ACCC Drake File 3
ACCC Drake File 3
ACCC Drake File 3
September 1, 2015
A series of nine (9) tests were performed on 28.14/9.53 mm, Aluminum Conductor, Composite
Core, Trapezoidal Wire (ACCC/TW) stranded by Sterlite Technologies Limited from India. The
9.53 mm glass and carbon fiber composite core was manufactured by CTC Global, USA. The
construction of the conductor is twenty-two (22) trapezoidally-shaped, fully annealed aluminum
wires stranded in two (2) layers over one (1) round glass and carbon fiber composite core rod.
The conductor is designated as ACCC/TW Drake. The Technical Specification for this conductor
is included in Appendix A. All test samples were obtained from one (1) reel received in good
condition on March 27th, 2015.
The tests were performed following Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) Technical
Specification Section-II (Volume-II), Annexure A and IEC Standard 61089. The conductor
successfully met all the requirements of the specifications listed below. This document is a
compilation the individual test reports. The test reports are assembled in the following order:
The Axial Impact Test performed on ACCC/TW Drake conductor was documented in Kinectrics
Test Report K-419674-RC-0001.
Contents of this report shall not be disclosed without authority of the client.
Kinectrics Inc., 800 Kipling Avenue, Unit 2, Toronto, Ontario M8Z 5G5.
Each individual test report is self-contained with dedicated figures. The three (3) appendices
located at the back of this document are common to each test report. The test program was
witnessed by Mr. Brajesh Kumar, Mr. Rajesh Gupta, Mr. Surendra Kumar and Mr. Sourov
Chakraborty from PGCIL, Mr. Chris Wong from CTC and Mr. Ajay Parmar from Sterlite.
All nine (9) tests were performed by Kinectrics International Inc. personnel at 800 Kipling
Avenue, Unit 2, Toronto, Ontario, M8Z 5G5, Canada under Sterlite Technologies Ltd’s Purchase
Order 3530000366-1 dated March 4, 2015. The tests were performed under Kinectrics’ ISO
9001 Quality Management Program. A copy of Kinectrics ISO 9001 Registration Certificate is
included in Appendix C.
Page 2 of 86 K-419674-RC-0002-R01
Prepared & Performed by:
André Maurice
Transmission and Distribution Technologies Business
Michael Kastelein
Lead Technologist
Transmission and Distribution Technologies Business
Peter Adams
Transmission and Distribution Technologies Business
Greg Brown
Transmission and Distribution Technologies Business
Paul Fong
Transmission and Distribution Technologies Business
Aaron Duncan
Transmission and Distribution Technologies Business
Zsolt Peter, Ph. D.
Department Manager
Transmission and Distribution Technologies Business
Kinectrics International, Inc. (KII) has taken reasonable steps to ensure that all work performed meets industry standards as set out in
Kinectrics Quality Manual, and that, for the intended purpose of this report, is reasonably free of errors, inaccuracies or omissions. KII
THE RESPECTIVE WORKS OR SERVICES SUPPLIED OR PERFORMED BY KII. KII does not accept any liability for any damages,
either directly, consequentially or otherwise resulting from the use of this report.
Kinectrics International Inc., 2015.
Page 3 of 86 K-419674-RC-0002-R01
Manufacturer: Sterlite Technologies Ltd.
Designation: 28.14/9.53 mm, ACCC/TW Drake Conductor
(See Appendix A for Technical Data Sheet)
The objective of the DC Resistance Test is to verify the measured direct current (DC) resistance
of the 28.14/9.53 mm, ACCC/TW Drake conductor against the manufacturer’s specified value as
indicated in the datasheet found in Appendix A.
The DC Electrical Resistance Test was performed following PGCIL’s Technical Specification,
Annexure A, Clause 1.4 and test protocol described in industry standard ASTM B193-87.
A sample of 28.14/9.53 mm, ACCC/TW Drake conductor was prepared for the test. The
conductor was received in good condition on March 27th, 2015. The conductor Technical Data
Sheet (provided by Sterlite Technologies Ltd.) is available in Appendix A.
Current injection clamps were connected minimum one (1) meter outboard from the
equipotential surface locations on the tensioned conductor. A calibrated current source of 10 DC
amperes was passed through the conductor. The potential drop between the equipotential
surfaces was measured by a micro-Ohmmeter and displayed directly as micro-Ohms. This
measurement was taken at five (5) different locations along the length of the test conductor.
With these measurements, the DC resistance over one (1) kilometer of the conductor was
calculated. The temperature of the laboratory next to the conductor at the time of testing was
24.7 ºC.
The measured resistance values were corrected to 20ºC by applying the following formula:
Rm is measured resistance,
Tm is temperature of the conductor during the measurement,
Ti is desired temperature, to which the measured resistance value is corrected to,
α is temperature coefficient of resistance of the conductor.
The five (5) DC resistance readings collected during the test are shown in Table 1 below.
As specified in PGCIL’s Technical Specification Section-II, Annexure A, Clause 1.4, the measured
resistance of the conductor during the DC Resistance Test shall conform to the specifications
guaranteed in the data sheet provided by Sterlite Technologies Ltd shown in Appendix A.
The test sample was tested following PGCIL’s Technical Specification, Annexure A, Clause 1.4
and test protocol described in industry standard ASTM B193-87. The test sample of 28.14/9.53
mm, ACCC/TW Drake conductor, as tested, met the DC Electrical Resistance requirements
defined in the specification.
Manufacturer: Sterlite Technologies Ltd.
Designation: 28.14/9.53 mm, ACCC/TW Drake Conductor
(See Appendix A for Technical Data Sheet)
The objective of the Ultimate Tensile Strength Test is to verify the ultimate tensile strength (UTS)
of 28.14/9.53 mm, Aluminum Conductor, Composite Core, Trapezoidal Wire (ACCC/TW Drake).
The test was performed following PGCIL’s Technical Specification, Volume-II, Annexure A,
Clause 1.1.
Test Conductor
The 28.14/9.53 mm, Aluminum Conductor, Composite Core, Trapezoidal Wire (ACCC/TW Drake)
consists of twenty-two (22) trapezoidally-shaped, fully annealed aluminum wires stranded in two
(2) layers over one (1) round glass and carbon fiber composite core rod. The outside diameter
of the conductor is 28.14 mm and the conductor has a rated tensile strength of 153.8 kN.
The conductor was received in good condition on March 27th, 2015. The conductor Technical
Data Sheet (provided by Sterlite Technologies Ltd.) is available in Appendix A.
A schematic of the test setup is illustrated in Figure 1a. A photo of the actual test setup is shown
in Figure 1b.
A sample of 28.14/9.53 mm, ACCC/TW Drake conductor was prepared for the test by
terminating the conductor ends with epoxy resin dead-ends. The test sample was installed in a
hydraulically activated horizontal test machine. The total conductor length between the
attachment points was 13.94 m.
The conductor tension, as measured by the load cell, was monitored continuously using a digital
data logging system. The sampling rate during loading was every one (1) second.
The conductor sample was first tensioned to 3.1 kN or 2% of the conductor’s RTS in order to mark
the entrance of the epoxy dead-ends with paint to monitor for conductor slippage during the test.
