key AI - IITJEE - Model test - 02
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Paper - I : Physics - 1 to 50
1.b. Don’t forget that units are always a good place to matter if it added mass: again, no friction means we
start Here, the question asks for Ohms/cm2. We need don’t care about mass!).
resistance and area. In a circuit, in order to find 5.d. The passage tells us that the magnets create eddy
resistance, we can use Ohm’s law V=IR. The passage currents on the coin, and the currents create magnetic
states that for a quarter, the current is 0.5 A for the forces, whichoppose the direction of motion, thus
2.0 V battery. Therefore, the resistance is R = V/1 decelerating the coin. So, if the quarter with the hole
= 4.0 ΩW . had a greater speed, it must not have been
The passage also tells us that the surface of a coin is decelerated as much. In other words, the magnetic
what provides the resistance, so we need find the force was not as strong. Why? Because the eddy
surface area of the quarter (in cm2). currents were not as strong why? Because there was
less area to create these currents, since a big hole
A = Πr 2 = Π (1.2cm) 2 = 4.5 cm 2 , So, the
was cut out of the quarter. Choice (D) is correct.
resistance per unit area is 4 Ω/4.5cm 2 , or about Again, if this leaves you with an “I never would have
thought of that” feeling, don’t worry as a Page
1 Ω/cm 2 , choice (B) is the closest. IIT-JEE student you are going to know how to
2.d. How would friction on influence the coin? The eliminate the wrong answer choices.
correct answer is choice(D). A frictional force Get rid of choice (A): the passage says that friction
opposing the motion of the coin acts to decelerate is negligible, so the mass is irrelevant. Choice (B) is
the coin. Since the frictional force is proportional to
bas because both coins are quarters and are made
µN (where, µ is the coefficient of friction and N is out of the same material. Finally, dipoles aren’t even
the normal force), we see that a larger normal force mentioned in the passage; choice (C) is out.
(i.e larger mass) would increase the frictional force. 6.c. The correct answer is option (c) Once the balloon is
Therefore, since the undamaged quarter is heavier released, the forces acting on the object in the vertical
than the quarter with the hole, it would feel a larger direction are the buoyant force and the Earth’s
friction force we can assume the coefficient of friction gravitational pull. The buoyant force F B on a
is the same, since al we’ve done is cut a hole in the submerged object due to the surrounding fluid is
middle). So, the quarter with the hole, which is equal to the weight of the displaced fluid. This
already going faster than the undamaged quarter, definition can be formulized as follows:
would be even faster if friction had the change to FB = Pair (Vobject) g
slow the undaged quarter proportionally more than
Remembering that the volume of a sphere is
it slowed the quarter with the hole.
3. a. The question asks for speed. Apply the formula for 4 / 3ΠΙ 3 , we can determine its value as follows:
the magnetic force on a moving charged particle: Object = (4/) (3.14) (1/2 m)3.
F = qv B sin θ = 0.523
We can now plug in valeus and determine the
F 4.1 ×10 −7 N buoyant force:
= = 0.09m / s
B sin θ (3.5 × 10 -6 C) (1.3 T) sin 90 0 FB = (1.2 kg/m3) (0.523 m3) (9.8 m/s2)
= 6.15 N
4.b. If the resistance of the coin were decreased, then
The weight of the balloon is found as follows:
current could flow more readily. Ohm’s law tells us
that current and resistance are iversely proportional. Wobject = Pobject (Vobject ) g
A smaller resistance means a larger current, which = (0.5 kg / m3) (0.523 m3) (9.8 m/s2)
means a larger magnetic force opposing the coin’s = 2.56 N
direction of motion. Therefore, a decrease in Applying Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion, we can
resistance would decrease the speed of the coin. calculate the initial upward acceleration a of the
Looking at the other choices, we see choice (A) is balloon as follows:
incorrect, since increasing the voltage of the battery
a = ( F / m)
could have no effect on the currents once the coin
has left the battery, remember it is the current induced
= [(6.15 N - 2.56)] / [(0.5 kg / m ) (0.523 m )] 3 3
apparatus) that regulates sped. finally, if we assume 7. b. We assume that only one emission takes place per
no friction diameter and thickness has nothing to do atom.
with the speed of the coin. (Aside: even if friction In 140 days number of emissions = 14- x 12 x 1012
were considered, diameter would only come into play Initial number of atoms present = 2 x 140 x 12 x 1012
if we talk about rotational inertia, making the coin (since 140 days is the half-life) No. of atoms in
less resistant to rolling. While, thickness would only
1µg = 28 × 12 × 1013 . No. of atoms in 1 cm3 i.e.,
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10 g flow the ball is actually “larger” because the air is
= 3.36 x 1015 x 107 . being pushed away smoothly. As air passes a smooth
= 3.36 x 1022. object there is a layer of undisturbed air because
8.a. The clue here is the density of mercury with respect there is nothing to disturb flow. As a result the profile
to water. Thus the mass per unit volume is heavier of the object is actually bigger and encounters more
and the formula for potential energy is : PE = mgh. air resistance. Dimpling causes the surface not to be
Lowering the mass means lowering the potential smooth and disrupts that layer of undisturbed air.
energy. B is incorrect because while a dimpled ball does
B is incorrect because greater mass would increase indeed create turbulence to reduce cross sectional
the potential energy and the kinetic energy. area, that same turbulence can be used to advantage
C is incorrect because again masses differ so there when the ball is spinning in the right direction. When
would be a difference in energy produced. the ball spins forward, it creates more turbulence
D is incorrect because there would be no variation to undermeath the ball, which raises the pressure
cause a decrease, then an increase. beneath the ball. Because of Bemouli’s principle,
9.a. Surface tenson requires more force to penetrate than higher pressure below the ball actually causes the
turbulent water. The mild turbulence lowers the ball to gain altitude during flight resulting in a second
surface tension and allows the divers to enter the arc.
water with less force, less injury and smaller splashes. C is incorrect because symmetric dimples and
B is incorrect because while glare can be an issue to isometric patterns don’t cause as much turbulent flow
some competitors, it is not the primary reson water is as an asymmetric dimples and isometric patterns. The
sprayed on the surface. Most divers do not focus on point is to optimize the profile of the ball in flight.
the surface when they dive and the turbulent flow Asymmetric dimples are used to further disrupt air-
would actually make it harder to see the bottom of flow on modern balls which provide a smaller profile,
the pool.
C is incorrect because the spray of water would
they are symmetric in their layout (isometric) which
allow the overall shape of the ball to be symmetrical.
decrease the surface tension rather than increase it. 12.c. This is a trick problem. while the mathematical
The motion of the water disrupts the hydorgen formulas for circuits, fluids and mechanics are indeed
bonding at the surface. the same and you could rationalize them that way, it
D is incorrect becauee the turbulence at the surface is only necessary to remember that both systems are
is not sufficient to equalize air and water pressures. in fixed tension thus the force in both systems are
10. a. If a be the instantaneous total acceleration, then its the same. The stored energy is also the same.
instantaneous velocity v tangentially on the circle at A is incorrect because both systems have the same
time t satisfies the condition. amount of stretch and equal tension
Centrepetal acceleration C is incorrect because both systems have the same
amount of stretch and equal tension.
v2 a dv D is incorrect because temperature is not a factor in
= = a sin 450 = =
r 2 dt spring systems.
dv 1 1 2
⇒ = dt 13.c By conservation of energy mgh = mv or
v 2 r 2
Integrating this over the time t, v = 2 gh is the pendulum bob velocity just
dv t 1 1 before it hits the spring.
∫ = = − − The conservative force is
2 r
v v u
F = − kx − bx 3
ur so that
r − ut 1 2 1 4
11.d. D is the correct answer because isometric patterns U = − ∫ Fdx = kx + bx .
