6g Era
6g Era
6g Era
ABSTRACT The focus of wireless research is increasingly shifting toward 6G as 5G deployments get
underway. At this juncture, it is essential to establish a vision of future communications to provide guidance
for that research. In this paper, we attempt to paint a broad picture of communication needs and technologies
in the timeframe of 6G. The future of connectivity is in the creation of digital twin worlds that are a true
representation of the physical and biological worlds at every spatial and time instant, unifying our experience
across these physical, biological and digital worlds. New themes are likely to emerge that will shape 6G
system requirements and technologies, such as: (i) new man-machine interfaces created by a collection of
multiple local devices acting in unison; (ii) ubiquitous universal computing distributed among multiple local
devices and the cloud; (iii) multi-sensory data fusion to create multi-verse maps and new mixed-reality
experiences; and (iv) precision sensing and actuation to control the physical world. With rapid advances in
artificial intelligence, it has the potential to become the foundation for the 6G air interface and network,
making data, compute and energy the new resources to be exploited for achieving superior performance.
In addition, in this paper we discuss the other major technology transformations that are likely to define 6G:
(i) cognitive spectrum sharing methods and new spectrum bands; (ii) the integration of localization and
sensing capabilities into the system definition, (iii) the achievement of extreme performance requirements
on latency and reliability; (iv) new network architecture paradigms involving sub-networks and RAN-Core
convergence; and (v) new security and privacy schemes.
INDEX TERMS 6G, AI/ML driven air interface, network localization and sensing, cognitive spectrum
sharing, sub-terahertz, RAN-Core convergence, subnetworks, security, privacy, network as a platform.
will be mapped accurately every instant and integrated into mobile networking as it seeks to address increasingly spe-
the digital and virtual worlds, enabling new super-human cialized requirements, and the consequent implications on the
capabilities. Augmented reality user interfaces will enable evolution of standardization. We conclude Section VII with a
efficient and intuitive human control of all these worlds, brief summary.
whether physical, virtual or biological.
The connectivity of the future is therefore about enabling II. WHAT WILL 6G BE USED FOR?
the seamless integration of these different worlds, illustrated What will life and our digital society on the other side of
in Figure 1, to create a unified experience for humans, the 2030s look like? We begin with devices that humans
or should we say create an internet of cyborgs. When consid- may use to connect to the network. While the smartphone
ering such a future, the following major new themes emerge and the tablet will still be around, we are likely to see
in addition to the new communication needs: (i) end devices new man-machine interfaces that will make it substantially
extending from being single entities to a collection of multiple more convenient for us to consume and control information.
local entities acting in unison to create the new man-machine We expect that:
interface; (ii) ubiquitous universal computing distributed • Wearable devices, such as earbuds and devices embed-
among multiple local devices and the cloud; (iii) knowledge ded in our clothing, will become common, and skin
systems that store, process and convert data into actionable patches and bio-implants may not be so uncommon.
knowledge; and (iv) precision sensing and actuation to con- We might even become reliant on new brain sensors
trol the physical world. Recently, several publications have to actuate machines. We will have multiple wearables
espoused their views on 6G, see e.g., [4], [6]–[10]. We take that we carry with us and they will work seamlessly
a unique and broader perspective, focusing not only on the with each other, providing natural, intuitive interfaces.
technologies but also the human transformation we expect in Figure 2 shows the potential evolution in devices.
the 6G era, which helps to provide a view of the performance • Touch-screen typing will likely become outdated.
requirements and design principles for 6G. Our view on the Gesturing and talking to whatever devices we use to get
technology transformations starts from where the current 5G things done will become the norm.
systems are, moving to how they are evolving, and then to • The devices we use will be fully context-aware, and
what may become fundamentally different beyond that. We the network will become increasingly sophisticated at
also address transformations likely to happen in the nature of predicting our needs. This context awareness combined
standardization needed in a world with open platforms. with new human-machine interfaces will make our inter-
The paper is organized as follows. In Section II we dive action with the physical and digital world much more
deeper into what the world might become in the 2030s, and intuitive and efficient.
from that draw relevant new use cases for 6G. This leads to The computing needed for these devices will likely not all
a description in Section III of the potential requirements and reside in the devices themselves because of form factor and
performance indicators that will distinguish 6G. In Section IV battery power considerations. Rather, they may have to rely
we discuss some new fundamental dimensions to consider on locally available computing resources to complete tasks,
in the design of 6G radio interfaces, in addition to the tradi- beyond the edge cloud. Networks will thus play a significant
tional dimensions of space, spectrum and spectral efficiency. role in the man-machine interface of tomorrow.