Two (2) circles were also painted on the conductor perpendicular to the axis of the conductor.
The conductor was then tensioned at a steady rate up to 76.9 kN or 50% of the conductor’s
RTS where it was maintained for one (1) minute. During the one (1) minute hold, the two (2)
circles were examined for distortion due to the relative movement between the strands. The
load was then increased at a steady rate up to 153.8 kN or 100% of the conductor’s RTS where
it was maintained for one (1) minute. The conductor was then tensioned until the conductor
failed in order to determine the ultimate tensile strength of the conductor. A loading rate of 23.1
kN/min was used during each loading step of the Ultimate Tensile Strength Test.
The sample of 28.14/9.53 mm, ACCC/TW Drake conductor reached 181.8 kN or 118.2% of the
conductor RTS before failure. The conductor broke at the entrance of the North epoxy dead-end
as shown in Figures 2a and 2b. No distortion of the painted circles due to the relative movement
of the strands was observed on the conductor sample after completing the one (1) minute hold
at 50% RTS.
As specified in PGCIL’s Technical Specification, Volume-II, Annexure A, Clause 1.1, the test
conductor shall not break at a tension below 153.8 kN or 100% of the conductor’s RTS when
tensioned to failure during the Ultimate Tensile Strength Test. The circles painted on the
conductor shall not show signs of distortion due to relative movements between the strands up
to a tension of 76.9 kN or 50% of the conductor’s RTS.
The test sample was tested in accordance with PGCIL’s Technical Specification, Volume-II,
Annexure A, Clause 1.1. The test sample of 28.14/9.53 mm, ACCC/TW Drake conductor, as
tested, met the specified acceptance criteria.
Figure 1b: ACCC/TW Drake Conductor Installed for Ultimate Tensile Strength Test
Manufacturer: Sterlite Technologies Ltd.
Designation: 28.14/9.53 mm, ACCC/TW Drake Conductor
(See Appendix A for Technical Data Sheet)
The objective of the Ambient Stress-Strain Test is to determine the stress-strain characteristics
of 28.14/9.53 mm, ACCC/TW Drake conductor at room temperature. The data from this test
may be used to assist in the calculation of sags and tensions during the design of overhead
transmission lines.
The test was performed in accordance with industry standard IEC Std. 61089, Paragraph 6.5.1,
6.5.2 and Annex B.
Test Conductor
The 28.14/9.53 mm, Aluminum Conductor, Composite Core, Trapezoidal Wire (ACCC/TW Drake)
consists of twenty-two (22) trapezoidally-shaped, fully annealed aluminum wires stranded in two
(2) layers over one (1) round glass and carbon fiber composite core rod. The outside diameter
of the conductor is 28.14 mm and the conductor has a rated tensile strength of 153.8 kN.
The conductor was received in good condition on March 27th, 2015. The conductor Technical
Data Sheet (provided by Sterlite Technologies Ltd.) is available in Appendix A.
The Stress-Strain Test at Ambient Temperature was performed on one (1) whole conductor
sample and on one (1) carbon/glass fiber composite core sample taken from the same reel.
A schematic of the test setup is illustrated in Figure 1, and the actual test setup is shown in
Figure 2a for the whole conductor and Figure 2b for the carbon/glass fiber composite core. One
(1) whole conductor sample 13.94 m in length and one (1) carbon/glass fiber composite core
sample 14.80 m in length were terminated using high temperature epoxy resin dead-ends. The
two (2) samples had gauge lengths of 10.00 m in both cases.
The sample elongation and tension were measured by the displacement transducer and load
cell respectively, and monitored continuously using a digital data logging system. The data
logging rate during loading was every one (1) second, and every ten (10) seconds during holds.
The measuring instruments and equipment used in this test are listed in Appendix B.
The whole conductor sample was tensioned according to the loading schedule in the following
table. The loads were applied at a rate of 23.1 kN/minute. This is based on achieving 30% of
conductor’s RTS in two (2) minutes.
The completion of Step 8 of the loading schedule marks the completion of the Stress-Strain Test
at Ambient Temperature on the whole conductor. The displacement transducer was then
removed from the conductor sample and the load was reapplied at a rate of 23.1 kN/minute until
the conductor failed. The breaking load of the conductor sample was recorded for information
The Stress-Strain Test at Ambient Temperature on the carbon/glass fiber composite core
sample was also performed according to industry standard IEC Std. 61089. The procedure was
similar as for the whole conductor except the tension levels for Steps 1, 3, 5, and 7 for the core
were determined by the elongation at the beginning of each hold period obtained on the whole
conductor at 30%, 50%, 70%, and 85% RTS, respectively. That is, for each load step, the
tension was increased in the carbon/glass fiber composite core until the percent elongation was
the same as the whole conductor for the corresponding load step. This meant that the stress-
strain test must be performed on the whole conductor before the core. The carbon/glass fiber
composite core was tensioned according to the loading schedule on the following table. The
loads were applied at a rate of 23.1 kN/minute.
Step Elongation, mm kN
Preload 0 2.0
1 22.3 - 30
2 - 2.0 1
3 59.4 - 60
4 - 2.0 1
5 96.7 - 60
6 - 2.0 1
7 124.3 - 60
8 - 2.0 1
The completion of Step 8 of the above loading schedule constituted the completion of the
Stress-Strain Test on the core.
The strain data for the whole conductor and carbon/glass fiber composite core samples has been
corrected because the elongation measurement was taken to be zero at the preload. Using a
straight-line regression of the stress-strain data while loading up to 30% RTS, it was calculated that
the corrected strain at preload for the whole conductor was +0.0112% and the corrected strain at
preload for the carbon/glass fiber composite core sample was +0.0373%. After accounting for
these corrections, the data was extrapolated to the Y-axis to zero. The corrected data was the
actual conductor’s behaviour because the conductor will have zero elongation only when it is under
zero tension.
Stress plotted against strain (%) for only those points that contribute to the stress-strain curve for
the whole conductor sample and carbon/glass fiber composite core sample is shown in Figures 4a
and 4b. These points are taken at the end of each hold period as specified in IEC Std. 61089.
The area of the whole conductor was 590.47 mm2 and the area of the carbon/glass fiber composite
core was 71.33 mm2, based on the information provided by Sterlite Technologies Ltd.
The stress-strain curve for 28.14/9.53 mm, ACCC/TW Drake conductor displaying the plots for the
whole conductor, the aluminium layers, and the carbon/glass fiber composite core is shown in
Figure 5.
The Modulus of Elasticity (MOE) of the conductor can be determined from the Stress-Strain
curve. The MOE is the slope of the unloading segment of the 85% RTS curve. The MOE for
the whole conductor sample is approximately 58,863 MPa.
Similarly, the MOE of the carbon/glass fiber composite core can also be determined from the
unloading curve on the core only Stress-Strain curve. The MOE for the carbon/glass fiber
composite core sample, based on the area of the composite core only, is approximately 112,861
MPa. The MOE for the carbon/glass fiber composite core sample, based on the area of the
whole conductor, is approximately 13,634 MPa.
The MOE of the aluminum layers is calculated from the difference between the whole conductor
and composite core, from the unloading at 85% to their intersection (knee-point). The MOE for
the aluminum layers, based on the area of the aluminum only, is approximately 60,791 MPa.