2 4
actually increase laminar flow by keeping the ball
Again by conservation of energy
symmetric. While you don’t want pure laminar flow,
you also don’t want to much turbulent flow. Isometric
patterns allow the ball to maintain laminar flow on
mv 2
= mgh =
1 2 1 4
kx + bx
2 2 4
the ball and keep the ball symmetric. Even with
asymmetric patterns used to further disrupt air-flow Rearranging
on modern balls, they are symmetric in their layout k 4mgh k 2
(isometric) and allow the overall shape of the ball to ( x 2 + )2 = + 2
be symmetrical. b b b
A is incorrect dimpling a ball decreass the boundary
conditions at the surface of the ball. In pure laminar
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4mgh k 2 k
1/ 2
∴ F = qE + q (V × B ) = 0
or x= + 2−
b b b = EL + i j k
= E L + i( − BVz ) + k ( BVx )
Vx Vy Vz
14.a Our object is to find resistance between points A and = i ( E − BVz ) + kBVx = 0
A placed in contact + + − = 2 1
r2 v' 2 f1 f1 f 2 f1 f 2
r1 r2 2 f1 f 2
O v' =
2 2 r2 f 2 − 2 f1
B,D r1 C 2 f1 f 2 4 f12
Shift of image = v'−v = − 2 f1 =
2 f 2 − 2 f1 f 2 − 2 f1
4 f12
ρa As f 2 >> f1 . Hence, shift of image ≈
Hence r1 = ρa and r2 = f2
Now, we can easily calculate R AO which comes out v T /µ
λ= =
f f
2 2 + 1 ρa ∴ λ∝ T
λTop TTop
15.c. If be the tension in the string, the equations are, for =
λTop Tbottom
translation of the falling mass, (mg-1) = mf ..(1) and
for rotation of cylinder
(6 + 2)
ma 2 λTop = (0.06)
Ta = 1α = α ...(2) 2
2 = 0.12 m
19.d 1 1 1. v v.
+ = ∴ +1 =
u v f u f
mg 1 x
∴ + 1 = - graph cannot be a straight line.
y f
∴ (a) is not true. Graph II has increase in u increases
Also if there is no slip of the string .
f = αa ....(3)
v which is not true.
Solving for T, mg - T = 2T
Eqn. + 1 =
gives 1 + y=
⇒T =
3 ∴ Linear graph. (c) is not true.
16.b. E and B are mutually perpendicular 1 1 1
∴ + = gives graph IV. Hence (d) is true.
E = Ei ; B = B j and V = Vx i + Vy j + Vz k . u v f
20.c. A throtting process, using a throtting valve, is an
Since the charged particle goes undeviated, net force
adiabatic process, in which a gas may pass from a
on the charge is zero.
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constant high pressure to a constant low pressure
through a fine opening or throttle valve without any λ ( a + b)
exchange of heat with the surroundings. If P1 and P2
∴ ω=
are the constasnt pressures (P1 >> P2) an the two
sides of the valve and V1 and V2 the corresponding di di
valumes of a constant mass of mass pushed through
23.a. V =L and is same for both coils.
dt dt
the opening, then the net work done by the gas is
W=P2V2-P1V1. The energy for this has to come from V1 L1 8 V 1
∴ = = = 4 or 2 = .
the internal energy of the system. So if U1 and U2 are V2 L2 2 V1 4
the internal energies on the two sides of the opening,
Hence (d) is true.
(U1 - U2) = P2V2 - P1 V1.
⇒ U1 + P1V1 = U 2 + P2 V2 Instantaneous power = Vt = L . (i) is same for
This shows that the physical quantity (U+PV) which
is called the enthalpy of the gas remains constant in both coils.
such a throttling process. This quantity is the total
∴ L1i1 = L2i2 or i1 = L2 = 2 = 1 .
heat in the system. i2 L1 8 4
∴ (a) is true.
21.b 6
qE (10 ) (10 ) -3 (downwards)
a= = = 10 m / s 2 1 2
10 Energy stored = W = Li .
m (10 ) 2
Path of the particle is a projectile. It will graze at B if., 2 2
W L i 81 1
∴ 1 = 1 1 = =
length of the plates =
2 W2 L2 i2 24 4
W2 / W1 = 4 . ∴ (c) is true.
u 2 sin 2θ u 2 sin 60 0
0.17 = =
a 10 24.d. The location of the swing at some point after passing
through maximal height while rotation around the
∴ u = 1 .4 m / s
rod is shown in the figure. For the swing to continue
Speed of particle at B is
rotating there has to be a tension in the swing, t
v = u cosθ = 1.4 cos 300 = 1.2m / s towards the rod. If the swing (at the location shown
It will graze at A if, in the figure) has speed v then the tension and
AB = 2 (radius of circular path in magnetic field) component of gravity along the swing provide the
centripetal force,
0.1 =
Bq mv 2
T + mg sin α =
2 × 10 −10 × 1.2
B= −6
= 2.4 × 10 −3 T or 2.4mT from energy consercation we find
0.1 × 10
22.a. mv 2 mv 2
+ mg ( L − x + h) = B = mgL
2 2
S1 mv 2
So T = − mg sin α
d S
O A mg ( x − h) mg (x - h) h
=2 − mg sin α = 2 − mg
L−x L−x L−x
mg (2 x − 3h)
D =
λD L−x
D = AB = a + b and d = S1S2 T
d α
In ∆ S1SB, = 2b or d − 2ba L- x
2 2
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and h varies between − ( L − x ) < h < ( L − x ). T /S T ∆l
Y= ∴ = Y.
The sing will make a full revolution if T > 0 for h in ∆l / l S l
this interval. Since T is a monotonically decreasing Substituting the values, we get v= 400 ms/
with h the suffitient condition is that T > 0 for maximal
hight h = L - x. Thus we find v 400
f = = = 400Hz
λ 1
T ( h = L − x) > 0, → 0, → 2 x − 3( L − x) > 0, → x > 3L / 5
25. a. The capacitance of non-linear capacitor is P1V1 P2V2
C =∈ C10 = αUC 0 where C0 is the capacitance of T1 T2
the capacitor without dielectric. Charge an on-linear
capacitor is given by
q n = CU = αUC 0 . U = αU 2 C0
While the charge an the normal capacitor is
q0 = C 0U PV T
T2 = 2 2 1 ....(i)
If follows from the charge conservation law, P1V1
q n + q0 = C 0U 0
P1 = 1.0 × 10 5 N / m 2 , V1 = 2.4 × 10 −3 m 3 , T1 = 300 K
αU C 0 + C 0U = C0U 0
kx 8000 × 0.1
P2 = P1 + = 1.0 × 105 + = 2.0 × 105 N / m 2
αU 2U = U 0 or α U 2 + U − U 0 = 0 A 8 × 10 − 3
− 1 ± 1 + 4αU 0
V = V + Ax = 2.4 × 10
2 1
+ 8 × 10 −3 × 0.1 = 3.2 × 10 −3 m 3
Substituting in Eq. (i), we get
1 ± 1 + 4 × 1 × 156 T2 = 800 K
29.a. Just before the collision, some (not all) of the potential
− 1 ± 25
= = 12 volts energy originally stored in the spring has been
2 converted to kinetic energy :
26.a. 2 2
1 L 1 L 1 3KL2
K = K + Mν o2 , so ν o = .
IlBcos φ 2 2 2 4 2 16 M
For two identical massess with one originally at rest,
VTcos φ φ ilB conservation of moemntum and energy in a collision
means that all the momentum will be transfered to
VT B the second mass, leaving the first mass stationary.
φ 3KL2
The finla velocity of the second mass is .
16 M
Fnet = 0
Although the first mass is stationary immediately
BV cos φ l after the collision, there is stored energy in the spring.
mg sin φ = ilB cos φ = T (lB cos φ Oscillations continue, with the mass reaching its
R maximum speed at the equilibrium positin of the
spring, where all the potential energy is converted
mg R sin φ
VT = into kinetic energy :
B 2l 2 cos 2 φ 2
λ 1 L 1
K = Mv 2 , So v =
2 4 2
27. a. 4 = 2
30.b. If L is the ful length, let x out of L be stretched so that
λ = 1 .0 m
T T new length becomes L. if x’ is the stretched
v= = 2
µ ρS length,
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3L L 3 l
(L - x) + x' = i or x' - x = ..(1) = a
2 2 2 v sin θ
If a is the original cross-section let a, be the cross -
section of stretched portion. al 2
∴ x' a ' = x a . ..(2) ∴ = sin θ cosθ v
v 3
xa From Eq. (i)
∴a ' =
x 6 u v
= =
ρ ( L − x) ρx' 5 v − at cos θ v − cosθ
New resistance = + where ρ is v sin θ
a a'
specific resistance.
ρL 2 cosθ
Original resistance = v − sin θ cos θ . v
a sin θ
ρL ρ ( L − x) ρx;
∴4 = + 1
a a a' or cosθ =
ρ ( L − x ) ρx 2 ∴ θ = 600
= =
a xa 33.a. Objects slide on Slipperide (no rolling) and roll on
2 the metal surfaces. Also note that the hoops have
L larger moment of inertia than the disks, since their
ρ x +
ρ ( L − x) 2 4 ρL mass is concentrated at a larger radius. Then the
= initial kinetic energy is C > B > A = D. All the linear
a xa a
and rotational kentic energy gets changed to potential
2 energy at the highest spot, so this same ranking gives
x( L − x) + x + = 4 Lx the order of the heights achieved.