In Section V we elaborate on the new technologies that may As consumers, we can expect that:
form the basis for a new generation of cellular networks. • The self-driving concept cars of today will be available
In Section VI we discuss the open platform approach to to the masses by the 2030s. They will be self-driving
most of the time but will still likely need at least a • Health care will be substantially transformed, with
remote driver or the passenger to take control under 24/7 monitoring of vital parameters for both the healthy
certain conditions. This will substantially increase the and the sick through numerous wearable devices. Health
time available for us to consume data from the internet monitoring will also include in-body devices that com-
in the form of more entertainment, rich communications municate with wearables outside, which in turn can
or education. The cars themselves will also consume transport the data to the internet.
significantly more data: vehicle sensor data will be The transformation to Industry 4.0 and the first wave of
uploaded in real-time to the network, high-resolution wireless-enabled automation will already have happened
maps will be downloaded and cars will link directly to before the 2030s. 5G networks providing ultra-reliable
one another. low-latency communications (URLLC) will have facilitated
• There will be a massive deployment of wireless cameras real-time processing in the cloud. However, industrial use
as sensors. With advances in AI and machine vision and cases relying on much more extreme requirements for wire-
their capacity to recognize people and objects (or more less communication will require 6G.
generally, automatically gather information from images • Holographic telepresence will become the norm for both
and videos), the camera will become a universal sensor work and social interaction. It will be possible to make it
that can be used everywhere. Privacy concerns will be appear as though one is in a certain location while really
addressed by limiting access to data and anonymizing being in a different location, for example, appearing to
information. Also, radio and other sensing modalities be in the office while actually being in the car. We will
like acoustics will be used to gather information on the have systems that combine current facial expressions
environment. with a virtual self within the digital representation of any
• Advanced techniques will be used in security-screening physical world.
procedures to eliminate security lines. A combination of • We will see massive use of mobile robot swarms and
various sensing modalities will be used to screen people drones in various verticals such as hospitality, hospitals,
as they move through crowded areas rather than only at warehouses and package delivery.
entrances. Radio sensing will be an essential component • Dynamic digital twins in the digital world with increas-
of achieving this, supported by the communication sys- ingly accurate, synchronous updates of the physical
tems of the future. world will be an essential platform for augmenting
• Digital cash and keys may become the norm, with trans- human intelligence.
actions in both the physical and digital worlds being con- Based on the above vision of the future, we can extrapolate
ducted through the plethora of devices that we will have. the following key use cases. These are a combination of what
The network of the future should provide the security 5G will enable but with adoption at scale in the timeframe
and privacy that is fundamental to such a transformation. of 6G using new technologies, plus a set of new use cases
• Numerous domestic service robots will complement the enabled by the new 6G technologies. See Table 1.
vacuum cleaners and lawn mowers we know today.