The MOE for the aluminum layers, based on the area of the whole conductor, is approximately
53,447 MPa.
Load plotted against time for the Ambient Stress-Strain Test on the whole conductor sample is
shown in Figure 6.
The key results for the Ambient Stress-Strain Tests are shown in Tables 1, 2, and 3.
The general form of the equation of the loading curve for each of the whole conductor,
carbon/glass fiber composite core and outer aluminum layers is:
This equation is generated from a 4th order polynomial least-squares curve-fit based on the data
points at the end of each hold period. The best fit on the included points was 3rd order of
polynomial, and for this reason the 4th order coefficient was set to zero.
The measured tensile strength of the ACCC/TW Drake conductor sample after the completion of
the Stress-Strain Test was 181.8 kN. This corresponds to 118.2% of the RTS of the conductor.
Final Modulus of
Whole Conductor Polynomial Elasticity Estimated Knee-point
Coefficients [MPa] * [MPa] Load [kN]*
(before Knee-point)*
A= 0.0
B= + 122.3
C= - 293.1 58,863 95.7
D= + 345.2
E= + 1.318
* The knee-point is extracted from the 85% unloading curve. The R-squared value for this curve-fit
was R = 0.9982.
Final Modulus
Final Modulus
of Elasticity
Composite Core of Elasticity
(area corrected for
Polynomial Coefficients [MPa]
[MPa] (based on area of Core
A= 0.0
B= - 0.3993
C= + 7.863 112,861 13,634
D= + 124.3
E= + 0.02153
* The R-squared value for this curve-fit was R = 1.000.
Final Modulus
Final Modulus of Elasticity
of Elasticity (area corrected for
Polynomial Coefficients
(based on Area of Consolidated
Alum Only) [MPa] Conductor)
A= 0.0
B= + 126.4
C= - 309.9 60,791 53,447
D= + 227.4
E= + 0.04032
* The R-squared value for this curve-fit was R = 1.000.
There are no acceptance criteria for the Stress-Strain Test stated in IEC Std. 61089.
The primary purpose of the Stress-Strain Test at Ambient Temperature is to provide the
characteristics of 28.14/9.53 mm, ACCC/TW Drake conductor at room temperature. The data
from this test may be used to assist in the calculation of sags and tensions during the design of
overhead transmission lines.
Figure 2a: ACCC/TW Drake Conductor Sample Installed for Stress-Strain Test
Figure 4a: Stress vs. Conductor Strain for Only Those Points
That Contribute to the Stress-Strain Curve
Figure 4b: Stress vs. Conductor Strain for Only Those Points
That Contribute to the Stress-Strain Curve
Manufacturer: Sterlite Technologies Ltd.
Designation: 28.14/9.53 mm, ACCC/TW Drake Conductor
(See Appendix A for Technical Data Sheet)
The objective of the High Temperature Stress-Strain Test is to determine the stress-strain
characteristics of 28.14/9.53 mm, ACCC/TW Drake conductor at the designed continuous
operating temperature. The steady-state operating temperature of 28.14/9.53 mm, ACCC/TW
Drake conductor is specified to be 123.4ºC at electric current of 1200A and under designed
ambient conditions (see Appendix A). The data from this test may be used to assist in the
calculation of sags and tensions during the design of overhead transmission lines.
The test was performed following PGCIL’s Technical Specification, Volume-II, Annexure A,
Clause 1.5 and in general compliance to industry standard IEC Std. 61089 with the exception of
running the conductor at 123.4°C surface temperature.
Test Conductor
The 28.14/9.53 mm, Aluminum Conductor, Composite Core, Trapezoidal Wire (ACCC/TW Drake)
consists of twenty-two (22) trapezoidally-shaped, fully annealed aluminum wires stranded in two
(2) layers over one (1) round glass and carbon fiber composite core rod. The outside diameter
of the conductor is 28.14 mm and the conductor has a rated tensile strength of 153.8 kN.
The conductor was received in good condition on March 27th, 2015. The conductor Technical
Data Sheet (provided by Sterlite Technologies Ltd.) is available in Appendix A.
The High Temperature Stress-Strain Test was performed on one (1) whole conductor sample
and one (1) carbon/glass fiber composite core sample taken from the same reel.
A schematic of the test setup is illustrated in Figure 1, and the actual test setup is shown in
Figure 2a for the whole conductor and Figure 2b for the carbon/glass fiber composite core. One
(1) whole conductor sample 14.05 m in length and one (1) carbon/glass fiber composite core
sample 13.15 m in length were terminated using high temperature epoxy resin dead-ends. The
two (2) samples had gauge lengths of 8.00 m in both cases.
A current transformer was configured to provide circulating current to increase the temperature
of the test conductor and core. The connection from the current transformer to the test
conductor sample was made using current injection clamps as shown in Figure 3. In the case of
the non-conductive core sample, the inner layer of aluminum was used to heat the sample
during the test. The aluminum was loosened around the carbon/glass fiber composite core not
to restrict the core sample. The connection from the current transformer to the test sample was
made using current injection clamps fixed to the loosened aluminum layer. A 600 V variable
transformer (variac) supplied current to the power transformer. The motor-driven variac was
controlled by a data acquisition (DAQ) system in order to provide the necessary current to
increase temperature in the test loop to the desired target temperature and to maintain at the
specified test temperature. Also, a capacitor bank was connected to the primary side of the
power transformer in order to balance the impedance of the test loop.
Conductor and core temperatures were measured at several locations along the length of the
sample using thermocouples. Thermocouples were located at the center of the span and
approximately one (1) meter on either side of the center thermocouple.
The measuring instruments and equipment used in this test are listed in Appendix B.
First, the conductor was loaded to 2% RTS and was heated to the designed continuous
operating temperature of 123.4 °C. The whole conductor sample was tensioned according to the
loading schedule in the following table. The loads were applied at a rate of 23.1 kN/minute. This
is based on achieving 30% of conductor’s RTS in two (2) minutes.
The completion of Step 8 of the above loading schedule marks the completion of the High
Temperature Stress-Strain Test on the whole conductor. The displacement transducer was then
removed from the conductor sample and the load was reapplied at a rate of 23.1 kN/minute until
the conductor failed. The breaking load of the conductor sample was recorded for information
First, the core sample was loaded to 2% RTS and was heated to the designed continuous
operating temperature of 123.4 °C. The High Temperature Stress-Strain Test on the
carbon/glass fiber composite core sample was also performed according to industry standard
IEC Std. 61089. The procedure was similar as for the whole conductor except the tension
levels for Steps 1, 3, 5, and 7 for the core were determined by the elongation at the beginning of
each hold period obtained on the whole conductor at 30%, 50%, 70%, and 85% RTS,
respectively. That is, for each load step, the tension was increased in the carbon/glass fiber
Step Elongation, mm kN
Preload 0 2.0
1 24.9 - 30
2 - 2.0 1
3 52.6 - 60
4 - 2.0 1
5 83.5 - 60
6 - 2.0 1
7 106.5 - 60
8 - 2.0 1
The completion of Step 8 of the above loading schedule constituted the completion of the
Stress-Strain Test on the core.