Solving for x. 34.d. D is correct. Use the Doppler approximation.
L v / c = ∆ff s As c increases, the ratio v/c increases
x= and so does change in frequency due to the Doppler
31.a Energy of electron in ground state of hydrogen atom
is -13.6 eV. Earlier it had a kinetic energy of 2 eV. 35.a. The instantaneous flux (φ ) = B ( a + 2vt ) 2
Therefore, energy of photon released during
formation of hydrogen atom, dφ
Induced e.m.f. (e) =
∆E = 2 − (−13.6) = 15.6eV dt
12375 12375 = 4 Bv (a + 2vt )
λ= = = 793.3Å
∆E 15.6 e
32.a Let the velocity of truck at T when he blows the Instantaneous current (i) =
whistle be vs. Then R = 4(a+2vt)r where is resistance per unit length
v 4 Bv(a + 2vt ) Bv
600 = 500 ...(i)
i= =
v − v s cos θ 4r (a + 2vt ) r
or 2v s = v s + at
vs = at 0.693
× 6.02 × 1023
...(ii) 36.a R0 − λN =
14.3 × 3600 × 24
vt = AM = ..(iii) per sec = 3.37 × 1017 per sec
sin θ
After 70 hours activity,
Also AB = l cotθ = vs t + at 2 ...(iv) R = R0 e − λt = (3.37 × 1017 )e − ( 0693 / 14.3×24 )( 70)
l cosθ 1 3 = 2.92 × 1017 per sec.
or = at 2 + at 2 = at 2 In fruits activity was observed I µ ci or 3.7 x 104 per
sin θ 2 2
sec. Therefore, percentage of activity transmitted
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from root to the fruit. potential energy lost by the particle is converted to
kinetic energy. Thus the particle has four times as
3.7 × 10 4
= 17
× 100 = 1.26 × 10 −11% much kinetic energy at r as a t4r. From K.E. = 1/2mv2
2.92 × 10 we see that the velocity must double in order to
increase kinetic energy by a factor of four.
37.a Volume of Hg at 600 C ,
39. b. Since PV = nRT
V60 = V0 (1 + 60γ Hg ) P nR
⇒ Slope = =
Volume of glass bulb at 600 C , V0 (1 + 60γ g ) T V
The more the volume, the lesser the slope and vice-
∴ Volume of Hg that will pass from the bulb into versa.
stem = V0 (γ Hg − γ g )60 40. b. When two angles of incidence are such that the
Cross section of stem at 600C diameter is same for both, one of them may be taken
as the angle of incidence and the other as angle of
A60 = A0 (1 + 60 β g )
emergence at the adjacent face because the path of a
Let l be the length of mercury column in the stem at ray through a prism is reversible.
600C. Then
I1 = 42 o i 2 = 62 o
V0 (γ Hg − γ g )60
l= δ = i1 + i2 − A = 42 o + 62 o − A
A0 (1 + 60 β g )
A = 104o − 44o = 60o
60 C
When the deviation is minimum i = i 1 2 =i
∴ 38o − 2i − 60o
i = 49o
L 2i = 98o
(a) (b) 41. a. Wcyclic = nR(T1 − T2 ) log e α
π π η= = 1 − 2
A0 = (d ) 2 = (0.2) 2 = 0.0314 cm 2 Q1 T1
4 4
∆U cyclic = 0
(10)(18 − 2.7) × 10 −5 × 60
∴ l= 42.a. The P-V equation for the line BC is
(0.0314)[1 + 60 × 1.8 × 10 −5 ]
= 2.92 cm 2P 2P
P = 0 V + 5P0 or PV = − 0 V 2 + 5P0V
V0 V0
38.c. C is correct. The particle accelerates because electrical
potential energy is changing to kinetic energy. We 2P
imagine the electric field doing work on the particle. or RT = − 0 V 2 + 5 P0V
The work done on the particle equals the change in V0
electrical potential energy. (Electric potential energy
= kqq/r) From this equation, we see that the particle 1 2 P0 2
has four times as much electric potential energy at r ∴ T= 5 P0V − V
R V0
as at 4r, but the energy is negative because the
charges are opposite. Thus, the total electric potential dT
energy of energy at r as at 4r, but the energy is T is maximum where =0
negative because the charges are opposite. Thus,
the total electric potential energy of the particle has
decreased by a factor of 4. (-1 J to -4 J is a decrease in
5P − V = 0 or
energy by a factor of four. See question # 768) From V0 4
the work energy theorem (work equals the change in
kinetic energy when the only energy change is 5V 2 P 5V
kinetic. [Since the electric field is doing the work, we Tmax = (5 P0 ) 0 − 0 0
R 4 V0 4
don’t count its energy as a change in energy for the
work energy theorem.]) We see that the electric
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Note that choice D is incorrect because the potential
25P0V0 energy of the board at maximum depression is derived
8R from the hurdle energy (the initial kinetic energy of
43. d. When the bob is located to the right of point O the the diver)
obstacle acts as the pivot. The effective length of 47.d. It’s easier to break the diver’s trip into two parts:
from the board to maximum height, and then from the
the pendulum is and when it is to the left of maximum height to the water.
4 The first part of the trip covers a distance of 80 cm or
obstacle the effective length is . 0.80 m. The diver starts with some initial velocity,
and the velocity becomes zero when the distance is
0.80 m. the time for this part of the trip is the same as
⇒ t= 2π + 2π
2 4g g the time it would take for an object to drop a distance
of 0.80 m. and so it does not matter that we are not
given the initial velocity.
⇒ t= , where T = 2π ∆x = 0.5at 2 (approximating g = 10 m/s2)
4 g
0.80 = 0.5 (10)t2 ; t2=0.16 ; t = 0.4 s
44.a mgh = ms ∆θ + mL The second part of the trip is the diver falling through
a distance of 1+0.80=1.8 m. We use the same equation:
∴ L = gh − s ∆θ 1.8 = 0.5 (10)t2 ; t2 = 0.36 ;t = 0.6 s
The total time in the air is therefore 0.4+0.6 = 1.0 s
= (10) (6.2 × 10 3 ) − (126) ( 200 − 30)
48.b. As discussed in # 14, the total kinetic energy of the
= 40.58 kJ/kg diver after take off is the hurdle energy plus the leap
energy. If W1=W2, then the total kinetic nergy after
takeoff is 2W1.
45. a. In this case the shift, ; s1 = ( µ1 − 1) t This kinetic nergy is transformed into gravitational
potential energy via E=mgh.
β Thus if a height of H1 is achieved with energy W1,
Shift s2 = ( µ 2 − 1) t then a height of 2H1 is achieved with energy 2W1.
Hence H2=2H1, or H1 = 0.5 H2.
β 49.d. The potential energy for a 70-kg mass at a height of
Total shfir S1-S2 ; = ( µ1 − µ 2 ) t 50 cm is: mgh = (70) (10) (0.5) = 350 J
If the efficiency of the muscles is 25% then the
Let us suppose that the central fringe shifts to the
total amount of energy expended is 350/0.25 = 350
β x 4 = 1400 J.
position of nth fringe; nβ = ( µ1 − µ 2 ) t 50.a. If the diver takes off vertically and enters into the
water feet first (i.e. no rotationalmotion) then the
(1.7 − 1.4)8 × 10 −4 height of the dive can be calculated according to
n= = 500 equation E = mgh, where E is the energy derived
4800 × 10 −10
from the hrudle and the leap and h is the height of
46.c. Initially, the diver begins with gravitational potential the diver’s center of mass.
energy from the height of the board above the water. If rotational motions are added as the diver is moving
As the board is depressed, the kinetic energy from upwards, some of the energy is converted to
the hurdle is converted to the potential energy of the rotational kinetic energy. As a result, the kinetic
board (analogous to the stretching of a spring). The energy used for translatioanal motion (in the vertical
potential energy of the board is equal to the hurdle direction) is reduced, and so the maximum height of
energy, W1, when the bord is maximally depressed. the dive is also reduced.
