1 s2.0 S2199853122007491 Main
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Research Productivity for Augmenting the Innovation Potential
of Higher Education Institutions: An Interpretive Structural
Modeling Approach and MICMAC Analysis
Lanndon Ocampo 1, * , Joerabell Lourdes Aro 1 , Samantha Shane Evangelista 1 , Fatima Maturan 1 ,
Kafferine Yamagishi 1,2 , Dave Mamhot 3 , Dina Fe Mamhot 4 , Dawn Iris Calibo-Senit 4 , Edgar Tibay 5 ,
Joseph Pepito 6 and Renissa Quiñones 5
1 Center for Applied Mathematics and Operations Research, Cebu Technological University,
Cebu City 6000, Philippines
2 Department of Tourism Management, Cebu Technological University, Cebu City 6000, Philippines
3 College of Business and Management, Siquijor State College, Larena 6226, Philippines
4 College of Technology, Siquijor State College, Larena 6226, Philippines
5 Production Extension and Resource Generation Office, Cebu Technological University,
Cebu City 6000, Philippines
6 Mechatronics Department, Cebu Technological University, Cebu City 6000, Philippines
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: Current literature merely identifies the driving factors of research productivity in higher
education institutions without directly examining their interrelationships that would offer some
fundamental insights into the nature of these factors. Thus, this work intends to identify those driving
factors and establish their structural relationships to determine those factors with crucial roles in
Citation: Ocampo, L.; Aro, J.L.; advancing research productivity. Due to the subjectivity of the identified driving factors and the
Evangelista, S.S.; Maturan, F.;
notion that the evaluation of their relationships reflects an expert judgment, an interpretive structural
Yamagishi, K.; Mamhot, D.; Mamhot,
modeling (ISM) approach and the Matrice d’impacts croisés multiplication appliquée á un classment
D.F.; Calibo-Senit, D.I.; Tibay, E.;
(MICMAC) analysis were adopted. Results show that institutional support, reward system, research
Pepito, J.; et al. Research Productivity
funding, mentoring, and electronic information resources are the most crucial factors influencing
for Augmenting the Innovation
Potential of Higher Education
research productivity. When addressed, these driving factors would motivate other driving factors,
Institutions: An Interpretive contributing to higher research productivity. In particular, these findings encourage higher education
Structural Modeling Approach and institutions to (1) efficiently allocate research funds and design mentoring programs, (2) offer efficient
MICMAC Analysis. J. Open Innov. research incentive schemes, (3) develop initiatives that would support promising research proposals
Technol. Mark. Complex. 2022, 8, 148. beneficial to the institution, and (4) collaborate with external organizations to grant funding for
https://doi.org/10.3390/joitmc8030148 research proposals. These results contribute significantly to the literature as it provides meaningful
Received: 11 July 2022
insights that aid decision-makers in higher education institutions in resource allocation decisions,
Accepted: 4 August 2022 policy-making, and the design of efficient initiatives for augmenting their innovation potential.
Published: 23 August 2022
Keywords: research productivity; higher education institutions; driving factors; interpretive structural
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
modeling; MICMAC analysis
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
published maps and institutional affil-
1. Introduction
The nature in which research investments lead to socio-economic growth is often not
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. well defined. Nevertheless, compelling empirical evidence suggests that basic research,
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. innovation, and discovery create commercially viable technologies, stimulating private
This article is an open access article sector-led economic and social development (e.g., [1]). Return on investment on publicly
distributed under the terms and funded research and development (R&D) is approximated at 20%, higher than the 6.8% on
conditions of the Creative Commons stock and 3.1% on bonds. In agricultural systems research, for instance, the proliferation of
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
new crop varieties that promote increased productivity resulted from improved biotechnol-
ogy research [2,3]. Furthermore, research funded by the National Breast Cancer Foundation
led to a 10% change in policy, 11% new product development, and 14% change in clinical
practice [4]. Policymakers and scientific communities witnessed the expansion of scientific
information, recognizing the importance of university research. Thus, emphasis on collab-
orations in various sectors (e.g., industry) to improve research productivity (RP) [5] has
become an important policy agenda. Consequently, since Higher Education Institutions
(HEIs) are the catalyst of knowledge transfer and research, RP became a crucial indicator
of most university ranking systems, compelling HEI leaders to seek ways to motivate
lecturers to conduct research and publish their outputs [6]. Henry et al. [7] emphasized
that HEIs should regularly evaluate the RP of academics to assess potential career growth
and address future challenges.