The strain data for the whole conductor and carbon/glass fiber composite core samples has been
corrected because the elongation measurement was taken to be zero at the preload. Using a
straight-line regression of the stress-strain data while loading up to 30% RTS, it was calculated that
the corrected strain at preload for the whole conductor was +0.0425% and the corrected strain at
preload for the composite core sample was +0.0461%. After accounting for these corrections, the
data was extrapolated to the Y-axis to zero. The corrected data was the actual conductor’s
behaviour because the conductor will have zero elongation only when it is under zero tension.
Load data (i.e. tension) plotted against all strain data for the whole conductor sample and
carbon/glass fiber composite core sample is shown in Figures 5a and 5b respectively.
Stress plotted against strain (%) for only those points that contribute to the stress-strain curve for
the whole conductor sample and carbon/glass fiber composite core sample is shown in Figures 6a
and 6b. These points are taken at the end of each hold period as specified in IEC Std. 61089.
The area of the whole conductor was 590.47 mm2 and the area of the carbon/glass fiber composite
core was 71.33 mm2, based on the information provided by Sterlite Technologies Ltd.
The stress-strain curve for the ACCC/TW Drake conductor displaying the plots for the whole
conductor, the annealed aluminium layers, and the carbon/glass fiber composite core is shown in
Figure 7. The stress-strain curve for the annealed aluminium layers is calculated by subtracting
corresponding data points of the composite core from the whole conductor.
Similarly, the MOE of the carbon/glass fiber composite core can also be determined from the
unloading curve on the core only Stress-Strain curve. The MOE for the composite core sample,
based on the area of the core only, is approximately 115,023 MPa at 123.4°C. The MOE for the
composite core sample, based on the area of the whole conductor, is approximately 13,895
MPa at 123.4°C.
The MOE of the aluminum layers is calculated from the difference between the whole conductor
and composite core, from the unloading at 85% to their intersection (knee-point). The MOE for
the aluminum layers, based on the area of the aluminum only, is approximately 61,842 MPa at
123.4°C. The MOE for the aluminum layers, based on the area of the whole conductor, is
approximately 54,371 MPa at 123.4°C.
Load plotted against time for the High Temperature Stress-Strain Test on the whole conductor
sample is shown in Figure 8.
The key results for the High Temperature Stress-Strain Test are shown in Tables 1, 2, and 3.
The general form of the equation of the loading curve for each of the whole conductor,
carbon/glass fiber composite core and outer aluminum layers is:
This equation is generated from a 4th order polynomial least-squares curve-fit based on the data
points at the end of each hold period. The best fit on the included points was 3rd order of
polynomial, and for this reason the 4th order coefficient was set to zero.
The measured tensile strength at 123.4°C of the ACCC/TW Drake conductor sample after the
completion of the High Temperature Stress-Strain Test was 182.6 kN. This corresponds to
118.7% of the RTS of the conductor.
Final Modulus of
Whole Conductor Polynomial Elasticity Estimated Knee-point
Coefficients [MPa] * [MPa] Load [kN]*
(before Knee-point)*
A= 0.0
B= + 38.38
C= - 106.8 57,893 108.7
D= + 226.8
E= + 0.2323
* These values of coefficients and MOE are measured at 123.4°C. The knee-point is extracted from
the 85% unloading curve at 123.4°C. The R-squared value for this curve-fit was R = 0.9998.
Final Modulus
Final Modulus
of Elasticity
Composite Core of Elasticity
(area corrected for
Polynomial Coefficients [MPa]
[MPa]* (based on area of Core
A= 0.0
B= + 1.296
C= + 3.087 115,023 13,895
D= + 127.5
E= - 0.02447
* These values of coefficients and MOE are measured at 123.4°C. The R-squared value for this
curve-fit was R = 1.000.
Final Modulus
Final Modulus of Elasticity
of Elasticity (area corrected for
Polynomial Coefficients
(based on Area of Consolidated
Alum Only) [MPa]* Conductor)
A= 0.0
B= + 37.49
C= - 111.0 61,842 54,371
D= + 100.3
E= + 0.002402
* These values of coefficients and MOE are measured at 123.4°C. The R-squared value for this
curve-fit was R = 1.000.
There are no acceptance criteria for the Stress-Strain Test stated in IEC Std. 61089.
The primary purpose of the High Temperature Stress-Strain Test is to provide the
characteristics of 28.14/9.53 mm, ACCC/TW Drake conductor, under load at the designed
maximum continuous operating temperature of 123.4°C. The data from this test may be used to
assist in the calculation of sags and tensions during the design of overhead transmission lines.
Figure 2a: ACCC/TW Drake Conductor Installed for High Temperature Stress-Strain Test
Injection Clamp
Figure 6a: Stress vs. Conductor Strain for Only Those Points
That Contribute to the Stress-Strain Curve
Figure 6b: Stress vs. Carbon/Glass Fiber Composite Core Strain for
Only Those Points That Contribute to the Stress-Strain Curve
Manufacturer: Sterlite Technologies Limited
Designation: 28.14/9.53 mm, ACCC/TW Drake Conductor
(See Appendix A for Technical Data Sheet)
Witnesses: None
The objective of the Sheave Test is to observe the mechanical performance of the 28.14/9.53
mm, ACCC/TW Drake conductor when subjected to the simulated action of being pulled over a
number of sheaves during field conductor installation. The subsequent Tensile Strength Test is
intended to measure the remaining strength of the same conductor sample after completing the
Sheave Test.
A Dye Penetration Test is also performed after the Sheave Test on the carbon/glass fiber
composite core and is intended to detect any cracks, breaks or other anomalies in the composite
core. This is done by the wicking action through the length of the specimens due to the capillary
action of the dye penetrant through open pathways in the composite. The procedure was based
upon the guidelines outlined in ASTM D5117-09 “Dye Penetration of Solid Fiberglass”.
The test was performed following Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) Technical
Specification Section-II (Volume-II), Annexure A, Clause 1.7.
Test Conductor
The 28.14/9.53 mm, Aluminum Conductor, Composite Core, Trapezoidal Wire (ACCC/TW Drake)
consists of twenty-two (22) trapezoidally-shaped, fully annealed aluminum wires stranded in two
(2) layers over one (1) round glass and carbon fiber composite core rod. The outside diameter
of the conductor is 28.14 mm and the conductor has a rated tensile strength of 153.8 kN.
A sample of 28.14/9.53 mm, ACCC/TW Drake conductor was prepared for the test. The total
conductor length between the attachment points was 36.5 m. The conductor was received in
good condition on March 27th, 2015. The conductor Technical Data Sheet (provided by Sterlite
Technologies Ltd.) is available in Appendix A.
Sheave Test
A schematic of the test setup is illustrated in Figure 1. A photo of the test setup is shown in
Figure 2.
The conductor ends were terminated using epoxy resin dead-ends. The conductor was then
inserted in a sheave pulley (a series of three (3) sheaves) and tensioned to 33.84 kN or 22% of
the conductor’s RTS. A load cell was installed at one end of the test setup to measure and
monitor the tension in the conductor. During the test, the conductor was re-tensioned to the
target tension in case the tension dropped below the target value.