At this point, the kinetic energy of both the diver
and the board is zero. (Again, drawing the agalogy
to a spring, at maximum displacement the kinetic
energy is zero). As the board rebounds, its potential
energy is transformed back into kinetic energy. The
leap energy W2 is added to the total energy this
If the dive is perfect, the board is not moving at the
end and so all of its energy has been converted to
the kinetic energy of the diver. Therefore, the energy
of the diver after takeoff is the sum of the hurdle
energy, the leap energy, and the gravitational
potential nergy from the height of the board above
the water.
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Paper - I I : Mathematics - 51 to 100
51.b. The equation can be written as pattern that is being formed and then to identify as
(x - 4)2 = -16 (y - 1) ....(1) to what is the precise pattern.
We know that focal distance of any point (x, y) Imagine that you are to form two-letter passwords
only y2 = 4ax is x + a . from A, H and I only. There can be three letters starting
the passwords: A, H and I. These passwords are as
So, the focal distance of point (x, y) on the under and in forming them we shall stick to a logical
parabola (1) is y − 1 − 4 = y - 5 pattern so that we miss nothing AH, AI, HA, HI, IA
and IH. This makes six distinct passwords in all. This
52.b. The parabola is ( x − 4) 2 = 16 (y + 1) is because we have three letters to choose from for
The equation of normal to y2 = 4ax is y = mx - 2am - the first place and having chosen one out three, we
am3. can choose only the remaining two for the second
place since you are not allowed to repeat any letter.
So, the equation of normaly to (x-4)2 = 16 (y + 1) is
x -4 = m (y + 1) - 8m - 4m3. This means that 3 x 2 = 6 distinct passwords can be
It passes through (7, 14), so, 3 = 15 m - 8m - 4m3+6 formed (distinct means without repeating the letters)
Now imagine that you are to form two-leeter
⇒ 4m 3 − 7 m + 3 = 0 ⇒ (m − 1) (2m − 1) (2m + 3) = 0 passwords from A, H, I and M only. There can be
four letters starting the passwords: A, H, I and M.
1 3
∴ m = 1, - These passwords are as under and in forming them
2 2 we shall stick to a logical pattern so that we miss
have the analytical ability requisite; formulae will help
giving m = 0, ± - (k + 5) Hence for three real, up to a point and not beyond. But to the one who
has understood the crux of the matter, formulae can
distinct normals k+5 < 0 ⇒ k < -5
take a back seat. We shall strive to show you how
55.b. The equation of a tangent to parabola x2 = - 4a
you can obviate the need for learning a whole lot of
a formulae and then you shall also see that whatever
(y + a) will be of the form x = m( y + a ) −...(1) formulae that you may have carried would have been
of little use in this particular instance. What does at
The given equation is x = -y tan α + p secα .(2) least one mean? At least one means not less than 1
Comparing (1) and (2), we get but if there are three places then one has to see how
a many three letter
m = tan α and am − = p secα
Eliminating m, we get
− a tan α + a cot α = p secα ⇒ a cos 2α = p sin α
56. a. This is a matter of sheer logic. We must see the
problem on a smaller scale in order to study the
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passwords are possible first with one symmettric letter
(which we shall call SL), then with two SLs and finally n(n + 1)
+ 1
with three SLs. We shall call the remaining 15 n 2 (n + 1) 2 2
asymmetric letters ASL for the sake of brevity. =
4 4
If you were to Then for the first That takes the
form a password letter you can nummber of
choose out of choices to (n − 1)n
2 2 + 1
With only one SL (n − 1) n 2
then you can have −
the following 4 4
arrangements :
place 3
ASL 11x15x14=2310
(n + 1) 2 (n 2 + n + 2) 2 −
ASL SL ASL 15x11x14=2310
ASL ASL SL 15x14x11=2310 2310+2310+
2310 = 6930 − (n − 1) 2 (n 2 − n + 2) 2 }
can have the following
arrangements : n3 2
Place1 Place2 Place 3
(n + 1) ( n 2 + 3).
SL SL ASL 11x10x15-1650
SL ASL SL 11x15x10=1650 60.a. Probability of each barrier failing = 20% = 0.2
ASL SL SL 15x11x10=1650 1650+1650+ With two barriers, probability of failure of both =0.2
1650 = 4950 x 0.2 = 0.04. Proceeding in this manner, we have
If you were to Then for the first That takes the (0.2)5=0.00032 as the probability of failure of all 5
form a password letter you can
choose out of
number of
choices to
barriers, which is less than 0.1% (=0.001)
Hence, minimum number of barriers = 5.
With three SLs then 61.d. The equation can be solved by separation of
you can have the follo-
wing arrangement: dM dt
Place1 Place2 Place3 variables =− and integration, yielding In
M 10
SL SL SL 11x10x9=990 990
That makes the number of possible three letter passwords as M =− + C. The value M= M0 when t = 0 implies
6930 + 4950 +990 = 12870. 10
that C=In M0. Taking the exponential of both sides
58.b. Whereas the fundamental identity for the of the solution yields.
trigonometric functions is sin 2 x + cos 2 x = 1, the t M0
fundamental identity for the inverse trigonometric M =M e 10 so M (20) = M 0e − 2 =
0 e2
functions is arcsin x+arccos x = π / 2. Thus arccos 62.d. The vertices from standard form are as shown. The
x = π / 2. - arcsin x. The curve of arcsin x reflected in statement implies that the focimust be at (±9,0).
the horizontal axis will represent the curve of -arcsin the locus difinition of an ellipse implies that
x. Adding π / 2 is geometrically equivalent to
20 = 2 k + 9 2 so that 100 = k+9 and k=19.
translating the curve vertically π / 2 units upward.
63.b. B is got by rotating A through an angle of about
(n − 1)n
1 + 2 + 3 + .... + n − 1 = and the last 0. ∴ the complex number corresponding to B is iZ1.
2 Simillarly C is the point i.iZ1=-Z1.
n(n + 1) ∴ the centroid of ∆ABC is the point
number in the nth group is the cube of .
2 Z1 + iZ1 − Z1 1Z1
Hence the sum of the number in the nth group =
3 3
3 B can take the position of D in the figure
n(n + 1)
= 13 + 23 + ... +
2 D C
n − 1)n
− 13 + 23 + .... +
2 A B
∴ the centroid can also be
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Z1 − iZ1 − Z1 iZ diagonal are 2, 2 2, 3 2,.....,(n − 1) 2
=− 1
3 3 [Since the distance betwen the lines is
64.d. If 5 equivalent to filling in 11 spaces between 12 1
identical items with 2 identical objects. This can be ⇒ A0 A1 = A1 A2 = ...... = 1.
done in C 2 ways.
A A points equidistant at 1 units].
positive] So, the required sum =
∴α + β and αβ are positive and negative
= 2{ 2 + 2 2 + 3 2 + .... + (n − 1) 2} + n 2
fraction respectively. Also G = AH ....(2) n(n − 1)
=2 2 + n 2 = n2 2
Discriminant of (1) = 2
(− G ) 2 − 4. A.(− H ) = G + 4AH = 5 G > 0
{from (2)}
70.a. R = [ R ] + f = (8 + 3 7 )
2 20
equation. ∴ f(5) = 25a + 5b + 10 ≥ 0
∴ Solution set is S = R - I ∴ 5a + b ≥ -2
67.c. f(x) and g(x) are both equal to 1 (generally) Hence the minimum value of 5a + b = - 2
x x ∴ 5m + n = -2; Hence n = -2 - 5 m
tan is not defined if is an add multiple of
2 2 ∴ m(4x + 2y + 3) − (2 + 5m) (x − y − 1 = 0
π x m (-x + 7 y + 8) - 2 (x - y - 1) = 0
; so too see . represents the family which is concurrent at the
2 2 point of intersection of x - y - 1 = 0 and - x + 7y + 8
∴ f(x) = g(x) for only R-(2n+1) π
68.b. First distribute two balls in each of the three boxes. 1 7
So, we are left with four identical balls to be = 0 whch is − ,−
6 6
distributed in 3 boxes. This is number as finding
72.b. f (X) = g (x + a)
the number of non-negative integral solutions for x
+ y + x = 4. The number of ways = 6!/4! 2! = 15. 73.a. Applig C1 → C1 + C 2 , we get
69.d. Length of line segments on one side of the
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2 cos 2 x sin 2 x − 13i + j + 10k
2 1 + cos x sin 2 x 270
1 cos x 1 + sin 2 x 270 ( −13i + j + 10k)
∴C =
ApplyingR 2 → R 2 − R1 and R 3 → R1, we get
= −13i + j + 10k
2 cos x sin 2 x 76.b. First choose the two letters that go into two correct
0 1 0 = 2 + sin 2 x envelopes. This occurs in 5C2 = 10 ways. Now of the
rest three letters, the first one chosen at random can
−1 0 1 be put in only two ways (i.e., in the two envelopes
except its own), the 2nd in I way and the 3rd will
Since the maximum value of sin 2x is 1, and automatically go into the wrong envelope. Thus,
minimum value of sin 2x is (-1). number of ways is 10 x 2 = 20
Therefore α = 3, β = 1
77.c. (I) True, because the circumference of the unit circle
Now, α − B = 2, α + β = 4 and α + 3β = 6, is 2π , arcs of length π and - π (each half of the
circle) will both terminate at the circular point (-1,0).
