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1 author:
Qamar Sultana
Muffakham Jah College of Engineering and Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by Qamar Sultana on 19 February 2021.
Volume 07, Issue 06, June 2019 UGC Journal No.: 64650
InNelatur Village, which is the case study, the present system of water supply is intermittent supply and a tree
system or dead end system network is adopted for water distribution. This system may not be sufficient in the coming
years to cater to the increasing water demand of the village. Therefore this study is about the analysis and design of
the water distribution network of this area using EPANET software, which helps to design the water distribution
network for any required area, for any domestic house hold usages or any commercial purposes. EPANET, which
consists of a computer program,does the simulation of hydraulic behavior and water quality behavior with in the
pressure pipe networks.. The analysis of the distribution network is done based on various public demands,
quantities of inflows and out flows of the over-head reservoirs. This analysis provides the information about various
demands, losses, and uses of the public. The design of a new network of supply will make the municipality be aware
of the new demands, rate of increase in the demands. The design is made keeping in view of the population growth
rate, and the development in the village. The design brings out an improvement in the existing network.
Water supply distribution network is a part of town and municipality planning. Hence it’s planning and design has to
be done by the city planners and Civil Engineers with utmost care, considering the effecting factors like the location
of the town or city, its current water demand, the future demand growth, leakages in the conduits, required pressure
in pipes, losses in the pipes etc.
Water from various ground water and surface water sources is received by the water supply system, where it gets
purified, disinfected, chlorinated. This treated water is sent to elevated reservoirs or tanks, from which the water
enters the water distribution networks. Water distribution networks serves the purpose of supplying water for
drinking, washing, sanitation, irrigation, fire-fighting etc. The objective of the distribution system is to make
accessible the water to every house, industrial plants and public places. Every point has to be supplied with optmum
quantity of water with the desired pressure. Therefore the water has to be taken to the roads and streets in the city
and finally to the individual houses. This activity of taking the water from the treatment plant to the individual
homes is done through a well-planned distribution system. A distribution system consists of pressure conduits of
different sizes for taking water to the streets, valves to control the flow in pipes, service connections to the
International Journal of Scientific Research and Review ISSN No.: 2279-543X
Volume 07, Issue 06, June 2019 UGC Journal No.: 64650
individual homes, reservoirs to store the water to be fed into the distribution pipes. The water may be pumped into
the pipes, or it may be stored in a reservoir and then led into the distribution pipes.
Usually the distribution networks are designed to meet the peak demands, due to which low flow conditions are
created in parts of the networks, which leads to the degradation of the chemical and microbial water
quality.Therefore the main purpose of the distribution network is to supply water with adequate pressure and flow.
There is loss in pressure due to pipe wall friction, water demand, pipe length, pipe diameter and gradient. The
traditional, water distribution network follows the street plan and topography. By the usage of soft wares, the
modeler simulates the pressures and flows in the networks.
The distribution network analysis is done using EPANET software. EPANET software models water distribution
network system. This software does the extended period simulation of the water movement, quality behavior in the
pipe network. The main elements of a pipe network are pipes, nodes (junctions), pumps, valves and storage tanks or
reservoirs. Thesoftware notes the flow of water in each pipe, pressure at each node, height of the water in each tank,
chemical concentration during its flow through the network during a simulation period, water age, source, and
tracing. The main aim of the system is to create enough water pressure at various points i.e., at the consumer's point
and to give the choice of the distribution and its elevation with respect to the location of the water treatment plants.
The area for which the designing of the water distribution system is done is Village Nelatur.Nelatur Village, with
population of 2807 is Maddipadu sub district's the 7th most populous village, located in Prakasam districtof Andhra
Pradesh state in India. Total geographical area of Nelatur village is 10 km2 and it is the 6th biggest village by area in
the sub district. Population density of the village is 291 persons per km2. There are 745 houses in the Village.The
village comes under Nelaturpanchayat. Maddipadu is the sub district head quarter and the distance from the village
is 7 km. District head quarter of the village is Ongole which is 21 km away. The distribution system designed here is
tree system or dead end system.The number of nodes designed here are 80 and 1 reservoir and these all are shown in
International Journal of Scientific Research and Review ISSN No.: 2279-543X
Volume 07, Issue 06, June 2019 UGC Journal No.: 64650
The portion ofland between the source of water and the area is surveyed to get the levels for the alignment of the
main pipe. This pipe carries the treated water to the reservoir(s) located in the distribution area. To prepare the
detailed maps with the locations of roads, streets, lanes, residential areas, commercial locality, industrial areas,
gardens etc. the distribution area is surveyed. A topographical map of the area is prepared to locate the high and low
A tentative layout of the distribution line is then marked, the location of the treatment plant(s), distribution mains,
distribution and balancing reservoirs, valves, hydrants, etc. The entire area is divided into various distribution
districts. The density of population (average number of people per hectare area) is also marked. The length of
pipelines iskept as short as possible.
When the design discharge is known, diameters of the pipesare assumed in such a way that the velocities of flow lies
between 0.6 to 3 m/s. Small velocities aretaken for pipes of small diameter and big velocities for large diameter
pipes. The loss of head in the pipes is then calculated using Hazen William’s formula (or monogram) as shown in
equation 1.