The test conductor was passed through pulleys having diameter of approximately thirty-two (32)
times that of the conductor. Three (3) sheaves with an actual root diameter of approximately 919
mm were used for the test. The conductor deflection angle was approximately 20° at the North and
South side.
A sample of 28.14/9.53 mm, ACCC/TW Drake conductor previously used in the Sheave Test
was shortened and re-terminated using epoxy resin dead-ends. The shortened sample,
approximately fourteen (14) meters in length, was placed in a hydraulically-activated horizontal
test machine as shown in Figure 3.
Both of the epoxy dead-ends were marked with paint to detect conductor slippage during the
test. During the initial set up and pre-loading steps, the test sample was supported along its
length to keep the sample as straight as possible and to minimize the axial stress and sag. A
load cell located at the hydraulic end of the sample measured the tension.
Two (2) conductor samples, approximately one (1) meter in length, previously subjected to the
Sheave Test were shortened for use in the Dye Penetration Test. These two (2) sections were
then cut into three (3), 25.4 mm samples taken from random locations along the one (1) meter
length. This gave a total of six (6) shortened samples for use in the Dye Penetration Test as
Sheave Test
Once installed in the sheave pulley assembly and properly tensioned to 33.84 kN or 22% of the
conductor’s RTS, the conductor was passed over the pulleys thirty-six (36) times at a speed of
approximately two (2) meters per second.
After completion of the Sheave Test, the test sample was shortened to approximately fourteen (14)
meters by cutting out the centre part of the conductor to use in the Tensile Strength Test. Two (2)
additional samples approximately one (1) meter in length were also cut out of the conductor to use
in the Dye Penetration Test.
A shortened fourteen (14) meter conductor sample previously subjected to the Sheave Test was
first loaded to 3.08 kN or 2% of the conductor’s RTS in order to mark the entrance of the epoxy
dead-ends with paint to monitor for conductor slippage during the test. The conductor was then
tensioned at a rate of 30.8 kN/min until the conductor failed in order to determine the remaining
tensile strength of the conductor after the Sheave Test.
Six (6) shortened samples of the carbon/glass fiber composite core approximately 25.4 mm in
length previously subjected to the Sheave Test were used during the Dye Penetration Test.
These six (6) samples were immersed in dye penetrant up to depth of 3.2 mm for thirty (30)
The samples were visually examined under a black light in order to determine the number of
spots or specks visible in the top surface of the carbon/glass fiber composite core due the
wicking action following thirty (30) minutes of immersion. The dye penetrant used during this
test was Zyglo Penetrex ZL 30A dye penetrant.
The condition of the outer aluminum layer during and after the completion of thirty-six (36)
passes during the Sheave Test is shown in Figures 5a and 5b. After examining the outer
aluminum layer with the unaided eye, some relative shifting between the strands was noticed
during and after the test. No signs of damage (such as cracks, broken strands, birdcaging or
strand protrusion/dislocation) were noticed.
The test conductor sample broke at 189.8 kN during the Tensile Strength Test. This represents
approximately 123.4% of the conductor’s RTS. The sample failure location was approximately
4m from the North dead-end. The failure location is shown in Figures 6a and 6b.
As per PGCIL’s Technical Specification Section-II, Annexure A, Clause 1.7, the test conductor
shall not break at tension below 146.11 kN or 95% of the conductor’s RTS when tensioned to
failure during the Tensile Strength Test.
The test sample was tested in accordance with PGCIL’s Technical Specification Section-II
(Volume-II), Annexure A, Clause 1.7. The test sample met the specified acceptance criteria, as
Figure 4: ACCC/TW Drake Conductor Core Samples for Dye Penetrant Test
Figure 6a: ACCC/TW Drake Conductor Failure Location after Tensile Strength Test
Figure 6b: ACCC/TW Drake Conductor Failure Location after Tensile Strength Test
Figure 7b: ACCC/TW Drake Core Samples at Completion of Dye Penetrant Test
(South End on Left and North End on Right)
Manufacturer: Sterlite Technologies Ltd.
Designation: 28.14/9.53 mm, ACCC/TW Drake Conductor
(See Appendix A for Technical Data Sheet)
The objective of the Radial Crush Test is to verify the performance of 28.14/9.53 mm, Aluminum
Conductor, Composite Core, Trapezoidal Wire (ACCC/TW Drake) when subjected to compression
loading. The subsequent Tensile Strength Test is intended to measure the remaining strength of
the carbon/glass fiber composite core from the same sample after the compression load.
The test was performed following Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) Technical
Specification Section-II (Volume-II), Annexure A, Clause 1.9.
Test Conductor
The 28.14/9.53 mm, Aluminum Conductor, Composite Core, Trapezoidal Wire (ACCC/TW Drake)
consists of twenty-two (22) trapezoidally-shaped, fully annealed aluminum wires stranded in two
(2) layers over one (1) round glass and carbon fiber composite core rod. The outside diameter
of the conductor is 28.14 mm and the conductor has a rated tensile strength of 153.8 kN.
The conductor was received in good condition on March 27th, 2015. The conductor Technical
Data Sheet (provided by Sterlite Technologies Ltd.) is available in Appendix A.
A schematic of the test setup is illustrated in Figure 1. A photo of the actual test setup is shown
in Figure 2a for the crush load and Figure 2b for the subsequent Tensile Strength Test.
Three (3) samples of 28.14/9.53 mm, ACCC/TW Drake conductor were prepared for the test.
The total conductor length was approximately three (3) meters for each sample tested. The
conductor was supported between two 152.4 mm long steel plates; a flat steel base and a
moveable steel plate that transferred a compressive load uniformly over the length of the
sample. The edges of the both plates were rounded with a six (6) mm radius. The conductor
and plates were positioned between the jaws of a universal test machine. Following the crush
load on each the three (3) test samples, the conductor’s carbon/glass fiber composite core was
extracted and prepared for the Tensile Strength Test.
All conductor ends were terminated using epoxy resin dead-ends and hardware provided by
CTC Global for the Tensile Strength Test. Mr. Chris Wong and Mr. Darren Witt from CTC Global
performed the dead-end preparation on the three (3) carbon/glass fiber composite core
samples. After preparation, the three (3) samples were inserted consecutively into the horizontal
test machine.
During the Tensile Strength Test, both epoxy dead-ends were marked with paint to detect
conductor slippage during the test. During the initial set up and pre-loading steps, the test
samples were supported along their length to keep the sample as straight as possible and to
minimize the axial stress and sag. A load cell located at the hydraulic end of the sample
measured the tension. The sample tension was monitored and recorded every second by a
digital data logging system.
Three (3) untested sections of conductor, approximately three (3) m in length were used in the
Radial Crush Test. The conductor was mounted between the two (2) steel plates so that lateral
movement was prevented, and the load was applied gradually without any abrupt change. The
load was gradually increased up to 350 kg, at a rate of 290 kg/min, held for one (1) minute, and
then released. The load rate was based on achieving the load specified by the supplier, within one
to two minutes. The compression load was applied at one (1) location on each conductor sample.