These may take the form of a swarm of smaller robots III. SIX REQUIREMENTS AND KEY PERFORMANCE
that work together to accomplish tasks. The robots will MEASURES FOR 6G
be equipped with video cameras streaming to a local The array of new use cases we expect to see by 2030 and
compute server for real-time processing. Thus, we will beyond will drive the new requirements that need to be
see an increase in the number of devices and higher achieved by 6G. The 5G key performance indicators (KPIs)
capacity requirements within our home networks. of data rate/throughput/capacity, latency, reliability, scale and
flexibility will continue to be important measures for 6G 3) Finally, we expect a major revolution in the end device
performance. Several new characteristics will also become in the timeframe of 6G. Hence, we introduce a few
important for 6G given the potential use cases described in characteristics under a device category to point out
the previous section. In Figure 3, we group the requirements the major transitions that we expect. First, we believe
for 6G into six categories - three categories with KPIs similar that the end device will evolve in many scenarios to
to 5G and three new categories: be a network of devices or a sub-network. As exam-
1) Localization and sensing using the communication net- ples, we can imagine a machine-area network or a
work will be an important feature of 6G. We identify robot-area network involving connecting multiple parts
precision and accuracy as the corresponding perfor- of a machine such as a controller and its drives. Another
mance measures for localization and sensing, respec- hallmark of the device in the timeframe of 6G will
tively. We expect that centimeter-level precision will be be that we will have much more intuitive interfaces,
achieved. Object sensing accuracy can be measured in with access through gesturing rather than typing, for
terms of missed detection (MD) and false alarm (FA) example. Finally, another possibility for a certain class
probabilities and parameter estimation errors. of device is one that will be extremely low-power
2) The network will be engineered with distributed AI/ML and potentially battery-less, relying on the network to
techniques embedded in various nodes, and how power the device.
quickly they adapt to new conditions in the network
is an important measure. Network automation will be IV. SIX FUNDAMENTAL DIMENSIONS TO DESIGN 6G
the norm, and thus how close a network is to com- In every generation until 5G, the three fundamental dimen-
plete automation with zero manual intervention will be sions of spectrum, spectral efficiency and spatial reuse have
another criterion. dictated how we can grow capacity, as represented by the light
blue triangle in Figure 4. It will continue to be the case for
6G. RF technology will advance to power and cost-effectively
use spectrum in even higher bands. There is the opportunity
of at least a tenfold increase in the amount of spectrum
by going to terahertz-frequency bands. Spectral efficiency
will improve through the use of massive multi-user MIMO
not only in centimeter wave (cmWave) but also millime-
ter wave (mmWave) bands as we transition from analog to
hybrid/digital beamforming in these lower mmWave bands.
As the cost of massive MIMO falls, even larger arrays may
be deployed to further increase spectral efficiency. Network
densification will undoubtedly continue to increase - not
only for capacity reasons but simply to provide increased
coverage at higher-frequency bands, at higher data rates and
with higher reliability. Furthermore, more pervasive spec-
FIGURE 3. Key requirements and characteristics of 6G. Object sensing is trum access will come into play; the sharing between oper-
characterized though missed detection (MD) and false alarm (FA). ators of even licensed spectrum powered by software-defined
to replace some of the model-based Layer 1 and Layer receiver learn to pick the best design for these parameters,
2 algorithms such as channel estimation, preamble detection, as illustrated in Figure 5. While such an end-to-end learn-
equalization and user scheduling, either because they perform ing approach may be unfeasible for complex, dynamically
better or are less complex. Second, they are likely to be changing multi-user environments, the 6G communication
applied extensively in deployment optimization, for example framework will be designed in such a way as to allow learning
for configuring an optimal subset of beams with which to in the field to make some design choices. This will enable
illuminate the coverage area, taking cell traffic patterns into optimization of the air-interface characteristics based on the
account. Given the complexity of 5G systems in terms of the choice of spectrum, environment, hardware deployed and
sheer number of parameters to be configured at the time of target requirements. One important shift will be to include
deployment, AI/ML techniques will play an important role in the capabilities of the hardware in the optimization of the
the vision of zero human touch network optimization. Finally, communication framework. In the current approach, the air-
we can expect some other use cases such as localization interface is designed taking into account some practical limits
of end devices using 5G technology to exploit learning on implementation. But after the design phase, it is expected
techniques for improved accuracy. In [18], a comprehensive that all implementations will have the hardware required for
review of the possible applications of AI/ML to 5G systems the chosen air-interface design. In the future, we can expect
and beyond is provided. Similarly, [19] provides a great the air-interface to adapt to the capabilities of the hardware.
summary of applications classified by the type of learning For example, a certain implementation may have a limited
technique, in addition to an overview of Quantum computing number of analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) or digital-to-
and communications. analog conversion (DAC) resolutions, which can be taken
In addition to the use of AI/ML in the RAN, AI/ML will into account by the learning systems to determine the optimal
become essential for the 5G end-to-end network automation signaling choice.
