Ultimate Guide To Ecommerce Growth
Ultimate Guide To Ecommerce Growth
Ultimate Guide To Ecommerce Growth
ISBN-13: 978-1-64467-132-0
Before we start, let me introduce to you the great companion video that goes
alongside this book, which details some of the split tests we have run to improve
some of the KPIs we are going to be talking about, so please head over to
https://go.smartebusiness.co.uk/get-started-magento and sign up for the video
and members’ area for this book.
others were stuck. So we closed ourselves off in our respective basements and
got to work. We benchmarked every statistic we could get our hands on. After
some work and a good deal of research, we started to recognise the key stats
that mattered. Once these were pinpointed, we started making the changes
that helped each commerce site get to the next level and the next and the next.
The result was that distance and time zone didn’t matter because our clients
became some of the fastest growing e-commerce sites in the UK.
And we want your e-commerce site to be part of that.
Are you ready?
Let’s go!
and Google was our wall. Google was massively changing SEO, which we used
to drive a lot of free traffic to our clients. It was clear this method of growth
was getting harder. We needed a new growth engine and fast. We had ignored
the signs at first, but while on holiday, an employee phoned to tell us that our
largest client’s SEO rankings were acting weird. One day they went up, the next
day they disappeared, then came back, then . . .
Google was changing their algorithm, and even when it settled down, we
realised that we did not want our clients to rely on one source of revenue. Doing
so could result in a single point of failure. We had to keep growing our clients’
revenue, but without relying so heavily on Google as we had done in the past.
The trouble was, we needed to look at the data from 80 sites and pull it all
into Excel. To look at everything was going to take time, and we already had a
full time job running a company, working weekends and looking after young
families. When were we going to find a clear two weeks, or even longer, to do
the work? Also, there was no guarantee anything was going to come out of this
work. So nobody was rooting for us to do it—quite the opposite. We still needed
to do all the SEO work, which was still our biggest breadwinner.
It came down to a tough decision. We could drop all my SEO clients and
lose 75% of our marketing revenue to do the benchmarking study and hope
something came out of it, or we could just continue as normal.
In my mind, SEO, at that particular time, was dead. Our minds were already
made up. We dropped all our SEO clients. There was no turning back now—we
needed to deliver something good!
However, after stressing out for months and months from gruelling research,
we came up with nothing. We started losing hope; we just couldn’t see why some
clients were scaling and other clients were having stagnant growth at best. We
just couldn’t work it out. We had a crisis call where we were going to pull the
plug on the research project. We’d spent over 300 hours poring through client
statistics. We needed to have one last look at the high growth clients . . . then . .
. we saw something magical. There was a consistent pattern.
After all of this painstaking work, we finally had our light bulb ‘Eureka!’
moment. It made all the difference in the success of our clients, and we’re going
to share this information now with you.
6. Traffic growth.
7. Basket-to-order rate.
didn’t want. Thus, they were able to recruit the right type of customers, increase
their ad spend and move back into growth for the first time in three years.
Knowing what to track and why was great, but if you don’t make these KPIs
easy to track and monitor, then it’s just a lot of theory. So we created a series
of reporting measurements to track these KPIs on all the e-commerce sites
we were growing—because we know that what gets measured gets managed.
A lot of these metrics were not available in Google Analytics, so we had to
create a tracking tool called ScentTrail to monitor them. Then we worked out
for each client their weak points and target KPIs. We then created a list of
implementations that had helped other clients improve each KPI. We ran a
‘plan, do, check, act’ methodology to uncover what implementations moved the
needles in the right direction.
Once we had these metrics, the work was only half done. We needed to know
how to improve all these KPIs, and that just came down to experience. By
focusing on these numbers every day, getting the whole team to understand
the true purpose of an e-commerce site and talking to the clients in the new
language meant we all achieved growth much faster. Clients like Brook Taverner
grew into a big player in the menswear market, generating 23 times the monthly
revenue that they did when we first took them on. GSF Car Parts took their
online business from scratch to seven figures in their first year and continue to
experience yearly double-digit growth. We’ve helped four e-commerce business
owners grow and sell their business for high multimillion pound figures. Our
team has won awards for our work as voted by our clients. We have also helped
FTSE-listed companies increase their EBIT number and achieve their targets,
such is the success of these key metrics.
But a lot of the things we found fly in the face of a lot of the advice we read
online about how to grow. A lot of what we suggest will put us in ‘e-commerce
jail’ and many online experts will find our clients’ e-commerce stores
annoyingly successful!
retailer might say ‘We implemented x, and our sales doubled.’ This is possible
only because of prior work.
For example, one client implemented an Amazon Prime-style free delivery
The conversion rate of existing customers doubled.
But . . .
This was only possible because the existing customers loved the products
and the store. The existing customers were looking for an excuse to buy more.
Years of preparation had gone into that magic bullet moment.
Another client doubled their Google Shopping campaigns by changing
their AdWords setup. Yes, we doubled sales, but months of offer testing and
conversion rate optimisation had gone into that trigger moment.
Magic bullet moments happen. Watershed events where the potential in your
brand is released.
However, there is no tipping point without preparation.
Wait . . . what is a key performance indicator?
A key performance indicator is pretty much just what you’d think it would be.
It is a measurable value used to indicate how effective a business is at achieving
its objectives. In our case, the final objective is a completed sale, but there are
KPIs along the way that we can use to track and evaluate performance, so we
can really dial in and discover where the problem areas might be and ultimately
increase revenue.
These KPIs are important to how your site operates. Remember, when you’re
small you can’t simply copy what a larger site is doing and hope it works. A
massive brand is going to be more successful than an unknown online store.
Copying their website isn’t going to help your site perform better. For this, you
need your KPIs in place.
On average:
✓✓ 11% of visitors will add a product to their basket.
✓✓ Of that 11%, 55% will proceed to checkout.
✓✓ Of that 55%, 84% will place an order.
To determine how your website is doing, first benchmark yourself against
these three statistics. If you’re falling behind in one of these, then this will
dictate where you need to spend your time and money. For instance, if you only
have five percent of your visitors placing items in their cart, then this is where
your energy and time needs to be. You’ll need to answer the question, “Why
aren’t visitors adding items to their cart?”
Or you might find that your add-to-basket percentage is high but very few
people are proceeding to checkout: the dreaded abandoned cart syndrome!
Most e-commerce platforms offer a variety of strong merchandising
techniques to help with these situations. In the following chapters, we’ll discuss
the three key performance indicators, or KPIs, and a few of the techniques to
help you increase the percentage of these three KPIs.
Out of all the individuals landing on your website, some of them are going to
bounce off. This can occur from any page on your site. Some may bounce off the
home page, others may get to a category page or product page before making
their exit. Some even put items in their basket and proceed to the checkout page
before they decide to abandon ship. And then there’s the four percent who make
it through checkout and place an order.
A good place to start improving your add-to-basket rate is to look at
your bounce rate across content types. For example, how do product pages
or category pages perform as a whole? By understanding this, you can easily
monitor improvements made to the product templates.
Key performance indicator (KPI) number one is what we call the add-to-
basket percentage, and it is definitely the most critical one. If no one is adding
anything to their basket in the first place, there’s definitely a problem.
According to the statistics we work with, 11% of visitors to your website
should add something to their basket.
So what if you’re not at that percentage? There’s a good chance you may not
be; that’s why you are reading this book!
We’re going to help you figure out why.
When we first consult with our clients, the majority of them think they
have a problem with the checkout process itself. Upon inspection of their site,
however, we often find out that their checkout is just fine. What they are really
struggling with is getting visitors to put items in their basket.
The first thing you need to think about when trying to get visitors to put your
product in their basket is the type of buyers you’re working with. For example,
by analysing the buyer types, it allowed us to see why on one high-growth site
a marketing message reduced conversion and on another high-growth site it
massively increased it. How so?!! It was the same message . . .
It was all down to these four buyer types and how you’ve got to understand
who yours are. By looking at the different types of buyers, we were able to
determine why one site worked while another didn’t, even when the same
marketing message was used. Consider the following chart:
James Bond mentions his tailor with fondness a few times during the Bond
I am talking about the James Bond of old, not the modern Bond who doesn’t
give a damn how his vodka martini is served.
The James Bond we grew up with was a connoisseur of attire, wine and
history. He cared about the finer things in life.
When we are selling to the discerning buyer, we need to build that loyalty in
our customers, and they will never leave.
The James Bond buyer can be classed as the competitive buyer type.
This buyer type wants the best, buys quickly and is not a sales shopper as they
are less sensitive to price.
So how did Mr Bond’s tailor generate the loyalty to bring him back time and
time again?
Here’s how we would have done it.
We would have made sure that our shop was an authority in men’s tailoring.
This can be done by:
• Sponsoring events that already have the authority I am seeking to
• Working with clients who have authority and giving them good stories
to tell about their experience. I want them to talk about their tailor down
at the country club.
• Making my clients perceive that it’s exclusive by making them apply for
a fitting. To generate discussions about this ‘oh, it’s very hard to get an
appointment at X tailor, he is very in demand.’ This is like catnip to the
competitive buyer
• Having a store on Savile Row ‘where everyone knows the best tailors are.’
Next, I would have to make the shop experience bespoke, no fuss and flawless.
The competitive buyer hates incompetence. They want you to notice the finer
detail without it being pointed out.
They know how a suit should hang, what stitching should be done where, but
they never want to have to tell you this; they expect you to know and to get it
When they go in for a suit fitting, it should feel like a seamless process from
start to finish. Great services look easy because so much planning and time has
gone into the preparation.
We love watching old Columbo murder mysteries. He is like the atypical hero:
scruffy, appearing disorganised but probably the greatest detective in the world.
He lulls the murderer into a false sense of security. The murderer thinks the
police department has sent an idiot to solve the crime.
But he keeps asking questions.
‘Just one more thing . . .’
Often this comes after a long conversation when his suspect is already
annoyed. The questions keep coming. It’s the detail in the answers that he
analyses. Over and over until the murderer slips up.
Columbo’s manner is humble, apologetic and bumbling but incredibly
effective. We all have Columbo customers visiting our stores every day. They
are the methodical buyer type.
They spend a long time buying. They need answers to a lot of questions. They
scroll the full page. They read the reviews onsite and offsite.
And just when you think you have done enough, they abandon your website.
They abandon because we are not the murderer.
The murderer is the solution to their mystery, which is ‘where can I buy the
best xyz?’ They find the murderer somewhere else, somewhere that provides
better answers, more details and more evidence. But how many Columbo-buyer
types are there in our traffic and why should we care?
Well, usually a lot. On most stores, this is the biggest of the four buyer types
and can make up over 50% of potential customers.
You need to start creating more evidence, on your site, for Columbo to
stumble upon.
I once watched a documentary about Michael Jackson and part of it showed him
going shopping in a home décor shop in Las Vegas. It was like he was picking
out sweets even though these were $89,000 pieces of furniture. “I like those, lets
order those . . . and these . . . and these, this table and these.”
The spontaneous buyer buys very quickly and does so on impulse with
very little fact checking. Whilst we will always have some spontaneous buyers
coming to our stores, most of them will show up at sale times. Normal buyers
will be transformed into spontaneous buyers during promotions like Black
Friday, Cyber Monday, Boxing Day Sales, etc.
Spontaneous buyers like to have things right in front of them. They are
shopping for fun, and they don’t like to search or work to find something to
buy. During sale times, we must create a home page that suggests what they
should buy and show them a good quick reason for doing to.
The humanistic buyer is driven by emotion and does not like to buy from a
brand until they feel a connection with the store. This buyer type is triggered
more when they are making a purchase of something for their home and family.
They tend to take more time over the purchase and really dive into the reviews
and the ethos behind the company.
These four types of buyers also fall into one of two purchasing camps: they either
make rational or emotional purchases.
Because these two types of purchases are so different from each other and
appeal to different types of buyers, you’ll need to use a different strategy to
encourage each type of buyer to put your product in the basket. For the more
rational purchase, you’ll want to appeal to the urgency and need of the item. In
this instance, a quick delivery time, adverts with text like ‘huge range’ and an
onsite countdown timer would be much more likely to result in a completed
transaction than a discount offer alone.
If the product is an emotional purchase, like the decorative cushions, using
larger images showing the item nicely displayed in a beautiful home or discounts
that are ‘ending soon’ are more likely to appeal to the buyer. Remember, they
don’t need the cushions. No one needs cushions. They aren’t going to solve some
fundamental problem in anyone’s life, but if your web visitor likes them and
they are displayed and presented properly, you’re likely to get a sale. That’s the
beauty of the emotional purchase.
items you are. These businesses may have discounts and special offers like free
delivery, a no-quibble return policy, a selection of merchandise that’s been
discounted 30 or 40% off, or buy-one-get-one-free offers. If your market stall
was just sitting there at the back, doing nothing to entice customers to pass
these other businesses and come to you, they aren’t going to come. You have to
get out there and increase your value proposition in order to sell your product.