The three (3) carbon/glass fiber composite core samples previously subjected to the compression
load were then tested consecutively in the horizontal test machine. The sample was first loaded to
3.08 kN or 2% of the carbon/glass fiber composite core’s UTS in order to mark the entrance of
the epoxy dead-ends with paint to monitor for slippage during the test. The sample was then
tensioned at a rate of 30.8 kN/min until the conductor failed in order to determine the remaining
tensile strength of the conductor after the compression load.
The three (3) test samples were dissected and visually examined within the crushed areas for any
signs of damage to the aluminum layers or carbon/glass fiber composite cores. No signs of
damage were observed on any of the three (3) samples, the typical condition of the aluminum
layers and core are shown in Figures 3a and 3b.
The results of the subsequent Tensile Strength Tests are summarized below in Table 1:
The typical appearance of the carbon/glass fiber composite core samples after the Tensile
Strength Test (upon failure) is shown in Figure 4.
As per PGCIL’s Technical Specification Section-II, Annexure A, Clause 1.9, the breaking load
measured during the Tensile Strength Test shall not be less than the RTS of the carbon/glass
fiber composite core. The rated tensile strength of 9.53 mm carbon/glass fiber composite core
(used in ACCC/TW Drake) is 153.8 kN.
The three (3) test samples were tested in accordance with PGCIL’s Technical Specification
Section-II (Volume-II), Annexure A, Clause 1.9. The three (3) test samples of 28.14/9.53 mm,
ACCC/TW Drake conductor met the specified acceptance criteria as tested.
Figure 2a: ACCC/TW Drake Conductor Sample Installed for Compression Loading
Figure 4: Typical Condition of 9.53 mm Composite Core after Tensile Strength Test
Manufacturer: Sterlite Technologies Ltd.
Designation: 28.14/9.53 mm, ACCC/TW Drake Conductor
(See Appendix A for Technical Data Sheet)
The objective of the Torsional Ductility Test is to observe the mechanical performance of
28.14/9.53 mm, Aluminum Conductor, Composite Core, Trapezoidal Wire (ACCC/TW Drake) when
subjected to twisting that could occur during installation.
The test was performed following Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) Technical
Specification Section-II (Volume-II), Annexure A, Clause 1.10.
Test Conductor
The 28.14/9.53 mm, Aluminum Conductor, Composite Core, Trapezoidal Wire (ACCC/TW Drake)
consists of twenty-two (22) trapezoidally-shaped, fully annealed aluminum wires stranded in two
(2) layers over one (1) round glass and carbon fiber composite core rod. The outside diameter
of the conductor is 28.14 mm and the conductor has a rated tensile strength of 153.8 kN.
The conductor was received in good condition on March 27th, 2015. The conductor Technical
Data Sheet (provided by Sterlite Technologies Ltd.) is available in Appendix A.
A schematic of the test setup is illustrated in Figure 1. A photo of the actual test setup is shown
in Figure 2a.
A sample of 28.14/9.53 mm, ACCC/TW Drake conductor was prepared for the test. The total
conductor length between the attachment points was 13.95 m. The conductor ends were
terminated using epoxy resin dead-ends. One (1) dead-end assembly was attached to the
hydraulic end of a horizontal test machine. The other dead-end assembly was attached to the
opposite end of the test machine through a swivel. A gear wheel was fixed to the swivel dead-end
and the hardware was attached to the gear wheel so as to allow rotational motion. The swivel
dead-end and gear wheel are shown in Figure 2b.
First, the conductor was tensioned to 30.76 kN or 20% of the conductor’s RTS. A load cell was
installed at one end of the test setup to measure and monitor the tension in the conductor.
The conductor was manually rotated in the direction of the lay of the strands for 0.5 turn (+180º).
Then, the direction of rotation was reversed and the conductor sample was rotated back to the
initial position (0º). The rotation was again started and the conductor sample was rotated in the
reverse direction to the lay of the strands for 0.5 turn (-180º). The gear was again reversed in
direction to rotate the conductor sample to its original position (0º). This constituted one torsion
cycle. Each following cycle was repeated in a similar way, but with a rotation increasing by an extra
one-half turn (180º). A total of four (4) such torsion cycles were performed before the aluminium
layers were removed from the carbon/glass fiber composite core.
Twelve (12) additional torsion cycles were then performed on the bare composite core sample (for
a total of 16 cycles). The number of rotations continued to increase by one-half turn (180º) each
time such that at the end, total of eight (8) full turns were accomplished. The sequence of turns
during the Torsional Ductility Test is summarized below in Table 1.
Before, during and after the test, the test conductor was visually examined for any sign of damage
including cracks, broken strands, strand protrusion or other anomalies.
The condition of the outer aluminum layer after completion of four (4) torsion cycles during the
Torsional Ductility Test is shown in Figure 3. After examining the outer aluminum layer with
unaided eye, some slight strand separation was noticed. No signs of damage (such as cracks,
broken strands, birdcaging, strand protrusion/dislocation, or other anomaly) were noticed. No
signs of loosening or damage were noticed on either the outer or inner aluminum layer during its
After four (4) torsional cycles, all aluminum strands were removed from the carbon/glass fiber
composite core in order to continue the Torsional Ductility Test on the core only and expose the
surface for evaluation. The condition of the composite core surface after the completion of four
(4) torsional cycles and after the completion of the Torsional Ductility Test is shown in Figures
4a and 4b. After examining the composite core with unaided eye, no signs of damage (such as
cracks, broken strands, birdcaging, strand protrusion/dislocation, physical distortion or other
anomaly) were noticed.
As per PGCIL’s Technical Specification Section-II, Annexure A, Clause 1.10, the conductor and
carbon/glass fiber composite core shall withstand at least sixteen (16) rotations during Torsional
Ductility Test without any sign of damage including cracks, broken strands, strand protrusion,
physical distortion or other anomalies.
The test sample was tested in accordance with PGCIL’s Technical Specification Section-II
(Volume-II), Annexure A, Clause 1.10. The test sample met the specified acceptance criteria, as
Figure 2a: ACCC/TW Drake Conductor Sample Installed for Torsional Ductility Test
Epoxy Dead-end
Gear Wheel
Figure 2b: ACCC/TW Drake Conductor Sample Installed for Torsional Ductility Test
Figure 4b: Condition of Carbon/Glass Fiber Core after Torsional Ductility Test
Manufacturer: Sterlite Technologies Ltd.
Designation: 28.14/9.53 mm, ACCC/TW Drake Conductor
(See Appendix A for Technical Data Sheet)
The objective of the Aeolian Vibration Test is to assess the fatigue performance of 28.14/9.53 mm,
Aluminum Conductor, Composite Core, Trapezoidal Wire (ACCC/TW Drake) when subjected to typical
Aeolian vibration cycles caused by laminar wind as it passes over bare conductor. This type of
conductor vibration can be a common occurrence in the field and may lead to fatigue damage of the
conductor. The subsequent Tensile Strength Test is intended to measure the remaining strength of the
same conductor sample after the Aeolian vibration cycles load.
The test was performed following Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) Technical
Specification Section-II (Volume-II), Annexure A, Clause 1.11.
