06 Mindaray Nomination

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15f, Building 6, Hengda Shishang Huigu (East), Fulong Road, Henglang Community.Dalang Street, Longhua,
Guangdong.China 518109
Nomination of Authorized Indian Representative

CEO) ot M/s Manufacturer name having its manufacturing unit at 15f, Building
1 1. Jin Zhiping. (Designation
Road, Henglang Community.Dalang Street, Longhua,
6, Hengda ShishangR Huigu (East), Fulong
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China 518109, hereby declare
have liaiseon ofiee
a)M/s Shenzhen Beacon-Display Teehnology Ger btd (foreign appleant) a

Subsidiaryfim4braneh- efiee M/s MINDRAY-MEDICALJNDIA PRIVATFE LIMFTEDtecatedat ubth Floor

Building No 10,Unit No 1064,Selitaire-Gerporate Park, Ghakala, Andherh Mumbai-Maharashtra

b) M/s Shenzhen Beacon Display Technology Co., Ltd (foreign applicant) do not have a liaison office

branch office located in India, but Proprietor/ Registered user of the Brand / Trademark appearing on the

article is located in India by the name and Title M/s MINDRAY MEDICAL INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED at 6th

Floor, Building No 10, Unit No 1061, Solitaire Corporate Park, Chakala, Andheri, Mumbai,

Maharashtra, 400093.


4/Shenzhen-Beacea-Display-Fechnology-Gor-td foreign appkieant)do-not-have-a-Liaisen-0fRce+

F Branch Cfñee-f-Liaisen-0fRee-fthe-Brand-Trademarkappearing-on-the-artiele, ocatee-in-adia

Therefere-we-peminate the-majer-imperter-Distributer f-Bntity-having marketing-tie-up-with the-Brand

Owner-andertheManufaeturer-as-er-Autherizedndian Representative
2 Accordingly, M/s MINDRAY MEDICAL INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED referred above, will act as our authorized

representative, and will sign Affidavit cum undertaking (Form-1ll A/Form-l B) and other documents

relating to registration.

Strike off whichever is not applicable.

Yours faithfully,
Details of Authorized Indian Representative: Signature of applicant
Name: Sapna Soni Name: Iln Zhipin
Designation: Head Government Affalrs & Publie Designation: CEO
MINDRAY MEDICAL INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Manufacturer Name: Shenzhen* Beacon Display
Technology Co.,Ltd
Addres: 6th Floor, Building No 10, Unit No 1061, Address: 15, Bullaing 6, lengda shishang Huigu
Solitaire Chakala, Andheri, (kast), Fulong
Corporate Park, Road, Hepglaos commanity.Dalang
Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400093 Street, Longhua, Shenzhen, Guangdong China 518109

Phone: 9599286641 Phone: 8613267193756 7

E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Date: 05-01-2023 Date: 05-01-2023

Application ID / License No.

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