dealing with the complexity of orchestration across multiple
network domains and layers. This will allow for dynamic
adaptation of network and cloud resources according to 2) COGNITIVE SPECTRUM USE
changing demands, rapid deployment of new services and Low-frequency spectrum will continue to be of paramount
fast mitigation of failures, while significantly reducing oper- importance for wide-area coverage due to the superior prop-
ational expenditures. agation properties in NLOS compared to higher-frequency
We envision 6G systems to employ AI/ML in a more bands. Over the next decade, substantial amounts of new
fundamental way than the above 5G approach. We expect spectrum will be allocated to 5G and its evolutions, and that is
to go from AI as an enhancement to AI as a foundation likely to lead to near-exhaustion of spectrum in bands below
for air interface design and optimization - self-optimizing 6 GHz. Thus, in the timeframe of 6G, new spectrum-use
transmitters and receivers, cognitive spectrum use and context methods will be required even within the licensed spectrum
awareness. regime to allow better local access to the spectrum and
coexistence with other users. Operators may need to share
spectrum among themselves and with other private dedicated
1) SELF-OPTIMIZING TRANSMITTERS AND RECEIVERS networks. And even within a single operator, multiple gener-
Ongoing research has demonstrated that deep-learning sys- ations of technologies will coexist and share spectrum. With
tems can learn to communicate over quasi-static links more advances in radio technology enabling multi-band operation
efficiently than model-based system designs [20], [21]. and learning techniques such as deep reinforcement learning,
No explicit design of waveform, constellation, or reference efficient autonomous sharing of spectrum can alleviate major
signals is required. Through extensive training, a single spectrum sharing hurdles [22], [23]. With increasing use of
deep-learning network at the transmitter and one at the advanced beamforming techniques and densification, use of
spectrum becomes highly local, facilitating more reuse spec- B. EXPLOITING NEW SPECTRUM BANDS
trum and hence allowing various forms of coexistence among The need for higher peak rates and capacity has con-
cognitive sharing systems that will be highly beneficial. tinuously driven mobile communication systems to utilize
higher-spectrum bands. New spectrum bands between 3GHz
and 6GHz and from 24GHz to 50GHz have been allocated
3) CONTEXT AWARENESS for 5G in various regions. 5G evolution will surely include
Another major development we can expect in the timeframe new bands between 52.6GHz and 114GHz [26]. Entirely
of 6G is seamless integration of awareness of the environ- new physical layer designs with transition to single-carrier
ment, traffic patterns, mobility patterns and location into waveforms may be possible within the highly flexible 5G
the optimization of communication schemes aided by new framework. The major challenge to using these high bands
AI/ML techniques [24]. For example, in environments such has been the realization of high-output power devices at
as factory floors, video cameras will be able to capture the reasonable cost. Massive antenna arrays are employed to
presence and movement of various machines and devices that form narrow-beam-width transmitters to increase the effec-
can be processed in real time through deep-learning networks tive isotropic radiated power (EIRP) and range [27]. Signal
to predict changes to the propagation environment, which propagation in these high bands also poses a challenge, since
in turn can be used to optimize communication. Essentially, signals are easily blocked owing to their small wavelength.
new data acquisition and processing techniques integrated Diffraction around objects is limited and signal absorption by
into the communication system can reduce the randomness water is significant. On the other hand, in dense urban and
in the communication links. Long-term mobility patterns indoor environments, reflections from buildings and walls
can be derived in indoor and outdoor settings that can then allow NLOS coverage along the same street or corridor as the
be used to optimize the service experience by establish- access point [28]. Despite these challenges and idiosyncrasies
ing connectivity to the right technology at the right time. of high-band propagation, a significant amount of research
Another important element of future systems may be the use and development is leading to viable deployments.