Test Conductor
The 28.14/9.53 mm, Aluminum Conductor, Composite Core, Trapezoidal Wire (ACCC/TW Drake)
consists of twenty-two (22) trapezoidally-shaped, fully annealed aluminum wires stranded in two (2)
layers over one (1) round glass and carbon fiber composite core rod. The outside diameter of the
conductor is 28.14 mm and the conductor has a rated tensile strength of 153.8 kN.
The conductor was received in good condition on March 27th, 2015. The conductor Technical Data
Sheet (provided by Sterlite Technologies Ltd.) is available in Appendix A.
A schematic of the test setup is illustrated in Figure 1. A photo of a typical test setup is shown in
Figure 2a for the Aeolian Vibration cycles and Figure 2b for the subsequent Tensile Strength Test.
A sample of 28.14/9.53 mm, ACCC/TW Drake conductor was prepared for the test. The test
conductor’s ends were terminated using epoxy-resin dead-ends. The active span conductor length
was 23.36 m and the passive span conductor length was 11.23 m for a total conductor length of
34.59 m between the two (2) epoxy dead-ends. The suspension assembly was supported at a
height such that the static sag angle of the conductor to horizontal was 1.54 degrees in the active
span and 2.61 degrees in the passive span. The target tension of 38.45 kN, or 25% of the
conductor's RTS, was applied and maintained using a cantilever weight on one of the end
An electronically controlled shaker was used to excite the conductor in the vertical plane. The
shaker armature was securely fastened to the conductor so that it was perpendicular to the
conductor in the vertical plane. The shaker was located in the span to allow a minimum of six (6)
vibration loops between the suspension assembly and the shaker. A laser micrometer and V-scope
was used to measure the free loop antinode amplitude. The free loop antinode amplitude of the
conductor was measured at the second free loop from the suspension assembly towards the
shaker. The vibration frequency, amplitude, number of cycles, and conductor tension were recorded
by a digital data logging system.
Following ten (10) million vibration cycles, the conductor sample was shortened to approximately
fourteen (14) meters by removing a section seven (7) meters in length on each side of the
suspension assembly and was re-terminated with epoxy dead-ends for the Tensile Strength Test.
After preparation, the shortened sample was inserted into a horizontal test machine.
During the Tensile Strength Test, both epoxy dead-ends were marked with paint to detect
conductor slippage during the test. During the initial set up and pre-loading steps, the test samples
were supported along their length to keep the sample as straight as possible and to minimize the
axial stress and sag. A load cell located at the hydraulic end of the horizontal test machine
measured the tension. The sample tension was monitored and recorded every second by a digital
data logging system.
The test conductor was tensioned to approximately 38.45 kN or 25% of the conductor’s RTS and
the exit angles of the conductor from the suspension clamp were measured. The initial target
vibration frequency was 29.50 Hz, which is the frequency produced by a 4.5 m/s wind
(i.e., frequency = 830 ÷ diameter of the conductor in mm). The actual vibration frequency used was
the system resonance nearest to the target frequency that also provided good system stability. The
actual vibration frequency used during the test ranged from 29.5 - 30.5 Hz.
The target free loop peak-to-peak antinode amplitude was 9.38 mm or one third of the conductor
diameter. The amplitude was maintained at this level in the second free loop from the suspension
assembly towards the shaker. The amplitudes in the passive span and the section between the
shaker and the dead-end in the active span were maintained at levels no greater than one third of
the conductor diameter (9.38 mm). The test conductor was subjected to ten (10) million vibration
cycles under these conditions.
After completion of the Aeolian Vibration Test, the surface of the test conductor and suspension
assembly were visually examined for signs of breaks, cracks, failure or discoloration. A fourteen
(14) meter section of conductor was then removed, centered on the suspension assembly, and re-
terminated with epoxy dead-ends for the subsequent Tensile Strength Test.
The shortened conductor sample previously subjected to Aeolian vibrations was first loaded to 3.08
kN or 2% of the conductor’s RTS in order to mark the entrance of the epoxy dead-ends with paint to
monitor for conductor slippage during the test. The conductor was then tensioned at a rate of 30.8
kN/min until the conductor failed in order to determine the remaining tensile strength of the
conductor after the vibration cycles.
The average values of the data recorded are listed in Table 1. The visual recordings of the V-scope
are listed in Table 2.
V-Scope Measured
Date Time Number of Cycles Measured
(inches p-p)
(mm p-p)
May 25, 2015 13:24 Start 0.37 9.40
May 25, 2015 14:40 135,000 0.37 9.40
May 26, 2015 9:33 898,000 0.36 9.14
May 28, 2015 9:31 4,250,000 0.36 9.14
May 29, 2015 8:46 5,319,000 0.38 9.65
June 1, 2015 9:14 10,000,000 Test Complete -
After completion of ten (10) million cycles, the test conductor was visually examined. There were no
visible signs of breaks, cracks, bird-caging failure or other deterioration of any components of the
test conductor in the active or passive span. The suspension clamp was removed and the
conductor under the clamp was inspected. The condition of the conductor surface under the clamp
is shown in Figure 3.
The test conductor sample broke at 185.0 kN during the Tensile Strength Test. This represents
approximately 120.3% of the conductor’s Ultimate Tensile Strength (see Appendix A). The sample
failure location was approximately 1m from the North epoxy dead-end. The failure location is shown
in Figures 4a and 4b.
As per PGCIL’s Technical Specification Section-II, Annexure A, Clause 1.11, no damage or broken
strands shall be observed on the conductor when visually inspected after the ten (10) million
Aeolian vibration cycles.
The remaining tensile strength of the conductor sample previously subjected to ten (10) million
vibration cycles shall not be less than 146.11 kN or 95% of the conductor’s RTS.
The 28.14/9.53 mm, ACCC/TW Drake conductor sample was tested in accordance with PGCIL’s
Technical Specification Section-II (Volume-II), Annexure A, Clause 1.11. The sample of 28.14/9.53
mm, ACCC/TW Drake conductor, as tested, met the specified acceptance criteria.
Figure 2a: Typical ACCC/TW Drake Sample Installed for Aeolian Vibration Test
Figure 4b: ACCC/TW Drake Conductor Failure Location after Tensile Strength Test
Manufacturer: Sterlite Technologies Ltd.
Designation: 28.14/9.53 mm, ACCC/TW Drake Conductor
(See Appendix A for Technical Data Sheet)
The objective of the Coefficient of Expansion Test is to determine the coefficient of thermal
elongation of the carbon/glass fiber composite core used in 28.14/9.53 mm, Aluminum Conductor,
Composite Core, Trapezoidal Wire (ACCC/TW Drake) up to the steady state conductor temperature
at 1200 A current and under ambient conditions as specified by the Technical Data Sheet provided
in Appendix A. This temperature is specified as 123.4 °C. The data from this test may be used to
assist in the calculation of sags and tensions during the design of overhead transmission lines.
The test was performed following Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) Technical
Specification Section-II (Volume-II), Annexure A, Clause 1.16.
Test Conductor
The 28.14/9.53 mm, Aluminum Conductor, Composite Core, Trapezoidal Wire (ACCC/TW Drake)
consists of twenty-two (22) trapezoidally-shaped, fully annealed aluminum wires stranded in two (2)
layers over one (1) round glass and carbon fiber composite core rod. The diameter of the
carbon/glass fiber composite core is 9.53 mm and the composite core has a Rated Tensile Strength
(RTS) of 153.8 kN.
