H7 Friction Loss

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F lu id M echanics

F riction Lo s s in a p ip e
A small-bore straight test pipe on a base plate for measuring friction loss in a horizontal pipe, to
study laminar and turbulent flow. Also to find the critical Reynolds number and demonstrate the
flow transition point.

Scr ee n s hot of the HDMS s of twa re

Ke y F e at ures Lear ning O u tc o mes

• Directly measures friction loss in a small- Study of friction loss in a pipe, including:
bore test pipe
• Investigations of laminar and turbulent flows
• Investigates laminar and turbulent flow
• Demonstration and measurement in the change of the laws
and the transition point
of resistance (friction factor) from laminar to turbulent flow
• Demonstrates the critical Reynolds
• Finding the critical Reynolds number
number and verifies Poiseuille’s equation
for laminar flow • Verifying Poiseuille’s equation and the coefficient of viscosity
for water in the laminar flow region
• Includes precision valve for precise flow
control and a header tank for good Key Spec ificatio ns
laminar flow
• Digital pressure meter
• Works with TecQuipment’s Digital
Hydraulic Bench (H1F)* for easy • Precision flow control valve
installation • Header tank for laminar flow
• Works with TecQuipment’s optional, free • 3 mm test pipe
Hydraulics Data Management System
• Stopwatch
Software (HDMS)

T ec Q u ipment Lt d , B on sa l l Str e e t, l on g e aton , N otti ngha m NG10 2A N, U K

tecqu ipment. c o m +4 4 1 1 5 97 2 2 6 1 1 sa l es @ te c qui p ment. co m

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F riction Lo s s in a p ip e

D es cri pt i on If required students can download TecQuipment’s

Hydraulics Data Management System (HDMS) software
The Friction Loss in a Pipe apparatus allows students to
onto a suitable computer (not supplied) to aid with
study the change in the laws of resistance for laminar to
entering, evaluating and presenting their data.
turbulent flow and find the critical Reynolds number.
The equipment is a small-bore straight test pipe on a base Standar d Featu r es
plate. It works with TecQuipment’s bench (H1F, available • Supplied with a comprehensive user guide
separately)* and stands on the hydraulic bench worktop.
• Five-year warranty
Static pressure tappings upstream and downstream of
the test pipe connect to a water manometer or a hand- • Manufactured in accordance with the latest European
held digital pressure meter (supplied). The back panel Union directives
holds the manometer with calibrated scales. The water • ISO9001 certified manufacturer
manometer measures lower differential pressures in the
laminar and lower turbulent flow regions (just above the
critical Reynolds Number). The pressure meter measures
Essential Base U nit
higher pressures in the turbulent flow region. The water • Digital Hydraulic Bench (H1F)*
manometer includes an air valve and hand pump. The *This product will also work with existing TecQuipment
hand pump adjusts the datum of the water manometer Gravimetric and Volumetric Hydraulic Benches (H1 and
where necessary. A precision needle valve downstream of H1D)
the test pipe accurately controls flow rate.
To perform experiments, students stand the apparatus on
the hydraulic bench and fit the header tank (supplied) to
the bench. For low flow rate experiments, the header tank
supplies the test pipe. For higher flow rate experiments, the
hydraulic bench supplies the test pipe directly. Students set
the flow rate, measuring it by using a stopwatch to time the
collection of water in a measuring vessel (both included).
Hea d er ta n k
Students take readings of temperature from a
thermometer (supplied) and readings of head from the
manometer or the pressure meter. They then use the
results to produce charts to help compare actual results
with theory.

H a nd pum p
S hown f i t t ed to t he D i gi ta l Hy d r au l i c Ben c h (H1 F ), ava i l a bl e s epar ate ly
840 mm

1000 mm

T ec Q u ipment Lt d , B on sa l l Str e e t, l on g e aton , N otti ngha m NG10 2A N, U K

tecqu ipment. c o m +4 4 1 1 5 97 2 2 6 1 1 sa l es @ te c qui p ment. co m

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F riction Lo s s in a p ip e

T yp ica l Work As s i gnm ents

Lower and Hig her F l ow R ates
These experiments find the hydraulic gradient (i) for lower and higher flow velocities (u) to produce curves over a range of
flow from laminar to turbulent. They should also show the transition point.

Lower Flow Results Higher Flow Results

Turbulent Flow

Turbulent Flow

i i
Laminar flow
Transition Point

Gradient = i/u

u u

Log/log Higher Flow Results

Gradient = n

Log I

Log u

T ec Q u ipment Lt d , B on sa l l Str e e t, l on g e aton , N otti ngha m NG10 2A N, U K

tecqu ipment. c o m +4 4 1 1 5 97 2 2 6 1 1 sa l es @ te c qui p ment. co m

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F riction Lo s s in a p ip e

H yd rau li c s Data M a nagem ent System O per ating C o nd itio ns

The HDMS is a complimentary software tool designed to O perat ing enviro nment:
help students accurately record data from experiments Laboratory
associated with this apparatus. The software is intuitive
and easy to use, with clear and convenient data display Sto rage t emperat u re ra nge:
options, enabling students to run automatic calculations –25°C to +55°C (when packed for transport)
and export charts and results for further investigation.
O perat ing t emperat u re ra nge:
To find out more, click here. +5°C to +40°C

S p e c i f i cat i on s O perat ing relat ive hu midit y ra nge:

TecQuipment is committed to a programme of continuous 80% at temperatures < 31°C decreasing linearly to 50% at
improvement; hence we reserve the right to alter the 40°C
design and product specification without prior notice.
M ain u nit net t d imens i on s a n d w e i gh t (as s e m b l e d):
1000 mm long x 840 mm high x 240 mm front to back and
6 kg.
Head er tank net t d im e n s i on s a n d w e i gh t (as s e m b l e d) :
400 mm high x 250 mm outside diameter and 800 mm
overflow/support pipe. Combined 5 kg.
Total net t weig h t:
12 kg
Ap proximat e pac ked di m e n s i on s a n d w e i gh t:
0.2 m3 and 15 kg
Test pipe int er nal d ia m e te r (n om i n a l ):
3 mm
Water mano met er r an ge :
0 to 530 mm water
P r ess u r e met er r ange :
0 to 20 m water

T ec Q u ipment Lt d , B on sa l l Str e e t, l on g e aton , N otti ngha m NG10 2A N, U K

tecqu ipment. c o m +4 4 1 1 5 97 2 2 6 1 1 sa l es @ te c qui p ment. co m

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