of digitally controlled passive elements such as large-scale The trend of using ever-higher band spectrum will con-
meta-surfaces [25]. These are likely to be distributed oppor- tinue. In the time of 6G systems, we expect sub-terahertz
tunistically, especially in indoor environments, and new bands from 114GHz to 300GHz (see Figure 6) to become
methods are required to exploit this for improving com- available and practical for use in cellular systems in specific
munications. Determining optimal control of these elements scenarios. An obvious use case for sub-terahertz spectrum
using model-based optimization methods may be intractable. is for backhaul in integrated access and backhaul networks
It will be challenging to exactly model signal propagation of the future. Narrow beam point-to-point communication
incorporating their collective effects, which in turn depend in these bands can free up spectrum for access in mmWave
on how they are controlled. AI/ML techniques will likely be bands. Other potential use cases include short-range commu-
used to solve such complex problems in the 6G era. Higher- nications across display and compute devices and rack-to-
level semantic knowledge of how the communication is being rack communications in rapidly deployable edge data centers.
used, for example whether it is for robot control or augmented
reality in a factory or for gaming, can be learned from traffic
patterns and device characteristics, and appropriate services
can be provided automatically. Accurate service personal-
ization down to the lower layers of the communication can
be achieved through learning techniques. Moving from AI
for 5G to AI native 6G, we expect that various forms of
learning will be employed to realize the above applications.
Transfer learning and federated learning will play critical
roles. Systems will have to be trained offline in simulation
environments to a sufficient extent first so that basic commu-
nications can be established, and then be subsequently trained
in the field to optimize performance. So there will be transfer
of learning from the simulation to the field environment. FIGURE 6. Spectrum options for 6G.
Devices and network infrastructure have to co-learn to incor-
porate end-to-end operations, and here, federated learning A significant amount of ongoing research to improve
will play a role. Rather than sharing large data sets between mmWave systems will also be beneficial for the sub-terahertz
various devices and the network, models will be shared. systems. Initial product design in those bands will follow
At the higher layers, deep reinforcement learning will be nec- the approach established in mmWave systems today. New
essary for optimization of resource allocation and control of radio frequency integrated circuits (RFICs) with on-chip
various parameters. Hierarchical and multi-agent reinforce- or on-board antenna arrays and with phase shifters capa-
ment learning will need to be used across different nodes. ble of forming narrow beams will be implemented [29].
New component technologies such as antenna-on-glass could capabilities to improve localization accuracy and can become
emerge that help reduce the cost of devices [30]. Hybrid the single system for both URLLC and localization in indus-
beamforming will be needed to achieve massive capaci- trial automation environments.
ties using single-user or multiple-user MIMO. New receiver As we move toward 6G, we expect the network to perform
architectures with pre-combing before the low-noise ampli- various sensing tasks in addition to high-precision local-
fier could be introduced [31]. To reduce power consumption, ization. Localization solutions will be enhanced to achieve
new waveforms designed using AI/ML techniques suitable centimeter-level accuracy indoors over a larger area where
for single-bit converters are being explored [32]. The propa- line-of-sight visibility to a large number of access points
gation delay across the antenna array becomes comparable to is limited. New channel charting methods based on AI/ML
the symbol duration with large bandwidth signals, and hence techniques applied to large antenna array systems [34] as well
new signal processing schemes to handle this beam squint as data fusion across RF, camera and other sensors on robots
will be required. New channel measurements and models for will improve accuracy of sensing even with a limited number
using these spectrum bands for access will also be required. of visible access points.
In addition to exploiting sub-terahertz spectrum bands, 6G systems will be used for imaging of passive objects.
lower-cost massive MIMO techniques will enable much bet- System design will not only be optimized for communica-
ter use of spectrum in mmWave and cmWave bands. Early tion but will also incorporate special capabilities for sens-
mmWave systems relied on analog beamforming and thus ing. For example, waveforms suitable for sensing such as
are restricted in terms of number of users that can be served chirp signals can be multiplexed with waveforms optimized
simultaneously from a single panel. As network density for communications [35]. Large antenna arrays deployed for
increases and massive MIMO technologies are cost-reduced, massive MIMO communications can be leveraged for form-
multi-user MIMO will be widely applied in mmWave bands ing narrow beams that can be periodically swept for sensing.