You need to build tangible proof that your business is the best option for what
the customer wants. Customers will walk past all the other businesses if they
believe in your service and products.
There has to be a match between the look of your website and your
value proposition in order for you to continue to scale your business. Your
e-commerce site could be aesthetically perfect and easy to use and have all the
bells and whistles, but your value proposition will always be the key to your
success or failure.
On the other hand, a website can be plain and poorly put together, but if
the value proposition is right and the product is something customers really
want, this poor website will outperform an amazing-looking site every time.
Now, certainly we can increase sales for the poorly put together site just by
giving our client a sleek-looking website that really matches their excellent value
proposition—then they will really take off.
What if you aren’t feeling one hundred percent confident about your value
proposition? How do you increase it?
chance, we need to shamelessly clone what’s working for others and then
improve it.
Don’t be too proud to make a lot of profit.
Stop trying to recreate the wheel.
Two quotes to sum this up.
Steve Jobs: ‘We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas.’
Picasso: ‘Good artists copy, great artists steal.’
Now you don’t want to blindly copy your competition and be exactly the
same as everyone else. However, if one customer is totally cleaning up, then at
least do what they are doing and then improve it!
on the same page, we were able to reduce the bounce rate by 35% and increase
the add-to-basket KPI substantially.
are seeing the whole picture as the subconscious fills in the rest of the image
with what ‘it expects to be there.’
This is so powerful that, in conversion rate optimization, perceived ease of
use is pretty much aligned with actual ease of use.
That’s quite a powerful statement, if you think about it.
It means that if your website looks easy to use, then people will find it easy to
use. But if it looks hard to use, then people will find it hard to use, even if it isn’t.
People focus on what they believe is the truth and look for corroboration
that aligns with that. It’s too hard for the brain to constantly change its opinion,
especially for something like buying from an e-commerce site where they are
in ‘leisure mode.’
Looking at attention blindness first in relation to an e-commerce site, people
only focus on a small part of the screen, and optimising the parts they focus on
will have a huge impact on revenue per visitor.
Optimising the parts of the site they don’t focus on is a waste of time.
We can find out which parts of the home page, product page, category pages,
basket pages and checkout pages people look at using a heat map tool. The hot
spots are the places where you want to focus your split test work. They are the
small parts of the site that are focused on and will disproportionately affect the
user’s impression of the store.
Also, take a step back and ask if your website looks easy to use? Are the Add
to Basket buttons clear in a different colour and big and obvious? Ditto with the
Proceed to Checkout buttons. Are there elements you can remove to clear clutter
to allow more white space to highlight what the user should do?
Remember, if they think the site is easy to use, it will be easy to use.
A five-year-old should be able to figure out what to do.
When its our e-commerce site, we look at it with different eyes as our
e-commerce site is our livelihood—it’s a major focus in our lives. Thus, we can
see a lot more on the site than the normal person because our focus is much
higher. This extra focus makes us think we can add more elements, multiple
home page offers, and still get more revenue. But the customer has other things
in their life that they must focus more on; hence they can only give our site a
narrow focus.
We must treat that narrow focus with care and understand that if we ask for
too much focus energy from a visitor, they will bounce.
how to choose the right set of golf clubs for their child, covering what size to buy
based on the child’s height, etc. This will convert that buyer much more than a
generic home page trying to convert all five buckets.
This approach makes so much sense.
But hardly anyone uses it.
Because we think we know the buyer. We think that we know exactly what
should go on the homepage and that we can’t afford to miss anyone.
It’s the fear of not appealing to all traffic that stops us doing this approach.
You hear it across all small businesses when you ask, ‘Who is your customer?’
And they answer, ‘Well, men and women 18 years to 65.’
Basically, their target market is human beings who have a bit of money.
We need to stop selling to everyone and do a good job of selling to the 20%
of buyer categories that make up 80% of the traffic.
It’s a good book; have a read, and then use your homepage to shift people into
the five main buckets that your buyers represent.
like, ‘Why are you considering purchasing from us?’ They will create
a rational answer and want to be consistent with it. Or even if the sale
takes a while to close, ask, ‘Can you tell me why you have chosen to do
business with us?’
8. Can we get them to write down their consistency statement and get
them to share it publicly? Once public, they will change their image of
themselves to be consistent with the statement even more. Could be part
of a competition.
9. Low ball offer. Make an offer that’s likely to be accepted to make the
person convince themselves that they are now a customer of the store.
Once they have bought something, even something tiny, they will be
much more likely to make a bigger purchase.
10. Social proof. If we can show that others are doing what we desire the
visitor to do, then they will follow suit. People look to others to see what
to do.
11. Social proof heightened. People will much more likely copy behaviour of
people like themselves. Even similar names, living in similar addresses,
doing the same jobs, etc.
12. When the buyer is in a moment of uncertainty, we can employ opera
claqueurs, i.e. the first people that get the crowd going. We have all seen
those market stall people use fake buyers to start a buying frenzy at the
end of their pitch.
13. Can we show that we dress like the target audience and share similar
values to them? Political views. Hobbies.
14. Can we associate ourselves even loosely with something cool going on?
For example, during the moon landings, everything sold featured the
space race. Or in Olympic years, everything focuses on this.
15. Click-whirr effect of authority figures. Uniform. Titles. Name badges.
Backstage passes. Can we add elements of this to increase the sale?
16. If we offer them something that is against our interest that builds trust
early on, for example, don’t buy this, buy our cheaper one if xyz. Or show
them some bad reviews on our site for some products so that they believe
the good reviews.
17. Double scarcity. People who were told beef is going to be in short supply
doubled their orders. But people told beef supply is going to be in short
supply and told this information comes from an exclusive source bought
a huge amount more. So how can we create scarcity on our stores and
make customers believe that they are getting inside information about
the scarcity—premium buyers’ clubs etc.?
18. Can we trigger the scarcity trigger by getting all potential buyers to show
up at once onto one product and show how many people are looking at
that item? Or even get them to reserve a buying spot, where they get 10
minutes to decide on the product before the chance is offered to someone
A few years ago, we began to look at the product pages and category pages that
had the highest bounce rates in more detail because we wanted to work on our
worst performers to bring their sales up. To do this, we tagged them properly
and used Google Analytics, so we could see, in detail, the worst product pages
and worst category pages.
Why would we work from the poorest performers?
Attempting to analyse hundreds or even thousands of your products to see
what’s working and what isn’t would be impossible. For this reason, we always
say, ‘Manage by exception.’ By using the correct tags, you can receive a Google
Analytics alert that tells you what your worst performing product and category
pages are on your website for any given time period.
We don’t like to do this alone however. We encourage each of our clients to
take ownership of their merchandise and take a look at these statistics each
This is your website, after all, and if these products are meaningful to you and
you’re passionate about your business, sometimes you might be the only one
who knows exactly why certain products or pages are failing so badly. Maybe
the images don’t bring the item to life or the price point may be too high or
the most important feature isn’t mentioned. Focus on the top ten worst pages,
because that’s where you’re losing the most potential sales.
We like to pretend my worst performing page is the only impression a
Once you have the knowledge of your top worst performers, now it’s important
to decide where exactly to invest your money to make the biggest impact.
Here’s a quick example that perfectly illustrates how this all works together
and why KPIs are so critical:
Remember, we are checking all stats against the following facts that we covered
On average:
✓✓ 11% of visitors will add a product to their basket.
✓✓ Of that 11%, 55% will proceed to checkout.
✓✓ Of that 55%, 84% will place an order.
They actually weren’t lagging in the checkout-to-order rate because they were
at a healthy 85% checkout-to-order ratio.
On the other hand, their add-to-basket rate was 6%, which was less than half
of what it should be. This is where to invest. If they would have tried to improve
their checkout to order, they may have made an extra 10 grand a year. But by
investing the same amount of money in the area where they were lagging so far
behind average stats, which was their add-to-basket ratio, they could end up
gaining half a million in revenue annually.
Now, this is just one example and every client is different. Maybe you do need
to invest in your checkout to order. That’s why using all the KPIs is so critical.
By looking at the conversion rate, you’ll know what products to look at so you
can make the right changes to increase your add-to-basket KPI.
To improve you website’s search, use some third-party improvements. Many
can really dive into your customers’ searches and better track your business.
Options are available for creating your own search system within your site,
tagging popular searches and linking Google Analytics to your store. Tagging
popular searches can help you provide customers with trending search options,
which many emotional-purchase buyers are looking for. The Google Analytics
APWE linked to your site can help you construct category pages that work
based on each page’s value.
Browser abandonment. Behavioural and abandonment messaging is a quick and
easy way to increase revenue by up to 10% on average, just by nudging them
along in their journey through your website.
Browser abandonment tools help encourage visitors to take the next step and
the next, until the sale is complete. Essentially, a pop-up comes on the screen
when the mouse moves to exit the browser page. This is especially helpful with
new customers, who are much less likely to add something to their basket than
a returning customer. They don’t know you and don’t know if they can trust you
or your products yet, so you have to work a little bit harder to motivate them to
complete the checkout. Behavioural and abandonment messaging determines
automatically when a new customer enters the site and can provide them with
a new customer discount, such as 20% or 30% off their purchase, especially if
they are moving their mouse towards abandonment. At the same time, it can
tell if a customer is a returning one and offer a completely different promotion
or none at all. Through our experience with browser abandonment, a simple
yet precisely placed pop-up can result in higher revenues.
By using a tool like ScentTrail, you can target different segments with
different offers. For instance, new customers get 10% off with free delivery but
existing customers might only get free delivery.
of, have one photo that has the item next to a hand or something people
know the size of. This way people can understand how big it is.
6. Make sure there is more than one image—a lifestyle shot, close-up shots,
7. In stock declaration. This should be bold and noticeable in the key eye
focus area. If stock is particularly important to a person, i.e. when they
‘need it now,’ make the stock icon dynamic so it looks like it’s looking up
the item in the warehouse and then showing it in stock.
8. On the product page underneath the buying information or description,
we tend to lose people who the product is not quite right for. So show
‘see other products in this category.’ For example, if you are selling Gore-
Tex hiking boots and the person is on an Adidas Gore-Tex Hiking Boot
product page, then show links for ‘see other Gore-Tex Boots’ and ‘see
other Adidas Boots,’ etc. This will keep them on the site rather than
hitting the Back button back to Google.
9. The description should not include any words that people might not have
in their vocabulary. Anything hard will shift their thinking to system 2
thinking and we don’t want people to think yet.
10. Make the Add to Basket button clickable even if people have not selected
the quantity yet. Don’t grey it out until they have selected quantity. If
they click it too early, then show them a message telling them they must
add quantity. If you grey it out people won’t see it and they might think
it’s out of stock.
The add-to-basket stat is absolutely linked to the bounce rate. If they don’t add
anything to the basket, eventually they will leave the site and disappear (and
the page they leave on is called the bounce page). The add-to-basket and bounce
rates go very much hand in hand. A bounce rate is simply an exit: a hard, cold
exit from the site without doing anything else (e.g. clicking back on the browser
button and going back to Google Shopping). As ever (and with all these KPIs),
if you compare what’s happening online to a physical bricks-and-mortar store,
it’s easy to see why they are important. In this case, consider the following.
A customer walks into a retail shop and starts browsing; they would start to
browse the general sections of the shop (these we can call the categories). It’s
only after this they would start looking at individual products; they might then
pick a product up and look at it more closely (or in a fashion store, they might
try it on). If they decide they don’t like the product and walk out of the shop,
the equivalent of this behaviour online would be a bounce. So the first thing to
consider is, did they bounce off the category or the product page?
We have four major places visitors can bounce: the home page, the category
page, the product page and your search results pages. We’re always going to get
some of this behaviour; for example, just like a physical store, lots of people
leave the store without buying. So it’s useful to know how many should be
leaving, i.e. what’s normal. So let’s define this:
Overall (across the entire site) the bounce rate on desktop devices should
be less than 30% and for tablet/mobile less than 50%. So, let’s call that 40%
on average. If the bounce rate is higher, then reducing this and getting more
engagement on the site is the first priority. Next, the category pages. They should
not be bouncing more than 50%, followed by the product pages, which shouldn’t
bounce more than 60%. These are the critical stats to consider. All e-commerce
sites are slightly different (and bounce stats vary, mostly according to the buying
window, i.e. the average amount of time to buy), but in general, these suggested
stats are very useful. To confirm, they are:
• Home page—less than 25% bounce.