Various studies attempted to identify the driving factors of RP (e.g., [8]). Several
works (e.g., [9,10]) have categorized these drivers into two main groups: (1) human and
(2) organizational. The human–organizational dichotomy is a widely recognized frame-
work for identifying driving factors of RP. Drivers under the “human” category include
research skills and competence [11], self-efficacy [12], global innovativeness [13], individual
factors [10], self-determination [14], mentoring [15], and dynamics of professional life [16],
among others. On the other hand, organizational factors include institutional support [17],
departmental culture [18], tenure and promotions [19], research-oriented culture [19], and
situational factors [20]. However, some pointed out that human and organizational drivers
do not entirely influence RP (e.g., [10]). Understanding the role of technology use on RP has
become increasingly important [21]. Thus, numerous attempts investigated the impact of
using technology on raising the productivity level of academics (e.g., [22]). In addition, the
impact of financial resources such as research funding [23,24] and reward systems [24,25]
also became a point of interest in exploring RP. Evidence suggests that both factors strongly
influence RP [26].
Although there have been many works in the literature investigating various driving
factors of RP, only a few studies use a framework that incorporates all possible factors that
may drive RP in an attempt to evaluate them critically [27]. Moreover, current literature
merely identifies the driving factors of RP without directly exploring their interrelation-
ships, which may provide an in-depth analysis of their intricacies and give rise to a better
understanding of their nature. The lack of understanding of the interrelationships among
the driving factors of RP may provide a constricted view of its fundamental structure. Fur-
thermore, such an understanding of the interrelationships is crucial in gaining meaningful
insights into the design of initiatives that would better comprehensively address RP. While
there is an accumulating set of empirical evidence that the identified driving factors in the
literature influence RP, it is essential to consider that these driving factors may impact other
driving factors due to their loosely defined boundaries.
Determining the relationships of factors that influence a particular concept to better
understand such a concept has been popular in various contexts. For instance, in the
education sector, analyses of the interrelationships of factors were reported for engineering
education [28,29], management education [30], technical education [31], and teamwork
training [32], among others. A similar approach can be observed in the knowledge man-
agement and innovation domain. Some examples include knowledge management inno-
vation in healthcare sustainability [33], automobile industries [34], green innovation per-
formance [35], and innovation capability [36]. The practical application of understanding
the relationships of driving factors under a common theme has been gaining prominence
in the supply chain (e.g., [37]), healthcare (e.g., [38]), information technology (e.g., [39]),
service sector (e.g., [40]), and among others. This list is not intended to be comprehensive.
In this work, a comprehensive list of driving factors was obtained through a literature
survey. Due to the subjectivity of these driving factors and the notion that the evaluation
of the interrelationships between them is based on the experts’ judgments, interpretive
structural modeling (ISM) was adopted to describe their contextual (e.g., causal) relation-
ships. ISM and its corresponding graphical representation, the Matrice d’impacts croisés
multiplication appliquée á un classment (MICMAC), is a popular tool for defining contex-
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2022, 8, 148 3 of 25
2.2. Self-Efficacy
Contextually, self-efficacy is defined as having confidence in successfully demonstrat-
ing tasks related to conducting research [12]. Earlier studies (e.g., [63]) identified that
self-efficacy had no positive and significant impact on RP. They found that the relation-
ship between self-efficacy and RP is equivocal because cross-sectional analysis could not
accurately estimate the reciprocal relationship between them. Further investigation using
different analytical methods is necessary to reach a justifiable conclusion. Later studies
(e.g., [12]) responded to the need to better evaluate the relationship between self-efficacy
and RP and reached a different conclusion. Hemmings and Kay [64] explored two promi-
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2022, 8, 148 4 of 25
nent Australian universities, and their findings suggest that research self-efficacy is strongly
related to research results. On the other hand, Callaghan [65] investigated popular South
African universities and found that research self-efficacy significantly influences research
results. Garnasih et al. [12] examined the direct and indirect influences between research
self-efficacy and RP at private universities in Riau, Indonesia. They found a significant
impact of research self-efficacy on RP. Academics with high research self-efficacy consider
difficulties a test, and they are bound to handle these difficulties rather than avoid them.
