Ele - Iii Sem

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Elective IV&V Credits: 3 or 4 Various Electives Given by the Different Faculty including... Organizational Behavior & Entrepreneurship Financial Management Organizational Behavior & Entrepreneurship Credits: 3 This course objective is © To develop an understanding of the behavior of individuals and groups inside organizations and further enhance skills in understanding and appreciating individuals, interpersonal, and group process for increased effectiveness both within and outside of organizations ‘© To develop an understanding of the nature, functioning and design of Organisation as social collectivitcs. © To examine the reciprocal relationship between the organisational characteristics (for example: structure, strategies, systems etc.) and managerial behaviour. ‘* To develop theoretical and practical insights and problem-solving capabilities for effectively managing the organisational processes. ‘© To develop an understanding of the nature, functioning and design of Organisation as social collectivities. © To examine the reciprocal relationship between the organisational characteristics (for example: structure, strategies, systems etc.) and managerial behaviour. ‘+ To develop theoretical and practical insights and problem-solving capabilities for effectively managing the organisational processes (On successful completion of this course, candidates should have a basic understanding and appreciation of the topics outlined in the course content as well as have knowledge of things required to start up and manage a new venture or an existing one respectively. Syllabus: Module A: Organisational Behaviour B-an overview; Organisational Culture and Climate, Authority and Responsibility, Perception and Decision making,, Communication, Group Dynamics and behaviour, Interpersonal Behaviour (TA), Power and Politics, Conflict management , Motivation, Stress management, Emotions and emotional intelligence, Leadership Module B: Organisational Design and Development Understanding organisations , Organisational structures , Organisation design Strategy and structure, Work Organisation Module C: Organisational Analysis, Development and Change: Organisational Diagnosis, Organisation Development, Alternative Interventions, Transactional analysis, MBO, grid OD, Factors influencing choice of OD intervention, Organisational Change, Institution Building. Module D: Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurial attributes and characteristics, The business plan (Business opportunity identification, Source of assistance, Market assessment), Motivation, Leadership and Management in an entrepreneurial business, Planning, QC, Marketing, finance and production management, Developing Human Capital, Emotional intelligence in the workplace, Case studies. Module E : Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Entrepreneurial challenges, Entrepreneurship and Self-employment, Inclusive Entrepreneurship, Business ethics, TOM, Strategic Planning, Franchising, VC financing, Exports. Text Books / Reference Books: 1. Principles of Management: Herald Koontz, Heinz weibrich and A. RamachandraAryasri, Tata McGraw-Hill 2004 2. Principles and Practice of Management by LM Prasad — Sultan Chand & Sons 2010 3. Organizational Behavior by Stephen P, Robbins, Timothy A. Judge, Prentice Hall, 2014. 4. Organizational Behaviour by V G Kondalkar, New Age International Publishers, 2007 5. Organizational Behaviour by Veerabhadrappa Havinal, New Age International Publishers, 2009 6. Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and Management: Vasant Desai, Himalaya Publishing House, 7. Entrepreneurial Development: S.S. Kanka, S. Chand & Company 2012 8. Entrepreneurship Development and Management: R.K. Singhal, S.K. Khataria &Sons.2012 9. Entrepreneurship Development: S. Anil Kumar, S.C. Poornima, Mini K. Abrahrn,K. Jayashree, New Age International (P) Limited. 2003 10. Hand book of Entrepreneurship Development, GR Basotia, KK Sharma, Mangal deep publications, 1999 11. Small Scale Industries and Entrepreneurshi /asant Desai, Himalaya Publishing House. 2002 12, The One Page Business Plan for the Creative Entrepreneur. Jim Horan, PAP/COM edition, 2004 Suggested assignments 1, Case studies of organisational changes in Indian Corporate world. 2, Case studies of successful small business entrepreneurs in Indian context. 3. Preparation of a project for starting an enterprise by a technocrat. 