• Category page—less than 50% bounce.
• Product page—less than 60% bounce.
• Overall—less than 40% bounce.
• Search exits—less than 20% bounce.
Home pages should be bouncing less than 25%. If you’re losing more than this,
then something is seriously wrong with your value proposition, or your traffic
sources are completely irrelevant.
Home pages are not what they once were. Because of the growth of paid
search channels driving visitors to product and category pages, the home
page can often be seen quite far down the funnel. There is no one-page-fits-
all method here, and the elements mainly depend on whether you are selling
rational, problem-solving products (e.g. car battery) or emotional, spontaneous
ones (e.g. a summer dress). In each case, the home page should focus on
squashing the main anxieties of the shopper; for example, for the rational,
problem-solving purchases, it should show massive reassurance promises and
focus very much on the methodical buyers—all their problems will be solved
by buying from here, all anxiety will evaporate. Whereas with the emotional,
spontaneous shoppers it should inspire and make the shopper feel they are
going to be transformed into a wonderful lifestyle by buying from this website.
In fact, this is true throughout the entire website, and these two different buying
characteristics will feature in a large part of the remainder of this book.
Check bounce rate on the category pages as a whole—on average, this should be
less than 50%; if overall average is higher than 55%, then look at each category
individually (good idea to do this even if bounce is lower than 55%).
You will find that certain categories affect the overall bounce rate much more
than others. Focus on the top categories by exits from the site; split test to
increase engagement of these pages, especially if they are large SEO landing
A high overall bounce on the category indicates bad merchandising, so
implement the visual merchandising tool with simple rules to start (out of stock
to the bottom, bestsellers to the top).
Individual bounces for categories which are high indicate a generally poor
category. Common reasons include:
• The images are poor.
• The selection is poor.
• Not enough products.
• The prices are too high.
• Order of products is wrong, i.e. poor selling products at the top (top two
rows are crucial).
• Poor filtering.
• Pagination (page numbers) too restrictive, so visitors can only see a
small number: they like to view all, so consider lazy loading; consider
split testing removing the sub categories from the navigation and letting
visitors easily view all.
• Poor header image that doesn’t frame the collection.
This metric has become much more important with Google Shopping driving a
lot more traffic to individual product pages. The visitors no longer go from the
home to category to product page; they come directly from Google Shopping
and land straight on this page, so it’s a critical page to get right. The product
pages are the new landing pages. This has made it slightly easier in some respects
because it means we can tailor messages more specifically on the product pages,
rather than the home page trying to do everything.
Likely that product page bounces fluctuate widely between products; this is
in your search tool and manually look at the results pages of your top
search terms—redirect these to the best page on the site. If people are
searching for products that are out of stock or not sold, take them to an
information page explaining what has happened and the replacement
• Search exits should be less than 20%—if more than 20% of internal
searchers are leaving then you need to review site search using a tool
like Mouseflow. What are people searching for, what are they seeing, why
are they leaving? What experience would be better for them?
• Add popular searches above the search box—many of the spontaneous
buyers need help knowing what to search for, so showing popular search
terms on pages can trigger an engagement and the start of a sale.
• Add related searches in the search results dropdown—as people type a
search show them what others searched for.
• Add ‘other people searched for’ on the search results page—when the
search page loads, to reduce exits show what others searched for, hence
making it easier for them to continue rather than leaving.
• KPI create a custom Google Analytics report that sends every Monday to
show the highest search terms by exits, then you can set up a system to
check these search terms each week and tweak the search results pages.
The add-to-basket rate is all about convincing someone that they want to buy
the item. Increasing the desirability and the sellability of the item is going to put
many more people into your e-commerce sales funnel.
The add-to-basket rate is not just about the numbers, you have to add a little
sales magic to the process. You need to hone your inner magician.
When we see Derren Brown on TV, he seems like a crazy demigod, bending
people’s minds to his will.
Of course, behind the scenes, there must be many failures where Derren says,
‘Do this,’ and the subject says, ‘No way, Mr Brown, you’re a weirdo.’
But do you think Derren could become a good conversion rate optimiser?
Yes, of course!
Here are some of the techniques that he uses in his performances that we can
swipe and deploy on our e-commerce sites.
1. Focus on those likely to buy. Like any good hypnotist, he starts with
a large group of people and then whittles down to the most suggestive of
participants, i.e. he gets rid of the tyre kickers. On our website when analysing
data, we first need to remove from our analysis those that will never buy. There’s
no point watching hundreds of session recordings of people who bounced on
the site in under 30 seconds.
Instead, we need to focus on the highest potential and the first segment I
look at is the ‘almost buyers’—people that spend a long time on the website but
don’t buy. These are the most suggestible group who have the capacity to double
your conversion rate.
2. Gain rapport with the subject. Derren uses techniques to gain instant
trust because he wants the subject to relax and let their guard down. Techniques
• Find out where the person is from and say their grandparent is from
that town.
• That they went to the same college.
• Say their mother or father shares the same name as them.
On an online store, we can do this with personalisation, by tailoring the
home page based on their recent purchases. Shopify and Amazon do this well
with ‘because you listened to Jimi Hendrix Blues you might like’ . . . you feel
they care more about you than you’d feel from a generic bestseller page.
Also, if you have the data you can tailor the ‘Mark in Oxford just bought
this’ type notifications to only show people who have similar names and similar
locations to their IP address, i.e. if we can show people they relate to more who
have bought, then we will have much more success than just showing random
people are buying.
3. Act for a small commitment. Like Cialdini, Derren knows that asking
a person to make a big commitment from a cold start is too much of a big
step. So he uses small actions in the direction of the behaviour he ultimately
wants the person to take. He does not ask them to push a person off a roof
immediately; instead, he asks them to commit small misdemeanours first.
On many stores we have split tested putting prices on the home page and
not. Often no pricing information works better. This is because we are asking
for a sale too early. We need a smaller step first. A great deal of sites make use
of an engagement device in the form of a home page wizard or survey (see
Naked Wines for a good example www.nakedwines.com). We know if we can
get people interacting with a survey, using site search or just starting moving
forward towards the checkout, then we will increase conversion.
4. Social proof. In the Derren Brown murder show, he gets his subjects to
arrive at a black-tie event underdressed. They are NOT part of the crowd, and
this is uncomfortable. Social exclusion is one of our biggest fears.
The flip side of this is social inclusion. On a website, we must show there is a
buzz around the brand and website that people can gain access to by becoming
a customer. This leads on to social media marketing and careful placement
of social proof along their journey. Also remarketing should not be just ‘you
looked at this product, buy it’; instead, we should weave in social proof of a big
group of like-minded buyers that they can and want to be part of.
5. Time constraint. Again, in his recent murder show on Netflix, where
people are brought to the point where some of them commit murder, he
introduces a time constraint to induce action. Adding a time constraint forces
the brain to reduce its focus to the immediate situation and thus find a solution
to that problem.
Luckily, we are not trying to get people to do something horrific. However,
we can use time constraints to illicit action. Countdown timers on delivery or
offers do work as do loyalty programs with points that are ‘about to run out.’
Many of our retailers have had great success with Amazon Prime-type services
where people pay to get free delivery for a period. As the time starts running
out, the conversion rate increases.
They are a little dated in terms of media, mostly focusing on direct mail
advertising, but marketing messaging never changes.
We are still trying to sell to the same human brain which has not altered its
fundamental needs and desires for millions of years.
Personally, we learnt a lot from reading the letters and started using this on
the e-commerce sites we manage.
Here are some key insights we took from the letters to apply to e-commerce.
• People are nervous of being sold to, and Gary used handwritten
envelopes to get past the rubbish bin. In e-commerce on the home page
we need to sell less and attract engagement more. People are not ready
to buy on the home page; instead, we must invite people on a journey.
• Personalisation is key. Gary made a lot of money sending out the famous
‘coat of arms’ letter. This letter was personalised to the person’s surname.
On an e-commerce store people want to have the site and home page
personalised to them so that it becomes a lot more useful. A personal
shopping approach really helps them decide on what to buy.
• Gary recommended writing out the most successful adverts of all time. I
wrote out and copied famous adverts selling Mercedes, perfume, books,
etc. Doing this, I started to see things I couldn’t see when reading the
adverts; writing them out really focused my attention. I noticed the
flow, the repetition of key points and the overall voice. Applying this to
e-commerce means I study the successful competitors of my clients; I
buy from them, pay for user testing on competitors’ sites and scan them
for structure. I basically slow myself down, so I start noticing exactly
what is going on.
• The author and voice/tone of the writer is important. Gary taught me
that the person telling the story and writing the copy has a large impact
on the subsequent sale. People buy from people they trust, admire, are
like them or want to be. With e-commerce adding a personal voice to
the website, such as personal guarantees and expert tips and named
customer managers, it adds another layer which increases the conversion
• Testimonials are important. Customers’ stories are key to selling, and
they are much more powerful if they come from people like the buyer.
With e-commerce, we can start personalising the reviews that people see
to be from similar locations to the buyer.
Going further with the undercover metaphor and widening it to the whole
website experience is important because you really need to get a handle on how
a customer views your e-commerce offering.
Everyone wants to understand other people and that’s why people seem to
like body swap movies. You know those movies like Tom Hanks’s Big, Vice
Versa, or more recently The Change-Up, Jumanji, etc., where they use a genie or
magic to accidentally swap bodies.
Comedy ensues—perhaps we all hanker to try out someone else’s life, if only
just briefly. If you Google ‘Body Swap Movies,’ there have been hundreds of
movies like this.
Hollywood knows that we like to see different people experience other
people’s lives.
Of course, these movies always end with a cheesy part where people agree to
understand each other more and have a better relationship. But that’s just the
narrative. What interests us is the experience of jumping into someone else’s
Marketers like us always say things like ‘jump into the customer’s shoes.’
Or . . .
‘think like the customer.’
And whilst this is true, it’s very hard to get out of our own head and truly see
what a prospect sees. Quite often we are in a completely different physical and
environmental place.
There was a program running recently called Undercover Boss where the boss
put on a disguise and went into the workplace. No matter which company did
this, there were always fundamental problems raised at each location, stuff that
you would have thought would have been obvious—but it took a silly wig and
some false teeth to see the real picture.
With e-commerce, we can’t go and work on the cash register and pretend to
be a shop assistant.
So what do we do to get into the customer’s mindset?
Here are some suggestions:
• Use a service like ‘whatusersdo’ and pick typical customer demographics
and ask them to make a purchase on your store. Listen to what they
struggle with.
• Listen to customer service calls or sales calls. Start your day listening
to two or three of these, and you will pick up at least one or two gems
a week.
• Read your reviews, especially your middle reviews.
Pay attention to when you feel emotion about what customers are saying or
writing. Often the places where we have the most self-deception are the areas
where we feel emotion.
You can also pay for ‘whatusersdo’ to visit your competitors’ sites to see how
their experience is on those sites. This is especially good to do if you know the
competitor is crushing it on AdWords.
minutes to find and buy something and on a slow site this could be tripled, and
they would rather be doing something else.
So check site speed first.
Secondly, bounce rate is going to affect both SEO and paid traffic. When
someone bounces, they invariably hit the Back button, and this takes them
back to Google. Google makes a note of searches who return from clicking on
a search ranking and gives it a little minus point. Get enough minus points, and
you will see less SEO and paid traffic. Instead, Google will push websites that
tend to get clicked on and don’t bounce back.
For key SEO landing pages, you want to be split testing for engagement. Find
your top five SEO landing pages and split test the images on the page or the first
words seen on the page. The SEO landing page could be a blog page or category,
and both have images and titles to experiment with. Increase the engagement
of these pages and you will see more traffic.
For product pages, a common bounce is due to a user searching for one
thing, e.g. Gore-Tex Walking Shoes, and then landing on a Gore-Tex Shoe but
not exactly the shoe they want to buy. They want to see other models. With no
choice they click back to Google and another product. But if we give them the
option to see ‘related categories,’ that is ‘see other Gore-Tex Shoes’ then they
click on this rather than the Back button.
We have split tested related category links with good success and tend to
position the link under the product image.
Another way to reduce product bounce rates is to take people to a category-
style landing page where the product they are interested in is made large at
the top. They see the product they are interested in but can see other products
This style of product landing page works well on sites where the initial
product landing page is different from the final product bought. If the product
bought is different from the landing page 20% of the time, then this technique
can work well. You can work this out easily in Google Analytics.
Add to Basket button is above the fold, provide info about other similar items
and make sure customers can easily return to previous products they were
looking at.
Put it to use:
• 11% of visitors should be adding to their baskets. If your percentage is
less than 11%, this KPI needs attention.