thus (α − B ) + ( α + β ) = ( α + 3β ) The first arc π , being positive, is measured in the
So, α − B, α + β , α + 3β cannot form a counterclockwise direction, whereas the second arc,
triangle. All other options are correct. - π , being negative, is measured in the clockwise
74.c. We have
AL1 L1M1 1 LM a
= ⇒ = 1 1 ⇒ L1M1 = 2
AB BC n +1 a n +1 x
AL2 L2 M 2 2a
= ⇒ L2 M 2 = .....etc
AB BC n +1
(II) False. we must always carefully distinguish
between a number (or arc length) and the circular
A point on the unit circle with which it corresponds.
L2 M2
Each of the numbers 0, 2 π , 4 π ,... are different,
L3 M3 although they all correspond to the same circular
point, namely, (1,0).
(III) True. It is also true for arc lengths 2+n(2 π ),
where n is any integer.
(IV) True. See the figure.
x-u y−v
78.a. Let the equation of the line =
Ln Mn cos θ sin θ
B C Any point at a distance ‘r’ from ‘p’ and on the line is
(u + r cos θ, v + r sin θ) . then this will satisfy the
a 2a ha
+ + ..... + equation of the curve.
Required sum =
n +1 n +1 n +1
∴ a + (u + r cos θ) 2 + 2h(u + r cos θ) (v + r sin θ)
a na
= [1 + 2 + ... + n] + b (u + r sin θ) 2 + 2g(u + r cos θ) = 0
n +1 2
75.b. a. b = -14 + 4 - 8 = negative and hence a and b or, (a cos 2θ + 2hv cos θ. sin θ + b sin 2 θ) r 2 +
include on abtuse angle.
The bisector of the acute angle between a and b R
will be along b̂ - â
- 2 i - j + 2k − 7 i - 4j - 4k
i.e., −
3 9
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(2au cos θ + 2hv cos θ + 2hu sin θ + 2bv sin θ + 2g cos θ) r According to the given condition M is the mid
point of the chord PQ, then we have slope of
+ a u 2 + 2huv + b v 2 + 2 gu = 0 ....(ii)
PQ x slope of CM=-1 [∵ PQ ⊥ CM ]
PQ and PR are the roots of the quadratic equation in
‘r’. a
∴ Product of the roots PQ.PR
m× 2 = −1
au 2 + 2huv + bv 2 + 2gu i.e., λ a (λ + 1)
= a 1 − +
a cos 2θ + b sin 2θ + h sin 2θ 2 m
79.c. P(the student passes the exam) =P (the student
passes in I, II, not or passes In I, III not II or passes m 2 − (λ − 2) m + 2(λ + 1) = 0 ....(III)
in I, II, III) Therefore, for two real and distinct chords, we
1 1 1 1
∴ = p × q × + p × × (1 − q) + p × q ×
2 2 2 2 (λ − 2) 2 − (λ + 1) > 0 [discriminant of equation
∴1 = 2pq + p − pq or p + pq − 1 = 0 (III) > 0]
Or p(1+q) = 1 which is satisfied only by p=1, q=0 i.e., λ2 − 12λ − 4 > 0
80.c. Let m and m2 be the slopes of the lines represented
by ax2+2hxy+by2 = 0 82.a. PS + Ps' = ePZ + ePZ ' = e( PZ + PZ ' ) = e.ZZ ' = e. = 2a ,
2h if a > b
Then, m + m2 = − ..(1)
b 2b
= e. = 2b, if a < b
m. m 2 =
If co-ordinates of P be (x, y) then
PS + PS’ + SS’ = 2a + 2a e = 2 a (1+e)
3 ∴ s = a (1+e). Semi perimeter of the ∆ and s-
or m = ..(2)
b SS’=a (1- e)
3 α ( s − c) ( s − a ) ( s − a ) ( s − b)
from (1)
2 3
(m + m ) = − Now, tan =
b 2 s( s − b) s ( s − c)
8h 3 s − a 1− e
⇒ m 3 + m 6 + 3.m.m 2 (m + m 2 ) = − = = [a = SS’; PS’ = c, PS= b)
b3 s 1+ e
a a 2 3a 2h 8h 3 a − a 2 − b2 a 2 + a 2 − b 2 − 2a a 2 − b 2
⇒ + 2 + − = − 3 {from (1) and = =
h b b b b a + a2 − b2 b2
2a 2 − b 2 − 2 a a 2 − b 2
a 8h 3 6ah =
⇒ + (a + b) = b2
b2 b3 b2
( a + b ) 8h 2
or + =6
h ab
81.c. The given circle Z’ Z
x 2 + y 2 − λ ax + ay − a 2 (λ2 + 1) = 0 ....(1) S’ S
λa a a x=
has centre at C ≡ , x=−
2 2 e e
Equation of any line through the given point 83.d. The function can be rewritten as
P ≡ (a (λ − 1), a (λ + 1) can be written as
1 − x x < −1
y − a (λ + 1) = m [ x − a (λ − 1)] ...(II)
f ( x ) = 2 −1 ≤ × ≤ 1
The above line intersects the x-axis at the point
1 + x x > 1
a(λ + 1)
M ≡ a (λ − 1) − ,0
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Y (1 + x + x 2 ) (1 − x + x 2 ) (1 − x 2 + x 4 ) (1 − x 4 + x8 )... = 1
Taking logarithm of both sides, we get
1+ y=2
⇒ ln(1+x+ x2) +ln(1−x+x2)ln(1−x2 +x4) +ln(1−x4 +x8)...=0
Differentiating both sides w.r.t. x, we get
O (1,0) 1+ 2x −1+ 2x − 2x + 4x3 − 4x3 + 8x7
) 1 -x
=y ⇒ + + + + ....= 0
(- 1 1+ x + x2 1− x + x2 1− x2 + x4 1− x4 + x8
∴ In the figure thickly shaded portion is the
required curve clearly it is continuous at all points 1 − 2x 2 x − 4 x3 4 x3 − 8x7 1 + 2x
but not differentiable at x = -1 and 1.
+ + + ... =
1− x + x 1− x + x 1− x + x
2 2 4 4 8
1 + x + x2
84.b. Here two straight lines, (tan α ) x + (sin α ) y = α
86.a. The integral can be written as
( α cose α ) x+ (cos α ) y = 1 have their point of 2
2 x 7 − 10 x 5 − 7 x 3 + x
intersection as, Let 1= ∫ x2 + 2
− 2
α cos α − sin α α − x tan α
x= and y = 2
3 x 2 ( x 4 − 4) + 1
sin α − α sin α + ∫ x2 + 2
∴ when α → 0, we obtain the point P. − 2
α cos α-sin α 0
⇒ I = 0 + 2 ∫ 3( x 4 − 2 x 2 ) + 2
i.e., lim x = lim form dx
α →0 α →0 sin α - α 0 0 x +2
(applying L-Hospital’s rule) 2
6 x
⇒ I = x 5 − 4 x3 + 2 tan −1
α α 5 20
α 2 sin cos
- α sin α 2 2
= lim = lim
α →0 - 2 sin 2α / 2 α →0 α 16 π
2 sin 2 ∴ I=- 2+
2 5 2 2
( ) x 2
= lim
= lim 2 = 2 87.b. In 1 , 10 , 3 − =2
α→0 α α→ 0 α 10
tan tan
2 2
α − x tan α α x
Again as, = αlim y = lim = lim − x=1 x = 10
→0 α →0 sin α α →0 sin α cos α x
α x
= lim − lim
α→0 sin α α →0 cos α ∴ the area required is the area bounded by
= 1 − 2 as lim x = 2 ⇒ lim y = -1 x = 1, x = 10 , y = 1 and y = 2 is the area of
α →0 α →0
the shaded rectangle in the Figure
Hence, in limiting position, P (2, -1)
85.b. We have = ( 10 − 1)(2 − 1) = 10 − 1.