The more self-efficacious in research an academic is, the more likely they would produce
research outputs. Furthermore, some studies (e.g., [64]) have assessed that three measures
of research self-efficacy could explain total variance in publication output: reporting and
supervising research, skills related to the conduct and management of research, and writing
significant works and reviewing articles or books [12,64].
2.5. Self-Determination
A way to conceptualize the motivation of academics to pursue scholarly work is
through self-determination. Vansteenkiste et al. [81] stressed that self-determination is how
a social context can promote autonomous motivation and its adaptive qualities. Evaluating
research motivation has been constantly emphasized in the domain literature (see [82,83]).
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2022, 8, 148 5 of 25
Peng and Gao [14] investigated the impact of motivation on RP in terms of journal publica-
tions. Their study considered the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influence motivation.
Intrinsic motivation denotes the “engagement in certain tasks or behaviors primarily for
their own sake, whereas extrinsic motivation pertains to actions taken for external incen-
tives or rewards” [14]. Curiosity-spawned activities such as exploration are examples of
intrinsically motivated behaviors as they do not depend on external pressure but rather
satisfy one’s satisfaction [84]. The seminal work of Deci and Ryan [85] categorized extrinsic
motivation into four distinct forms of regulation, namely, external, introjected, identified,
and integrated. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation were consistently associated with higher
performance in academic and research-related activities [86].
2.6. Mentoring
Mentorship is a kind of personal relationship wherein the more experienced individual
would act as a guide, role model, and teacher to the less experienced individual, and who
would also provide necessary support in pursuing the desired profession [87,88]. Mentoring
programs are increasingly common in academia [89]. According to some studies [90–92],
mentor and mentee collaborations contribute to the improvement of the mentee’s publi-
cation productivity [89]. Sorknesss et al. [15] developed an approach for research career
mentoring based on the attributes identified by previous studies (e.g., [93,94]). These
attributes include developing disciplinary research skills, aligning mentor and mentee
expectations, motivating, facilitating coping efficacy, advancing equity and inclusion, and
promoting professional development [93].
R&D to an organization’s value and performance have not yet been widely explored [145].
An evaluation of the innovation performance of ASEAN countries with the most significant
emerging economies (i.e., Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand) has
been recently conducted by Nimtrakoon [146]. The study confirmed that R&D initiatives
drive the company’s profitability and market performance. Especially in developing
countries, the advancement of knowledge due to RP is claimed to have a significant impact
on pressing societal and environmental issues [13]. Nevertheless, initiatives for innovation
should not only focus on the industry but also on academic institutions. Consequently, most
academic institutions have practiced existing support systems for research activities [147].
In fact, various governments have introduced assurance mechanisms and initiatives to
hold HEIs accountable for their RP [148]. Consequently, HEIs are the top-performing
organizations in significant research outputs [149].
Kwiek [150] characterized the top-performing researchers in HEIs and found a signifi-
cant difference between the RP of academics with high and low positions. Low-position
academics significantly dominate soft field research while high-position academics per-
form in more demanding field research. Subsequent findings of Kwiek [150] suggest that
top-performing researchers in HEIs are more productive with international colleagues and
collaborators. Evidently, several factors significantly affect the RP in HEIs. Thus, there is a
need to exhaustively determine the factors that drive RP in HEIs to structure an overarching
framework among these factors. Sufficiently, various works in the literature have already
established these factors (e.g., [14,150]). However, the interrelationships of these factors
with each other remain unexplored. Establishing a linear relationship of a complex system
may be insufficient to explain the underlying relationships that govern such a system. Thus,
it is crucial to determine the complex relationships among the driving factors to provide a
robust decision support tool for improving the research performance of HEIs. The main
contribution of this study is to establish the interrelationships of these driving factors of RP
and determine the significant relationships to formulate policy directions that would be
beneficial to research managers in their respective institutions.
3. Preliminaries
Interpretive structural modeling (ISM) is a graph theoretic tool that structures homoge-
neous concepts or elements into a directed graph, where vertices are represented by these
elements and directed edges or arcs are described by their contextual relationships [41].