• Determine your type of buyer: spontaneous, methodical, humanistic or
• Adjust your product pages so that all pertinent information occurs above
the fold. This makes it easier for customers to see everything and make
quick decisions.
• Look at the middle reviews to determine what your site is doing wrong.
• Improve your worst-performing searches to increase add-to-basket rate.
Like we said above, the speed of your website plays an important role in the add-
to-basket, basket-to-order, and proceed-to-checkout process. In a customer’s
subconscious, they have a specific length of time they allow themselves to spend
on a website. If you have a slow website, and the customer cannot check out
within that specific length of time they have allotted in their mind, that is where
you’ll see a lot of unexplained abandonment. If the website is slow, it is more
likely to be a frustrating experience for the user.
For example, when we worked on GSF car parts, customers were originally
on the site for six minutes. After making the website twice as fast, customers
still spent six minutes on the site, but they purchased much more during that
time because they could get more done in that amount of time. The average
order value and conversion both went up.
Customers spend an average of six minutes on your website. If your site
is running slow, they’ll achieve a lot less in that amount of time than if it is
running at a high speed. The faster your website speed, the higher your average
order value and conversion rate will be.
Put it to use:
• Slow page load can cause Google penalties that affect your page ranking.
• Measure your web speed often. This will help increase conversion rates.
• Google Analytics can help you measure your website speed, as well as
other sites like www.webpagetest.org.
• Your site should measure under four seconds.
• Increasing speed and capacity involves using clean code, varnish caching
and optimising the server.
• Load test the desktop site. When does the page load reduce below five
• Reduce image size and make sure that the admin team understand how
to optimise images. Often we optimise a site and then two weeks later
the client’s team have unknowingly replaced home page images that slow
the whole site down.
• Create page load speed alerts in Google Analytics, so that if page load
increases over a certain threshold you get sent an email.
• Do page load speed tests on the top four websites listed on Google’s
natural search results for your biggest search keyword. Find out how
quick they are and make sure you site is faster and as fast under load.
Google will not send you more traffic if it knows your site is slow.
• Look at the main tablets being used and their screen resolutions. Check
the responsive site ‘break points’ to make sure each size is optimised for
page load.
• Load test on tablets to highlight issues.
It’s all about speed. Don’t just think about speed in terms of page load, but think
about how quickly your business reacts to a customer as it has a key impact on
the conversion rate.
We humans think we are level-headed, consistent beings that don’t change
our minds from one minute to the next.
It’s an illusion.
We are all over the place.
We think that we are rational, that our decisions make sense.
Alas, experiments have shown that we make some decisions subconsciously
and then come up with a conscious reason for that choice afterwards.
Crazy! Our subconscious decides and then we pretend it was our idea.
So, when you have an interested prospect on your store you need to act with
speed before the ‘monkey mind’ gets fixated on the next thing.
We have done a lot of AdWords for promotional product stores and they tend
to do lead generation on product pages. It turns out that unless you respond
within 10 minutes of that lead then the chances of closing that business reduce
by 90%.
This is because people are only in the receptive zone for buying in that instant.
In that instant they are convinced they cannot live without the product or
service you sell. Ten minutes later and they don’t even remember visiting your
So how does this help us with e-commerce and selling physical products
Well, response rate to live chat, support emails and every interaction must
be swift.
We need instant gratification. We need to:
• Help people on the checkout page within five seconds otherwise they
will walk.
Many businesses have products that naturally lead to a repeat purchase rate,
and some customers are drawn to these items. For example, if you’re selling
supplements or contact lenses, these products lend themselves to repeat
purchases. If you begin looking at the products you’re selling, you’ll begin to
see which of your products have higher lifetime customer value. Armed with
this information, you can feed it back into your recruitment activity, such as
Google AdWords and Google Shopping. You might then start bidding slightly
higher on the products that provide a higher LTCV.
Our product, ScentTrail, helps you obtain and track this information, getting
it out of your e-commerce backend and into AdWords. As a result, you are able
to recruit customers who are most likely to become repeat customers.
When your customers are ordering, what shipping rates are they choosing? Do
most want their product immediately? Or do they choose to wait three to four
days? Measure this against your LTCV. Are people who ship your products to
their home quickly much more likely to come back and purchase again? If this
is the case, you can take steps towards getting the products to them even sooner
and increasing your lifetime customer value even more.
At smartebusiness, we tend to find that the 30 days directly following a
purchase is a critical window to develop repeat customers. This, of course,
doesn’t apply to every website. Those that sell clothes, for instance, will cater
to a certain percentage of impulse buyers and as-needed shoppers. LTCV can
increase with these sites as well. You just have to create a positive experience
that leaves the customer feeling satisfied. Remember, the purchase has a large
emotional component.
For this comparison, consider customers who make a purchase with a coupon
and those who make a purchase without one. How does that affect how quickly
they come back to make another purchase? This information can be a gold mine,
helping you understand which factors actually increase the lifetime customer
value. Once you know, you can use those factors to recruit more customers who
have a high potential for repeat purchases.
One of the most obvious, but necessary, ways to increase your lifetime customer
value is to make sure that every customer is happy with their purchase.
Read your reviews, benchmark them against your past reviews and against
competitors. As you grow, make sure you are still maintaining this level of
happiness. If you have a 4-1/2 star average when you’re selling 10 items a day,
you should still have that average when you’re selling 1,000 items a day. If your
average star rating drops, this means customers are no longer happy, and your
lifetime customer value will drop. If it does, you will have a much harder time
growing your business and increasing revenue.
If you’re not sure how to cultivate overall customer satisfaction, consider
offering a free gift to first-time buyers. Give them something they didn’t expect.
If they’re buying a jacket, for instance, give them a pair of sunglasses as well. It’s
something inexpensive that has perceived value. You can even split test this by
giving 50% of customers the free gift and the other 50% nothing to determine
how it affects your LTCV.
Why do brands like Mars spend millions of dollars making sure that we see
their products all over the place? Why does Coca Cola make sure that we see
their brand at events where we feel good?
It’s obvious.
What we are familiar with we trust.
But why is this?
When the brain was developing the environment was a lot more dangerous.
There were a lot more predators and people died a lot more frequently from
normal day-to-day activities.
We had to survive in this environment, hence everything that was new was
categorised as ‘bad until proven otherwise.’
Let’s say we were walking to the watering hole in the morning and saw a new
type of bird. It’s a large bird and we are not sure whether it’s safe, so we proceed
with caution.
Nothing happens that day and the bird just watches us.
The next day the same thing happens.
After a week of seeing the bird every day, we relax and understand the bird
means no harm.
This is how we are wired. We treat new items with caution and only relax
once we have seen the item many times and nothing has happened.
Repetition plus nothing happening equals trust.
Thus, when presented with a buying opportunity, we tend to reach for the
brand that we trust and are familiar with.
This is not rocket science.
However, how can we afford to become familiar to our customers before they
buy? We cannot sponsor the super bowl (not yet!).
But what we can do now with Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc., is carefully
target people and become the ‘repeat, repeat, repeat = safe’ famous in that small
We don’t have to be famous for everyone, only a very small, select group of
Google Analytics recently launched a native predictor of buying intent right
inside everyone’s account. With this information we can remarket to the very
small subset of people that we want to be famous for.
For these people we can be everywhere.
Forget the people that found the store by accident, forget the people who were
checking out the competition. Focus on the people that show buying intent and
Kardashian the crap out of them.
It doesn’t even cost that much.
Inside every rock is a sculpture and inside every account’s traffic are the
potential buyers.
You just need to chisel them out and get famous.
But how do you actually get remarketing to work, i.e. how do we make online
visitors actually buy?
When we first started marketing we realised we needed to get in front of
prospective customers. That’s obvious.
Clearly you need to be selling something that people need or want.
The next step is realising that you need to be much more persistent with your
marketing, i.e. resend emails that have not been opened. Follow up with people
that visited that didn’t buy. Remarket on Facebook and Google to people that
abandoned the site.
Be like a terrier that won’t let go.
How can I, without a shadow of a doubt in the prospect’s mind, prove to them
that our baby sleeping bags are the best sleeping solution and a clear choice
over the competition?
Here’s how you might answer that question:
• Ask recent customers for testimonials on how improved their child’s
sleep is with your product.
• Employ a doctor and scientist to take some measurements of a sleeping
child in your sleeping bag compared to a normal duvet. Show the
difference in restlessness over a night’s sleep. Ask the scientist and doctor
to endorse the study and the product.
• Ask recent customers to specifically talk about their worries about the
objection before purchase and how they are now free of the objection.
• Use an evergreen Facebook post that you get a ton of social proof on
and has a lot of people commenting that ‘this is the most amazing sleep
product ever’ and then use this as a remarketing post to traffic that
comes to the site.
• Use video testimonials on the product page, with mums talking about
before and after experiences.
Okay, so now we are starting to see what real marketing is. It’s not some quick
trick but a carefully planned out sequence of believable proof that overcomes
the prospects’ main objection in a predictable and automated way.
While you might work hard to keep all of your customers on regular buying
cycles, some will turn into lapsed customers. Digging into your statistics will
help you understand which ones have become lapsed—which means they haven’t
purchased from you in 12–18 months and the probability of them buying from
you in the future is low. With this information, you can create an offer that
will help you increase the spend potential of this type of buyer. By giving these
lapsed customers an offer you wouldn’t give your current customers, or those
who would readily purchase from you at a higher rate and with your current
model, you can increase your revenue across the board. Information like this
keeps you from having to make a trade-off, like offering a discount to everyone
just to motivate a small section of your buying audience.
Tracking each marketing channel helps you understand where your best
customers are coming from and which channel is increasing your lifetime
customer value. Are customers coming in from SEO or from AdWords?
If they’re coming in from AdWords, you can even dive in and find which
campaign is having the most success. With this information, you can recruit
more customers with high lifetime customer values. For instance, instead of
your normal return on spend for each area, you might lower your return on
spend for those channels that are increasing the LTCV so that you can recruit
more customers that will come back throughout the year and buy more of your
ScentTrail allowed us to track LTCV via marketing channels. It also allows
us to see what effect the initial marketing offer had on LTCV. For example, if
we’re looking at 10% OFF vs. 20% OFF, what would be the effect on the LTCV?
We know as we’ve tested it across multiple clients. The answer is not nearly as
much as you would expect.
It’s important to note that many of our clients have a problem with
discounting, simply because they don’t want their website to be known as a
discount store. To make sure this doesn’t happen, we recommend making each
discount look as if it’s the only one being offered. This way, visitors believe
they are getting the best price—and everyone else has to pay full price. Some
websites also avoid discounting because they believe it will affect their LTCV
negatively; many think that customers will only purchase products when they
are discounted. This is not the case.
The trick is finding the middle ground which is being able to discount but
doing it covertly and never looking like a discount site. For example, one website
that sells contact lenses changes the pricing it offers in the Google Shopping
channel to undercut competition and it does this dynamically. However, if you
were to visit the contact lens store via the home page you would see a different
price, i.e. this store is discounting where it needs to, in order to get the sale, but
charging a higher price where there is less friction. We have also used similar
strategies when a manufacturer has a large wholesale business and wants to
start a direct channel. To get the direct model off the ground you need to have
good offers to beat the wholesale market, but as soon as you do the wholesale
channel freaks out. So you have to proceed with caution and only show the
discounts to traffic that is most likely not your wholesalers coming to check on
your pricing.
The critical thing here is to not look like a discounter, to make the visitor
believe that most people are paying full price and that they are one of the few
getting a deal. This middle ground is one of the most profitable strategies you
can run in your e-commerce store.
Lifetime customer value is an excellent figure to watch year on year, and a
KPI that will help you grow your business. Use these tips to track it and increase
Ask Them When They Are High. It’s frustrating to see thousands of people
visit your site never to return.
It’s even more annoying when you have paid for them to come and have a
We desperately need to know why they are not buying. What can I do
But if you ask them, they won’t tell you. Why should they? It’s not their job to
improve your website, and they are busy finding a product that fits their needs.
So how do we find out what to improve? We ask them when they are high.
Just after buying something, we get a ‘buyers high,’ a shot of dopamine that
makes us feel good. This is when to ask customers how we can improve the site.
Not only do they feel good, but they have finished their main task and are
okay answering questions. But surely the people who have just bought don’t
need anything fixed on the site? After all, they are the buyers.
Yes, but the lowest hanging fruit any e-commerce site has is the ‘almost
buyers,’ the people that get most of the way to the checkout but then bail.
These almost buyers will be very similar in mindset to the actual buyers.
Thus, what annoys the buyers will annoy the almost buyers.