The conductor was received in good condition on March 27th, 2015. The conductor Technical Data
Sheet (provided by Sterlite Technologies Ltd.) is available in Appendix A.
A schematic of the test setup is illustrated in Figure 1. A photo of the actual test setup is shown in
Figure 2.
A sample of 9.53 mm carbon/glass fiber composite core was prepared for the test. The test sample,
approximately fourteen (14) meters in length, was terminated using collet dead-ends. The test
sample was preconditioned at 30% RTS for a minimum of twelve (12) hours prior to this test with
the intention of removing creep from the core sample.
Two metal "paddles" were installed on the core sample 10.08 meters apart, centered midway
between the two (2) collet dead-ends. Calibrated linear variable differential transformers (LVDT)
with 0.04 mm resolution were installed on a fixed support to measure core elongation as shown in
Figure 3. The test sample was tensioned to 23.1 kN corresponding to 15% of the conductor’s RTS.
This tension was maintained during testing in order to keep the test core sample straight and flat. A
load cell located at the hydraulic end of the sample measured the tension.
A current transformer was configured to provide circulating current to increase the temperature of
the test sample. The inner layer of aluminum was used to heat the sample during the test. The
aluminum was loosened around the carbon/glass fiber composite core in order to allow for free
expansion of the test sample. The connection from the current transformer to the test sample was
made using current injection clamps fixed to the loosened aluminum layer. A 600 V variable
transformer (variac) supplied current to the power transformer. The motor-driven variac was
controlled by a data acquisition (DAQ) system in order to provide the necessary current to increase
temperature in the test loop to the desired target temperature and to maintain at the specified test
temperature. Also, a capacitor bank was connected to the primary side of the power transformer in
order to balance the impedance of the test loop.
Core Temperature
The temperature of the test sample was measured at five (5) locations along the length of the
sample using thermocouples. The thermocouples were electrically isolated from other
instrumentation to prevent electrical interference into the data acquisition system. Thermocouple
installation in the test sample is shown in Figure 4.
The measuring instruments and equipment used in this test are listed in Appendix B.
A plot showing the core expansion (elongation/gauge length) versus core temperature for the test
on the carbon/glass fiber composite core sample is shown in Figure 5.
Regression curves were fitted on the collected data points. The gradient of the regression curve is
the coefficient of linear expansion of the composite core. The equation of the thermal expansion line
ΔL = L x α x (Tcore - Tstart) or ΔL / L = α x (Tcore - Tstart)
- ΔL (m) is the thermal expansion of the core
- L (m) is the gauge length, where LVDT’s are installed
- Tcore (°C) is the core’s actual temperature
- Tstart (°C) is the core’s temperature at the start of the test
Based on Figure 5, the following coefficient of linear expansion was measured for the core sample:
There are no acceptance criteria for the Coefficient of Linear Expansion Test stated in PGCIL’s
Technical Specification Section-II, Annexure A, Clause 1.16.
The data from this test may be used to assist in the calculation of sags and tensions during the
design of overhead transmission lines.
The primary purpose of the Coefficient of Linear Expansion Test is to measure the elongation
characteristics of the core at various temperatures and determine the coefficient of linear expansion
from the measured results. The data from this test may be used to assist in the calculation of sags
and tensions during the design of overhead transmission lines.
with LVDT
Injection Point
Test Description: Type Tests on ACCC/TW Drake as per PGCIL Spec Test Start Date: April 13, 2015
Project Number: K-419674-002 Test Finish Date: June 17, 2015
DC Micro-ohm Meter AEMC 6250 KIN-00644 June 12, 2014 June 12, 2015
reading Measurement
Test Thermocouple Omega Type T KIN-00919 ± 1 degree C April 30, 2013 April 30, 2015
Temperature Ambient
Omega TX13 KIN-00918 ± 1 degree C September 22, 2014 September 22, 2016
Transmitter Temperature
A/D National KIN-01836 ±0.1% of
PCI-6221 January 28, 2015 January 28, 2016 Data Acquisition
Datalogger Instruments “I” Reading
Load Cell (MTS) Lebow KIN-03727
(100,000 lbs)
100 KIP ±1% of Conductor
September 25, 2014 September 25, 2016
Reading Tension
494.26 DC
Conditioner MTS KIN-01724
Channel: S2-J2A
Displacement +0.01 mm
ASM IE41LI-SBO- KIN-02868 August 12, 2014 August 12, 2015 Cable Strain
Transducer -0.07 mm
UTS Tests M12-HG
and Stress- FatMax (34-813) < 0.05% of
Tape Measure Stanley KIN-00723 January 7, 2015 January 7, 2017 Length
100 ft / 30 m Reading
Strain Tests
Thermocouple Omega Type T KIN-00919 ± 1 degree C April 30, 2013 April 30, 2015
Temperature Ambient
Omega TX13 KIN-00918 ± 1 degree C September 22, 2014 September 22, 2016
Transmitter Temperature
Current 125-502 ±0.25% of full
Flex Core KIN-01557 May 29, 2014 May 29, 2016 Current Supply
Transformer Ratio 5000 to 5 A scale
Current ±0.5% of full Current
Flex Core ACT-005CX5 KIN-00749 December 13, 2014 December 13, 2015
Transducer scale Measuring
Digital Calipers Mitutoyo CD-6-CSX KIN-03461 ±0.001 mm June 24, 2014 June 24, 2015
FatMax (34-813) < 0.05% of
Tape Measure Stanley KIN-00723 January 7, 2015 January 7, 2017 Length
100 ft / 30 m Reading
Appendix B – Page 82of 86
Load Cell (MTS) Lebow KIN-01725
(200,000 lbs)
200 KIP ±1% of
September 25, 2014 September 25, 2016 Breaking Load
494.26 DC
Conditioner MTS KIN-01724
Channel: S2-J2B
A/D National KIN-01837 ±0.1% of
PCI-6221 January 7, 2015 January 7, 2016 Data Acquisition
Datalogger Instruments “J” Reading
Temperature Ambient
Omega TX13 KIN-00918 ± 1 degree C September 22, 2014 September 22, 2016
Transmitter Temperature
Radial Crush Ambient
Thermocouple Omega Type T KIN-00919 ± 1 degree C April 30, 2013 April 30, 2015
Test Temperature
FatMax (34-813) < 0.05% of
Stanley KIN-00723 January 7, 2015 January 7, 2017 Length Tape Measure
100 ft / 30 m Reading
Load Cell 1232-AF
(Force) (100,000 lbf) ±1% of Satec
KIN-01288 September 16, 2014 September 16, 2015
Reading Machine
Instron IPG
Conditioner 120WHVL
0 to
Speed Satec
Instron IPG 120WHVL KIN-01290 0.00313 September 16, 2014 September 16, 2015
(inches/min) Machine
Coefficient of Thermocouple Omega Type J KIN-01685 ± 2.2 degree C December 8, 2014 December 8, 2015 Temperature
Expansion Thermocouple Omega Type J KIN-01681 ± 2.2 degree C August 6, 2014 August 6, 2015 Temperature
Page 86 of 86 K-419674-RC-0002-R01