to enable massive-scale, multi-user massive MIMO to exploit Multiple transmitters and receivers can coordinate to enhance
the available spectrum. What are considered high bands the sensing capabilities of the network. The evolution to
today will essentially become mid bands in the time of 6G. sub-terahertz and terahertz bands, with the associated large
In the lowest-frequency bands for 6G, namely the lower signaling bandwidth, increases the opportunity for precision
cmWave band, the applicability of massive MIMO becomes sensing. Millimeter-precision imaging using terahertz-band
gradually restricted by the large size of the antenna ele- infrastructure will enable a significant number of new use
ments. The basic path loss and material penetration properties cases in industry automation and health care, such as fault
are much better towards the sub-gigahertz frequencies, and detection in extrusion manufacturing processes or detection
the lower-frequency bands will remain being essential for of cancerous tissue and tooth cavities [36]. There are plenty of
wide-area coverage at the time of 6G. Spectrum availability is applications that will benefit from radio points being turned
scarce and research on improved spectrum utilization for the into sensors, such as food quality control in supermarkets,
lower-frequency bands is important. Spectrum assignment or invisible metal detectors in airport or event infrastructures
will move from a static split between operators and services to replace the current security gate systems.
toward much more dynamic AI-based spectrum access in Combining the multi-modal sensing capabilities with the
time, frequency and space (see Figure 6). Visible light com- cognitive technologies enabled by the 6G platform will allow
munication is likely to be used in limited scenarios but is for analyzing behavioral patterns and people’s preferences
unlikely to become a mainstream 6G technology, since radio and even emotions, hence creating a sixth sense that antici-
communications will be cheaper to achieve at the same data pates user needs. It will allow for interactions with the phys-
rates. ical world in a much more intuitive way.
higher-layer specifications to achieve a complete connectivity coupled with the use of wider bandwidth signals at high-band
solution for their own use case family. The latter may in some spectrum, especially indoors, new opportunities to utilize this
cases be realized through joint software development within for localization and sensing will encourage a 6G design that is
the interest group, or open source software. This is illustrated not only optimized for communication but also for perception
in Figure 9. A major advantage of this platform approach is and understanding of the physical world and people’s needs,
the open interfaces from the platform to the specialized layers thus augmenting human existence in the most intuitive way.
of connectivity. We believe that the lower-layer communica- In this paper, we identified the following key technology
tion protocols typically implemented in silicon still need to be transformations as having the highest potential to be defining
specified by a global standardization body to ensure economy for the 6G system: (i) AI/ML-driven air interface design and
of scale and coexistence among connectivity services. optimization; (ii) expansion into new spectrum bands and new
cognitive spectrum sharing methods; (iii) the integration of
localization and sensing capabilities into system definition;
(iv) the achievement of extreme performance requirements
on latency and reliability; (v) new network architecture
paradigms involving sub-networks and RAN-Core conver-
gence; and (vi) new security and privacy schemes. Finally,
the expansion into many varied use cases calls for a shift to a
platform approach to the network, with decoupling of the air
FIGURE 9. Illustration of 6G as a solution platform model.
interface from networking.
The current trend toward open RANs with multiple ven- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
dors providing different pieces of the network will be further The authors would like to thank a number of colleagues at
facilitated by the above network as a platform approach in 6G. Nokia Bell Labs with whom they had numerous discussions
Apart from the radio and some of the processing-intensive about the future of wireless. In particular, they would also like
functions that are best realized in custom hardware, the rest to thank H. Holma, P. Merz, M. Uusitalo, P. Vetter, T. Wild,
will be software functions running on any commercial com- and V. Ziegler for their comments on an early draft of this
pute hardware, and the interface specifications will also article. They would also like to thank A. Hu and R. Adeogun
become open. The intelligent control layers of the mobile for helping with the preparation of the manuscript.
network can thus be optimized to suit the connectivity needs
of the specific use case family and can come from any vendor. REFERENCES
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[21] T. J. Oshea, T. Roy, N. West, and B. C. Hilburn, ‘‘Physical layer commu- received the B.Tech. degree from the Depart-
nications system design over-the-air using adversarial networks,’’ in Proc. ment of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of
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Technology Madras, Chennai, India, and the M.S.