We have a feedback question running now on one of our biggest sites and the
information coming in is priceless.
The trouble is when we get busy and the proverbial hits the fan, this is the
exact time when we don’t communicate. We hole up and get our heads down
to get the job done. Thus, it’s important to have a system that triggers the
communication points when things go wrong so that customers get called, get
emailed and understand what’s happening. With any system you need a set of
checks, to make sure that what you want to happen, happens.
We have written and sent millions of email newsletters and learnt a few tricks
of the trade.
Pacing was a huge win for us, and we have since learnt more about this from
NLP, hypnosis and various sales trainings.
Pacing works everywhere. Just the other day Mark was looking for somewhere
to sit in a lunch hall, and a person came up alongside him, matched his walking
speed, walked with him and asked, ‘Are you looking for somewhere to sit?’ It
was so in tune with what he was currently focusing on that he didn’t even
acknowledge that he didn’t know this person.
Why do we want to use pacing?
Because once we pace a prospect, they are easier to lead to what action we
want them to take.
Weather presenters use pacing; they always tell us what the weather is like
today. That seems odd, doesn’t it? We could just look out the window!
They tell us the current weather so that we can agree with them.
If we agree with them on the current weather, we are more likely to believe
them when they make a prediction.
If we mention three things that are true, when we talk about a fourth it’s
more believable.
The best shop assistants don’t ask the same dumb question to every person
that walks in the store. Instead, they look to see what the person is doing and
then ask them a question around that subject.
Shopper: Walks in and starts looking at camping stoves
Shop Assistant: ‘Do you like cooking whilst camping? What camping food
do you like?’
This is so much better than ‘Can I help you today?’
For e-commerce emails we spend a lot of time researching where our buyer
would be mentally when we send the email. What’s in the news, how’s the
weather making them feel, what special events are on.
We build an email calendar with events and topics that are popular during
that month. Our most successful campaigns have included:
• An offer for London Fashion Week for a discount clothing retailer. They
had nothing to do with London Fashion Week but tying the email to
something already in their mind due to the TV news worked.
• An offer for Father’s Day where we told the recipient that their sons and
daughters were not going to get them anything they actually wanted and
so they may as well treat themselves.
If we tap into where the buyer is our emails have a much greater response.
How can we take it further?
Can we be like a weather presenter and tell them something that they know
is true?
Yes, why not try these techniques:
• Dynamically add in a positive review they have written about a past
purchase: i.e. Last time you shopped with us you bought xyz product,
here’s what you said about it ‘…’ If they have scored the product purchase
high and they see their own comments about how great it is, then it’s
much more likely that they will want to buy again.
• Personalise the email, not just the first name but other details like the
country they live in, for example, ‘How’s the weather in <insert county>
at the moment? Perhaps these offers might cheer you up.’
• Tell them the products that they already own and ask them to add to
their wardrobe or collection.
• Show them what they recently looked at on the store.
If we bring personalised information about the recipient into the email that
they can agree with AND combine it with what’s already in their mind (Father’s
Day, Olympics, etc.), then we can pace with them and lead them to action.
that others would follow. Back then this was the town mayor, the head of ‘The
Round Table,’ and local business leaders, and boy, did they love my dad’s pies!
So, think about your own customers; what stories are you giving them to tell?
Are you giving them enough of a narrative for them to say, ‘You’ll never guess
what happened when I bought X from Y shop!’
So, add some surprise to their orders, something unexpected, something
novel—and ultimately something that people will want to talk about.
A good example of how this kind of marketing can scale is Zappos.
Jeff Bezos (the owner of Amazon) got so worried about Zappos that he had
to buy them.
The book Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh talks about the growth of the
online shoe business Zappos.
The overall message is about customer service and going the extra mile. In
fact, they have a name for it: ‘random acts of WOWness.’
Over the years the number one driver of growth at Zappos has been repeat
customers and word of mouth.
Their thinking has been to take most of the money they would have spent on
advertising and spend it instead on customer service.
If the customer is wowed then they will talk about it to their friends and
It starts with their purchasing, delivery and return policies. They offer free
shipping and free returns for starters; they also offer a 365-day return policy
(how about that to make you sweat).
A lot of websites hide their phone number as they want people to order online,
but at Zappos it’s big and prominent on any page. (It’s a big mistake to hide your
phone number.)
Companies spend millions on social media doing brand building. However,
that 10–15 minutes you have a customer’s undivided attention on the phone is
the biggest branding opportunity that you have.
Customers remember the phone call with your company for a long time.
The call centres should not be seen as a cost to minimise but instead as a key
driver of lifetime customer value.
Some customers might call for their first order and then order online
knowing they are dealing with a company that cares.
Zappos believes that lifetime customer value is a moving target and if they
can increase the positive emotional connections with Zappos this metric will
An example of Zappos’ approach to increasing lifetime value is to give free
upgrades to overnight shipping to the most loyal repeat customers.
Many call centres are measured by the KPI average handle time, which
focuses on how many phone calls a person can make a day. This means that
there is incentive to get customers off the phone as quickly as possible. Zappos
does not measure call times and does not upsell on phone calls.
What’s also crazy is that when a customer calls asking for some shoes that
they don’t have in stock the sales rep is trained to look for three competitors’
websites that offer the product. So, they lose that sale but build rapport with the
customer for the next purchase.
If we really want to grow our revenue, sometimes we have to think outside of the
norm and to do this I’d like to introduce you to another classic marketing book.
There really are only four or five marketing books ever written that are
worthy of being called a classic.
The Robert Collier Letter Book is one of them.
Written in 1931, you might ask what this book can help us with now. It’s crazy
to think that we can learn about selling on an e-commerce site from a man who
lived in a totally different world.
But this is a book about one man’s success at selling stuff via direct response
letters. These are the letters that worked, and he explains why.
We think the genius of the book is his focus on the mechanism of the sale. A
lot of the time his letters promised offers such as ‘respond to this letter, get the
product for 30 days and then pay only if you like it.’
If we break it down, for a sale to happen we need:
• The customer to choose to receive the product.
• The customer to choose the delivery method.
• The customer to pay for the product.
• The customer to decide to keep the product.
Each step for the customer has a different value. The amount of persuasion
that needs to happen to move them to the desired outcome is also different for
each step.
By moving the payment to after the person has tried the product or the
service makes it much more likely that the customer proceeds with step 1.
This is hard to do if you are selling an expensive product but there are
scenarios where this might be possible.
• When you are selling a product that is low value to produce but high
value to the customer. This could be an education product or course. Or
potentially some branded sunglasses that are extremely cheap to make
but have a high price tag.
• If you are selling B2B and have existing customers that you want to
extend credit to.
• Really good B2C customers that are big buyers for you and always pay.
This might blow your mind and you will quickly think that some people
might not end up paying. Yes, that will be the case BUT what if the extra profit
from this method more than paid for those people that did not end up paying?
This is counter intuitive because our fear of loss is strong. We often get so
obsessed with those customers that might rob us that we don’t care that we can
double our profit per customer.
We are not saying this is the right method for all e-commerce sites, it’s not,
but I like to open up the assumptions around the business model because often
lying here is a gold mine.
Moving onto point 2 above: ‘The customer to choose the delivery method.’
At first look this seems obvious but where there is a decision for the customer
there are potentials for conversion rate gains.
How much you charge for the product and how much you charge for delivery
will have a huge impact on the profitability per visitor.
You must choose how much to charge for delivery and how much to charge
for the product.
We all have seen those free book offers on Facebook where you just must pay
for shipping. Of course, the shipping cost covers the cost of the book too.
But in the mind of the buyer the focus is on the shipping.
The book is being offered free. There are also products being sold like this on
Facebook: ‘free ring, just pay shipping.’
The fact that these work means that we should experiment with how much
we charge for the product and how much for shipping.
The above covers point 3, so this leaves 4: ‘the customer to decide to keep
the product.’ This is a big one, especially in areas like women’s clothing where
returns can hit 40%!
What are you doing to reduce the returns rate? Probably very little.
But it’s a huge area to work on. Post-purchase split tests on the following can
have big dividends:
• Follow up with 50% of the customers with an email telling them how
to use the product, a video on how to care for it, etc. Does this raise or
lower the returns rate?
• Give 50% a free surprise gift with delivery. Does the gift pay for itself in
the reduction of returns?
• Follow up with 50% with a personal email from the company director
asking them specifically how they are getting on with the product. Does
this increase or lower the returns rate?
• Follow up to 50% asking them to review the product before it has arrived.
Ask the other 50% to review the product after it has arrived. How does
the timing of the review affect returns?
What we are pointing out with all the above is that the sale is not a done deal.
It’s made up of various elements that value can be shifted from and to.
Also, you don’t get paid until the customer decides to keep the product. We
often have a fire and forget attitude to the order confirmation page.
In the words of Arnold Schwarzenegger, ‘I’ll be back,’ is what we need the
customers to say every time they buy.
Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett’s partner, wrote a great book called Poor
Charlie’s Almanack.
It’s a big book and totally fascinating to me.
It’s certainly no novel and you must dive off into the other books he
recommends to get a true idea of what he is talking about. But given he is one
of the richest men in the world we would not expect to understand it first try.
One of his overriding themes is to study different disciplines widely and
bring what works from one into another.
He also has a mantra which is ‘invert, always invert.’ By this he means turn a
problem on its head. For example, if you were trying to work out which stocks
to invest in, he might ask ‘which stocks should we definitely not invest in’ first.
In terms of e-commerce optimisation, inverting might be useful to answer
to gain insight.
So if we want to ‘decrease lifetime customer values’ what would we do? Here
are some suggestions:
• We would hide the information about delivery cost and delivery time
down in the footer, making it hard for people find.
• We would move the basket icon to a different place compared to normal
sites so that people must think to find it.
• Make the checkout hard to use on mobile.
• If customers are happy with the service, don’t let them review the product
so that other people don’t find out how good the service is, otherwise
they might buy too.
• Put out-of-stock products at the top of the category pages so that
customers think the site is low on stock and leave.
• Make the site really slow to load.
• Only put one image of the product so that people cannot see detailed
views. Keep it vague so they buy from someone else.
• When you send out a huge mailing to the email list, make sure the site
falls over under the huge increase of traffic. If the site is down this will
stop people buying—good!
• Let your SSL certificate expire so that when people try and buy they get
a ‘this website is not safe’ warning—this will help put them off.
• Put all the Add to Basket and Proceed to Checkout buttons below the
fold. This will sneakily hide them from buyers.
• When someone does manage to buy something, make sure you take a
long time to deliver it and provide very little communication. Otherwise
they might buy again—bad.
• If you sell products that other people sell, make sure your products are
higher priced, offer no extra incentive to buy from you and have higher
delivery costs. This one is a winner.
• Hire a dodgy SEO company and get banned from Google.
That was quite fun, and we could go on and on. However, the scary thing is
that we have seen all the above happen and many are still quite common.
• Create a specific online series of videos on how to get the best out of xyz
products. Choose the bestsellers and make sure that people have the best
experience; map it out, for example, clothing video on ‘How To Care For
The Avalino Suit.’
• Ask customers to complete surveys and ask them to state what they like
about the brand; this psychologically induces them to increase their
preference for the brand—this is good to do to lapsed customers to
reignite the memories or even rewrite them.
• Build a Facebook group for products’ owners to meet and talk about the
products, build a community.
• Uncover exactly what products people buy when they have the highest
LTCV, push these products more in marketing knowing they have a
good chance of building long-term customers.
Tracking lifetime customer value involves a number of different steps, including
considering the type of customers you have, the coupons they use, their overall
satisfaction and their delivery choices.
Put it to use:
• LTCV helps you track the products that lead to the highest lifetime value.
• Providing discount coupons, in the right setting, helps increase lifetime
• Use ScentTrail to track the type of customers you recruit and which
products work best to recruit them.
• Upload customer email lists in Google AdWords so you can continually
show your ad or products to customers on the list.
• Track this KPI regularly and watch it year after year to see how it changes.
To recruit new customers you need a new customer recruitment sales funnel. To
introduce this idea quickly to you let me show you one client’s marketing funnel.
On the right you can see how ‘hot’ this marketing is. By hot we mean how
close to making a sale the marketing activity is. But we start with freezing,
because we know that if we don’t fill the funnel in the top, then nothing will
come out the bottom.
You start with the hot layers first and then build out. Once you get this all
working together an e-commerce site hits its tipping point.
Malcolm Gladwell talks about that moment when EVERYTHING HAPPENS
in his book The Tipping Point.
With our online stores this happens with our marketing campaigns. That’s
hard for a beginner to get their head around because they might spend x amount
on Facebook or AdWords and get nothing and so stop.