S = hydraulic gradient
C = coefficient of roughness of pipe In terms of diameter D of the pipe, the above formula reduces to:
V= 0.354C×D0.63×S0.54
Where, D is the diameter of the pipe in meters. Expressed in terms of loss of head and the length of the pipe, the
Hazen Williams formula takes the following form:
hf =6.843× [L/(D1.167)]×[V/CH]1.852
International Journal of Scientific Research and Review ISSN No.: 2279-543X
Volume 07, Issue 06, June 2019 UGC Journal No.: 64650
I. Survey – Survey of the land was done by the remote sensing department noting the elevation of various junctions,
length of roads and marking the position of important structures such as religious institutions, academic institutions
and water bodies if any. The survey data was converted into an AutoCAD File showing the same.
II. Obtaining Survey data – AutoCAD file of the area was obtained showing various features and elevation data.
III. EPACAD – Using EPACAD Software the AutoCAD file was converted to an EPANET File.
IV. EPANET – After obtaining the village layout in EPANET, various parameters such as units, notations, colors,
formulas, scale etc. were selected.
V. Input (Elevation) – Parameters such as Elevation data was entered for each node/ junction from AutoCAD file.
VI. Input (Base Demand) – Base demand for every node was calculated by using the population and taking water
demand as 100 Liters /day/Capita and distributing it to each node based upon the length of pipes attached to each
VII. Input (Reservoir) – A reservoir was placed at a location near the nodes with highest elevation. The reservoir
should be placed at an elevation 15- 20 m higher than the highest elevation of the nodes.
IX. Running Analysis –After the connections are made and all the data is entered,the network is run for analysis.
Warning messages are generated, if negative pressures are created at nodes.
X. Correction – As a correction for negative pressures, the diameter of pipes connected to the node with negative
pressures is increased and the analysis is run again. This is done till there are no negative pressures and run analysis
shows the message “Run successful “.
International Journal of Scientific Research and Review ISSN No.: 2279-543X
Volume 07, Issue 06, June 2019 UGC Journal No.: 64650
International Journal of Scientific Research and Review ISSN No.: 2279-543X
Volume 07, Issue 06, June 2019 UGC Journal No.: 64650
International Journal of Scientific Research and Review ISSN No.: 2279-543X
Volume 07, Issue 06, June 2019 UGC Journal No.: 64650
International Journal of Scientific Research and Review ISSN No.: 2279-543X
Volume 07, Issue 06, June 2019 UGC Journal No.: 64650
International Journal of Scientific Research and Review ISSN No.: 2279-543X
Volume 07, Issue 06, June 2019 UGC Journal No.: 64650
International Journal of Scientific Research and Review ISSN No.: 2279-543X
Volume 07, Issue 06, June 2019 UGC Journal No.: 64650
International Journal of Scientific Research and Review ISSN No.: 2279-543X
Volume 07, Issue 06, June 2019 UGC Journal No.: 64650
International Journal of Scientific Research and Review ISSN No.: 2279-543X
Volume 07, Issue 06, June 2019 UGC Journal No.: 64650
International Journal of Scientific Research and Review ISSN No.: 2279-543X
Volume 07, Issue 06, June 2019 UGC Journal No.: 64650
International Journal of Scientific Research and Review ISSN No.: 2279-543X
Volume 07, Issue 06, June 2019 UGC Journal No.: 64650
International Journal of Scientific Research and Review ISSN No.: 2279-543X
Volume 07, Issue 06, June 2019 UGC Journal No.: 64650
International Journal of Scientific Research and Review ISSN No.: 2279-543X
Volume 07, Issue 06, June 2019 UGC Journal No.: 64650
From the running of the EPANET various relations between elevation, velocities, flow, pressure, head, demand,
contours, etc. that are developed are shown as below.
1.Pressure Velocity Distribution Graph: This graph shows the variation of velocity in different pipes with respect to
the pressure provided to the particular pipe line
2. Contour Plot of Demand: The fig. 2shows the demand at different locations in litres permetre.
International Journal of Scientific Research and Review ISSN No.: 2279-543X
Volume 07, Issue 06, June 2019 UGC Journal No.: 64650
3. Contour Plot of Elevation: The fig. 3shows the elevation at different points of pipe lines
4.Contour Plot of Pressure: The fig. 4 shows different pressures at different nodes of the pipe network.
5. Demand and Unit Head loss: This figure shows demand rate and amount of head loss at each node.
6. Pressure-Flow Distribution: This figure shows variation in pressure and velocities at different nodes of the
distribution network.
7. Elevation-Diameter Distribution: This figure shows variation in elevation and diameter of the pipes.
8. Demand-Flow Distribution: This figure shows variation in demand of water and flow distribution in the network.
International Journal of Scientific Research and Review ISSN No.: 2279-543X
Volume 07, Issue 06, June 2019 UGC Journal No.: 64650
After collecting data of distribution network of Nelatur Village, pressure, flow and velocities have been computed
using EPANET and by the methodology described before, results by EPANET are obtained, analysis of results has
been carried out and computed results for junction and pipes have been checked to comply with the CPH Manual.
The network includes 80 junction/nodes. The result obtained using EPANET software for Nelatur Village is
calculated. The pressure computed using EPANET software was found in compliance with CPH Manual. It was
found that
1. No junction or node was found to have negative pressure and the pressure was well above the CPH manual
guideline of 7m.
The network includes around 70 pipes. The result obtained using EPANET software for Nelatur Village showed that
pressure computed using EPANET software was in compliance with CPH Manual. It was found that
1. The average velocity in the pipes computed using EPANET was 0.34m/s.
2. The average head loss in the pipes computed using EPANET was 3.63 m/Km.
4. The minimum diameter of pipe in the network was 45.2 mm and maximum was 126mm.
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International Journal of Scientific Research and Review ISSN No.: 2279-543X
Volume 07, Issue 06, June 2019 UGC Journal No.: 64650
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