The digraph then portrays the complexity of the domain problem defined by these concepts
or elements. In effect, ISM reveals the mental model of how one understands the problem.
However, while the direct relationships of the problem can be explicitly defined via its
pictorial representation (i.e., the digraph), its complexity remains poorly understood due
to the presence of indirect relationships. The strength of the ISM is to transform a poorly
understood problem by comprehensively addressing both the direct and indirect relation-
ships among its elements, and in turn, it develops a clearly-defined structure that can be
better understood by the domain stakeholders. Thus, ISM extracts unknown, non-trivial
information about the complexity of a given problem.
Harary et al. [151] provided the foundations of the ISM, and its philosophical basis was
presented by Warfield [41]. A more detailed approach to its conceptualization and analysis
was defined by the Researchers of the Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, Ohio, in
1974. For brevity, readers are advised to refer to Harary et al. [151] for the mathematical
basis of the ISM. The following steps describe the procedure carried out in this work:
Step 1. Identify the elements under consideration. Note that these elements, to some
extent, must be homogeneous with respect to the concept under investigation (e.g., research
productivity). This process may be carried out by, but is not limited to, reviewing the
domain literature, conducting a survey, implementing a focus group discussion, or a
combination of these methods.
Step 2. Considering that the structural model would be established by a small group
of domain experts eliciting judgments individually, a structural self-interaction matrix
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2022, 8, 148 9 of 25
(SSIM) is constructed for each expert. Otherwise, when the group decides on a consensus,
one SSIM is generated, representing the group decision. These experts are asked to decide
on the contextual relationship (i.e., represented by the relation R) between two elements.
Four notations are used to describe the relation between a pair of elements:
â V for the relation from i to j but not in both directions;
â A for the relation from j to i but not in both directions;
â X for the relation from i to j and from j to i (i.e., both directions);
â O for the no relation that exists between i to j.
Step 3. Convert the SSIM into a binary matrix representation using the following relation:
â V implies that i R j = 1 and jRi = 0;
â A implies that i R j = 0 and jRi = 1;
â X implies that i R j = 1 and jRi = 1;
â O implies that i R j = 0 and jRi = 0.
Step 4. Construct an initial reachability matrix (R) for each SSIM using Equation (1).
R = A+I (1)
1 if iR j = 1
where A = aij n×n
is an adjacency matrix where aij = ; and I is an
0 if iR j = 0
identity matrix with a size n × n.
Step 5. Aggregate the initial reachability matrices. In most cases, the aggregation is
carried out via the majority rule [152]. A majority rule selects alternatives with a majority
preference, that is, 50%
of the votes plus one [42,55]. Consider an aggregate reachability
Agg Agg
matrix R Agg = rij . Thus, rij = 1 if the majority of experts favor the existence
of the contextual relationship from element i to element j. Otherwise, rij = 0. The
aggregation of the expert’s views by a majority rule depicts the strength of the supporters
of a proposal as superior compared to its opponents. A stricter criterion may be set at
two-thirds of the experts declaring rij = 1 [152]. Note that this step is skipped if the expert
group generates a consensus.
Step 6. Generate the final reachability matrix R∗ = rij∗ by checking transitive
Agg Agg
∗ = 1, for elements
links or relationships, such that, if = 1 and
rij = 1, then rikr jk
i, j, and k. The commonly used approach in enumerating transitive links is Warshall’s
algorithm [153].
Step 7: Determine the reachability set Vir and antecedent set Vja (∀i, j) from the R∗ .
The reachability set Vir is defined as
n o
Vir = j : rij∗ = 1, j = 1, . . . , n (2)
driving driving
The driving power Vi of i is simply the cardinality of Vir , denoted by Vi = Vir .
dependence dependence
The dependence power Vi ,
on the other hand, is defined as = Via . Vi
Step 8. Perform level partitioning. Segregation of the elements into a hierarchical
structure of κ levels provides useful, practical insights into these elements. In this step,
Algorithm 1 provides the iterations of the partitioning rules.