[22] F. Zhou, G. Lu, M. Wen, Y.-C. Liang, Z. Chu, and Y. Wang, ‘‘Dynamic
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spectrum management via machine learning: State of the art, taxon-
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pp. 54–62, Jul. 2019. Since joining Bell Labs in October 1997, he has
[23] P. Tilghman, ‘‘Will rule the airwaves: A DARPA grand challenge seeks worked extensively on wireless research, ranging
autonomous radios to manage the wireless spectrum,’’ IEEE Spectr., from physical layer to network architecture and
vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 28–33, Jun. 2019. protocols, including multiple antenna technology
[24] D. Korpi, P. Yli-Opas, M. R. Jaramillo, and M. Uusitalo, ‘‘Visual detection- for cellular wireless networks, multihop relays, network optimization, net-
based blockage prediction for beyond 5G wireless systems,’’ in Proc. 6G work architecture, and the IoT communications. From 2007 to 2015, he was
Wireless Summit, Levi, Finland, Mar. 2020. in the Corporation CTO organization, where as a CTO Partner, he advised
[25] M. D. Renzo, M. Debbah, D.-T. Phan-Huy, A. Zappone, M.-S. Alouini, the Corporate CTO on technology strategy through in-depth analysis of
C. Yuen, V. Sciancalepore, G. C. Alexandropoulos, J. Hoydis, H. Gacanin, emerging technology and market needs. He is currently the Head of Radio
J. D. Rosny, A. Bounceur, G. Lerosey, and M. Fink, ‘‘Smart radio envi- Systems Research Group, Nokia Bell Labs. He has published extensively
ronments empowered by reconfigurable AI meta-surfaces: An idea whose
with over 100 publications. He is also a Bell Labs Fellow.
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p. 129, Dec. 2019.
[26] A. Ghosh, A. Maeder, M. Baker, and D. Chandramouli, ‘‘5G evolution:
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[27] M. Cudak, T. Kovarik, T. A. Thomas, A. Ghosh, Y. Kishiyama, and
T. Nakamura, ‘‘Experimental mm wave 5G cellular system,’’ in Proc. IEEE PREBEN E. MOGENSEN (Member, IEEE)
Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), Dec. 2014, pp. 377–381. received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from
[28] J. Du, D. Chizhik, R. A. Valenzuela, R. Feick, G. Castro, M. Rodriguez, Aalborg University, Denmark, in 1988 and 1996,
T. Chen, M. Kohli, and G. Zussman, ‘‘Directional measurements respectively. He has been with Aalborg University,
in urban street canyons from macro rooftop sites at 28 GHz for since graduating in 1988. Since 1995, he has
90% outdoor coverage,’’ 2019, arXiv:1908.00512. [Online]. Available: also been a part-time Associate with Nokia in
https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.00512 various research positions and has made contribu-
[29] S. Shahramian, Y. Baeyens, N. Kaneda, and Y.-K. Chen, ‘‘A 70–100 GHz tions ranging from 2G to 5G cellular technologies.
direct-conversion transmitter and receiver phased array chipset demon- In 2000, he became a Full Professor at Aalborg
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University, where he is currently leading the Wire-
pp. 1113–1125, May 2013.
[30] N. Ranjkesh, A. Taeb, S. Gigoyan, M. Basha, and S. Safavi-Naeini,
less Communication Networks Section, Department of Electronic Systems.
‘‘Millimeter-wave silicon-on-glass integrated tapered antenna,’’ IEEE He is also a Principal Scientist with the Standardization Research Lab, Nokia
Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., vol. 13, pp. 1425–1428, 2014. Bell Labs. He has coauthored over 400 articles in various domains of wireless
[31] L. Iotti, G. LaCaille, and A. M. Niknejad, ‘‘A 12 mW 70-to-100 GHz communication, and his Google Scholar H-index is 63. His current research
mixer-first receiver front-end for mm-wave massive-MIMO arrays in interest includes industrial use cases for 5G, 5G evolution, and 6G. He is also
28 nm CMOS,’’ in Proc. IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf. (ISSCC), a Bell Labs Fellow.
Feb. 2018, pp. 414–416.