88.a. F(x) is discontinuous at x =0
(1 + x + x2 ) (1 − x + x2 ) = (1 + x2 )2 − x2 = 1 + x2 + x4
− 12 x 2
(1+x+x2) (1−x+x2) (1−x2 +x4) =(1−x2 +x4) =1+x4 +x8
Continuing in this way, we have
(e − e
f ' ( x) =
x3 − x3 )2
,x ≠ 0
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lim f ( x) − ∞, lim f ( x) = ∞ 19 35 9e 2x − 4
x →0− 0 x →0 + 0 ⇒ I=- × log +c
∴ Range of 36 36 ex
f = (−∞,−1) ∪ (1, ∞) = R − [−1, 1]
19 35 35
Since, Range equals codomain Hence, f is onto. ⇒ I=- × + log (9e 2x − 4) − log e x + c
36 36 36
1 1
89.a. Given a f(x) + b f = −5 ...(1) 19 35 35
x x ⇒ I = − − × + log (9e 2x − 4) + c
36 36 36
or, a f + bf ( x) = x − 5 ⇒ I=−
54 35
×+ log (9e2x − 4) + c
36 36
3 35
1 ⇒ I = − × + log (9e 2x − 4) + c
(Replacing x by ) 2 36
Multiply equation (i) by a, equation (ii) by b and 3 35
∴ A=− ,B= and c is a constant
subtracting, we get 2 36
1 a 91.a. f (x) is continuous and attains only rational values
a 2 f(x) + ab f = − 5a
x x ⇒ f ( x) = a constant. For otherwise f(x) assumes
irrational values as there are an infinite number of
1 irrational numbers between any two real numbers.
ab f + b 2 f ( x) = bx − 5b
x Hence f (2) = f (0) = f (6) = f (1) = 4
2 a 2
∴ the equation becomes 4( x 2 + x + 1) = 0 and
Subtracting, f ( x) (a − b ) = − bx + 5b − 5a discriminant is negative.
92.a I)
bx 2
(a 2 − b 2 ) f(x) dx = a Inx −
− 5(a − b(x
1 f ( x) = (a − x n )1/ n , a > 0, n om +ve integer
[ ] { }
2 1/ n
f [ f ( x)] = f (a − x n )1/ n = a − (a − x n )1 / n
1 7b
∫ f(x) dx = 2
a −b 2
(a In 2 − 5a + )
4e x + 6e − x (
= a − a − xn )1/ n
90.d. Let 1 = ∫ 9e x − 4e−x dx
∴ Statement is Correct
Using the Rule
N ' = λD'+ µ (d .c. of D' ) II ) Let E be use event “No two S’s occur
⇒ 4e x + 6e − x = λ (9e x − 4e − x ) + µ (9e x + 4e − x )
⇒ 4ex + 6e− x = 9(λ + µ )ex + 4(µ − λ) e− x
A, A, I, N can be arranged in 2 ! =12 ways
4 6
∴ λ+µ = and λ − µ = − —A—A—I—N— Creating 5 places for 4 S. Out of 5
9 4
places 4 can be selected in sC4 = 5 ways.
19 35
Solving, we have λ = − ; µ =
36 36 ∴ No two S’s occur together in = 12 × 5 = 60 ways
∴ I=∫
λ D + µ (d.c. of D )
Total No. of arranging all letters of word ‘assassin’
= = 840
d.c. of Dr 4!2!
⇒ I = λ ∫ dx + µ ∫ dx
⇒ I = λx + µ log D r + c 60 1
∴ Req. prob. = =
840 4
19 35
⇒ I=- ×+ log (9ex − 4e− x ) + c ∴ Statement if wrong
36 36
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∆ circumstance and centriod coincide
93.d I) False
∴ Centroid of ∆ ABC = 0
1 a bc a a2 abc R1 by a
1 z1 + z 2 + z 3
1 b ca = b b2 abc R2 by b ⇒ = 0 ⇒ z1 + z 2 + z 3 = 0
1 c ab
c c2 abc R3 by c
2 2
a a 1 1 a a
C ⇔ C3 a n d ∴ Statement is true.
= b b 2 1 = ( −1) 2 1 b b 2 1
2 2 C2 ⇔ C3
c c 1 1 c c
2Z + 1 (2 x + 1) + 2iy
then 95.b. =
iZ + 1 (1 − y ) + ix
∴ Equal. Hence statement is Correct.
{2 x + 1) + 2iy} {(1 − y ) − ix}
II) .False (1 − y ) 2 + x 2
2 x 2 + 3x + 1 = 0 ∴ imaginary part = -2
⇒ 2y (1 - y) - x (2x + 1)
⇒ x = −1, − 1 / 2 both are rational
= −2{(1 − y ) 2 + x 2 }
∴ Statement is correct. ⇒ 2 y − x = −2 + 4 y
⇒ x + 2 y = 2 which is a straight line.
For questions 96 - 100 :
As coefficients are rational and D=9–8=1 is x
perfect square. First series : ( S1 ) = x, y, , z , x + 20
∴ roots must be rational. Second series : ( S 2 ) = a1 , a2 , a3 , a4
∴ Statement is F.
x x
94.c I ) a1 = y - x, a2 = - y, a3 = Z - and a4 = x + 20 − z
2 2
Otherwise if X ⊥ A, X ⊥ B, X ⊥ C 97.d
then A , B, C are coplanar ⇒ [ A B C] = 0 100.b.
∴ Statement is correct
II ) As Z1 = Z 2 = Z 3
∴ z1, z2, z3 are equidistant from origin.
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Paper - I I I : Chemistry - 101 to 150
101.c Bromine and chlorine are both halogens, so they are density) they cancel out overall because of the
similar in many ways, but bromine appears below symmetry of the overall molecule. Therefore, any
chlorine in the periodic table. This means that bromine dipole moments that point into the cage will be
has a larger electron could; x-ray dIfraction data cancelled by those on the opposite side of the cage,
shows that bromine has a diameter about 10 and any that point out will also be cancelled, so the
Angstroms greater than that of chlorine. Since overall dipole moment of the C60 colecule is zero.
bromoform is larger than chloroform, it will separate Choice (A) is incorrect because the number of valence
the bucky balls more effectively from the electrons; electrons in a carbon atom is irrelevant to the dipole
the passage states that scientists believe this moment of a conglomeration of atoms in a molecule.
increases the number of positive gaps and hence the Choice (B) is incorrect because only carbon atoms
superconductivity of the material. are involved in a C60 molecule. Finally, choice (C) is
Choice (A) is incorrect because although bromoform incorrect because any magnetic field created within
is heavier than chloroform, the proximity of size to the cage will be cancelled overall due to symmetry.
the buckyball is irrelevant to the molecule’s 105.a This is the type of that you should treat more like a
effectiveness at creating positive gaps. (B) is Verbal Reasoning question. The answer is started
incorrect because although bromoform has more specIically in the passage - your job is to read
electron density than chloroform, canceling out the critically. The passage states that separating the
positive charges is not desirable for increasing the buckyballs with other molecules increases the number
superconductivity for material. (D) is incorrect of positive gaps. Chloroform and bromoform
because bromoform and chloroform contain the same molecules accomplish this separation effectively.
number of atoms; it is the size of the halogen atom Choice (B) is incorrect because there is no evidence
that makes a dIference in their ability to separate in the passage that chloroform or bromoform
electrons from the buckyballs. molecules insert themselves into the buckyball
102.c . As stated in the passage, allotropes are dIferent forms molecules. Choice (C) is incorrect because although
of an element - some are groups of atoms, such as chloroform and bromoform have strong dipole
buckyballs C60. moments, there is no evidence in the passage that
While others are simply arrangements of atoms in this affects the separation of the buckyballs. Choice
dIferent forms. Graphite is composed of two- (D) is incorrect because the passage does not say
dimensional sheets of carbon atoms in hexagonal anything about the volatility of the separator
arrangements, while the carbon atoms in diamond molecules.
are arranged in a tetrahedral formation that is three 106.a.
dimensional. Since allotropes must contain only
atoms of the element in question, PH3 is not an 2H 2 + O2(g )
disch arg e
→ 2H 2 O
allotrope of phosphorus. Choice (C) is correct. 2vols 1vol 40ml
103.b In order to determine the shape of a molecule, look at 40ml 20ml
the number of substituents that surround the central
atom, it will have a tetrahedral shape. VSEPR theory H2O is a gas (steam) at 383 K (110ºC), but a liquid at
dictates that all the atoms repel each other due to room temperature.
their electron clouds, so a tetrahedral structure 40 ml of H2 will react with 20 ml of O2 to form 40 ml of
minimizes the electron repulsions for four
substituents. Out of 40 ml of O2, 20 ml will be left unreacted.