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2022, 8, 148 10 of 25
Step 9. Draw the digraph in which the relationships of the reachability matrix and
transitive links are removed. The elements are considered vertices in the digraph, and the
contextual relationships represent the edges. If rij∗ = 1, then there is a directed edge from
element i to element j. The interpretive structural model is constructed by incorporating
the level partitions in Step 8.
Step 10. Analyze the driving power and the dependence power. As an extension of
the ISM, the MICMAC analysis evaluates the driving power and dependence power of the
driving dependence
elements. By constructing a Vi × Vi map, they are classified into four clusters:
â Elements with high driving power and weak dependence power are considered
independent elements.
â Elements with strong driving and strong dependence power are the linkage elements.
â Elements having strong dependence power and weak driving power are referred to
as dependent elements.
â Elements with weak driving and weak dependence power are autonomous elements.
Figure 1. The interpretive structural model of the contextual relationships of research productivity
1. Thefactors.
Figure driving interpretive structural model of the contextual relationships of research productivity
driving factors.
Mark. Complex. 2022, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 26
14 SD Linkage
Dependence Power
Autonomous Driving/Independent
2 M RS
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Driving Power
Figure 2. The MICMAC 2. The MICMAC analysis.
culture, tenure and promotion, self-determination, and dynamics of professional life are
found at Level I. Driving factors belonging to Level II include mentoring, electronic infor-
mation resources, and research funding, while reward system is the only factor belonging
to Level III. Institutional support, which can be categorized as an organizational resource,
is the most elementary driver of RP and is located at Level IV. The ISM-MICMAC analysis
also suggests that no dependent driving factor emerges, implying that although some
factors may have tendencies to be dependent on other factors, they have more driving
power than dependence power.
Autonomous driving factors both have low driving power and dependence power,
resulting in their relative disconnection from the system. Results indicate that the tenure
and promotion factor is considered autonomous. Based on Figure 1, it is only affected
by two other driving factors, namely institutional support and research funding, and it
does not impact other driving factors. This finding implies that while efficient tenure and
promotion schemes promote RP, without institutional support and research funding that
would support the provisions of the tenure and promotion guidelines of an organization, its
potential may be insufficient to hold significant ground. Cunningham-Williams et al. [114]
argued that the relatively higher requirements of tenure and promotion schemes (e.g., re-
search areas) have a perverse effect on the motivation of academics to pursue more research
goals. This relationship may be aggravated by the presence of no financial funding and
supportive policies that would foster an environment for academics to achieve tenure and
promotion requirements. Thus, decision-makers and research managers must focus their
initiatives on advancing institutional support and research funding when the development
of tenure and promotion provisions aims to maximize research outputs.
The results also reveal nine (9) factors that belong to the linkage cluster: research skills
and competence, self-efficacy, global innovativeness, individual factors, self-determination,
dynamics of professional life, departmental culture, research-oriented culture, and situa-
tional factors. All driving factors in the linkage cluster have a strong driving power of 9
and a strong dependence power of 14, as presented in Figure 2. These driving factors are
unstable, and any decision taken in response to them will affect others and feedback on
themselves. The first six driving factors (i.e., research skills and competence, self-efficacy,
global innovativeness, individual factors, self-determination, and the dynamics of pro-
fessional life) influence the individual’s inherent ability to achieve significant academic
career progress. On the other hand, the other three factors (i.e., departmental culture,
research-oriented culture, and situational factors) pertain to the institution’s means of
support to increase research performance. These factors providing a robust environment of
research quality were considered the most influential predictors of RP [154,155]. However,
as our findings suggest, they are significantly impacted by other driving factors, and so the
initiatives designed to address them may not be efficient.
The driving factors such as mentoring, institutional support, electronic information
resources, research funding, and reward system are identified as having independent
characteristics (see Figure 3). These factors have high driving power but low dependence
power. Thus, these are substantial driving factors and may be treated as crucial of all
driving factors, considering that they are the most important causative agents affecting
RP in an institution. For emphasis, Figure 3 shows these main driving factors of RP.