Facebook is particularly prone to the tipping point. This is because when
you start a campaign your advert has no social interaction, therefore no social
proof, and people write you off. Spend another chunk of money on the ad and
suddenly you have likes, shares and comments that show you are the real deal.
Our more simple funnels involve flushing out the potential buyers with
Google Shopping and then remarketing to them based on site behaviour with
carefully selected ads on social media and email.
These remarketing ads tend to only work once they have social proof,
comments and shares.
The simple one-two-three punch works like this:
1. Get people who are interested in buying x product to put their hand up
on Google Shopping/AdWords.
2. Remarket to the people that didn’t buy (Facebook, GDN, e-mail) with
content that shows that:
»» People love this product, e.g. good reviews, lots of likes, shares and
»» Lots of people buy it, e.g. images of products in actual buyer homes.
»» This brand delivers, e.g. good third-party reviews for shipping and
3. Post-purchase follow-up to make sure these buyers buy again as quickly
as possible.
The trigger point for the whole sequence comes when point 2 is working and
That’s the essential step that moves your offer above the competition.
Most e-commerce store marketing we see do point 1 and then have a tick-in-
the-box point 2 strategy that never triggers. So, results are poor.
(NB. Regarding point 3, we very rarely see this done well at all. With one
of our biggest customers we spent ages working out the exact amount of free
loyalty points to give with each first-time order to receive the most repeat
purchases in the next 30 days.)
so that the prospects get different messages each day. Day 1—key
objection number 1—social proof, Day 2—key objection number 2—
returns information, etc., and mirror this across all remarketing
channels—Facebook, Google, etc.
• Identify new customers on the site and give them different offers than
existing customers. Understand their history on the site.
• Make it very easy for repeat visitors to find what they were looking for
last time on the site; put ‘recently viewed products’ right in their path in
the main navigation.
• Make sure the basket is persistent and it’s still there when they come back
on the same or different device.
• Sculpt your affiliate scheme to reward customer recruitment above all
else, pay more for new customers and work with affiliates that can drive
new customers to the site, give them more incentive and sales thresholds
so they feature you more in their emails. Make sure your affiliate scheme
has the best statistics on Affiliate Window (or equivalent) for your
market so you become the obvious choice to push.
• Optimise your Google Shopping product feed for traffic; it’s not a done-
once-and-forget activity.
• Use a tool like Mouseflow to watch new visitors on the site; what do they
struggle with, how do they navigate? Tag them so you can separate them
from existing customers as these guys already know how to use the site.
Optimise for the new visitors to make it easier for them to get started.
• Create engagement devices on the home page with a tool like ‘lead
quizzes’ to increase engagement and to allow them to find what they
need quickly.
• Make sure the site can handle Black Friday email sendouts without
falling over!
• Positioning—sometimes less is more; try removing low click through
products in categories to see if they are lowering the brand value in the
new visitors’ eyes.
This refers to the total number of customers you have recruited in the last six
months. Add these together, then compare them to the same data gathered the
prior year.
Put it to use:
• This KPI helps you determine if your business will continue to grow.
• Cannot be found in Google Analytics, but may be worked out in Excel.
• If this number declines, it means you’re experiencing less growth. This
is a warning sign.
• Some KPIs will affect your recruitment rate. If they aren’t doing well,
your recruitment rate will show it.
• What steps can you take next to increase your six-month customer
recruitment rate year on year?
*See back of book for all of our recaps and step-by-step instructions for KPIs
all in one handy workbook.
The average order value is compared year on year. This is available in Google
Analytics but what’s key here is the ability to grow traffic while keeping or
increasing the average order value. As you add traffic and spend more in
channels like Google AdWords, the law of diminishing returns means that
incremental traffic is going to be more expensive as you bid on more generic
terms. You cannot afford to do this if as traffic grows the average order value
declines. It’s simple math, but extremely vital.
If your AOV is too low, then it will act like a noose around your e-commerce
store, stifling growth. If you have a low AOV, you need an increased amount of
lifetime customer value, otherwise you simply cannot grow.
So ideally you need one of the following scenarios:
• High AOV and 1.5x purchase frequency a year.
• Low AOV and 5x purchase frequency a year.
Also consider your margin. If your AOV is low, such as an AOV under £50,
then your margin is going to be tighter. This means you have to be very careful
with your cost per acquisition. AOV and LTCV are very significant if you want
scalable growth.
Fundamentally AOV is important to your website, because this KPI is another
way to give yourself an immediate increase in revenue. As you increase traffic
and conversion rate, there’s no point in increasing the add-to-basket rate or
checkout-to-order rate if your AOV value is too low. Even if you’re experiencing
more sales at a lower value, this still might mean less revenue. As you increase
the traffic to your website, you want to see your AOV being robust. As your AOV
reduces, it also does the following:
• Reduces lifetime customer value.
• Reduces overall revenue.
• Reduces cost per acquisition needed on channels like Google AdWords
making you need a much higher conversion rate than your competitors.
proposition, so changes can (and should be) done slowly. A good target would
be to increase AOV by 10% year on year.
For higher AOV, increasing the basket size is the best bet. The best way to
increase the AOV is to increase the perceived value and ease of buying more.
You could try doing an Amazon Prime-style approach offering next-day delivery
for a year in return for a small fee. We’ve seen this increase conversion in all
For example:
On this image, a simple system shows items that are frequently purchased
with the item your customer has already added to their basket. This system
can be manually populated by you or can be created automatically on your site.
Obviously, an automated system is always best.
You can also create bundled promotions and slight discounts for additional
items. These are very easy to implement and if you don’t offer bundles, we
always say it’s like leaving money on the table.
Just think, you’ve already done the hard work. You got their attention, you’ve
led them to your site, they’ve added items to their cart and believe in your store
and your product enough to complete the purchase. Why wouldn’t you offer
additional add-to-basket items for a quick extra sale? If you ignore this one
feature, you’re going to lose a lot of revenue annually.
The average, compared year on year, of the average value of orders and traffic
Put it to use:
• You should always keep an eye on your average order value, as it can
stifle or improve growth, depending on whether it is low or high.
• You should have a high AOV and 1.5x purchase frequency per year or a
low AOV and 5x purchase frequency per year.
• As you increase the amount of traffic and the conversion rate of your
website, your AOV should increase as well.
• If your AOV isn’t robust enough, it can negatively affect other KPIs.
• Increasing the customer’s basket size or checkout amount can improve
Speed tests, like YSlow or Google Page Speed, can help you keep track of the
loading speed of your site, but some are better than others. Google Analytics,
for instance, can test the speed of your website, but may not provide you with an
accurate answer every time. This is because Analytics often confuses tracking
code on your website and page load times. So, if you’re trying everything
possible to speed up your website, but Google is still saying that it’s running
slow, it may not be true. Google Analytics may simply not see the load times.
E-commerce SEO is a continual process, but there are two important things
you need to consider when it comes to e-commerce and SEO:
You need the basic structure set up properly, which many sites have not, and,
if you’re migrating from one platform to another platform, the most important
thing is to do so carefully and get expert advice if possible.
It’s vital to figure out if you have any bad practices in place on your current
website before moving everything over so you’re not just repeating mistakes
and continuing bad SEO. Often, we find developers change site URLs from one
site to the new site just to make it easier for themselves, when this can cause a
lot of issues. Sites should be built with a growth-first approach, rather than a
development team first approach.
Traffic growth is all about paid traffic. To make paid traffic work you need to
be able to pay for the traffic and then make a profit after all costs are taken into
It’s a numbers game and as you scale you will need to keep tweaking your
optimisations to keep the profit window open.
Fundamentally this is the industry of advertising.
If you have not read Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins, it’s my pleasure
to introduce you to this book. Written in 1923 you’d wonder what relevance it
has today for e-commerce but given the man’s genius for marketing its learnings
are evergreen.
Here is what David Ogilvy said of the book:
‘Nobody should be allowed to have anything to do with advertising until he
has read this book seven times. It changed the course of my life.’
Here are some key points that we can apply to our online stores that we can
use to help scale our advertising spend profitably.
If people are familiar with your brand, product and service before they decide
they need xyz product they will more likely buy from you. Today brand
awareness does not mean carpet bombing TV with generic adverts to hit
everyone; instead, we can create a very specific audience and be totally focused
on that audience. You need your store to be famous, but only with a tight subset
of people. This is very possible with Facebook, Twitter, Google and LinkedIn.
So, the hard work comes down to really building up that audience list that
you need to target knowing they are right in your sweet spot.
If Claude Hopkins found that he could send out 1000 coupons and get $5000
back, he would then send out 10,000 coupons and see if he could get $50,000
back. He would keep going until he couldn’t find any more people to send
coupons too. He went BIG and fast. With our e-commerce stores, as we have
Claude had early success with a restorative cure by making the pharmacist sign
the guarantee about the product rather than the guarantee just being mentioned
on the bottle. Guarantees are good but only if people trust the person offering
the guarantee. With e-commerce we need to tie the guarantee back to a visible,
real person that people trust. Making a guarantee from a faceless brand is much
less powerful. Build some rapport with the store brand and a person who works
there and then offer a personal guarantee.
Personalisation might be the latest buzz word in e-commerce but back in 1929
Claude Hopkins already understood it. Selling life insurance to businessmen,
a message was sent with the offer of a free book: ‘Your name will be printed in
gilt on each book’—the personalisation of the book with their name was novel
at the time and it sold well.
We can use personalisation to match the product to the consumer. We can
show the consumer their name embroidered on the suit inside pocket on the
product page. We know their name, we know the product they are looking at
and the technology is there to visualise the product with their name. Suddenly
the product becomes much more personal to them.
complete but most of the time you can’t. The above said, there is still a lot you
can do to increase traffic
Firstly SEO:
• A good content strategy is essential for SEO traffic. Start by answering
the questions that people ask on Google surrounding your product. You
can find what questions people have in the search query history of your
AdWords account. Another good place is to look at the query report in
Google Webmaster Tools, as this shows the search queries you appeared
on but didn’t actually get clicks. Use the filter to look for why, what,
when, how, and you are bound to come up with a few gems.
• Use a tool like AHREFs to find the most popular and shared content in
your niche; use this to get ideas for content.
• Find the top bloggers in your market who rank well for search terms you
would like to do well on. Then scan their site with Screaming Frog to
find their external links; spot the kind of content these influencers like
to link to. Then create content they are more likely to link to on their site.
• Also scan the top bloggers’ external links to find content that has been
removed, recreate the resource on your own site and then notify the
blogger; they might link to you instead.
• Create glossaries of terms used in your niche so that people find it on
your site and share it.
• Scan the site with Screaming Frog to check for:
»» Broken internal links.
»» Excessive internal redirects to fix.
»» Pages missing H1 and H2 titles.
»» Pages missing titles.
»» Images missing alt tags.
»» Issues with your robots file.
»» Googlebot loops from incorrect internal links.
• Make your site load as per Google Analytics under four seconds on
average. Google likes fast sites.
• Use AHREFS to find your top content. These are your ‘power pages’;
use these pages to link to other pages that you want to rank better. Pick
pages that you want to move up that are at the bottom page one on the
search results.
• Pay particular attention to the title tag on the home page and the use of
keywords on the main page titles of your site. A tweak here can usually
do wonders.
AdWords is one of the biggest areas to grow traffic and a good AdWords and
Google Shopping strategy is a must. We are only going to mention a few things
here as there is a whole other book we have written just on this subject.
• Make sure there are no errors or warnings in the Google Merchant
centre for your feed. Even warnings affect the amount of clicks you get
• Use all the ad extensions available to allow Google’s artificial intelligence
to build an advert that works well. Price extensions, review extensions,
callouts, sitelinks—the whole bundle.
• Pay particular attention to search queries every day and go through each
one. Yes, it’s a lot of work but it will give you an edge over the set and
forget competition.
• Optimise your product feed; most merchants don’t and it’s a competitive
• Get a Google rep as they can opt you into betas and other experiments
that can prove very lucrative. They can also see dashboard stats on your
account that you cannot see.
• Try split testing with the different bidding models. Google’s AWE is
getting better each month—you probably won’t be able to beat the
machine soon.
• Pull off your competitors’ keywords and best ads; don’t start writing
yours from scratch, stand on the shoulders of giants.
• Look at the best campaigns for your products in other countries—USA,
Australia, UK, etc. Look for great advertising copy that you can use in
your own adverts.
• Use AdWords scripting to check everything from landing pages, site
links, price extensions to anomalies in the account.
• Make sure your agency reports weekly on your results, not monthly.
Monthly is too late if something is wrong.
• Use a tool to take a screenshot of the first page of Google on your biggest
search terms to watch how the offers change over time.