Choice (A) is incorrect because a trigonal bipyramidal (a) Volume of the gaseous mixture at 383 K = 40 ml
structure minimizes the repulsions when the central H2O(g) +20 ml O2 = 60 ml
atom is surrounded by five substituents. (C) is (b) Volume of 40 ml H2O(g) at room temperature
incorrect because the trigonal planar arrangement will be negligible because it will be condensed
minimizes electron repulsions for a central atom with to liquid. So, only 20 ml O2 will be there at room
three substituents. (D) is incorrect be cause a bent temperature.
structure results when the central atom has two
108.b. For ground state of hydrogen, n=1;
atomic substituents in addition to one or more lone
pairs of electrons. For first excited state of Li2+, n = 2
104.d. This question might seem intimidating with so many
K × Z2
atoms to consider, how can the dipole moment of the For H and H-like ions : En = −
molecule be determined? The thing to keep in mind
is that the buckyball has a great deal of symmetry. K × l2
Even I there are individual dipoles within the molecule Energy of e– in the ground state of hydrogen = −
(temporary dipoles due the fluctuation in electron
= –K
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Energy of e– in the Ist excited state of Li2+(Z = 3) Step 2. Add 2H2O to the left to balance ‘O’ atoms
K×3 2
9K C2 O24 − + 2H 2 O → 2CO32 −
=− =−
22 4 Step 3. Add 4H+ on the right side to balance ‘H’
Ratio of these energies =–K; − C 2 O 24 − + 2H 2 O → 2CO 32 − + 4H +
Step 4. Add 2e– on the right to balance charges :
109.b. Keto form is more stable because
\ C = 0 bond is C 2 O 42 − + 2H 2 O → 2CO32 − + 4H + + 2e _ .....(i)
Reduction half :
stronger than >C=C< bond of enol form, thus keto
form is about 92.7% and enol form is about 7.3% in MnO −4 → MnO 2
the mixture. Enol form is volatile because of Step 1. Mn atom is balanced. So, add 2H2O to the
Intramolecular H-bonding but number of σ and π right side to balance ‘O’ atoms.
bonds plus lone pair of electrons in both the forms MnO −4 → MnO 2 + 2H 2 O
are same.
Step 2. Add 4H+ on the left to balance ‘H’ atoms.
MnO −4 + 4H + → MnO 2 + 2H 2 O
O O Step 3. Add 3e– on the left to balance the charges :
Keto form MnO −4 + 4H + + 3e − → MnO 2 + 2H 2 O .....(ii)
CH3–C–CH=C–OC2H5 Now, multiply equation (i) by 3 and (ii) by 2 and add
these two equations which gives :
O H–O −
2MnO + 3C O 2H O → 2MnO + 6CO + 4H
4 2
4 2
Intramolecular H-bonding So, add 4OH–, ions on both sides in the above
(Enol form) balanced equation we get,
110.a. O O
2MnO −4 + 3C 2 O 24 − + 2H 2 O + 4OH − → 2MnO 2 + 6CO32 −
of electrons on central Te atom. Only SI4 molecule anilinum chloride is a salt and is the least reactive.
has a regular tetrahedral geometry. Hence, the correct answer is b.
113.a. Because, the reaction of iodine with alkane is 116.b. Metal cation having higher reduction potential will
reversible and it becomes irreversible in the presence be reduced first at cathode and get deposited. So,
of strong oxidising agents like conc. the order of metal deposition is : Ag, Pb, Ni, Mg(s)
HNO3, HIO3, HgO etc. because a strong oxidising will not be deposited at cathode because Eºred. of
agent oxidises HI to I2. Mg2+(aq) is less than that of water.
114.b. The equation MnO + C 2 O → MnO 2` + CO 32 − is
− 117.d. –1 effect of –NO2 group decreases reactivity of the
ring and after release of H+ ion. Phenoxide ion shows
split into oxidation and reduction half : 5 reasonating structures (as compared to phenol
Oxidation half : which shows two only) and becomes more stable.
C 2 O 42 − → CO32 − 118.d. 2NO(g) + Cl2(g) 2NOCl(g). On increasing (doubling)
Step 1. Multiply by 2 on the right side to balance ‘C’ the volume of this equilibrium system, the
atoms concentrations of all the species will be halved. But
the eqm. being disturbed, the reaction will go in the
C 2 O 24 − → 2CO32 −
backward direction, i.e., NOCl will be dissociated to
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NO and Cl2 till new eqm. is attained. Thus, the number of
moles of NO and Cl2 will be increased, i.e., moles of Br Br
| | Zn dust
Cl2 is greater than that present at the first eqm. CH3 − CH2 − C − C − CH3
| |
2x − y + 2 CH3 H Zn
119.d. Degree of unsaturation = / \
CH3 − CH2 C − C − CH3
Where x = number of carbon atoms. | |
y = number of hydrogen atoms. CH3 H
1 ring = 1 degree of unsaturation CH3 − CH2 − CH − CH2 − CH3
| -Znl2
2 × 10 − 10 + 2 Ch3
∴ Degree of unsaturation = =6
124.c. The given reaction is 1st order in A because on
120.c. Suppose the initial pressure, P1=P atm, volume of
doubling the concentration of A, rate of formation of
vessel V litre, and initial temperature T1=T Kelvin. ‘D’ is doubled. Similarly, it is first order in C. But, the
I M is the molecular mass of the gas, then from the reaction is zero order in B because the doubling of
relation, its concentration does not affect the reaction rate.
P1V1 = n1RT1
m So, the rate equation for the reaction becomes, =k
P1 = P, V1 = V, n1 = ,T =T dt
M 1
[A] [B]0 [C].
m 125.c. Teflon is addition polymer.
Thus, P× V = , RT ........(i) 126.c. Let us consider the association of a solute A in a
Let x gm of the gas remain in the flask when final non-polar solvent :
pressure P2 =
P 2
and T2 = T ; V remains constt.
1 mole
0 ...initially
2 3
P x 2T (1– α ) eqm.
Thus ×V = ×R× .........(ii) n
2 M 3 Total number of particles at eqm.
On Dividing (i) by (ii)
P×V m/ M×R×T i=1– α +
= n
P 2 For solute ‘‘X’’ :
×V x / M×R × T
2 3 n = 2, for dimerisation,
α = 0.8
m 3 3m
or 2 = × or 4x = 3m x= 0.8
x 2 4 i = 1 – 0.8 +
So, the amount of the gas escaped is 2
= 0.62
=m– = (1/4) m. For solute Y :
4 n = 3, α = 0.9
121.c NC H CN NC CN 0.9
- H+
i = 1 – 0.9 +
Since i is higher for solution ‘X’. ∆ Tf will be higher
i.e. –1 effect of –CN group leads to detachment of
hydrogen as H+. After formation of carbanion in X. So, freezing point of X < F.P. of Y.
negative charge may be conjugated with cyanide
groups as well as C = C bond i.e. cyano groups show
resonance effect.
122.b. In the formula of the mineral AB2 there are two ‘B’
atoms per ‘A’ atom. ‘A’ atoms are cubic close packed
hence, there two tetraheral sites for one atom. The
formula AB2 is possible I ‘B’ atoms occupy all the
tetraherdral sites. Hence, the fraction of tetrahedral
sites occupied by B atoms is 100%. The mineral AB2
has fluorite structure with A and B having co-
ordination number 8 and 4 respectively.
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130 .c. Number of millimoles of NaOH = 0.1 × 100=10
Number of milliequivalents of HCN = 0.1 × 150=15
127.d. OH
On mixing, 10 meq of NaOH will neutralize 10 meq. of
HCN to give 10 meq of NaCN (salt). [15–10] = 5 meq
OH/CO2, 400K COOH of HCN will be left unneutralized. The resulting
4.7 alm solution being a mixture of HCN (weak acid) and
Salicylic acid NaCN (salt) will behave as a buffer.
131.b. In alkaline medium of solution, fructose rearranges
to form a mixture of glucose and mannose.
132.a. The greater the amount of heat evolved in the
formation of a compound, greater is its stability.
