Table of contents
1 Target group ............................................................................................................................. 4
2 Safety ....................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Description of warnings ................................................................................................... 5
2.2 General warnings ............................................................................................................. 5
3 Water quality ............................................................................................................................ 7
3.1 Types of water ................................................................................................................. 7
3.2 Application ....................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 References ....................................................................................................................... 7
4 Overview of processes ............................................................................................................. 9
4.1 Reprocessing cycle for standard products ..................................................................... 9
5 Required materials ................................................................................................................... 11
6 Bedside Pre-Cleaning .............................................................................................................. 12
6.1 Transport to the reprocessing site .................................................................................. 12
7 Pre-Cleaning ............................................................................................................................. 13
7.1 Brushing the surfaces ...................................................................................................... 13
8 Manual cleaning ....................................................................................................................... 14
9 High-Level Disinfection ............................................................................................................ 15
9.1 Manual high-level disinfection ......................................................................................... 15
9.2 Automated high-level disinfection ................................................................................... 15
10 Visual inspection ...................................................................................................................... 16
11 Life span ................................................................................................................................... 17
11.1 Functional check ............................................................................................................. 17
12 Packaging ................................................................................................................................. 18
13 Sterilization ............................................................................................................................... 19
13.1 Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) – ASP STERRAD .................................................................. 19
13.2 Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) – STERIS V‑PRO ................................................................. 19
13.3 Peracetic acid – STERIS® system .................................................................................... 19
1 Target group
These reprocessing instructions are intended for personnel with technical knowledge and
expertise in the reprocessing of medical devices.
2 Safety
2.1 Description of warnings
A warning indicates a potential hazard. Failure to observe a warning may result in injury to the
patient, user, or third parties.
A caution indicates that particular measures must be taken to avoid any damage to the
medical devices.
A NOTICE is used to draw attention to general information which does not apply specifically to
a particular product or product group.
Non-sterile devices! Risk of infection!
Devices are not sterile when delivered. The use of unsterile devices poses a risk of infection for
patients, users and third parties.
Inspect devices for visible contamination. Visible contamination is an indication that
reprocessing has not been carried out, or has been carried out incorrectly.
Reprocess devices before initial use and before and after every subsequent application
using validated procedures.
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease! Risk of infection!
If Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is suspected or indicated, dispose of the device in
accordance with national regulations and do not use it again.
Contaminated devices! Risk of infection!
For work on contaminated devices, the guidelines of the employer's liability insurance
association and equivalent organizations for personnel protection must be observed.
Incorrect exposure times and incorrect concentration of chemicals! Risk of infection and
damage to the device!
When preparing and using solutions, follow the chemical manufacturer's instructions
concerning concentration, exposure time and service life.
National laws and regulations must be observed.
3 Water quality
Water quality is important for the reprocessing process to ensure patient safety and to protect
the device from damage.
Therefore, it must be taken into account at every step of the reprocessing process.
Higher-quality water
Water that is treated or reprocessed to ensure that microorganisms and inorganic and organic
substances are removed (e.g. critical water).
Higher-quality water may include deionized, distilled, sterile, or other types of pure water.
3.2 Application
Precleaning / removal of coarse impurities
Utility water / tap water is suitable for this reprocessing step if it does not contain high
numbers of microbes or if it does not promote the formation of corrosion or residue on the
devices. Higher-quality water is also suitable.
Utility water / tap water is suitable for this reprocessing step if the specifications correspond to
the recommendations made by the cleaning agent manufacturer. Higher-quality water is also
3.3 References
– AAMI TIR 34: Water for the reprocessing of medical devices
– ISO 17665: Sterilization of health care products – Moist heat
4 Overview of processes
The following reprocessing procedures have been approved for the product:
– Reprocessing with manual decontamination
A detailed description of the processes is provided in the respective chapters in these
Storage Purchasing
Packaging Cleaning
functional disinfection
Storage Purchasing
release Cleaning
Sterilization nance,
packaging functional
5 Required materials
The following reprocessing materials are needed:
The accessories used here must be clean and fit for purpose.
Application Material
Initial treatment at the site of use Moist compresses, possibly disposable cloth
Brushing the surfaces Brush, item no. 27652
Cleaning and disinfection
Manual cleaning Cleaning solution ENZOL Enzymatic Deter-
gent ASP (Advanced Sterilization Products)
Manual disinfection Disinfection solution CIDEX Activated Dialde-
hyde Solution (Advanced Sterilization Prod-
ucts), drinking water quality or higher
Manual disinfection Disinfection solution CIDEX OPA Solution
(Advanced Sterilization Products), drinking
water quality or higher
Manual disinfection Disinfection solution Revital-Ox RESERT High
Level Disinfectant (STERIS), drinking water
quality or higher
Manual drying and/or after-drying Compressed air for medical purposes from
compressed-air gun (item no. 27660)
Packaging Standardized and approved packaging
A detailed description of the reprocessing processes can be found in the respective
subchapters of these instructions.
6 Bedside Pre-Cleaning
Reprocessing of the product should start within 2 hours of use to ensure the
effectiveness of the reprocessing processes listed in the reprocessing instructions.
1. Wipe the surfaces of the product with a compress or disposable cloth to remove gross
soiling, corrosive solutions, and drugs.
2. Rinse surfaces with cold water.
7 Pre-Cleaning
The product is not suitable for ultrasonic treatment.
8 Manual cleaning
Required materials:
– Cleaner: ENZOL Enzymatic Detergent ASP (Advanced Sterilization Products)
– Brush, item no. 27652
1. Immerse the product completely in the cleaning solution.
2. Allow to take effect in accordance with the specifications of the chemicals manufacturer.
3. For neutralization, flush the product with cold running water (temperature < 68°F).
9 High-Level Disinfection
The following procedures are validated and approved for high-level disinfection of the medical
– Manual High-Level Disinfection
– Automated high-level disinfection
10 Visual inspection
1. Remove the protection cap from the connector.
2. Check products for the following points:
‒ Visible soiling
‒ Damage and corrosion
‒ Completeness
‒ Dryness
3. Subject any products displaying visible soiling to another complete cleaning and
disinfection process.
4. Discard damaged and corroded medical devices.
5. Discard incomplete medical devices or replace missing parts.
6. Dry the product by hand if necessary.
11 Life span
The end of the product life is largely determined by wear, reprocessing processes, the
chemicals used and any damage resulting from use.
12 Packaging
The packaging material must always be matched to the sterilization process being used.
Required materials:
– Standardized packaging materials and packaging systems, and packaging materials and
packaging systems that are approved for the device (EN 868 Parts 2–10, EN ISO 11607
Parts 1 + 2, DIN 58953)
Either pack the device in an FDA-certified tray, and the tray or container in an FDA-certified
sterilization wrap, or pack the device in an FDA-certified sterilization pouch.
13 Sterilization
The sterilization processes described below have been validated and approved for this medical
device by KARL STORZ.
Select the suitable procedure, taking into consideration the country-specific regulations
and in consultation with the device manufacturer.
The following STERIS® System procedures have been validated and approved by KARL
STORZ for the product:
– STERIS® SYSTEM 1E® with S40 sterilization concentrate
The parameters of the STERIS® System sterilization process validated by KARL STORZ are
specified in the document entitled “Cleaning, disinfection, care, and sterilization of
KARL STORZ instruments” (item. no. 96216003).
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