• Use a tool to take a screenshot of your competitors’ home pages so you
can see when their offers go live and which offers they repeat and don’t
about buying the product they were looking for. Make it easy for
them to reach out and start a conversation and buy.
• Facebook marketing to cold traffic. Upload your recent buyers to
Facebook and then recreate a lookalike audience. Make sure you use the
advanced setup where it splits the lookalike list into 1%, 2% and 3%–5%
lists. You can set up campaigns for each % audience and test the ROI. Try
catalogue ads with an offer. See which of the lookalike audiences gives
you the best ROI. If you don’t have many sales let Facebook optimise for
a custom conversion that focuses on add-to baskets.
The main power that social media has is to add social proof to your brand. So
you want to be thinking about how you can focus social proof into a certain set
of posts and then how you can leverage this social proof to show new visitors
that there is a buzz associated with your brand. Often we see the social proof is
there but spread too thinly across all social activity and therefore quick glances
from new visitors leave them unconvinced.
A lot more traffic can be driven from automated marketing surrounding visitor
behaviour on the store. Here are some of the emails we use that have driven
increasing sales.
• Abandoned cart emails—pretty standard these days, but the mistake
people make is not split testing these emails. Also, if the customer is an
existing customer tying these in with reward points can work well.
• Abandoned basket email—these are less well used as you need something
to tie the session of the user to the email address as the email won’t have
been typed in yet at the basket stage.
• Abandoned product emails.
• Abandoned category emails.
• Abandoned home page emails.
To increase the email addresses that these behavioural emails can capture
you need to:
• Encrypt the email address of the user in the newsletter click through
URLs so the website can tie an email to a browser session.
• Use personalised banners and overlays on the site to capture emails
addressing in return for offer coupons. You only want to do this for
users that you don’t yet have an email for.
We have automated the above emails and email capture with our Bright Owl
and ScentTrail systems.
Another general rule for email is send more email as people who unsubscribe
are generally those that don’t ever buy anyway. Also, when a buyer has just
bought they are in a honeymoon period with brand and will accept a higher
volume of emails than someone who has bought more than six months ago.
Having worked with Affiliate Window for many years it amazes me how many
people totally mess this channel up. Done badly this can end up clipping the
ticket on orders that would have happened anyway. Done correctly and you can
have a legion of commission-only salesmen promoting your brand. Here are our
quick tips on getting this channel right.
• Only pay out commission on new customer orders, or at the very least
pay more commission for customer recruitment.
• Don’t pay commission on coupon codes that have not specifically been
given to affiliates as affiliate codes.
• Watch your stats, make sure that your validation rate and other stats
are better than your competitors’ on the platform; you want to be the
obvious choice to promote for the big affiliates.
• Work with an experienced affiliate manager (yes, like us) who has
relationships with all the top affiliate sites. It takes years to get to know
who is who in these companies and to befriend them at networking
events. What’s more, we can ring them up and talk to them about 10
brands at once. They don’t have time to talk to individual brands unless
they are a High Street name. A good affiliate manager will also know
how to get you placed on sites like MoneySavingExpert and Hot UK
• Bug Affiliate Window more; left alone, they will do nothing for the
override and fee, and it’s a lot about ‘he who shouts loudest’ that gets
• Make sure your product feed works and is error free.
With one of our clients, for instance, the issue was occurring in the coupon code
section of the basket page. After discovering this, we had the system e-mail us
immediately each time there was a failed coupon. Most of the coupon codes
entered that were considered duds had only one digit wrong. Because they didn’t
work, however, the customer abandoned his basket and left the website. This
resulted in a lot of lost revenue for our client. To solve this, we made the decision,
with the client, to apply the discount automatically. This way, even if the client
accidentally got the coupon code wrong, he would still receive the discount and
proceed to checkout. This one change alone makes the client over £1 million
every year.
that, on the iPad, the conversion rate dramatically increased. On the desktop,
however, it made no difference in revenue at all.
Maybe it’s psychological and iPad shoppers are in shopping mode instead
of work mode, so they are more likely to increase their purchase amount. We
haven’t quite figured out why, but the point here is to go ahead and make small
changes as long as you are tracking the results.
We have also tested different types of platforms and found that some are
more likely to be used by those making rational purchases, while others are
better for emotional buys.
The one-page checkout on the left in the above chart worked better on sites
where rational purchases were made. It also appealed to younger buyers. The
one on the right is a more methodical, step-by-step approach that the older
generation and those making emotional, spontaneous purchases enjoy.
The extensions for e-commerce checkout pages are simple to work with, and
most often, if you’ve taken the time to invest in the add-to-basket rate and
basket to checkout, you won’t have to worry much about the final checkout-to-
order confirmation step.
The secret to scaling your business is to figure out where you’re losing
Here’s a checkout to go through to help raise the basket-to-order rate, i.e.
what if it’s below 30%? If you have 4000 people add something to the basket and
less than 1200 proceed to checkout, then that’s bad.
Let’s look at the things that many people get wrong.
• Proceed to checkout below the fold. Even if people have a lot in their
basket, don’t let the Proceed to Checkout button get pushed down below
the fold. Ideally have it both at the top and the bottom.
• Payment icons such as Visa, Mastercard, etc. These companies spend
millions if not billions a year associating these logos with trust in the
minds of the consumer. So, make sure you leverage this by showing them
above the fold.
• Payment icons on every line item in the basket. I have seen split tests
convert higher when payment icons are shown next to each item in the
basket rather than just at the bottom.
• Use wording like ‘continue securely’ rather than ‘proceed to checkout.’
This split tested higher for us as people are worried about security online.
• Make sure that the basket is nicely laid out and does not look complicated.
Remember perceived ease of use is pretty much equal to actual ease of
use. Don’t over complicate and get a usability designer to design your
• Don’t make your product images too small. People need to maintain
the desire for the product they are buying and making them too small
means they might lose their interest. The desire for the product must be
bigger than the pain of paying for them.
• Have a clear colour for the Proceed to Checkout button. Make this a
colour that is not used anywhere else in the design, so it stands out. Also,
it should be the same colour as all the Move Forward buttons on the
store, i.e. the add-to-basket, proceed-to-checkout and Confirm Order
buttons should all be the same colour.
• Delivery should be clearly displayed—how long it will take and how
much it will be. Preferably delivery will be free or free over a certain
amount. If they have qualified for free delivery, shout about it and make
it dynamic when the threshold is reached.
• If you have a free delivery threshold and the person has not hit that level
yet, tell them exactly how much more they need to spend to hit free
delivery, i.e. spend £5.50 more to qualify for free delivery.
• Make your return policy clear. People will be asking, what if I don’t like
it? Don’t hide your return policy in the footer of the site. The return
policy should be a good policy and it should be a selling point.
• If people use a lot of coupons on your store, make sure you monitor
coupons that fail to trigger a discount. Get these to be emailed to you so
you can spot common misspelling or typos of active coupons. Often you
can create coupons of these typos so that you get the orders.
• Make live chat prominent on the basket page so that buyer questions can
be answered quickly.
• Use countdown timers to show how long it is till they qualify for next-
day delivery.
• Use countdown timers to show how long it is till the coupon they have
used expires.
• Use third-party review stars and reviews to give people confidence that
you can deliver the product on time.
not. He swims a lot and seems fast, but it is only when he swims next to others
do we find out if he is fast. Also, it clearly identifies an issue with his technique.
Swimming at the end with one arm above your head for a quarter length of the
pool, just in case you hit your head, is going to slow you down a bit. Now we
know what’s wrong we can fix it.
This is like your checkout page.
It looks fine.
Chugging all day and sending you order confirmation emails.
But how fast is it?
Let’s have a look at five retailers and see how long people on average spend
on the checkout page. After this we can compare the results.
Some of our clients use the one-step checkout, which is all the checkout on
one page and thus makes it easy to find the ‘time on page’ for each one. Here’s
how they looked last month:
• B2B Site A selling spare parts: Average time on checkout page—3
minutes 7 seconds.
• B2B Site B selling lab equipment: Average time on checkout page—3
minutes 40 seconds.
• B2C Site C selling clothing: Average time on checkout page—2 minutes
50 seconds.
• B2B Site D selling protective equipment: Average time on checkout
page—2 minutes 33 seconds.
• B2C Site E selling food: Average time on checkout page—2 minutes 32
• B2C Site F selling flowers: Average time on checkout page—3 minutes
59 seconds.
So how does the checkout race look?
Well, we might argue that Business 2 Business (B2B) site checkouts are a little
slower than Business to Consumer (B2C) sites. This would make sense as people
might have to look up addresses, etc., when buying for work.
But site F selling flowers does look slow, doesn’t it? Almost 4 minutes against
an average time on B2B sites of 2–3 minutes.
Next step would be to record some browser sessions of site E and then some
browser sessions of site F.
We could then compare the behaviour and find out what people are
struggling with.
check out (a dress website). Other sites, like a herb and spices site, people will
tend to add five to seven items to the basket before checking out.
On sites that people add more items to the basket on average, the basket is
an important page.
Coming back to our packing analogy. If we were packing a suitcase and
could not look in the suitcase once we’d put something in it, then we would get
nervous when leaving the house.
How could we check we had everything we needed?
This nervousness increases with the number of items people add to the basket.
We need to reduce this nervousness to a minimum if we want people to check
out. On many sites with many items in the basket, the basket hover in the top
right just doesn’t cut it.
The customer is not aware of why they are nervous, they can see what’s in
the basket on the hover. But because the hover is small and hard to see it does
not give them the confidence that seeing the products nicely laid out on the
basket page does.
When we worked on the conversion rate for one of the world’s largest wine
sites we told them that people needed to be taken to the basket page when they
added something to the basket. This simple change gave them an extra 3 million
GBP in revenue per year. This was because the wine site made people order a
crate of wine and choose at least six bottles. They needed to be on the basket
page to see the collection they had chosen and fall in love with it. They couldn’t
engage with the wines they had chosen on a small hover window.
If you have a high average amount of different products in customers’ baskets,
don’t skip the basket page. It’s important.
You need to map out the flow of your site to fit how your shoppers shop. Don’t
blindly copy other websites; even your competitors have probably got it wrong.
The flow of the purchase is key.
as we found lots and lots of errors and quick fixes on basically any site
we looked at. Mouseflow has a good tag called ‘click rage’ which shows
when people get really frustrated and this can lead to areas where there
are problems.
• Look for JavaScript errors in Mouseflow recordings as it can highlight
a particular platform, e.g. Amazon Silk, that does not work with your
website. Often these are easy fixes.
• The basket page also needs to sell; don’t have a tick-in-the-box basket
page, it needs to drive momentum throughout the sale. Make sure the
basket page answers all the objections people have at this stage such as:
»» How much is delivery?
»» What about returns?
»» Is this item difficult to deliver?
»» How much discount am I getting?
»» How quick is delivery?
»» What guarantees is there about this product?
»» Why should we do this today rather than tomorrow?
• Also, don’t think that one checkout flow is going to work across all
devices. What works on desktop might totally annoy on the mobile site.
Split test each platform separately and find what works for each. Mobile
is much more about ease of use; desktop is more about convincability.
• Is your lost password functionality annoying? If they have just typed in
their email and got the wrong password, then for god’s sake, remember
the email just typed in on the lost password form. Such a silly, easy thing
to do but hardly anyone does it.
• For people who cannot remember their password let them check out as
guests if they want and just add their order to the same email address if
it exists in the database. Make it easy, not hard.
• Make reward points easy to understand, easy to add, paint-by-numbers
approach rather than War and Peace.
• Keep a picture of the products all the way through the checkout,
especially if you are selling aspirational items. Taking the product
imagery away will separate the user from the want of the item, making
it easier for them to abandon.
• Add social proof all the way through the checkout: David just bought, etc.
• Use secure wording on the checkout to show that the checkout is secure
and not likely to get hacked.
• Bring payment logos like Visa, Mastercard above the fold and add them
to each line item on the basket. These billion-dollar firms spend untold
millions each year associating these brand logos with trust. Leverage
their marketing spend to increase checkout conversion rates.
• Split test Checkout and Basket Proceed button colours; it can have more
impact than you would expect.
• Split test removing the main navigation for the checkout pages. Do
people get distracted and leave the site for Facebook, etc.?
• Split test using one-click ordering services like Amazon Pay, Paypal
Express, etc., to see if this increases conversion.
• For B2B sites offer an invoice option.
• Offer an AfterPay-type payment service where the user can split the
payment into 10 payments, interest free.