O3 ( ∆ H+f (+142.2 kJ mol–1) and HI ( ∆ H+f +25.9 kJ
NaOH 340K
OH mol–1) indicates these are endothermic substances
hence less stable than CO2 ( ∆ H+f –343.3 kJ mol–1)
COOH and NH3 ( ∆ H+f–46.2 kJ mol–1).
Dil. Hcl
∴ Increasing stability order is : O3, HI, NH3, CO2.
133.d. Among the known amino acids, glycine is not
optically active.
134.d. Volume of gold dispersed in one litre of
(ii) Oxidation mass 0.193gm
Water = density =
19.3gm cm −3
Number of millimoles of Ca2+ ions in the 60 ml 0.1 F
= 0.01 cm .
Volume of one sol particle of gold
Molarity of Ca2+ ions in the solution after the reaction. [One litre = 106 mm3] = 1381
= 1380.
1m mole 135.a. But, D is dIferent, because O3 decolourises KMnO4
= (60 + 40) ml
= 0.01 M. 136.a. So lub ility of an ionic 1
K sp of CaCO3 compound in water lattice energy
[ CO32 − ] in the resulting solution =
[Ca 2 + ] A compound is water soluble I its hydration energy
is higher than lattice energy.
5 × 10−9 137.a. This information is about sodium, which when reacts
= = 5 × 10−7 M.
0.01 with water produces a combustible gas (H2) and an
129.b. Pd + BaSO4
aqueous NaOH solution. This solution reacts with
Re duction
→ RCHO zinc to produce H2 like with dilute H2SO4. Sodium
(Acid halide) (Aldihyde)
catalytic reduction of an acid-halide to an aldehyde imparts golden yellow colour to a smokeless Bunsen
is known as Rosenmund’s reaction. Reimer- flame. Hence, A, B, C and D are Na, H2. NaoH and Zn
Tiemann’s reaction involves the reaction of phenol respectively.
with strong base like aq. NaOH and chloroform in 2Na + 2H 2 O
→ 2NaOH + H 2 (g) ↑
order to introduce a –CHO (formyl group), Kiliani- (A) (C) (B)
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(D) is incorrect yes, HF is the smallest, but Table 1
Zn + dil.H 2SO 4
→ ZnSO 4 + H 2 ↑
(D) (B) indicates that, except for HF, solubility increases with
138.b. increasing size. We therefore an eliminate all answer
CHCl3 + O2
→ H 2 O+ CO2+ Cl2 choices except (B). (Note: of the hydrogen halides,
(A) (X) (Y) (Z)
only HF forms intermolecular hydrogen bonds. For
H2O is a neutral oxide which turns cobalt chloride the others, the strongest interparticle force is dipole-
paper pink. CO2 turns lime water milky while Cl2 is a dipole, with a small contribution form van der Waals
pungent smelling gas. CO2 on dissolving in H2O forces (or London dispersion forces) that increases
produces an aqueous solution. It must be noted with increasing molecular size.).
that pure chloroform does not give ppt. with AgNO3 146.d. Since the question stem indicates the need for
solution and 70% chloroform+30% ether mixture is additional heat, we should immediately consider
used as an anaesthetic. thermodynamics. Choices (B) and (D) both mention
139.a. Known inter-halogen compounds are of AB, AB3, thermodynamic quantities, while (A) and (C) do not.
AB 5 and AB 7 , types in which A is a less Only answer choice (B) makes sense in this context.
electronegative halogen while B is a more Since heat is required to drive the reaction, it must be
electronegative, FBr3 cannot exist because in such a endothermic. This does not fit with choice (D), which
compound the oxidation state of F is +3, which is not suggests that the reaction is exothermic. Choice (A)
possible. The structure of CI, can be explained on is incorrect viscosity isn’t necessarily ameliorated
the basis of VSEPR theory but the structure of I7 by heating. Answer choice (C) is incorrect because
cannot because I7 has a normal structure due to the statement refers to fre radical reaction steps:
absence of lone pair electrons at I atom.
140.a. Banana B–H b onds are longer (1.33A) than normal H2
→ 2H. ; H. + Br2 + HBr + Br
B–H bonds (1.19A). But, banana bonds are stronger The first reaction doesn’t occur, and the second
than normal B–H bonds because hydrogen atoms of
banana bonds are present between two boron atoms.
reaction is a viable propagation step in the actual
reaction mechanism. However, nothing in this answer
Diborane is also known as 3c–2e compound as two choice refers in any way to an energy requirement.
electrons are present between three centres (atoms). 147.a. Inspection of Table 2 shows that statement I is true;
The hybrid state of boron atoms in B2H6 is sp3. as we move down the table, size increases but boiling
Further, diborane can be prepared by treating BF3 point decreases, so eliminate choice (C). Statement
with LiAH4 in the presence of dry ether. II is incorrect, anions are larger than cations of the
141.a. The most stable oxidation state of transition elements same period. K+ and CI- are isoelectronic species.
is +3, whose stability decreases across the period This eliminates answer choice (D). Statement III is
while that of +2 increases. Ni, Fe and Cr have zero incorrect. Note that both the cation and anion of
oxidation state in carbonyis like Ni(CO4), Fe(CO)5, each salt in Table - 2 increase in size going down the
Mn3(CO)12. Further, atomic sizes of elements of 3d table. The result is that because the relative size
transition series are almost constant from Cr to Cu dIference between the cation/anion pair of a
because an increase in effective nuclear charge is compound remains roughly the same, there should
balanced by increase in screening effect. be no change in the crystal lattice structure.
142.a. Zn (speleter) is purIied by electrolysis process or Therefore, a decrease in lattice energy cannot be used
fractional distillation. to predict decreasing boiling point in this instance.
143.a. The three layers are of dIferent densities. The upper Only statement is true, so the correct answer is choice
layer (pure aluminium) acts as cathode, middle layer (A).
consists of BaF2 and cryolite (Na3AI6) and that of 148.b The reaction forms a gas, so precipitation is incorrect
bottom layer is of impure aluminium which acts as - eliminate choice (A). Disproportionation involves
anode. the separation of a compound into its components,
144.a. K3[Cu(CN)4 is stable while K2[Cd(CN)4 is unstable. the opposite is at work here, so choice (C) is
145. b The keywords “water solubility” and “boiling point” incorrect. Don’t be tempted by choice (D) - although
in the question stem suggest that we look for an a product is being formed, the reaction conditions
answer involving interparticle forces. Answer choice do not meet the requirements for a formation reaction,
(B) overtly mentions interparticle forces and is choice (B), combination, accurately describes the
consistent with our knowledge of them - only N, O reaction of gaseous hydrogen and chlorine.
and F can form hydrogen bonds, so CI, Br and I
cannot. Therefore, this choice is correct. Now let’s
149. c We need to find the value of the velocity ratio
HCI / V HBr V HBr Formally, this is given by
examine the other choices to see why they’re
incorrect. Answer choice (A) is incorrect, according Graham’s Law of DIfusion.
to the last paragraph in the passage, within a group V
(here, the hydrogen halides) lattice energy decreases HCI MM HBr
with increasing atomic number answer choice (C) is V HBr MM HCI
incorrect - It is the weakest acid, but this is irrelevant
to the boiling point and melting point. Answer choice Where MM denotes a molecular mass (here,
equivalent to formula weight). Therefore,
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HCI 80.92 81 9 3
= 96 = =
V HBr 34.86 36 3 2
The temperature T has no bearing on this problem.
Even I you gorget Graham’s Law of DIfusion, you
should know that HCI(g) moves faster than HBr(g
simply because HCI/(f) is a lighter molecule; the
velocity ratio must therefore be greater than 1/1. This
eliminates two answer choices right away - choice
(A) which is the result of an inverted formula weight
ratio in the expression for Graham’s Law and choice
(B), which is the result of thinking that all gas
molecules travel at the same rate. (An essential
feature of the kinetic theory of gases is that at the
same T, all gases have the same kinetic energy. Of
course I the masses dIfer, the velocities must also
dIfer to satisfy the 1/2 mv2 requirement for kinetic
energy.) Answer choice (C) results form using the
molecular mass ratio instead of its square root.
150. b The first paragraph of the passage tells us that the
initiation step of the gas phase reaction of hydrogen
and chlorine is the cleavage of the halogen into its
component atoms. Answer choice (A) shows an
initiation reaction, but the wrong one. Answer choices
(C) and (D) show propagation steps of the reaction;
add them to get the overall reaction equation
H 2 + Cl 2
→ 2HCl
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