4, Assignment on preparation of a paper on Governmental schemes/ support for new entrepreneurs FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Credits: 3 Objectives © Familiarize the students with the financial environment of business, with special focus on financial markets ‘* Imparting knowledge about the decisions and decision variables in building the liability and asset sides of the balance sheet of an entity ‘* Developing the analytical skills by familiarizing with tools and techniques of financial analysis ‘* Introduce the student to fundamentals of Economics and Banking so far as they are required to understand and evaluate financial function. On successful completion of this paper candidates should be able to: Discuss the role and purpose of the financial management function Assess and discuss the impact of the economic environment on finaneial management Carry out effective investment appraisal Identify and evaluate alternative sources of business finance Explain and calculate the cost of capital and the factors w Explain and apply risk management techniques in business h affect it Syllabus Module A: The Economic Environment of business: Introduction to Microeconomics, -_ Supply and demand concepts and analysis of Markets. - Consumer behaviour. Market Power and pricing strategies, Introduction to Macro-economics. - Growth, unemployment, inflation and role of money. -Business cycles- role of Government policy— Economic Planning, Reforms,- Indian agriculture, industry, infrastructure, tax structure and public finance. Module B: indian Banking System: Introduction and banking regulation. -_ Indian Banking structure, - Role and functions of banks, Functions and products and services - Regulatory provisions/enactments governing functioning of banks, -Regulation and Supervision of Banking and, financial sector — Role, functions and working of Reserve Bank of India.- Economic and Monetary policy and its effect of economy. - Role of SEBI, IRDA, IDRBT, and other institutions. -Retail, wholesale, international banking, ~ Insurance companies-Bancassurance ~ADRs, GDRs, PCs etc,- Banking Services Payment and Collection systems ~ Financing Priority sectors ~ancillary services. and modern banking-Problem of NPAs- Marketing, Distribution channel management, Ancillary business (selling of MF, Insurance and other financial products.) Module C: Financial Management: Introduction and overview of Financial management, -Financial environment of Business “Structure and components of (Indian) Financial System - Legal, regulatory and tax environment for financial management - Financial Markets: Capital Market, money market, Foreign Exchange Market Module D: Financial Analysis and Planning: Financial Statements and analyses - Working Capital management -Capital Budgeting, - Long-term Financing, - Capital Structure and dividend policies Module E: Financial management special areas: Corporate restructuring- __Non-conventional source of finance - Inflation and financial management - Financial Management of Sick Units - Leasing, Hire purchase, Factoring and Forfaiting - International financial management Text Books/ Reference Books: Financial Menagement- Theory and Practice, Prasanna Chandra, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011 An Introduction to Financial Management, Pandey. I M. Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2010 Principles and Practices Of Banking (English) 2nd Edition, Indian Institute Of Banking & Finance (UBF) Macmillan India Limited. 2012 N. Gottiries, “Macroeconomics”; (2013); Macmillan ©. Blanchard, “Macroeconomics”; 6th edition (2012), Pearson. N.G. Mankiw, “Macroeconamies”; 8th edition (2013), WorthPublishers. Goolsbee, 5, Levitt and C. Syverson; “Microeconomics”, International Edition; (2013), Macmillan N.G. Mankiw and MP. Taylor, “Microeconomics”: 2nd Edition (2011); Cengage. Indian Economy. Ramesh Singh. McCraw Hill Education, 2012. Suggested assignments 1, Analysis of financial statements of a company: Calculation of liquidity, leverage, profitability, turnover and valuation ratios. 2. Preparation of Cash flow and Funds flow statements from the company’s financial statements, 3. Working out the working capital requirements of a company and preparation of financing plans. 4, Preparation of a paper on the impact of the current budget on various businesses (impact analysis) — small, medium and large industries — various types of industries (iron, coal, gas, energy, minerals, fertilizers, etc.) - on agriculture and allied industries, (Each student may be assigned one area) 5. if possible) Assessment of a Capital project. 6. Status papers on Indian banking industry — (may be with different foci —like technology, communications, new marketing environment and competition. 7. Assessment of potential and prospects of starting a new bank, (sector specific bank? Like women’s bank — postal bank rural bank?)

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