• Add live chat to the checkout page that listens for page activity that could
signal issues, such as javascript errors, click rage, the filling out of fields
over and over, or the repeated clicking of buttons. Then auto prompt,
‘Are you having an issue we can help with?.’ Make this help 24/7 by using
UK and overseas teams for this important page. At the very least the chat
support team can raise a ticket and make sure it does not happen again.
The number of orders divided by the people that add an item to the basket.
Put it to use:
• Only 55% of people who add something to their basket will proceed to
• Simple things can result in lost customers, such as coupon codes with
one digit wrong.
• PayPal Express works well with new customers, but not with recurring
customers. New customers don’t trust you yet.
• Display every detail, including cost of product, delivery options and
payment icons on the basket page. There should be no surprises.
• 84% of customers go from the checkout to order confirmation.
• Split test different types of checkouts on different platforms to see what
works best.
A good e-commerce owner is like a great investor. The main decision is where
to invest time and money.
Joel Greenblatt’s book You Can Be a Stock Market Genius sounds like a lofty
title. But when you look at Joel Greenblatt’s investing track record you must
take your hat off to him. Over a 10-year period he averaged a 50% return on
That’s crazy good! This means that every 1.7 years he would have doubled
your money.
So, what’s his secret?
Well, there are many investments you can make but you don’t have to make
them all. Joel focuses on those investment areas where he has the wind behind
He looks for special situations where in the past on average things have gone
Take spinoffs, for example; on average, these tend to outperform the market.
So if you invest in spinoffs, you are already playing off the ‘ladies tee’ and
starting a little ahead of the market.
He also invests in areas that are too complicated for the average investor to
understand or are places that stink and put investors off. If he can find an area
where most people will put it into the ‘too hard’ basket but with a bit of digging
gold nuggets can be found, this is where he will invest. Here he would look for
bankruptcies, warrants and options.
Again, because a lot of the competition has given up the wind is behind him
when he makes an investment based on sound research.
So, what’s this got to do with us as e-commerce site owners?
Well, we are investing in our websites all the time, either in time or in actual
money. Where we allocate that spend is important is it dictates the return we
get. Also given it’s our own business we should be getting decent returns.
If we are to invest in our businesses like Joel, then we must look for where the
wind is behind us. This means looking for what’s already working and making
this go further. Don’t invest in everything, invest more in what’s working. Invest
in the product categories that do well. Invest in the customer types that buy the
most. Invest in the marketing channels that work.
This might sound obvious.
But time after time we see e-commerce sites trying to expand to new
countries before they have maxed out the marketing spend in their own market.
We see sites adding new product ranges when they have not dominated the
existing categories they serve.
We must also look for those ‘too hard’ categories that other competitors avoid
but customers want. Think back 10 years in e-commerce and those businesses
that first offered ‘free delivery, free returns.’ Much of the competition would
have put this into the ‘too hard’ category thinking that they would lose money.
But those that tried it realised it was a winner.
If you are a business to business site, maybe customers want a certain
payment plan or buying on account. Most sites will put this down as ‘too hard’
but it might be a game changer.
Where to end? This is a trick question because there really is no end to the
optimisations you can do.
In this book we have been looking at the KPIs and sales funnels as a whole
across all marketing channels and traffic types. But as you grow you can
segment them down into silos that make sense, such as AdWords, existing
customers, new customers, lapsed, etc.
Doing this fits nicely into the wave of artificial intelligence that’s being
applied to e-commerce as we write.
It’s the dawn of AI and that’s here to stay for e-commerce.
What this means for us marketers is that the one-size-fits-all split test just
does not cut it anymore.
Look at the tests run over the past five years on sites like WhichTestWon and
you will see big AB split tests mostly across all traffic; for example, split testing
two different category header images is now dead. We need to go deeper.
With artificial intelligence adding to the equation we need to think of our
e-commerce site as not one site, but many sites for all the segments of users
coming to it.
Given that, for now at least, the magic number of conversions per month
Lastly, remember that your KPI success ultimately depends on you.
Let’s recap the most important points. You’ll need to define your KPIs and use
Google Analytics and other methods to determine whether your site falls below
the average statistics in the three areas we’ve established:
✓✓ 11% of visitors will add a product to their basket.
✓✓ Of that 11%, 55% will proceed to checkout.
✓✓ Of that 55%, 84% will place an order.
The other KPIs are going to be unique to your industry and so it’s important to
measure them and improve them. While this book is a start, it’s hard to provide
different industries with a blanket rule of thumb. You need a professional to
look at the statistics and evaluate the ins and outs of your website for the best
Start with the bounce rate for your categories, products and search results at
the add-to-basket, basket-to-checkout and check-to-order confirmation steps,
then invest your time and money at the most critical point.
Once you’ve finished this, benchmark your website against your defined KPIs
again. Repeat the process, month after month, to ensure your e-commerce site
continues to perform the way you want it to and provides you with the increased
revenue you’re looking for.
Most importantly, don’t rely on your e-commerce agency to do everything
for you. Get into the mix and evaluate your category pages, product pages and
search terms yourself. Many of these items may not work the way you want
them to, but you may have better insight into the reason why. You know your
product better than anyone—or you should!
After you have this down, create longer-term KPIs and goals, such as:
Also, set KPI targets for add to basket, basket to order, AOV, traffic, etc., to
take into seasonality. Some months you’re naturally going to want to spend
more on AdWords and reach for higher conversion rates. This is one of the first
things we do with our new clients. We get the monthly KPIs sorted out so that
we know how well we are doing each month.
Continually come back and decide where you want to invest to keep on
increasing your statistics. This will result in steady and predictable scaling of
your e-commerce business, and that’s exactly what you want!
We hope this information has helped bring clarity to the way you think about
your products and the entire purchasing process on your e-commerce site.
Keep learning and growing!
We are always here to help.
Recently we had lunch with a good friend of ours.
He runs a very successful e-commerce store selling outdoor sports goods.
He started with about 5K worth of personal funds and has grown in five
years to be a global business turning over millions.
We dropped what we thought was a simple question.
‘If you went back three years what changes would you make to your business
knowing what you know now?’
He replied, ‘I would set my expectations higher; the only reason we didn’t do
more revenue that year was because I thought that it was a big number. If I had
changed my outlook and believed that x turnover was too low, then we would
have done more.’
We see this a lot.
Sometimes the limit on an e-commerce business is our own belief in what
it can do. We think that hitting a million in sales is amazing because we have
never hit it before. But what if you could easily be doing more?
Have you set your business thermostat too low?
Why have you set it at that level?
Could it go much higher?
If you spend 5K on AdWords and get back 40K—why not spend more?
We don’t realise how scarce the opportunity is or how time dependent it is;
even more so if this is our first e-commerce business and it’s a big hit. Imagine
you are prospecting for gold and you hit it big first dig. You would be convinced
you were a gold mining genius. However, if you have been digging for gold for
years and failed and failed, when you hit gold you would realise how difficult
it is.
If you have good arbitrage in your business, let it run, as it’s as rare as hen’s
teeth and there are a thousand people behind you trying to find the vein of gold
you are sitting on.
Go for it, now, today!
Your product pages are just as, if not more, important than your category pages,
especially when using Google Shopping. Make sure all essential details and the
Add to Basket button is above the fold, provide info about other similar items
and make sure customers can easily return to previous products they were
looking at.
Put it to use:
• 11% of visitors should be adding to their baskets. If your percentage is
less than 11%, this KPI needs attention.
• Determine your type of buyer: spontaneous, methodical, humanistic or
• Adjust your product pages so that all pertinent information occurs above
the fold. This makes it easier for customers to see everything and make
quick decisions.
• Look at the middle reviews to determine what your site is doing wrong.
• Improve your worst-performing searches to increase add-to-basket rate.
• Take a look at your product pages and category pages. What areas can
you improve on?
• Take a look at your middle reviews. What areas do these reviews indicate
need work? Write out your plan for improvement here.
Put it to use:
• Slow page load can cause Google penalties that affect your page ranking.
• Measure your web speed often. This will help increase conversion rates.
• Google Analytics can help you measure your website speed, as well as
other sites like www.webpagetest.org.
• Your site should measure under four seconds.
• Increasing speed and capacity involves using clean code, varnish caching
and optimising the server.
• What is your current website speed? Use the information in this chapter
to check the speed via webpagetest.org and Google Analytics.
• What are three things that could be causing the reduction in website
speed? How can you fix them?
• Are there certain times of the year when you need more website capacity
(e.g. Black Friday, Christmas)?
• How do you plan on making sure your website is ready for visitors
during this peak time?
Put it to use:
• LTCV helps you track the products that lead to the highest lifetime value.
• Providing discount coupons, in the right setting, helps increase lifetime
• Use ScentTrail to track the type of customers you recruit and which
products work best to recruit them.
• Upload customer email lists in Google AdWords so you can continually
show your ad or products to customers on the list.
• Track this KPI regularly and watch it year after year to see how it changes.
• How do you track the effect of marketing channels? After reading this
chapter, what do you think the benefits of using ScentTrail to track LTCV
marketing channels would be?
This refers to the total number of customers you have recruited in the last six
months. Add these together, then compare them to the same data gathered the
prior year.
Put it to use:
• This KPI helps you determine if your business will continue to grow.
• Cannot be found in Google Analytics, but may be worked out in Excel.
• If this number declines, it means you’re experiencing less growth. This
is a warning sign.
• Some KPIs will affect your recruitment rate. If they aren’t doing well,
your recruitment rate will show it.
• If the number decreased, look at the other KPIs. Are they functioning
as they should be? If not, what steps will you take to resolve this issue?
• What steps can you take next to increase your six-month customer
recruitment rate year on year?
The average, compared year on year, of the average value of orders and traffic
Put it to use:
• You should always keep an eye on your average order value, as it can
stifle or improve growth, depending on whether it is low or high.
• You should have a high AOV and 1.5x purchase frequency per year or a
low AOV and 5x purchase frequency per year.
• As you increase the amount of traffic and the conversion rate of your
website, your AOV should increase as well.
• If your AOV isn’t robust enough, it can negatively affect other KPIs.
• Increasing the customer’s basket size or checkout amount can improve
• What are three products on your website that are frequently purchased
• What are three ways you can increase your average order value?
Put it to use:
• Increase traffic with SEO. With a great marketing strategy and
e-commerce structural SEO, you can achieve natural traffic through
• Make sure the e-commerce structure is correct or it can lead to bad SEO.
• The way your website operates affects revenue and traffic growth. Slow
sites kill traffic.
• Use Google Page Speed or YSlow for page speed times. Google Analytics
tends to get confused.
• How often do you test the speed of your website? What speed tests do
you use? What is your average load time?
The number of orders divided by the people that add an item to the basket.
Put it to use:
• Only 55% of people who add something to their basket will proceed to
• Simple things can result in lost customers, such as coupon codes with
one digit wrong.
• PayPal Express works well with new customers, but not with recurring
customers. New customers don’t trust you yet.
• Display every detail, including cost of product, delivery options and
payment icons on the basket page. There should be no surprises.
• 84% of customers go from the checkout to order confirmation.
• Split test different types of checkouts on different platforms to see what
works best.
• Split test your checkout payment options. See which one work better:
Paypal Express or credit card payments. Which one is more successful
on your website?
• What does your checkout basket look like? Are all the details a customer
needs in one place? Write down where the basket is excelling and where
it is lacking.
• Does your checkout work on all platforms? Check this carefully. If your
checkout isn’t working on an iPad, but works on the desktop, you could
be losing customers.
Why 12?
No idea. 10 would be biblical and 20 would be too much.
Here you go.
1. Create a KPI plan for each month. Make sure you have targets for average
order value, traffic, add-to-basket % and basket-to-order % each month.
Otherwise, how will you know how you went?
2. Things change. Embrace them. Marketing is moving faster than ever.
Don’t hold on to things that used to work but no longer get results.
3. Have a beginner’s mind. The day you stop learning is the day you stop
growing. Never think you are the best; there are always people to learn
4. If you’re scared of investing in site and growth, e-commerce isn’t for you.
Sell or get a job.
5. Be brave enough to make offers that seem outrageous to the competition;
if they work, no one will copy them for a long time.
6. Design your site for one person; make it personal to that main buyer
7. You can’t sell the same product that others sell more cheaply unless you
are famous or the Mafia.
8. Don’t do marketing that you cannot track the results of.
9. Build good arbitrage that you can leverage. Lower cost back office, lower
cost delivery, famous products, exclusive product, reward points. You
need something to arbitrage off.
10. Have min and max marketing budgets per month. Spend more when
return is good and less when it’s not. Don’t try and spend the same each
month. Make hay when the sun shines.
11. Competitors are mostly idiots, don’t copy them blindly. Seek out the few
that get it.
12. Be creative artists on the shop front but like a military operation in the