Mentoring, with a driving power of 10 and a dependence power of 2, directly involves six
driving factors (i.e., research skills and competence, self-efficacy, global innovativeness,
departmental culture, research-oriented culture, and situational factors). On the other
hand, the electronic information resources, having a driving power of 10 and a dependence
power of 2, directly affects two driving factors (i.e., research skills and competence and
research-oriented culture). The findings in this study are consistent with others in the
literature, particularly highlighting that mentoring directly improves the soft and technical
skills of academics [92] and enhances their self-efficacy [91]. Furthermore, the utilization of
electronic information resources also improved the competency of the researchers [127].
and direct enforcement of a reward system (e.g., monetary incentive) to an individual fac-
ulty significantly impacts scientific and publication performance, as apparent in the work
of Quan et al. [139]. Given the interconnected and relevant relationships of the driving
factors of RP under the independent cluster to other driving factors, stakeholders and de-
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2022, 8, 148 16 of 25
cision-makers should focus on providing and improving research funding schemes, re-
ward systems, and institutional support for the faculty members in their respective insti-
tutions, as its driving Thus,factors haveofaelectronic
the provision significant influence
information overand
resources other factors
mentoring in the system.
opportunities is
crucial in improving RP in academic institutions.
Main support
factors of
6. Policy Insights
The findings of the ISM-MICMAC analysis offer invaluable insights for decision-
makers of HEIs. In this section, the main driving factors (see Figure 3) are emphasized since
they are considered the key driving factors affecting the productivity of research academics
in institutions. Investments in these driving factors would yield an efficient allocation of
organizational resources. One of the main factors of RP is institutional support, which is
the institution’s initiative to provide support in producing research outputs. Vision and
mission statements must pronounce such direction of achieving increased RP, along with
strategic action plans to attain them. A collaborative planning approach that integrates the
interests of academics is pivotal in ensuring their involvement with the strategic directions
set forth by the institution, including knowledge creation, research publication outputs,
and intellectual property assets, among others. Along with these strategic directions is the
necessary support that the institution promises to the academics. If addressed, institutional
support may enhance most driving factors, which would be beneficial to the efforts of
HEIs in advancing their RP. For instance, since institutional support drives self-efficacy,
research academics may be more determined and confident in completing research-related
tasks. Thus, decision-makers must design appropriate measures that ensure institutional
support in all aspects of research academics. Institutional support may be demonstrated
in various forms. Here, we identify three forms: (1) financial, (2) infrastructural, and
(3) human capital. Providing research funds to carry out research works is straightforward
for obvious reasons. A sizable portion of the institution’s overall budget may be allocated
to producing research outputs regarding funding the operational expenses of research
projects and research dissemination costs. Infrastructural support may include putting up
more research centers, laboratories, and co-working spaces and promoting more academic
flexibility (e.g., allowing more time for research), faster lanes, and streamlined transactions.
The provision of this kind of institutional support would encourage and allow academics
to pursue cutting-edge research works. Finally, investments in human capital as one form
of institutional support may be further explored as it promotes self-efficacy, research skills
and competence, and global innovativeness, as the findings of this work suggest. These
investments should support training and workshops in research career advancements,
research and graduate fellowships, and organizing research conferences.
Another main driver of RP that decision-makers need to focus on is the reward systems.
In general, organizations use reward systems to manage the performance of an individual
or a group, which could build job satisfaction, productive behavior, and positive retention.
It is considered necessary for an institution to gain leverage in a competitive environment
and is linked with goal setting, character development, competency measures, and team
performance. Hence, institutions need to adopt an attractive performance-based incentive
plan with periodic monitoring, assessment, and evaluation to address changing needs
over time. Some HEIs in the Philippines, for instance, take the initiative in providing an
incentive scheme in a form of monetary reward and assigning impact factors to journals
as a basis for awarding academics who are publishing academic papers. HEIs may also
organize periodic recognition ceremonies and testimonials for productive researchers. A
proactive reward system nurtures a healthy research environment in HEIs as it helps
achieve positive motivation among academics. Research funding pertains to the monetary
provision of an institution or external organization to conduct research activities. It is one of
the main driving factors policymakers need to focus on. The completion of a research output
relies heavily on the availability of necessary resources. Hence, it is crucial for decision-
makers to (1) develop programs that will set internal fund allocation for excellent research
proposals that would benefit the institution and (2) partner with external organizations that
would grant funding for the research proposals crafted by their respective academics. To
monitor the provision of funding, decision-makers can consider evaluating the academic’s
performance against the amount of funding allocated.
