright infringement is the violation, piracy or theft of a copyright holder's exclusive
rights through the unauthorized use of a copyrighted material or work.
b. Plagiarism
An act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author
without authorization.
c. Computer Addiction
• Offline: generally used when speaking about excessive gaming behavior, which can
be practiced both offline and online.
• Online: Also known as “Internet Addiction”, gets more attention in general from
scientific research than offline computer addiction, mainly because most cases of
computer addiction are related to the excessive use of the Internet. *Virtual Self -
The persona you create about yourself virtually.
a. Hacking
• Unauthorized access of or interference with computer systems, servers, or other
information and communication systems
• Unauthorized access to corrupt, alter, steal, or destroy electronic data using computers
or other information and communication systems without the computer or system
owner’s knowledge and consent
• The introduction of computer viruses resulting in the corruption, alteration, theft, or
loss of such data
• Illegal Access
• Illegal Interception
• Data Interference
• System Interference
• Misuse of Devices
• Infection of IT Systems with Malware – if the act is committed against critical
infrastructure of the Philippines the, penalty is between 12-20 years reclusion
• Six years up to twelve years of imprisonment also known as prison mayor.
c. Electronic theft
• Illegal Downloading
• Obtaining files that you do not have the right to use from the internet.
• Digital Piracy
• Practice of illegally copying and selling digital music, video, computer software, etc.
• Copyright Infringement
• Penalty of Php 50,000 – 500, 000 and or prison mayor
d. Cyberbullying
• The use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending a
message of an intimidating or threatening nature.
• The Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 (RA 10627)
e. Cybersex
• Willful engagement, maintenance, control, or operation, directly or indirectly of any
lascivious exhibition of sexual organs or sexual activity with the aid of a computer
system for favor or consideration.
• There is a discussion on this matter if it involves “couples” or “people in relationship”
who engage in cybersex.
• Penalty at least Php 200,000 and or prison mayor
f. Child Pornography
• Is a form of child sexual exploitation.
Unlawful or prohibited acts defined and punishable by Republic Act No. 9775 or the
AntiChild Pornography Act of 2009, committed through a computer system.
• Penalty of 12-20 years of imprisonment or reclusion temporal
g. Cyber Defamation
• Is an unprivileged false statement of fact which tends to harm the reputation of a
person or company.
• Penalty of 6-12 years of imprisonment or prison mayor.
Lesson 3: Internet Threats
Hacking is a term used to describe actions taken by someone to gain
unauthorized access to a computer. The availability of information
online on the tools, techniques, and malware makes it easier for even
non-technical people to undertake malicious activities.
The process by which cyber criminals gain access to your computer.
What it can do:
• Find weaknesses (or pre-existing bugs) in your security settings and exploit them in order
to access your information.
• Install a Trojan horse, providing a back door for hackers to enter and search for your
Malware is one of the more common ways to infiltrate or damage your
computer. Malicious software that infects your computer, such as
computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, and adware.
What it can do:
• Intimidate you with scareware, which is usually a pop-up message that tells you your
computer has a security problem or other false information.
• Reformat the hard drive of your computer causing you to lose all your information.
• Alter or delete files.
• Steal sensitive information.
• Send emails on your behalf.
• Take control of your computer and all the software running on it.
Pharming is a common type of online fraud.
A means to point you to a malicious and illegitimate website by
redirecting the legitimate URL. Even if the URL is entered correctly, it
can still be redirected to a fake website.
What it can do:
• Convince you that the site is real and legitimate by spoofing or looking almost identical to
the actual site down to the smallest details. You may enter your personal information and
unknowingly give it to someone with malicious intent.
Phishing is used most often by cyber criminals because it's easy to
execute and can produce the results they're looking for with very little
Fake emails, text messages and websites created to look like they're
from authentic companies. They're sent by criminals to steal personal and financial
information from you. This is also known as “spoofing”.
What it does:
• Trick you into giving them information by asking you to update, validate or confirm your
account. It is often presented in a manner than seems official and intimidating, to
encourage you to take action.
• Provides cyber criminals with your username and passwords so that they can access your
accounts (your online bank account, shopping accounts, etc.) and steal your credit card
Ransomware is a type of malware that restricts access to your computer
or your files and displays a message that demands payment in order for
the restriction to be removed. The two most common means of infection
appear to be phishing emails that contain malicious attachments and
website pop-up advertisements.
What it can do:
• There are two common types of ransomware:
• Lock screen ransomware: displays an image that prevents you from accessing your
• Encryption ransomware: encrypts files on your system's hard drive and sometimes on
shared network drives, USB drives, external hard drives, and even some cloud storage
drives, preventing you from opening them
• Ransomware will display a notification stating that your computer or data have been
locked and demanding a payment be made for you to regain access. Sometimes the
notification states that authorities have detected illegal activity on your computer, and
that the payment is a fine to avoid prosecution.
What you can do:
• Do not pay the ransom. These threats are meant to scare and intimidate you, and they do
not come from a law enforcement agency. Even if you submit payment, there is no
guarantee that you will regain access to your system.
• If your computer has been infected (i.e. you are unable to access your computer or your
files have been encrypted), contact a reputable computer technician or specialist to find
out whether your computer can be repaired and your data retrieved.
• In order to lessen the impact of a ransomware infection, be sure to regularly back-up your
data with a removable external storage drive. It's possible that your files might be
irretrievable; having an up-to-date backup could be invaluable.
Spam is one of the more common methods of both sending information
out and collecting it from unsuspecting people.
The mass distribution of unsolicited messages, advertising or
pornography to addresses which can be easily found on the Internet
through things like social networking sites, company websites and
personal blogs.
Most people have heard of computer viruses, but not many know
exactly what they are or what they do.
Malicious computer programs that are often sent as an email attachment
or a download with the intent of infecting your computer, as well as the
computers of everyone in your contact list. Just visiting a site can start an automatic
download of
a virus.
Wi-Fi Eavesdropping
WiFi eavesdropping is another method used by cyber criminals to
capture personal information.
Virtual “listening in” on information that's shared over an unsecure (not
encrypted) WiFi network.
Worms are a common threat to computers and the Internet as a whole.
A worm, unlike a virus, goes to work on its own without attaching itself
to files or programs. It lives in your computer memory, doesn't damage
or alter the hard drive and propagates by sending itself to other
computers in a network.