On the other hand, mentoring is another main driver of RP that decision-makers need
to highlight in their institutional measures. Mentoring is promoted when an experienced
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2022, 8, 148 18 of 25
researcher takes the initiative to guide and teach those with less experience. The big brother,
small brother (BB/SB) approach could serve as a benchmark, wherein the big brother serves
as the role model to develop a proper research mindset for “small brother” researchers in ac-
tively engaging themselves in the mentoring process. This approach also serves as an agent
of change in generating a pool of human resources trained to efficiently implement research
projects and consequently increases RP. Another example is the adoption of a commitment
policy in the development process to expand the opportunities for all promising researchers
in the institution for substantial involvement in research initiatives. It is considered essen-
tial in gaining expanded networks and collaborations for more interdisciplinary research
projects. In the empirical case reported by Elkbuli et al. [156] among burn surgeons, those
who have been mentored are more likely to publish and receive grants. It finds that a
well-established mentoring support system from the university builds a strong research
foundation and profound professional relationships in the research ecosystem. Thus, an
institution needs to build a mentoring support system that assists ongoing initiatives,
including training for mentors in building better professional relationships and promoting
productive conversations. Finally, electronic information resources are a crucial driver of RP.
The provision of these resources (e.g., online databases, infrastructures, and the Internet)
allows academics to access a wide range of resources efficiently and accurately on various
subjects. Such access is deemed essential in promoting impactful and cutting-edge research
works necessary for the institutions to gain a competitive advantage while minimizing
communication costs. Electronic information resources are necessary for institutions to gain
an advantage in a competitive climate. Subscription to academic and research databases
that would allow access to research articles is deemed an essential lifeline in promoting
impactful and cutting-edge research works. With mobile access, institutions minimize
some relevant costs. In the efforts of increasing institutional support, reward systems,
research funding, mentoring, and EIR, the corresponding dependent factors are effectively
addressed, thereby increasing the RP of the institution.
The results of this work contribute significantly to the literature as it provides mean-
ingful insights that would help better understand the overall structure of RP. These results
would aid decision-makers, especially in HEIs, in resource allocation, human resource
pooling, and the design of appropriate initiatives. Based on the findings, HEIs should
(1) provide research funds and mentoring programs, (2) offer efficient monetary award
incentive schemes, (3) develop programs that would set internal fund allocation for highly
potential research proposals beneficial to the institution, and (4) collaborate with external
organizations to grant funding for research proposals.
However, this work has its limitations. The limited number of experts may be the
groundwork for future studies. Since the decision-makers are all from the Philippines,
their judgments may not well reflect other institutions with different cultures, resources,
bureaucracies, and educational systems. Moreover, due to the subjectivity of the response
being explored, an empirical analysis of the interrelationships between the driving factors
of RP has not been investigated. For future works, statistical modeling (i.e., factor analysis,
structural equation modeling) can be adopted to validate the subjective relationships
between the driving factors as discussed in this work. Finally, a closely similar analysis that
would adopt the decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) in examining
the causal relationships of these driving factors is an important future agenda to further
reinforce the insights of this work.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, L.O. and K.Y.; data curation, L.O., J.L.A., S.S.E. and F.M.;
formal analysis, L.O., J.L.A., S.S.E., F.M., D.M., D.F.M., D.I.C.-S. and R.Q.; funding acquisition, E.T.
and R.Q.; investigation, L.O., J.L.A., S.S.E. and F.M.; methodology, L.O., J.L.A., S.S.E. and F.M.; project
administration, L.O. and E.T.; resources, L.O.; software, L.O., J.L.A., S.S.E. and F.M.; supervision, L.O.
and E.T.; validation, L.O., J.L.A., S.S.E., F.M., K.Y., D.M., D.I.C.-S. and J.P.; visualization, J.L.A., S.S.E.,
F.M. and D.F.M.; writing—original draft, L.O., J.L.A., S.S.E., F.M., K.Y., D.M., D.F.M., D.I.C.-S., E.T., J.P.
and R.Q. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work is partially funded by the Office of the Vice-President for Production Extension
and Resource Generation of Cebu Technological University.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Appendix A
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